xt7x69700882 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x69700882/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1994 text GLSO News, April 1994 1994 1994-04 2019 true xt7x69700882 section xt7x69700882 A Publicmion b the LexiN TON GA And LesbiAN Senvices OR ANilATlON
Apnl + 1994
DANGER IN THE lECISLATURE Notional Gov/Lesbian Crisis Line
As [H t f th GLSO N t t th (800) 247-4283
1s issue 0 e ews wen o e .

presses, the Kentucky House of Representatives Teenage Gov/Lesblon Support
had just decided to shelve House Bill 10, which (800) 347'TEEN
proposed an amendment to the state constitution Thurs-Sun. 7pm—Mldnight
to allow the General Assembly to ban sodomy , ,1
and provide for punishments. The bill in its LESb'AN BATTERINCI
original form would have punished all instances by DEbbiE AUIT
0f sodomy, including between consenting adults, I have lived in a small, rural community in
gay people, and even straight mamed couples. south-central Kentucky for four years as an out
There was, however, a proposed change to the dyke in an even smaller, closeted lesbian
bill which would have singled out same-sex community. I write this after a long week of
sodomy only.- watching my good friend being battered again by

The blh wrll apparently not be voted on’_ due her lover, and holding her while she cried. This
to a decision or the House majority committee, is not the first time a friend has been beaten by
Whleh selected two other constrtutronal her lover, abused by the person we all usually
amendments to consider instead of the sodomy trust the most
amendment. The House limits itself to two Potlucks and politics are fine, but it is long
constitutional. amendment proposals per past time that our community began to deal with
legislative session. _ .. . what is happening to our lesbian sisters. We

There rs still a possrbrlrty that the Senate Will need to acknowledge this is happening, learn to
push a sodomy amendment; several different understand the turmoil in these women’s lives,
options have been filed there. And in the House, start confronting the batterer, and support the
Rep. Greg Stumbo defended the shelving of HB survivor.
10 by promising that sodomy would be addressed What is lesbian battering? Battering is the
during this session by some means other than a violent and coercive behaviors that one lesbian
constitutional amendment. . uses to control the thoughts, beliefs, and conduct

Stumbo, deflecting criticism from Republican of another lesbian, or uses to punish her for
supporters 0f the anti-sodomy measure, said on resisting that control and violence. Under this
the House floor that, although he does not definition, individual acts of violence are not
necessarily condone sodomy, it should not be battering. But when the assaulted partner
prohibited through the state constitution. changes her actions in order to avoid further

Supporters Of HB 10 complained that if the abuse (e.g. is afraid to say or do something
connnued on PM“ 6 continued on mg: 4

CLSO News ’ Apnil 1994 , 1

 HOW TO BEAT TI'IE Hiqh COST 0': Dyinq Memorials Societies. The local group is"a
b . nonprofit consumer society for simplicity,
y BRIAN TltRockMORION d' . . .
lgnlty, and economy 1n funeral and memorial
Although AIDS has increased our awareness arrangements."
of death in the last deacde or so, death has always One of its purposes is to help people find low-
been an eventual reality for all of us. Because cost funeral alternatives. The average American
most people tend not to think about the practical funeral costs more than $4,700! Yet, by choosing
details of dealing with a death, we are often cremation or educating yourself about funeral
unprepared when the time comes, and risk home sales tactics, and doing some comparison
making bad decisions because of grief, shopping before the time of need, you could
distraction, or lack of information. bring this price way down. (Donation of the
In Lexington, the Memorial Society of Central body to medical science—in our case, UK—is the
Kentucky helps people educate themselves about cheapest possible choice, but is not available to
death, especially from the standpoint of being persons who have any of a number of restricting
consumers of funeral home services. The conditions, including AIDS.)
Memorial Society is one of many such Are you aware that federal regulations require
organizations nationwide, and is a member of every funeral home to give you a printed list of
the Continental Association of Funeral and their fees for services, along with price ranges for
products such as caskets. All you have to do is
GLSO NEWS i show up in person and ask.
The Memorial Society has already done this
p“b|i51"ed MOMNY by +146 comparison shopping and one of the benefits of
. . , membershi is our relationshi with an
LEXINQTON GAY/LESb|AN SERWCES agreeable, P competitively pricedp Lexington
ORQANiZATiON funeral home (you need to join to find out who,
or else call around on your own). In addition,
13.0. Box ’1 147’] we offer information on your options and forms
Lexington, KY 40575 for you to indicate in advance your wishes
regarding disposition of the body, financial data,
edfior: memorial service preferences, and other
' . information. This is NOT a preneed payment
BRIAN ThROCkMORTON plan; you would pay a $25 lifetime membership
Layout editor: fee to join the Memorial Society, but you do not
ElilAbEIi-I A. Gilli AM pay anything to the funeral home until you use
their services, and you can change your mind at
GLSO ANNUAL DUES: $1 5 any time-
DUES LOR Couples: $20 The .Memorial Society also has offered a series
NEWSLEHER 0le: $ l O of public talks on subjects such as the Living Will,
,H planning memorial services, hospice, physician-
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of the assisted suicide, and interviews with morticians.
“1.310“ 30d don"nécessarily represent those 0f the GLSO Board of Our next public meeting is Sunday, April 24, at
Directors. Submissrons are welcome. All submissrons become the 2:00 in the conference room on the fourth floor
property of GLSO and must indicate full name and address of the , ,
author. The staff reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to or the LCXIHgLOI‘l PUbhc Library downtown' The
meet publishing requirements, aslvvell'as the right to reject any meeting is free and open to everyone.
:ziai'eegzeazzf traits me“ To find me, write for a brochure:
preferences. Memorial Society of Central Kentucky, 3564
Clays Mill Road, Lexington, KY 40503.
GLSO News a Apnil 1994 I 2

 Y) after the flambé
modem, 1 dec1d€d to
skip his stomach and

1 go straight for his
‘ “." 2? kflk
; «if -

5 get a takc-oul ordcr from u» .1 fl
: and watch how fast he cats I( up. C. w,駧"
r igffiflt.’ Imperid PLIZJ Shopping Center
5 L~"",\5~§‘,’"‘"3 . H -- - "

1><7§tr:l:;'i~? 393 Vva er Ape. Lexmgton, KY 40504
iii) (3.3: (606) 233-7486
- GLSO News , Apnil 1994 a 1

 LESbiAN BA'nsninq r (continued fiion pm: I ) not helpful just to make a list of rules and expects
because of what her lover will do), this is battering. the victim to follow them. Battered lesbians need
This violence can and does include personal time to learn how to regain control over their
attacks, pet or child abuse, or destruction of lives. Supporting a survivor of this violence is
property, and is usually accompanied by never easy. As soon as the abuser feels herself
homophobic attacks, emotional/ psychological losing some control over her victim, the violence
abuse and economic exploitation. In Naming the may escalate. I do not advocate anyone putting
Vzolence.‘ Speaking Out Against Lesbian Violence, herself in jeopardy, but we can at least let the
edited by Kerry Lobel (National Coalition victim talk to us, and tell her we care about her.
Against Domestic Violence Lesbian Task Force, Do not minimize her pain. It takes tremendous
Seal Press, 1986), it is noted that "a lesbian who courage to tell the story.
finds herself controlled by her partner because of Abuse happens. We need to always believe
fear of violence may be battered even if she has the victim. Her life may depend on it We began
not been physically assaulted." to understand men’s violence against women by
Physical abuse includes, but is not limited to, listening to battered straight women and rape
assaults with weapons (knives, guns, cars, survivors. Can we do any less for one of our own?
cigarettes, etc.); biting, kicking, punching, Don’t just tell the victim to leave the
slapping, unwelcome tickling; deprivation of relationship and then be mad if she doesn’t. She
food, heat, sleep. Sexual abuse includes: rape; probably can’t—yet The abuser has probably
sexual withholding; forced sex with others; threatened her, her family, her home. Perhaps
sexually degrading language. Emotional abuse she stays in the situation because the only control
includes: isolation; lying; humiliation; insults; she has is to feel she is protecting others. Be
bursts of fury; withdrawal. Other factors of patient. It takes time to recognize thatyou’re not
battering are property destruction (arson, pulling alone, and that you have a right to life free from
out the telephone), threats of violence against violence.
you or members of your family, and homophobic Many lesbians are afraid to turn to the police
— or battered women’s shelters. Asking for help
”Lesbians first need to acknowledge from family is also hard, especially if you aren’t
. . . . out Even if you are out, the possibility of your
that domestw mzence 896““ m our family putting the blame on your lifestyle—instead
community. But once we admit that of on the batterer, where it belongs—can be too
- . - _ t i t 9" intimidating to allow you to ask for support.
Mb What Is Safe Space? Safe space is where the
, abused lesbian can go to rest, think, and be
control (threatening to tell your employer or - .
. , , herself Without fear of the abuser s harassment.
family that you are a lesbian, or telling you that Th' . .
, is may be your liVing room for an hour, or a
you deserve what you get becauseyou re a dyke). h .
_ , _ . non— omophobic shelter. As supporters of
It is fairly easy for us to support and identify b . - - . . .
_ _ _ attered lesbians, it 15 our responSibility not only
heterosexual Victims of battenng, but hard to t d
, , , _ _ n _ , . o e ucate ourselves but to support any program
identify lesbian Victims ( Surely this doesn t exrst th t - ts . th 1 - h l
' liticall correct lesbian uto ia'") But it - a. 6x15 m -6 arger community to e p
:jn our p0 d 'yh d P ‘ ‘ Victims of domestic Violence. This can include
oes ex15t an It appenseveiy ay. , staffing the local hotline, or talking to abused
Community ResponSibihty. Lesbians first lesb' ans ta ti tr . ht - t
d to acknowled e that domestic violence - l ’ or con C ng s aig agenCies o
nee . g_ , discover their policy on dykes.
exrsts in our community. But once we admit that It - 'tal t d t all 1 b' d
possibility—what then3 We must listen to battered ~15 V1 0 e ucae es 1an an gay
lesbia t f d ”'1 be t t h 1 th I . organizations. Everyone, from the bookstore to
ns 0 m on ow s 0 e p em. t 15 the political group, should includeaprovision in
GLSO News r Apnil 1994 , 4 .

 [s o
(1 their mission statement providing safe space for P F
ir abuse victims. If you don’t have such a PGOIOU’ up,
is statement, write one. If you already have one, nu Bpppd Pol Grooming
1f enforce it. This may include escorting the
:e batterer out of the room. Aware and trained °
.g lesbians can easily do this. It’s not complicated— expor‘lonOOd
re just state that you recognize that "all lesbians who
r. have been battered are entitled to be free of fear
,5 from assault or discrediting by any batterer in 277-9365
our meetings and literature" (quote from Naming _ ‘
'C the Violence).
,n One of the hardest things about writing this
) article is the fear that I will 0 n u the
,2: discussion without offering any reallesuppgrt to [ad/(fl [ ”(ya/é”, My” 1
_> the victim/ survivor. In no way do I mean to ’ 675;“ 4 {1375/22 I’M? {a I
re minimize your pain. I understand that many l gaff/fii/C’imxba/flg a (a a 60 5/7 x
K? lesbians find no support from (or have no trust 4 I ’5 l 1"“ a“, "f l
ly in) the police, courts, or shelters. Many l 7 r I
35 therapists are unaware of this issue. I urge : 700, *4/41" 5“”! 55”“? l f
'01 everyone in a non-abusive home to open that 1 i [ta-IRZMV/t’y1‘a567 ‘:
56 home and your hearts to your sisters in need. I \ /6a5/254_9772 |
at I have not addressed why lesbians batter. My Ejfij
m focus is only on the survivor. I will only say that
one reason they batter is because they decide it is
:e safe to do so.
[p I call on our lesbian community to work on . ‘ "a. 11-6 "m nit-nu; mm. flnm "L, m« v;
1’; issues of domestic violence, locally and statewide. _um m:
Jr I am available for homophobia and domestic nuns e . ' —a-r
[d violence workshops. I have designated my home -‘ mm- "0 c e N“ -"
,0 as a "safe home" for any lesbian who needs a few "“3" “ "““5
days of rest and safety. I can be contacted at the c" “" . “1"“ '
n address below; my phone nnneen will remain :;:'.:-:::“:.::::‘“::..:::.:‘
)e confidential for now in order for the abuser not m“ . “gang”; 219465 .9; HS? “COL-{Kc . :_ m
n to track you down. Hymn wn'ne, I will gladly give _. m gsszw‘aacm‘ masters: ..
a you the nmnber. Battered lesbians are some of run for gfi; €3§3Jgs§gy§ugffg Sefégt‘g nu u
of the most courageous women I know. There M“ 2:23:32 13:53:35: 355%:222'3‘ nu
lly should be hope, health, and life for all of us. Tum" iglétcn?:' 0:53:52 5'15F:%Pf:figgfl :2: """ ‘
m —Debbie Ault, P.O. Box 212, Russell Springs, “1’ 7m unusuu. mafia-muss [ma accxs mi urns "m:
“r 7‘ IUSIC. Pnotaclnmt ruE Envmamsnt. “m1
1p KY42642. “an“, nun. Ionian ”mm-.15. FOthlCS. .__._.__
:16 .. .c. ESSFIE. ‘éfyise'J‘iZ‘n.§°5ou‘"éL‘&7§
ed Baum. '"g is "0‘ 1"” a Problem f?r me- 12%;:- zcsssrazrzgimzaria": n. .
to lesbwm. Gay men also sufier abuse m "=- u- “"65 SE‘ECW” °‘ "‘°“"‘°"‘,"°““s ’ ‘*
. . . . ‘06 mzl.1ut< he‘s":- u-zvurun s-r—r v.5 ec. mun
a their relatzmzsthsz If you can write about u. rm OPEN 7 DAY? A WAETE'I‘z 11 ..._ ,
t2; thus we of the zssuefi the GLYO News tun-l: fiftgflgfiuéia,“vgl§ 2558587 em nu
. welcomes your wntnbutwn. . W" ' nut to new comm com: Hausa "" K
m Contad Brian Throckmorton at 27&o795. "W "" w" "“" "m“ “'°"“"' M"
CLSO News , Apnil I 994 , 5

 DAnqen IN The LeqislM'une (continued fnon pnqe 1) Even if there is no pending bill, it is not a bad
bill is shelved, legislators would lose a chance to idea to let your representatives know where you
prohibit sodomy, which was cited as a means of stand on these issues.
the transmission of the AIDS Virus. AN Alysi s :
hat 5 next? Because Of the monthly RATiONAlES of The ANTir A oliriciANs
deadline of the GLSO News, we are unable to q Y P
provide the most timely information about the Why is sodomy such a hot issue for
legislature. If other anti—gay legislation has Kentuckians? Rep. Jim Bruce, sponsor of the
advanced since our press time, the Herald-Leader derailed House Bill, is reportedly pushing the
is sure to have reported it. issue to appease religious conservatives in his
To protest any pending bill, write your senator district who feel he has been soft on issues of
and/ or representative and mention the bill by its their brand of morality. Rep. Paul Clark, chair of
number, stating that you oppose the bill and why. the House Committee on Elections and
You can also call their offices directly in Constitutional Amendments, which allowed the
Frankfort, or use the Legislative Message Desk bill to be considered by the full House, said he
(800 — 372-7181) to leave a message. You do not passed the bill out of committee as a personal
have to state that you are lesbian or gay. It will favor to Bruce. "He wants it bad," Clark was
help if you can get your gay friends as well as quoted as saying. .
straight acquaintances and family members to Some legislators say that their motive is
write, too. It would be especially helpful to urge discouraging the spread of AIDS, but that is a
people from rural areas to write their legislators, spurious claim. After all, two uninfected gay men .
since none of the sponsors of HB 10 was from could practice sodomy endlessly and not come
Fayette County. I
g 606—299—741 O : l E E E ‘
' gnoss Cj’UNTR" (amass TRAINING Dressage ;
. jumping .
Acreage for Trail Riding 1
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen 1
Lexington, Ky. 40516 Instructor-Trainer I
___—__—____—___— .
GLSO News , Apnil 1994 , b

 ad down with AIDS. Sodomy, in and of itself, is not * Who Is Responsilrfi A
)u a cause of AIDS.
It is likely that the real reasons lawmakers are The sodomy bill was filed by Representatives
= targeting sodomy are the same reasons it has James Bruce (Hopkinsville), Lonnie Napier
been illegal in many places since long before the (Lancaster), Royce Adams (Dry Ridge), Woody
advent of AIDS: sodomy is supposedly unfamiliar Allen (Morgantown), Ray Altman (Finley),
_ to the mostly straight lawmakers of our country; Jeffrey Buis (Liberty), Robert Damron
or sodomy is "unnatural"; and the Bible is against it (Nicholasville), William Donnermeyer
E: Fear of the unfamiliar, of course, is no good (Bellevue), Danny Ford (Mt. Vernon), Walter
. reason to ban something. Gee (Grayson), Stephen Keith (Manchester),Jim
:1: And if sodomy i5 unnatural, then why d0 Maggard (Iackson), Allen Maricle (Pioneer
of generation after generation of human beings Village), Ramsey Morris (Hopkinsville), Ray
n d keep spontaneously rediscovering it? Mullinix (Burkesville), Charles "Preacher"
h With regard to the Bible, if the elected Nelson (Bremen), Fred Nesler (Mayfield), Richie
e representatives of our state want to adhere to Sanders (Smiths Grove), Thomas T0dd (Nancy),
he Biblical advice, they are being awfully choosy - and Pete Worthington (Ewing). Of these, 9 are
1al there are many other taboos WhiCh appear in the Democrats and 11 are Republicans. Religious
vas Bible, but not in the Kentucky Revised Statutes. preferences represented include 8 Baptists,
. And the Bible is not the proper basis of the law of Catholic, 2 "Christians," Church of Christ,
is the land, anyway, Since many Of US are not Church of God, Disciples of Christ, 3 Methodists,
i a Christian, or have widely varied interpretations of 2 "Protestants," and one with no recorded
en what Christianity means. affiliation.
iie Of all the rationales for banning sodomy, it is Perhaps the person m05t individually
difficult to find one that i5 not based on fear, responsible for allowing this bill to progress is
ignorance, or state—imposed religion. Paul Clark (D—Louisville), who is chainnan of the
Fortunately, sodomy is usually defined as sex committee that could have let this bill molder.
which involves contact between the genitals of Clark has been quoted as saying that he let the
one person and the mouth or anus 0f another. bill out of his committee as a favor to sponsorjim
Kissing, mutual masturbation, and many other Bruce, adding, "He wants it bad." The
forms of sex play are too imaginative for our atmosphere in the General Assembly is such that
elected officials to keep up With. some legislators feel pressure to appease the
Perhaps some of our legislators think that religious right by bringing up bills on topics such
banning sodomy would make AIDS disappear. as sodomy and abortion.
No. Many cases of AIDS begin in the marital
bed, with the missionary position. Yet no one is
proposing to punish heterosexual relations that
transmitAIDS- Notes from the typesetter...
it is sad that many Of those in power have a The deadline for articles and ads is the 17th of
fear of sex, which is what condemnation of every month,just like you’re used to.
sodomy amounts to. They can claim that they are For those of you who thought you had my
fighting AIDS’ biit “Oi all AIDS cases stem from address: I moved. Call me to get the new one.
sodomy, and “Oi all sodomy results 1n Alps" For errors, directory changes, generous praise
Banning sodomy because or AIDS is like banning and the like, you can contact me via voice mail at
pizza because 0f heartburn. 275-7801. You can leave messages there for me at
any time.
— CLSO News ’ Apnil I994 , 7

 GLSO Welcomes a New Sprlng
1 2 . .
A ril Fools Da , 9:00am Frontrunners
Good Frida Sppt.Grp. . ’
8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 11:OOam Stonewall '
AA Network ‘ . —
s _.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ‘ . _§ - ~. I;
7; : - 6:0 F trunne -Woodl d 7:0 M ’ Ch -_ - -. ' '
' - F Err F" F or Tamara? M FPOmFrorrrmo - .. ., um, _,
7. I . 6:30pm MCC-L’ville 8:00pm 'XXX rim Act'- 7100Pm Dignity 10.00am HIV/AIDS 3 .1 -_. ‘ '~
4:00pm ACE league (Berea) 3309'” G“? mm“ Ai'Am“ 7:00pm GLOBAL—U of L. Actors Guild 8=°°Pm Gay/Lesbian AA SPPLGI‘P- ' - ‘3 “v . ‘ ‘ ‘.
8 45 Ra in B0 4
6:00pm MCC/lex.-Greenleaf... '8 P1111111” d‘“ w Wing' 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppl.Grp. 8:001:11: 'XXX Love Act" 8:00pm "XXX Love . w '. - 5'.
7:00pm Gray/lesbian AA ou Actors Guild Act"—Actors Guild - : I . _V
10 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 .
4:00pm ACE League (Bel-ea) 7 13013111 Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners-Woodland 7:00pm Men's Chums 8 :00pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00am Fromrunners
6:00pm Imperial Ct-Club U Al Park 7:30pm UK lambda 10:OOam HIV/AIDS SppLGrp. -
6:00pm MCC/Lex.-Greeuleaf " £11011 . 6:30pm MCC-L'ville 8:00pm 'XXX Love Act'— AA 10:00am Men's Network '
Motel . 8:45pm Rainbow 7:00pm GLOBAL-U of L. Actors Guild 8:00pm "XXX Love 8:00pm "xxx Dove Act'- :f
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowling-Southland 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Act"-Actors Guild Actors Guild
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' CHICKEN, SEAFOOD, "i
GLSO N Deadli - ' : trunne - oodland : ’ : ' ’ : trunne
Holocaust Kiiiz‘goiay/Lesman 6333? M ii W 32352 iiiiinilgilm if”: ggifisuan AA lhmtliiiivi/Amsms as ., VEG ETAR i A N 5.
6:00pm MCC/u¥__6mmwfm Da 8.45pm Rambow 213%: 23:32:: «1):: Actors Gurld Actors Gmld . B E E R A N D WI N E _;
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowlmg—Southland 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. . ,
24 26 27 23 29 30 . HOMEMADE BREAD AND
7=30pmmroooroo oi’mFormF-Wmm stream mas/more DESSERTS ,
B!" I m I in V6 C - .
223:1: a: tinglecfirg) 8 gig—MOE . bo 6:30pm MCC-L'ville 8:00pm "xxx Love Act'- Actors Guild Siggflm 3%: G
’ in nu - - - ‘ - '
' ‘ . p111 am W 7.00pm GLOBAL-U of L. Actors Gurld 8:00pm Men’s Chorus Spring - am ppt. rp. :
6:00pm MCC/Iex.-Greenleaf.., . 8:0 Ga /LA: bi AA 8:00 HIV/AID _ . 8:00pm 'XXX Love Act'-
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA BOWllng-SOUthland 0pm y 8 an 8:00;: COLTS Rigs?!” GTP com“ @UK Actors Guild '
March May i
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 253-0014
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
27 28 29 so 31 29 so 31 FREE EVENING PARKING
Have you made your Stonewall 25 reservations yet for NYC? 3/19/1994 BEHIND THE RESTAURANT ON PRALL 51"

 ' r ' :Whatdo oudoif
COME Ourbwnl-I Les BIAN “D H O gmeone on ilhe Street
y Kelly 6 0 n
‘ . o ‘9 calls you a faggot or
Outside, that 15. The days are longer and the Q, $ ‘fi dyke"?
weather is wanner! Time to be outside! A: Most likely I would
Join us (Les’Bian) on Wednesdays beginning 6) 2 reply "Yes, I am a
in April at 6:00 P.M. and walk for approximately a I? dyke, what of it? And I
one hour. We’re still meeting at The Women’s ‘74, 0Q. am f__ proud to be
Center on North Martin Luther King Boulevard. THE 0 (“oh queer. Are you proud
It’s a great way to make new friends and catch up ofyourself?"
With Old ones—walking and talking. In fact this has been close to what I have told
Les’Bian started in OCtOber 1993 to give some silly frat boys in a jeep one night outside of
Lexington’s lesbian community an opportunity Joe’s.
to come together on a regular basis, to meet new A: My favorite responses: "Thanks! I didn’t
people and participate in b00k discussions, yoga, think you were so perceptive!" or "Didn’t I see
art, and flow walking. . , . you at the bar last Friday?" or nonverbal gestures.
Lookmg forward to seeing you m Apnl! Q: What’s the best response to someone who
GAY’POSITIVE FAMil)’ Souqln claims that gays/ lesbians are sinners who will go
Gay, Lesbian or G/L—Positive family interested in to hell?
providing a home for an 18-year old gay male A: "Can you explain to me what the deal was
moving to Lexington from a rural area of With that guy Jesus who Spent all his time Wit-h
Kentucky are asked to call Michael Taylor, CSW, twelve other men?"
at 225-1828. Professional/ Community team A: "’Judge not, lest you be judged.”
would be available for support, resources, and Q: Tell us about something somebody said or
planning. did that helped you come out.
GAY Couple To APPEAR AT JOSEpll’BETli'S u A: I have many friends and family members to
, . iank for helping me explode out of the closet.
Gay body-building couple ROd Jackson and B01) In particular however there is one friend who
Pan's will appear atJoseph-Beth’s Booksellers on helped me with my deepest fear hindering me
April 5 from 12 _ 1 F0. Slgn the“ bOOk Stralght from accepting my sexuality. One night when I
fmthLHcafl. Pans 15 a former Mr. Umverse. was so frightened thatI began to panic, she asked
Th? couple .have been featured in several me what my deepest fear was—deep in my heart I
national lesblgay magazmes, mcludmg cover told her I was afraid of going to hell if 1
stories in TheAd-uocate and Out continued to love women. She then hugged me
and whispered that the creator of love would
never damn me for loving. Those words helped
'. “ ' ‘ _ me face my worst fear.
Bisexual WF, 28, seeks same, 25—35. Seeking
friendship, possible relationship later. Just Q2 What’s the best thing about being gay?
coming out, would like to know more bisexual Q: If there were a pill that could tum you
women. Write to: "Jeannette" 350 Valley View, straight, would you take it?
Radclifl", KY40160. Will travel to meet you. To add your answer or to suggest a question to
Roundhouse, send your thoughts to GLSO
Roundhouse, Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575.
CLSO News r Apnil I994 , 10

 ‘ AIDS CARE TEAM TRAiNiNq PlANNEd Conquessioml Repom CARd
, rSTEVE B. The Human Rights Campaign Fund has issued
. The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington AIDS ratings of Agnenca s senatorslbased on their votes
Ministry will offer AIDS Care Team Training on on nine es igay issues over e aSt year. .
. Nineteen senators, all Democrats, Sided With
May 14 at Church of the Resurrection, 3220 . .
. . . . the HRCF 100% of the time: Daniel Akaka (HI),
. Lexmgton Road in Nicholasvflle. The Care . .
. . . . Barbara Boxer (CA), Bill Bradley (NJ), Chris-
Team program 15 an interfaith effort in the . . . .
service of peo le livin with AIDS The pro am topher Dodd (CT), Dianne Feinstein (CA),
. p . g ' gr Daniel Ino e (HI), Ted Kenned (MA), Frank
also prov1des education. uy y
Lautenberg (NJ), Patrick Leahy (VT), Howard
The training is sponsored by a United Thank Metzenbaum (OH), Barbara Mikulski (MD),
:- Offering grant to the AIDS Ministry. Money was Carol Moseley-Braun (IL), Daniel Patrick Moy-
' granted to train 20 volunteers in the Care Team nihan (NY), Patty Murray (WA), Donald Riegle
, approach, providing services to HIV/AIDS- (MI), Chuck Robb (VA), Paul Sarbanes (MD),
.‘ affected individuals. The outreach promotes Paul Simon (IL) and Paul Wellstone (MN).
spiritual friendship, as well as laundry, shopping, Three Republicans received the only zero
and transportation. The Catholic Diocese Office scores: Jesse Helms (NC), Lauch Faircloth (NC),
’ of AIDS Ministry will join in this training. and Malcolm Wallop (WY).
For more information, call Steve at 233-1782, In the Kentucky delegation, Wendzll For:
_ or 252—6527 voted favorably 56% of the time, an Mitc
' ' McConnell had a 33% record.
I The Human Rights Campaign Fund is the
nation’s largest lesbigay political organization.
l ___-___._____
i *‘“‘“’” STEP THREE
1 THE WALK —————___.___
i ' _
. Wo-lkLine (606) 254-28% FOR MORE INFORMATION,
LeXIngIon, KY 40585 [505] 254_AVO|_
- _————___—____—_
CLSO NEWS I APR“ 1994 a I]

 I The Political Correctness theory is not a new
one. Consider this:
ee 5 es ”Telephonists spelling out words and using
—.——“ —— specific names to denote letters should substitute
by Elizabeth Gilliam German names for jewish ones. For David,
Ward: which will live in Inflamy. Deutschland; for Nathan, National, etc. ”

Political Correctness. The movement to re- -Order oflderlm Telephone Dzrectzon, 1935
shape thought by re-defining words. This, I feel, The Nam were quite aware 0f . how . to
is necessary. At work, I come into contact with manipulate words, thereby manipulating
the information we distribute about our product. thoughts. So) how d? we know when we are
In passing, I have noticed phrases such as, "the gomg too far. ’What S the difference between .
receptionist can better use her time to...". After prom’oting equality and controlling minds?
they cross my desk, however, they say, "the ItSimportant to question definmons of words.
receptionist can make better use of time to...". Why are they used as they are? What ‘are the

Small words, big diiference. How much does alternatives, and.why aren t they used instead?
it really matter? It’s important to neutralize such Why .are they belfg changed? INhat images do
basic thoughts. A few years ago, when I heard they invoke. Why.
the word "executive", I thought "he". It was The debate on whether changes are good or
natural. Inbred. In a language where a single bad “"11 probably never end ",0 long as language
word holds an almost infinite amount of ex1sts. But it is something which I feel that each
meaning and brings to mind numerous oflus should consider, because if we don’t stop to
images("war" or "season"), and can change basic think about lt’ then we 0,111), lend , ourselves to
concepts of other words ("speaking with" vs. being merely someone else sdefinition.
"speaking about"), can we be too thorough in the Per/adieu”)! speaking...
way we look at changing words to reflect equality Everyone seems to know about the
for sexes, races, and other differences? homosexual section at Joseph-Beth’s. It’s always

On the phone, I am always taken for a packed when IvisiL I’ve heard it’s a great place
woman. In person, however, I sometimes get to scope although of course [would never do
called "sir". When I correct the person, a that. But.d1d you know about the other local
comment is usually made about my hair. stores which cany a variety of homosexual
Meaning: it’s short, so I must be a man. But so publications as well?
far, only people my age and older mistake me for SQecial Media (371 3' lLimestone) has an
a man. I have yet to hear a child get it wrong, array of buttons, bumper stickers, and new and
even when I wear my boots and ball cap. “56d books. . .

It is my opinion that language is helping to The .Hypnotic Eye .(504 l’é EUChd) deals
make that change. If kids today are not taught predominantly in magazmes. They currently have
that "executive" means "male", then it can only from 15-20 dtfferent queer titles. You can also
be beneficial in creating egalitarian thought. order books; currently, queer titles are 10% off

It’s difficult to be gender—neutral when there (and Oh so appropriate).
are few universal terms. In Middle English, I gave up my magazine subscriptions, so that I
"girle" meant "young person of either gender." can buy them locally to support these stores.
Today, Webster’s says it means "woman of any age".

(Incidentally, the definition for "boy" is "male Quate aft/79 Mont/7""

before puberty".) "One" can be used for "And the crazy part is that I would die to
gemalizations, but is hard to modify: "One who