xt7x69700k9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x69700k9m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1954 1955 journals  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, December 1954-January 1955 text The complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, December 1954-January 1955 1954 1954 1955 2021 true xt7x69700k9m section xt7x69700k9m  

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OFF-chat; ORGAN of y,
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VOL. 2 DECEMBER, 1954 — JANUARY, 1955 NO. 2





“Hand In Hand, The Children Can Lead Us"


“An Equal Educational Oppoi'tunity for Every Kentucky Child"















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Accident Insurance


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The K.T.A. Journal


Vol. 2 December, 1954 - January, 1955 N0. 2


Published by the Kentucky Teachers' Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky


Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, President of K. T. A.
Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Associate Editor

Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Assistant Editor and Business Manager
Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Contributing Editor
Mrs. B. L. Douglas, Louisrxille, Contributing Editor

Board of Directors
A. R. Lasley, President, Hopkinsville, Ky.
l. A. Carroll, Lincoln Ridge, Ky. E. W. Whiteside, Paducah Ky.
C. B. Nucholls, Ashland, Ky. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro Ky.

Published Bimonthly during the school year October, December, February
and April

Membership in the K. T. A. (Four Dollars) includes subscription to the

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 Copies 1954 K. T. A. Membership 1420


Editorial Comment ........................................................ 3

K. T. A. Kullings .......................................................... 5
Education for the New Order ............................................... T
Negro Educators Attend Conference on Deseg‘rega‘tion ........................ 9
Parental Attitudes and Integration ......................................... ll
The Negro and Job Integration in Industry .................................. 1‘3
Guidance at Central High, Louisville, Kentucky .............................. 15
President’s New Year Message ............................................. 16
The Improvement of Kentucky Schools Through Desegregation ................ 17
Districts’ and Local Associations’ Reports ................................... 19
Report of K. T. A. Auditor ................................................. 20
K. T. A. Honor Roll ........................................................ 21
“Asking and Sharing” .. .................................................. 21
Good Teaching Is Going On ................................................ 23























K. T. A. Committees for 1955

(BY A. R. LASLEY, President)

Legislative Committee:

President R. B. Atwood, Frankfort,

Prof. C. B. Nuckolls, Ashland
Prof. Steve Samuels, Bardstown
Prof. J. V. Robinson, Elizabethtown
Prof. Frank Simpson, Elkton
Prof. H. R. Merry, Covington
Prof. O. W. White, Maysville
Prof. Lester Mimms, Evarlington
Prof. E. T. Buford, Bowling Green
Prof. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro
Prof. William Summers, Dainville
Prof. Carl Walker, Hazard
Prof. J. H. Bronaugh, Hopkinsville
Prof. J. Wayman Hackett, Louisville
Mrs. M. C. Adams, Hopkinsville
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, Frankfort
-Mrs. Virginia McDonald, Louisville
Miss Clara Clelland, H‘arrodsburg
Atty. McAlpin, Louisville, Consultant

Research Committee:

Dr. G. D. Wilson, Frankfort, Chairman

Mrs. Maude Brown Porter, Louisville

Mrs. William Wood, Harlan

Mr. R. L. Wilson, Stanford

Mr. C. L. Timberlake‘, Paducah

Prof. Carl Barbour, Louisville

Mrs. M. J. Egg-ester, P-aducah

Mr. Sam Taylor, Frankfort, Advisory

Resolutions Committee:

Prof. H. E. Goodloe, Owensboro,

Prof. W. H. Perry, Louisville

Mr. Richard Livers, Bloomfield

Prof. L. J. Buckner, Hopkinsville

Dr. Lloyd Alexander, Frankfort

Mrs. Pearl Arnet’t, Madisonville

Mrs. Mary F. Thompkins, Hopkins—

Mrs. Cleopatra Adams, Louisville

Committee on Rural School Problems:
Mrs. MamyeMorris, Louisville, Chair—
Mrs. Ora Lee Curry, Columbia
Mrs. Iola Morrow, Eilkton
Mrs. Blanche Elliott, Greenville
Mrs. Veda Den-ning, Bowling Green
Mrs. Ethel Lomax Brown, Jefferson—
town School
Prof. T. A. West, Hopkinsville

Necrology Committee:
Prof. G. V. Curry, Jenkins, Chairman


Prof, L. A. Diggs, Louisville
Mrs, M. T. Nelson, Richmond
Mrs. Lucile Woods, Glasgow
Mrs. Roberta Wylie, Hopkinsville
Mrs. V. M. S‘C'hoffield, Mayfield

Scholarship Loan Fund Committee:

Prof. H. S. Osborne, Princeton, Chair—

Prrof. F. L. Baker, Lexington
Prof. E. W. Whiteside, Paducah
Prof. W. M. Wood, Harlan
Prof. W. O. Nuckolls, Providence
Miss Osceola Dawson, Paducah

Teacher Retirement and Social Security:

Prof. J. Andrew Bishop, Louisville,

Miss Alice Samuels, Frankfort
Mrs. Leslie Smith, Drakesboro
Mrs. Margaret Simmons, Paducah
Mrs. Emma B. Horton, Ashland
Miss Arletta Bacon, H‘ovpkinsville
Prof. Arnold Wright, Frankfort

Vocational Training Committee:
Prof, M. W. Taylor, Paduca'h, Chair—
Prof. Frank Shauntee, Frankfort
Prof. Arthur Johnson, Louisville
Prof. Robert Banks, Hlopkinsville
Pro-f. Newton Thomas, Horse Cave

Committee on Desegregation and

Dr. C. H. Parrish, Louisville, Chair-

Dr. R. B. Atwood, Frankfort

Dr. G. D. Wilson, Frankfort

Prof. William Reed, Paris

Prof. J. A. Matthews, Benham

'Mrs. Algnes Duncan, Louisville

Mrs. Clara Taylor, Lexington

Mr. H. E. Goodloe, vaensboro

Commission on Teacher Education and
Professional Standards:
Prof. Whitney Young, Lincoln Ridge,
Prof. P. L. Guthrie, Lexington
Mrs. Minnie Hitch, Frankfort
Prof. Alfred W. Eason, Frankfort
Mrs. G. M. Whitney, Hopkinsville
Prof. E. T. Buford, Bowling Green
Mr. C. L. Timberlake, Paiduca‘h
Mrs. Clara Clelland, Harrodsburg

AUDITOR: Prof. M. J. Sleet





Editorial Comment {





Already more than four hundred teachers have sent in their enrollment fees
fees for the school year 1954—55. ‘The K. T. A. Honor Roll published in this issue
of the Journal lists these schools and their administrative officers. To each county
superintendent or city principal there has been sent a Certificate of Honor. These
are generally placed on school bulltin boards and serve as daily reminders to the
teachers of the appreciation on the part of the K.T.A. officers for their advance
enrollments. We are anticipating an enrollment of about 1100 more teachers and
friends of education and have set 1500 for our membership goal for 1955.

Advance enrollments permit us L0 plan with more assurance our program for
the 79th Convention in Louisville, April 13, 14, 15, 1955. This plan permits each
teacher to receive the membership card, program, and badge in advance of the
meeting and greatly facilitates the handling of records in the secretary’s office.
Each principal or official is therefore requested to enroll the teachers of his staff in
one group and send the fees to the secretary as soon as possible. Let us make this
January of 1955 the biggest month for advance enrollments in the history of the
K. T. A. Each teacher is asked to give the principal of his school or the organizer
of l‘“: county his $4.00 membership fee for 1955.


The 79th Meeting of the Negro Teachers of Kentucky will be held in Louisville,
Kentucky, on April 13, 14, and 15,1955. The theme of the convention will be
“EducatiOi- and Job Placement”. As indicated by the article in this issue of the
Journal by Mr. Charles Steele, we need integration in more jobs in our industries.
For too many concerns overlook entirely the employment of Negroes. Most of the
jobs given them are mainly of the janitorial type and too often far out of harmony
with the training and ability of tie worker. Our convention speakers, our discus—
sions, and panels will study the problems in this area. The October issue of the
K. I. A. Journal mentioned some 01’ the speakers to be invited and a detailed out—
line ot' the entire program will be given in the February—March, 1955, issue of the
K. T. A. Journal.

We are seeking integration in the public schools and in higher educational
institutions but Without job placement as a follow—up we are headed for economic
chaos. We are not capitalizing on the many millions of dollars of spending power
which we possess and getting the occupational placements comensurate with this
buying power. It is in these areas that our teachers and pupils must be informed.

The enrollment fee for each teacher is $4.00 per year. This is used mainly to
defray the expenses of publishing the K.T.A. Journal and our annual convention in

This year, more than ever, teachers should not only enroll but plan toattend
the K. T. A. Convention. Not only does the K. T. A. sponsor pupil integration but
teacher integration as well. Jobs, jobs and more of them is the crying need of the


of the
Louisville. Kentucky


















Since the day of slavery Negroes have learned to experience hardships. They
have faced situations that have called «for tact, diplomacy, understanding and ad—
aptability. This has created a sort of immunity to rebuffs and discouragements.
Therefore, when the Negro faces a program of integration, he is not experiencing
something entirely new. For many years the Negro adult and his children have
been hurt whenever he was denied opportunities for job placements, better hous—
ing, better recreational facilities, equal educational opportunities and in the case of
children, opportunities to participate in amusements open to other children.

Even though the process of integration may be hurtful or even painful to the
Negro in many instances, nevertheless, he will endure it, hoping to realize the final
advantages to be devoled therefrom. The Negro is more or less accustomed to
being hurt, but in the past, there has been no end in sight. The proposed desegre—
gation program gives a ray of hope to the Negro that might tend to strengthen him
to meet the situations with which he may be confronted. The Negro believes that
there are a lot of fine white people in America who will assume such Christian
leadership as will tend to minimize the hurts “that might yet come to him”. The
Negro has faith in our democracy and awaits with patience the fulfillment of the
principles set forth in our constitution.


Put These Boots On And Go Places With Your . . .



Enroll now:

K. T. A. — $4.00
N. 'E. A- — $5.00

Take A Firm Stand -- A Strong
United Profession Is
Important because . . .

The proper education of children and youth of our nation has
assumed increasing importance in recent years. At the same
time the difficulties in providing good schools have multiplied.
Teachers who are members of local, state and national educa-
tion associations have made progress in uniting the teaching
profession behind these purposes. Further progress depends
upon you.







K.T.A. Kalilage

Mr. Ellis Whedbee, teacher at the
Central High School, was one of the
representatives for Kentucky in a meet-
ing of the National Biological Associa—
tion in Florida early in September, 1954.
He was among the few prominent Negro
biologists in the country who attended.

.Mrs, Anita W. Robinson attended the
meeting of Negro educational leaders of
the South on October 26, 27, 1954, in
Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. Robinson
represented the KTA.

The teachers of the Montgomery
County Training School at Mt. Sterling
enrolled 100% in the KTA early in Oc—
tober, 1954. This school sets a splendid
example that others might well imitate.


Mesdaimes Helen Kean, Beatrice C.
Willis, Elizabeth B. AlXandr, and Eun—
ice S. Wilson attended the luncheon
celebration of the Bi—Centennial of Col—
umbia University at the University of
Kentucky on October 28, 1954. These
teachers received their M.A. degree
from Columbia University.

Lincoln Institute appears .to have the
champion football team of the State.
Among the schools from which it has
won football games this year are Cen—
tral High School of Louisville, Dunbar
High School of Lexington, and Douglas
High School of Henderson. We salute
them as champions and congratulate
President Young and Coach Broaddus.

The Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools met in Louis—
ville on November 29—December 2, 1954.
Most of the principals of the accredited
schools of Kentucky were in attendance.
The new president is C. V. Troupe.

Recently President Eisenhower ap—
pointed B. 0. Davis, Jr, as a brigadier
general in the Air Force. General Davis
is a graduate of West Point and is the

first Negro to command an integrated
unit in this branch of service.

Mr. Charles Woodson and his faculty
of the Bardstown Training School re—
cently visited the public schools of
Louisville, including the new Central
High School.


Mr. J. W. Hackett, principal of the
DuValle Junior High School, was in-
vited to represent the Louisville Public
Schools at a joint conference of the Ad—
visory Committee and the Cooperative
Committee in Educational Administra—
tion which was held at Mammoth Cave,
Kentucky, on October 17, 18, 19.


.Mr. Robert Lawery and Mrs. Bettie
Douiglas of Central High School, Mrs.
Elizabeth Shaffer of DuValle Junior
High School, and Mrs. Lucille Madry
of Jackson Junior High School attended
the guidance conference at the Univer—
sity of Kentucky on October 29, 1954.

Mr. Harvey Highley, V.A. administra—
tor, recently advised President Eisen—
hower that racial segregation had been
eliminated in all 166 hospitals for veter—
ans “with an absolute minimum of un—
toward incidents.”


Professor C. L. Timberlake, president
of West Kentucky Training School, has
been asked to recommend an outstand-
ing Negro high school graduate of 1955
of Kentucky for consideration as. an
appointee to West Point Academy or


Kentucky State College observed
Founder’s Day on October 12, 1954, and
unveiled a founder’s stone in memory
of those who helped organize the insti—
tution. The» college opened on October
11, 1887 with 55 students. Governor J.
Proctor Knott was governor at that time
and Dr. E. E. Underwood of Frankfort
was the first Negro to be appointed as a
trustee. Professor R. B. Atwood was the

















principal speaker at the dedication cere—

Mr. H. A. Kean, coach at A & I State
University, was featured in the maga—
zine section of the Nashville Tennessan
on Sunday, November 21, 1954. He was
titled “a great teacher of football”.
Coach Kean was formerly at Kentucky
State College.

Donald Jones, a field secretary of the
N.A.A.C.P., predicts that most of the
southern states will eliminate segrega—
tion without difficulty. He predicts that
Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, South
Carolina, and Georgia will be the five
southern states to procrastinate and will
probably be called the “Southern

New teachers added to the Louisville
Public School system for 1954—1955 are
Mrs. Penelope P. Fisher and Russell L.
Davis, Madison Junior High School; and
Miss Lavera Smith, Virginia Avenue

The KTA Board of Directors met in
Louisville on October 30 at the office
of: the secretary—treasurer. All directors
of the KTA were present and the meet—
ing was featured by a study of the prob—
lems of integration and the making of
plans for the 1955 convention.

Professor H. R. Merry, principal of
the Lincoln—Grant School at Covington,
was named as the representative of the
southern states on a special committee
at the meeting of the Southern Asso—
ciation of Colleges and Secondary
Schools. This was the first time a Negro
educator had been invited to parti—

Dr. R. M. Wheat, for more than 25
years a leader among the Negro Boy
Scouts, recently passed away. Mr.
Wheat gave unselfish service in the in—
terest of Negro boyhood in Louisville
and throughout Kentucky,

A recent study reveals that there are
446,909 white children in Kentucky
schools in 1952. At the same time there
were only 30,696 Negro children. The
Negro children make up 6.4% of the
total student population. This is the
lowest percentage of any of the south—
ern states. Oklahoma is the next lowest
with the Negro population representing
7.8% of the total student population.
The US. Supreme Court has postponed
its session for outlining methods for de—
segregation until January when the new
justice of the Supreme Court shall have
been approved by congress. The Su-
preme Court decision of May 17, 1954,
outlawing segregation was unanimous.





Compliments of


Representative of
Publisher of Your Yearbooks

Manufacturer of Senior Invitations
Caps and Gowns







“Be not the first, by whom the new is
Nor yet, the last, to lay the old aside.”

Many educators and writers are de—
claring that we are now facing a new
order in the field of education. This
change, they contend, has come about
as the result of our inventive genius
and the world upsurge of the masses.
In many parts of the world today min—
ority groups are demanding social
change. They no longer wish to be
ruled by other people. There is a feel—
ing of self—sufficiency in the matter of
economic development and government—
al astuteness. The United Nations have
given much encouragement to this new
attitude on the part of smaller nations.
Unfortunately this situation calls for a
re-evaluation of our whole educational

We no longer train people to live in
one small community or one state or
even one country. Our problem today
is to train world citizens. Our sons are
going into every country in the world,
even behind the iron country. This
means that we need to give greater em—
phasis to the teaching of languages.

A friend of mine was telling me about
her experiences abroad. She traveled in
five different countries and her greatest
problm was to learn to speak the langu—
age of the different people of the
different countries. In the party were
several other distinguished educators;
perhaps top flight men in the United
States, but even they found it extremely
difficult to make known their simple

For many years our schools empha—
sized the teaching of Latin as a basis
for better understanding of English. To—
0133’, French, German and Russian are
just as important. if we are to 'clearly

of these countries. The teaching of Ian—
guages is no longer just a matter of ac—
quiring culture, but rather a necessity
in achieving world peace.

Greater emphasis must be placed
upon the teaching of social sciences. The
teaching of history is no longer a mat—
ter of story telling. Our college gradu—
ates and even our high school students
must have some understanding of the
background and the continuous move—
ment of peoples in the world picture if
we are to fully appreciate the changing
attitudes of our time.

Greater emphasis should be placed
upon the teaching of sociology as it
relates to the masses of mankind if we
are to appreciate the rising tide of cast
and cult.

In our teaching of mathematics we
must give greater emphasis to currency
and exchange of currency. It is very
important for individuals who travel
and for the members of our armed
forces to have some understanding of
the different kinds of money used in
different countries and the rate of ex—
change. Millions of dollars are lost each
year by tourists simply because they
do not possess this understanding.

More and more we must build an ap—
preciation for the arts. In America we
have become so accustomed to mass
production, big business and change
that we have given little thought to
developing a real appreciation for art
and what this appreciation can do in
developing better understanding be—
tween peoples as well as enriching our
own cultural values. Anyone traveling
abroad, in Rome for example, would
need some understanding of art in order
to appreciate the wonders of that
country. 3

When should this training begin? It is

. my opinion that it should begin in t e

elementary schools with an ever 1.-

. creasing emphasis. through .high..schb 1




















and college. Much can be done even
with the adult classes and through lec—
ture series to enlighten the masses.
When we begin to View the problem
of education in this light it becomes ap—
parent that better

trained and above all must have the

teachers must be

means for travel and study.

In many of our schools of today our
veterans have a better grasp of world
problems than many of their teachers.
They have gotten their understanding
through travel and contact.

We cannot afford to allow another

generation to grow up without this

world point of view.

All of this leads to another very im-
portant fact, namely: Tha-t our educators
in general have been among the poorest
paid professional people in the world.
Here in America where we are supposed
rto have the highest standards of any
country in the world, so—called menial
labor carries greater financial compen—
sation than does the profession as an
university professor. The salary of a
teacher is also a joke to a brick layer, a
carpenter or an electrician. When we
stop to consider the fact that the teacher
will be the one who must train the chil-
dren of all the laborng classes, certain-
ly labor would want a teacher who was
free from anxiety about her daily bread
and the other bare necessities of life.


If we can find money to train people
to kill people, we can find money to
train people to live. It might be said
with some degree of truth that if more

people in the world were properly
trained to appreciate the real values of
life there would be fewer wars.


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Educational leaders from fourteen
southern states met at Hot Springs, Ar-
kansas, in a three—day session and re—
leased a statement of findings on Octo—
ber 27, 1954, regarding desegregation
in the public schools of the South. The
states represented were Mississippi,
South Carolina, Texas, Georgia, Ten—
nessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Ar—
kansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Maryland,
Oklahoma, Florida and Kentucky. Re—
presentatives from the District of Col—
umbia also participated. Dr. Benjamin
Mayes, president of Morehouse College,
was chairman of the committee that
edited the final statement. This confer—
ence was sponsored by the Phelps-
Stokes Fund of which Dr. F. D. Patter—
son is executive director.

Representatives from Kentucky were
Dr. R. B. Atwood, president of Ken—
tucky State College, Mrs. Anita W. Rob—
inson, secretary-treasurer of Kentucky
Teachers Association, and Professor P.
L. Guthrie, principal of Dunbar High
School orf Lexington, and president of
the Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools for Negroes.

This release was presented to the
Board of Directors of the Kentucky
Association at a meeting on Saturday,
October 30. The directors went on
record as heartily endorsing it as pres—
ented. The release was then circulated
among the principals, PTA groups, and
school superintendents in Kentucky.

Some highlights of this release and
an expression of objectives to be sought
are presented herewith:

1. We welcome the decision and look
upon it as another significant mile-
stone in the nation’s quest for a de—
mocratic way of life and in the
Negro’s long struggle to become a
first-class citizen. The Supreme

Court’s decision is a part of an evolu—
tionary process which has been going
on in [the South and in the nation for
a long time, The decision was not a
sudden leap out of the American
tradition. It was the right and moral
thing to do. Moreover, it was a next
logical and inevitable step in the con—
text of our democratic development.
The movement toward full demo—
cracy has resulted in the abolition of
segregation in interstate travel,
equalization of Negroes in southern
universities, and the integration of
Negroes and whites in all of the
armed forces.

. We are convinced that there is a fun—

damental sense of fair play abroad
in the South. Southern people have
accepted previous decisions as the
abolition of the white primary, and
the admission of Negroes to white
universities. We believe that the
South will likewise accept the deci-
sion of May 17. We gladly note that
integration in public schools involv—
ing both students and teachers is al-
ready working well in some schools
of the South.

. Negro educators should not and can—

not afford to be a party to any plan
designed to nullify the court’s deci—
sion. To do this would be tantamount
to sharing in a plan to destroy the
very fabric of our Constitutional
Government. We regret that some
public officials have sought to per—
suade Negro educators and other
leaders to evade the decision by
agreeing to voluntary segregation.
This cannot be decently done; and
such persons who agree to this will
not be respected even by the officials
seeking such commitment or com—
promise of principle.





~4w—p7 m.-." .... ...










.We urge that immediate steps be
taken to implement the decision. We
are aware of the fact that it will be
more difficult in some places than in
others and :that the time span of im—
plernentation may vary. However,
there should be the cooperative ef—
fort in every community to plan on
the local level the implementation of
the decision. Blllt, the planning
should be done in good faith and
with an honeat desire to implement
the decision rather than scheming to
circumvent it.

We want the white child to have the
best and we want the Negro child to
have the :best. It is the opinion on
the Supreme Court that rthere can—
not be equality of educational op:—
pontunity for the Negro child in a
segregated system. Moreover, it is the
opinion of the Social Scientists that
it is not possible for the white child
to receive the best education in a
segregated system.

. Ours is a common democracy in
which the weakest and the strongest,
the most privileged and the most dis—
advantaged, the descendants of every
race and every nations, can share and
happily boast that we are proud to
be Americans. Children educated
from the [beginning in such a system
will insure for us all a future of
which we can ‘be as proud of as the
abolition of slavery and child labor,
woman suffrage, equal educational
opportunities for women, and the


institution of the public


. Time will prove that our fears have

no foundation in fact just as has been
proved by the implementation of
previous Court decisions. Segregation
breeds fear; and when the barriers
of segregation are at last removed
from American life, we will wonder
why we feared at all. We, therefore,
call upon the people of the South and
the nation to strive with good will
and honest intent to implement the
Court’s decision. It is our firm and
unanimous belief that the imple—
mentation of the decision will
strengthen the South and the Nation
morally, economically, and spiritual—
ly. We as Negro citizens stand ready
to cooperate wholeheartedly in the
progressive fulfillment of these de—
mocratic objectives.




Fig/w ‘Poéog ’55/








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if S





An attitude has been described as an
emotional response itO a person, place,
or thing. This implies that an attitude
is a preference for one mode of action
or another.

Personality may be defined as the
sum total of characteristics, traits and
mannerisms that tend to make an indi—
vidual different or give him a “unique—
ness!” Attitudes are important in the
general personality pattern. Their early
development may have a profound in—
fluence on later conduct in the adoles—
cent or adult stage.

Attitudes develop as a result of per—
sonal problems or conflicts, —- experi—
ence. Attitudes may further develop as
the result of a crisis such as a flood,
serious fire, war, etc. However, attitudes
are often learned by imitation. This is
especially true with children.

The child is not born with any special
group of attitudes. His personality dev—
elopment, including the attitudes he ex—
hibits in school life, depends largely
upon his type of parents, the home life,
and general environment.

Children rather naturally imitate
their parents expressing an attitude
about a religion, a race, a person, or a
place; they are likely to make the same
expressions. In games of play, it is not
uncommon to hear a child make an ex—
act expression of his mother or father.
A girl with a doll will handle it just
about the way her mother handles her.
A boy EGts his greatest thrill by acting
like his daddy. He likes to dress like
him, wear his hat the same way, and
make the expressions his father com-
monly makes. Thus it is to be reasoned
that attitudes of parents are imitated
Ion a large scale by their children.

The reactions of children toward con—
cepts of right and wrong are excellent
examples of “learned” attitudes. From
the earliest age, children are taught the

differences between right and wrong
and an attempt ‘is made to inculcate in
them attitudes toward right, towards
proper social relations, property rights
and so on.

On the other hand there are parents
who teach their children or imply by
.their conduct that children unlike them
are inferior. Some whit-e parents even
“teach” their children to believe that
brown or dark children, Negro children
in particular, are not the same as they
are because their ancestors came from
Africa nearly two hundred years ago
and that they were slaves for a long
period of time after arriving in Amer—
ica. The parent of today has no real
reason for such “teaching” to the child
and his act in doing so may be well
classified as an imitated attitude. The
white parent under consideration could
just as well teach the child that there
is one God, the Father of all, that He
has children of many colors and that
they live all over the world, the yellow
people in China, the brown people in
India, the white people in Europe,
red people in America, etc. They might
further be taught that color is no sound
basis of judging ione’s worth to society.
Good examples can be found among the
lower animals. A ygray horse, a black
horse or a white horse may well win
the Kentucky Derby. White cows and
black cows give milk of equal quality.
There is no difference between a brown
shelled egg and a white shelled egg, etc.
The white polar bear lives in the North
snowy region and the black bear lives
in hotter countries. The former bear
protects himself from the enemy by
being similiar in color to his environ—
ment and the latter bear protects him-
self from the heat of the sun by having
the proper pigment in his skin.

A good example of imit