xt7x959c659s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x959c659s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-04-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1930 1930 1930-04-25 2012 true xt7x959c659s section xt7x959c659s Best Copy Available
0. T. C. UNIT











SOMME DRIVE IS 1930 Kentuckian
RHOADS, BARNES University Cadets CHAIN STORES TO Finals Program
TO START GAME Will Be Inspected BE TOPIC OF U. K. Is Changed by SPEAKER'S TOPIC Is Adjudged As
By Army Officials NTVESTERN MEET
Committeemen AT CONVOCATION Outstanding Book
Regimental Parade and Guard
Sydney Schell and Hugh Jack
Mount to Feature ExerVanderbilt to Place Strong
son to Represent Kencises Monday, May 28
Lineup With Perfect Rectucky Tonight
ord in Field
Col. E. H. Harris of corps area
headquarters, Columbus, Ohio, and LOCAL DEBATERS WILL
Col. F. N. Bowman, of Fort Thomas,
TO AVENGE '29 LOSS will inspect the University R. O. TAKE AFFIRMATIVE SIDE
T, C. unit Monday and Tuesday,
McBrayer and Augustus to Be April 28 and 29, Major Owen R. Speeches to Be Published in
Meredith, corps commandant, anBulletin for High School
Battery in Saturday's
nounced last Monday. The InspecDistribution
tion will include both drill inspec-

BI Elbert McDonald
The University of Kentucky baseball team will meet the Vanderbilt
Commodores here today and Satur.
day in what is expected to be one
of the best games of the season.
The Commodores have a strong
team and have not been defeated
this year and, along with Kentucky,
present one of the strongest teams
in the South. Vanderbilt will place
practically the same team on the
field today that spoiled Kentucky's
chances for a perfect record last
season. The Wildcat nine will be
composed of the same team that so
Lundgreen's Illini in the presence of
"Bob" Zuppke here Monday.
Coach Devereaux will start Captain Rhoads on the mound and call
on Barnes to do the receiving, in
the first game. Paul McBrayer, the
jlnxed Scotchman, will take the slab
in the Saturday game while the
choice for receiver has not been decided upon.
Mac is determined to break the
Jinx that has been shadowing him
of late and especially to wipe out
the memory of his meeting with the
Vanderbilt team last year and so
can be counted upon to give the
large crowd of fans that are expected out to beth games a real,
pitching exhibition.
. .The infield .nMfrr been tomw-inrapidly and mucnoi the
that has featured the
games and was directly responsible
for the three losses to Ohio State,
will probably be absent when these
teams meet.
The "Big Blue" will only play two
Southern Conference teams this
season, the other team being our
ancient rivals, the Volunteers, and
they are anxious to have a clear
record when they clash at Knox-vil- le
late in May.


Senior caps and gowns are now
rondv for distribution by the Uni
versity book store, and Seniors are
requested to get them as soon as
possible, as they are to wear them
in the May Day parade. A deposit
of $3.00 is exacted to insure the re- turn of the gowns. There will be
no charge for the use of the gowns.
Thn second meeting of students
on month to month probation will
take place on Wednesday afternoon
April 30, at 4 o'clock in tho registrar's office. Students who must
report to the pommittee may obtain
blanks for the registrar's office on
which they are to have their grades

Dean C. R. Melcher will leave
April 30 for Fayettcville, Ark., where
he will attend the annual conference of deans of men. The meeting will be held at the University of
Arkansas for three days, May 1, 2,
3. Dean Melcher Is on the program.
His part Is to start a discussion on
"Is Religion a Guide in Student

sororities, both social

and honorary, will be required to
turn in a scholarship report to Dean
Melcher before May 10. Fraternities falling to turn In this list within the specified time will be dropped
from the scholarship report list.


myself to lie in bed until noon during the holiday I did Indeed struggle to arise to class this day. Last
evening at the dance at Frankfort
I did see LUCY DAVIS, GEORGETTE WALKER, JIMMY SULLIVAN and many other celebrities
and near celebrities. This vacation
has indeed had a strange and peculiar effect on some of my friends.
Despite the lack of suitable spring
(Continued on Page Six)

tion on the parade grounds and examination on various subjects in
the classrooms.
A regimental parade and guard
mount will be the feature of the inspection Monday afternoon. The
parade and guard mount last Wednesday afternoon were held in preparation for .the arrival ot the inspection officers.' V
Although tithe Inspection officers
will take into consideration the administrative facilities and activities
of the unit, the work, of the basic
course men filling the ranks will determine the rating of the unit. The
officers will vote he unit as unsatisfactory, satisfactory, or excellent,
depending upon the results of inspection in the following subjects:
First and second year basic
courses, and first and second year
advanced courses.
Particular attention will be given to general administration inspection; unit administration inspection;
unit training inspection and an eco
nomic survey. Special class meet
ings have been held' during the last
week for the purpose of preparing
the students for the classroom ex

Staff Members for
1931 Kentuckian to
Staff members for the 1931 Ken- tuckian are being selected, accord- ing to Rex Allison, editor, and
names and positions will be
announced In the next issue of The
Kernel. The position to oe filled
include associate editorship, division
editorship and sophomore and fresh- man assistants.
The associate and
will be selected from the
nlru. Mace anri Mr
ceive applications from the mem-- 1
bers. oi mat ciass mrougnout next
week. Applications for assistant po- -

Tonight at 8 o'clock in Room 111
of McVey hall the University of
Kentucky and Northwestern University will engage in debate on the
question: Are National Chain Stores
a Menace to This Community? The
University debating team, composed
of Sydney Schell and Hugh Jackson, has the affirmative
of the
question, while the Northwetsern
team composed of William C. Wines
and Richard Peterson, has the negative.
According to Prof. Sutherland,
University debate coach, this debate will be one of the most impor
tant held on the campus this year.
"It is particularly important because of the current interest manifest in the question, not only by
economists, but the people of the
commercial world as well."
Stenographers will be present and
the speeches will be taken down in
After corrections have
been made the speeches will be published in a bulletin which is issued
by the extension department, and
distributed to the various high
schools throughout the state. The
same question will be used by the
high schools of twelve states in their
debating activities next year, Mr.
Sutherland said today.
.Thitetho ..thiHI ar4hattb- University of Kentucky has been
the host to the Northwestern de- bating team. On each occasion they
tour Central Kentucky, debating
fore the various high schools,
on Wednesday night at 8 o'clock
the two teams debated at Williams- town; Thursday night at Paris, and
tonight they are here.

Sat Y.





Announcement that final examln
atlons will be given the last three
regular class periods this semester
instead of the program usually followed by the University was made
yesterday by the committee on examinations. This committee was
appointed several months ago by
the University Senate to invest!
gate the best method of giving ex
animations in order to save the
most time.
Final examinations for freshmen,
sophomores and juniors will be held
during the week of May
while examinations for seniors will
be held a week earlier. The advan
tage of this recently adopted meth
od, according to officials of the
University, is that much time will
be saved. They had feared that
there would not be enough time
between the regular term and the
first term of summer school for
Junior Week and for certain improvements which are to be made
on the campus.
This method of giving examinations was first tried the spring semester of last year, and met with
much unfavorable comment from
the student body. According to reports, however, this year will be the
last time this method will be used,
due to official action of the Uni
versity Senate.

Former Dean at Transylvania
Will Address Seniors at
on June 1
lessor- oi

reugious-eaucanow- at


University of Chicago and a former
dea;i of Transylvania College; will
deliver the baccalaureate sermon to
the graduating class of the Univer
sity at 3 o'clock in Memorial hall on
June 3. The sermon will be preceded by a march of the seniors in caps
and gowns from the home of Presi
dent McVey to the Memorial building.
Dr. Bower was for 15 years a
member of the faculty of Transylvania and the College of the Bible.
He accepted his present position at
the University of Chicago in 1926.

AnX o"nprSessrp?rtmnann

fac- - Local Group Will Attend Stu- - manj 'Positions and filled them with
greatest ability. For
ultv advisor, before April 16. Any
dent Cabinet Meeting at the years of his residence the Lextwo
sophomore or freshman is eligible
Camp Daniel Boone This ington he was dean of both Tranassistfor these positions and tho
sylvania and the College of the
ants who serve on the 1931 KenBible.
He Is widely known as an
tuckian will be given preference for
Several cabinet members of the orator and Is considered one of the
editorial positions on the 1932 staff.
most enlightened students of the
Y. M. C. A. were delegated at a
meetlnt? of the cabinet Tuesday Bible in America.
night to attend the state student
He is a member of the American
fiiiiflpntfl cabinet convention at Camp27 Daniel Academy of Religious and Social Sci1A All
ences, the
ne on AprU 25 26 and
Education As'convention will be taken up with sociation, the committee on ChrisT,
the th discussion of next year's pro- - tian Education of the Federal CounStudents making all
Arts and Sciences college nave
and the various problems cil of Churches and is chairman of
announced through Dean Paul confronting Y. M. C. A. organiza the curriculum committee of the
pt Boyd's office. The students are tions at the several universities rep- Disciples of Christ.
ten in number, being five seniors, resented.
Dr. Bower has held the position
three freshmen and two sophomores,
delegates from the of pastor in many of the foremost
no Juniors made an all A standing University the Morton Walker, new- churches of the nation and is highly
The ten persons ly
m this college.
president of the Y. M. C. regarded for his work in this field
are: Elizabeth Acker, Paducah, sen- - A.: elected Ruttencutter;
Carlysle of religion. He is the author of
Donald-RolanAuten, Pontiac,
Schuermeyer; Bill Valade; J. M. many books on religious subjects
Mich., sophomore; Clyde B. Craw- - Jones; Malcolm Barnes;
Robert and has attained fame as a writer.
ley, Henderson, senior; Harry Henry
Al Klkel.
Emmerlck. Henderson, freshman; Stewart and
In addition to the delegates from
.Isabel Irwin Isgrlg, Paris, freshman;
Mrs. Grace Ruth Johnson, tiexing' the University of Kentucky Tran25
ton, senior; Horace Mitchell Miner, will be representatives from
sylvania, Eastern Normal. Berea.
Lexington, freshman: Bonnie Lee
Perkins, Paris, sophomore; Mrs. Moorehead Normal, Centre have
The Political Science Forum anLola Lemme Robinson, Lexington, Kentucky Wesleyan, who will beau- nounces that Its next meeting will
the opportunity to enjoy this
senior; Mildred Anderson Rue,
Kentucky river. be held at 4:00 p. m., Monday, April
tiful camp on the
128, in room 301 of the Administration building. This will be next to
the last meeting of the year and an
Professor Jones of the Political
Science department will speak on
"Ghandl and the Indian Situation,"
which was chosen because of its
timeliness. Every student and faculty member who Is interested in
relations is Invited
KathMembers of the Junior and senior queen has been elected. Miss honor 'to participate in the discussion. as
Nicholas W. Williams will act
classes and a few of the more fa- leen year, was awarded the
asbut due to illness she was chairman of the meeting.
vored of the sohpomore, will en-J- last
unable to go through with the corthe gym tonight to
semble at
then, will
one of the best dances of the onation exercises. This,prom queen
that a
school year. The dance committee,k, be the first yearduly presented and
has ever
President Frank L. McVey has acthe chairmanship of Jack ar- crowned. been
cepted an Invitation to deliver a sehas completed elaborate
The dance will be one of the very ries of three lectures at the Univerrangements for the affair, which
last until sity of Chicago during the summer
few school affairs that
will be formal.
1 o'clock, and It Is expected that the
year. The general
As an added attraction to the fair
advantage of session of this
co-ewho will lure many gullible guests will take full The members subject of Dr. McVey's series of lecthe the overtime period.
tures will be "Administration
males to the entertainment
of the dance committee are at- Higher Education."
Queen of the Prom will be presentdance earlier
the start
ed to the dancers. Miss Mary Lou tempting customary, the
and have rePEAK, D. II., EXECUTIVE
Renaker, Junior in the College of than Is
be present
Arts and Sciences and member of quested that all Juniors
not iuier iuuh
witn tneir aates
Kappa Delta sorority, was elected nv.1nlr
It has recently been announced
by the members of the Junior class
jfnSSf .an opportunity to'thot D. H. Peak. University business
much-soug- ht
fer the
agent, will attend the annual meet
last week to this coveted and
during recuperate from their strenuous ex- ing of the Association of University
honor. At some time
evening the activities of tho ertions.
and College Business Officers at
The gym will be decorated in the the University of Colorado, Boulder,
dancers will be interrupted and the
crowned amid the school colors. Attractive programs May 22 and 23. Mr. Peak Is a memqueen will be
will be presented to the girls, which
cheers of her sorority sisters.
carried in the ber of the association's executive
Last year was the first in the his- will doubtless be Page Six)
(Continued on
tory of the school that a prom

Dean Announces


Forum Meeting to
Held April

Junior Prom To Present
Attractions for Guests
With Crowning of Queen


Orders Large Number for
Advertising Purposes

That Time


Maintenance ot Army as
Measure of Preparedness
is Advocated

Friday, May 2, official "May Day"
of the University, has been chosen
by Editor Virgil Couch for the official distribution of the 1930 Kentuckian, at which time members of
the graduating class and others who
have ordered books may, obtain their
copy of the outstanding college annual in the South. Bound in a
most attractive cover of genuine
black walrus, it presents an appearance which promises much within
its covers, and this promise is more
than fulfilled as one goes through
Its contents.
The art of the annual represents
the spirit that led the men of America through the World War.
Scenes of the University campus
are such that they are fully representative of the beauty of the institution.
This year, for the first time ever,
the picture of President McVey is
done In charcoal. This is the highest honor that can be awarded a
person through the medium of engraving. The pages which bear the
pictures of the deans are well balanced, with an individual picture "of
each dean and the entrance to his

Probably the outstanding feature
of the book is the section which
contains full page illustrations and
pictures of campus affairs. This
section, together with the beauty
section which includes eight full
(Continued on Page Six)

University Woman's
Club Elects Officers


CJomirig Year,

Mrs. L. L. Dantzler and Mrs. D.

H. Peak were elected president and

respectively, of the
University Woman's Club at a meeting of that organization Tuesday
afternoon in Patterson hall. Other
business of the meeting was the
election of other officers and the
selection of delegates to the convention of the Kentucky Federation of
Woman's clubs.
Other officers elected were: Mrs.
Fordice Ely, recording secretary;
Mrs. G. C. Latimer, reelected treasurer; and Mrs. C. M Knapp, reelected corresponding secretary.
Delegates to the Woman's club
convention, to be held at Bowling
Green, are as follows: Mrs. L. L.
Numerous Courses Offered, Dantzler, Mrs. D. R. Peak, Mrs. F.
According to Dean Taylor, L. McVey and Mrs. P. P. Boyd. The
alternates are
Director of University Ex- Laughlin, Mrs. Miss Margaret McGeorge Roberts and
tra Term
Mrs. Lester O'Bannon.




Complete schedule and Informa
tion concerning the summer session
of the University are now to be had
in the form of the University bul
letin for the summer terms, according to Dean W. S. Taylor of the
College of Education, who Is director of the summer school.
The first term will begin June 16
and expire July 19; the second will
be In session from July 21 to August
23. Classes will be held from 7:30
to 12:20 dally. A variety of courses
will be offered in all the colleges,
as well as in the Graduate School.
The summer school is Intended
for those who, like teachers and
superintendents, are unable to attend the regular session and for undergraduates and graduate students
wishing to shorten the period of
their college courses.

Plans for Floats



Davis, Dennett, Armstrong
, and Hobson Selected as


Administration of University TO BEGIN

0. P. Robinson Describes
In Detail Conditions of

Speaking at the general convocation of University students at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning
Memorial hall, and taking as his
topic "The Operations of March 21,
1918," Col. O. P. Robinson, professor of Military Science and Tactics
at the University of Indiana, presented an interesting discussion and
a vivid portrayal of conditions existing at, what he termed, the
"turning point of the World War."
He stressed the necessity for pre
paredness, and suggested a medium
between the two extremes of prep
aration on the part of Germany
and unpreparedness on the part of
the United States at the outbreak
of the last war.
The Somme drive of March 21,
1918, was the biggest and the final
offensive drive made by the Germans. Illustrating his discussion by
various maps of the war area, Col.
Robinson pointed out the steps given in the following historical synopsis: "The first and heaviest blow
fell to the right of the British army
and at the right Junction between
the French and the British. It was
launched March 21 on a front of SO
miles, and continued until April 6."
In, concluding his address CoL
Robinson expressed 'his belief that
an army should be maintained by
the United States, not reaching the
extreme in preparedness such as
Germany boasted, but lying somewhere in the midpoint between the
great preparation of Germany and
the great unpreparedness of the
United States at the beginning of
the World War.
Col. Robinson Is the author
"Fundamentals of Military Strat



Approximately One-Haof
Student Body Cast Votes
in Election

Miss Hazel Virginia Baucom, of Lexington, a junior
in the College of Education

and a member of the Alpha
Gamma Dlta sorority, was
elected Queen of the May for
1930 yesterday by the men
students of the (University.
Approximately one - half of
the student body cast votes
in the election, markiner one
of the heaviest ballots polled
in years at campus elections.

Miss Baucom will be crowned
Queen of the May on May 2. at
which time the University will hold
its annual celebration of the advent of the month of flowers and
fair weather. On that day she will
ride at the head of a mammoth procession through the streets of Lexington, her native city, and will be
formally crowned with beautiful
ceremony on the campus proper.
Miss Kathleen Fitch, also of Lexington, a senior in the College of
Arts and Sciences, a member of the
Kappa Delta social sorority, receiv- el the second highest vote in yesterday's election, and as a result
will be maid of honor to Miss Baucom when she is made Queen of
the May. Miss Fitch will be remembered as the first Junior Prom
queen at the University of Kentucky, she having been elected to
that post last year at the first prom
queen election here.
Misses Katherine Davis, of Lexof Richington; Betsy Bennett,
mond, K?.; Mary Armstrnog, of
Lexington, and Mary Sidney Hobson, of Ashland, Ky., were chosen
attendants to the ueen for the ceremonies at the annual festivities.
They ranked in the vote poll in the
order named above.
An unusual feature entered the
election when it was discovered
that four of the girls honored in
yesterday's contest are residents of
Lexington. It is expected that this
in an expression of
will result
greater interest in the May Day
ceremonies this year than eber before.
May Day exercises will begin at
10 o'clock with the procession of the
Senior Class in caps and gowns,
(Continued on Page Six)

Strollers Play

Mountain Towns
During Vacation

Must Be Submitted

Seventeen members of Strollers
presented "Scarlet" to mountain
fuirilpnces durlne the soring vaca- All fraternities and other organiof
zations are requested to submit tioa This trip marks the close
and Direcseason
their plans for May Day floats to the Riley is for Strollers well pleased
said to be
the May Day committee of the Uniproteges have
versity Senate and get the approval with the showing his year.
of this body, before building the made throughout Lexington ThursThe players left
floats and entering them in the pa17, and returned
rade. The committee consists of day morning, April
playing at
Prof. W. E. Freeman, chairman;
Thursday, April 17, and at
Dean Sarah Blandlng, Dr. W. D. Plneville April 18.
Funkhouser, Prof. L. J. Horlacher, Harlan.
The trip was made in a private
and Prof. R, D. Mclntyre.
of the organiplans should be submitted either car and all members dellehtful trip.
sation rpnort a most
verbally or in writing to proressor
with a great
Freeman, not later than May 1. The The play was received dqui nanan
committee will inspect all floats be- deal of enthusiasm Its presentation
and Plneville and
fore the pdrade starts, and any
very profitable to the dra
that are objectionable will be re- nroved organization.
quired to withdraw.
Several new memoers were uuten
into Strollers at a meeting held
Monday, April 14. All appeared In
"Scarlet," ana are as iouows; unris- Ikulie Julllisuu, uiuuca vjuwo, uuii.o
George Roberts, Kenneth
Mclntyre and John Hearne.
Those who made the trip are me
mpmhors of the cost: Misses Kath
erine Davis, Christine Johnson and
Mary Elizabeth
Gates, Jack Smith, Frank Davidson,
lady Earl Cella. James Dorman. Kenneth
leen Fitch, that "demure" little
from the K. D. chapter, aspired to Mclntyre, imd John Miner,
Hearne: Miss
laurels and a kingdom; Mary Arm- Marguerite McLaughlin, chaperone;
strong, with the army and the Trl Irmen Fort, electrician; Malcolm
Delts behind her, hoped to go far; Barnes and John Jones, stage crew,
Edith Literal of the Delta Zeta and Thomas L. Riley, director.
group tried smiling her way to a
throne: and last, the serene Kath-erln- e
Davis of local color fame.
Four years ago some organization1
decided that we did not have
It Is a University tradition that
enough traditions on this campus
freshmen must attend neither
and set about to discover, invent or the Junior Prom nor the Senior
create one. The May Day exercise
Ball. The Men's Student CounIs a living refutation of their efcil will enforce the rule at the
forts. It has been on this campus
Junior Prom tonight, and all
so long that students have forgotfreshmen students, whether they
ten that it never existed, and
have been given tickets or not.
throughout the world it Is so old
are asked to comply with this
when It
I that no one knows exactly
did start. It seems that it originaJunior men have had one date
ted In the east when the oriental
big and two stag bids placed in
(populace treated itself to a sprlng-- i
their postofflce boxes by the
time orgy of eating, drinking, dancProm committee.
ing, and, in general, celebrating the
(Continued on Page Six)

May Queen Election Brings
Forth Exhibits of Intrigue
As Nine Sororities Compete
Thnrsrfnv. the democrarv of the
student government asserted itself
and elected a May QUEEN.
is hnrHlv a fair statement of the
case, for the ladies were not allowed
a vote, but what power tney were
able to exert with their feminine
charms! Such political intrigues
and cabalistic designs have not been
exhibited since, since oh, well, since
this time last year.
Nine sorolltles with nine well organized and well oiled political machines sponsored nine pretty girls
fnr th onu nositlon of the year
which is worth the effort they ex
erted to win.
Thn 7.Pn. Tims threw themselves
Into the race with Ruby Rodgers;
the Chi Omegas, tne one sorority
which still clings to Limestone for
at all, projected
no good reason
themselves Into the affair with Sydney Hobson; then the Alpha Gams
' th Hazel Baucom as their best
entry: Molly Mack Offutt held high
the glory of the Theta house; Kath

Freshmen Excluded

� jr.




Baseball team, University, leav- vcrsary with a Founders' Day banMiami University, Oxford, quet at the chapter house, April 12,
mwtmtiEfl Ohio. for
and the banquet was followed later
In the evening by a formal dance
2. May Day, being celebrated
on the campus by a parade In the at the Men's gymnasium.
The honor guests at the banquet Prof. It. E. Jnrman lo Direct
afternoon followed by the gingham
Presentation of Mendelsin the gymnasium at night. were Dean F. Paul Anderson, Mr.
MM I dance 3, Delta Slgmn PI, honorary J. B. Dicker, L. E. Nollcau, S. T.
sohn's Oratorio
ainncr-aanchonorary members.
Saunler, all
Commerce Fraternity
LOST Phi Beta pin with H. C. S.
Bruce E. Maxson, Cincinnati, alumMembers of the Gulgnol players,
on back.
Finder call Ashland
nus, was the principal speaker of under the direction of Prof. Frank 4935.
Kernel Annual Banquet
The staff of The Kentucky Ker- the evening.
jFowler, presented "The Terrible
Wrist Watch near tennis
nel of the University entertained
m. ...... ilSlli.lllU quia
Alumni present were Oscar Stoes-sc- r, Week," a play by Charles Rand LOST
court; finder return to Kernel ofguests and representatives of the
Sunday afternoon
A. H. Voelcker, J. P. Schllngcr Kennedy,
fice and receive reward.
various Journalistic organizations of Louisville. Ky.; John E. True, Memorial hall, as the regular weekbanquet
at G Cincinnati; R. W. Splcer, John E. ly vesper service.
with a delightful
LOST Alpha Delta Theta sorority
o'clock Tuesday evening, April 15, Colby. R. R. Miller, Lexington, and
The scene of the piny was laid at
E. K. H. Please call
at the Lafayette hotel. The affair J, H. Ray, of Grays, Ky.
'the foot of the cross and the time Ashlandinitials
one given by the
was the night of the crucifixion.
Baseball game. University vs. paper.an nnnual
Vanderbilt on Stoll Field at 2
Colonel Robinson Entertained
Three characters
Mr. Wilbur G. Frye, edltor-ln-chlTo nil presidents of fraternities o'clock.
Colonel O, P. Robinson, from the woman, Mrs. Lola Robinson; a solof The Kernel, Introduced University
Typewriting work of
assistand sororities; Plcnsc appoint one
Indiana, convocation dier, Andrew Hoover, nnd an army STUDENTS
Miss Margaret Horsflcld,
for the evening, speaker, who gave an Interesting officer, James Boucher. The cast
all kinds at reasonable rates.
person to send in the society news ant professor of the romance lan- the toastmastcr
Prompt and accurntc service. Hazel
Mr. Martin R. Glenn, who presentbeeach week to The Kernel office
talk on "The Operations of March gave an excellent performance unguage department, entertaining the
fore Wednesday, every week. Your faculty members of the language ed the speakers on the program. 21, 1018," in Memorial hall, has been der the direction of Mr. Fowler. E. Brown, Fayette Warehouse No. 1,
cooperation will be appreciated, ns staff nt dinner In the evening, at Dean Paul P. Boyd, of the Arts Grc-ha- the guest at several affairs planned Special musical accompaniment was Mill and Bolivar, Phone, Ash. 599.
this arrangement will save he staff G o'clock at her home In Maxwcl-to- n Sciences College; Prof. Enoch
in his honor during his stay here.
given by Dr. A. W. Kelly at the
Prof. Gerald Griffin and Prof.
Tuesday evening Colonel and piano.
much time.
court, April 26.
Victor R. Portmann, Mr. Nell Plum-me- r, Mrs. Robinson were entertained at
.Sunday, April 27
Mr. Jess Laughlln, Miss KathProf, (sternly:)
Vesper services In Memorial hall leen Fitch, Miss Helen King and dinner given by Major Owen MereCALENDAR
'Our Dog' Is word for word the same
at 4 o'clock,
Mr. David Griffith, were called on
Wednesday, President and Mrs. as your brother's."
Friday, April 25
j Monday, April 28
For students having two or three
during the evening for speeches.
The Junior Prom given by the
Sweet young thing: "Why not? It's hours to spare in the evening or
Preceding the regular program, Frank L. McVey gave a luncheon at
and Blade dlnncr- -'
morning, a large organization can
members of the Junior class In the dance.
Theta Sigma Phi, women's national Maxwell place at which Colonel and the same dog." McGlll Dally.
men's gymnasium from 9 until 1 ' Tuesday, April 20
fraternity, Mrs. Robinson were guests of honor.
Special meeting of the Interna- pledged the following girls for the
Miss Mary Alice McRae, of
Baseball game. University vs. tional Relations Class at dinner in spring
a former student at the UniVanderbilt University, nt 2 o clock, the Commons. Herr Wolff von De Smith, Dorothy Carr, Mary Virversity, spent last Friday and Satginia Halley and Ellen Mlnlhan.
at Stoll Field.
Wall, the speaker.
urday in Lexington visiting friends.
Saturday, April 26
The banquet coincided with the
Herr Wolf von De Wall speaking
Lances and Keys fraternity dance in German to the students, faculty birthday anniversary of Prof. Enoch
Mrs. Dean Rumbold, of Richmond,
from 9 until 12 o'clock in the men's and townspeople Interested In the Grehan. The Kernel extended their
congratulations to Mr. Grehan and was a visitor at the Kappa Delta
presented him with a box of cigars house the past week.
as a token of its appreciation.
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity anSpecial guests of The Kernel for
the dinner were: Professor and Mrs. nounces the pledging of Mr. Vernon
Enoch Grehan, Dean and Mrs. Paul Rooks, of Paducah, and Mr. Harry
M. A. Mangione & Co.
Cor High and Lime
P. Boyd, Professor and Mrs. Victor Elvin Reiser, of Lexington.
Professor and Mrs.
R. Portmann,
The Mothers' club of Delta Tau
153 South Limestone Street
Gerald Griffin; Messrs. Roy Ows- Delta fraternity
ley, Nell Plummer, Edwards Temp-ll- n, chapter Tuesday with a tea at the
Haii-cu- t
35c, Shave 15c
Kathleen Fitch, Jess Laughlln, house on Lexington avenue.
Haircut 40c, Shave 20c
James Shropshire and Lois Purcell.
Mr. Grover Creech, of Pineville,
Except Saturday
was a week-en- d
visitor at the Sigma
Founders' Day Banquet
Nu house.
XI Chapter of Alph