xt7x696zwx34 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x696zwx34/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1920-02-feb26-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-02-feb26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-02-feb26-ec. 1920 1920-02-feb26-ec. 2011 true xt7x696zwx34 section xt7x696zwx34 

     Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Exec-
utive Committee of thieBoard of Trustees, University of
Kentucky, for Thursday, February 26, 1920

     The Executive Corim'ittee of the Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucky, met in regular monthly session
in the President's office at the University on Thursday,
February 26, 1920.   The following members were present:
R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr4, and R. G. Gordon.
Frank L. MoVey, President of the University, and Welling-
ton Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Miinutes4 On motion, the minutes
of the previous meeting were adopted as published.

     (2) Report of tho Business Alent.   The report of
the Business Agent was read and ordered filed in the
redords of the Board of Trustees.

     (3) Insurance on Buildings.   A report from the
Business Agent and Superinterdent of Buildings and
Grounds on the amount of insurance carried on University
buildings was read.   The question was raised as to
whether or not the University i.s carrying sufficient in-
surance on buildings, under the co-insurance clause of
the policies.   A committee, consisting of Mr. Gordon,
President MoVey and Senator Peak,.i'as appointed and
given full power to act in the matter.

     (4) Pipe Line Lease with Great Southern Refining
Company    The following lease with the Great Southern
Refining Company was reported as executed, and on motion,
approved by the Comtnitiee as executed:



     THIS AGREEMENT rade and entered into this the 11th
day of February, 1920, by and between the University of
Kentucky, a corporation, party of the first part, and
Great Southern Refining Company, a corporation organized
and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State
of Delaware, party of the second part,

                 W I T N E S S E T H:

     That for and in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars
in hand paid by the party of the second part to the party
of the first part, receipt of which is hereby acknoWrl-
edged, the party of the first part hereby grants to the
party of the second part, and its successors and assigns,
a right-of-way, to be designated only by the grantor, on
which may be laid, maintained, operated and removed a
pipe line for the transportation cF oil and gas ever and Nehru
the lands of the first party, known as the Experiment -
Station Farm, situated in Fayette County, Kentucky, with
the right of ingress and egress to and from the same, but
only by regularly laid out roads or passages designated
by the grantor.   The said grantors, their heirs or as-
signs to fully enjoy the premises and the grantee to be
tenant at will.   The said grantee hereby agrees to pay
upon demand any damages, as may be determined by the
grantor, which may arise to crops , grass lands, fences,
buildings, roads, live stock or other property belong-
ing to the said grantor, through the laying, maintain-
ing, operatig. and removing of said pipe line.    It is
understood and agreed that the operations of the said
grantor are publ c in their nature and involve frequently
a greater expense than may exist upon privately operated
farms; therefore, that the rait of damage may only be de-
termined by the grantor, and the grantee agrees to pay
the damages that may be determined.

     The said grantors, their heirs or assigns specifi-
cally grant permission for the installation of a one-pipe
line.   If additional pipe lines are desired, or if the
grantee desires to change the size of the present pipe
lines, it is understood that this lease does not grant
any privilege other than that contained herein.

     It is further agreed and understood between the parties
that the said pipe line is not to be buried except at the
request of the grantors.



     This agreement is made pursuant to an action of the
Executive Cormrittee of the Un-versity of 7Yentuokvy at a regular
meeting of the Cornmittee held on January 21, 19220 at which a
quorum of the Executive Committee was present.

     IN WITNESS WHEEOF, the University of Kentucky has here-
unto set its hand by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of its Execu-
tive Committee, and has caused his sct to be attested and the
seal of the University to be affized by Wellington Patrick,
its Secretary, at Lexington, Kentucky the day and date .Zirst
above rwritten, and the Great Southern Refining Company has
hereunto set its hand by J. S. Shatford, its General Manager,
who has been duly authorized to execute this instrument.

                                    UNIVET.SITY CF ICENTUCICY,

                               By Richard C. Stoll
SZAL                              Chairman, Executive Committee.

                              GREAT SOUTHERN REFINING COI.CPANTY,

                              By  Jno. E. Shatford
                                           General Manager.


   Wellington Patrick


     I, Tirth D. Rose, a Notary Public in and for the County
and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing
instrument of writing was produced to me in my office this
day by J. E. Shatford, General Manager of the Great Soutllern
Refining Company and was by him acknowledged to be the act
and deed of the Great Southern Refining Company, and in my
presence he stated that he was duly authorized by the said
Great Southern Refining Company to execute and acknowledge
this instrument.



     Whereupon, the said instrument and t'nis my certificate
are certified to the proper office for record.

     Given under mv hand and seal of office at Lexington,
Kentucky this   2  day of February. 1920.

                            Urth D. Rose      __      -
SEA:1                       Notary Public, Fayette Co., Ky.

                            Idy commnission expires April 14, 1923

                        ) Ss.

     I, Emma Jaubert, a Notary Public in and for the County
and state aforesaid. do hereby certify that the foregoing
instrument of writing was this day produced to me in the
State and County aforesaid by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of
the Executive Cor.imittee of the University of Kentucky, and
it "'as acknowledgedt b- him to be the act end deed of the
University of Kent-acky, and in my presence his act was at-
tested and corporate seal of the University of Kentucky was
attached by Wellington Patrick, its Secretary.

     14hereupor., the said instrument and this my certificate
are certified to the proper office for record.

     Given under my hand and seal of of.fice at Lexingtoh,
Kentucky this 17th day of February. 1920.

                              Emma falobert
SEAL                         Notary Public, Fayette Con, Ky.

My Commission Expires Jany. l7thi 1921



     (5) Purch_se of Lot on Wlinslow Street.  A report
on title from 'Mr. Pelham Johnston was read regarding a
lot on Wirslow Street, authorized to be purchased at the
last meeting of the Committee.  1'r. Johnston reported
certain liens on the property which he said would be sat-
isfied before the transfer was made.  On motion, the Bus-
iness Agent was instructed to make a check for the property
payable to Mr. Johnston with the understanding that the
latter would see that such claims were satisfied before
or at the time the trnnsfer was made, and to insure to the
University that title to the property is clear.

     (6) Legislative Matters.  President MoVey reported
to the CommIttee, as a matter of information, that the
State Budget Commission had recommended to the General As-
sembly the following items for the University of Kentucky
budget, the items being in a-,ddition to the regular fixed
mill tax and other fixed incomes for the University:

     For the Experiment Station .... $50,000 annually for
          two yemrs
     For agricultural extension work 108,000 for the first
     For agricultural extension work 126,000 for the sec-
          ond year
     For engineering equipment .       30,000 a year for
          tv;o sears
     For agricultural instruction ..   30,000 a year for
          two years
     For dorz .to:y onstrxatlzn ....   75,000 a year for
          two years

     (7) Memorial Ta1tet,  President -icVey reported to
the Committee that the memorial tablet for University stu-
dents who had lost their lives in the war, discussed at
previous meetings, had temporarily been lost sight of te-
cause of the discussion of the Memorial Building.   Presi-
dent McVey was requested by the Committee to make inquiries
from reliable concerns regarding a design and probable
cost of a suitable tablet.

     (8) Appointments, Resignations, Increases in Salaries,
and Leaves of Absence.   The following list of appointments,
resignations, increases in salaries, and leaves of absence
was recommended by ?resident MoVey, and on motion, approv-
ed by the Committee, as recommended:




    Appoiatment of aiss Lillian Martin as clerk in
the Department o^ Veterinary Science, at a salary of
$75 a month, effective February 1, 1920

     Appointment of Miss Georgia Beck as clerk in the De-
partment of Entomology and Botany, Experiment'Station, at
a salary of $75 a month, effective February 3, 1920

     Appointment of Miss Ruby Stivers as clerical assist-
ant in the Office of Farm Management, at a salary of $20
a month, on half time basis.

     Appointment of Carl W. Buckler as assistant club
agent, Extension Division, at a salary of $2,400 a year,
effective March 1, '920, or at such date as he may report
for duty.   He has the degree of B. S. from the Univer-
sity of Illinois, having majored in agricultural educa-
tion.   He was graduated in June, 1915, and since then has
successfully occupied a position at the State Normal
School, Charleston, Illinois, and for three years was a
superintendent of a large farm near Glenwood.    For the
past year, he has been county agent in M onroe County,
West Virginia.

     Reappointment of `T. D. Iler as assistant chemist in
the Department of Chenistry, Experiment Station, at a sal-
ary of $80 a month, effective Februtary 2, 1920

     Appointment of Homer G. Cress as cow tester in the
Extension Division, to do work with testing circles, ad-
vanced registry associations and such other bimilar dutied
as the University wishes to assign to him, at a salary of
$120 a month, effective February 1, 1920

     Appointment of Miss Claire Kerr Freckman as stenog-
rapher in the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Section,
at a salary of $75 a month, effective January 24, 1920

                  Increases in Salaries

     Increase in salary of B. G. tTelson, district agent,
to $3,000 a year, effective February 1, 1920

      Increase in salary of Miss Minnie Pherigo, requisition
olerk in the Business Office, to $90 a month, effective
February 1, 1920



    Incre.ase in salary of Miss Mary C. Gormley, budget
clerk in the Business Office, to $90 a month, effective
February 1, 1920

     Salary of Dr. Harry Best to be $650 for second semes-
ter 1920, or $130 a month beginning February 1, 1920


     Resignation of Mrs. Susan G. Weaver, home demonstra-
tion adent. Henderson County, Kentucky, effective Deeem-
ber 31, 1919

     Resignation of L. E. Weaver, specialist in poultry
extension, effective Mardh 1, 1920, to engage in commer-
cial work.

     The resignation of Professor E. C. Mabic to take
effect at the end of the University year was accepted.

                   heaves of Absence

     Leave of absence is granted to F. E. Merriman, dis-
trict agent, for one year, effective February 16, 1920,
under such conditions as the Dean of the College of Agri-
culture and the President of the University may arrange.
Mr. Merrinan desires to take the position of county agent
for Jefferson County, and is led to make the request be-
cause of his physical condition.   His physician advises
him that it is necessary to take a position which will
enable him to be at home more of the time.

     (9) Athletic Council.   President MoVey presented
to the Committee a report of a committee reuenely appointed
by him to consider the advisability of an Athletic Council.
Ile stated that the report, under the rules of the Univer-
sity, should receive consideration by the University
Senate, but that he Vatted the advice of the Executive
Committee regarding the matter.   Vith certain minor changes
the report was approved and recommended to the University



     (10) Sigmna Ilu Praternit- Lease.  The form of lease
drawn by the committee appointed at a previous meeting
for a building site for the Sigma Nu Fraternity was read
to the Comimittee with the statement that it was satis-
factorv io the Fraternity.   On motion, the Chairman of
the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Board
were authorized on behalf of the University to enter in-
to the following agreement:

University of Kentucky has been requested by the Memorial
House Corporation of the Sigma Nu Fraternity to lease to
it for a nominal consideration, and for a long period of
years, the land hereinafter described, belonging to the
University, in order that said Fraternity Corporation may
erect thereon a house for the use of members of said Fra+

     NOW, THEREORE. said University of Kentucky, Lessor,
and the Memorial House Corporation of the Sigma Nu Frater-
nity, Lessee,

     WITNESSETH: That the said lessor, in consideration
of the rents and covenants hereinafter contained and by
said lessee and its assigns to be paid and performed, does
hereby grants demise and lease to the said lessee, its
successors and assigns, the premises situated in the City
of lex:ington, in the County of Fayette, and State of Ken-
tucky, and described as follows:

     A certain tract or parcel of land situated iq Lex-
ington, Kentucky and bounded as follows:   Beginning at a
point in the north property line of Winslow Street 6521
feet from the east curb line of South Limestone Street,
then in an easteriinl direction 90 feet to a point in the
north property line of Winslow Street, then in a northern-
ly direction at right angles to Winslow Street 100 feet,
thence in a westernly direction parallel to Winslow Street
90 feet, then in a southernly direction at right angles to
Winslow Street 100 feet to the place of beginning.

     (Surveyed February 27, 1920 by William A. Newman,



     To Have and To Hold the same, with the appurtenances,
unto the said lesses, its successors and assigns, from
the 27th day of February, A. D. 1920, for and during the
full term of fifty (50) years next ensuing, and renewable
for a further period of fifty (50) years upon the same
term s and conditions.

     Yielding and paying therefor, during the said term,
the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per year, payable upon the
execution and delivery of these leases, and each year in
advance thereagtcr.

     Provided, however, that if said rent, or any part
thereof, shall remain unpaid for sixty (6O) days after it
shall become due, and without demand made therefor; or if
said lessee shall assign this lease, or any interest there-
in or thereunder or under-let said leased premises or any
part thereof, or if said lessee's interest herein or any
part thereof shall be sold or assigned be operation of law,
or sold or assino.i under execution or other legal process
or order of court or otherwise, without the written con-
sent of said lessor, its successors or assigns, first had;
or if said lessee or assigns shall fail to keep any of the
other covenants of this lease by said lessee to be kept;
it shall be lawful for said lessor, its successors or
assigns, into said premises to re-enter, and the same to
have again, repossess and enjoy, as in its first and for-
mer estate; and thereupon this Lease, and everything there-
in contained on the said lessor's behalf to be done and
performed, shall cease, determine and be utterly void.

      And said lessee, for itself and for its successors
and assigns, covenants and agrees with said lessor, its
successors and assigns, as follows, that is to say: that
said lessee wtill pay said rents, in manner aforesaid, un-
less said premises shall be destroyed or rendered untenant-
able by fire or unavoidable accident, that it Will not do
or suffer anv waste therein; that it will not assign this
lease or any interest herein or hereunder, nor underlet
said premises, nor any part thereof, nor permit its in-
terest under this lease, or any part thereof, to be sold
or assigned by operation of law or under execution or
other legal process or order of court or otherw;ise
without the written consent of the said lessor, and
that at the end of said term it will deliver up said
premises in as good order and condition as they now are, or
may be put by said lessor, reasonable use and ordinary wear



and tear thereof, n'nd damage by fire and other unavoidable
casualty excepted- and further, that for the said rents to
be pFid by said lessee and :asslgns, a lien is hereby re-
served upon the premises hereby leased, and the interest
of said lessee and assigns in the to the same, in favor of
said lessor, its successors and assigns, prior and prefer-
able to any End all other liens therupon whatsoever.

     The said lessee may erect on the premises hereby
leased a building or buildings to be used as a college
fraternity house for students attending the University of
Kentucky, but for no other purpose of any kind whatever,
unless  said lessor, through its Board of Trustees, shall
give its written consent thereto.

     In view of the fact that other Greek letter frater-
itieswill probably apply for leases of land upon which to
erect theri fraternity houses, and said lessor desires to
keep within its control the general design and Architecture,
and cost of fraternity houses erected upon the University
property, it is therefore expressly covenanted aand agreed
by said lessee herein that it will submit for the approval
of lessor the plans and specifications for any building
or buildings to be erected upon said leased premises by
lessee,together with the cost of said building or build-
ings, and said lessee will not begin to erect said build-
ings until it shall have received written consent and ap-
proval of lessor; and any changes which may at a subse-
quent date be made in the appearance or architecture of
said buildings, and which may materially increase the cost,
must be also submitted to said lessor for its written ap-
proval and consent.

     The lessee expressly covenants and agrees that dur-
ing the existence of this lease, or any renewal thereof,
said lessee, and all members of lessee's fraternity, will
abide by all rules and regulations made from time to time
by lessor relating to said fraternity houses, including,
among others, supervision, control and inspection.

     The lessee further agrees that the buildings to be
erected on said leased premises, and said leased premises,
shall at all times be kept in good order and condition by



     If at ftny time during this lease, any taxes to be
levied r.nd assessed against the premises hereby leased or
the buildings hereon, or the personal property of lessee,
such taxes must be paid by lessee.

     The lessee further agrees to start construction-of
soid house on or bcfora July 1, 1920 and said house shall
be completed before September 1, 1921.

     It is expressly Understood and agreed by both parties
heret6 that the Ibu41i-ngs upon the premises hereby leased
are to be oocnpiea by students of the University who are
members of said Fraternity, and that the University shall
have the same charge and control over such students and
buildings as it has over the other students and buildings
located upon the University premises.

     And said lessor. for itself and for its successors
and assigns, covenants and agrees *.ith said lessee, its
successors and aesins, that said lessee paying the rents,
and observing and keeping the covenants of this lease on
its part to be kept, shall lawfully, peacedbly and quietly
hold, occup and enjoy said premises, during said term, with-
out any let, hindrance, ejection or molestation by said
lessor, or its successors or assigns, or any person or per-
sons lawfully clriming under them.

     I 'FITNESS VHEREOF, the University of 1,entucky has
hereunto set its hand by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of its
Executive Gormnittee, and has caused his act to be attested
and the seal of the University to be affixed by Wellington
Patrick, its Secreta'ry, at Lexington, Kentucky the day and
date first above written, and the Memorial House Corporation
of the Sigma Nu Fraternity, has hereunto set its hand by
its representative, K. G. Pulliam, jr., who has been duly
authorized to e;cecute this instrument.

                               UINIVERSITY OF ,ENTUCKY

                            By Richard C. Stoll
                               Chairman, Executive Cormittee
                              1M1EMORIAL HOUSE CORORATIO3 OF THE
Attest                        SIMIA NU FRATERNITY
   Wellington Patrick
   Secretary               By  K. G. Pulliam

     There being no further business for consideration, the
Committee adjou:-ned.

                               Respectfully submitted,

Wellington Patrick
Secretary of the Committee


Missing report(s)