xt7x696zwz71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x696zwz71/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-03-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1928 1928 1928-03-16 2012 true xt7x696zwz71 section xt7x696zwz71 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL

High School Basketeers




PLANS W. A. A. Will Give
Leap Year Dance
FOR SPRING TOUR Girls Will Act as Stags at Frolic Y. M. C. A. OFFICERS




Next Friday

Penrose Ecton, Virgil Couch,
Marion Ross, Henry Cravens,
Athletic Association
Raymond White Among Can
Pineville, Frankfort, Harlan and of The Woman's will give a Leap
didates; Will Elect Board.
Corbin Among Cities InYear dance Friday afternoon, March
cluded in Itinerary
23, from 3 to G o'clock in the Men's
Nominations for the University Y.

M. C. A. student


for next

Virginia Robinson, president of the year and also the new members of
WILL BACK SOCIETY association, has appointed the follow the advisory board of the University

ing committees to take charge of the
Tickets, Margaret
Martha Minihan Will Take Place arrangements:
Sims; publicity, Dorothy Moore; orof Henrietta Blackburn;
chestra, Louetta Green; programs,
Scenery Constructed
Natalie Hickey; sorority representa"Dulcy," Marc Connelly and Frank tives: Alpha DeltaThetta.Virginia Robinson; Alpha Xi Delta, Martha Reed;
comeS. Kaufman's clever, three-ac- t
dy, which the Strollers, student dra- Alpha Gamma Delta, Virginia Ebert;
matic organization, will take on their Delta Zeta, Alma Lepper; Delta Del
spring tour, will be presented Mon- ta Delta, Bernice Edwards; Zeta Tau
day, April 2, at the Woodland audi- Alpha, Kathleen Carlton; Beta Omega,
Omricon, Geneva Rice; Chi
torium. Strollers have been able to Bruce
Loughridge; Kappa Kappa
secure the auditorium for one night
Gamma, Nash Averill; Kappa Delta,
Plans for the spring tour have al- Frances Henry; Boyd hall, Louetta
most been completed, according to an Greeno; Patterson Hall, first floor,
second floor,
announcement made this week by Henrietta Sherwood;
Harry McChesney, business manager. Elizabeth Robinson, and third floor,
Nelson. The tickets are one dolContracts have been secured to play Belle
Harlan, Thursday, April 5, Pineville, lar and may be purchased from the
Friday, April G, .Corbin, Saturday, above persons or from members of
April 7, and Frankfort, Monday, April the council.
This is the first Leap Year dance
16. Engagements may be secured
University this
for Covington, Cynthiana, and Ash- to be given in the who
attend will
land but as yet the dates are undecid- year, and the girls fill out
the no- make the "date,"
break programs for the boys and also
To Play Mountain 'Cities
money obtained
The Strollers have played the act as "stags." The
mountains since 1921 and have been from the dance will be used to buy
well received. Pineville has been in- athletic equipment for the W. A.
cluded since 1921 when they presented members.
J. M. Barrie's "Admirable Crichton,"
in which Herndon Evans, former
Stroller president and now editor of
the Pineville Sun, played. Miss Elizabeth Downing, now Mrs. Evans, also
played in that production. It has
been through the efforts and
of Mr. Evans that Pineville has
Evelyn Cooley,
again been included on the annual Elsie Bureau,
Alice Whittmghill and Dora
tour. "Dulcy" will be presented at
Mae Duncan Other Officers;
the Gaines Theater in Pineville.
AH Prominent In Work.
The contract with Harlan carries
with it the requirement that the
Strollers must be there by noon. The
Margaret Gooch, of Lexington, was
New Harlan Theater has been secured
president of the Y. W. C. A.
for the night of April 5. Many of elected
the alumni are planning social events in an election held Wednesday on the
Other officers
University campus.
in anticipation of the trip.
At Corbin, the Strollers will be elected by members of the Y. W. C. A.
backed by the Elks and the Kiwanis are as follows: Elise Bureau, vice
Club. Mr. E. H. Wentworth, who is
secretary of the Kiwanis Club and president; Evelvn Cooley, secretary;
the Exalted Ruler of the Elks, has Alice Whittinghill, assistant secrebeen instrumental in bringing "Dul- tary, and Dora Mae Duncan, treasurer.
cy" to Corbin.
Miss Gooch has long been active in
At Frankfort, Monday, April Iff,
the Strollers will play the Capitol this sort of work, being former
of the Girl Reserves at the LexTheater. Jack Simcox, a Kappa Sig
and a graduate of the class of '26 and ington Senior High school. She is
Jimmy Chapman, of Louisville, who a member of the Alpha Delta Tbeta
is an old Stroller, have cooperated social sorority, and is at the present
in making the Frankfort trip a suc- time president of that organization.
Miss Gooch is also a member of the
Girls' Glee Club and a Junior in the
Martha Minihan Has Part
Martha Minihan, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Evelyn Cooley was a former pres
College of Arts and Sciences and Kentucky's May Queen, has been chosen ident of the Freshman Council, while
by Addison Yeaman, director, to play Alice Whittinghill was former chairthe part of "Angela Forbes, which man of the devotional programs of
Henrietta Blackburn was to have the Y. W. C. A.
played. Owing to a sprained ankle,
Miss Blackburn "has beenj unable to
continue rehearsals. However, Miss
Blackburn will play the Lexington v
performance and alternate with
Minihan on the tour.
The third act of "Dulcy" is being
polished into form this week. ReStudents at the University evident
hearsals are being held nightly in ly care little about who is nominated
Patterson hall, under the direction of for the Presidency of the United
Mr. Yeaman.
States, or have other duties which
The scenery, which will be light they consider more important than
gray, stipled with dull gold, is now casting a straw vote for their favor
under construction at the Woodland ite. This was shown by the light vote
auditorium, according to an announce- cast in a ballot conducted by The Ker
ment made by Frank Davidson, stage nel.
Tommy Lyons, former
Democrats responded better than
Stroller, is helping to build the scen- Republicans, casting 231 votes to
super- their opponents' 20G. Gov. Alfred E.
ery. Henry Harper, assistant
intendent of buildings and grounds at Smith, New York, was easily the
the University, is assisting the stage choice of the Democrats, getting 146
crew with the lighting effects. Much while Herbert Hoover received more
credit is due the stage crew who have votes than any candidate in the runworked so tirelessly ievery day to ning, with a total of 172.
build the scenery for the play. The
The remaining ballots were distrib
members of the stage crew are Frank uted as follows: Republicans Dawes,
Clay 8; Willis, 0; Carter, 2; Lowden, 4.
stage manager; Democrats Walsh, 38; Reed, 32;
James Thompson, electrician; Sam Ritchie, 5; Donahey, 10.
Blackburn, Ben Van Meter and Don
Forman. Lawton Daley is prompter.
From all accounts "Dulcy" prom- Bullock
ises to be the most successful play
Of Choral Committee
the Strollers have ever presented.




Y. M. C. A. were announced Wednesday. The student officers were ratified by the present advisory board
and the election will be held ten days
after the publication of the names of
the nominees.
Every member of the University Y.
M. C. A. will be entitled to a vote,
and ballots will be sent by mail to
all members in due time before the
The advisory board is composed of
business men, men of the faculty, and
students. Each year one third of the

advisory board has an eviration of
term. This year eight new members
will be elected, two business men,
two faculty members, and .four students.
The following were nominated as
student officers: President, Penrose
Ecton and Virgil L. Couch; vice president, Marion Ross and Henry Cravens; secretary, Raymond White and
Philip Aswerus; treasurer, W. L.
Valade, Louise Marking and C. E;
Byron. Those nominated for the advisory board are: Dr. C. E. Ross and
Prof. W. E. Freeman, as the faculty
nominees; E. T. Proctor and D. C.
Cruise, as the two business men nominees; Marion Ross, Henry Cravens,
C. E. Byron, Virgil L. Couch, Pen
rose Ecton, Louis Marking, and W. L.
Valade, as the student nominees to
the board.

Phi Beta Pledges
Seven New Girls
Honorary Musical and Dramatic
Society Holds Services At
Woman's Banquet
Kappa chapter of Phi Beta, honor
ary professional women's musical and
dramatic sorority, held its pledging
services Thursday night, March 15, at
the Annual Woman's banquet at the
Lafayette hotel.
The formal pledging will be held
Saturday afternoon, March 17 at 1:30
o'clock, at the home of Rowena Noe,
Maxwell street. The induction services for the patron and patronesses
will be held the same afternoon.
The pledges are: Mary Grave Heav- enridge, Bonnie Dale Welch, Nell
Spradlin, Anna Mary Miller, Margaret Treacy, Mary Dale and Edna
Earle Burns.
Members of the active chapter are
Mrs. Lola Robinson Dorothy Monroe,
Mary Virginia Hailey, Geraldine
Johnson, Louise Godbey, Rosanna
Catherine Carey, Dorothy
Ruttencutter, Louise Dudley, Margaret Gooch, Jane Gooch, Rowena Noe,
Mary Brown Bradley, Maxine Lewis,
Edith Fuller, Mary Ellen Dale, Anne
McFarland, Olivia Perkins, Louise
Godbey, Alice Young and Janet Lal- -

Student Straw
Favors Hoover for
Presidential Nominee Captain Taylor Is
Released From Duty
At End of Year

According to a report received here
from the War Department at Wash
ington, Capt. James Taylor will be
released from duty at the University
at the close of this semester. The
order assigns him to the Fifteenth
Tank Battalion at Fort Benning, Ga.
Captain Taylor served with this unit
before being assigned to duty here.
Captain Taylor was a graduate of
the Company Officers' Course, Infan
try School at Fort Benning in the
class of 1924. To date no one has
been designated to fill the position
Colonel Hobbs also expects to be
relieved from duty at the University
this summer and is expecting his orders at any time.

Contest To Be Held
Saturday In Danville

The Kentucky Intercollegiate Oratorical Association, of which the University is a member, will have its annual meeting tomorrow afternoon in
the chapel at Centre College. The
purpose of the meeting is to hold the
annual contest staged between six
colleges in Kentucky.
The order of speakers will be as
follows: J. Garnett Cook, "Education, the Hope of Freedom," Centre;
Edward Wile, "The Death of the
Gods, Transylvania; Kentucky
speaker, although they have no
entry to date; Ollie J. Bowen, "The
Rise of Imperialistic 'America," University of Kentucky; Absalon C. Rus
sell, "Responsibility of Citizenship,"
Berea; C. V. Cochran, "The Storm



Henry Bullock is chairman of the
central organization committee of the
Central Kentucky Choral Society,
which will present "The Messiah,"
and the opera, "Martha," sometime
in May.
Other members acting on
this committee are Dr. Scherago, Mrs.
A; C. Roberts, Robert Brown, Overton Kemp, L. L. Dantzler, and W. W.
Since February 1 the society has
been rehearsing once a week. Intense
work and this consistent practice
shows marked improvement in both
the solo and choral work. Because
the members who have been practicing so regularly are so far advanced
in the work, the committee in charge
has decided that without the consent
of the membership committee, no new
voices will be admitted after March

The Central Kentucky Choral SoProf. W. R. Sutherland is coach of
ciety was organized by the music dethe Kentucky speaker.
partment of the University, and is
sponsored by the McDowell Club. This
Sampson Will chorus presented "The Messiah" of
the fall of 1924 and the spring
1925; "Elijah" in 1926, and "The Creation" last year. All of the presenGov. and Mrs. Flem D. Sampson tations have been accompanied by the
are among those who have made res University Philharmonic orchestra.
ervations for the opening perform Singers and instrumentalists from
ance of "Justice," to be presented at other cities have joined the society
the Romany Theater the week of and have contributed materially to its
March 19,

Visit Romany Theater

KY. MARCH 16, 1928



. 2:00

M. Class B girls.
M. Class B girls.
M. Class A girls.
M. Class A girls.
M. Class B boys.
M. Class B boys."
M. Class A boys.
M. Class A boys.'



Saturday Night

Class B girls.
Class A girls.
Class B boys.
Class A boys.


Girls 8:00 p. m.
Boys 9:00 p. m.
All games today and tomorrow
will be played in the Men's gym.
General admission for each session
$1.00. Students with ath-lect- ic
books .50c. Reserve seats
For other
at night
tournament news see page seven.


Dean Anderson Will Accompany
Cast and Coach on Trip;
Guests of Honor to Be Entertained After Showing Monday
The senior engineering class will
take their first dramatic production,
Galsworthy's "Justice," on the road to
play in New York, Buffalo and Detroit. Dean Paul Anderson, Prof.
Carol Sax and Miss Jeannette
who takes the only feminine
role in the play, will accompany the
class. The party will leave April 4
to be gone for almost two weeks.
After the first performance Mon
day night, the staff and the cast will
entertain Governor Sampson, Judge
Richard Stoll, Desha Breckinridge.
Pres. Frank McVey and Dean Ander
son with an informal party.
distinguished guests will add to the
interest of the first night.
Specially built scenery, which will
be easy to transport on such a trip
as this, as it is light, and can be fold
ed into small sections, is being made.
The price of tickets has been changed
from $1.50 to $1.00.

Students Make
Tour Of Leader
Wednesday afternoon, March 14,
Prof. V. R. Portmann, instructor in
the journalism department of the
University accompanied has classes
on a tour of the Lexington Leader.
W. C. Crum, circulation manager
of the Leader, showed them through
the departments.
Professor Portmann asked to be taken to the telegraph department.
From there a
piece of news was followed through
the different processes of becoming
a part of the newspaper. Each step
was carefully explained by Professor
Portmann while it was under observation of the members of the class.
The tour ended in the basement
where the modern press was busily
turning out the first edition of the
paper. Each student said that he was
convinced that editing a paper was
more work than what he expected.




Plan Banquet For
Graduate Club May


Doctor George F. Arps, of Ohio
State University Will Be the
Chief Speaker
The Graduate Club officers of the
University held a meeting in Dean
W. D. Funkhauser's office Tuesday
afternoon to discuss preparations for
the graduate program for the remain-

Their vocations
them has arrived.
range as widely as the men's for this
is the era in which women know what
they want to do and do it.
at our universities prove
this. They don't meekly register in
the College of Arts and Sciences and
Home Economics saying there's nothing else for a mere girl to take. Indeed no, they take commerce, law, engineering, or what have you. Today
is the day of a single standard economically if not morally.
For example, at the University
there are two girls in the College of
Engineering, four girls in the College
of Commerce and five girls in the College of Law.
Certainly these girls
have shown their independence.
Miss Margaret Fry, of Rochester,
Penn., is a sophomore in the College
of Engineering.
When asked why
she chose engineering she replied, "I
have always wanted to take engineer

Fry explained that at times the work
that she wouldn't change
for anything. Se is especially interested in mechanical engineering.
is Miss
The other engineer
Olive Dye, of Lexington, who is a
She first thought of enfreshman.
gineering through her brother and
father. Miss Dye, a'fter reading the
works of Margaret Ingles, a graduate
of the University who was an engineer, decided that she could satisfy
her desire to know the mechanics the
whys and wherefores of machinery by
being an engineer. She said that after reading further she could see that
engineering was the foundation of
every enterprise and, wanting ,to
know something of the fundamentals, she entered engineering.
Miss Sada Busch of Moose Jaw,
Saskatchewan, Canada, is a student
in the College of Law. When asked
is hard, but

co-e- d

iMembers of Executive Committee Discuss Other Associa-




Women Singers Will
tion Business at Meeting
Give Concert at Men s Gym
nasium; U. K. Songsters Go An official score card for thp judg- Followers
of Sectional Winners
To Columbus In May.
ing of school papers in the future was
From Over State Crowd
adopted by the executive committee
Thirty-fiv- e
members of the Ohio of the Kentucky Intercollegiate
State Women's Glee Club will give a Association at a meeting
concert in the Men's gymnasium of versity last Saturday. Fifteen points
the University on Friday evening, were decided upon as a basis
for this
Girls Teams Arouse Interest;
April 20, at 8:15 o'clock. The club procedure and the
amount of K. I. P.
Fihal Game to Be Played
plans to sponsor a return engage- A. news in each
issue was judged an
Tomorrow Night
ment for the Women's Glee Club of important factor.
the University, to be given in Colum
A formal invitation was also issued
bus, sometime in May. Complete ar- to the University of Louisville,
rangements have not been made yet,
and a specific date for the trip has ern State Normal, and Asbury Col
Class A Boys
lege to join the association. There
not been set.
Covington, 46; Heath, 23.
The local club, under the direction are seven papers in the league at the
St. Xavier, 53; Central City, 17.
of Prof. C. A. Lampert, head of the present time and it was agreed
Ashland, 16; Danville, 8.
music department, assisted by Jean-ett- e an entrance fee would be placed on
Henderson, 31; Middlesboro, 23.
Lampert and Professor Jarmin, any school entering.
Class B Boys
is rehearsing a Chinese operetta, enThree of the four members of the ex
Carr Crctk, 31; Walton. 11.
titled, "The Feast of the Little Lan- ecutive committee were present, Fos?
Minerva, 34; Corydon, 14.
terns," to be used in connection with ter Phillips, of Transylvania; J. R.
Woodburn, 26; Wickliffe, 25.
the study of Chinri which will be con- Macauley, of Georgetown, and James
Lawrenceburg,34; LaGrange,21.
during Shropshire, of Kentucky. The next
ducted by the
Class A Girls
the month of May.
meeting will be heldvat Danville on
Marion, 20; Shepherdsville, 8.
The cast of the operetta, which the April 13.
Danville, 36; Smith's Grove, 19.
club plans to use upon the Ohio reGeneral discussion was held on the
Providence, 17; Witherspoon, 11.
turn engagement, was selected upon proposed plan of temporarily suspendAshland, 23; Georgetown. 14.
held several ing from
the basis of
the association any paper
Class B Girls
weeks ago, according to Margaret
that failed to send out its regular
Junction City, 17; Waddy. 11.
Gooch, stage manager of the produc- weekly news letter.
The plan was
Oddville, 24; Barboursville, 19.
tion. The leading role, that of Prin- deferred until the next meeting.
Bardwell, 29; Utica, 25.
cess Chan, is played by Nancy GodWoodburn, 23; Mt. Sterling, 11.
bey. Mai Ku, a juggler maid, is played by. Nell Spradlin. Josephine Fra-ze(By John W. Dundon,
as Wee Ling, the Princess' maid, FACULTY
and Evelyn Sandusky, playing Ow
Kentucky's premier interscholastic
Long, a governess, complete the cast.
basketball event is under way in the
The remainder of the club form the
University gymnasium this week-enchorus of thirty voices.
Thirty-tw- o
teams, representing the
Members Will Give Negro Min
strel and Play at Gymnasium best high school teams in the state
Thursday, March 22; Cast Is are gathered in the heart of the
and two of them will carry
Kept Secret.
home the large silver basketballs,
A combination negro minstrel and significant of the state championship,
Prof. Lampert Will Direct Pro
gram to Be Given by Phil
play will be given by the faculty of after the melee has ended late Satharmonic Orchestra
the University on Thursday evening, urday night.
March 22, at 8 o'clock in the gym
Of course, there are favorites and
The University Philharmonic Or
nasium. The program will be divided dark horses, as in all such tournachestra will present a program of
into two parts; the first half consist ments. However, the strenuous camItalian music, as a conclusion to the
negro paign indulged in to win a state title
ing oi an ortnoaox
study of Italy being made this month
minstrel, played sung and danced often brings numerous upsets of the
Sunday afternoon,
entirely by members of the faculty. proverbial "dope." Followers of the
March 18, at 3:30 o'clock in the Men's
Many new gags, songs, and steps
gymnasium. Miss Iva Dagley will be have been introduced into the act, various teams are on hand, and are
the soloist of the concert, which will many of which are said to be "newer willing to make the fact known vociinclude many masterpieces of Italian
ferously and without restraint. From
than new, hotter than hot."
musical literature.
In the latter half of the program, the handful of rooters for Carr Creek
Prof. Carl A. Lampert, director of the ladies of the faculty are given to the hundreds
for Ashland and for
the orchestra, says of the program, the last word, as is entirely appro"Italy is particularly rich in folklore, priate, when they join with the men the Louisville team, all will be on
and for this reason a program which to demonstrate their prowess as im- hand when the time is most ripe for
consists of melodies which are dear to itators of the dusky race in a skit their support and mental aid.
the heart of every Italian, and are entitled, "Coonville 'Ristocrat Club."
St. Xavier, Ashland Favored
familiar to
the world This offering, also, is brilliantly stud
Concerning the favorites, of course,
over, is easily chosen."
ded with delightful gems of humor.
it is the general custom to pick
The program follows:
The personnel of the two casts is
1. March, "Aida"
winners, and then either
to remain secret until the night of the
2. Overture, "William Tell" .. Rossini
entertainment, Mrs. George Roberts, get ready to say "I told you so," or
Dawn Storm Calm Finale
director of the program, announced. prepare plenty of alibis to tell the
3. Trio, Selected, Violin, Cello, Piano
Mrs. Roberts is assisted by Mrs. T. T. boys after the massacre. In the Class
Bruce Farquhar, Wesley Morgan,
Jones &nd Prof. Roy Jarmin in the A boys' bracket, Ashland and St.
Ross Todd
staging of
production, which
4. Vocal Solos
Iva Dagley given under the auspices of the Wom-is with theare the outstanding terns,,
Louisville aggregation hav5. Medley from Italy
Langley an's Club ofthe University.
ing quite the edge on its opposition.
G. Duet Selected
A pit orchestra, composed of uni Among the Class B boys, Carr Creek,
Iva Dagley and Roy Jarmin
versity talent, and directed by Elmer Lawrenceburg and Minerva stand,
7. "II Trovatore"
Verdi G.
Sulzer, director of the band, will out. Gyrls are always hard to figure,
accompany both offerings.
and basketball teams composed of the
weaker sex are no exceptions. At
the present moment, the winner of
SuKy Circle Sponsors
fracas seems
a cinch. These two teams are outConvocation Monday
standing, and they were unfortunate
Championship Team enough to draw each other in the
first round of play. In the Class B
Rabbi James Heller, professor at
Oddville seems good, al
Union College, at Cincinnati, Ohio,
annual tournament dance, though one could almost pick at ran
will deliver the address at the second
sponsored by the SuKy circle, will be dom and still
convocation of the spring semester in
have as good a chance
the Mens gymnasium, Monday at 9:00 held in the Men's gymnasium Sat of being correct as one who used pre- urday night, at 9 o'clock, immediately tournament form.
Rabbi Heller is well known
in Lexington, as a splendid speaker following the crowning of the state
The teams arrived in Lexington
championship basket- Wednesday afternoon, and the draw
and thinker, and students and faculty
ball team. Music will be furnished ings were
made with S. A. "Daddy"
members who have heard him on pre- by
or Boles a little later.
the Kentuckians, a
vious visits will want to attend conThe present
chestra. Admission will be one dol schedule calls for all first round
vocation next week to hear him
matches Thursday. On Friday,
It has been a custom with the circle second round Class B girls will the
to have a dance the final night of the played in
the morning.
tournament. The members of the girls and class B boys in the after-A
In noon, and Class A boys games in
winning team are the guests.
The University band, 95 strong, former years this dance has been a the evening.
class B
wow," and according to all surmises girls
will be present at the final games to
at 10 a. m., Saturday: class A
it will even be better this year.
be played in the state high school
girls, 11 a. m. Saturday. Class B
It has been requested by the circle and class A boys' teams will play
tournament at the gymnasium Saturthat the guests be back at the gym- their semi-finday night, clad in enthusiasm as well
matches at 2 and 3
as resplendent uniforms. The band nasium as soon as possible in order p. m. respectively. The tournament
practiced several new and tuneful that the dance may start promptly.
will close officially Saturday night.
numbers which it will present to the
The girls' final will be contested at
audience, according to Elmer G.
8 p.- m., while the championship male
team in Kentucky will be settled at
try-ou- ts






Orchestra Presents




Rabbi Keller
Address Students At


Dance In Honor of


Semi-final- s,


Sul-ze- r,



Gives Banquet

Disprove General Theory That Proper
Application of Lip Stick Is the Only Interest

ing, in fact I've never thought of
(By Jessie Marie Sun)
so I just did. EvWomen of today enter into any field anything else, and
my daddy helped
that appeals to them regardless of eryone He is an but
engineer and I was
convention and the apropos time for me.
first interested through him." Miss



Thirty-fiv- e




Card For School Papers




der of the year.
Definite announcement was made
that the main address will be made
at the Graduate Club banquet. May
8, by Doctor George F. Arps, of Ohio
State University. All graduate stuWILL ADDRESS
dents are urged to attend, as this is
one of the few functions of the year
Dr. J. W. Pryor, of the physiology arranged especially for them.
Pre- department, will address the
It has not been definitely decided
this afteroon, at 4
Decree Is Issued That No New o'clock inSociety 206, Science building. where the banquet will has held, been
the complete program
Voices Will Be Admitted
Every member is urged to attend as prepared, but within a few days the
After March 19
entire affair will be announced.
the meeting is important.

Is Chairman

State Oratorical


Tournament Dance

9 p. m.

The Ashland- - Georgetown game in

Interesting Program Given at the early asembly of play should is draw
quite an
of fans. It
Affair for All University
tain that the gym will be filled to ca-


The annual Women's Administra
why she chose law, Miss Busch said, tive Council banquet was held Thurs"I want to be a judge in courts of day evening at 6:30 in the ballroom
domestic relation, because I think that of the Lafayette hotel.
Miss Lucille Short, president of the
I can be of more solcial value in that
Miss Busch further stated council, presided as toast mistress and
that law was the most difficult sub- introduced the following numbers on
ject that she had ever studied, but the program:
Girls' band selections.
nevertheless she is quite dauntless.
Freshman Toast
Ruth Bonnin
Miss May me McCann, another stuTumbling act
dent in the College of Law, when
W. A. A. Tumbling Team
questioned as to why she took up law
Announcement of Y. W. C. A. of
said that "it just happened."
"I ficers for 1928-2any malicious intent," said
Presentation of W. S. G. A. prize.
Miss McCann, "and it remains to be
Presentation of the Alpha Gamma
seen just what service will finally de- Delta freshman honorary cup.
velop out of it. I like it, but I don't
Sophomore toast
Alice Spalding
know just how far it will go. EveryMary Lewis Marvin
Junior toast
thing has to grow. Nothing would
Charlsey Smith
Senior toast
please me more than for more good
Phi Beta skit.
women to take up law seriously. I
Eta Sigma Phi pledging.
think that it is best for everyone to
Phi Beta pledging.
take some law."
Chi Delta Phi pledging.
Miss Elizabeth Turner, of New
Announcement of honor student.
Castle was raised with the idea in
Patterson Hall vs. Boyd Hall skit,
mind that she would someday take Belle Nelson, Dorothy Johnson.
law, and she is now taking it.
About 300 University girls attend
ed and were served a
(Continued on Page Ten)

pacity in the final games, Saturday
embrog-lio- s
night, while the semi-finshould draw numerous partisans
of the teams, and followers of the
hardwood sport. The admission price
will be one simoleon for outsiders,
and those students who are unfortunate enough to have misplaced their
ticket books. With a ticket book,
students are admitted for fifty cents
Tournament Is Beneficial
The University is taking its rightful place in sponsoring this annual
contest for the scholastic basketball
title. In location, and in athletic
prominence and leadership, Kentucky
stands first in the state. The state
tournament may cost the University
quite a bit in the management and
conducting of it, but the benefit reaped from the close athletic connection
with the participating high school
teams more than offsets the expense
attendant to the event. In this manner, both the scholastic situation is
bettered, and the collegiate athletic
heads are better enabled to get a
line on the future prospects for University athletes, as the University
must depend on the high schools of
Kentucky for her material in future





Subscribe for
And Help the Association

Published By And For University Alumni






Fool ball Team
Loses to Centre Eleven by
Score of 67 to 0 in 1894

James Park, '15
Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21




The Intercollegiate Field Day was
held on Decoration Day, May 30, C.
U. again winning this time with 53
points. The others in order were K.
U., 29; S. C, 13, and Georgetown, 7
points. The events with winners were
as follows:
dash, in three heats, each

L. Kirk, '24

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, 15
W. C. Wilsen, '13

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Win. II. Townsend. 12

University of Kentucky Club of
Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at
noon on first Saturday in each
month at Industrial Club, Pike
Madison avenue, Covington, Ky.
Note Will the officers of other
Al umni Clubs please send us the
dates and places of their regular

They Tell Me

won in 10 seconds.
Wallace, of K.
Ilerschel Jonas Weil, B. S. 1922, is
U., won two and was winner of the a farmer and live stock dealer and
lives in Lexington, Ky., where his adQuarter-mil- e
run, Taylor, of C. U., dress is 2G2 South Ashland avenue.
50 seconds.
One mile run, Cecil, of C. U., 4:51.
Putting the shot, Blanford, of C. 1922, is Wilbur Whaley, B. S." C. E.
a designing engineer with the