xt7x959c7282 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c7282/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals 1_05 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.05. text Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.05. 1938 1938 2014 true xt7x959c7282 section xt7x959c7282 4.;, ,,
il; i Vol. 1 December, 1938-January, 19%, ‘V No. 5
.n·- &,F,· ,r_
ll}! " ii ·_  
. \ ' · . .
  W. D. Armstrong, Hortlculturist, Editor 42,  A ·'f
'll\' *, ,· _
lie KENTUCKY FRUIT GROWERS of strawberries. This shoufdi prove ·
TO MEET JANUARY 25-26 to be very valuable to strawl:ugT·ry A
AT LEXINGTON growers. Another out-of-stait§`*,»»o
visitor will be Professor A. . — X
Plan to Attend! Teske, Extension I{o1·ticulturist§2i£/.;,  
- The Kentucky Horticultural of the state of Virginia. He will {ag? ‘
Society, with the College of Agri- lead in the discussion on apple 4 I
culture cooperating, will hold itS and peach production trends in i
83rd annual convention on Jan- his State and 1]g“’(;[· fruit growing
nai-y 25 and 26 at Lexington in developments there. His discus- i —
connection with the Farm and sions should be of great interest. E
Home \\'eek. The meetings are as Virginia is one of the heaviest Z
1 to be held in the Agricultural fruit producing states. Mr. G. C.  
,i,_ Experiment Station Building on Oileykiyk of the U_ S_ Department 2
the University of Kentucky of Agricultural Biological Survey i 2
¤¤* campus; and, being scheduled in rwill also be in attendance and i
connection with Farm and Home lead a very important discussion   ·
PM XVOQK, lt Wlll g`l\’(t 'tl1OS0 111 Httlllld- On the (]0]]t]‘O]_ Of mice in the  
ance an opportunity to come early orchard, The fact that many I .
and take advantage of the Well- growers have suffered heavy  
rounded, educational program to losses from mouse injury in the t
be presented at the Farm and past, coupled with Mr. Oderkirk’s 5 Q
Home sessions as well as to attend experience and fine work in this   I
the horticultural discussions. This field should combine to make this   _
fact sgould appeal ite a great an outstanding part of the pro- if
many ruit growers, or in a ma- am. 2
C jority of the cases they are also gTAt 11:00 A_ M_ Cach day the  
·i,. ¤·t¤r<*S¥¤d_ m a“d_ are c€"`I`Y1‘“Sv_0‘t horticultural group will meet with  
.,1`_ Ether lmcs   agmcugtumllitbtlnty the general group at convocation.  
141 °$1d$`s hmllclulturé ·_ Y T Hf f€“?t On these two occasions they will “i
~i,._ fombmed “1tl a lm} _alt'{‘Ct“c have the opportunity of hearing ji
0_ lortmultuml Program Sheu   QW two men of national reputation in  
‘ COl_lI‘3g0 3. lZ1I`g0 Hlld Gl1lZl1llS13SllC agricultllral and u]]i\‘Q[‘$it}' \VOI`k,  
MV att€Hdanc€· _ On _TVednesday Professor C. L.  
md Several lwidely known, out-of- Christensen, Dean of the College  
X ’ state horticultural workers will of Agriculture and Director of the  
‘ l ‘ attend the meeting and enter into Experiment Station, University of  
\ the dicussions. One of these is Wiseoiisin, will talk on coopera-  
.‘ ‘ Dr. G. W. Darrow who is in charge tive farm organization. Dr.  
" ` of strawberry work with the U. S. Christensen is a national author-  
‘ Department of Agriculture. He ity on cooperatives and has laid  
to will lead the discussion on the much of the framework of the co-  
f‘d` latest developments in strawberry operative movement in Wisconsin.  it
*3- production and the improvement On Thursday, January 26, Mr. 1 

 ’   .
l » 1
--·— ~   . l
` “ i 1 Louis J. Tabor, National Master gif ?I;F?gVb°l¤2‘l6¤- W- C- J°h¤¤l°¤·   TH
,· u GX g ll, y. -
·>f the Games “ -11 Speak 0- She 11;00A.M.-*1*ne     of J
Four Horsomop of Recovery - Recovery. Louis J. Tabor, Master ;
Below we prmt the program for oil 1 National Grange, Columbus. j By
the two day sessions and the one o‘°- Q M,
night session of the convention. 1‘0?n;‘h§;vTh$a5;2$§:_° (gr_Dg8l°-2-,%
i WEDNESDAY gaigow, U. S. D. A., Washington, Of]
· 9:00 A. M.—Seven Years' Experience 1:45  M__S0mB slums on Su-aw. A
Growing Poaopos ip Lospodom berry Production in Kentucky. g
Sod· Herman Yopp· P“d“o8·h· KY- W. D. Armstrong, Hortlculturlst, gm
9:20 A. M.-Some Newer Develop- prmcemm Ky_ thc
- o moms of Apple and pooch Grow' 2:15 P. M.-Marketing Kentucky on
* mg lp Vi"gmlo·· A· H·_T€Sko· Univ- Strawberries. W. W. Maglll, Lex- cle
i of Va., Blacksburg, Y a. ingtony Ky_ b
i 10¤°0 A·M-—N¤W<=r USGS ¤f '1`<>¤¤¢¢<> 2:45P. M.-nesuns in Fertillzing. *%*
_ · Extract ip our S_p"8·Y Program- Mulching and Spraying Red Rasp- lliil
-   GLA‘;go5igpkkY· BY‘P*`od“°tB berries. C. S. Waltman, Lexing- he
-1 0., Ol.1 V , y. t I K _ ,
‘ _ 10:20 A. M.-How the Farm Bureau 3;30O;l_M_yLADJOURN]\[ENT_ ig
‘ May Aid Fruit Growers. Ben E. '
Niles, Pres. Ky. Farm Bureau, ANNUAL MEETIN`1(li~—Ii‘-:I§T§~AW- ins
- · Henderson. Kr BERRY ASSOC 0 S
l ` 11*00 A·M·_L"“d"’Ship and C°°p°"" The season for conventions and <
V . tion in Agriculture. Dean C. L. 1 t. · n us ‘
`_ ` Christensen, Madison, Wis. ammo moo mgs IS up? _ · mu
` ’ 1:00 P. M.-Memorial. Led by Ben Among the other organizations 1
r 1 2%)¤i>Nh2es,PHenders%¤. Kiy. _ v_ that are holding their annual ·
‘ : . .— runing ren s in ir- · · ·
. QI _ _ gmia Orchards. A. H- T€SkB’ meet1i{)gs tl1e neartl`uture?r§rtlle bu
.   Blacksburg, V8__ sti-an ern) associa ions 0 xen- Sp]
V   2:00 P. M.-The Best Known Method tucky. These meetings are for one M,
  (gl I§i¥i§1S Mgw ;¤d 0t1¤erR<>rg)ents day and have for their purpose .
.   » a nure rc ards. G. C. der- · · .. d‘ _ ‘
i .~». _ kn-k, U. s. D. A., Larayeue, inn. Fw °l°fCt§" °f_ Oiflcfli all?] lgci pl;
    -— ; ; 2:45 P. M.—Observations in Bacteri- or? O lc assess mm 6 u ` V0
  _ g A um Pruni in 1938, Frank street, lining of the policies of the asso- im
·   Tl H€¤d€1‘S0¤. KY· ‘ ciation and the discussion of the 1
    Li 3:15 P. M.—T'l1e 1939 Government » . `
`_ 4 i gn Program for Orchardists. O. M. genera; pl§gram·Oi-“Ork fogctlgc ml
    _‘V~ _ ;¥ Farrington, Lexington, Ky. Miixl das asso?-¤ 103 mel? go S ·
    .:‘·   E--~*~¤ S--e--· 2?.éi.$.   i2.- §§`°i3..·‘Z..?°; *-0.
..’. · ‘___, ’;.’ 7:30 P. M.-The Spray Program for .“ i
_ V;     5 1939. Dr. P. 0. mtener, Lexing- group ef their members t° be PY°$‘ of
    ton, Ky. ent at the annual meeting as th`
I   ’_ _-   i ‘ 8:15 P. M.-Newer Developments in posgiblg an
  EY Fruit Disease Control. Dr. W. D. . . -
.i.l.__..»?M.,-;_E§ . Vaueauy Lexington Ky. Below are the dates of several Ou
  'l.j1<;·.i Q 8:45 P.M.—Results or August Spray- of the m€€tmgS* in;
Y`  j"·`?_-·£-.i-’ ing of Peaches tor San Jose Scale. January 2, 1939-10:00 A. M.
    W. D. Armstrong, Princeton, Ky. Monday-Marion, Ky. Critten- .
 °€"`§¥_-Qi · 9:00 P.M.—Business Meeting. Ken- den County Strawberry Grow- ml
I -‘§_`»-.-;Y·._? { tucky State Horticultural Society. ers' Association. fei
y .9‘`   January 7, 1939-10:00 A. M. W]
    THURSDAY Saturday—Greenville, Ky. Green in
  9:00 A.M.-Some Strawberry Yield River Growers’ Association. ‘
i2j._j_’LQi7;-`.lj Comparisons in Variety Tests. January 14, 1939-10100 A. N-
  _ C. S. Waltman, Lexington, Ky, Saturday-Courthouse, Paducah. m¤
  9:30 A. M.-Improving Production Ky. McCracken County Grow- in
  —_··, Z ji-  and Quality in Worth While ers' Association. ve
{   Strawberry Varieties. Dr. G. W. , · _ i_~_ ‘z_
   ii Darrow, U. s. D. A., Washington, t.G"°"";1*`$ (gf of ;l“""{;‘? _“?°°‘l‘, Ve
.9   , , D_ C_ ions an in eres e pai ies s lou t
i-‘_    I 10:15A. M.-A son Banning Program plan to attend.

 l“· ` THE THREE "Ws" AND HOW date set for mulching straw-
or OF MULCHING STRAW- berries. But where much freezing
er BERRIES weather occurs, it is much better
iB· By M_ p_ NICHOLS. County Agent, to mulch lll tl8.I`ly WlIllZ€I‘ 1’8.tZl1€I‘ Z
rrr Muhlenberg County, Greenville, Ky. than early spring. `
W_ _ “"""‘ _ _ 9. Mulch as soon as the ground f
m, Ed¤t<>r’S Note-——Th¤S 15 the tyre freezes; this usually Occurs ‘
of lHfOYm§tlOH SCI]? out   County Shortly after Thanksgiving in  
2;; Agent l\1ehols· for strawberry `yestcru Keutueky_ .
er €i'0W'?i`$ _ iii his 90UiiiY· Vile 10. Heavy mulching before the i
' thought it worthwhile to pass it ground freezes may result in Some j
K Y OD. to all of YOU. I`IC \V8.I1tS   HIB.d€ disease attacks, Similar to damp- Q
0** clear that his statements arc ing eg Of plants in a hot bed when I
ng l)HS€(l OH OYCY   }°CZII`S, CXPCTICHCC improperly and too heavily , .
eu; witl1 strawberries in \Vestern \vutCI•€d_ ;
ng- Kentucky and are written for with What? F
Muhlenberg County conditions ll- Straw is probably the best ;
amd mic. not to be caiistdmd es material to recommend generally l ‘
W- instructions for all of kentucky. for mulchirrg berries. l
W 12. Weeds or hay, but before l
Hd S t r a w b c r r 1 c s should be Seed Set, Cane pumice Shariugu  
“S· “iiiich€d· sawdust, and other materials may l 2
ms Why? be used if certain precautions are l·
iitii 1. High grade trade will not taken, Use sawdust only as a last   .
iii*` buy berries with grit or dirt resort. Never use leaves for  
°“’ splashed upon them by rain. mulch. i i
mc Mulch keeps them clean. 13. Any materials containing l {
OSC 2. Mulching helps keep weaker good should be stacked loosely L
`€c‘ plants. especially in ground dc- near the patch that it may become l ;
’“t‘ void of humus. from winter kill- thoroughly wetted and heat. This q ‘
iS°‘ ing and pulling out by freezes. insures the sprouting of the seed, { i
thc 3. Mulch in most fields greatly and lighter materials will become 3
iil° increases the yield per acre. better fixed and the wind will less   {
i` is 4. 'l`he size and quality of the likely blow it off the plants after  
S50' berries are improved. spread. 4
6 H 5. Mulch spread on the crown HOW? _
i`°S` of the matted rows works between M_ A feuupreuged Shure  
as iiic I`0“`$ ii}` tim iiciioii Oi iiic “`iiid handled manure fork is iprobablv  
and Yiiiiis iiiiii iicclis the Pickers the best tool to use with all strawy  
Emi out of the mud in the early morn- Hmmr.ialS_ {Tl
rr iiig iiiiii Him? i`iiiiiS· 15. lf the ground is sudiciently  
rrgnl _ 6. Mulch helps prcyent leach- Erm, much labor can be Saved by  
row- H12 mid Wasiiiiig and iiiiiiiiY iidiis using a team and sled or wagon  
fertility and humus to thc ground to haul the Straw Over the patch  
M when it is plowed under or worked Spread it us you gO_ Dont ever  
you iii· _ pile it on the plants.  
. M. 7. Mulch holds thc soil at a 16_ One to two tous d1~57“•€ight eg
lean, more even and lower temperature Of Straw per acre are the limits to ui
YO"' in $Pi`iiiSy tiiiis by i`0iiii`€iiiiS' de' stay within. On the high, poor  
. i`€i0Pi¤€11'€ of bloom T<‘l¤i$ U) Pi`0· soil with thin stands, approach  
’°m` Vciii diiiiiiigc from iiiic ii`i`i`Z°S- the limit. On low and rich ground { 
mid When? with a thick matted row, one ton  
8. There can be no definite is enough. l r
it ‘

 `} V  
A 17. There is a general tendency NEW RED RASPBERRY   t
to apply too much. Other material VARIETIES   8
as crabgrass and other weeds may C_ S_ WALTMAN’   S
be considered as SO much mulch. University of Kentucky, Lexington I 1
18. Great care must be taken Four 11cw varieties which have E
“ to sprinkle the straw evenly. As been int1·oduced by the New York i Z
a general rule and a goal to strive Fruit Testing Association have i
for, straw may be applied until no fruitcd this year for thc first time
leaves show at the time of mulch- Ou the Expcyimem; S tat i 0 I, ]
_ 1 ing- But if just a few straws are grounds. A brief description or °¤‘
 ’ moved, the leaves will show. Saw- these vm-genes follows, me
dust wd other hwy tight Hm- 1. royior.-The pierre of arte Yr
terial should be applied to only variety ure vigorous and grow mE
cover the ground about the plant quite mu and produce uew plums  
I e but never the 1e8·VeS· abundantly. In ripening season, in
they precede Latham by a few v
GROWER’S COMMENTS ON days. The fruits are thick and  
STRAWBERRY CULTURE meéitye, long-Fonic in shape,dtir1n nn
_ _ an tie qua ity is very goo . in
V I, am much interested in the ee Mee_ey__The plants grew del
ertreree I here been readme rr ran and virrorousl and are ver*
your new bulletin, Kentucky Fruit Stuedye ,1E’he frggt is ef nina $2;
r i?£§eS‘AT§$2‘§2-Z5‘2Z£§’?Ee.EE?1,r‘e.‘i,? ¤w*F*>‘» and the was     Pr
  preciate how much a good mulch cegmgmui) Lugeb, _ 1 f fa
` will help his crop out until he has tl . · _'°Y"turg·“1 *‘;‘e §¥)r°“t& 0  
. grown a c1·op of mulched berries. ,HS_ hm; ri, tem S Q C. ra .m` '
e _ E This mulch should go on right now S Heli am mum the mop re belpg
I n if it hewn; already been put eu. carried the canes droop consid- T]
  Y i The grower loses money on sandy Emmy: Fhc berries arc Hmr
2 _ and dirty berries. we ship U. s. r°““d*Sh1 dee? red m eeler ere
E  . so. 1 government graded berries O? sm quality- The r¤¤‘¤=¤‘
~   and need more fine berries and >’¤<=lds heaVrly· isi
Yi less poor oHo5_ · 4. :!:I1d.i3,I1 S'l1I!1II191‘.—-This V8.- m
·   A Fertilizer used on our berries Igety re erfel'er‘Peer‘rg ty.p€’ pr;) br
. J  - has given os a proat every time, remg e err erred ere? rr err Y 3*
    4 and growers are glad they used Su};mH,;€r_.aHd a Eyfr jll eriep;
el ii it. We favor early spring plant- hm EEN? are O. ettrr we lt} t0
;..;   ’ ings, as these seem to give the most t an t e rl R%s¤s__w*¤<=h rS_ the ta
3*.1 berries. And don’t forget that ggmlgon. °\_€r` Qmmg kYa¤cty‘ k'
  i i grub worms like strawberries; so le mms me quite der m color S}
    plow the ground real early to arid tend to l>·=.f=1¤‘lr Soft" Iv ¤‘
  freeze them out by setting time. S1Ze.th°y run frmly large'. Thrs 8
; ·-at e variety seems worthy of trial for v.
    _ We have found that these prac- garden planting o.
e-eg     _ tices will help grow better berries, 5. Fleming Giem.__Thie is e
 ee g, and better berry growers make 1 t ld . t th H b
._;   , , e better eseeeietiee somcw ia o er vareie y an IQ .1
_- »e_· . 1: ones already described but was 11
  g_ R. W. WINTERS, Marion, Ky, grown in trial plantings adja- ~ a
  `EE Vice President, Crittenden County cent to the above mentioned p
ny * _ Strawberry Growers’ Association kinds. The plants are excep- tl
~ 4
-   EE

 l tionally vigorous and new shoots ago when the severe pruning era.
are formed very abundantly. The was at its height; the trees and
season of ripening is ea1·l1er than plants, as a rule, are doing better
,1 Latham and earlier than any of because of thiS_
vc the other red varieties mentioned 1u fruit tmc pruning it has been
rk ;l£1l'iileT?1;1€;u1§S ari S¤;¤ll» Soft found wise to head the trees low,
vc fl y S (my um and encourage low limbs to pro-
nc Rlpenlng Dates and Yields tect the trunks from the hot south- 3 _
,u Harvesting started June 1 and West $llll· _ ·
of ended July 2 on the Indian Sum- _ lll 1`§?m_0V1¤K S¤l'Pl¤§ OY b1‘0l{€¤ °
mer, Newburg, Marcy and Taylor limbs ll ls Seed Pl`l1lll¤8 PF6€'€l¢€
, varieties. The Flaming Giant be- to make the GMS close to ihé i
Us ing earlier, harvest started May 28 trunk and not leave stubs. These L
lw and was completed on June 21. The Slllbe ele lelllele eVl§lellee of Pee? '
its yields Ou plum of 50 plants auch pruning. Where a limb has been _
in, 10110,,.: 1udmu Summer, 97 pints; broken oif well out from the trunk
zw Newhurgl 171 mms; Marcy, 113 and one does not desire to remove 5
ud pints; Taylor, 82 pints; and Flam- lim wlwle hmb» the broken POI"  
rm mg em, :0 pim. it will be Sm lm Should be ¤=*¤e<>v€d at the i
m this group that Ncwhurg gmc next fork·or side limb below 1t.  
3W decidedly the highest yields. In Ill l`€H10vmg limbs at erotehes  
YY some variety tests at the Western the cuts Sl¤¤¤lt1¢€ 111- tl`
, old wood is removed era, with the Jury rf f<>11ewe<1 by pr<>1<>¤se<1 q‘
generally used Knigen System of periods of sub-zero temperatures. ~f
training, four canes Of u€“v pI•c\*i_ xvllcrc the amount of pruning YC- IX
  i ous seosorrs growth are left to be €lu11’€§ that the werk be Started 8*
  tied to the trellis to produce the ru Mveurber er December. rt 2f
_r · 1938 crop. would SCD]? best go w0rkDii;St on gh
  V Pruning, as a rule, should be SH01 Value IGS as ~Olll€, e lclous tr
I e Huished before grogvth Star-tS_ and Grilnes. Still another possi— St
  ;l _ _ bility would be to confine the W
e,_ E Q Some Dangers m EMIY Pnmmg`? pruning to mature trees where the Ze
  ¥   An old saying often heard is pruning cuts would be relatively
4   { "Prune when your saw is sharp." small and mainly in the outer sur- E
j_g   This possibly might be modified faces of the trees, well removed .
  ·i’» Ei for certain sections. from the crotch and lower parts U
    Recent experiences in Kentucky ef the Scairold b1`&11°h€S·H
·°· lj and Indiana have shown that both ‘ Peach pruning if often delayed 0
  peach and apple trees pruned until the extent of winter and ti
ij?   heavily in the fall or early winter spring frost killing of buds is de- a
  · of 1935 were more severely in- termined. This gives the grower S
  jured by the low temperatures of an opportunity to prune his trees J
{Elf, January and February, 1936, than according to the prospective crop V
  unpruned trees or trees pruned they are carrying. Many peach G
  after that time. Professor Burk- growers do considerable renewing 0
  holder of Purdue recently called of their tree-tops when a complete if
  attention to the fact that 10-year- crop is lost from spring frosts. t
  old Jonathan and Stayman trees Likewise, it is generally safest to t
    heavily pruned in December, delay one’s grape pruning until r
  _ 1935, at Lafayette, Indiana, after danger of severe winter 1
Y-}? ~.»_r I   showed severe winter injury later freezing is past. This assures one
  i_·"_   and that 14-year-old trees of of a better selection of mature l
·,l‘· 5 = li Stayman, Winesap, Delicious, fruiting canes and renewal spurs l
1_ ;:· Rome, Grimes, and Golden De- than if fall pruning had been 1
i 6
. l§l‘

 ily done, cutting away large quanti- N0te.—O11 Aphid   '
Qf ties of healthy wood, and then Due to the tpemeudeus less suf-
gyy later having some ofthe retained fered by apple growers in 1938
lup fruiting wood winter killed. This from rosy apple aphid injury, the
ess late pruning, however, puts one following article should be _0f i
sly at the mercy of the weather man wld? l¤li€Y‘€$l· _It is almost n'n· Q
the and often causes a rush in getting P§>S$1lJl€ te Pnnulcl future llll"Stu‘ i
ny the job Hpishcd pious basedD on papth experienpp, l
owever r. ie er repo s :;
  WINTER SPRAYS thing isi 3 lng h°¤"{ FW Oi  
  IW W- W-   {EQ2], iii? titwliiilai alilzon- z
"lt Winter ¤r¤>’S are netliiiu; new ditiongis is not kiiown, but grow- l
‘\'8- to orchard growers. However, I eps gllgllltl examine their apple ;
hen would like to impress on many of shoots to see if the tiny black l
l€(l» our apple and peach growers, shiny eggs can be found in abun— ‘ 
lllll especially in \\vCHl.l‘l`l1 Kentucky, llHnC€. i
_°f the serious consideration of an ll
  unusually thorough spray this APPLE APHIDS AND THEIR  
in winter of 1939. ln 1ny opinion, CONTROL *
ned there is more living San Jose P· O- RITCHEK l
§icS_ Scale in our orchards of western D€D¤¤'Un€nt ¤fE¤t¤¤¤<>1<>zv ¤¤<1B¤t¤¤v   V
- I-0, Kentucky I10\\' than we have had Four speeies ef aphids, or plant ; A
pled any year since the winter of 19125- liee as they are called, are found g _
, it 26. As to just why the scale in Kentucky apple orchards. The  
t on should be worse in western Ken- four kinds have lthe common  
ious tueky than in other parts of the names of §PDl€·gI`3l¤ nphldy SY€€n l  
Ossi- state. the only reason 1 coma give errle erlnd, iwelly apple erhid, ~
the would pp that the Cxtppmc Spb_ and the rosy apple aphidf I Z
llllc zero temperature of January, 1936, Tun nPlll‘§·€U`nln nluud IS found l  
\'0l}’ ppactimlp. Cpmpmtpd Scalp from on the fruiting clusters before and p
tiltlli l°“lS"lll‘*~     the i*OP¤‘¤· 2€2°‘;§’l2°t‘§OE‘i£r€lf§tS€Qlféliiliilg  
mrtg tion has not accumulated thus far. aids grain The glfecn appl; aphid    
I llcllsolllllly l‘ll°“' of °ll€ pellcll spends the growing season on the  
wpd orchard in McCracken tnounty apple tmp and in Some years I
and tllllt ll°l`° ll Sllllullllll ullllll lll 1937 causes considerable injury to the  
S dc_ and was eompletelynkilled out by succulent growth It is usually  
up-ep Sulllu llufulc lllllu lu uldullv lllc found on water sprouts or grafts {
trees °l‘ll`lll“llt , Sllllly lllc _l0ll°llvlll,g where it causes a severe curl of  
cmp winter, Phish scale €‘]ll(lClllllC 1S the leaves The green upple aphid  
ieaeh Qulllllly ns ‘?l`l°uS lll tll°_°l`°lllll`llS is easily controlled by adding  
wing Dt °lll` lclllllllg li°lllllll`l`l`llll l’°‘l°ll nicotine sulfate to one of the early  
plplp Ei1‘0“`<‘1`S. So serious has it heemue (_m.(,1, Spmpp pg
mstp that at least in two orchards Thp woolly apple aphid is  
lst to the owners were forced to apply pmluly 8 ppsf of yeuup upple  
until ll “ulnln"l` nu to —‘li¤<·l< us *ln`<`n*l trees, working ou the roots where  
ppc,. last August. it pauses kuotty swellings. Some- l 
S eue Please keep in mind that it times the woolly aphid is found l 
utupe takes an extremely thorough ap- above ground on apple trees, but  
spurs plioation to make a clean-up of it almost always workslon water § . 
been the live scale. sprouts in wounds or injuries and  
me ‘ 

· ' does not attack the fruit. The 100 gallons of water plus a ..
, woolly aphid spends part of its 2-2-100 bordeaux plus 1 pound of \
life cycle on the elm where it lives tar soap. The spray was applied _
_` in galls on the leaves.l For this in March.
reason, the young app e trees in .
the -nursery should be grown as H°W t° Comml Rosy Aphm
‘ far from elms as possible, Rosy aphis, as well as other
· The rosy gphid is the xvgrst kinds of aphis, may be controlled _
— ` aphid of all, as most Kentucky in the delayed dormant stage or
· apple growers can testify It ui;- ill the (l0I‘m&11t stage. Materials
tacks not only the foliage but also that Oim be ¤SOO1`d€€111X- emulsion is unpleasant to use
» Snap plot only 6 POT 0Ont of tl1€ because it is caustic to the eyes.
- ;§ clusters WOFO l11fO$t€fl Wl1llO ln face and hands of the sprayman.
. l   the t“’O Ollnck PlOt$ 47.5 and 54 Beside, this material will not con-
    per cent of the clusters were in- trol San Jose Scale. To control l.
(   , fested. The other dormant sprays both Scale and rosy aphis, a com- ll
· ii g3V€ SO¤1O control but WOFO lll- bination coal tar oil and petrol- H
Y     ferior to the coal t31' oil. _ oil emulsion is often used. Petrol- ,,-
~   Growers who had trouble with eum oil emulsion plus DNOCHP ,,
    i rosy aphids this year are urged to is pleasant to use and will control ,,
—   ;·  try a coal tar oil dormant spray both rosy aphis and San Jose Il
  lj this next year. The formula we Scale. It is used in the early l,
i i { · used is coal tar oil 2% gallons to spring as a dormant spray. H
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