xt7x696zxc3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x696zxc3t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-10-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1943 1943 1943-10-01 2013 true xt7x696zxc3t section xt7x696zxc3t The Kentucky ECernel

Hush Week Heads
Freshmen Activities

Itack To UK A sain
But What A Change



Dr. McVey To Address
First Fall Convocation
On Wednesday, Oct. 6
OpAoMAnf KmArU lie
lOJUllt ijlliviiiuo
To Speak At 10 A.M.


On Venezuelan Trip
''Venezuela Yesterday and Today"
will be the subject ol Or. Frank L.
MsVey, president emeritus of the
Vnlversity, when he addresses the
first convocation of the Fall quarter at 10 a. m, Wednesday, Oct 6.
Dr. McVey will tell of his experi-encin Venezuela where he was
called last March by the Venezuelan
gcvemment to advise on' the development of the Central University of
the country at Caracas.
For three months Dr. McVey
worked on plans for the reorganization and relocation of the University. He advised on plans for the
campus, buildings, court es of study,
staff, library, laboratory facilities,
and housing of students.
He will include in his talk information on the hopes, ambitions, history, and problems of the country
and Its struggle for liberty and
freedom from the Spanish regime.
Dr. McVey will also discuss the
relations of the United States to the
Spanish-Americrepublics and the
Importance of good fellowship and
understanding with them.
The convocation schedule for the
remainder of the quarter will be as
follows with the possibility of

Frosh Blunder No.




Okay, freshmen, you're In for
it. We were going to forget our
traditional series of frosh blunder
stories since someone told us you
were a bit brighter than usual
But you've done tt again.
Two of you were walking over
the campus this week, looking at
the markers outside the buildings.
"Say, Joe," one drawled, "looks
like everyone who ever died
around here was named Hall."


military review will be held
at p.m. Saturday on Stoll field,
it has been announced. Six companies of ASTP men, including
the ASTRP and the ROTC-ASTwill pass In parade. This
Includes all military men on the
campus with the exception of the
basic ROTC men.
All Interested persons have been
Invited to attend, according to
Col. B. E. Brewer.

For Basic Course
Names of the 90 ROTC-AST- P
men who have returned to the University have been released. These
are the former Junior students who
left the University last April to receive basic training at Camp Wol-ter- s.
They are:
Daniel F. Marshall Jr.. Eric Y.
Hoyer Jr.. Joe B. Hall, Daniel M.
Van Sant. John H. Seay. Stanley


Saunier Jr.. Richard



Archery, Hockey
To Head Schedule


1200 Military Men On Campus;
Women Placed In New Houses
Five Frat Houses,
Other Residences
Utilized For Coeds


During Spring

Carnival, Amateurs,
Dance On Schedule

Review-Se- t


Left University






residence halls and sorority
houses on the campus are filled to
capacity, Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
dean of women, has announced.
There are 167 women housed in
sorority houses and 150 In residence
Because the Army has taken over two of the women's dormitories,
women students are now living in
the former Phi Delta Theta. Sigma
Alpha Epsllon. Sigma Nu. Sigma
Chi, and Kappa Sigma fraternity
In addition to these houses, a
large residence has been utilized on
Harrison avenue. Formerly the
Harrison Inn. It has been named
the Lydia Brown house. Five private residences have also been organized as auxiliary residences.
All houses have been completely
redecorated and wired, and competent housemothers have been placed In charge. Dean Holmes said.
As formerly, only upperclassmen
will live in sorority houses. The
Sigma Chi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
and Lydia Brown houses are for
freshmen only.
The Boyd hall dining room has
been kept for the use of the women
and all residence hall women will
continue to eat there.

Group Includes


Ratio Of Women
To Men Students
Is Three To One
Final figures at the close of the
regular civilian registration period
Wednesday had reached 1.373. with
women outnumbering men three to
one, according to an announcement
from the office of tne registrar,
This does not Include the 90 former
ROTC juniors who have returned
to school and are taking some regular civilian courses.
According to the tabulations in
the registrar's office, the civilian
enrollment was divided into 342
men and 1.031 women. No figures
were available at press time to
show the enrollment by classes or

Former Juniors
More than 1200 men in uniform
are now stationed on the campus
of the University, according to Col
B. E. Brewer, head of the department of military science and tactics.
This does not include freshman and
men taking ROTC
Explaining the military organization. Colonel Brewer stated that
the unit of the Army Specialized
Training program now consists of
approximately 800 men. Known as
the 1548th Service unit, it is divided
into three companies. A. B. and C,
housed In Breckinridge. Bradley,
and Kinkead halls, respectively.
In Breckinridge and Boyd halls

Robert T. Johnson. William D.
O. Taliaferro, Jay
E. Rhodemyre, William W. Wier- man, Billy J. Daniels, George E.
The Women's Athletic association
Dudley. James E. Moore, Edward has completed Its schedule of sports
L. Swift, Jr., Jere S. Thornton, John and will officially swing into action
are stationed 350 "junior commanthe Student Government associa- C. Myers Jr.. John J. Zawisza, Ansel Tuesday with archery and field
Jr. hockey being played every afterdos." These men. all under 18. are
tion, the Student Union board, and L. Davis, Charles D. Rhodes
John T. Jackson III. Charles T. noon, Elizabeth Faulkner, WAA
members of the ASTRP or the Rethe
serve of the Army Speciaazed
president, announced recently. The
Beginning at 7 p. m.. the carnival Long, John C. Goodlett.
Howard C. Freer, George F. Sen- - Council will meet next Monday to
Training Program. When they bewill feature bingo, a magician act,
Dunlap, William
come 18. Colonel Brewer explained,
discuss plans for the year's program
fortune telling, a fish pond, a ven- gel Jr.. William A.
Mahaneg Jr.
they will be sent to various camps
triloquist, and other games and C. Ledford. David J.
of women's sports.
Harold B. Leasure, William R.
for basic training, after which they
Archery will be conducted each
will be returned to ASTP units
The amateur hour will begin at Spears, Tommy D. Ewing, Fischer week-da- y
from 3 to 4 p.m. under
Most familiar of the unifoimed
8:30 p. m.- Both military and civil- D. Harned, Clarence E. Barnes Jr., the supervision of Bonnie Miller
memian students, who have the ability Clement C. Coleman Jr., Robert M. and Jean Crabb. Hockey will be
Including all military students men are the
bers. These men. 90 in all. ar
to perform, are asked to partici- Glllim. Ernest D. Gooch Jr,
played from 4 to 5 p.m. on the field
taking courses at the University,
pate. All persons willing to appear J. Rucker. Donald L. Sallee, Frank behind University High school with
1.200, former University juniors who were
who number approximately
on the program are requested to re- lin E. Warren. John H. Kerr Jr., Lucille Clarke and Betty Lee Fleishthe total reached 2.623. This sum sent to Camp Wolters, Texas, and
Rhea D.
C. Aldridge,
Camp Crowder. Mo., last April for
port to the Information desk of Thomas
is composed of 1.592 men and 1,031
man In charge. The archery season
basic training. Returned to the
the Union building as soon as pos- Gumm, Robert F. Hutton, James will last for six weeks while hockey
P. Conley. Kenneth B. Jones, John
University recently, they are atsible.
will extend for a period of twelve
The enrollment for this quarter tending classes her white awaitWilliam C.
Smoke Richardson's orchestra will S. Hutcheson Jr,
shows a drop of 667 under the total ing openings in Officers' candidate
The Fellowship group of the
John H. Dixon and George weeks. WAA officers which' were
music for the dance
Thursday, October 21, 11 a. m, Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church furnish the begin
for the Fall quarter of last year schools.
9:30 p. m. In E. Barber.
which will
were announced
when 2,040 registered. However, it
will meet at 5:30 Sunday evening.
John Temple Graves.
James Edward Abel. Richard P. elected last spring Elizabeth FaulkThe duties of these men. in adThey are
Tuesday. November 1, 10 a. m.. Supper will be served and Bart N. the Bluegrass room.
is only 304 less than the enrollment
Ayres, Thomas P. Bell. Robert M. recently.
dition to regular engineering
ner, president; Kathryn Johnstone,
for the Spring quarter of 1943.
President H. L. Donovan.
Peak, secretary of the YMCA, will
Bookbinder. Kenneth S. Bruce, Wilcourses similar to those taken by
Carolyn Hill, secreFriday. December 10, II a. m. (ten- speak on "Staking Out Your Claim."
The decrease in enrollment under other ASTP men, consist of assistliam T. Carroll. Ted W. Cathey,
Harrison, treastative). University Choristers' AnP. Dallavo, tary; and Helen
quarter is almost en- ing in the training of other units.
Walter C. Cox Jr., John
the spring
The annual retreat was held at
nual Christmas Carol Program.
tirely a decrease in men. Of the
Victor E. Davis. Auburn B. Duncan,
Fahoma Lodge, Clay's ferry, to
The ASTP and ASTRP men car
The WAA Council which was seFother-gll- l.
304 students lost, 298 are men while ry full schedules every day. averagmake plans for the coming year.
The signing of sorority preference Charles B. Eblen, Joseph H.
lected last week includes Jean BuEugene H. Fox, Maurice F.
only six are women. This disproves ing about one free hour daily.
It mas decided that the meeting cards from 9 to 12 ajn. today in
reau and Betty Swift, volley ball;
Late afternoon and night courses,
theory of many that women Week-en- d
time will be changed to 5:30 so that room 204 of the Union and the re- Genton, Felix M. Gossum, Randall
free time begins at 3
Miller and Jean Crabb. offered for business and profession- the
would no longer attend colleges be- p.m. Saturday and lasts until 7:30
soldiers might attend. This year ceiving of sorority bids at 4 p.m. F. Hammer. George J. Hermann.
Carolyn Hill and Mary al men
women of Lexington cause of the shortage of men or be- p.m. Sunday. Every week-da- y
project for tomorrow in Memorial hall will cliBenjamin L. Kesslnger Jr, Harold archery;
evethe group will sponsor a
Dorsey, basketball;
and vicinity will be given by the cause of Increased opportunities for ning the men must report to their
entertainment of the crippled chil- max Panhellenic rush week, which B. Lindsay, Theodore E. Logan, Rob- Jane
Clarke and Betty Lee Fleishman, College of Arts and Sciences and employment.
ert W. Meyer, John L. McNeal. Bart
Good Samaritan hos was initiated last Saturday.
barracks at 7:30 for a supervised
Mrs. John R. Evans, the former dren at the
hockey; Marjorle
construct toys for
Activities for the 225 rushees in- N. Peak Jr, Joe T. Pettey, William Anne Mitchell, Softball; Claudine the College of Education during the
Other students will enroll later, study period.
Dorothy HiUenmcyer, has been ap- pital and will
fall quarter.
Jr, Donald R. Rose,
Other men seen in uniform are
the registrar's office stated, makpalled social director of the Union children in a local the retreat in- cluded teas on Saturday and Mon- P. Prather Stofer Jr, Harry P. Tay- Gibson, tennis; Mary Searcy, bowundergraduate ing the total come still nearer that the familiar freshman and sophoFees for part-tim- e
These attending
day, parties on Tuesday and Wed Richard T.
to replace Miss Dorothy
Clarke, swimming; and
students taking less than nine quar- of the spring quarter.
Virginia Lipscomb, Ruth nesday, and preference parties on lor, Paul W. Triplett, Jettle K. ling) Lucille
more ROTC students. Two units.
Collins. Miss Collins resigned to ac-- c cluded
Thompson. Freber V. Thompson, Aruie Taylor, golf.
ter hours will be W for each quarEubank,. Norman Crisman, Rebecca Thursday.
jK, a position in Virginia.
The last day on which a student Infantry and sienal corps, are row
.14 women, both freshmen and
for' graduate
Waddell, Laurence
credit; and
Donaldson, Rob McNeill. Alice
Mrs." Sarah B. Holmes, Dean of Lloyd W.
are Interested ter hour $4 for each hour. No stu- may enter an organized class Is in existence, and only basic work
Mrs. bvans was graduated from
son R. Webb, Richard S. Webb III, upperclassmen, who
Margie Benson, Betty Tevis,
is being given. As always, these
the University in 1940. While a stu-f"- il Logan Savage. Louise Savage, Du-a- Women, announced a decrease of Russell E. White, and Mitchell T. In any type of sports offered by dent may enroll later than October Thursday, October 7.
men are civilians and may choose
twenty-fiv- e
In the number of women
WAA are asked to attend the
she was president of Delta
Van Horn. Hannah McCollum, who registered for rushing this year Yowell.
their own University courses.
Delta Delta, social sorority, and of
Courses to be offered in educaMarshall, Russell Conrad, Bill and those who signed for last year's
To meet the personnel requireVr.t Student Union board. She was Bob
Allen, Ma- activities.
Include Industrial arts for eletion
ments of this large military force,
member of Cwens, leadership fra- Hendricks, Martha Templeton. Dick
mentary grades, science In the elethe staff in the Armory has fcec
ternity, for sophomore women, and rion Valleau, Tom
mentary school, local school adAnn Smith,
Increased. New officers include Lt.
of Mortar Board, senior women's Mauer. Dave Dizer.
ministration, study of great eduand Nancy Stagg.
CoL Anthony W. Thompson, execleadership fraternity.
The war activities of the Univer cators and their work, supervision
Subscribers to The Kernel, both utive officer; Capt. Lawrence D.
"Picture shows now and then;
British officers' club; no trees; sities will be included on "The Uni of instruction, history of education civilians and soldiers, will receive Neu, adjutant; Lieut. William O.
Up from Texas with our
In pub
wind; fishing and cod liver oil; versity Goes to War," a program in Kentucky, and problems
their copies In their boxes in the Gilbreath: Lieut. Arthur A. Erickcomes the tale of one
lic school and community music.
farming and sheep raising; native now in production at the UniverUniversity postoffice, the only ex- son. Jr.; Lieut. John G. Sims, Jr.:
went beof their number who
In the arts and sciences
ception being the residents of Jew- Lieut. Wayne P. Moynihan; and
old Nordic descendants of Vikings; sity of Southern California, Alice
fore an Officers' Candidate
All hew students who are inthe following courses will be given: ell hall.
A "Gay Nineties Party at FlufTy's
Lieut. James B. Holtzclaw.
culture of their own; very stand- Watkins, chairman of the informaSchool board.
terested In becoming members of
touch football and folk dancing for
tion committee from the Unlver-sttgiven for all fresh
offish," is the forbidding descripWith the additioii of the new
Said the Colonel to the
Extra copies will not be available
staff of The Kernel are asked Tavern" will be
men and women; business English;
has announced.
tion Flying Officer Sidney C. Coale,
"The next time I see you
Miss personnel, the
to report to the Kernel News man and transfer students from
- Card
from the president of first aid. survey of music literature.
In a letter
tonight. In thefflcers nd TenlLed men.
Upper Montclalr, N. J, gives of his
I hope you have a second lieuroom, McVey hall, after 2 pjn. to 10 o'clock
and these courses not onen to lower Came Bean, postmistress. They.19
room. Union building.
R.A.F. Coastal command post in Trojan Radio Productions,
mav be Durchased at the Kernel
tenant's bar on your shoulder."
Sponsored by Cwens and Mortar
Iceland. Flying Officer Coale, who Watkins was asked to submit sufSaid the flustered private:
A compulsory meeting of all
polfU- - business office. McVey hall.
Board, women's leadership fraterIn July, 1941, ficient data on the activities of the regional geology, social and
enlisted In Montreal
"The same to you, sir."
staff members, both new and old.
Representatives of the circulation
students to make up a fifteen min cal factors In contemporary civilinities, the party will feature spehad already learned to fly with the
will be held at 3 p.m. Monday in
ute broadcast. Information on the zation; three courses in library sci- department of The Kernel will be
cial songs and games.
CAA at the University.
the News room.
place, stationed in the lobby of the post
Women's gym classes for the
He plans to transfer to the US trainees and their activities, hu- ence which will Include the
of the office Friday to receive subscrip-- 1 ' quarter will be held in the gym anAAF in the near future, but thinks morous and ordinary occurrences, function, and administration
library; two courses on children's tions of soldier trainees.
nex on Limestone street. C. H
he will likely be with the RAF until programs, fraternities and the fu
All subscribers, other than civil- raliterature; and two courses In
Hackensmith. acting head of h
his tour of operations is finished. ture outlook will be sent to the
ian students, must list their box
physical education administration
department of physical education,
He flies a Hudson and is said to be dio studios in California.
The University's purchase of the
of recreational, numbers in order to receive the has announced.
The program will go on the air and organization
an expert In navigation, the forte
Colonial Bowling Lanes from Wil
of intramural paper.
around the first of November and and organization
of all Coastal command pilots.
The Women's Gym, in which
L Bippus was announced this
By Pfc Ed Barnex
the University will be notified of sports.
& sJr ft
women's physical education classes
summer by Frank Peterson,
Boyd hall."
listing the
exact date, Miss Watkins stated.
were formerly held, is now housing
Twenty-fiv- e
troller of the University.
University the
Rapidly being coined the "senior
All Dick Oerrish can say about
courses may be obtained from the
sixty-tw- o
men ho have been proJames O'Brien, present operator commandos" the old junior class of being back is, "It's great, it's great" students have reported to the Army
Department of University Exten- S DIM II o SDOrt
vided with sleeping and studying
Of the lanes, will continue to manSchool for
advanced ROTC's is once again . . . no doubt he's talking about Air Forces
sion or the office of the registrar.
age the business under a lease.
tripping through the bluegrass dew Charlotte Terry and not about tak Pilots at Maxwell Field, Ala, to be
Twenty - one University students accommodations.
Hackensmith said that the Gm
on the University campus. It's all ing engineering . . . George Dudley gin the third phase of their pilot
received athletic awards in spring
by order of Uncle Sam, however, doesn't seem to be so enthused, too training. Here they will receive
sports. Bernie Shlvely. athletic di- -i Annex would be divided in half,
dormiJewell hall, the women's
with the handball courts beuis
summer bad he didn't take Chewing Gum's nine weeks of Intensive physical, tory,
after our eighteen-wee- k
rector, announced this summer.
and other women's auxiliary
made into one small gym and a
vacation in Texas most of us advice. Naturally Charlie Rhodes military and academic instruction, residence units under the JurisdicA meeting of all persons inBaseball lettermen were Frank A. locker room. The women will also
wouldn't trade one little blade of is happy to be back hi the arms of preparatory to beginning their ac- tion of the University will hold
terested in working on the
Bauer. Phil Cutchin. Gus Green. have the use of the showers and
bluegrass for all the blue bonnets Betty Baynham and Nixie Peak just tual flight training at a primary open house from 4 to 6 Sunday afyearUniversity
Bob Herbert. V. T. Jones. Noahjone of tne gvms in the annex
In the world. And as Jiggs Davis loves Mary Guttenberger, but as flying school.
ternoon for men and women stu. j.
book, will be held at 4 p.m,
iyae rarxer.
other gvm in tne annex
These men are Aviation Cadets dents, soldiers, faculty, and friends.
pointed out, we're all in this confor "Mole" Ayres and Kenny Bruce,
Monday in the basement of McJames Stevenson. Milt Tlcco. Cap- usei by men for wnom stlo.er,
flict now for the duration plus nine their favorite phrase is "Ain't I Bertram I. Baum, George G. Bar- Vey hall, Virginia Long, editor,
Women mill be "at home" in the
mm vj. . TTiiBui.. "irnui otnu. iu alld one small room in th nu n s
nett. Jack W. Begley, Charles B. Lydia Brown, Sigma Alpha Epsimonths . . . the extra three is to never gonna get a girl." Kenny,
Milton Kafoglis. senior manager.
has announced.
ve been reserved. Hack- Browninr, Jr, Donald R. Cawood, lon, Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Theta,
Mexico in case they don't cidentally, is soon expected to
. are needed
at the
All students are requested to
awards were made to smith added.
pear on Broadway with his parody Carleton M. Davis, Edmond D. and Kappa Sigma houses and the
Texas back.
to take
adio studios, according to Mrs.
bring copies of their schedules
Omar Ratliff, Marshall Smith. Jack
oij Robinson, program supervisor.
When asked what he thought of on "Paper Doll." Moreover, Bill Gray. Glen L. Hodge, Bryan T. Patt hall annex at 273 South Limeto the meeting.
Hicks. Jack Scharstein, William G.
All students interested in any infantry basic training, WiUiam Carroll will accompany him right Inglehart, Floyd R. Moler, William stone st. Refreshments will be servCampbell, Roy Cunningham, Sam
p tase of radio work are asked to "Slip Slide and Fall Down" Spears after he receives the Purple Heart R. Overhultz, William A. Parsons, ed at Jewell hall.
Allen, and Sam Berman.
port to the studios, McVey hall, was quoted as saying, "Hell couldn't tor being the first to be wounded Harlan D. Peden, Robert R. Pier-soFred R. Riddle, Jr, Walter K.
4 p.m, Wednesday possibly be worse." Others such as ; in action . . . playing tennis.
between 2 and
or Thursday.
Colonel Brewer was honestly glad Robbing, James E. Smith, Marion
Bill you ask him the nickname)
Caywood and B. T. Duncan merely to see us, for with our return he M. Smith. William E. Smith. BenAVAILABLE JOBS . . .
J. Lyter Donaldson, candidate for
jamin B. Sullivan, Clyde T. Thom. . . have been listed with the exclaimed that they are glad basic saw an end to his midnight telefor
the Democratic nomination
intraining is one history course they phone calls. However, after talk- as. Don M. Tucker, Lindsay M. W
YMCA. Men interested should
governor, has promised that the
Horace D. Wilder, and Carl
to some of the ASTP boys one
"Colonel ing
quire at room 115, Union building. won't have to
proposed University field house will
(Question: What to the must exPete" Triplett and "Tiddy" Bell could easily believe that the local B. Veager.
be erected if he Is elected governor. citing thing that happened to jnn
y girls just wanted to know when to
ft ft ft
were too busy chasing after Patti-GaPresbyare still open.
of the Maxwell Street
assistant editors
In a campaign speech in Lexing- this week?
Aviation Cadet Jack A. Ross, of
and Leslie Bruce to be bother- drop their ASTP romances. Yet,
terian church will serve supper at
Pictures will be taken between ton, Donaldson said, "My intention
Hettie Knight. A&S. sophomoTf:
according to "Stonewall" Jackson Louisville, has arrived at the Big
ed with questions.
S 30 pjn, Sunday, at the church.
10 a. m. and 5 p. m. is to complete the project if I am My bombardier boy
friend was home
school, B g
With Virginia Long as editor, the the hours of
Of course the old campus has and numerous others they should Spring Bombardier
Evensong will be at 6 and a forum
from Tuesday, October 5 through elected. To meet greater postwar for seven luscious days, cm. it
it seems that Spring, Texas, to pursue a twelve Kentuckian will be published In
changed, but ninety-nin- e
per cent hold on to them
Will be held at 6:30.
Thursday, October 14. Those who needs, an even greater extension of was wonderful!
of the Camp Wolters boys eagerly Texas was a proving ground where weeks' course as a bombardier ca- January for the first time In the are
members of campus orfanixa-tion- s the program of improvements at
many found their home town gals det. Upon satisfactory completion history of the annual. The yearPfc. Darrell Dolgner. Patterson
agree that the new crop of freshare requested to contact the the University is under
. . . association will meet at 7 p.m.
of his training here he will win his book was published In May heretohall: I flunked a quiz.
man girls is something certainly to be the true love. But to men
presidents of their organizations to
Tuesday in the Union building.
nice to come home to . . . yes sir, like Everett Warren, Walter Cox, silver wings as a bombardier and fore.
Pfc. David Alper. Patterson hall:
individual or group
PHI BETA . . .
Miss Long explained that the find out whether
they really put up the best freshand Charlie Eblen, that's a lot of be appointed a flying officer In the
Eleanor got back.
. . . will meet at 5 pjn. Monday in man front seen around these parts bunk .
Jerry Williams, Mary Army Air forces. He attended the speed-u- p
production will enable pictures will be made.
Ann Lewis, Commerce, sophoFollowing is the schedule for takthe Union building.
the class graduating in December
in many a moon; but fellow, be Engle and Laura Hershler still look University in 1940-4more: I've been using army overing pictures:
to obtain the book. The fact that
ft ft ft
careful not to make any dates In good to them.
coats for blankets.
Soon to receive his silver pilot's no football pictures will be included Tuesday, October 5 A through D
Seriously, all of us would rather
i . . . mill be held from 3 to 4 pjn. Patterson hall. On the other hand,
Pfc. Eugene Fox. ROTC unit: To
every week day beginning Tuesday you'll probably find a real live girl be in OCS at Fort Benning, but un- wings and officer's bars at the will make it possible for the annual Wednesday, October 6 E through H
Ail persons uiterested lu Hyfinally meet and see the girls left
through L
advanced fly- to be published earlier than usual. Thursday, October
on the field behind the University in your old fraternity room instead til there i n opening we are glad Army's
ing out for the Kernel business
behind again.
Mickl Bogan has been appointed Friday, October 8 M through P
High school. Hockey will be played of the Petty paper dolls . . . and I that our further preparation is to ing school at Pampa Army Air field,
staff should report to the Keruniversity. And to you Pampa, Texas, is Aviation Cadet as business manager. The position Saturday, October 9 Q through S
Milton K. Goldberg, A&S, sopho4 and 5 pjn.
still cant get over the fact that be at this
nel Business office, McVey hall,
more: After trying for three months
the first thing Lieut. Erickson said ASTRP boys, yur cartoons are George E. Shelley, Lexington, a of managing editor has been com- Monday, October 11 T through Z
at 3 p.m. today.
to get rny .n.iiif in 'he-- prper. I
former University student.
bined with that of the editor. Miss Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
. . . will meet at 4:00 pjn, Tuesday, when we stepped from the train humorous but are alsJ
(Continued on Page Four)
finely g'f it in:. ;
Long announces that positions as
was, "Men, tonight ynu'U sleep in childish.
in the Student Union Building.

College Night, consisting of a car- nival, an amateur hour, and a
dance, will be held at 7 p. m. Saturday In the Union building. These
activities are being sponsored by


Johns. Charles


Supper Served
At 5:30 Sunday

Cay-woo- d.


Classes Offered
In A&S, Education

Preference Cards

To Be Signed Today

Mrs. John R. Evans
Is Social Director
For Student Union

Jac-obso- n,


War Activities

US's UKs

To Be On Air

Texas Tale

Kernel Calls Staff

Kernel Subscribers
To Receive Copies
In Postoffice Box


Gay Nineties Party
In Union Tonight







For Women Moved


Lanes Purchased


The Return Of The FSative,
Or, Back At rlhe Old Stand

Awards Made

Tea To Be Served
In Jewell Hall

Pre-Flie- ht


Kyian Calls Staff





ap-wa- nt




Virginia Long Edits Annual;
Kyian To Appear In January

Field House Urged

Pictures Taken






Business Staff
Workers Report








� The Kernel Editorial Page







f,,rfrj .t the pom office at Lninrton. Kentucky.
extend class matter under the Act of March S, 1679.




Wka i m kst'otiv


Press Association









subscription rates
ii M one








Alice Freeman,

Bernice Herman. Scotty McCulloch. Shirley Meister,
Betty Tevis, and Lucy Thomas.

Another Fall, Another UK
vigorated bv the necessity of preparing themselves to leaih in new fields. In ihis they have
done a splendid job.
Civilians, soldiers, or professors we're all in
it and we're out to win it. May we all do our
part as a member ol the heterogeneous University faun'lv.

lie old (all rush of activity has started once

there liave definitely been sonic
(haiiges made. The I'niversitv is ai last on a
basis afiei almost iwo years.
Old alums will prohablv shudder when ihey
litar thai iheir fraicrniiv house is now designated as a women's residence hall. Soldiers will
blush at their "Women's Gym" mailing address.
But it's all indicative of the good jol thai the
University has done in meeting the many problems that it has confronted.
nunc. Inn



We want vou lo leel that The Kernel is your
W'l regret that our many plans for providing everv one of vou will) a subscription lo
The Kernel did not work out.
There has been some misunderstanding as
to whv tivilian students receive the paper and
Armv men do not. The answer is thai the srriV
scripiion price for The Kernel is included in the
fees paid at registration. The Army has made no
su h prov ision for its personnel. We had considered giving the pajMT free to all soldiers
stationed on the campus, but postal regulations
made this iniossibIe.
The Kernel will tarry all news of the military
men at I'K. We are now using a regular column written bv one of vou, and hope lo expand
this department. Those of you who like to
write are invited to bring us your material.
Vou now form a majority of the students at
the I'niversiiv. Vou will enter into all campus
activities. The Kernel, as the newspaper of the
University, will be your pajn-r- . We are sorry that
it had to wotk out ihis way, but if you want to
receive your pajx-- vou will have to take out a
subscription. A desk has leen set up in the
jMisioHiie today for vour convenience.

Thinks Of UK


of the Saturday night dances. Or
do you still have them?
Suppose it must seem odd, .what
with all the soldiers on the campus.
When there were just the ROTC
boys, a uniform was rather conspicuous. I never did like to wear
mine. Now. I'd certainly feel out-place without a uniform!
would be a funny feeling to put on
some civilian clothes but a thrill,
I'll grant you. Let's hope it won't


I have .made many wonderful
friends in the Air Corps, but none
.shall be more indelible in my mem-

ory than those I knew at the University. College contacts seem to
outlast all others!
Life here on the island is far
from the enjoyable and carefree days at the University. Suppose I shoul