xt7x69700f52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x69700f52/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1990 1990 1990-04-09 2020 true xt7x69700f52 section xt7x69700f52  

Vol. XCIII, No. 144

Established 1894

Independent Since 1971

Monday, April 9.1990








Sports Editor

lNlHANAl’OHS w in a time
\t hen there are as many benelits
as there ate regular concerts. Farm
Aid President Willie Nelson said
his group‘s eitorts are dit'ierent.

“l aiti not saying that the other
heneiit concerts are had because
the} are not. But we are here to-
day to ltelp our own m the Ameri-
can tannly larmer,” Nelson said at
a news cont'erence before the l-1~
hour event Saturday at the Home
er Dome in Indianapolis.

“The other things are good, but
l think we need to take care oi our
lainily tarmer i‘irst. We had hoped
it would not come to this ta lotirth
Farm ;\ttl concertl, but we still
hadn't got the Job done.” he said.

“We haye a lot ot llltlths to lltllll
lot iii this time and age and \\e are
not going to hack donut troin any
oi it. especially this." pertorniet
Neil Young said.

Nelson, who “as been called
“the tarmets' hest lt’iend" several
times during Farm Aid IV. urea
m/ed the concert to help the laimr
ers. More than ()0 musical acts
periormed at Saturday‘s henetit.

"Speaking tor eyeryone here. l
think it is _|ll.\l an honor to he

something like this," Grammy
Award winning hlues singer llon~


asked by Willie to he a part ot’

.. an. m... 04-1-4 ~n c...
v. a.



Family farmer is still
in danger, organizers say

the Ram said. "But the musicians
should not he the locus ot~ this.
the reason \\e are here should he.
The tact is the tatnily farmer
needs our held atid tieeds it nous '
lltit the tamily Iarmer was not
the only locus oi liirm .\id . the
land the. llll also it as an issue.

he l-atin \td pertormers said
they “ere ioigmg a coalition \Hllt
lttlllll) i.iimers. enyiromnentalisis
and consumers to work toward re<
ilucint'. the amount oi chemicals
used iti iood production.

“Some“ here between a lot oi
chemicals and no chemicals
there's .i happy medium." Nelson
said. “,\s e\perts. the t'anners \yill
haye to tell you how much do
they need iandl how much are
they totced to use. l think that‘s
lllt‘ tllllt'lt'lti t‘.

It they can tlct enough money
tor a l‘li\ltt‘l oi com, the} don t
ltaxe to drain that acre lot C\k‘l\
ounce that's itt It.”

'l‘exas Secretary of .-\gricuhtire
Jim lllglllltifik‘r said that tile tami
1y iaimer is being t‘orced by lo‘.\
prices and hanks to use too many
chemicals on their land.

“ilhe loyy prices at the ttiatket
are ltttcttlgl the larmer to use too
tiiaiiy chemicals to yield .is tnuch
as he can." lliglttower said. "Plus.
a lot oi the hanks. hetot‘e they
loaii money to the farmer, make
ttlie i'armeri sign to use the chem-

ith i‘l'u/ '/ i”

at t


emit/Q WV
j . .4 ‘1’, a V '/


. ‘1
167‘ M."
,o—nu—v‘w: .’~‘."t“~'*w ..
‘-.‘ F -UCI-‘\“‘

i \


MICHAEL MU Kerneismil
More than 45.000 attended Farm Aid 1V, which was held SaturA
day at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, Above, countrvaestern
star Willie Nelson performs for the crowd.


"’l‘hat is yyliy \\ e tieed Farm ltill
I‘Ntl to make the goyernment
regulate the prices, so the i'aniily
t‘ariner does not haye to do this
sort ot‘ stut l.”

And tlte pertormers also let the
nationally teleyised audience and
the sell-out Hoosier l)omc crowd
of 45,001) kntm \\lt_\' there \Nih a
Farm Aid l\'.

'l'he Rev. Jesse
that the family tarm crisis is get-


’Since I‘Mtl ate‘ye
"Ntltltl larnis largely
iat'mcrs couldnt main enough
trotti their crops to pay
hills." he .said.

Jackson critter/ed tcpotts tioin
Secretary ot Agriculture (‘laaoii
Yeiitter citing taint illct‘llls .it
iccot'd lcwls. .i pt-itit some l aim
.\id critics ha\c

ithl til‘tltll

l‘t'c dll sc‘


raised as «\l

Jackson said
See FARM. Hack page



Judge bars police
from confiscating
exhibit’s pictures

Associated PM.

(Tl;\‘(flt\fl\.\'ll A tiederai
iudge hatred police yesterday from
conl‘iscatini' photographs from an
exhibition oi Rohert Mapple-
thorpe‘s works that led to art oh-
scenit} llltllcilitt‘lll against an arts
center and ll‘s .liieetor.

LLS. District Judge ‘arl Rubin
also ordersd county and city au-
thoritie; net to ititertere in any way
With the . ‘tli'l‘lllilll ythtle the oh
sccnit; chart-es are tried lll state

'lhe (' ititjiiiporary :\l‘l\ (Inter
hailed i: protecliye order. which
\\lll l.i tl...‘ l": photo C\lttl‘tl pro»
ceed ll'.clldll1,'t‘tl until a tury can de-
cide -.\.ii.tli.-r its seyen sexually ‘c‘X<
plicit l lll rims- are uhs'cene.

"\V; e.:t:.:l‘. itf we wanted
out oi llll- nearing," said arts center
layyyer ll lotus \‘nkm

'l'he t“llll"tl opened to the ptihlic
Saturda; llitll’llllltf. attracting a
crowd oi thousands including nine
grand llil‘y members. lt was closed
tor an htiir l" the attertioon xyhcn
the arts center and llw director, Den-
nis ltirrie were indicted on state
obscenity ..h.irees
it‘ltl li‘ l'c‘dyc‘ ll‘ie‘

‘ utilrhotapsd the

‘1 Hi

l’atrotts zygre
center ‘.‘cllllt' toli
tl. t‘rla. am: ~ ' h'tnt
c‘\llll‘ll t.’ ..-o r

Shimiltoiit i tintx l‘roseeiiior Ar-
tlait \e; h .i kcd tl‘e center on
Saturday to \oltmtartlx remote \L‘\’<
en photographs that lfl'dtttl tutors
iotittd oltiectietiaiite

tic'ials rettised

l'iizt center ot-

\e‘. tlt.tilc' a xeiied tlueat ot tnore
dcllt‘ll ll the priotoeraphs remained


"I think it's absurd that
they‘re trying to regulate
what we as the public
can see."

Elizabeth \lcl'lure.
('incinnati resident


itt place this week, and he

lhe seyen photos .:i.!:id.' t
\lllltl en either naked or partialf,
naked. and other-- dc; ictinr lie-rise
it‘llc acts

l..ist .‘iitie the littoral" (Id: 1.
t'l \rt iti \\'.isl‘.ii,.:i.-ri_ IH‘ _ _.:l,"
eeied the exliiliii. the \Ltliii. min
exhihit prompted (‘wt’igress to iEllill
piihlic hind» t it lltc .irts Litter \e'.
,l'c‘\\c llc' ' . i\' \.(i i.lc.l.tl.'~l :'
photographs t\l‘\e.'ll.‘

lhe judge aerecd to the illitl vital
emergency hearing yestetda;
morning requested ht the dl'l‘ .ett-
ter. which won an order ptonillztinx
tiirther police ititerlersiti.) usirti tl.;
shiny .-\t the outset oi the heart
ls’iiliin said that set/in; the pi: t -
would make ll ; llt'_‘t.’lllt'lll .il ‘llll
displaying tlietii lltt‘i‘t he! Ire it to
i.“»t‘fl tlt‘c‘ltlc‘ll

l<‘ll‘lll ordersd the art . ' ll


. l"t‘\t“..l1'i‘f
photograph tor us: at :t: it
Niilci lllc‘ft‘ "Acts llt‘ leiiw 'lt i "
tries to mtertere '.\tlll it:
which runs through May
motes to Boston iii .»\u:ti -:
“E‘ni Lll’sti goini: to :tttotzt

rte ileiendants. their .i..'.'tils

\ee \l,\l’l’l.l{l Ht iRl’lC i‘l.i.is t‘a

E-Board to discuss
election complaints


Staf‘ W'ite'

lhe Nude lll lttl'»c'lllllici‘tl .\\,\t‘c‘ldll\‘ll l;lectioti lloatd it it. nicet today it

i .

disctiss cattipaijn LIllc‘Rdllch tiled in presidential candidates l>.iie Intitl’

um and Sean l t‘lillltlll

lhe candidates met at itli l--l§oatd ('hainnan Jason \ .mdoei l min tor a
yote recount reitiiested to itaidwm, 'lhe itio candidates also discussed

othet cttlltl‘alzilt ..oii:pi.ti'its.

'We coin; tetci: i'c tecetiiii and nent oxct catiipaigti c w

l itd.i\. \ iodnti \llxi

i ant Attic t~.ii1.yitia. .

.‘xnati \ ot..’ s.

Ytllillllli.‘ llitii

paigns Mud." sl‘llsl

‘ i

.o.ii.‘. . Hint.“ ' ,it ltaldtyiti l\‘\l in .i .. kite IL...

:iied -omplaitiis ailc 'tti tint. ‘ at a: 3.:
._ k tolated canipaicti llllt‘s in pic a. Li.
. .in on SUA material.

llaldtyin a. :;.id tiiiestmtis dl‘tllll the yyay the eiections t ‘ t

including sage; ;

liltiii. \ lllls “or ltiit.

.d a cotiiplaitit .iliet..tl-: i .i. l~_

icclli‘lt tales and a lack oi l‘tt'lk‘t poll sitpe. y .

it vl~ r,

xiolatcd ciccttoti tiles no.1

placement oi “initial it i‘ Jets and by catapaigttaig

pol Is.

1 l

llotli killltlitltlii sitttti. st. it distpialiiicatien oi i.ii otti.i ‘. x

alleged \ ls‘lttitt‘t‘is

l‘l'ltld}i_\lllc‘clili;1'»‘\.is.iltt‘t'pt‘lltlllll} tor the two ml ti

cotiiplaiiits openly, ‘y'aiid t. i said

tutth' "

Sec 5‘: \.

For Lithuanians, independence promises a stronger economy

Associated Press


sinking :ship.

“Alone. we know it “I” he better in live
years; with them. we don't." banker (lin

Matty Lithuani—
ans say their declaration of independence
was like leaping for a lil‘ehoat to escape a

tautas l’reidis said oi the Lithuanian parlia-
ment's March 11 decision to cut loose troin
the Sm iet Union and its economic and uh

nie prohleins.

Lithuanians expect initial ditlicultics iii
suitching from central planning atid suh»
sidies to a market economy in which prices
are set by competition. The republic may
also lose access to cheap Sin iet resources.

"I noted a collectiye iarm \yheie they
had 30 people as hookkeepei‘sf‘ said lo
seph Ka/ickas. a Lithuanian \ylio emi::t.ited
to the l'nited States at the end ot World
War ll attd became a httsinessinan.

lie is hack in Lithuania, arranging tor oi
c\perts to help reform the economy and
\yorking \yith Premier Ka/iniietas l'rtins-
kiene to set up a system that “Ullltl entice

\Vestern inyesmietit.

the Kremlin. yyhich has used troops to
take our 1 ithtiama‘s t‘tocciitor‘s oliite
and has nailed a '.\.ir oi iteixe ‘ to keep the
republic iii its told. is standing in tlie xsay
some reiot'm
moyes to rcyamp the republic s economy

Prunsktcne has said .\o\ iet i’temier \i~
kolai l. Ry/ltkoy attd his (lil‘tnet rettised to

and \l‘lll\l stitlc other

tratistcr most .ittthotitx Iiom \loscoa it

\ ilnitis,
l5ot‘ e\.imt‘le. l’tunskieiie sii,'::ested that

run by ministries tn \toscou he
oyer to l.ithtiani.in contml. lx’yxhk it

i .

the tnatotity oi the NW plus l.|clt‘tt\“s zit-.s

tit tied

See U l Ill .\.\l.\. hack page





Mellencamp highlight
of Farm Aid IV.

Review, Page 6.

Sports Monday

Bat Cats lose
series to Vandy.

Story. Page 3.

.. Weather .....

Today: Sunny.
High 69°

Tomorrow: 60% Rain.







— Kentucky Kernel, Monday, April 9, 1990



Campus Calendar

Information on this calendar of events is collected from the Student Activities. Office
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The information is published as supplied by
the on-campus sponsor.

For Student Organizations or University Departments to make entries on the Calendar, 0
Campus Calendar Form must be tilled out at the Student Activities Office.

Submission of Photographs 8r Graph/cs are encouraged.

Deadline: No later than the Monday preceding the publication date.




[ monday

week at glance




I Workshop: Career Workshop;
Mathews Bldg 201; 5-61‘M

I Religious: l’cnance SCi’VTCCI
Newman Cntr; 7:30PM

I Exhibit (thru 04/: ll’ ‘Mastcrs
Thesis Exhibition. SCFA

I Exhibit [thru 05/18): Winchester
(‘anicra Club Photography
Exhibit: 'l‘lic \\'.illcr Gallery



tuesday l 0


I Sports: Wildcat Baseball «'2‘
Marshall; Huntington. WV;

I lntramurals: deadline for
Intramural Coll

I Concert: L‘K Ja/x Ensemble.
St‘l-‘A Recital Hall; h'l’M,

I Religious: l‘enarice Schicc:
\cwizian t‘iiti‘ T .itll‘M


wednesday l l

I Lecture: Thomas 1). Clark Series:
Barry ll. Lopez. 'The Rediscovery
of North America; lOl’M (thni

I Lecture: 'Grand Challenge to
Computational Sciencc': Kenneth
Wilson; 3:30PM

I Religious: Pansh Cleanup (dinner
provided); Newman Cntr: 6PM

I Sports: \Vildcat Baseball vs.
Louisville; 7PM


I Concert: Donovan Music
Concert: SCl“.-\ ; 2.3ill’M

I Coiicert' Jazz Concert: SCI".-\ ;

I Moxie: l‘icld ot Dreams.
7308; lOl’M

I lecture: LTK School oi
Journal'sm presents: tine
(‘rt‘asott L 8PM






The“Master Thesis Exhibit' Drawing by Grace Robinson
opens today in the Singletary Center, through April Qist.






Monday 4/9

I Exhibit "lit: 04,21} .iasters Thesis Exhibition? Fri-c: SCFA
l‘rcsirlr "i s Rtia. 8;\l\‘.-4‘1§0l’. i: call 7-1706

I Exhibit itliiu lift/lb): Winchester Camera Club Photography EKllllill;
l we The Waller (iallcn’; DAM 9PM

Tuesday 4/ 10

I i‘ .- 4 c": l'liilitl’i’l'1t‘.‘»i’it.lllt‘ l’i‘cc; SCEA Recital llall; 8PM: call 781-15

Wednesday 4/11

I (innit-rt: Donovan Music Concert: Free: SCl’a Recital Hall: 2:30PM: call
7 iii if»

I ("until '.i/.' (‘o::( r’rt: l’r't c: S(..‘l".-\ Concert Hall; 8PM; call Till-1:.)

I Movie: i-icltl oi Dreams; El .95: \Vorshani Theatre; 7:3081101’M: call

Thursday 4/12

I Movie Frill or' l)l"t'.tfil\ : 81.95: Worshani Theatre: 7:3081 10PM. call






I FVlllltll‘ Art at Luncli featuring Marlaiiie .\': Free: SCFA President's Rni;
\nor‘. <' ill 7 L135

I <‘ :‘4‘: r' i K (‘orir ( :‘t imind: i~‘:cc: F-(‘l-A Concert Hall: 8PM: call 70.11:")

I Elzc itr< i‘unp {toys and Dinette». St}: (fi‘uuignol Theatre; 8PM; call
‘7 i~l:'«

Frid y 4/13

I Movie: Field of l)rc.iiii.- ; $1.03: Worshani Theatre; 7:308»: lOl’M: call
78 '37

I i‘hcatre: l’unip iioys and Dinettes; SO; Guignol Theatre: 8PM; call

Saturday 4/ 14

I (“onccrt Guztar Society oi ixxington- Central K1388: SCFA Recital Hall:
8PM; call 7 1145

I Movie: Field at Dreams. $1.93. Worsham Theatre; 7:30&101’M: call
7 RN}?

I Li:ca:r<: i‘unip Boys and l}ltit‘llL‘S; S6; Guignol Theatre: 8PM: call
7 J‘tflii

. (Lonccit. K..\i.ii..»\. i-‘cstivai Junior 81 Senior ilight School Bands: Frcc:
SCFA Concert Hall; 8PM. (all 7-4929

Sunday 4/ 15
I \iovie' l’iclrl of Dreams. $1.95; Worsham Theatre: 7PM: call 7-8867

I (forwcn. (‘cntcr Sundays Series: 'UK Chamber Players: Free; SCFA
Rmmi Hall, Iti’M' call 7 .1142",





15/ 22: lectures




Monday 4/9

. \\i "K. K g. ( .m'cr Workshop. (”rec (registration rcql; Mathews lilde‘
“Jill 7 ‘1‘“ (‘;ill 7 3383

Wednesday 4/1 1

n .'i ' K \r lgmil oiJoiiriialisin prescritstloe (Ireasoii: Free; SCFA
< r:'.il llall WW1. t.ill 7 Til-1:”)
I it r “117‘ Tllfiiil.t\ D Clark Series. Barry ll. lnpcz. 'T‘ne Rt discovery of
\ :‘ii .-\nir~r‘.r .i . (‘oilcge oi Nursing HS 201; lOl’M: call 7415411
:ir~ (hand (‘liallciiizc in Computational Science. Kenneth Wilson.
1 {it \\'!if“ll.iill 'l'licatrc; 3:30PM

Thursday 4/12

I lrv 'iir': Thomas l) (,‘lark Series Harry li. Lopez. The Rediscovcry of
North America , College of Nursing HS 20]: 10PM: call 7-4543

Monday 4/16

I in liirc lila/r'r lx‘r‘turr‘ Series 'lTic Power of l’ccli’nfl'; Free; SCFA Re( ital
llall. 8PM. call 7113813
I Seminar 'iiiorhcniisiry oi Endotoxing'; Free. Med Cntr MN 563, 4PM




I Religious: Choral Eucharist; Free;
Christ Church Cathedral: 7PM

. 3. ' ' ; ; +1 [-4 t ' I Religious: iioly Thursday Mass;
Elf/lllghlniéikdéélfixt L l unng Free: Newman Cntr: 7:30PM
I Concert: UK Concert Band; SCFA : ' Religious: Holy Thursda Mid Day
8PM Prayer; Newman Cntr H:

I Th :' t :e' 'l’iini > B ) 's '111(l [)incttes" 12:10PM
8T’M ' l ("L ( ' I S orts: Wildcat Baseball vs Middle
ennesseC: 7PM

L friday 13

I Religious: Meditations Upon the
Seven Last Words: Christ Church
Cathedral: 2PM

I Religious: Good Frida Liturgy:
Newman Cntr: 5:30 ’M

I Religious: Good Friday Wa of the
Cross: Newman Cntr Ml :
l2: 10PM

I Sports: UK Softball Club vs.

Cu riiberlarid: 3PM

I Religious: Easter Vigil; Free;
Lexington- Central KY: 8PM Newman :2” Ml: 9PM
. .- .. v s.- . : I Other: Satu ay Al um Feature:
M.‘;::.:.~n§§<‘7‘$°g 10PM 'B.A.L.L.- Four Hardball;WRFL

I S rts: Wildcat Baseball vs.
Mississippi: 5PM

L ihursday

I Mon‘e: 'Field of Dreams':
7:30& 10PM




I Movie: 'Field of Dreams:

I Theatre: 'l‘iinip [toys and
Dinettes; 8PM

I Religious: The Good Friday
Liturgy; Christ Church
Cathedral: Noon

I Religious: The Way of the Cross:
Christ Church Cathedral ll’M



( saiurday

I Concert: Guitar Society of

I Theatre: 'l’unip Boys and Dinettcs':

I (.‘onccrt: K.M.E.A. Festival: Junior ' SROTL‘: UK Men's Soccer CIUb
a Senior lliglit School Bands: lourney: Noon-8PM) h]

I Reli nous: The Great Vi yil of ' SmeS: UK Rugby C1” VS‘ 0 '0
Hillier: Christ Churc State: 1PM
Cathedral; 7PM I Sports: UK Softball Club vs.

Midway: 3PM



special 1
evefltfi. '







Monday 4/9

I Religious: Penance Service: Free: Newman Cntr; 7:30PM

Tuesday 4/ 10

I Religious: Penance Service; Free: Nevmian Cntr: 7:30PM
Wednesday 4/11

I Religious: Parish Cleanup (dinner provided): Free: Newman Cntr: 6PM

Thursday 4/ 1 2

I Religious: Choral Eucharist; Free: Christ Church Cathedral; 7PM: call

I Religious: iloly Thursday Mass: Free: Newman Cntr: 7:30PM

I Rtl'ligiitgililia lloly Thursday Mid Day Prayer; Free; Newman Cntr MH:

Friday 4/ 1 3

I Rt‘llLUOUSI The Good Friday Liturgy; Free; Christ Church Cathedral:
Noon: call 254-4497

I Religious: The Way of the Cross: Free: Christ Church Cathedral 1PM

I Religious: Meditations Upon the Seven Last Words: Free: Christ Church
Cathedral: QI’M

I Rcligioux' Good Friday Liturgy; Free: Newman Cntr; 5:30PM

I Religious: Good Friday Way of the Cross: Free: Newman Cntr Mll:
lLZ‘ l()E’.\l

Saturday 4/ 14

I Religions: The Great Vigil of Easter: i-‘rcc: Christ Church Cathedral; 7PM

I l\" hoirvus. Easter Vigil: Free; Newman Cntr Mil: 9PM

I i llll' i: Saturday Album Feature: 'B.A.l,,1..- Four llardball': Free; WRFL
j£~:-‘-.1 FM); Midiiite: call 7-lNl:‘O

Sunday 4/ 1 5

IRcligious: Festival Eucharist: Free: Christ Church Cathedral: 8:30AM

I Rcliuous: Festival Choral Eucharist; Christ Church Cathedral; 11AM

I Oilicr: 'liug Radio featuring Les Negresses Vcrtes': Free; WRFL (88.1 FM):

9-10l’M: (‘ttll 7-lNl:O

I Other: Sunday Album feature: 'l’oi Dog Pondering-Wishing Like a
Mountain; Free: WRFL (88.1 FM); Midnite; call 7-INFO
I Religious: Easter Masses: Free; Newman Cntr; 9AM. 1 1:30AM & 5PM


[ sunday 15


I Movie: ‘Field of Dreams';7PM I Other. 'Bug Radio featuriilig Les

I Concert: Center Sundays Series: 33533-48563 Vertcs. WRF
'UK Chamber Players': 3PM

I Other. Sunday Album feature:

IReli ious: Festival Eucharist: .
. ' Poi Dog Ponderin -Wishing
C rist Church Cathedral. Like a Mountain': {FL

8:30AM Midnitc

I Religous: Festival Choral . S n5. Wildcat Baseball vs
Eucharist; Christ Church ississippipi: 1:30PM

Cathedral: 11AM
I Religious: Easter Masses: Newman
Cntr: 9AM. 11:30AM & 5PM



Spring fins sprung...





University of Kentucky

Spring Arts

April 9 - 13
Events begin at noon

Student Center. King library.
Medical Center Plaza











Tuesday 4/10
I Sports: Wildcat Baseball @ Marshall; Huntington, WV: 3PM
I lntraniurals: deadline for intramural Golf; Scaton Cntr 145: call 7-3928

Wednesday 4/11

I Sports: \Vildcat Baseball vs. Louisville; 7PM
Thursday 4/12

I Sports: Wildcat Iiascball vs Middle 'l‘enncssce; 7PM
Friday 4/13

I S ions: [‘K Softball Club vs. Cumberland. \Voodland Park; 3PM; call

Saturday 4/ 14

I Sports: Wildcat Baseball vs. Mississippi. 5PM

I Splints. UK Men's Soccer Club Tourney; Bryan Station High School:
. non-8PM: call 7-3928

I Sports: UK Rugb Club vs. Ohio State; Water Tower across from Alumni
Drive; ll’M: cal 73928

I Sports: UK Softball Club vs. Midway; Woodland Park: 3PM: call 7—3928

Sunday 4/15

I Sports: Wildcat Baseball vs. Mississippipi: 1:30PM








Weekly Events]



ISports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome);
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 5-6z30 p.m.: Call 268-4499

I Religious: Monday Evening Fellowship: Free: 412 Rose St; 6:30: call

I Other: Ballroom Dance Classes (students. faculty. stafi): Barker Hall
Dance Studio: 7 PM: call 278-7756

I Meeting: GLUE (Gays Lesbians United for Education); PO Box 647 Univ
St.: 7:30 PM: call 231-0335

Relh gig’slflgaclilirssfigmup Bible study. group 2. Free. Haggin Hall c226.
I Other: Dcmonworld: St Cntr 1 13; 6:30-10 PM: call 255-8966
I Other Cyberspaccmastcr. St Cntr 117: 7-10 PM: call 255-8966
I Other: Shadowdrum: SOA Office; 7- 10 PM; call 255—8966
I Meeting: Students for Choice: St Cntr 115: 5 PM: call 231-7917
I Other: Ultimate Frisbee Practice: Free: South Band Field: 5PM; call


IMectings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee: Free:
Room 203 Student Center (SAB Office): 7:30 p.m.: Call 78867

IMeetings: UK Water Ski Club; Room 1&2 Student Center; 7 p.m.: Call
252- 900

IMeetings: UK Ski Club; Room 228 Student Center. 7pm: Call 252-4900

IOther. Aerobics; Free: Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2: 5250-7 p.m.: Call

IRcligious: 'Iticsday Evening Fellowship (Meal and Program); 412 Rose St.:
6 p.m.: Call 254-188

ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required); Free:
Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 8-6591

IOther: Traveller 2300: Free:Student Center. Room 1 17: Call 7-8867

I Meeting: UK Table Tennis; $5/scmcster; Seaton Squash Rm; 7 PM; call


I Rcli ous: lUCF small roup Bible study. group 1; Free; Blandingl 214:
7: 0 PM: call 255—5 9

I Religious: lUCF small group Bible study. group 5: St Org Rm: 6 PM; call

I Religious: lUCF small group Bible study, group 3; Free; Holmes Hall 205:
8PM: call 8-5160

I Other: Notebook Games; St Cntr 113; 7- 10 PM: call 255-8966
I Other: Traveller 2300; St Cntr 117; 7- 10 PM: call 255-8966
I Other: Cthulhu '69: 7PM-12AM; call 255-8966

I Meeting: Student Activities Board Performing Arts Committee; Free; St
Cntr 204: 3:30 PM: call 8-6545


IMeetin s: Amnesty lntemational: Free; Room 119 Student Center: 7 p.m.:
Call 54-4938

IMeetings: Student Activities Board Public Relations Committee; Free
SAB office; 8 p.m.: call 7-8867

IReligious: Holy Eucharist: Free; St. Augustine‘s Chapel: 5:30 p.m.: Call

ISports: UK Judo Club (no experience required. men and women welcome):
Free; Alumni Gym Balcony; 5-6:30 p.m.: Call 268-4499

I Religious: lUCF small group Bible study. group 4; Free; Blazer Hall 319;
8PM: call 8-6016

I Other: AD&D 2nd Edition; St Cntr 113: 7-10 PM: call 255—8966
I Other: AD&D Variant: St Cntr 117: 7-10 PM; call 255-8966
I Meeting: Amnesty International: Free; St Cntr 119; 7 PM; call 254-4938

I Other: Campus Church of Christ: Encounter. Free: St Cntr 309: 7PM; call

IOther. Ultimate Frisbee Practice: Free: South Band Field: 5PM: call


IOther. Aerobics: Free; Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2: 5:50-7 p.m.: Call

IReli 'ous: Thursday Night Live: Free; 502 Columbia Ave.: 7:30 p.m.: Call
2 30313

ISports: UK Fencing Club (no experience or equipment required): Free:
Alumni Gym: 7:30-9:30 p.m.: Call 8-6591

I Meetings: Student Activities Board indoor Recreation Committee: Free;

1 19 Student Cntr. 6PM: 7-8867

IReligious: Fellowship ofChristian Athletes Meeting: Free: 502 Columbia
Ave: 9 PM: all 8-6650

IMccting: intervarsity Christian Fellowship: Free: St Cntr 228 or 205;
7:30PM; call 278-6809

I Roll ious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night: Free: Newman Cntr Rm 3&4;
7: 0-8z45 PM: call 255-8567

I Other AD&D 2nd Edition; St Cntr 113; 7-10 PM: call 255-896
I Other: AD&D 2nd Edition; St Cntr l 17; 7-10PM; call 255-8966

I Religious: Catholic Newman Cntr Night: Free; Newman Cntr 3&4; 7:30
PM; call 255—8566

I Meeting: Black Voices: Free: Old St Cntr Theatre; 6:30 PM: call 8-2474


I Mcctin : Commuter Student Board: Free; St Cntr 106: 3 PM: call
272-3 65

I Other: Megatraveller: St Cntr 113: 7-10 PM: call 255-8966


IRcligious: Mass; Free: Newman Center: 6 p.m.: Call 255-8566
I Other: Heroes Unlimited; St Cntr 113: 2-6 PM: call 255-8966
I Other: Shadowrun: St Cntr 117: 6-10 PM; call 255-8966

I Meetin : Building Homes for Need Families: Free: irish Town
Neigh orhood; :30AM-5PM; cal 253-1256

I Other: Ultimate Frisbee Practice: Free; South Band Field: le: call

IOther: wield Dinner. $2: Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4; 6 p.m.: Call

IReli'gious: Sunday Morning Worship: Free: Koinonia House: 10:30 a.m.;
Call 254- 1881

IRcligous: Mass: Free: Newman Center; 9 a.m.. 11:30 a.m., 5 p.m.. 8:30
p.m.: Call 255-8566

IReligious: Ho Eucharist: Free: St. Augustine's Chapel: 10:30 a.m.. 5:30
p.m.: Call 2 -3726

IRcligious: Collegatc Worship Service; Free; 502 Columbia Ave.: 1 l a.m.;
Call 233—031

I Other: Shadowrun/ADer; St Cntr 205; 4-9 PM: (211255-8966

I Other: Talislanta: 355 Linden Walkfl2: 5-9 PM: Call 255-8966

I Other: sun Night More Game: 50A Office; 9-12 PM; call 255-8966
I Other. Cthulhu lntl.: 5—11 PM: call 255-8966





Kentucky Kernel, Monday, April 9,1990 — 3





Bat Cats unable to f

UK baseball team
in a hole after
weekend series
losses to Vandy




The UK baseball team has been digging
itself in a hole ever since the Southeast-
ern Conference season began.

And after UK lost the rubber game of a
three-game Weekend series 6-2 to Vander-
bilt University yesterday, the hole looked
even deeper.

The Bat Cats, after four weeks of SEC
play, find themselves all alone in the cel-
lar with a 3-9 conference record with little
hope of capturing the regular-season SEC

The Bat Cats felt they should have won
the Vandy series, but like other confer-
ence games, UK could not get the key

“It's been like this every week," senior
third baseman Vince Castaldo said.
“We‘ve been in every ballgame. 1 believe
that we are a better team than that, but we
can‘t find a way of winning the close

The Bat Cats now must climb out of
the cellar in order to finish sixth and qua1~
ify for the SEC Tournament.

It will not be an easy task.

“1 think they have a rough rode ahead of
them," Vanderbilt coach Roy Mewbournc
said. “They are going to have to play
above .500 ball the rest of the way. It can
be done because our club has done it be-

But how is UK going to finish sixth
with only 15 games remaining?

Very simple, they will have to use the
Keith Madison philosophy of taking one
game at a time.

After UK‘s loss, the Bat Cats coach
was not talking as it was the end of the
season or that the loss forced UK to
sweep their next series, which is against
the University of Mississippi.

“We don‘t really need a sweep. We
need to win every series to be a serious
contender," Madison said. “However.
we'll probably have to mix in a sweep
somewhere a long the line."

Madison talked about hitting along the
same lines.

in yesterday’s game Madison was a
little disappointed with his hitters as they
made Vandy ‘s pitcher Steve Sadecki look
like the next Nolan Ryan. Sadecki struck
out eight UK batters. several in critical

“Today we struck out too many times."
Madison said. “1 really did not think that
Sadecki was a strike out type pitcher. He
only had command of one pitch (his fast-

UK senior pitcher Rod Bolton hurls a ball toward the plate during
Saturday‘s 14-2 Bat Cat Win Bolton struck Out 14 Vandy hitters


ind swing in final two games

Commodores claws back from loss,
take series finale with 6-2 victory

Staff Writer

The Vanderbilt Commodores beat the UK Bat (Fats
6-2 yesterday to take two of three games from L'K tti
their weekend series at Shively Field.

The two teams split a doubleheader on Saturday.
UK wallopcd the Commodores in the first gaitte 14.3
behind the strong pitching of senior Rod lioltott.
Vandy came back to wm the second game 4— i.

Yesterday‘s loss was a devastating one tor 1 K.
who tell to 1”~11 overall and 3-9 in the Southeastern
Conference. The Bat (Kits are buried in last place in
the 10 team league with only 15 conference L'iilltt's

in yt~stt.1rday's game Vandy pitcher Stcic Sadetkt
struck out eight 11K batters, including three in a row
in a crucial sixth timing, to pace the (‘illllltltiiliil't‘s
(1—1-7, (i-f) SEC).

With \1'andyahcad—1—l, [YKopcried the \1\Ill mnmg
with a leadoff double by shortstop Brandy Wilson.
First baseman Darin Rieman followed with a single
that scored Wilson, atid the Bat Cats appeared to has .1
a rally brewing.

When third baseman Vince Castaldo hit another
single. and it appeared Sadecki had rttn out of gas.
But the sopiioittore itght-liatidcr gamed .t ’secotid
wind" and struck ottt Rick Norton, Keith Conrad and
Rial-Le Money 111 stict'essioii to put out the tire.

Ironically, two innings catltct it was .\ottoti .siit1
sent a Sadccki fastball oy gr tit. .orelwatd l1. lllll.l ill
right field fence [or liis li1tlilit home run til the war
’1‘hchlast, which landed oz. 111.’ toot: .til tcaitt‘s pta.
lice field, tied the store at 1 .

iitit in the sixth Norton was .ttti_.1l;t li'i‘lslla_.' on a 1.
2 pitch Just below tit; 1.2.. . s. 1.1..t t.. t.1lt a... titte-

Sadccki said that .t lli!l.l‘s .t .t to thc mound by

\tititl} toach l1‘t1‘. ‘\12-.t~1t1..1!t.1;.*! - ‘tl' fit:

“('otich past calii.‘ t til .ill1l t.t . ;..l,.t t1: 1 oi the ; ’,i
losophy he wants his t1tt.i.t‘s t . it 1 11. «.1
take it upon young” to .xt I: 1.. i1 sad. .i.t
said. "Norton is deitittige. ‘ll' 1-.1-1 tttitgt 1n tit.tt
team. 1 got lucky on a {111.11 t?..::. . f . 1 1 11 1
1.x;iyaliiigotthc thittf. sttti 1

.\1cwbotirne said that t.'tti..1- .11. t .i lliilt' 1t, in ttt t1.
si\thitiiittig,alidhc \sast.1tt.pt..1 't~1.tl..1 \.t,1.__i.t out
oi the game. But iii 1 .t f l.- 3. 1 1 11' .t’ 1: m1 ‘1.t-
own philosophies.

"l’ttt‘hcrs arc limit}, 1!...1, i311 .t p.1t.. tl :.:..c .‘.l _.1
the} hay; to kind .1 ..tt.i. li1= .: -t..t .-.tt .1 i
hoping that h: 131 ot.‘ ‘ 1 f ' ‘ i V
botirnc said.

Mcwiiottrlic lkilllilsti to tt.,1 ilt'rtlliii .2. n... t..t.tl. all

lilil,‘ 21.1. 11‘ NM “1.: '

\ |i\l‘\1\



Curry, Wildcats satisfied
with intrasquad scrimmage

Senior Staff Writer

At this early juncture in the maturation of the
1990 UK football team. the Wildcats are far ft'ottt
flawless. Many are still struggling to learn ttrst~y.1.tr
coach Bill Curry‘s system.

At a scrimmage game Saturday afternoon howcy-
cr,l'1\' showed that struggle reaps some sweet bene—
fits. In fact, the scrimmage may haye ltttcd the team
off the learning plateau and onto .1. new lot-l of com

And i'K‘s top quarterback. Freddie Haggard.
whose passes were more crisp and whose gridiron
presence was more solid than at any other time dtir
ing spring practices, said he knew why.

”Today we concentrated on o\crall execution, rath-
cr than the little details that has: been hanging its tip
some," Haggard said.

Maggard‘s coach. ncxer an easy one to please.
made a similar obseriatton. (diff') ma} haxe hit the
nail on the head when he \;I|tl. “1 liked the wit} they
came oti the field locusctl on performance.”

P(’rff’r"ltlf1.('. The players. growing tttto their
roles. seemed to play aboxe the dirty details they
played the way that riiakes lootbtill excitttta', and com


And their performance was otten _ltl\1 that excit—
ttig and coiiipctitne. '1hc (‘ats looked tortilortable oii
the ticld. The, playctl with the kind ot conttdt-nte and
abandon they la. kcd earlier this spittig.

"We‘ve got to slay clitottotial.“ sctiioi cornerback
(‘hrts ’1‘o1bert said. ”We‘ve got to swarm and get the
ball back tthc coachesi citiphasi/c that day iii and
day out and we did better \‘11 that today.”

lilll‘c'l'l and llthlt‘lk‘llsHt‘li_';!111111;1lt‘\ils‘illllik‘ly[Ui‘k
(‘tirry‘s and his «th‘lt‘ltsH'; coordinator lair} New's
_lllpll;1\'\ on 1.t_::3,1r1.1ssi1.ctt.1ss to 1t.;ttt and to the of-
fense Saturday. lhcy lorccd sexeial tiirttoycrs.
made scyeral big~tiiiic hits and bio. 1.9.1 a lot ot kicks.

in short. they got the ball back

lite new le\.11 of intensity, l1\"-\C\t‘r, was contaa
iotis as it mlcctcd nearly 1t". cry ploct

.-\ short list of some of the more lll.‘llli\r;ll‘l\‘ plays:

-\i;iggartl drops bacl' to pass :11: ball .‘0 yards lrotn
the end xont‘. while s1rttor 1.’ l’htl logan
sprints down the st.l._11tttc 1.1. t.h 11.1.‘1tlinlls ot .:ttching
1a touchdown pass

litit logan ts coxerzrtl it; .t .1.‘l.‘n.1er who fronts
lllllt_ \iaggartl liltllt.‘lti'\ .m .tr'.'1titt~.1. spiraling pass
that has interception 1.1. tilt at all .11. or ii. the defender
torgcts‘ about lotzan and satitttet's towards the ball

\‘ec l5()()!‘ll\l.l.. Page 1

UK split M111 Webbs heats 1". -1

touchdown (fllf"Yf‘. Saturday‘s

V: I p 11 '




Faldo wins 2nd Masters
beating Floyd in playoff






ball). Our hitters made him a strike out By BOB G