xt7x959c8m3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c8m3g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1979 1979 1979-10-16 2020 true xt7x959c8m3g section xt7x959c8m3g Libuorlicensas in den 9
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‘ Local bars ll UOI' stores threatened b fake ID use
By ('I.Al'l)l'i HAMMOND form minors. Neville said it would be “economic sutcide for anvonc to catci to
Rep. Ilt‘l minors. I would call them nuts for doing it. Taking a chance in losing your ,. A , n.
(liquor) license is stupid." M : '._ . 'I‘
First ofa three-part series. Steve Morgan. manager of Big Daddy Liquors. located in University Pla/a. . WA l2 N l N 6 v f" " ..
' said he has noticed “a rash of altered IDs. This semester there seems to be more . T, 6 1‘"
The use of false identification cards by underage persons trying to obtain of them than in previous semesters. We make a conscious attempt to avoid l \l Ll .‘ '
I. liquor is threatening the ex1stence ofliquorstores and bars nearthe UK campus. selling liquor to minors.” y I. W } l\j (‘p (. ~
According to mosi managers of establishments selling liquor. the problem is Coliseum Liquors manager Walt Young agreed with Morgan. saying. "We l f V l 1 P‘s C ‘ f . if"
that it is nearly impossible to catch every person who uses a false ll). And with seen a whole lot of(false IDs) this year. and the ones We seen aren‘t very good. I I t .. . i ( ~ ( i I". '5
minors buying alcoholic beverages. the manager‘s liquor license is in danger. think someone‘s putting out a kit or something. and it‘s real easy to tell when a f I L r i i v t i ‘ l .n‘
I One local bar manager. who wished to remain anonymous. said part of the driver‘s license has been changed. We do not pay any attention to identification ,.____.__ d 't s I. . i
I problem is that other bars admit. and even encourage, business from minors. cards that people mail away for. We require.just like any other place.a valid II) p’ ‘ . ll.
"There's one hot that I‘ve been to.“ he said. “where I‘ve seen people as young as with a photograph." .1 ' .e- > , l' ‘ ’
mv daughters and I mean kids sitting there drinking." “As soon as someone figures outanew wayto make an ID. it isn‘t long beforel f: , I, . i /f
' Michael Hart. manager tifStiiigii-s. a bar near UK. said minors attemptingto pick it up." said Henry Harris. owner of the Two Keys. another bar close to " i , ll" ' ' /
get in aieaconstant problem "l‘veturned away 25 pcople(who are minors)in l5 campus. . ' ' ~ u ’ ;" '
minutes on a Friday afternoon '1 hey 'll wait outside the door until a crowd is "The most common ones I see are the ones(driver‘slicenses) with the lettering I. . ‘1 4“-
coming through the front and try to walk in v ithout having to show their le." completely printed over. And every year someone comes up with a new method ”"1 ‘ ‘, // w“ - .
’ Hart said. of making le.“Harris added that hetriesto discourage business front minorsto ' ””2 LD' . // '
' Hart said that it “as not difficult to tell a false or altered ll) from a real one. “protect himself" from any chance of losing his liquor license. E‘Nl“ ' ’ /
f and added. “We really try to attract an older crowd who are already out of Betty Kelly. who owns Big Blue Liquors along with her husband David. said / .u... (X. st .
college? they get very little student business and they have more of a “neighborhood ~ . i " "T' )‘0 ‘ifi‘f/f‘fl’r
~ Stingle‘s has recently stopped advertising in the Kernel because they believe store." She did. however. comment on the state‘s enforcement of liquor sales i‘ ”“379 LS
- advertising in a student newspaper probably attracts minors. laws. “They (the state governement) are putting pressure on the liquor store
' Charles Neville. manager of the Chevy Store. a nearby liquor store. said that owners to be detectives. You would think they could come tip with a more /
‘ minors wi -lding false ll)s come in “every night." efficient system that would make it easier on both the liquor store owner and the
' "It‘s fairly simple to tell a fake ID from a real one; the plastic covering on it is purchaser."
not the same. the lettering is different and there's a few other things you notice.“
- Neville Mt id Tomorrow's article will focus on the legal side ojthe manufacturing and use of
" When asked if he thought that any bars or liquor stores encouraged business false [05.
' Vol. i.xxti. so. 43 Ker e] l'nlversity at Kentucky
( Tuesday. 0‘30"" '6. "979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky 4
. . V.“ 433.3 ,0 ”a .. .. 3» .
. ‘3‘ “it ‘ «s ' g .s ,2 . c - - - -
as. , . 10 mon reCIp/en 0 energy program gran
.. r t “*3 '3‘ ‘r , ‘ . . an. it": ' '
, 3 .. . fit ‘ -‘« t; as!" A ~' . t. _ ‘ We: l. h -
iii. a ‘fi s. st 2%,. “has. ? 1:4» _ ‘ By CYNTHIA DEMARCUS anything from woodburning it:- feel it the neighborhood had its own “They (the Department of Energy)
._ § 5* ow ‘ .. x. K . ”a; \ fl 5 y. Assismm [menammem “no, wrndpower , not exclusn'ely at solar mlar unit'.“ We hope to find out the required acommunity between 15.000
”$2 ' ‘M‘ zgfis .. 3:“; s. ‘W‘ (energy)." _ . . aesthetic issues of solar homes are and 50.000.“ she said. “The fact that '
. k t s 4 (.‘i‘ kw}: .ss: * A grant for nearly 370.000 has been “We re tryingto determineifthere is they acceptable. attractive (to the we did have a university meant there
' 5' . ”$331: 2* i ‘ . . ‘~ awarded to Richmond. Kentucky to some way the community can become community)”: were additional resources available. I
’ Wgfi‘ ~31. ‘ . _. pilot an energy projgct far the responSible for its own energv In addition to recognizing think the deCision was influenced a ‘ -
‘ ‘gfigyfit ., - Southeastern United States. resources.“ she added. opposition. the project should identify little because this was coal country. '
‘ who f“ _. t. . . “Mixing“ . 4.. , -..- - ~_ meed “Solar Options' A Local The assessment has. held two local impediments to community use Richmond also has its own gas ; '
x‘ b ‘5. 1 >33 Assessment by Richmond." the community meetings so idl. dilt: Oi .ti‘ty pdtltctliu! Clicrgy‘mttflluitvc. CUHTIPIZH). ‘.
: l . , . ,. . ti . _ . iiitends to provide demonstration “Right now the President says 20 “There isn‘t yet agreat deal ofsolai' - '-
. ..._ . pr0ject. sponsored by the Oak Ridge . . . _ .. . _ . . .. .
., t . ‘ . N' . . . projects of energy alternatives. a half- percent ot encigy needs in the year experimentation around here. added .
.‘ j . .. . t . ational Laboratory, should prove a h l '. . PK '-TV' ,0,” V.“ b- ” . , g .. _ . - .
i' . it‘ model for meetingthe energy crisis on our te evtSion program on . t - t wt i. c mtt by solar energy. Patton. Kentucky River Foothills. a
.:. ‘5 . I [level It is one of on] l50r 20 documenting their work. newspaper Patton said.Withthisstudy'.she hopes community action group. was the ' .
"'..*-;;:. s. y "it: it. y .. . a oca .' . . . y . supplements for Richmond‘s daily Richmond will be able to tell the original solar group around here.“ '
w c... . _ trip; % Similar pr0jects. initiated by the LS. . . n , v _. . , .. . , . . _ , . ._
yrs... I.“ . 5...». a ' D rtm nt of Ener inthe countr' paper and neighborhood surveys and goutnnient ii you real.y expect Operating mainly in Em“ and .
~ “332*“ An... _.«‘4‘ . team..- epa . e gy l.‘ block meetings in the future all to communitiesto go with solar these are Powell Counties Kentuck ' River -
“ “Wk g. . according to Dr. Janet Patton. EKL f . . . . . . . ‘ ‘. ,. ' . ‘ l . ,
._ - ,. q . in... . . . urther community involvement in the the problems you have to go against. Foothills members have been helping
v t\ . i_:..: 3:- .§..t._ts. , As5istant Professor of Political . n “Wp'll f .. . I . ‘ I . .
it . . s...«. . my . w. \Science and project coordinator. protect . . ind out. she added.‘ ifsolar .ow—income peop.e build and install 1} .
K‘s“ q . ._ it); The neighborhood sun eys and use is a pro‘alt m with utilities (not solar hot-water heaters intheir homes. 1 .
new: ' _ ”at - .3} “We‘re interested in community block meetings should forestall. or at willing to handle it) or. if there's not a “We feel local government ought to '
. s _ “I ”t: 5 :_ renewable resources.“ said Patton. least identify. possible negative problem with utilities.ifthe problem is play a role in energy decisions. said
it. " speaking of the assessment group reaction to different energy sources. economic ” Patton. “The disadvantaged are ‘ i V
. ":2 fire. '- (made up of businessmen. professors before problems occur. according to Patton believes Richmond has spending one~third to one-fourth of -—
. - 3‘;- :_. f . 4.... and community leaders) which she Patton. several advantages. which led to its their incomes on fuel. ' I.
.. ,. _ f R. j . ; heads. “We‘re looking at oil. coal, “We’ll ask questions."she said.“like selection as the only community Solar Options: a Local Assessment . .
fem“ , g. p ‘ “r‘ _ . ‘ , natural gas. and solar. energy in the ‘What would you feel ifyour neighbor energy project for the Southeastern by Richmond is scheduled to run ,
. Lw’eka’ : t‘} .. } ‘ . ' . broader definition. which can include built a solar home‘.’ How would you I .5. through May I980. ‘ .
t. 9* .. its» - - t - - - - .
x a are” *"‘ west" «at -
One dead 76 in ured after California quake ~
t...’ *‘t“§.. By NORM CLARKE five second earthquake was the was followed by a series of aftershocks injured person were being treated at
j ‘t i-‘iiiiss _; ; Sgt? Associated Press Writer strongest in the Imperial Valley since measuring more than 3.0 on the three hospitals .. CaleXIco. El Centro .
W‘ia‘” fig“)? 3“" V l940. the US. GeologicalSurvey said. Richter scale. The National Community and Pioneer Memorial ‘.
New“ " ,. {3}”th ' ' CALEXICO, Calif. . A powerful “There was window glass all over Earthquake Center in Golden. Colo. hOSpitals in nearby Brawley. :;
' .gkiksxss ‘Ri ' ' . earthquake struck Southgrn Calfornia the streets. Mannequins were piled up measured the major quake at 6.5. “There were no serious injuries.“ '. . - _
‘3‘ ‘3. .. .. _‘ 5 _- ., _ ‘_ a _ and part of Mexico on Monday. in the (store) windows and chimneys The earthquake was felt as far north said Alex Smith. administrator at El _
\ . By suit KRlRS/Kernel stair buckling buildings. wrecking water were down.“ said Dorothy Shook, 55. as l.o.s Angelcs. 150 miles from the Centro Community Hospital. “We 5.
systems and swaying skyscrapers as far a store owner in El Centro. one ofthe epicenter jostling the 62-story had light casualties. bumps and ; V .
Heals over head away as Las Vegas and Los AngeleS. hardest hit communities. United California Bank building bruises. minor lacerations...The most ‘_ . >
At least 76 persons were injured, Seismologists at California Institute downtown 5 and in the high-rise serious injury was alacerationthatdid _
Tony Hi||.mechanical engineering junior. doesnone-handed flip inthe authorities said. of Technology in Pasadena said the hotels on the Las Vegas Strip. not take stitches. Most have been ‘ ‘
Botanical Garden for Monique Tripp. Tripp, Ijournllism sophomore. One death was reported in Mexicali. 4: l6 p.m. temblor. measuring 6.4 on Ef Centro Police Sgt. Max treated and released. but some are still .-
.. talked Hill into helping her with a photography assignment for Mexico. but there were no immediate the Richter scale and centered l0 miles Richardson and imperial County here." ~ .
2 Journalism 337 class. reports of deaths in California. The east of here on the Mexican border. sheriff‘s deputies said at least 60 The Imperial County Fire '
1 Department declared a countywide " - ' q
' » I; I Oda state of emergency. At least.20 rural
bridges were reported wrecked in the 7. . .
i petlt)plfe last month in the Knott County courthouse. Speaking to the National Conference of Catholic Charities. the 21:15:21“ the roofs Of many houses : ‘
;' eense attorney Gary Johnson. of Prestonsbur . said his resident called the family “one as cctofournationallife“wherea ' . . ‘
i, campus motions were based on the July Gannett vs. DePasqualegdecision of :artnership of public and private ihterests is needed. Everett Blizzard, deputy d"°°‘°.’ 0f - '
» ‘. the US. Supreme Court. which some judges are interpreting to the state Office Of Emergency SerVIces '
. VOTING sums rooxv for the two-day Student allow the closing of pretrial hearings. world In Sacramento. said there was “maior
“ Government speCial electiions. For more information on where to David Armstrong. executive director of the Kentucky Press damage” to the All-American Canal. ;‘ -_
vote. see campus briefs on page .1. Association. said that the press “has to disarm thejudicial system of _ . . . . . . The canal is 3 major SUPPll" 0f “'3‘" ~ . ‘
the notion that they can close a criminal proceeding. It is wrongand TLRKIS." PREMIER Bl LENT l:( E‘ IT ANNQIVNCFD his {0" the region's "OPS- ‘ '
. .i Iocal what we‘ve got to do is attack." "“gna"°“_ "‘ Ankam IU'W' “sum” ”"3”“ "fsunda-V 5 m'd’ ln Brawley. a water tower tumbled .
. term election defeat in which his moderate-leftist Republican ’h d d yen] trailers were ’ .. .
. . . ' People's Party lost all live Assembly seats as well as crucial seats in to ‘ e groun an se .
A thlVI-ZRSITV 0F KEN ' “anon . . . - . knocked from their foundations.
. TLCKY MICROSURGICAL team the Senate to opposition forces led by former premier Suleyman . . . -
failed yfiifldfly to remove a growth on the brain stem of in Casey Demirel. About 200 people were "“qu ‘ -
. . Costinty youth but extracted enough of the growth for a biopsy. A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE TOPPLED buildings and broke Eeevit said he formally would submit the resignation of his “of“ 'the' Imperial County Services ' .. . .‘
.' “alt: Srzmagvl’iatty Mc(dle|lan said Idear-otd Sam Burchell water mains in Calexico. Calif..'yesterday. collapstng roofs in nearby government to President FahrivKorut'urk today Budding In El Centro —- an 8-year-old ‘
_ . . Doctorsgwill leacrn 2:13: twas responding well. ‘ . :1 CCMFO and sway")! lush-"SC hotels as {If army as L88 Vegas. Demirel had called for Ecevrt s reSIgnation but declined to say structure that was supposedly " a
‘ . malignant and will rescribect "“PSY When” the "ms" benign or ‘8‘" l . l'f . , . Whether he planned to form a government himself or take the earthQuakc pr00f~ after the building . . " '
It was the first migmur er reaflment accoydmgly she said. ‘deizmoogists at Ca l ornie institute of Technology in Pasadena country to early general elections. His aides said privately Demirel dropped 1- feet and listed 3 feet to one _
. B Ch dl Med 3 ype orme in tve years at the Albert sat t e416 p.m. tremor reguteredb! on the Richter scale and was favored installingacaretakergovernmentheaded byan independent side. Nearly all the windows on one . . _ .
. .u . 'n N i Mi Center. centered N miles east of here — right on the Mexrcan border. until such elections. The next regularly scheduled general election is side of the fivesto structure were - ' '
. 6 ' - The five~second quake was felt as far north as Los Angelet. ISO set for Will W i i
i '. ' State miles from the epicenter (See above story foi details) broken. . . . .
" Across the border in Mexrcali. ‘-
. . : '. - ‘ . FOR wan is BELIEVED 10 IE the first time in Kentucky. 3 weather Lionel Rios. a Red Cross official. said _ -
. _ . . ;> 5 3 | judge in Hindman has agreed to excludethe press and public from. ”“35"”:qu CARTER.DECLARING THAT THEflmily unit one person was killed and I6 others 5 1 .. ‘
. . ~ . Pretttllheltins In a criminal matter. i, in trouble. told . Roman Catholic .udicnccin Km... City. Mo.. A MIXTURE 0F CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE is expected were injured by the earthquake. ‘J ,
. . . l District (ourt Judge Robert Morgan granted a defense motion yesterday that he is autumn" an “office for Families" in the today withachance of rain laterintheday. Highs are expected inthe Several persons were injured by E -'5 . .1
. . 3i ‘ yesterday to close pretrtll hearings for I man accused of tiltingtwo Department of Health. Education and wetfm. mid 703. falling glass from windows. but none ; ‘_ . .
~ ._ -—-—————-————————————_._'.______________.__.___- Continued on page 3 1 ' ' ' I
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UCKY Debit McDaniel Marl Gun hid Mun Tho-u Clerk John Clay Gory Lulu. ”it
KENT “to, in cut] sq". Money Richrd McDoIIld Entertainment Eduw Spam Editor Director of Photogrqrhy '3‘
Auoct'ate Editors CH! M90" In
Cary W‘ Khy Stephen C ylthlI DcMIrctI Irhlt Rich“ David May-rd 'ii
.‘ Mam." Editor LhI D d Copy Editor: Assistant Assistant Sports Editor Photo Manager 575%
i . , . Entertainment Editor In;
Editorial Editor I.
. Jay Fo-ut‘ ’{é
0 ° & Campus Editor 1-... Young £5;th
edltorlals comments Special Editions Editor .l
|_______._________.___.__________.____ rs" _
86 Forum cancel/ed but. . . .- , . A” l / hIf' . x.
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.. . . . . - l .. s «trivial ' = « ~' -
Now that the ill-fated Student Government gubernatorial race. This year 5 race for the ‘ i—h h H v (v ,i‘ .;
gubernatorial forum is nothing more than a good idea governorship of Kentucky has been a poor excuse for I : LL l i' l . 11‘ l/ l ..
_ that didn‘t work. very few opportunities remain for a mature and enlightening campaign. The issues —~ H i ‘ | :3' ' . r / l 5—- ’ . l
L'K voters to hear the issues which concern this state. such items as quality of education, coal and other ’ _ l'l: ‘T ,y i It r_t~. I ' '
With approximately three weeks remaining beforethe energy problems, and Kentucky‘s standard of living ii. .1 j L .L I [I , , l i / //
state elections. time is running out. 777 have been sadly neglected in favor of mudslinging I—‘ x j } " / ,r a
- . l I /; (I (7’ i V 2
But an opportunity to hear the gubernatorial and media hype. . . .l 1 II 5 . ’ ., .4 , fl /-r W: 5ELL i ' 1y .
candidates debatethe issues comes around tomorrow The 5‘3“ 0f Kentucky and the voters 0" "“5 r... ' ”cf/[1:2 l I ll ‘ w . ..
night on Kentucky Educational Television (Channel campus can now at least 5“ howthecandidates for the L;- / '0‘ ,_, . h.
46 m lexington). various offices handle the issues in front of a TV .J 7, i ~ % ill . ,, i 3 mm l . .
i . . . . camera. They may still hedge the real issues. they may j .. . 4 ,1 5 i i . . ‘ ,v
. The KET program, one of a an eight-pan serieSkOIf still play games with the voters, but ifnothingelse, the , l I I \figt ./<< by I t a l l l i WW2? t l l I . ;
thrums IWh‘Ch “:11 appear 0“” the he)“ {W3 :66 Ys‘ KET political forum series givesthe votersachanceto . i . l IiI ’l IyI coy-r ‘ ' I ‘ optimum l l
m“ ihc‘u‘h" a ‘O'rhmgt: deb“; betfween do .11 be see whether the candidate is willing to speak and face h i i if a. ’ f I f . l I .I y (a. ll -, ‘
Brown Jr band Lot”: fr. ‘muangé ofsics’s::::::p;:; d by Kentucky‘s long-neglected problems. “ ii? i l I' 7; ,I. I . ill 0 i it , l‘i Il.l.\ . .
quwmm l ”per rs 0 . The Brown-Nunn forum will rab the most i . l .i 0 . ‘ . s" . I “7’ 2 '* -
an adxisorvcommtttee headed by Al Smith,producer . . g L: -— - ‘ 7, _ _ “A... - 1’ h' ‘ ,g-I—Et l l
I I . f attention, but voters Will also see and hear Martha ‘ m I , . I _ . l . i
and mhhh‘rhmr ”1 the orums. . . Layne Collins and Hal Rogers, candidates for '_ 7&1 r? ,. I l" I l; it . i ll . _ FIE hi m [V i I 3—" i
he candidates will have a rebuttal period and time Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General I' it a” L: _ u :\ , a"... .t , ‘ l. _' . i i
to raise their own issues. This is the basic concept 80 candidates Steven Beshear and Ron Snyder on other ‘ i“ 41".". 1 W30», , :
tried to set up Fortunately for Kentucky voters. John programs. '
\ Brown Jr. has more respec. for a televmon IThe IKET network deserves the thanksIof this (it B)’ STeALlNG DOLLARS ll‘lSTeAD OF GOLD m DeNpNSrRA'b OUR CCNFIDQNCB IN Tile '
audiencetnan he saw fit to display for his alma mater.- umversrty and the entire state for bringing the W 0? Tib WAN 9M" ,, .
r he series. which will feature the candidates for candidates before the voters. It‘s also nice to know _‘“‘“"'—“, .4.-.___.____ .
statewide office in the November election, offers UK that KET has enough pull to get John Y. Brown Jr. ' . —-———— .
\oters and the state a valuable opportunity to hear away from other pursuits long enough to debate ' ll ”hi/h“; . LOANS T0
how the candidates respond to real issues. Such an Nunn. CV6“ ifachance ‘0 speak beforeagroup OfUK Z ,‘j r i7 l ,/I"\‘:\lll I'
opportunity is long overdue, especially in the voters he considers “in the bag,"couldn‘t do thetrick. I I\tI\ lII “I ; ll 3'8 (MI hh PAY lNTEREST I'.‘
\_|l ‘ l ’ ‘ I, \ I
C / mnit tb d'd t s’ ‘1' '
0 U S upse y can I a 6 l
lack of concern thh state Issues 1 i y l .‘
. l v I .h! 0/ 0" . 7
C hrisi knows l‘veiried to stay out of saga of “The Young and the power plants to coal promises ten case i . 2;: , // g 2'! I, .15" - t,” f) I?
”115' bl” enough ‘5 100 much. Mindless.” The further trivializing of years or .a guaranteed market for l _, "./;x;_ . I - ”If .i; r,- \ // r i-
Revelations that John Y. Brown Jr. an electoral process which has already Appalachian coal. but unless a strong I «m We: . I. “ I‘. _ Ijt!‘ "it . ‘ l
stuck beans in his car. sniffed bicycle so deeply disenchanted and move 15 made toward making C931 a l HI}? . . i ' . «L .
563‘s and Sill-“Shed tadpoles did“ disenfranchised the majority of our safe and clean fuel. coal wrll 333'" be 'i’itiifriilftii, ___ "' F;,,,,,.,,,,, ,-— . J ___.. . .
phase me. Rumors of midnight penny peo 1e threatens its tenuous mam . dropped as soon as other energy ”as“, "“" V - "‘I"‘-“ ~‘ _~ ‘ ' '
losses and backroom games of crazy J—_—_——————y sources are developed. has” W
eight left me undaunted. But when The best interests of the people of | ’I‘lIa, /_.I%/ .
Louie B. "5 percent“ \unn started I our state will be served not by l 3}:ng / I/ Z -‘ E
passing around copies of a Penthouse flu wholesale attacks on surface mining. ' “1517/ " . l
issue which portrayed the nightlife of air. water, and mine safety regulations, /I I
, Xenon ta NY disco) and attempted to but by a realization that it is time for a _ ' ll - W II .- ’Wr -: *
.- smear John Y. by association with the ——————_—— careful attention to the quality of life ‘p‘ ‘ ' 5.;- Emwzty*tf}msy,§m I». -
place. i nearly exploded. Word has it that the pope nearly as well as energy needs. The short-term i - l I'
Not out ofany deep love for Johnny made a stop in Kentucky because he approaCh of allowing the coal and oil w———— ._~'
Why. mind you . my sentiments he heard a “nun” was threatening to companies to have another field day _______________—_._—.___———-——————— -;
with a young woman on a radio show screw the entire state of Kentucky. His with Kentucky Will leave us down the ‘-
who responded to the “who will you cardinals cleared up the misunder- road with a crippled economy. . ._
vote t0r"qucstton withthe most astute standing, which surely must have increased respiratory illnesses and It r
political analysn’ to emerge in this eased his apprehension. but itdid little deaths. and scarred andravaged lands. .
campaign “The way i see it. it‘s a to calm my nerves. The answers we get from Nunn. :‘
chorce between big business and a The flippant attitude towards the When he isn‘t too busy distributing —_.—_.————————————————-———————————-— ’ ‘ i
fascist. I guess [‘11 take big business a needs of our state projected in this porn to church groups, and even from . . . . i: . ;
while longer.“ No. my anger was campaign is particularly acute inareas Brown, (though in his case it flows Band I'Ulns game the anger and disappomtment that ls LaCk Of courtesy 1
stirred because Louie B.‘s cheap stuff SUCh as the question of coal's future in from inexperience rather than from a , , . implanted foreverI on my memory. ,3
implicated none other than Maureen Kentucky. With the drive towards history of bowing to the wishes of the I ‘hdht want l° 5" hc’" to the Uh Especrally ah" seeing the spectacular Once again the URiVCTSilY has ‘9‘?
OSullivan. (Ms. O‘Sullivan was also increased use of coal for generating coal industry), is one which will insure Marching Band at the 01,“ M‘hs debut offreshman Terry llenry. [envy shown its total lack 0f concern for its g
at the pm ate party at Xenon.) I can electricity, Kentucky again faces a the continued bust-and-boom cycle football game. 1 was afraid their musrc those who saw the game in peace.I students. This morning they moved in "it
handle the demasking of the Lone dilemma. For as long as coal has been which has plagued Kentucky‘s coal would b.‘ ‘°° loud and my The UK Band Sh°hld have made "a with a backhoe and chain saws to tear g .
Ranger. and Jimmy Stewart reduced used. it has been a dirty fuel—dirty to industry. and which threatens boththe °°“°°“"a"°“ 0“ the 83“"- m'gh‘ l” "‘9" "”03”“: "fem“gv b‘" as l ha" down our garage, rip Up our hedges L z
to selligg :irIestone :ireIstn TMV. but a mine. to bteransport. and to burn. It has PCOpleO andh the enIvironmIent of the 2:32:16B::;%::“;L;g“fifg:agach Eating? 21:81: fthijheghhlhjil:;cgi and cut down trees. :3 5
nice at me ir i e aureen awa 5 en viewed as a last resort state. urc ancc.t ou sim, lies not .‘ . . ' ts the .4. .
O‘Sullivan? ls nthing sacred? fuel.yand when reserves of other fuels in the sad tradition iii Kentucky's their constant insults and immature Lexmgton Catholic H'gh S°h°°h 1101;222:5311]:gingiireficiiyltsynfzxcuse I
Apparently the Nunn forces are became available, the consumers political leadership. but in the hope Wisecracks that bombarded my They needaIband and perhaps theUK for this great injustice. At no time did
satisfied with Kentucky's status as the dropped coal as if it were leperous. that our interests might be a higher eardrums. , qusicrans WI" feel more comfortable we receive warning from them. BY
puknch\line IIin the national politic?! l: mIanydwaysfit ‘iIs — leaving in its priorIiIty to a candidate who owes less Balndhoilvgazt it? 2’33: °Ehtch° f2: mills/2:28;: :lhligbuttals but I fear mere chance we saw one of the workers 7
jo e. ow ereese is it moreg aringy wa e or es 0 cad or crippled to t ose who would threaten our , . . . , the ni ht before who tOId us what was "
apparent that our political parties miners, thousands of acres of denuded present and sell out our future. enjoyment ofthegame. Well.they 5“" they Will all begin Whh “Oh yeah. ' happegning. This left us less than 24 5‘;
have become ideologically bankrupt land. countless flooded communities, defeated that purpose. The boys and hours to move our possessions before i‘ l
than in a campaign such as this one A and clouds of acid rain which threaten Flt: is a third year law student at the 3““ m the band ""3"" the game and Don Shh'h‘h the garage was demolished. :5 i
which has taken on the tenor of a poor crop production of the Eastern United University of Kentucky. His column ”ffhatl" "l: Chit": It‘lltshgor those fans Undecided sophomore in “Sh! of the fact that the
soap opera. Tune in to the continuing States. The recent decision to conven will one" periodically. “h or una e enoug ° veto 5" next - . - (m f '
to them. While cheering the Wildcats Don't throw bottles ““5"” had "5 contract ‘ or a
.. _ I__I .. . .\‘“ mm‘m‘ on to victory. we were constantly year it seems strange that we couldn‘t .
fr" : ;:“,\‘s‘ \;S x . harassed with such witty comments as. l am writing in regard to students' have received some k‘hd M
f c ‘ ‘ WW “I. 2, 3. sit down you whips,“ or the attitudes during the UK game notification beforehand.
~ I. . “Egg, :‘c i ultimate mature insult, “l, 2, 3, sit concerning the throwing of objects So, thanks to the University. we l
i ‘ ..:“'f“.i:"\=i{§::“-a~‘b“- T ‘0 dOWn you drunken fags.“The“l,2.3” down from the bleachers. . have lost half of our backyard to mud '
’ ~ _v I:-.:S;§s3§§-rt ‘ . must come from watching too much At Saturday night‘s game, 8 friend and uprooted trees. (Our neighbors. .
._:~‘."§i!~‘fi:f‘ \ “ ‘\\ Lawrence Welk. of mine was hit in the head With a who also rent from the University. are 1’
.', h ‘ \}‘\_‘ But getting back to the point, how liquor bottle that had been thrownIby losing their backyards too.) Why even .
“Q ' . ~ \ l! BC? 0“". (1.1- can anyone enjoy a game with 200 someone sittingafew rowsabove him. start construction this late in the year? i;
‘ 0° . ~§ \ \5 ~ .’ (" ‘='.;:=99“: babies calling you names that are He was rushed to the emergency room What“: left of our yard will remain in '6 i
. x 3 ,' \‘ . .k § ‘ l a!!!“ ordinarily dropped form the and fortunately. is all right; however. its muddy condition until spring when E
1/ \ . . c . . ,n of £33th; ' vocabulary in the 5th grade? The he could have been seriously or it will be paved for UK parking. i .
C .. t§ \\ ‘ ' AIL/I if . t, *3 * harassment was impossible to ignore pennaInently injured. _ So thank you UK for your courtesy i '
’ . r" , \ \‘ \ ‘ because it was constant and l wouldbe l Ylfh people would COIn‘I'd" the to and concern for the students who i _ .
" ‘ " ' ‘ ~ _ too embarrassed to hit someone who POSSiblllty 0i CSIUSIHSI injury ‘0 pay you. i.
. .-\ sf . Q) . ‘ « ‘ ‘ \ ‘ I l l \ g , had just publicly called me a fag. lt someone by throwing objezts such as -
. - . \x' , ‘ r; c x - . I, i would be too much like fighting with caps. bottles. plastic cup Ii 9. m- i. '
. \s ‘. il .s.\ 7 \ _ . . ‘fi .’.A i. A r ‘ ~ - _ ~ one's younger gin". There is no excuse for this type 0f :12? A' 1m," I '
i i _ >‘9-\\‘ \\ ' 55”: ‘_ -‘ J, ‘ ~ .~ ‘ What can it person do? Other attitude; it only shows a person‘s T “junta; Ion ',
I“ _ It“ ~ .‘l~“~ . ‘4 I: - . _ _ V‘ ' ‘ observable acts which cenberelated to immature and inconsiderate behavior. "' 'ImI I”. m‘ ,‘
j‘; 31-1“ \ ~ f ‘ . ~ ; ‘5; ' 'their mature attitudes (sarcasm) were Furthermore. I ugre those of you (Editors Note: Thh letter was Ibo
‘ ‘ : 'e' .\\\‘~ . ' * — i _ . {a -5- : :7 ' A throwing objects at fans and who may be guilty of this to keep an eigmd by Steve Neycr. Logan 3
- I :2 I3 3*: ' .1: “ ' I: :. V ~ . . \ - pretendingto p“, 8‘3- Whatcenlny? open mind towards the possibility of McCulloch. Chrlee T. loner. Dove . i
. t\:\“\\“ ‘ ‘\\\ ;: .. ‘ g ' _‘_\_.\.‘ M As was stated in the Monday Kernel endangering other: during the games. Wiser. Andy Hiatt. Michael Florence. . ', l
., 1% «‘rV-K‘.‘ ; _ _ -1 _ ‘~- 4 kg I editorial. “People usually remember MDixon. Janey Collinlolll. I.
. i J ‘k ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘, ' bud incidents and forget the good Robin Amundsen MM). Irlce W. W“. Chrlee I
' . 3 W COMES THE TRIM PART. ones.” This is true. i will never forget HED sophomore 1. Justin and RM I. Mn) .
" i e
, ‘ l
o h '1 . ' ImI llllllfllfll~llflmm Mn f'fi’ufithv‘ " '7 .. "W ““4." ‘W‘.’ " "' ' " "."t; "" “' " VIA a MAI-OIQ‘ D» M . r i

 ' " "W ' I
r . Al ‘ I )‘
T l I r r I - v n a . . . I - , / ‘ .-
_ THE KENTTI'KY KERNEL. Tuendly. October M. 1979-3
It.- ' " ' lhe Arnruilii Arrnrl ZIO
. . AfteS'nmaT UK mlm Journalism Hurldlng. l niiersiii of i
T," Kentucky. l exlnglon. K) 40506, is
2% published each class dd) during the
:21th U fL h/ l h ' b t . spring and fall semesters and
2h . . weekly during the summer session
i may .. “'F 0 at 3170 ousrng may 9 00 nice
:9. Government two-day specral electionsThe elections. whic l exlngliin. Kenlutk) 405ll
E began two years ago. are held annually to fill vacant seats as huhmlpmn ”m H mm“!
,‘fe ell as to elect two freshmen as $0 iii-large representatives . . _ . , . . 3" “3' 5“ 5” ‘°'““‘"~ ‘3 ""
’I‘T. :ince this year's fremmen WCI’C unablc to VOIC in |ast year‘s LOUISVILLE. Ky (AIP) CaIrIdl'nal. noted In IIS Friday 2.. Vice [3 fCSIdC nt {0 f Hohman msrsted The NCAA summer ii.’ i‘rflt' cent per year niin-
‘5 - spring elections. The University of Louiswlle edition that “about 20 U of L universny relations Steve Bing was being kept .fully mmlrd
The eight freshmen candidates officially registered for the has joined UK and other athletes. including the entire commented that the athletic informed‘I‘ and “The renova- IliI-IrIrIyIIhIlIiImziI-r:
3:. elections this year are: Debbie E