xt7x959c8n08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c8n08/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1985 1985 1985-10-28 2020 true xt7x959c8n08 section xt7x959c8n08 If ‘ I I ’
Vol. XC. No. 16 ”hutch“! 1|” Untvorsfly of Kentucky, toxington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday. October 28. 1985 . . ,
_—-——————-————_-—_ —-' _ - I ‘ l I
C II ' m th '
Story prompts UK 0 Oqlllll ga. ers
_, n13 . '1 ' , y
'n ti ation into t —. black administrators -- — +
. . ~ .’ .5 . l . . . ‘v , . 5/
1 yes g 4 ,. .. .
* fl... ' _ Political clout, retention of faculty . ,.. g a .
\ ‘ f! .54 .‘ «M‘ ‘ . . .,'| .; v.1”; '.,‘
basketball program I . r ~~c among concerns addressed at meeting -. ,. . i .,;..t
'. . 1“ . " , ‘ .t
”I f ' t‘ 3 I “. ’V: lib";-
. , . . .a 4 "' By K\'l‘\' \ll't'RUt Kl.l\ ?"“l"lll“3 ;. .. H,,_.... .,., t t, :‘1‘:;;“.;.j
It) Jt)l|.\ Jl I“ ,Southeastern Conference and ‘ (‘iinti‘itiuting “l‘ltt‘l' light NM .W‘ .h .. I . hm, A.” .. -,‘.'- ',‘.’
~‘\‘51~‘tant Sports Editor National Collegiate Athletic Asso- WM p... ”A”, H: I. 1. .,,‘ Q l . -' 1" ;.
ciation officials were immedi- About it)“ black wig“... i..i‘._,..,i..i-. Tm. . .iiiinimm ii. .iidm: purit‘l It» «gn‘, 331.7 _
Raymond Hornback. vice presi ately told of the interview and na- " and mininlisll‘ulltrs il‘t‘tll thi‘tiugiinu' . "My”, ...‘ ii”. 5. . it“... p...“ _' g"; ' [3.1%-
dent for l'niversity relations. said [ureof the probe the flaw gathered a‘ vi mh M,“ “I‘d“ law i»..:.»~ ‘1. ‘7 tum“. .‘ ‘i _- 3‘ 15.: 3.3.:
yestciday the ['nlvOI‘Slt)‘ is wl’niversity general counsel end I“ lbw» mp“ \ Mdmm 1.. ”I‘M “I’d-7‘” I” ”I" -... W V”, L' M“ K i".- g, j :‘.t.:‘.'I‘: ..
"deeply disturbed and very con- John Darsie attempted to gain black ”imam,“ mm ”hm mi. (N M m,“ \. 4 1. n. m“ ZN,“ -. ,-_ .j. . ;.. 4}
cerned" about alleged illegal ac- JCT?» t0 the 59"me information 4 ”illustrators and s'll'lt'lil \ {Joint iii vbr» ‘l‘.\tl re. ' .,'. i 'iw ihvi» mu 7:". ~ .‘ -"- 1
“V”! thh'h tht’ [’K basketball which the reporters indicated ' . view LUMHFWWPW ‘ t ‘ .'.. - .‘, '~ - "
program, they had and t" try to verify that ‘ Many of those in attendance at the l’. fulfil \ 1,... ,. _. W a... pm Wt If I." I- 3', ‘
tn 3 was conferenco- ”0m information. y 1983 Fall i'uilixitiiiin. fiil' taint-k l‘ut ”NS...- ..i 2.1. . R ,1 .r w... l i. . .- . 7’ ‘5 . .ti.
, back said the l'Iniversity has ctm- VWhl‘h the reporters declined ‘ ulty .iiiil »\diiiiiii\lratoi\ agreed 'flt‘ \.l\ U, plushmfl: ,\. i. 1 im. .. “.1 ' Ii; ‘-- .4374“
ducted its own internal investiga- to share ,L l)arsie was directed meeting produced a “Mum 0, Wm. “I”; ”M my” H '..i M ': LN A. _ . s- ’ . .“t‘
“On sparked by the article that to begin an institutional investi- ‘ . Sl\t'llt‘.\\ antt a strong :ki\(‘ to Alth .H “id”... .M. i. 1 g... n ”his. "5' ..: ‘t'
appeared in the Lexington Her gation ofthe allegations I :- froiii hi: taught d L ‘~ ~ ._ ' .' ‘- "" 311'" 7' I".
. (ilercadcryesterday /-'\thletlt' Director Ch” Hagen Victor Games I K t'\t‘('tltl\t‘ it! let :‘tinil'. drug. i: ‘. ’V'Vu. -» 3 '. " "
t The newspaper. m a COPSHEht and the Wildcat coaching staff 5 ‘ rector of Minority Resource llt'tt'l sin-m "t' n12: - u i. town": ~ ... . ’I ' "a ‘ ~.

. story. told of players selling Wit began developing measures t0 . i opiiient pointed to the iii-ed :oi ”any”. 1N...“ ~,,. my. cf, ‘ . j - ‘ '3
son tickets for up to $1.000 eat-h. strengthen the 1'niyersity's effort . _ .. ‘ 1‘ I I strategy In recruiting ant; i-iit‘thliiL .iw.‘ ”Vii-Hun: in; - ,. ‘11., .:,;..r_ ‘i J .‘ f: .» .32
holding Sim to $100 after shaking to comply with NCAA regula< . , .. \ ' black students. iaculh .iiiit .ttil‘.l'.l‘,:~ N. ""l'nsim: Fm...” ., _ .5. or." '. 5 .. j.
hands With supporters. and ac» tions. ‘ 45.; 4t triillll\ iii public .zll'l pi'itate iiis‘ ism- 'I‘lit" n mm ..i '. «it i (-t ‘
cepting t-‘thh 0t CtOtth car [”95 .z'l‘he l'niversity talked with . j z' \ i,.m,di~i~.,_\\mncidi“ 1., “‘4‘...“ t k V . ' ' ' .
and ”99 meals from a “hit“ NCAA officuils on Oct 18. and I * ‘ ‘ K ‘ lle sazd a network for \lliil".'lL \lit 1::4 t s ‘lir 'o-ii- .2»: -~ w «our - ' .
corps 0‘ boosters mer the pa>l ‘3 Mllll Sl‘x‘tfil‘lClulStK't 3t “10;” and CUIlt‘t‘f‘lh 'litbi 3... "\Mil \‘I,‘i‘~.‘ ti. iifltt‘, .Il"\“‘ .. . in luv“. ", ‘ . a V -' V,‘ .’..t
years RAYMOND HORNBACK lislieil lit-tore rcprexeiitritioii tllt' Mini i-ilLint'Hl e i, "ii: 2, r 1'".- ~. >~ I . ,‘.'.

“Thc l'mverstt)‘ 0f Kentucky ls "V0“ that >90“th names and legislature can be est;it»l:\tii-l1 .- ii..i~.u \iie wiwwsi-z ’r...‘ ' - '. 'w' -‘ -. .’ v“ '
deeply disturbed and very con» '"V'denL‘ hi“? been provided.' "If violations have. in fact. 00 questionstroiiitlie media sure the future >Li!".l'\;ti of 7:1.1 .~ ~.,i.i W in... k :...;-_.;'-. . i,.i.; ’un :j 1- ,- ‘ .."
cerned h." the information rt" Hornback “W‘- "th" ['nlt'erhlt.‘ curred. appropriate action will be l'K coach Eddie Sutton, in a highermiicationinKeiituckj. win» griniiiii'r ix ,.. .i\ :eiriit ' ~ .' \.‘ I. 3.". 5
garding "5 basketball program.” can better ”“9“.5'“ and focus ”'5 taken lt ‘5 our intention that the prepared statement. said. “This (iaines >aid blacks 9(lllt'itlltlllifil ' .iiiii l't'TglJ 'ho‘il. . ~ . " W . '. ' , ;
Hornbacksaid investigation “9 “1“ continue I" basketball program at the ['nl' is a critical time for the 139.3 86’. tt'l't‘\t> .ire not represei.‘wi ii. ‘71. iii“...- Jun... 2‘ _..v ,ci :4 .. .«nite 2: ; n. _~ '. . . . . ‘ t.

H9 sald that after an lhter\’19W butt 'h‘ contact Wm MA.“ and versity of Kentucky be in conipll- basketball team We cannot at legislature Ill ( ouncil on lligtiei ht .iiim-i-cin. “my”. my; Heck 5 A - ‘=‘ ‘ : .
on Oct 9 with two Herald Leadm Sht' officials. informing them of ance with NCAA regulations," he ford to be distracted b} mph ucalion “it”. SHAH.“ g-n’ A”). I... A white ‘. t ‘ . ‘ f . y t ‘
reporters when the range of pos— these allegations. and will assui-e said things that do not mum... our ‘\'o one “I” m” “km (”r I” “INNER it mm“ “mm“ MI .HN‘ 1‘ .. . . . . . .
sible violations were known. the them of our continuing cooper- After readin! the statement. l‘ll-l b ‘ " “ f ‘ 3 m ,‘ ., . .- .. .,.. K . , . . . ' ., ;
followin actions were taken' ation in ursuin I thls‘ matter k . )d C u - - opinion. our input. our ""“L‘t” ”‘ h“ ‘ ”Q “h" h ”1“" ' H me ~ . ‘- " . '

g » 9 ~ t». - llornback would not field an) >ccBA§kl,lB~\ll,.;~.i.fle sald "I think black people h;i\r .. “Hunk” H \t I‘d“. I p. 1 5-.
t ' W ld Series
0W1“ 01' 11.3? _ .-..
a ' Q. d .' ‘ ‘ ' . ' ' . '
By JOHN NELSON up in a Kansas City hospital for can“ I *3" ‘5. a . ’0 ' , . » ' ._ .
‘Assmiated Presg stitches after cutting his index fin- is. > ; i". " .' -’
ger on an electric fan in the club- ‘9 3. J ; ’9’ ~' j . , ' -
KANSAS cm; Mo _, The Kan- house *5; s ' is. V 5 v "“ ’ > ' .' , 2 '
sas City Royals rallying behind the The destruction occurred at the 'r! r - ' \ . 'a- a . . p I , —
five-hit pitching of Bret Saberhagen. hands of platoon outfielder Darryl ' - W . , ' - "
completed one of baseball‘s most Motley. who hit a two-run homer ’ a O V ‘ p ‘ - , . . . . .. '
shocking comebacks last night and and droyc in three runs. Steve Bal- ‘ a 9‘ . " 1' . . . . _'. ._
won their first World Series boni. who drove in two of Kansas r. t " ‘ ' ' .” "
championship. defeating the St City's three runs in the third inning. b\ _ O l.‘ O - ‘ w ‘ ( é; _ 0' ‘ = . ' ‘. ‘fi _ . . .
Lou1s Cardinals 114) in the deciSive and the suddenly rejuvenated I‘D . > " ”" p y .. ..-.. . . J ““ . g ‘ . . I. . i. ' _. :
seventh game. George Brettwho had four hits 9 ,/>/“‘ ”V” . . ~ 3 “1": ' " ' t, “
The Cardinals. who had seen their Th0 Royals put the game away «9 (.45. ‘ h '_ - » . _ .1
3-1 lead in games vanish along with Wlth six runs in the fifth inning, dur~ v . ‘5‘ 6' " \ . . ‘ . .» ', .t _. r. 1 :
their hitting. simply collapsed in the ing which both pltChet‘ Joaquin An- . L ' ‘b . y' " :1; t , :-
finalgame. duiar and Manager Whitey Herzog $9 - fl; 3.»! t . ' . ' ' .h ‘. _ ‘ ‘ '
What had been billed as the great were elected by home plate umpire j ‘ . , h : ‘_ .. . f I p , w
est seventh-game pitching matchup Don Denkinger llerzog had argued .1 . , ’ W, ‘3‘ ‘ x a _. I 3 "' a: ,1
in more than two decades went up in a critical Denkinger call at first . . ' .. I." ' g . ‘2 .4 -'i ~:
smoke created by the Royals bats base that fueled the Royals" Wlh' .‘~ ~ I .» Q s‘ :‘ f. 132 F. . I,
The Cardinals‘ ace. 21~game winner mng. ninth-inning rally in Game 6. . _ V " ’ ’ x . ".r . Q ' . .' I q. .. . a
John Tudor. couldn't even make it and consecutive ball calls on inside _ ;fl ‘ § ' . ‘ - ,_ » »~ .‘ b ‘t '- Ofi - ; fi‘y ' '. . ,, if",
through the third inning and wound gm. K(‘.pagc4 . - "" ’ g“ j ' . > ., . . f " . ‘ ' ’ I. ., ’
t ‘..'-~ ‘1'. l. :"i
. . . L '. W S ‘ ‘, r‘ .‘ V?" I ‘ ‘1.
‘ v . i ’ ‘ " .- .
U .S. senator criticnes .w a. O \ J! -. ,.;. , :
Sov1et arms control plan "t’-’“’lln.“"=ll\ ”fill a - . ' _, '-- ~ . ‘ I
’ M :.. ‘ ~1 .' ,.
By lAViRI-ACEKNLTSON "The boyiets havent offered this i ~~.. I’m l . v . ‘ . .3 » -‘ ~ ' .' r ' ;.
AssociatedPress kind of thing before." he said. "A if "‘ $3 J " 5 “ ., y
.Vear ago they weren‘t even at the ' ‘33“? 51:5,;‘1' '~ , u I ' .I ' .

WASHINGTON -— Sen. Richard table at all. The fact that they are luv 4 ‘ .. ‘ " ' " -. ' . ~.
Lugar. chairman of the Senate For- there and that they have made a ”‘umoos‘ W - " i . ~'
eign Relations Committee. says the «coniprehensnei proposal is signifi- Mekong Delt ' ' -’ "
Soviet Union‘s ”unique" proposal to cant.” said Lugar. a consistent sup- .~ . ' - ,
cut nuclear arms 50 percent ‘moves porter of Reagan administration for- Diemer Thompson, an art studio senior and member of Delta on o lookout tower durlng the annual Mekong Delta party . ' -. ~ 1 ‘ . '
Stanalgstrghniflagzfii WIFE]: 91312222} statements. taken togeth. Tau Delta fraternity, rests briefly while other party-goers climb Friday night on o Fayette County horse farm .~ . . . .. " “ " '
agreement.“ er with last week’s comment by g , _.

_ _ Vice President Bush that the Soy'iet . = ,-'

"Gthhg credit where credit is proposal was a “step in the right di- . . . ' * ’ ’. -
due. and not tlooking at iti as a rection." probably mark most the Med ‘ enter to Ive ree meas es S O S . , .. _ .-
propaganda ploy but as an interest- poSitive assessment of the Soviet * ' "
ing and substantive proposal. the So- offer from ranking US, officials to . i
vAet deepcut situation is unique." date C] , t I. ' _ . . i -
t 9 Indiana Republican said in a re But Robert McFarlane, the reSi- . ' . ass tn 6 fa 1“ i - ' . r'
germ interview with the Associated dent's national secunty adviseryes- Health SeerCC OfflClalS urge StUdentS ‘ , , g g k U. . . '.

955 terday reiterated the adininistr - ' ‘ ’ . ’

tion's'warning that an arms contrgl to attend Chnlc tomorrOW, WCdneSday ’/ Cllnlc’ SChOOl“ or ‘ . ‘ .
agreement hinges on Moscow‘s will- , ‘ ‘ _ ._ .
m ingness to settle regional conflicts By SEANANDERSON sles irubellal throughout the coun- / h.‘ sh\\ “ht-“ht“
and alter its human rights policies Contributing Writer try." she said ‘ ”mnhlmng “ “‘9"
“President Reagan. robably Cox said epidemics have occurred , ~ '
T” w m H more than on any other isZue. be In recent years. several college at What“ l~h1"9r511."- Purdue th" The Student “mm ““1“?“ Me“ .

‘2'“ w ' wot u M to lieves that his moment and his re- campuses have been Plagued by versity. Miami thlVl’rslt." 0t Ohio 519’ Chm“ h domg more than ”C" ‘
.mm "'th "‘ ponsibility is to leave office With a measles and rubella epidemics. ' and Boston t'hit'et‘Slt)‘ She added mung "men“ ” "prm'd'ng "mm

M' In ' m on the real reduction in nuclear weapons." In an effort to avert such an out- that three students d19d at Prlht'lpla praCthal‘expt'rlenCt‘ittr “mm!“

w-"W‘ McFarlane said on CBS‘ “Face The break at UK. the Student Health College. ill . as a result of a measles Tm“ “Mer- 3" a“‘*‘““‘ PM“

1'! c. m U M ”co-d Nation." Service WI“ conduct a measles clinic epidemic. ”or m the mmm‘m‘I-t health depart-

m m Inn on the “But for that to endure it has to be from 8 am. to 4 pm. tomorrow and Measles IS the most rapidly trans~ ment. 58m “9 me“ I" 3”” swdem‘“

and mm” “- surrounded by a climate of responsi- Wednesday in the Medical Plaza to mitted of all infectious diseases Cox 93% I" h“ epidemiology 01855 50m? exp?“

“i by N ’ ' - ‘m ble behavior."headded. vaccinate students against the di5- said The disease usually lasts about ‘§ “9"“ “'1‘“ real “5““ And because

m on It fit an m. When Secretary of State George ease. two weeks and symptoms include a s‘ It d'ré‘Ctt.‘ affects the 6011929 mm

”0. . P. Shultz goes to Moscow at week's Jean Cox. Student Health Service rash. high fever and watery eyes i munity, the ”1935'“ problem '5 3

end for presummit planning. there administrator. said the problem on Possible complicatiom include ear Amulnm .,m,.c,,°,..,u perfect opportunin to do Just that
m C0lltd be some Progress on such is- college campuses has arisen be- infection. pneumonia or encephali- baby with serious congenital de- hP'demIOIOEF '5 the StUd." 0‘ the

sues as air safety and boundary cause ofa faulty vaccine used to im- tiS. an inflammation 0f the brain. fects. such as heart problems. deaf- spread and 9"""0' Of (“5935" m

rights. ”if indeed the Soviet Union munize children from 19mm 1970. Measles also poses a risk to preg. ness blindness or mental retarda- human populations 'l h lkt

(“flu-“mm“ reallywantsit."McFarlanesaid. The vaccine contained a killed nant women. sometimes. causmg "on iowcfiiriimgodei‘ihe“: Wilcfitjhmco

“ l b w ‘- hutch '- Acknowledging strong US, Objec- vims. which provided only. short- miscarriage or premature blrth This '5 the third year the diseases Thesvu wilfi :thrr inforrfiition about

Busht0~dm tions to the Soviet proposal as it term immunity against the diseases Rubella is a milder form of the have caused concern on campuses. the 'studengts' immunization agairst

dumhfih.“ stands. Lugar said he nevertheless That immunity has now worn off. disease It causes rash and fever for Cox said. A number of schools are measles If the students are not im-

Mflfihhu found it an encouraging and a posi— leavmg tmnds 0f college-age stu- about three days. with some swell- requiring immunization. and the mune ‘mcker‘s students will en—

, “ N m fl .,* tive base for negotiation as both na- dents susceptible to "1935'” and ru- ing and aching of joints lasting a University Of ‘0‘" "1‘55 to allow coura. 9 them to 80 to the clinic The

a...“ “,1 . m tions prepare for the summit meet- bella. couple of weeks. However. if preg‘ students to register until they prove studerEts polled will be given forms

-~.. . .. ,- s1:’$§;& ’8.» in; between President Reagan and "There have been major out- nant women contract rubella. they they have been vaccinated.
’ -.“-143t‘r“:‘~‘%x“ J~ . 1‘ Soviet under Mikhail Gorbachev, breaks of measia and German mea- may have a mlscarriase or deliver a See HEALTH. me 4 SeeCLASS- m"

 l ‘ ir l ii
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center. Unlverslty at Kentucky. The infor-

. motion is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or UnIversity depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-

' ities Office.
. m s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
. day preceeding the publications date.
. ' I" , l 0 Movies DIOl M tor Murder $1 75 w UKID Worsham ' Meetings American Marketing Assooation meeting . MeeItings SAD Concert Committee meeting. 228 SC 5 ' CONN“? UK O'Sh'S'TOr Phil“? Mill.“ (OndUC'OT "99
. .- y 7 SC 7 30 _m Call 7-3388 p.m. C° '7‘8867 Center lor the Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
. ”‘9" ’9 30° "“ p . Movies Ma ir si 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7-30 , , . .
.. ' . . ‘ e Spor's UK Football ticket distribution tor game against 0 Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting p m ' 9 ' ‘ ' ' 0 Mze't;r;g;.sl;g‘FenCIn9 Club meeting. Alumni Gym 7 3O
. . E 'ennessee St Memorial Coliseum 8 a m 8 p m ”5 SC 4pm. Call 7‘88“ .- ip| , ' p.m., o h
- » . ' oys. Baby with the Bathwater- comedy about mar- . Mo ‘5: Ma ic l 75 UKID: W h Th t 7 30
._ ,. . ' Workshops Marketing Vow Liberal Arts Degree 103. ' MOvies Dial M tor Murder $1.75 w UKID Worsham riage 8 child rearing- SSrpub” Mrstu.. Lab Theatre 8 m V' 9 . S - W . 0'5 am 90 re.
. . . ,- . . AMoW‘tewsBldg 5-6p m Them"? 7 309 m pm coin—i385 °‘.‘o.i. N t' lSt d '5 h L H A
. . -~ ', . e on. i 5. t N y , . ‘ Recitals Graduate reCital Michael Hesse 8 Wesley ' " . . . . "3 0 '°"° U 9" P.“ anguage 90“”9 5'
. . . . 9 9" UD 0' 0t 25 N0 29 0" compm "'er Woolard trumpet Memorial Hall 8pm. Call 74900 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution tor game against 5000,50" Halloween Party; TBA
' “9"“ . E. Tennessee St. MemorialColiseum 9a.m.-4 p.m. . -
’ l '. I ' ' Sports UK Football ticket distribution tor game against . k h _ _ _ ' Plays. Baby with the Bothwaten comedy about more
.v .~ ~ . ; E Tennessee St MemoriaIColiseum 9o.m.‘4 p.m. Wo‘r s ops 5",” Management by D" M'ke N'Cho's riage 5 child rearing; $5-pub., SJ-stu.: Lab Theatre 8
. .' I . . ‘ .' . Worship TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student rC‘ounsecinl‘g7olri8dS‘Testing Center 15 Memorial Hall 10 a.m.~ p.m.; Call7-1385
j .’ ~~ , _. ; Union 429 Columbia Ave 730p.rn. CaII7-3989 °.°"M °'. ' . E A r . ' w , P - Other. tops. Halloween party. costumes encowoged
. ' j " .‘ ‘ 0 Meetings UK Waterski Club meeting- everyone wel» ’. ee [2‘93 'mezgenc'eed . Neg'wms ”2:199:85 flea; good retreshments 5 tun games: K-House 412 Rose Street
A, I‘ ' ' ’ ’ come' Please stop by' 228 SC 7pm Call277-0618 gnceilng- scu “8;; $9828 In ' ' ca - 7.30pm., Call254-1881
.- rI. ‘ ' =‘I I Films How To Say No To A Rapist by UK Police. . J‘mt"y a St at ' ‘th P M h Ch‘ 0 Other: Nov.4-Nov.8 art-campus interViews open sign
1 . ~ ' ., Human Resource Dept. Old SC Theatre 7 30 p.m Call 7- . elle mg: u en 5 it“ a urpose- alronot a n5. up'201MotthewsBldg.
r‘. _ .‘ .: . ‘ , 5998 tic: Fe ows. ip, Afiaradngt aTChenteri; 7p.m. Col231-7ODT 0 Other: United Way 'Car Bash. vent irustrotion chance
2 u: . . l ' . ' Other Nov 4»Nov 8 priority lists published 201 Mat- I‘Discussmns .00 or 009., A Comm. Degree Ver- '0 Win 520: proceeds go to United Way North campus
‘: ' ‘ ‘ thews Bldg sotility 8 Options by JoAnn Smith ”9 SC Bring a sand- courtyard: Calla-6888
. ll / . -' 1 'I 1 ' Other 2 Sign up tor Nov 25-Nov 29 on-compus inter- WiCh' 12Noon' COHISNS
.' .. . ‘ Hews ' 0 Other Amnesty International Candle Light Vigil Music
' , . ‘ . . . . Meetings A 5 PA {Personnel Association) Public Ree BVSpeokers on. Human Rights Around the World at the Amt
. lotions Committee meetin 106 SC 5 m pitherater behind Memorial Hall Call 278-5130
‘ ’ g p' ' 0 Other Nov. d-Nov 8 on-campus priority sign up. 201
’ , - Matthews Bldg.
I-.,. ' - . 0 Meetings Phi Alpha Theta organizational meeting-
? . ' » Req.: 3.0 undergrad GPA. 3,5 grad GPA: First tloor Gaines
' '. - ' . Humanities Center 4pm Coll 7.4431
I 4 . . - 0 Meetings Emergence» A Feminist Women 5 Press- stU<
, . dents interested in N.O.W. call 2311985 109 SC 6 p.m.
. _ ’ . Call 231-7985
. 'I . O Meetings Phi Beta Lambda organizational meeting.
233 Classroom Bld . 7p.m. Call8~4118
,I -. 9
: . : - 0 Meetings UK Amiture Radio Club meeting everyone
_ . I welcome' 553 Anderson Hall 6pm Calla-8132
I . ‘ I, I l 0 Exhibitions Knight Exhibit continues Rasdall Gallery ' Movies Magic $1.75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30 ° Concerts STING '" concert Memorial Coliseum ‘13 3 . Other: UNICEF G'”“"9 Cards °V°il°b|° in the Old SC
. . ' Coll254-602o P m. $11.8p.m. CoII7-8867 108 Bradley Hall: 10a.m.o4 p.m..Call7-6601
. _ . , ' Lectures Brown bag lunch seminar on long term study ' Other UK Theatre Production. Baby with the Bothwa- ' Greek. 000 Run lor the Kids 3 1 mile run to benetit I Exhibitions: Photographs by Len Jenshel. CFA Art Mu-
' . ' in France 205 SC 121 p m Call7-8139 ter SS-pub. Sit-Stu: Laboratory Theatre: 8 p.m. Call 7- MCDOWG” Cancer RESEOTCh' l? "00" behind Seaton Ctr. seum.12~5Tues.-Sun.,Call7-5716
' 2 . . Meetings UK Badminton Club Seaton 5 30-6 30 p m. 1385 tennis courts: 57 tee: Calla-6991 - Mov-es. On the Watertront si.75 w UKID. Worsham
. , _ Col1278-7138 . Other 10th Annual MINERAL LAW SEMINAR $175-regu- ‘ Meetings UK Badminton Club Seaton 230-330 p.m. Theatre 7:30pm
' " - 0 Movies Magic 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 3O lar SISO-KBA members (contact Mineral Law Ctr.) 8 a.m.- C°"773‘7l38
3 I m 12 .m. Coll7-1161 O Other, UK Theatre Department Baby with the Bathwo-
., P D
. ' 0 Other UK Theatre Production Baby with the Bathwo. ' Sports UK Football vs. E. Tennessee St. at home. ter. 55'PUb- 54-5’0- LObOTO'O’Y Theatre 3 pm- CO“ 7- .
. . . ' ter $5-pub SA-stu Laboratory Theatre 8 pm. Call 7. Commonwealth Stadium 1385
I 1385 0 Other: Sunday Evening Fellowship Worship, dinner 8.
' ' . 0 Other 10th Annual MINERAL LAW SEMINAR $175»regu> fellowship; K~House 412 Rose Street, 5pm. Call 254-1881
' ’ . lor SISO-KBA members icontact Mineral Low Ctr): 8 am - 0 Recitals: Guest Recital Ron Crutscher, cello- tree.
' 530;, m cgiimisi Cenhrlortbfirtstap.m. Coll7-3145 .
. ' 0 Other Lunch with Amadeus presented by the Music
' 8 German Depts King Library North 12 Noon
: v '. “ ARTSliCO can 5 m
. K _ . .1 -.
: 10 28 DialMtor Murder $1.75w UKID. Worsham Theatre 7 30 pm ]0 31 UK O'ChGS'VO. Phillip Miller ”Nil-'00" tree. Center ‘0' the Arts 8 10 28. UK Football ticket distribution tor game against E. Tennessee St., Me-
_ . ' TO 29 DialMtor Murder $1 75w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 3O p.m. p.m. Call7-4900 morial Coliseum, Ba.m.-8 p.m.
. ' . ‘ ' 10 30 Magic $1.75w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30p m 11 3 STINGin concert, Memorial Coliseum $1385” 8pm 10 29-30: UK Football ticket distribution tor game against E. Tennessee St
'. ' ., . ~ 10 31 Magic 51 75w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30pm 10 3011 2 Baby with the Sathwater- SS-pub., SA-stu. Lab Theatre, 8 p.m.. Memorial Coliseum; 9a.m.-4 p.m.
. ' I . i '- . 11 1 Magic 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30pm. Call7-1385 11 2. UK Football vs. E. Tennessee State at home; Commonwealth Stadium
T ‘ . . ‘. _. '. .' 11 2 Magic SI 75w UKID, Worsham Theatre 7 30pm. II 3 Baby with the Bothwaterv $5-pub.. SA-stu.: Lab Theatre: 3 p.m. Call 7-
‘. ‘I' ‘. l 11 4 On the Waterfront $1.75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30 p.m I385
" "i. . ' . ' «. ~ ’ ‘ ' IO 29. Graduate Recital, Michael Hesse G Wesley Woolard. trumpet Memorial
'- _ :- Hall 8p m. Call7v4900
. ‘ . s ‘, ; 'i'. 11 3 Guest Recital Ron Crutscher. cello-tree. Center for the Arts 8 p.m. Call
, 3.. . . ._ 7.3145
It ' ‘. ' V .' .i ll 11] 8. Knight Exhibit continues. Rasdall Gallery. Call 254-6026
: . i l ‘i -’ I _
. . . . ,- . . SPECIAL :ch'rs com.
I L "' o 29 A k A II
. '. . _‘:: . 1 meme" Mar etmg ssoootion meeting SC‘ 730nm C0 7-3388 io 29 How To So No To A R ' i' b UK P I" H R t Old
. .' . t.‘ . 10 29 SAB Public Relations Committee meeting 115 SC 4 p.m Call 7-8867 5C Theatre. 730 prn. Call 7-5‘7908pls Y 0 me, ”man 950W“ DeP .-
r ,5 ‘t :‘r , - ‘0 29 UK “10'9"." 0”" meeting everyone Welcome' ”9°59 5'°p bY' 228 10 28-29 Sign up tor Nov. 25-Nov. 29 on-compus interwews. 201 Matthews
, I, . . I}. sc 7 p m Call277-0618 3.ng
”1"“ , . l . . I ‘0 30 5A8 ConcertCommittee meeting 228 SC 5p m COH7‘8867 10 29 Nov 4-Nov.8 priority lists published 201 Matthews Bldg.
'. . .' , . 10 3O Emfirgenc: A Feminist Women 5 Press meeting» students interested in 10 3O Amnesty International Candle Light Vigil Music 8 Speakers on Human
. ‘I,’. N O W 5° 23‘ 7 85 1095C 69"“- C°ll23"7985 Rights Around the World at the Ampitheater behind Memorial Hall Call 278-
' . .2 10 30 Students with a Purpose- Maranatha Christian Fellowship Maranatha 5130
I' 'l I ' __ ' . 'C°"'°' 7hp '“ Cal|:31-7001 . 10 30 Nov,4»Nov.8 priority sign up. 201 Matthews Bldg.
'. II! 1- . 0 30 P i Alpha T eta organizational meeting- Req 3.0 undergrad GPA 3.5 10 3] National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Halloween
‘. . I ,r grad GPA First lloor Gaines Humanities CM. 4 p m Call7-u31 Party TBA
. '.: .- éouao Phi Beta Lambda organitationol meeting 233 Classroom Bldg. 7 pm. 10 31 TOPs Halloween party costumes encouraged good retreshments 8
. , . a 8-4188 , tun games K‘House '412 Rose Street, 7.30 .m.. Co||254»1881
10-30 ux Amtr Rod Clbm ii i t-ssaAd p
.‘ . . . , ll 'H" ' '° V °' "9‘ ""7”" w. come n "5°" 10 31 Nov.A~Nov.Bon-campus interviews open sign up. 201 Matthews Bldg.
. ' . . ' H° 6 9"“: C°_ 8'8‘32 , . 10 31 United Way ‘Car Bosh'- vent lrustrotion- chance to win $20— proceeds go
.' ‘ r , , 10 31 UK Fencing Club meeting. Alumni Gym. 7 30 p.m. Call 233-5201 ,0 the United Way, North campus courtyard Call 8-6838
. . . . '. H ; 3:3:“1”;°"8”: 552?? 33339:” 3: $31138 to 23 Marketing YourLiberol Arts Degree: loo—A Matthews Bldg. 5-6 p.m.
' . , min on U ' . on. ' ‘ p.m. ° . _ ‘ 38 . . 10 30 Stress Management by Dr. Mike Nichols, Counseling and Testing Cen-
. , , . IO I” Food lonThought A Comm. Degree Versatility 6 Options by JoAnn ,“V lSMemorial Hall: lOa.m.-Noon; Call 7-185l LMING AHEAD
'. . Smith ”qu 3""9 ° mndw‘d‘ 12 Noon; Call 73295 . 10 29 TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student Union, 429 Columbia Ave.:
.1 . 11 1 Brown bag lunch seminar on long term study in France. 205 SC 12‘] 7'30“," Call7-3989
, V ' p "" ColI7-8139 11 3 000 ‘Run lor the Kids’ 3.1 mile run to benelit McDowell Cancer Re- 11ng UK Football ”Ivondflbi". away
, I ' sgarch. 12 Noon behind Seaton Ctr. tennis courts: S7lee: Call 8~6991 II , ll: REM Concert; ”3310; Memorial Coliseum; .P-m-
. , l l 10th, Annual MlNERAl LAW SEMINAR $l75JOgUl0l’ SISO-KBA members 11/13-11/20:AdvanceleglstratlonlorImSprIngsemester
. (contact Mineral Law Ctr.) 8a.m.-5:x p.m.; Call 7-1 Ibl ”/9. First UK (00' Cats k. Hockey game ”. Eastern; Lexington Ice Ctr.: 3:”
- 11 1 Lunch with Amadeus presented by the Music A German Depts.. King pm; Call 266-0666
_ Library North 12 Noon ‘
11 2 IOth Annual MINERAL LAW SEMINAR Sl75-regular SlSO-KBA members
‘ (Contact Mineral Low Ctr.) 8 a.m.-12 p.m.: Call 7-1161
ll 3 Sunday Eveni Fellowshi : Worship, dinner and fellowshi : K-
"9 P P
. . House 412 Rose Street. 5pm.: Call 254-1881
11 A UNICEF Greetin Cards available in the Old SC. 108 Bradle Hall; 10
9 Y
a.m.-4 p.m Call7A6601

 V V 0 r (
Arts Editor
Lynn-nu. '
A35‘5'0'" A'ls Editor I
.1 . ease ' . .
‘9 99 ‘ 9 r” ' r ' ~ ‘0 ’D' k Cl k
. almost a 10 ' I. . ldest teen 1c ar _ - .
By LINDA s. HENDRICKS ——'——__ ~’ a " . , t 5 6 I b t 3 3 . - ;
SeniorStaffWriter REVIEW ~ ,5 §) ' urns ’ ce e ra es . ,, _ .I , . .
9.99.9 fl ‘ ,- ‘ék’ B) \.\.\('\' Sill l.l\§ Radio \t‘i'A'trk the largest indepen— . .' I . ' t I
RCA Records .'i I 5 \ *5, Assoc1atedi’ress (It‘ntly U'Ant‘tl iad.o network in the l . ' .'
. Th .‘ " ‘ " l 3 M , . , nation .«hich \tlllpllti‘ programs to , i -«‘ -.. I

Once upon a time, there were onngIaigsongfgbo [2:13:28 lf‘iltreis ' r/ | ) \_ . ‘34:; NE.“ \URR His fingers fly rnurr- than 1 mittdttont 3.x: ,1" .
three little girls from Boston who perfect when the discb lights‘ go ’ , . , ‘14"? over the buttons Of his (‘ar radio in Among 'l’lt‘ll‘ .il‘t' two ‘.Alill (‘lark i' .1 3.5
wanted tobesingers. down and a lone couple dances ’ I ‘ ‘7 j ' , nimbly as those of a secretary With as h(l\'. t mmtrwwn America and I 1- Iv 3" .

Wanda wanted to belt out tunes under the Silver ball Fem mes a If" I’ - ashm.» new word processor ‘ltii'k ( mi . in K Hull & Hememr 1 w,- , '. ,_
like her supperclub singin' Aunt technically polished performance »\ 5‘ His livmg room }ukebox is stocked tit-r 'ltiL'vllip" me. .1111! up to seven ,- I~ I (.4 I,. .
Mamie. Margo made her career with some passages of luxurious , ’ ‘ -’ / mth the "clasSics' Jackie Wit lltitll\iil ..i "Elf .i .m-k ...'.‘,-e
debut with the help of her high open—throated vocalizing ‘ ‘ .1 , son‘s "Lonely Teardrops" and Bill in ”tau" but ”out New 'L‘ .a1 -~.'
school glee club and Leslie learned ' / ‘5. Haley and the (‘omets' “Rock Mai . lam l| in. tarious ‘i‘rl-‘I: 1-: :‘I.’ .I
how tosingfrom hermother. DISCO rises from its grave in "l . ’ . Aroundthe Clock " awards ~1iot- 11.: mp tpt'dfiitml til '. I ". t

And like a fairy‘s. their tale came Like the Way You Dance.“ it defi- V0 ‘ / ’ And m a Class” b" 0‘ rolerever- ‘PWM- H" ' . pwtuwf his Nil-if”- ":1
true Wanda Perry, Margo Thunder nitely meets all requirements to be A] . l“ 531. his kids used to beg tum to turn lll‘\l Iiuilnll ;1 i ..u Homo \Ml . 1'3} ‘f,v_ ft“
and leslieJones formed9.9, included in a $1.98 K-Tel “Disco .. lillz . . . _ ..__ down the hi-fi so they could concen- llnllh 13.. mm Home -. .- 1.55.3111: f. I

Looking for background singers. Memories"T\'album offer morooounuvxnncocos trate on the” homework I5 _ f 51",» '; v': - -.
Richard "Dimples" Fields asked .. . . .. . - Th ,0 9 9* t l 5 d 't elf-t'tledd b folb m Dick Clark. America's oldest teen ‘izimi I..:’.-’I\'.a.'1'l l> \llll I .‘-.- ii“,
some Boston music personalities if casiiyatot'l‘zlib‘lidd: 3 d1???” show 9'1er up I IUS re e0 e ' SS I e U U ' ager. turns 36 this month. hopping “I‘I'mzfii. i: .i. it nun: ill music 4:535" " -‘ '1‘"

. , - - s exc l v0ice. ‘ — .\ , W \ (ti- 1...“. III“... in. t 1‘~".Iv'.t-_ .-' 8.1,
any "We“ came to mind. These Starting out slow and cogniained fluence drives the bluesy /soul tone blast of funk/soul sound. “tUwchi” through h‘ "’5 4- h‘ h“ through h“ ‘1 l‘ in ' ‘ "““m” ”f - r, . ,
three little girls were mentioned and , . . ‘ .. . . 1- . , . . . . , , 20s. his and «is hurt“ . i. - w in: ".\ host are “ ., .'| ’- -._.;_- .‘
.. . _, , . 4 singing each word distinctlv she of Little Bitty Women plus Margo blairs heavy drum action along with . . . I. I. i~ .. .. ,

Dimples inVIted them to tour with -‘ _ . . . . . . , . . .. . Also in \owmber, American ”WM-x HL‘ I." ' " w’niio-s with the ; .."ii i‘- t -'

. . . eventually lets herself go urin informs females on how she handles soulful keyboards and synthesizers I . , , -. _ 4 . ~ -. ,
him m exchange for producmg the" t h r ' i . - ' p0 g her man and rapping done by Iones Band-“3mi- ”l“ mU-‘Wal showcase W" "t "Win ’ 'i’ " A MM “We“ ' ';~ ’ ;‘.' '.1
[“3th cu t. f‘wlfj an'd showmg Off her gk" ' I ‘ that brought Us our first look at t“. If lin in ~' 117' Two - .. timk Thu -; i. - .’ :_‘_.

Their self-titled debut album is a riouschurchy ‘0'“ To save the best for last is true in i-rybody from Buddy l{oll\ to Ma 1‘4 ' ' ' . *5 u now: 1': \ -.. ". ="".' ‘1'.“

. . . » » ,. . l . »
collection of eight soul/disco tunes (in 99‘s flip side. a continuous this case. “t()wch!i Hot Blood Pres l-or a debt” album. these lamb (l()nna.lurfl.\.'>li /' -' . '- . » ‘i Can ' ..'-"-V‘7.3i'i
that closely resemble The Pointer beat combined with a British dance sure" is a pulsating. highenergy dehmwly d‘SP‘a.‘ talent and la“ the NEW” “W“ A“) tht’ WW9 3"" ‘ 3 ' ' Tl ‘Pfi‘ldl . .' if? xii-"fa
SlSters‘ especially the pOpular "All 90p sound mixes a perfect "10" in- song that has a little. bitty bit of ev— "”1.” “‘1‘“ a hit-{h Whittle 0t “Wt“t'l' wear and (lurk 1> brewing through 4‘ "-‘il" ~ -' . onward-'10“ 0n j - isn’t-W
Of Me For Allof You " stead of a “9 9.“ A New Orleans in- erything. From a double-barreled ‘3‘ The“ mamas ShOUthePFOU‘l midlife with an energy that would ‘HIM .. -.i ‘-.".v:.« a and a _‘.. . ‘> :3 TI :1.

put most teenytioppers to shame ”(WK ‘-«—'-' .'ii' 'i 1-1 1, l’tiiiiivfelphia. I" i ‘ ~. , r , . ~ “ 'ii
‘ ’ . . He \plli> his llmt‘ between fl“, ‘hW - .i 1' '. 1‘; llu'I 4!; local j.: i '. .i . _-‘|
oca ese as yrlca Ins rumen a S . "Bandstand and other enterprises 1" 5’4"“ ' — . "‘.f- . Hi
'~' Actually splinters l\ more llkt' it .‘In I 'rw- i or . m ha'
i‘". ’i ‘ ’ ' ' i 5 x ..‘H. I. I. "Hula" ‘ 5 4 r. I. |‘. I...‘ .1

By .‘lARYt‘AMPBELL two scat solos He was able to take Remember Clifford." plays on “Oh. - . _ I;:I;I:?I:re:r::,fi::::rzdllt\ “1 h mm "““f‘f‘” “v ' 7-3311“ 'i "J“ “OUTS .J :"

Associated Press the lyriCs he had written 25 years Yes. [Remember Clifford'herc ~ ‘ In 'idditionto -\Bt\ "Bandstand "’ H “"1 3“" ~1Pi‘t‘drant‘t‘> b) , -' f
ago an evo ve t m ino a muc ames . v ta as a tenor sax . i . ‘ ' _, ’ '7! 12': .n. 1' r ~ ‘pm more than .r . . i’. ‘3‘

. d I he I h J “OOd- k ‘ the longest running mu