xt7x69700h6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x69700h6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 2008 2008 2008-02-18 2020 true xt7x69700h6r section xt7x69700h6r PAGE 6:

BACK ON TRACK: After the blowout loss to Vandy,
the Cats returned to their winning ways at LSU



With tournament berth sealed. seniors
say gixxlbyc at lcxington lee ( Jcnter


i\l( _Nl )/\\

_FEBRUARY 18, 2008





Todd offers face time to students tonight

By Ashley Jeclflg


This Presidents Day. UK students
have an opportunity to personally talk
with a president: Lee Todd.

Students who are unsure of what
state budget cuts could mean for their
future at UK can hear what President
Lee Todd and Provost Kumble Sub-
baswamy have to say and ask their
own questions at the Cats Den‘s. “A
Conversation with Lee Todd."

history and African-American studies

sophomore and Cats Den
events coordinator.

“1 can’t think of a better
way to get information than
straight from our top repre-
sentative." said Rob Theak-
ston. event coordinator for
the Cats Den.

Ashlee Harris. an inte-
grated strategic communica~
tions junior. said she plans to

thing. to help? What is UK going to
look like next year?"

The discussion with the
president is just the first step
that students can take in get-
ting involved in their future at
UK. said Nick Phelps. presi-
dent of Student Government.
Legislators will change their
minds about cutting the higher
education budget if students
express to them that “they

tonight. will be an “opportunity for
students to have one-on-one. face-to-
face time with the president and the

The forum. which starts at 6:30

said Jeremy Ridgeway. a

attend the forum tonight to
ask questions about the po~
tential university budget cuts.

“1 want to know the full impact it
is going to have on us as students."
Harris said. “What we can do. if any-

will not stand for them." he

“The question is. what do (stu—
dents) want to make time for?" Phelps
said. “They could have (their legisla—
tor‘s) number saved in their phone and

call everyday. They could send them
an e—mail everyday. You send. they
read it."

Offsetting the budget cuts could
require the equivalent of a “30 percent
increase in tuition or the elimination
of 700 jobs“ Todd said in anc -mail.

"l‘m in Frankfort almost weekly.
sometimes multiple times a week.
making our case to legislators and pol-
icymakers about the importance of
higher education funding and main-
taining our momentum." Todd said.

But the university budget is not
the only topic that can be addressed
tonight: Ridgeway said he expects

See Todd on page 3







Each year, the Lexington Humane Society cares for more than 1 1,000 homeless, abandoned animals and puts them up for adoption. Programs such as Spay's the Way,
which provides discounted or free spaying and neutering to low-income pet owners, are meant to reduce the number of homeless animals.

Program gives cheap for for pet expenses

By Robin Pircher

news@kykernel. com

Students may find it hard to say “no"
to a furry companion. but many are un—
aware of the mounting costs and respon-
sibilities that come with a pet.

Pet owners have the chance to get
one important service — spaying or neu—
tering — for a low cost through the Lex-
ington Humane Society‘s Spay‘s the
Way program.

“Many people aren‘t aware the re-
sources are out there. or of the impor-
tance of spaying or neutering their ani-
mals." said Kristin Palmgreen. manager
of special projects and innovations at the
Lexington Humane Society.

A normal spaying or neutering for a
cat or dog can cost several hundred dol-
lars after shots and other examinations.
Palmgreen said. and the purpose of

Spay s the Way is to help pet owners
who cannot afford the full cost.

Luther James. veterinarian and own—
er of Scott County Animal Clinic. has
seen many student pet owners and said
he understands the financial drain it can
be on a college student's pocket.

“To spay or neuter can cost you any-
where between $50 to $300. but it de—
pends on the location. if you are in a big
city. it’s going to cost more than if you
were here." James said. “l‘m just glad
we have the amount of first-time owners
that get their pet the surgery and under~
stand how important it is."

Spay‘s the Way also includes rabies
vaccinations and city pet licensing.
Palmgreen said. The program is offered
throughout the year. but includes more
clinics and drawings for free gifts during

See Pets on page 3



A Lexington Humane Society employee loads a cage with cats and rab-
bits into a truck to take them to PetSmart, where they will be offered for



Sorority promotes healthy, diverse lifestyle

By Leticia Jenes


Beauty. food and dancing are
part of the focus of Alpha Kappa Al-
pha Sorority lnc.'s annual Total
Body Takeover week that kicks off

“AKA has always focused on
promoting good and healthy prac-
tices among women." said Sade
Jackson. public relations officer for
AKA. “This year we still wanted to
promote that but focus on some dif-
ferent events to involve everyone."

Today from noon to 2 pm.
AKA will pass out apples across
from Starbucks in the Student Cen-
ter to promote a healthy lifestyle and
to educate people about various cul-
tures and their health issues and

“This week is simply about ap-
preciating and educating ourselves
and our peers about the beauty and
complexity of other cultures." said
Alise Marshall. president of AKA.

The sorority is tackling health
and cultural awareness during this
year‘s event. themed “The Color of
One." Marshall said.

AKA will offer a cooking class
and a sampling of international dish-
es tomorrow night from 6 to 8 in
room 208 of Erikson Hall. The class
will be an opportunity to experience
new foods and learn how to prepare
healthy dishes. Jackson said.

On Wednesday in room 359 of
the Student Center. the group will
showcase capoeira. a Brazilian mar-
tial arts form. from 6 to 7 pm.

“Capoeira is a great form of exer—
cise." Jackson said. “Looking at all
cultures can promote health aware-
ness to revamp your body with the
versatility of these programs.“

Total Body Takeover week will
also feature “Pretty AKross the
World" on Thursday night from 6
to 8 in room 363 of the Student
Center. to learn about different cul-
tures and their perceptions of
beauty. Free makeovers will be of-


fered and a hair stylist from Sister
2 Sister beauty salon will also be

Erica McClellan. vice president
of AKA. said she is excited about
Friday's “Dancing Around the
Globe" in the Martin Luther King Jr.
Cultural Center from 5 to 7 pm. in-
dian. salsa and hip-hop dance lessons
will be taught by three experienced
instructors. McClellan said.

“All of the different dance genres
are a great experience someone could
do all in one day." she said.

The events are not specifically
targeted for African—Americans or
females. Marshall said. and all stu-
dents. faculty and staff can take
something away from the week‘s

“Nothing is more empowering
than knowledge." Marshall said.
“AKA is allowing people to learn
something daily at the events and I
encourage everyone to come to em-
power yourself by opening your
mind to the colors around us."



invited to

By Kelley Apoldg


Dressed in full 19thmcentury cos-
tume. Lisa Woods created and per-
formed a oneperson play personifying
the life of Emily Dickinson.

Woods. a recent UK graduate. put
on the hour—long production of "The
Belle of Amherst" for local high school
juniors to tell the story of the poet and
to promote "the opportunities of the De—
partment of Theatre to future UK stu—
dents." said Evie Russell. adviser and
programs coordinator for undergraduate

Woods was one of over 125 UK un-
dergraduates who participated in last
year's Showcase for Undergraduate
Scholars. which is meant to “increase
awareness and the number of under—
graduates participating in research and
independent creative activities." Russell
said. '

Applications to participate in the
third annual Showcase for Undergradu-
ate Scholars arc now being accepted
and are due by March 3] . The program
is sponsored by the Society for the Pro-
motion of Undergraduate Research
tSPUR) and Experiences in Undergrad»
uate Research and Kreative Activities
(eUreKa). Participation is open to all
undergraduate students and applications
can be submitted online at the eL’reKa
Web site (wwwukycdu.

The majority of students choose to
display their research using a poster or
an oral presentation. Riisscll said. but
there are not a lot of limitations.

The Showcase for ['ndergraduatc
Scholars was developed three years ago
in order to help L'K reach the up?“ no
tioiial status. Russell said. and 1K Pres-
ident Lcc Todd is ”extreriiel} supportive
but unfortunately \vrll not be able to at;
tend this year."

Russell belicvcs that participation iii
the Showcase can put students a step
above other students

“The sooner the} can get involved
in education orrtsrdc of the classroom.
the better the) are going to be the
better strident. the better individual. a
much more “ell—rounded person." Rus-
scll said

The event gives students and faculty
the opportunity to see the kinds of pro-
jects and research that is bcriig dotie by
undergraduates in various colleges at ['K

"Research is taking place iii any
discipline across campus. and thc \hmx .
case is an example of that.” Russcll

This year. the showcase vi ill be held
April 23 in the Student Center (iraiid
Ballroom frorii 4 to 8 pm. The [K dc»
bate team will kick off the event and
students from a nutrition and food \ci.
cncc class will carter ll. The event \\lll
include guest speakers Philrpp Kraciiier.
associate provost for undergraduate cil—
ucation. and Phil Hurling. history pro-
fessor and chair of the (‘licllgrcti (‘cntcr
for L'tidcrgraduritc l:\ccllcncc. \\lllt'|t
includes cUrcKa.

Local high school students. l'ls' \lll'
dents. faculty and staff are all encour-
agcd to attend the tree c\crit. Rirsscll

Auditioning for Real \Vorld’
means breaking a so c it

Howie Mandel‘s twin likes me.

Is that weird"? Probably so. but keep
reading because it gets weirder.

I‘m sitting at
Main Street Live
on Saturday with
nine other people
my age. listening to
a gtiy named Book:~
er. a producer 4 or
something like that
— from MTV's
“The Real World."

And it was one
of the weirdest ex-
periences of my
life. So here‘s my

One of the nine people fought in
Iraq for 18 months. Two of them are
funny. Two guys say that the most com—
mon misconception about them is that
they‘re homosexuals. And one of the
girls is pretty hot.


And then there‘s Booker \\ ho
looks surprisingly lrkc |io\\rc Mandel.
the host of NBCs "Deal or No Deal"
and another producer.

We're sitting there in a group iiitcit
vrcw .iuditiotirng for “The Real World "
The two producers are asking us ho“ \\ c
feel about the show. btrt l'm staring at tlic
cute girl because i don't watch ”The Real

Everyone. even me. remembers the
bun. at school the day after the episode
in which Karamo let the world know he
was guy on "The Real World Philadel-
phra." Everyonc. cvcii mc. knows ('o-
hutta. the country boy frorii this season.

Brit that's the extent ol my Real
World knowledge.

So I'm lost in the discussion of past
seasons. characters and episodes. and till
of the sudden. the conversation tums to

See Reel World on page 3

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i . r"

TWrefiiZyii'iiririiofi-sfliit you ' ‘



By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, chuck the
days rating it] is the easiest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 .,. Your comfort level is going
up. through your own ettorts Others
might think you're lucky, but you
know you work hard tor what you
get ETTJUV it Without gurlt

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 7 You don't chase tame,
you‘d rather have the tortunu and
your privacy You can step into the
!eadership position it necessary.
however It it's natural, do that now
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 w Recent developrrients re-
veal lots oi unanswered questions
Other people want to know, and you
can discover the answers They'll
appreciate your efforts

4pu1 com


Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 a- You should he in pretty
good shape tinancrally Travel condr
tions will be excellent tor about tour
weeks, Does that give you any
ideas? Take the initiative

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a
6 w A sense of foreboding is tem-
porary, and most likely inaccurate
You’ll soon he yr ur enthusiastic op
timistic self agavi Rest up until that

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 . Consult the grapevine it you
want all the latest gosSIp Find out
what's going on behind the scenes
at work. It never hurts to be pre-

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today Is
an 8 . Share your recent advert
tures Wllll i'lrllldh you'll hot: a
warm reception th't spend too
long With the crowd, 'iowever You'd
miss a romantic private moment
Scorpio (Oct. 23 ~ Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 A dornes'ic dispute is
ahosit to lost; irnpo'tuorn You and
the other person may new set, eye

Collision Center

Accr )tiiig till insurance claims.

eiinis Drive (2 miles lrom
campus) 3771l972

to eye, There's no need to be upset
Notice what's so anrl amend your
plans accordingly
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21) To-
day is a 7 A The next phase in your
plan is beginning to take shape
You've already taken the first step to
making it happen, Imagine all the
things that could go wrong, too
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a7 As you're allocating h-
nances over the next few days, set
aside tunds for your own education
The next tour weeks will be good
tor upgrading your skills
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To;
day is a /‘ , Creativrty is required
on today's assignment You also
have to be careful how you spend
your money You should he getting
used to all of that by now
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 7 It's time to get hack to
work, now that you know what
you're doing You and your partner
are unstoppable when you're head
red in the same direction



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Salma Hayek Loves Her Mom Role

I‘I’le| DiSH

“She's in hem cit." ii pal says
of Salma Hit) ck. mothcr to 5-
nionth~old \iilcntinii with but
billionairc fiziiicc ol itcurly ii
yciir. l‘TkthUlN-HCHFT l’miiult. 45.

"l'yc ncycr sccn hcr huppi~
cit" Hayek. 4]. is also helping
littlc ones across thc globe:
Shc’s thc um-bassudor for
UNICEF's ()nc Puck-One Vac-
cinc program with Pumpcrs.
(For cwry spccially murkcd
qunpcrs product sold in North
Amcricu bctwccn April I and
June 30. funds will proyidc trcc
tetanus yuccincs.)

“We huyc bccii ltlkL‘lT aback
b) hcr gliiciottsncss." UNK'lil‘K
(‘uryl M. Stcrn tclls‘ Us.

Leo & Bar's Getaway!

LCUllill‘dt) DiCaprio and Bar
Rcfacli put lingcring split ru»
mors to rcst \\hcn thc pair
who took a bricf break in ()cto-
bcr ililCl‘ £1 ycur and ti hull of \llll’
ing rcccntly icttcd ot'l tor LI
romantic gctuwuy to Mcsico.

lndccd. thc actor. 33. and thc
lsrucli niodcl. 22. lookcd hottcr
than cvcr licbruiii'y 4. hitting the
bciich in l’iicrto Valium and
tooling around on it golf cart
(whcrc slic [X‘rchcd on his lap).

More cyidcncc that thc loyc-
birds arc scrious about sticking

Bcl‘orc hcuding south of the
bordcr. DiCaprio to ho is schcd-
ulcd to bcgin filming thc 2(lll‘)
thrillcr Shiittcr lsltind ncxt
month in Massachusetts) iiiitl
Rcfucli wcnt l‘urnitut'c shopping
hand in hand in Los Allgclc‘s on
licbruiiry l.

Melissa Joan Hart
Ready for Baby

"\Vc‘d‘c‘ locking thc door.
turning off thc phonc and giving
oursch cs thrcc \sccks to gct thc
hoUsc orguni/cd.” Mclissu Joan
Hart. 3 l . tclls i's ol~ prcpping for
thc March itrrnzil of her sccond
tot with rockcr hubby Mark
Wilkerson. 3t). (Thcy zilrcudy
li;i\ c son Mason. 3.) Also on thc
:igcndu'.’ (‘hoosing u numc. “Wc
can‘t ugrccf" suys Hart. who
knows thc baby‘s gcndcr btit
wont tell. "I hopc. by thc timc
“c gct to tltc hospital. to hch
l’iyc “c rctilly likc and we can
pick on the spot?"

Amy Adams Reveals a Love

Slit-‘s bccn with hcr low for
ncurly si\ ycurs. but whcn Amy
Adams was asked by Us what
sltc most oncd about hcr rclii—
tionship with actor Darren Lc
(iiillo. 33. thc Encliuntcd star.
33. mudc him gucss. “What am
I thinking?" thc actrcss (ncxt up
in March's Miss Pcttigrcw Lives
for it Day) asked her man. “We
lct cuch othcr be each other." he
told Us. bcforc asking her. “Is
that what you were thinking?"
Nopc. admitted Adams: “It‘s the
daily foot rubs!"

live Wedding Triumphs

On February X‘s Liyc With
Regis and Kclly. chis Philbin
and ls'clly Ripu plziycd wcdding
hosts :is (iiin‘clt. Indiana. high
school succthcarts Kucy Hurd-
i-iibrook. 22. and Jordan vEdSilll.
14. cschtingcd units and A.
.ltil’l'c rings amid ii sea of white
tulips and purple hydrangcits. "It

University of Kentucky Bands






1045 “po
tau 850'“ m

food. ““1”“
co on host

“us rudu ‘0
hornet“? ”a
. orwnltlfl‘.
)0! WP and . fr”

to art" a "sun.

«and taunt)”
oLd stud.“ “m“

.. ‘~


()F KliNl‘l I(;KY


us 9 07- .-
co 9, sciences

was ovcrwhclming. I‘m still —
spccchlcss." thc bride. who
wore a satin Rccm Acra gown.
told Us bcforc hcr reception at
NYC‘s Tuycni on the Grccn and
a honcymoon at Orlando. Flori-
da’s Walt Disney World Rcson
with daughters Rylcu. 13
months. and Hanna. 2. The hap—
py day followed an August
tragedy. when Hurdcnbrook and
the girls .suffcrcd cxtcnsivc
third—dcgrcc burns in a house —
explosion five days before her
plunncd wedding date. Their
strength shone at the vows.
Philbin tclls Us: "Everybody
watching got emotional."

Super_Bowl Star Eli
Manning Meet No. 1 Fan

(‘rowds flocked to cheer Eli
Manning and his New York -Gi-
zints‘ Super Bowl win at NYC
club Tcnjunc on February 5. but
no one was more excited for the
quarterback, 27. than his fiancZe
of nearly a ycur. Abby McGrcw.
“She ncvcr left his side." a
source at the bush tells Us of thr:
exec for designer Pamellu —
Roland. “Shc cvcn held his hand
while he thanked fans!"
Ashlee Bates Pete's Buns!

Ashlee Simpson. 23. isn't
shy about beau Pete Wentz's
best asset. "I love his booty!"
shc tells Us, The Fall Out Boy
bassist. 28. won‘t gct specific
about his love of more than a
year — "1 like prctty much
cvcrything about her." he says
.7 but he‘s clear that shc is‘ his
top priority. “I am in boyfriend
mode!" he gushes.


’ Sc’t'yIllll'St’I/‘l'n I "K RUIN/5.,

”noes seLf-Love
or self-Hate
Lead to vioLence?"
3:30-4:3opn u.r. Young auditorium

u . 1. young Library

or orad oushnan, a world-renowned
aggresscon researcher from the
univerSLtg of HLCthan, ucLL dLSCUSS
the interaction between

self-esteem and













Sprasraxo FOR '11 ii: Mrssras



Elementary education sophomore Cole Mitchell, center left, and Samantha James watch as faculty mem»
ber Debbie Sharp, left, performs "Hair" during the Vagina Monologues in the Worshain Theater on Satur
day. The performance was part of V-Day, which raises awareness of violence against women.





Continued from page 1


February as part of the national
Spay Day USA campaign.

More than 11,000 homeless.
abandoned and unwanted animals
are brought to the Lexington Hu-
mane Society each year. Palm-
green said. The organization has
taken efforts to reduce these num—
bers by spaying or neutering every
adopted pet and offering a low-
cost option for current pet owners.

The overpopulation in Lexing—
ton reflects a nationwide trend.

with live to six million dogs or
cats entering into shelters each
year. Palmgreen said.

Spaying or neutering provides
many health benefits. Palmgreen
said. Pets who do not have the pro»
cedure can express territorial be-
havior. aggression and personality
changes. It l‘emalc pets are not
spayed. the animals can experience
problems with infection during
heat cycles and can develop prob—
lems with their reproductive organs
as well as complications from
pregnancy. Neutering a pet can
also reduce the chance of cancer
and prolong the animal's life by
two or three years. Palmgreen said.

“I‘ve had mariy compliments
and happy clients alter the surgery.
They were just happy to get it
done and not have to worry." said
James. the veterinarian.

The surgery isn‘t complicated
and takes one to two hours on av-
erage. James said. Alter the proce-
dure. the animal is held tor a day to
heal and then allowed to go home.

“I've seen the animal healing
and acting normal in two to three
days alter the procedure." James
said. “tl’et owners) still have to
watch the animal‘s stitches. btit
they are happy and playing around
again. It doesn‘t hurt them much.
and they will he a more loyal

REAL Worm;

continued liom pagel

Wow. I thought. I know politics. I cart get
insolved here. You're reading the writing ol‘ a
guy who spent Feb. 5 glued to Super Tuesday
coverage instead ol' watching college basket»
ball, a guy who gets liree text updates from

Barack ()bama‘s campaign.

Now I‘m involved iii the discussion. and
I'm on a roll. Tums out. Booker is tired ol‘
Real World casts that are politically apathetic,
And it turns out that Booker is agreeing with

me on everything I say.

Other than the political discussion. I‘m
obviously the least interested person III the
room. The others',’ They are Real World:
gelled hair. stylish clothes. beaming smiles.
and so on and so t'orth. I‘m not. with my
hat turned backward and my l'aded "Big
Blue Nation" T-shirt I stole from my room—
mate because I haven‘t done laundry in


But for sortie reason. they tell me to stay

What'.’ Stay ‘.’ Why '.’

So now I'm in a room e\en laitlrcr‘ hack
in the bar. filling out a survey that‘s 20 pages
long. It took me longer to till it out than it did
the trainers to dralt the (‘onstitutrorr My hand
is cramping like it‘s .loc C‘rawl‘ord's leg, And I

cornpanron altcrward."

Assistance through this pro»
grain is based on household iri-
comc and financial assets. accord
ing to the Lexington Humane So-
ciety web site
tlcxingtonliumanesociety.orgi. Pet
owners have to complete an appli—
cation to determine if they quality.

There have been about I930
tree or low-cost surgeries per—
lormed through Spay"s the Way
program in Fayette (‘ounty in the
last two years and the Humane So,
cicty‘ hopes to per‘l'orm l .500 surg—
eries this year. according to the
Web site.


Monday, February18, 2008 | PAGE3

was pretty envious of the guy sitting at the
bar drinking a Bud Light.

The questions were interesting. to say the

"What are your best traits?"

"Describe your childhood."

"What are some oI' your lite-changing ex-

"How 's your sex life?"

Whoa. Now we‘re getting personal.

At this point. I‘m more stressed out than I
was in my (‘ivil l.iberties test last Thursday.
l'rn sweating. It looks like I‘m writing in Ara-
hic, My head hurts. And I‘m really envious ol~
that gtry at the bar who's almost done with his
third or fourth Bud Light.

The guy sitting next to me. filling out the
same survey. is struggling That‘s how taxing
this survey is: He was Special ()ps in Iraq for
l8 months. and the questions are making him

l linish the survey and hand it to Booker
as he walks out the door.

My ride is gone. My phone is broken. So
I walk. With a swollen and sprained ankle. l
lrrnp two miles home.

As | gimp past Rupp Arena. where there
was apparently a motocross event that night. I
reali/e something:

I want to be on "The Real World."

'l'r'uvr'v Tilt/(Iron it u journalism trip/irr-
mrlrr'. Hrmrrl [null/run“! kykr‘rrrelt'rrm.


topics such as Robinson Forest and racial tension at UK
to come up as well.

l’atrick Kelly. a computer science junior. plans to
ask the president about UK‘s plan to become a top-20
public research institution.

"Until our undergraduate program is top—notch. we
should not he pursuing to be a top—21) school." Kelly said.

The Cats Den staff is hoping that the conversations
tonight will help to lorm a closer bond between the
president and the students.

“I'm really looking torward to engaging in a corr-
\ei'satron with students." Todd said. "Alter all. they are
why we are here."





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The Campus Calendar is produced by rm: Office or Student Arrivirim, leadership 5 ’r‘vo/vl‘r"r‘r‘l Rt'q‘w't‘V‘t,‘ Sflrrlr'"? il'cs .mi: 1





or L1

Wed. Thur. Fri.

- 9
Give Blood!
All registered donors will receiv

oFree T-shirt

Chance to win 2 tickets to
UK-Arkansas game

Chance to win I

gackage for 2 to the
EC tournament in

(800) 7 75-2522

,, .,r;,
- (4:1,). 1.


'A Conversation with
President Lee Todd, 6:30 PM,
UK Student Center Cats Den
OSwing Dance Lessons, 8:00
PM, Tates Creek Recreation
Center, 1400 Gainesway Dr.
-Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carne ie Center
TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
0Does Islamic Revivalism
Challen e 3 Stable World
Order? n Ex ert Panel
Deliberates, :00 PM, Student
Center Room 230
OGhostbusters, 2:00 PM, UK
Student Center Cats Den
OMiniature Worlds: Art of
India, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
0Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in
212 Singletary Center for the


I OCheap Seat Tuesdays -

American Gangster, 8:00 PM
OFinal Word, 6:00 PM
OMiniature Worlds: Art of
India, 12:00 PM, UK Art

‘ Museum in the Singletary

5 Center for the Arts

‘ OWildCat Career Link demo

5 session, 3:30 PM, B&E, room

; 125

l Olnterviewin

Raymond 8| 9. Room 112

oRobert C. May Photography

,. Endowment Lecture Series,

; 12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in

' the Singletary Center for the

101,12200 PM,



TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art

Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

'Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center
OCCO-Volunteer at Catholic
Action Center, 5:00 PM,
Catholic Action Center

PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
0Fashion Show, 6:00 PM

. 'Robert C, May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series, 12 00
PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts

> OCCO-Young At Heart Meeting,

. 5:00 PM. Student Center
-WildCat Career Link demo ses-
sion, 4-00 PMm 88E, room 125

: OMiniature Worlds: Art of Indra,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
0Learn to Knit, 7:00 PM, Student

' Center Rm 228

‘ °Volunteer w/ Beaumont

, Buddies, 4:00 PM, Beaumont
Middle School
OCCO-Volunteer At God‘s Pantry,
3:30 PM, God; Pantry

ODress for Success Fashion Show

I (Pre-Expo Career Fair event), 6:00

C PM, Goodbarn

5 0Comedy Caravan, 8:00 PM, UK

: Student Center Cats Den

. 0Volunteerrng at the Carnegie

: Center, 3:00 PM, Carnegie Center

, Olnterviewin '101, 12:00 PM,

;. Raymond Bl 9 Room 112


'Happy Hour S‘- Video Games 4 00
PM, UK Student Center Cats Den
tMinrature Worlds Art of India,
12 00 PM, UK Art Museum I” the
Singletary Center for the Arts
OFree Movre Into the Wild, 10 00
PM, Worsham Theater (Student

'A Soldier s Play / for colored girls
who have (orisidered suicide when
the rainbow is pool, 7 i0 PM,
Guignol Theatre

IDanceBlue SirhComnrittee
Meetrn ,6 00 PM, SC RM 20?
'Cru weekly Worship Meeting,

7 30 PM, Center Theater in the
Student Center

’SUCCGSSTUIIy Work a Career Fair,

3 30 PM, Mines W Strickert Career

00095 God Exist? Arguments from
Both Sides, 8 30 PM

ODanceBlue lnlormational Meotiivq,
S 30 PM, SC RM 228

0Robert C May Photography
Endowment Lerture Series, 12 00
PM, UK Art Museum in the

Srn letary Center for the Arts

0C 0 Board of Directors Meeting,
5:00 PM, 106 Student Center


UK Art Museum in the Singletary

1 Center for the Arts

°Volunteering at the Carne re
Center, 3:00 M, Carnegie enter

~Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 300 PM.
Carnegie Center

~Free Movie. 3:10 to Yuma,
1000 PM, Worsham Theater
(Student Center)
ODanceBluel, 700 PM,
Memorial Coliseum
-Miniature Worlds Art of
India, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
oDanceBlue', 700 PM,
Memorial Coliseum
-l)anceB|tre', 7:00 PM,
Memorial Coliseum

ORobert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series,
12 00 PM, UK. Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

-DanceBlue!, 7:00 PM,
Memorial Coliseum

TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

. 2578867'


. ,_ c -vv.~.,___--c.--..._..._,. -. .. ,_fl_.t...._.‘;

-Swm(; Dame 8 00 AM, Arthur
i‘iul'dy Drl'Nt‘ Stildirt 1801
Alexandria Dr

-Robert C May Photography
triilnwment Lerture Series, 12 00
PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

vvoluiiteorinq at the Carnegie
Center, to 00 AM. Carnegie Center
OMInrature Worlds Art 01 India,
14‘ ()0 PM, UK Art Museum in the
Sinqletmy Center for the Arts

'Robert C May Photography
Endowment lecture Series,
12 00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

'MlntaTUTQ Worlds Art of
Indra, 12 00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

12 00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the




lebruarv lb, .‘008
Page 4


Koifi Smiloy. editor rti chief
Danton Kcnkol. lttdlldglltg editor
Sour In“. rrranagrirg editor

limo U, opinions editor

Eric Lindsey. sports editor
Curio Bus. Colurritiisl

Ihe opinions page piovrdes a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stories, the Kernels
urrsrgned editorials represent the views of a majority of the editorial board letters to the editor, columns, cartoons and
other features on the opinions page reflect the Views of their authors and not necessarily those of the Kernel



An open-prima
system would
benefit Ky. voters

As Kerituckraris wait for the May
30 primary. it is easy to be jealous of
the riiore than 20 states that cast their
votes this riiorith.

However. as this topsy~turv y' elcc~
tion season has shown. moving Keri-
tucky ~s primary up to Super 'l‘uesday
in early February wouldn’t necessarily
give the comriioriw ealtli a greater say
in the presidential noriiiriatron process.

liven though mediunvsr/ed states
like Alabama. Oklahoma and Minneso-
ta held their pri--
maries lieb. 5. they
didn‘t get riiuch at—
tention from the
candidates or the
media. Instead. all
eyes were on (Vltllr
fornia. New York
and Georgia.

It‘s unlikely
Kentucky would
have fared any bet-
ter than other states
with relatively
small numbers of delegates if it had
moved up its primary.

A better idea would be for the state
to give voter's more choices by moving
to an ope