xt7x959c7m1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c7m1s/data/mets.xml Alabama Alabama Museum of Natural History 1956 Other titles include: Alabama Museum of Natural History museum paper, Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama. Other creators include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Geological Survey of Alabama, Tennessee Valley Authority. Issues for 1, 3 carry no series numbering. No. 2 also as Education papers no. 1. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  AS36 .A2. journals  English University, Ala. : Alabama Museum of Natural History, 1910-1960 This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Alabama Works Progress Administration Publications Museum Paper, no. 35, 1956 - including "New Genera and Species of Cavernicolous Diplopods from Alabama" by Richard L. Hoffman text Museum Paper, no. 35, 1956 - including "New Genera and Species of Cavernicolous Diplopods from Alabama" by Richard L. Hoffman 1956 1956 2015 true xt7x959c7m1s section xt7x959c7m1s V E/J  
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    Q   WALTER B. JONES, State Geologist  
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jjj; University, Alabama g
  February 3, 1956  
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p§§H0norable James E. Folsom,  
i};Governor of Alabma,  
Montgomery, Alabama.  
Y`?   A
a l
i I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of  
a report on "New Genera and Species of Cavernicolous Diplo- I
pods from Alabama? by Richard L. Hoffman. It is requested i
that this be printed as Museum Paper 35 of the Geological  
Survey of Alabama.  
Yi Respectfully submitted,  
; State Geologist.  
, §
. 5
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  New genera and species of cavernicclous diplopods from  
fi];  \
lm  Q
}  Alabama :_
` I  . ¢
  By Richard L. Hoffman Q
  . . 5
  Department of Entomology, Cor11ell University _g
.1 . i . . . g
zjl Among the diplopod material collected IH various Ala- {
Tgbama caves and sent to me for study by Dr. \Valter B. Jones, Q
=-§State Geologist of Alabama, are specimens representing new §
`V · . . · . . . ` . (
gispecies and genera in the families Lysiopetalidae and Qambali- ;
ggdae. Both ot these groups have been treated in thorough re- g _
égvisions by H. F. Loomis, and it has been accordingly possible  
f§to work up the specimens with a minimum of effort and doubt.  
ry. ig
i···   l
  Family Lysiopetalidae  
=liE é
jj Tetracion, new genus  
2 ~l
- Diagnosis.—A genus characterized by the presence of i
·;»nly four primary crests on the tergites, this number being  
constant from the fifth to the antepenultimate segment. Sec- 1
ondary crests eight, very much smaller than the primary se- {
ries, but fully as long, reaching the caudal margin of the ter- {
`gites; no tertiary crests present. Poriferous swellings very {
large, directed obliquely upward on the anterior segments and  
. becoming almost vertical on the posterior part of the animal.  
Collum with twelve short crests. Antennae long and slender.  
reaching back to the 7th segment. Ocelli reduced in size, 1
number, and pigmentation. Very large species, adult females ,5
usually more than 55 mm in total length.  
. i
._ Male gonopods suggesting those of Delophon; proxi- i
mally with short acicular sternal and prefemoral processes, a  
slender unmodified femur, and a broad laminate tibiotarsus.  
There is a distinct, distally free solenomerite subtended bas-  
ally by an unequally bifid parsolenomerite. Q
A . . . . . l
  Type species.-Tetracion Jonesi, new species. i
( l
.,; i
  Remarks.—This is the only lysiopetaloid genus known to  
me which has four primary crests on all of the segments. ln  
tall other genera the number is greater. and is not constant i
a1?h1‘Oughout the length ofthe body. Loomis (1937: 99) indi-  
gates that difference in the size of primary and secondary  
crests, well shown in Tetracion, is a specialized character.  
lglowever, the secondary crests in the present genus are not  
Fl 1
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  6 Geological Survey 0f Ambamd ____I;   7  
”'IJy4 4 ,7, ..»——·;*—"’_;' 7r'4v_‘ 115 
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  pete1o1d genela 0 d d mture from the Vamab 9  1 uudete
  `  3  On-1 lex gO]'1()pOd Structure; an ep · · · t t 1;  ·j;' Same d
  C p ‘ 1 eem to indicate a somewhat pr1m1t1V€ S 2* 1~·  
  $6% it;)£lI§1Lé§t2 think that Tctmcion is not improbilbly 31% 0 ‘§  Q
q v  um I . - Caves and has specxa IZW: e  F]
?+‘£~-**  ~ OC . . . · . Genus qu1te d1f e1‘€1 ,  ehort y
  · ·. t' — i Its own 1€SL11t111g‘ IU J ¤ ·   ·
*,»§`¢1_1:_·  1]] dll €C 101/18 O Y 1 '   _ _1 eastern Unltl (1 E . _
-€¤$1é€1$  · me * ~ the otner two kl10W H 1OU_ _ _ j ing mb
iréifg- IU most 1 Lbpgct 11 Oni . · ‘ ' . I `1 It ' \,Vlth   1* af ' v
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  _ . - 1 - . interest 111 bemg the   creasu
  The IOYYHS Ot   to 3 SL1bt€1`I`3i1·   CIQS VQ
  rn-er known Amerxcan >1>10 _ . Q are Cavelw  
§1§f:e§i` · lthou h many European 5D€€1€~ . ~
e,=:~e..e ean eXlSt€HC€, a g t » hr ‘ 1 36,2:111 Q
grrgnjrer , what 10ng€]_ t dn 111 QD g V *  
mr  . · antennae me s0m€\\ _ . _ - _ _   _
  °Ol0uS‘ The · . ~ greet] - reduced and the Anime} *5** )§§;[)O1`J[1O]
§sl<=1}¢ fornqs the ocelh <11€ T X 1 QU- 1.mnt
  ' · . ~ ~ ear v 1 . —:· 1
:15;, 25; Appears to 139 D!Sm€Ht G35 01 U ·  
  · · ‘ · ° deec1‘ib··1 ?@€;Ea3c$’c
€·¥~~°iY¥ · —· b— yeeieg of Tetracwn J<>¤€$¤ helem ~ gi; _
¤;·?`1Y,, · be diagnosed by 9 O 0** ~ '   Nth
,;»$;,:._,,  HMV 1 _QI\\l 21
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  Trbrotarsus ot nmle e,<>d €l0“g?‘t€ f thé   B
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  . e ~ icrests
  . . . ~ Q1 eholt <·
    T1b1Ote1·sus of male g<>¤<>1¤<>d bwed we ft? rtw mr; {ment;
  scarcely QXC€(-Bdlllg the mayor b1~iH€ I 0 em 1 ex- léwhich
  qolenonnerité; 1>1`€t€mOm1 pmcebs Q Onga ’ · ;j})1*jmg
*f_.§¥€3··F:§ ` Y ,, Rwt up Of COXM Drogegs when $9911 U`!  
  t?H°{}l{’. ¥ (Q r· Oeeur about 20 111 a compact CMS- ‘ib°d*’
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3f:FT:;:*  - - ~ · · · t- emes ann su S — 51
.121,. Tetracxon Jcnesn J<>¤€$¤» “€“ bp r;
~’·"·‘   ' Q2 E
1F»·Cé>  F1 S. I-5  
  g Iéthose
  ` A11 Eexcep
15.7, · , - V . · 1 Je f€m2l]€ A 1 .·
  Tw S1><·>¤1¤1€¤~··HO‘9‘>1’€ “?"‘€ ‘*“"`”1 . nggy    the
Fsaeg bmw Mwcum Of Netrn-;11 H1StO1`}V, trom B2l$ZVC&\1€, B JOUQQ K  
mn?. ~ . - · > - · collected by cl Gl . _ » _ -~ A
  Mgr-Shin (Onnty A1.1ban1a, . _ _   r
§..·.;;~>  — ~ · ‘ ~ , .. . · e >oe1ted IH 1- 1· ¢
  e tembe- 17, 1952· T<>1>¤1>mtM>€ f€““‘€ " 1 $1 ~
  ep 9152 ,c o1sa
  U, S. Nauonal Museum no, .. .   (img.
 U. · 1* 
  . , - · · "‘1 - '=i 
¥$¥é?‘-Fi ])1ee·11osis.—\V1th U18 Chgwactels Ot ty? ee¤¤gB€ ?°g1E§;r;)     ]
J, `···;:;_ {_ Y . ~ • H ‘  ':! ·
  from T, j. antraeum by the ChAl3C4C€1S C1 ec 1 i lde 1
1$*$:§?1 key. 1  
§??12s~e  by
*· *31 E15 1  T`;
  o ··1.   ;

za A
  New Genera and Species of Cavernicolous Diplopods From Alabama 7  
1 —  V V 1,,,,,Y_ .W ,4,?,,,,, __),ir _VV V  
rysj Q ·*  Description-—A very large lysiopetaloid species, the larg-  
size, - est female 58.8 mm in length and 3.3 mm wide; length of male  
iable undeterminable due to breakage but of approximately the 3
zatus   same dimension. Male with 56, female with 58 segments.  
n 0 nl    
·llZ"l ii Front of head convex, smooth, densely pilose with fine  
Vette M gshort hairs; basal plates of mandibles much enlarged, extend- 5
me il i§ing much past sides of head; ocelli in a deltoid patch, usually i
Abt Qin seven rows, as follows (front to back) 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4 Z  
,,24. Antennae very long (6.1 mm) and slender, reaching back  
g sto the 7th segment when laid along the back; articles in de-   -
lg tm {creasing order of length: 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 1, 2, the basal two arti- Z
%1`1`21Ȥ- Ecles very small.  
g_a€‘·_V ei Collum small, semicircular in dorsal aspect, its lateral l
1tS* ll riliportions turned under and concealed by a margination of the  
jront edge; most of the surface smooth with a few clavate i ’
ifsetae, posterior fourth with twelve short indistinct crests, lat-  
cribli "erad of which on each side is a somewhat larger ridge con- i
meeting the front and rear margins of the collum; front edge  
with a prominent marginal sulcus.  
13 VE V!
ie { Body segments with very pronounced pore swellings, on  
t- the 6th to antepenultimate segments, these knob-like and remi- {
lli *niscent of those of Cambala, directed up- and outwards at i
n- .,‘` a bout a 45* angle at midbody, and becoming almost vertical  
jones Qin going towards the caudal end of the animal, the peritreme ;
{thus nearly horizontal. All tergites with only four primary  
gt, {crests, these very high and as long as the posterior subseg-  
Ly- inient; between them are eight small, fine, secondary crests  
,X- Qvhich are, however, quite as long and distinct as those of the 3
in primary series. Below the pore swelling on each side of the fg
is- body are two large lateral crests, each tipped with a seta, {
traenn below these are a dozen or so smaller ridges, becoming indis-  
tinct ventrad. Sternites very small, almost concealed, without E
ornamentation. Legs long, slender, densely setose. Pretarsi  
long and slender.  
· First two pairs of legs of male conspicuously smaller than l
lthose following, None of the other legs specially modified ;
le, All .a€‘XC€l)iZ for the presence of tarsal pads in the male, as far back  
V- Grew   the 13th legpaii:  
ones ¤   ` l
1 in ‘l1 LY, Anal segment hoodlike, smooth, concealing the valves in  
dorsal aspect, with two large terminal and six smaller lateral i
epara li   _  
Hggo li   Male gonopods large and conspicuous, partly carried out- j
gside the body, the distal elements black. Coxites large and _s
.·¥  zi
ti  i

 ,qig·'_;j.g 'T ` T or i  N MWA if M L  7 4  i "
  8 Geological Survey of Alabama  fi;
  T P TT TT TTTTTF P Ti   if P
  boxlike, somewhat receptacular, with the outer anterior mai.  
  gin produced upward into a coxal projection (fig. 4, CP).  
  Prefemur (PF) small, with a small acicular prefemoral prcl-   C10
 ·:i cess (PFP). A distinct joint between prefemur and femur jg the
 ar Latter (F) strongly curved proximad and then distad, slender .  th,
  ' ~ ’ ‘ ` ' T`b` t · l le e t< it
  slightly a1 cuate, without modifications. 1 10 aisa e m n aha.
  strongly reflexed proximad. Tibiotarsal blade (TT) a broac. gba
  distally acuminate lamina, from the base of which arises 1 gpg
  large, unequally furcate parsolenomerite (PS) which partl·  
g§;:;j§§. conceals the small free solenomerite (fig. 5, SLM), a structuiv  
  best seen from the oral side of the gonopods.  
  Preserved specimens entirely pale testaceous, probabl¤  
  their color in life as the dark pigmentation of lysiopetaloids  
  is not affected by alcohol. Ql
  I take considerable pleasure in naming this striking spe  
  cies for Dr. VValter B, Jones, State Geolo ist a11d Director, Al: »  
A4,   . . . g . . . . . Myy]
;g,,g,;g‘  bama Museum of Natural History, 1n recognition of his mtereei  
  and dillQ,‘€1”lC€ lll 3dV311Ci11g the knowledge of the fauna (l'  
  Alabama caves.  
  `Z dc
  , J l  wi
  Tetracion jonesi antraeum, new subspecies tar
  . Im
    rigs. 6-s. Nh
  _ _ .,,1
  ’.__   Type spec1mens.—Holotype male and allotype femal-. 5*%
  Alabama Museum of Natural History, from Barclay Cav; go
  Madison County, Alabama; collected on September 18, 195;.  
§Tgii;? _»l.i { by W. B. Jones.  
  Diagnosis.—Separable from T. j. jonesi as stipulated li  
  the foregoing key. ih
  . . . . . . . . lb<
§,%gi;;_  Description.-Similar to Jonesn 111 almost all external fe.- tid,
  tures, and in size and segment number. Gonopods slight yr {qt
  smaller with the tibiotarsal blade of a shorter and proportioi- life,
  ately broader outline, jb,
  . . .  
  Although intermediate material has not been seen, tl =·  
  quality level of the differences between the two named forn # lg;
  1S such as to make It entirely likely that they are subspecifi j- étl
  ally related, It remains for diligent collectors to obtain spe< 1- ger
  mens in the intervening areas between Marshall and Madis<11_ @31
  · counties.  
#Y‘*'Y?i§“ ‘;,
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in I
  New Genera and Species of Cavemicolous Diplopods From Alabama 9  
.or mar °  An Observation on Zoogeography  
4» Clit jf·  There is an increasing volume of information to indicate  
ml pu` , _close affinity of the diplopod faunas of southern Europe and  
· femut ·§the Piedmont region of Georgia and Alabama. In addition to  
Slendelj  the cavernicolous lysiopetaloids occurring in both areas, we  
’l€m€nt`   have in southeastern United States the greatest diversity of  
R l?r°a°‘ {§both polydesmids and glomerids, belonging to dominantly  
amses ° "€Palearctic families. ?
h partl · jg {
tructur 2    
i Order CAMBALIDA   ·
irobabl ‘    
Jetaloids f Family Cambalidae  
  Troglocambala, new genus  
      I Di_agnosis_.——A genus most closely related to Cambala, to   ·
Q méereit gwhich it runs in Loom1s’_s key (1938; 32) to the North Ameri-  
Emma U “can genera of the family. From Cambala, it differs in the  
gifollowing particulars: ornamentation of dorsum much reduced, g
{pores opening in low swellings instead of rounded knobs and  
dorsal crests correspondingly diminutive; second segment i
without a lateral crest behind the caudal angle of the collum; -‘
>antennae longer and more slender, the distal articles being l
Tniuch longer than broad; telopodite of the posterior gonopod §
three-jointed and the entire shape of the appendage different; §
6th and 7th segments of male enormously swollen to accom-  
2 femal V imlodate the disproportionately large gonopods; second joint  
av Cav v_ jot first pair of legs of male without a process. Q
is, 195. .   _ _  
.§ Type species.-—Tr0gl0cambala loomisi, new SDGCIQS.  
1 1
{Hated A );· V Remarks.T—Perhaps the most unusual. superficial feature  
rot this genus is the curiously enlarged genitalia. These are z
{half again as large as those of specimens of Cambala of equal  
_ body size. The first few segments behind the head are re-  
Brmtl iii Qduced to form a sort of "neck," after which the 5th, 6th, and  
S Sllghit f_:.'7th segments form a considerable enlargement of the body  
’Ol’°*“t‘O ` \C’O}llZOl.l1". The rest of the segments are much smalle1‘, and the Z
body is essentially parallel-sided and slender. The anterior ‘  
A"§GHO})OClS are similar to those of Cambala cristula, but the pOS—  
S€€U_, tl   ’ierior pair differs generically in that the digitiform lobe rep-  
ned torn # fresenting the telopodite is here three-jointed and much larger {
lb$D€01Tlf atban in Cambala and other genera, and the two distal pro-  
13.111 sp€< 1- gcesses of the coxite are much reduced in size and approximate i
l Madw ll tat the base instead of being widely separated. T  
Q Other characters stipulated in the generic diagnosis, such  
{fas the reduction of sculpture, may be only specific in value,  
a l kg;

  10 Geological Survey of Alabama nr-.
::*5%  Q
  o? r4“’?(“*%i"'r WB To ‘?     ,l  ·*
Q gr i but at the present represent departures from all of the knowi .  
 { Q    species of Cambala. Q `;  lu;
  As a result of cavernicolous life, the color of the animalv _ii ‘r_p Tk
ui  '. . . . . _ 
  is uniformly testaceous, and the eyes are reduced in size an< y   tul
  are unpigmented. The antennae are also longer than in ep1 . 
  gaean species of this family.  
  ¤  ,0
stage,  ¥  m4
  . . . . Y:  ,
  "lroglocambala loomisi, new species =  le]
  _   wl
  ir- 6t
  _   th
  Type spec1mens.—Holotype male, Alabama Museum on {E eq
?=-jig; Natural History from Turk’s Brookl rn Cave, at Brooklyn  
  r l   m
  Conecuh County, Alabama; collected by Walter B. Jones oi   {1-
  October 2, 1952. Topoparatype male deposited in the U. S  
  National Museum.  
  . . .. . . . ir lil
  D1agnos1s.—W1th the characters of the genus· specifil ra ey
  ;,.<»- . . . . . 7  
=g$¢;·%. features obtam in the sha e of the male enitalia. ¤~ ;;
Qsezry  g PE 1
  Descr1ption.—A moderate sized cambaloid species, adult  
  ranging from 40 to 50 mm in length and up to 2.5 mm il lt tl·
  width, with from 55 to 62 segments.   ul
  Body cylindrical, slender, about 19-20 times as long ar  
j§g¥;ig§ broad; segments 2 to 4 constricted, 5 to 7 enlarged, other.   jg
  smaller and of nearly equal diameter throughout the body.   G
  Front of head smooth, convex; sides nearly straight, con   0‘
  verging very slightly distad and weakly margined; clypeu  
  smooth with four widely separated setae; labrum with a trans J,
ygéfggi verse low of about 14 fine hairs. Mandibular stipes large  
  almost tw o·thn ds as long as exposed portion of head, not con Q3
  cealed or excavated, distally mucronate. Eyes poorly devel is L
  oped, each consisting of a linear series of about eight small  
  weakly pigmented ocelli, partly covered by the front edge o'  
Hiéé  the collum. Antennae long, reachin back to the 5th seg Q;
;,*?·z·;;;  . . . g, .  
gégggg; ment, densely setose; Joints in order of decreasing length, 2.  
  6, 3, 4, 5, 1, 7; 4th through 6th almost twice as long as broad  
  4 terminal sensory cones. Gnathochilarium typical for family  
  Clollum large, smooth, broader than succeeding segment  
  l)0$i€€1`101` CQYUQY U€HI`l§’ I`€Ct3.llg'Lll2t]‘,   3 Oy 4 ghgyt lgngj  
  tudinal ·St1“121€.f1`OIl1 the caudal margin; front edge slightly  
igéé sinuate in outline, niargined up to the middle of the ocelli. Az: 
.    al!
ities - — 
{We:} . 'F 
§#§§t§! `________,___.,_- ..... .... .... -...—.—-·-—·-—- --   . _
_ it

 ' · L
  New Genera and Species of Cavernicolous Diplopods From Alabama ll  
k110W1 "  Second segment extending below level of ends of the col-  
  lum; without a conspicuous lateral crest but with four or five  
  ’_. weak lateral striae on each side. Dorsal surface smooth.  
nimalw  Q Third segment very similar to second. Fourth with two lateral  
ze ant Yi; tubercules and four weak dorsal crests.  
in epi    
  Fifth segment with a tear-drop shaped swelling for the  
  pore and with the dorsal crests more prominent. Sixth seg- §‘
  ment as large as preceding three combined, pore swelling l
  larger and lower than that of fifth. Seventh segment some-  
ii; what smaller than the 6th but otherwise similar. Both are j
  produced ventrally into two tab-like processes, those of the   L
  6th segment overlapping along the midventral line, those of  
  the 7th merely in contact mesially. Succeeeding segments  
Bum Oi   equal in width back to the antepenultimate. Anterior subseg- i
?0k1Y11 * ments scarcely exposed, posterior subsegment finely fluted in  
*1195 01 » front of the transverse sulcus. l
e U. S .·l   `
  Last two segments legless, Telson smooth, barely equal-  
_ _ , ling anal valves. Latter smooth, inflated, meeting at a re-  
1D€€1f1<   entrant angle. Preanal scale broadly transverse, with two  
{ paiamedial tubercules and a tiny one at each corner.  
l adllll Legs without special modifications except those affecting l
mm 11 » the first pair of the male sex, which are reduced in size as 1
9 usual in the family.  
1011g 6 " This unusual animal is named for Mr. H. F. Loomis, Sen- ei
0t11€1`i ¥ ior Agronomist, U. S, Plant Introduction Station, Coconut  
><1Y- . Grove, Florida, the only American worker who has in recent §
y years made any attempt to prepare useful summaries of vari- _1
nt, con ·   ous diplopod groups.  
clypeu ;  
1 trans    
lot con j¤ l
’ devel- .7 L ._ , _ Q,. ,_ _ . . , . V  
t Small —s oomis, Haiold   1El.,1, Qiested millipeds of the family L5- l
edge O`   siopegtalidae in North America. Proc. U. S. National Mus., g
th seg, 84 (5006): 97-135, 35i1gs.  
igth, 2. J _ _ i
b1·Oad ’ o . , The cambaloid millipeds of the Umted  
family   States, including a family new to the fauna and new , Q
` V genera and species. Proc. U. S. National Mus., 86 1  
Bgmem   (3043) : 27-66, 40 figs. y  
t longi   T  
a 1

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