xt7x69700b37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x69700b37/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1957 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1957 Vol.23 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, May 1957 Vol.23 No.8 1957 1957 2019 true xt7x69700b37 section xt7x69700b37 . __ a-s:ar.:.»:::~~u-=.;-»-m,-;-_'-=5_»§:v?«z-'-Isa-“raiser:"‘nw=’=~"=r..r€~'=i’zfii‘5Fifi“;5535"7315'7555‘57‘5525‘?52537?i;tt:‘:~':'."I7’:f17:31:32???-§;_«jj§,P,3,57,:,:,,;;;._3;;,;:«22.:."' f" , ,, :7 7~ - _ . 7 .. , 7,: ;.;, 7. ._i
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.. ll ' lucky A5
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E ‘ 1 A cooper works at turnlng out bar- brev1at10n, you’ll keep your mean- / 1 C C9D
1 " rels . . . but Mr. Cooper turns out ing clear if you make it “Coke” . . . W' ' ( ‘S meeun
1 . . . e .
E ‘ barrels of work as an art dlrector! w1th a capItal, please. And you’ll - | ‘Iflfélltlve.
' ll ‘ . u 1 . \v -
‘l ‘ The capltal “C” makes the dlfier- be helprng us to protect a valu- . . ‘13“ In
, l l _ ence . . . makes a dlfi‘erence w1th able trade—mark. ' .. . ,. 80 {1:113
r ‘ . . 11V
5 “Coke” tool/ Incrdentally, why not enjoy an COKe and ILC"
E ‘ When you have occasion to refer ice—cold Coke right now. Capital REG US W on as 6’“
‘ . . . . ~ ' ‘ ’ ‘ I‘ - Y
r .. ~ to our product by 1ts fr1endly ab- 1dea . . . Slgl’l of good taste! . all 5C6“
‘ ' over
a; l ‘ miracle l
H E Ask for it either way . . . With j
E Copyright 1957 TH E COCA-COLA COMPANY both trade-marks mean the same thing. Iientuck)
V "l|| ‘ r | , .VV,,W.A.\-__,..F---W- , a.__.“m___w....a_-.w __N_W.._._.._V .,__ .m. _ __ u
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 ; II‘IlIl- "
.I II‘ (II
‘ ' 1‘21 1!
I 2; III
. I I
1 i. Ill
1 13 III
. l l 1 fl I ‘
3 I Handling the Lucky Number ,; .‘ II‘IIII
I Program Advertising Practices . IIJIIIII
. . . . . . . . 3 HI III
, ElgIlI‘y-ElgI’lI'I'l Mid-Summer Meeting Inqurries have been made on printing _ ‘Il
. . consecutive “lucky numbers" on a paid- ‘ II
1 . . , . . - 1 ‘l{'
I Kentucky Press ASSOCICII'IOI‘I circulation newspaper, in connection with IgIIIIII'
. . . I I‘l II,
‘: ' ' ‘ '. \ c." )ul)lislr .. ‘ :sl‘l‘l‘;
Kenlake Hotel—June 6_8, 1957 locrl retail promotions il)st l . e1» . ;. III
are irot enthused about such promotions but 3 IIj-IIIII
—— _ . . III III
from time to time merchants Will demand I ,IIIIII
. . . Isw
Thursday, June 6 them and it is to the newspapers advantage IIIIIIII
Arrival Day and Registration—No set program. to be able to tie-in with the deal through I IIIIIIIIII
your newspaper. I . IkIIllHI
' . . . 1 ‘ Iii.“
Friday, June7 Originallv the postal department raised I 1 III II
. . . . ‘4 _ . I :il I‘I
9:00 am. Business meeting, Presrdent Albert Wathen, J11, 131‘651d1113' two questions concerning the numbering I . ‘ II II,
. . - . -. - II;.-Ir
LegislativeLegal Panel and Roundtable of newspapers, (1) did it conflict wrth lot- I I ‘I‘,“
Herndon J Evans, moderator tery laws? (since the element of “consideia i I‘HI
tion" is involved in the purchase of a sub- I ‘ I ”IN
7 I . ‘ . . . . . l ‘ I’
I 10130 a.m. l\ewspapei Promotion Panel and Roundtable scription to the newspaper) (2) did it conflict :‘ 3 I IIIII
Edwards Templin, Lexington Herald-Leader with the regulation on “unauthorized addi- ' I IIIIII
I B3511 Caummisar, Louisxille Courier-Journal tions after printing to the regular issue? I IIIIIII‘
. ,~ _ . ‘ , I E3112
Joseph G. Mitchell, Paclucah Sun Democrat ()n the first question, the departnrent . I I IN;
' - . .. ,~ IIIEIIII
I 2:00 pm. Photo Clinic on the beach. Bring your cameras. Beautiful models, gcue Its applmal PROVIDLI) that (a) no II III, III
.. . . . ,. .,. , ' IIIIIII
I Fred J Burkhard and William DaVis, directors. preuous announcement “as made of the I l IIII
' - - - ~ - ~ « ' l I, :i»
I The afternoon is set for recreation “as you like”. For the kids—a morning hike is planned P101)“nl and (I)? thatltlhc numbers (11d 110‘ . I II III
. . ; I ~ - .' .' - ~ ~. I II‘
with competent, mature recreational directors; games in the afternoon. ‘PPC ” 0“ (”PIC5 50 ‘ 0‘ Cl the counter I ,I. ,III
I . In short, as longr as the numbers are sent 1:1} ‘I
II 5:00 pm. Hospitality hour, Recreation Room. Pink lemonade for the kids on the patio. only to persons who are already subscribers, I “I
-. . . - .- . I‘IIIII'
gag, I 7:00 pm. Banquet, Recreation Room, Semi—formal. “0 one ‘5 Pl” m [11C l’O-‘HUI’IHIOf buying a ,iIII
I Presentation of 1957 newspaper awards, Joe V'Vestpheling, Fulton Co. News. {19“5l)dl)91_ III (”(131 ‘0 partrcrpate. There j II,IIIII
. . - . is no restriction on the use of such numbers I ‘ l EEIIIIII,
I For the younger kids, picnic at the Shelter House. _ . , I I. iI . w
’ on a free Circulation sheet. ‘ I I‘IIIIIIII
. . , I ,7 . , . . I .
9.30 pm. Dance to the musrc of Paui H estphelings popular orchestra. On the second question. SlnCC as the - I II, I I
. Saturday, June 8 numbers are printed with a numbering I ‘3 II
I 9 . . R . R V' P e 'de tMartin D clre )residin machine as part of the press-run, the de- 3 1“5 III
- ~ ‘ ' m, we r51 11 ‘ ’ I ‘ - . . . I I;I_;I
, '00 a.m. Busrness meeting, ecreation 00 I I g partinent has advised us this is not an . ‘ ‘I. III
,. ' ' . . . ,, . I l.:‘
Advertismg Panel . _ . . “unauthorized addition to the regular issue. I ,‘ InI
Larrv Stone. Central Citv, Chairman, and his advertismg committee Sr if local promotion does not conflict I l I‘ III
1 ' I ) ’ ‘ ' . = I‘l
i , - I I: ,IIII.
I 10:00 am. Address, Civil Defense Program, Col. R. D. Williams. with lottery laws iii other respects, a paper ‘ I If ‘I
I - - . - mav use the luck' numbers. A )urchase l ‘I‘ l I
I 10:15 a.m. Standing Committee Meetings at specral tables. f . L )t l . ll 1 t 19 I I III III
0 any sor' canno )e requirec )u . I III
11:00 am. Reports of Standing Committees by the Chairmen. DISCUSSIOH. permissible to require that winners atteird ‘ IIII
I Saturday afternoon open for recreation as you like . “EC (lhmmg. 01 yfisitI a store ]or a1 nurlnber . . III III
‘- 0 stores to see i tieir numrer ras )een “ T-I
. . - . ‘ ' ' l 1. : .
I 7.00 p.m. Fish fry at the Shelter House for all members and their families. posted. As the result of cases in federal III I
I 9:00 p.111. Moonlight excursion trip on chartered boat. court. the department was required to ap— ‘ I
I prove the matter of “being present to win.” I . 1
For many years, this was disapproved. ‘ I
l . . - ~ . . u . . ,, .4
I‘ Dailies ESI'CIbIISII Wirephoto nation With a: Assocrated Press state wrre- If merchants mSist on a gimmick that I
)hoto networ . re uircs a )urchase b' the customer, an 3 I I
News Network By Photofax 1 .q 1 . I . y 5 I
I Plan I . . . . _ t'on a I’en Other Kentucky newspapers are expected literature concerning it cannot be mailed .1
tuckr :\ 01 Iputpng into operla: et xork to join the network in the near future. even though the actual copy may not reveal
' ‘ V ‘ ' H . . , . . I I '
“e I SSOClat€( Press nnep 10 O I; I“: _ \I k' the 31am for the network at this requirement. Such a requirement is con. : 3'
I 'r - . i am . _ II
I e Completed ‘1" Owensboro AP“ m g 1 . . trarv to the federal law pertaining to lot ’ I,
H meeting between AP officials and repre- Owensboro were: Bill Waugh, chief of _' 1 111 _” l ‘f 1 1' .I I
. I seiitatives of the five member newspapers Bureau; George Hackett, state editor; and terms airc wont )ei ega even i tre itera— I .II
1 which inaugurated the service, April 28. ‘Goldie’ Littell, photo chief; all of the Asso- llll‘e 15 110i SCIlt through the 1113115. I I I I
Under this setup, newspapers in Madi- ciated Press, Louisville; Edgar Arnold J11, . I II
sonville, Paducah, Owensboro, Louisville, managing editor of The MadisonVille Mes- - I l
and Lexington Exchange photos daily as well senger; Larry Hager, managing editor; and Mrs. RuthIStanton Willis, 86, widow of I .‘ ‘ I
I as receiving Associated Press pictures from Lawrence Hager, editor and publisher, both George L. \Villis, Sr., author and Journalist, ‘ I, 'I
-. allover the nation daily by the electronic of The Owensboro Messenger; Joe LaGore, died April 21 at Slrelbyvrlle. Her father, I
miracle known as Photofax. managing editor of the Paducah Sun-Demo- Henry T. Stanton, was a poet laureate of : . I
h' I With inauguration of the 5-City network (:rat; and George Michler, state editor of Kentucky, and her husband was a well II I
1 mg. I I\€ntucky will become the 17th state in the the Louisville Courier-Journal. known Shelbyvrlle newspaperman. II I: ‘3 I
l I I
,l .
II II“ .
il I I? .
ll : , ,
II I ‘I 3' I s

5' 1|Iillll
, 1 1 1|
:1 . IO - W kl - I d Local Advertising Problems _ Adverfi
peratton ee [85 Is S’ra rte Are Psychological Processes 1 Public
., -“OPERATION VVEEKLIES,” a coopera- close contact with local dealers. Communi- thihldfiii; SPZkafg’ the mental attitude h Alsthhu,
,. r tlve program for action, is announced by ties of under 10,000 population were re- mental atgiimdn 0 our-town and your 0111 mediate (
' Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. as sponsible for 25,000 of the 41,000 new car , .[-,- ,uhe lCOI‘an‘lSC or create the ad‘ acceptam
- its 1957 answer to publishers’ demand for dealers getting nine billions of a total 25 1:11-11:111‘315512 high Roulghly SpBakin1 sponccl‘w
j. , . more aggressive sales promotion of national billion sales in a recent year. Diversion of 23;,11’1-5 1,11,;21‘61 1151mg psyc ology. 0f l9"! compeuu
j . advertising in weekly newspapers. national advertising dollars from the home- .. O y -“ at you make It. lf11‘1 has. i i
. . . ‘ , _ , _ _ , mong, its your Job to remake it and m1. :1 little b
, VVNR salesmen at five sales offices tlnough- town community will not serve the dealers it right a§| -,
' , out the U.S.A.— New York City, Los Angeles, interests. .0 ' . ' 1)“th CC
, Chicago, Atlanta and Detroit—have been “\VNR salesmen in 1956 set a new record: H. there is a general impression that ad' word 0f
. given the “green light” to sell weekly news- 11.3 per cent of all V’VNR billings was new gertlsmg does not pay, or that dodgersag ho St.“
. paper space for ALL national advertising business sold by VVNR and serviced by VVNR etter and‘ cheaper than newspapers, or m“ Pnce CO]
. accounts. VVNR sales presentations will be and 25 state newspaper associations by l- }the shopping news 15 better because (31112111 Busmess
, made soon in Detroit to advertising officials order, l—bill, l-check. Such new business )Ody gets .m or that advertismg W1“ not hi at he‘d ‘
1 of major automobile manufacturers in the was in addition to the Lincoln—Mercury ac- merchandise, then the psychology is wrong Newcsi
‘ 1 presence of advertising agency account ex— count which VVNR began to service in 1956 and your town WI“ not be a good advertisin11 the com
ecutives. for the first time. town until you change that psychology. general
0' i As explained by Alan McIntosh, publisher “To spread \VNR sales benefits to more .One “lay to do it is to begin at the hi the (10a
~ 1 of the Rock County Star-Herald at Luverne, newspapers, VVNR opened a branch sales ginning. In other words, find out whatth11 pai‘auve
Minnesota and president of \VNR, “Opera- office in the South at Atlanta and on the conditions really are. It is a truism thi calls fo1
tion Weeklies” calls for vigorous support by “76“ Coast at Los Angeles. ‘WNR wants as. soon as you have the facts, the remedfi Coming
1 newspapers at the local level as well as your newspaper to get the maximum bene- “111 suggest itself. Therefore, [0 put hill ctfmrpaiai
i stepped up selling by \VNR salesmen. fits of VVNR selling. That is why ‘Operation slang, find out what you are up agaimll 0 some
' 1 “The 1957 sales program of “VNR is no \‘Veeklies’ calls for cooperative support by 'Ihere must be areason why some town news tiners, .l
1 push-button affair," states McIntosh. “Here publishers at the local level as outlined papers carry a generous volume of advertii ate (um
are Specifice ways whereby the weekly news- above.” mg and others in very similar towns a sparse! foundat
paper publisher is being asked to cooperate Publishers of \VNR-represented weekly volume. i 3mm: ‘
1 with VVNR in its 1957 program. Automobile newspapers were recently invited to indicate AS the first step in changing that P511 blhttlo a
1 advertising must now be sold on an indi- by postcard ballot whether they wanted chology, find out what that reason is. Nearlh 1)] loll-
1 vidual market basis .This new requirement WNR to sell their space to all automobile always it goes baCk 10 a 300d selling l°hi Ray-Th
1‘ gives added emphasis to the importance of manufacturers. The nation-wide referendum as compared With a poor 5‘31]ng job—and; (131;: 31:.
l 1 1 the VVNR Market Data Report question- was ten—to—one in favor of such VVNR action. sellmg is largely a psychological process. F01: I The "f
1 naire which was distributed to publishers In response to the publishers’ demand the instance, the psychological elfect 0f one dei ol”)ub1i
1 1 last summer. \VNR Board of Directors voted on March partment store using large display spaces i of ri10ne~
1 r ‘ “If you have not filled out the question— 21 to regard all national advertising accounts to lead the other department stores to use lines . ‘
1 1 naire, please do so at the earliest moment as new business in 1957. large spaces—which is the simplest possiblt median:
11 . 1 and return it to your State Association olhce. . Illustration. 1 Ba;ecl.
1 1 James A. Brown, Detroit media director of The London Sentinel—Ech l . 11 d Armed With the facts, knowing just “'11“; versitv sr
' . the Grant Advertising agency which handles a new Goss Cox-O—T e nzw 1as insta 6 local bum-“6551116“ think 0f advertising, “'1‘“ years /a (
1 Dodge cars, has assured VVNR that the VVNR and chan ed from a 5:: en t SI.) all) e1 lpress are their individual reasons for advertising the “bi
i1 ' market report is a big step in the right direc- makeu gThe have a n 0 egg 11tdco umn little 01‘ “Ct at all, making an analysis [ml reaction
1 tion and will be of immediate value to the house 1:116 “8:5 and news 36:7 t 111 ”If to shows you the hurdles and the mental If? the jewe
115 agency in using the weekly newspapers for Meyer UKlJournalism schdolm. d ' arr: ervations that keep them from advertisiflgi budget 1
1 national advertising schedules. formerly n ews writer for gull. uate gin you have a true picture 0f the local advefi of publi
1 ”If VVNR is successful in its sales pitch \VHAS Louisville is now )ultiilc‘ 1.0_ sftation tising situation. If that picture is unfair-1 cited thc
f. to automobile manufacturers in Detroit, tion officer for the Arm hrlfil'trm 1;.0rh1a‘ able, you Will know the real reasons. And Ohio sto
\VNR will be asked by advertising agencies Kentucky Fred Luiyart I‘dryl IStrUICItP if you include yourself in the survey, maihi the com
‘ ' to service auto accounts by its nation-wide "rad is no- I I . g. ’ J1" a so a i You “in find that his mostly you. i from $71;
1 l-Order, 1.11111, 1»Check system. WNR hopes i1 7’4 Hw fianafe'ltg ed”? 0f the ‘T’e‘ikly ' was ., f
1 that interested publishers will. take steps to 15:31:“ th 81:12:, ‘zixggiraesgglnjd 361:}:1111“ _ .—_— , lies" ill;
1 make sure that the” neighboring publishers New managing editor of the “loodford 51:: acli’terltsislijlli:neyxg::ltem111y (1?.66‘11 amhng letiiii
1‘ :Jii)1‘:::l\ :éZLFCZ?21“‘\l:76§1{115:1:§:zcy makes is A. B. Chandler, Jr. . . . James G. Hearon single featjure 12f asn;lflcitaiileaillijtlliylhhil
1 “Ever letter of mtest received b 1n has JOJIled the Journal-Enterprise, Provi- ERS NAME. I’m pretty well convinced thfll; Mat P'
1:. Y . P Y ‘ dence, as reporter and advertising man. He the most im ortant featt ‘ f (:1va Merge;
1 agency ““11 only weaken the weekly news- formerly was with radio station WFMVV ad re ardlep E k 116 0 any n the! N' Y" i
i paper industry in competition With mass Madisonville. . . . Mrs. Doroth M h' ', g‘ 55 0 ma 6, IhOdEL or any0 ' [nice of
.l _ media such as television and radio networks ~ - Y at IS 15 claim, IS THE DEALERS NAME" If new t"
1 1 ‘ . ‘ . s new soc1€ty edltor of the Hazard Herald. papers can establish the reval ce of 1h“: M Apr
1 metropohtan newspapers, magazrnes and out- It’s time to beat the vacation drums attitude amo ‘h P ( an 011 as Plaln
door billboards. A united front by weekly in your ad columns: cars, tires lu - ng ome town car buyers, . SeCondi
‘1 news .121 sets is the ublishers’ best rotection. . . - - ’ ggage, place in the automotive sun WI“ be “H 19“6
l “V\I"\"1R , , P 1' bl'l P k cameras, Clothing, binoculars, cam P 1 n g challenged; Otherwise, the competitive £10111 -3 ’ b0
1I|11|1~1|11|I 1 H 1 suggests tmt pu 1s1ers eep 3 equipment. . . _ , are rolling up. rites fror
; I I

 i J‘J’J‘ "

l :J: J}.


. JJ:

. J .J, JJ

m i'i, ‘

ems J Advertising 'Liars’ Destroy Type Has Character Circulation Costs Deductible E J JU'JJ
sses J Public Confidence-Acceptance Type has character, use it; Em bows As Current Tax Expense J JJ
tal attitudeJJJ Although the “advertising liar” has iirr- the right type to advertise superbargains. ;Interr;ral Revenue JService has ruled that JJJJJ'J
and your OJJJJJ mediate access to the same residue of public Gracefub slender, light ;or medium types circulation costs to ;‘ establish, maintain, or J J JJJJJJJ
create the JJJ acceptance, public confidence and public;re- ‘J’CI‘C deSIgned F0 advertise ladies unlhen- increase the Circulation of a newspaper are ‘ 1 JJJJJJ
hly SpeakinJJ Sponge which is accorded to his more ethical tronzibles, fine Silverware, expensive China. deductible as current expense [or tax pur- J J J'JJJJJ
)logy of JOJJJ competitor, the “continual publication‘ of 'Dont let your typography sing off—key. poses, regardless of bookkeeprngsystem pub— J JJJ‘J
ake it. If JJ‘J lies . . . is bringing about the destruction, I\CCI) EYPC faces m harmony. _ lishers use to report jubscription income. J J JJJJ
e it and maii. a little bit at a time, of the daily residue of Dont let condensed type rattle around in It is I.R.S. ruling No. 5/-8/, Issued March 11. J J JJJJJ
J public confidence in the written and spoken the Wide open spaces. Condensed type was Under previous ruling, in died since J J,J|Ji

ission thdeJ word of honest competition." J J made [or conclensedplaces, such as single 1940;(I.T. 3369) publishers could treat cir- J JJJJJIJ
1t dodgers JJJJ So stated the report of the Comparative column headmgs or Single column ads: Corr- culation costs; as current expenses only if J J JJ,J
gape”, or lllll Price Committee 01 the Assoc1atiorr of Better (lens-ed type ishaid to read—avhy destloy Its subscription income was also treated as J J ll‘
because eveiJJ Business Bureaus at. the BBB Conference EHCCJivcnessby using it where regulal wrdth current income. J J JJJIJJJ
lg will not at {ll New Orleans earlier thlJS month, will)? “567d? J 11 Al d How publishers who now deduct circula- . i JJJJJJJJ
Jlogy is wronJ NCWCSE in a two-year 561.165 0f reports by ; -caps are no caps at a ' ‘ l-cap hea ‘ tion expense for tax purposes to conform J J JJJJ
)od adv'ertisinJJ the committee, headed by G. H. Dennison, 111105 ‘IJHVC b63611 011 [11611: “33' out £01 the with their system [or reporting subscription J J J ‘JJJ
ychology. "‘ general manager ol the Pittsburgh BBB, 1):“;L 35' years for the main 16450“ they. 31.9 income can take advantage of new ruling ‘ J JllJl
. J the document said the Situation on corn- hard to read and because all emphasrs is is explained bV I.R.S. as follows: J J‘iHJJ
gin at the be; )al‘fltiVe price advertising nationally now no (31111311351'S at 3“- up .. , J t J , , J .- . ,- cl - HJJJJJ‘
out Whatml £3115 for a “show-clown.” D The same advice holds for boldface. Use sectidliiM;hl05 L3); ldl (11:12]OIIJIJLJZJJCITJI[EZECJJJE ‘JJ
:, :hlysiiiriiilJ Citing particularly the :‘unconscionable 1L graringlykandl get Vim: emphasis}; J ; Code of 1954, this modification shall be J Jil‘llX
J [0 put it JJJ comparative price and preticketing POhCICS kont 151:1 C Jtre realeer get out £15 yarcl- cllettive only with respect to the first open : J :JJ Ji
'e up against 0f 501110 0[ the nation’s 131365: manufac— stic; {”1 00“ hm” 11165:; TOO 0 ten, “C year of such taxPayer at the time that this ‘JJ
me town nuts turers,” the report declared that until these set 511141 61 type laces too “ 1de and “uh too Revenue Ruling is published in the Internal J ‘JJ
ne of adverts are cured, “0 hope for a solution can be hide space'betueen. ; ; J Revenue Bulletin. Expenditures paid or JJJJ.
towns a SPJJJJJJ found at the local level under present com- Don t build a fence around 5P?- Don’t incurred in a year prior to the Cllective date J‘J‘J
i petitive conditions. An example given was make your ads 1001‘ llkc a type-founders ol this Revenue RulimT but which were de- ‘ y.l

- i that 01 a “famous name” “351“” pre-ticketed display Of border and rule. [erred to a subsequent Cyear under LT. 3369, J J‘ Jl‘lllllii
:12): izhaifleiilJJ by the manufacturer at $445.95 and regu- st'inlCiiiju‘yiiilr tzipogfphyJclep11.'fiRgset those will be deductible in the year in which they ; J JJJJJJ
3d selling job} larlstold in the Pittsburglraiea {or 59320.93. J ‘11 t] o ‘ 5: ”P ‘5 anc C 355‘ e -‘ once a woqu have been deductible had no modi- J“JI
_ _ Retailers obvrously had quite a spread to “m“ L fiuumn occurred.” J JJJJJJJ;
21111501215357??? claim “savings" in. ; —.__— New ruling is I.R.S. interpretation of JJJ1
w of one JJ: The “hes” are affeftmg both the amount L . ‘|| 5' D It Ch" Public Law No. 814 (Revenue Act of 1950) . ? J J J'J
J of public acceptance which a given amount OUISVI e lgma e a l sinned Se )J 23 1950 which states that J J J J

splay Spacmi of money will buy the advertiser in various Chapter Presents Awards a . If I. JJ- h" - l - ~i . J J J JJ
I' stores to ur lines and also the revenue of advertising 1)]. J..- . -d f. I,- k' $310.61.“? . (ll esta) 15 mg, maintaining 0.1 JJ
Iplest pOSSibJe media me” [1 _ J "cl . (“1995 here presente to 1V8 centucfly increasing the Circulation of a newspaper, JJg' J.
J . . , re repmt Sdl . ; Journalists for outstanding work during 1906 magazrne, or other periodical can be treated J J J J

ring just wliiJJ wig/3:13; Jhi: TEX-3:12;; 1P1:3;::1:ei::i by the Louisville Iir‘olesswnalcgapter, Sigma as deductions from gross income. JJJJ JJJJ
yertising, whit Wars/ago, tlie report computid that ads by DeTltla Clll’eat-{jmlliwlllfé Apr: itgat n r ; Previous ellorts to clarify publishers' right > J JJllJJ
For advertising the “business fakers” have caused public R rofe: C::;“;?$ .w.G 51a; 1Ces 1:03:31: to use either current or deferred reporting . J JJJ JJJ
1 analysis thfll reaction to a point where for instance in Tépm Illa—11’ 1; “f1“; f ~ 1' IP , I’e t1 li’s for subscription income failed in 84th Con- ‘ J J J
lie mental m the jewelry business a $10’() 000 advertising iinfs, ort issgrlizst: rai 11C,es‘/Oin \glpcllys gress. Publishers may want to check with J JJ
rm advertisiflJJ budget will bur , ’ lr ’$31000 H J 10 pa 0J3 SYS em, 1' g 31);)?“ nce P , their tax accountants as to effect of ruling ‘ J f
U: 3 )OU ony 3 “01“ VVHAS-TV, for his televrsron news reel on on their operations. JJ J

16 local 3de 0E PUbliC acceptance for your claims." It “Happy Chandler Tries for the Presidential J J J 3
ire is unfavoI-J Cited the statement by the president Of an Nomination” made at Chicago, a tie with '—_‘.—— J J
reasons AndJ Ohio storm window manufacturing firm that Frank Abrams Jr. and Mrs. Stanton A. 100 Mull R d N J
survey, maybEJ the COmpany had cut its advertising budget Morgan, Owensboro Messenger and In I l0n ea ewspapers . J ‘
you. J from $750,000 to $70,000 a year because it quirer, on their picture story on “Hospitals One hundred million different Americans I
_ JJHSJ“L1nviiilling to enter into a contest of Play Many Roles." now read a newspaper during the average JJ
1 among retail 105 With disreputable competitors. Outstanding work other than reporting day, according to; a; report by Sindlinger;8c J
iost l.mPOJJJJJJ . and plrotography—VJ’ilbur G: Cogshall, Jas- C0., national statistical analySis firm of Rid- ' J J
is the DEAL" M _ _ srstant managing editor, I..ou15vrlle Courier- ley l’ark, Pa. fhe firm added that the 100— . J J'IJ
convinced JJJJJt {ll Prices Increase Journal, called ‘finest unheralded newspaper million mark was passed for the first time J ‘J
f any new wt Nllél‘genthaler Linotype Co.. Brooklyn, man in America , won the award desrgned in; January. "lire ayerage reader spent 34 J J J
, or any Odie! price” Eincreased from 30 to .32 cents the to recognize key 'men who: worlkldoes not nngutes a day with his newspaper, 'Sindlinger J 1 J J
XME. If new five A0 smatrices up to l4-p01nt- srze, effec. lend itself by bylines 01 0t er p111) 1c