xt7x3f4kqc31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kqc31/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1952-01 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Revising the Teacher Education and Certification Program", vol. XIX, no. 11, January 1952 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Revising the Teacher Education and Certification Program", vol. XIX, no. 11, January 1952 1952 1952-01 2022 true xt7x3f4kqc31 section xt7x3f4kqc31  






(Certification Laws and Regulations)

(Revision of December, 1950 Bulletin)

Published by

Superintendent of Public Instruction








Entered as second- class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24,1912.

YOI. XIX January, 1952 No. I]









(Certification Laws and Regulations)











Adron Doran
Louise Combs
O. B. Wilder.
Fred Edmond
Claude Taylor
Tom C. Venal

Louise O’Don
Mary Campbe

Letty Lauthn
Emma H. Stu
Vivian Johns
Barbara King
Tommie Ben]

Mildred Wile




Adron Doran ......................................... Director
Louise Combs ................................ Assistant Director
0. B. Wilder ......................... Supervisor of Certification
Fred Edmonds .......... Regional Supervisor In—Service Training
Claude Taylor ........... Regional Supervisor In-Service Training
Tom C. Venable ......... Regional Supervisor In—Serviee Training
Louise O’Donnell ...................... Administrative Assistant

Mary Campbell
Letty Lauthner
Emma H. Stucker
Vivian Johnson
Barbara King
Tommie Bennett

Mildred Wiley










Foreword ..........
Validity of Cert

Legal Provision

Teacher Educat
Filing Curricul:
Accredited and
Standards for '.
Standards for I
Commissions f0
Graduate Stud:
Applications an
Certification of
Conversion of E
Certification of
Certification of
Special Fields

Vocational Agr
Curriculum for
Certification of
New Program 1
Certification oi
Certificates for
Certificates for
Emergency Ce]
Teaching Expe
Qualifications .
Restoring to U


Validating Cit;
Reissuance of l

Renewal and“
the State C










Foreword ............................................................................................................ 1091
Intmduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1092
Validity of Certificates .................................................................................... 1094
Section I
Legal Provisions for Teacher Education and Certification. ________________ 1095
Section 11

Teacher Education and Certification Regulations ................................... 1103
Filing Curricula ................................................................................................ 1105
Accredited and Approved Colleges ........................................................... 1106
Standards for Training Schools .................................. 1110
Standards for Professional Education ....................................................... 1111
Commissions for Critic Teachers ................................................................. 1112
Graduate Study ............................................................................................... 1113
Applications and Transfer of Credits ......................................................... 1115
Certification of Elementary Teachers ......................................................... 1117
Conversion of Secondary Certificates to Elementary Certificates ....... 1121
Certification of Attendance Officers .......................................................... 1122
Certification of Secondary Teachers .......................................................... 1123-
Special Fields .................................................................................................... 1130
Vocational Agriculture Curriculum ............................... A 1131
Curriculum for Vocational Home Economics ............................................ 1133
Certification of Administrators and Supervisors ...................................... 1135
New Program of Certification of Administrators and Supervisors..__. 1136
Certification of School Librarians .............................................................. 1142
certificates for Trades and Industries ............................................. 1143
Certificates for Teachers of Exceptional Children ............ __ ____________________ 1145
EmeI‘EEIICy Certificates and Measures .......................................................... 1149
CorreSpondence and Extension ______________ 1152
Teaching Experience _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1155
Qualifications of Board Members _____________________________________________________________ 1155
Restoring to University of Kentucky Authority to Offer Elementary

Curricula at the Two—year Level .......................................................... 1156
Validating City Certificates __________________________________________________________________________ 115‘6
REissuance 0f Certificates Issued by Colleges ............................................ 1156

Renewal and/or Extension of Certificates Formerly Issued by
the State Colleges ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1159









This bullet
contains all cer
as guides to in
teachers and a
to become let-33‘

Some of t]
this publicatim
become efiectii
information W
members of 01‘

The Conn
of Education
certification v
cational leadei
in this bulleti
tative as well
leaders. The
ment in elemc
education prc
certification c

This bull
tion and Cer
Combs, Mr. C
up to date ti





This bulletin is a revision of the December, 1950 bulletin. It
contains all certification laws and regulations. These are presented
as guides to teacher education institutions in the preparation of
teachers and as a basis for the certification of teachers who desire
to become legally qualified to teach in the public schools of the


Some of the changes in certification regulations as described in
this publication will become effective September 1, 1952; others will
become effective September 1, 1953. It is hoped, therefore, that this
information Will be of real service to members and prospective
members of our profession.

The Council on Public Higher Education and the State Board
of Education have revised the programs of teacher education and
certification with a sincere desire to improve the quality of edu-
cational leadership in Kentucky. The revised programs as described
in this bulletin represent approaches to the improvement of quali-
tative as well as quantitative programs of preparation for school
leaders. The revisions carry significant implications for improve—
ment in elementary and secondary programs through better teacher
education programs and through higher professional standards for
certification of the school personnel.

This bulletin was prepared by the Division of Teacher Educa—
tion and Certification. Appreciation is expressed to Miss Louise
Combs, Mr. O. B. Wilder, and to Miss Louise O’Donnell for bringing
11p to date the State Board regulations on teacher education and

Superintendent of Public Instruction









The Cooperative Study in teacher education, sponsored by the
State Board of Education, the Council on Public Higher Education) ,
and the General Education Board, covered the four-year period
1943-47. The study had a two-fold purpose: (1) to determineif.
the quality of living in a community could be improved througha '
school program which is related to everyday problems of living and i
(2) to develop the kind of teacher education programs necessary to i
prepare school leaders and teachers for schools of this type. Seven
colleges, six county school systems, and two individual schoolsin
the seventh county were pilot colleges and schools in the develop-
ment of this study. The Cooperative Study moved toward revising i
and improving the teacher education and certification program step ,
by step. Much work was done on the following problems: |

1. Determining the characteristics of a good school ‘

2. Suggesting the characteristics of a teacher and other school
leaders of a good school ,

3. Suggesting the needed emphasis in teacher education which will i
tend to develop the kind of school leaders needed for a good

4. Suggesting changes in the curriculums for teacher education and

This study was directed by Dr. R. E. J aggers, who served as Direc-
tor of the Division of Teacher Education and Certification until
September 19, 1947. The following excerpt from Teacher Education
Circular No. 72, prepared by Dr. J aggers, is significant in showing
the process used in arriving at the certification regulations contained
in this bulletin:

“The four years spent on the Teacher Education Study brought

a large number of persons together. Persons within each college i

worked together; State Department staff and college staffs worked

together; college staffs and State Department staff worked with |

people in the elementary and secondary school; and all worked to-
gether. Every level of the schools and every area of learning came
together in trying to find ways and means of preparing a teacher to
meet the needs of the service. There has thus developed a point of
View which has had wide acceptance among school people in Ken-
tucky at every level. This point of view may be expressed in this
fashion. The education of a teacher is of sufficient importance that
every resource possible must be used in her preparation, and every
person who is touched by the teacher should be concerned With her



preparation. 1
the community
the program 0

The recon
curriculums W
mer and fall c
Council on P1
adopted by th

Many of
the Cooperati‘
the State Boa]
particularly i
visors, and St

The 1950
certification 2
tion committe
appointed to
ration and ce
mendations i1
ship positions

In view
the most im'
mendations e
to become ef
cause it is ba
ship and incl
tative and q
school perso:
all out efior
meet the ch

The cer
A great deaf
program of
to enter the
tained in tl



sponsored by the

ligher Education, ~
four-year period

t to determined.
proved througha '
.ems of living and i
rams necessary to i
this type. Seven
Lvidual schools in
is in the develop-
d toward revising i
tion program step ,
)roblems: |

1001 ‘
and other school .

lucation which will i
needed for a good

icher education and

3 served as Diree- I
Jertification until
.‘eacher Education
ificant in showing
ulations contained

011 Study brought

ithin each college i

.ege staffs worked

taff worked with '

nd all worked to-
, of learning came
aring a teacher to
veloped a point of
01 people in Ken-

expressed in this
it importance that
nration, and every
oncerned with her



preparation. It seems to be the accepted belief that we should us
pattern of action (working together) in formulatin

the community
the program of learning for the prospective teacher.”

The recommendations of the various committees for certification
curriculums Were made to the Advisory Committee during the sum-
mer and fall of 1947. The recommendations were approved by the
Council on Public Higher Education on November 25, 19417, and
adopted by the State Board of Education, December 19, 1947.

Many of the recommendations made by the profession through
the Cooperative Study could not be adopted by the Council and by
the State Board of Education because of legal restrictions. This u“
particularly true in the area of certification of principals, super-
visors, and superintendents.

The 1950 Legislature removed these restrictions and placed all
certification authority in the State Board of Education. Certifica-
tion committees with wide representation from the profession were
appointed to re-study the 1947 recommendations in areas of prepa-
ration and certification of school administrators and to make recom—
mendations in light of the changing functions in these school leader-

ship positions in our society today.

In view of the fact that school leadership positions are among
the most important positions in any local community the recom-
mendations adopted by the State Board of Education in June 1951,
to become effective September 1952, include high standards for our
professional leaders. The new program is unique in the nation be-
cause it is based on competencies essential for effective school leader-
ship and includes programs of preparation designed to develop these
competencies. The new program, therefore, raises both the quanti-
tative and qualitative standards of preparation and certification of
school personnel. Kentucky is moving ahead with the Nation in an
all out effort to provide school personnel adequately equipped to
meet the challenge facing public education in today’s world.

The certification programs are flexible, set up in broad terms.
A great deal of freedom has been left to each college in adapting its
Program of teacher education to the needs of the students preparing
toienter the teaching profession. The certification requirements con-
tained in this bulletin are offered as guides in the preparation of
admlilistrators and teachers of Kentucky’s children and young
Peop e.













Certificates Issued Before September 1, 1935, Training Basis of Issue, School
Level, and Position for Which Each Will be Valid after September 1
1935, Also Similar Information about Certificates ’
Issued After September 1, 1935.


































Level at Positions for
VVh1ch Which Valid
Name of Training
Certificate Basis of _—‘——’—
$32? dwsss;aa§§u
Q a w "5 w a :s :s a +3
e Ly: m <1 F4 o. m w <‘ a
Advanced B 2 Col. * * * *
College B 4 Col. * * * *
College Elementary B 1 Col. * "
Local Elementary B Exam. * *
Stan. Adm. and Super. B 4 Col. * * “‘ * * * ' "
Prov. High School1 B 2 Col. * * l * *
Standard High School B 4 Col. * * I * *
Standard Elementary2 B 2 Col. =-* | * *
Standard2 B 2 C01. '1‘ * * *
Attendance Officer B 2 Col. ‘
MProv. Elementary A 2 Col. * *
”Prov. Adm. and Super. A 4 Col. * ‘1‘ * * * "' * ’
Prov. High Schooll A 4 Col. * * |
“Standard Elementary“ A 4 Col. * *‘ ‘
Standard High" A 5 C01. * *
M“Standard Adm. and * * * * * * * *
Supervision A 5 Col. __#
*Attendance Officer I A 2 Col. ” ~_
”Prov. Att. Officer A 4 Col. *
Std. Att. Officer A 5 Col. __,_‘_,_.
Standard for School :
Librarians A 5 Col. __
Provisional for School .
Librarians A 4 Col.












1Provisional High School Certificates based upon training below collegfii grad:-
tion are not valid in accredited High School, until the holder has recelve a
calaureate degree.
2 Principals are required to have two years experience.
B—Issued before September 1, 1935.’
A—Issued after September 1, 1935. . valid
3The Standard Elementary certificate, based upon four years of college ‘5
in grades 1 to 8 regardless of the school organization. ‘ _
4 The high school certificate is valid in grades 7 and 8 in any organization. 1culum
* After July 1, 1948, the Attendance Officer's certificate on the two-year Curr
will not be issued.
"‘ Has been repealed and revised, see Pages 1118, 1150.






E 155118, School
eptember 1,


Positions for
Which Valid
























3w college gradua-
15 received a 30‘

of college is valid

wo-year curriculum



Section I















156.090 [4502
Publish Regulatic
upon the recomm
tiou, shall publis
and grades of cer‘
the issuance of e
of certificates to :

from institutions

to the training; 21

*156.095 Prc
Department of I
and maintain a
Said program s}
improving instri
improvement of
petence of prime
services in the ‘
schools as may ‘
of Education 0
Public Instructi

. by the Division

with a program
tion and in 3C0!
Board of Educa
intendent of Pt

164.010 [45
cation; Membe:
Education in 1*
executive officr
State Teachers
Murray State '
lege; a member
of the board 0:
selected by th


'Included in i




Kentucky Revised Statutes
Teacher Education and Certification Laws

156.090 [4502-12] Certificates of School Employes; Board to
Publish Regulations Concerning—The State Board of Education,
upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Instruc—
tion, shall publish bulletins containing information on the kinds
and grades of certificates issued, the rules and regulations governing
the issuance of each kind and grade of certificate, Schools offering
teacher-training courses, the renewal of certificates, the transfer
of certificates to and from other states, the acceptance of credentials

from institutions of other states, and such other information relating

to the training and certification of teachers as it deems advisable.

*156.095 Program of In-service Teacher Training—The State
Department of Education is hereby authorized to establish, direct
and maintain a state-wide program of in-service teacher training.
Said program shall be organized and operated for the purpose of
improving instruction in the public common schools and for the
improvement of the leadership qualities and professional com-
petence of principals, supervisors and teachers and for such other
services in the improvement of instruction in the public common
schools as may be approved from time to time by the State Board
of Education on the recommendation of. the Superintendent of
Public Instruction. The program shall be directed and supervised

, by the Division of Teacher Training and Certification in accordance
' with a program approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruc-

tion and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State
Board of Education approved on the recommendation of the Super—
intendent of Public Instruction.

164.010 [4527—1; 4527—2 ; 4527-3] Council on Public Higher Edu-

V cation; Membership.—There shall be a Council on Public Higher


Education in Kentucky, to be composed of the president or chief
executive officer of the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky
State Teachers College, Western Kentucky State Teachers College,
Murray State Teachers College and Morehead State Teachers Col-
lege; a member other than the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
0f the board of regents of each of the state teachers colleges to be
selected by the board of regents of each teachers college; three


"Included in Acts of 1950 Legislature. Became effective July 1. 1950.













.. Arr» n—mx:mmwmmmr var:

1 ".1. ->~_~—r<:'r';u my...

appointive members of the board of trustees of the University of
Kentucky to be selected by the board of trustees of the uniVersity;
two lay members of the State Board of Education to be selected by
the State Board of Education; the dean of the College of Educatioi] ‘
of the University of Kentucky; and the Superintendent of Public ‘
Instruction, who shall be chairman of the council. When the council ‘
meets to consider curricula for teacher training, three persons \th ‘
are from accredited institutions of higher learning, who are not ,
members of the council and who have been appointed by the Exoeu. i
tive Committee of the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Uni. 1
versities, shall be invited to meet with the council in an advisory
capacity. ,
164.020 [4527-1; 4527-3] Powers and Duties of Council—The ,
Council on Public Higher Education in Kentucky shall: f

(1) Coordinate the work and determine the curricular offcr- t
ings of the state institutions of higher learning for white persons
in Kentucky, on the basis of efficiency and economy.

(2) Determine the amount of entrance fees and the qualifies

tions for admission to each of such institutions. ‘

(3) Consider the budgetary requirements of each of such
institutions and, on the basis of the needs of the various institutions
as indicated by the individual budgets submitted, recommend to
the Department of Finance a budget covering the needs of the

(4) Require such reports from the executive officers of each

of such institutions as it deems necessary for the effectual per- ’

formance of its duties.

(5) Publish at least biennially a report of the educational and
financial affairs of such institutions.

(6) Elect, if it deems necessary, a secretary.

161.010 [4502—2] Definitions of Terms Used in KRS 161.020to
161.130.—As used in KRS 161.020 to 161.130.

(1) “Standard college or university” means an institution
that is a member of the Association of Colleges and Universities of
the Southern States, the American Association of Teachers Colleges,

or the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Universities, or that ,

is recognized as an accredited four-year institution by the Univer-
sity of Kentucky.*


‘The University of Kentucky is withdrawing accrediting services 'after 1953'



(2) “Star
means aPPI‘OV‘
has a program
01- university ‘

(3) “Sen
standard colle

(4) “Sen
week for one

161.020 [4
of School Em
Under Formei
position of SI
ance officer, c
may be issue
position, unle:

(2) No
ing certificati
credentials re

(3) The
14, 1934, is nc
and such cer

cordance wit

Richardson \
and Asst. Supt.

Martin v. Kn
as teacher must
time that applic:

161.030 1
of all superi:
officers and
ployees is Vt
issued under
with the pu
Education ti

(2) Ce
sons who ha
for White pt
of Kentuck
Higher Edu
for the cert

(3) Ci



the University of
of the universilr
to be selected hi
lege of Educatioi ‘
.endent of Public i
When the council ‘
hree persons who i
ng, who are not ,
ed by the Exeeu i
iolleges and Uni-

il in an advisory


of Council—The ‘

shall: l
curricular offor- l
or white persons

md the qualifica-

)f each of such
rious institutions
1, recommend to

he needs of the .

officers of each

ie effectual per- ’

5 educational and

l KRS 161.020 to

s an institution
d Universities of
eachers Colleges,

versities, or that ,

1 by the Univer-

rvices 'after 1953.


(2) “Standard college or university work of graduate grade”
ed work in a standard college or university that

means appI‘OV
f work extending beyond four years of college

has a program 0
or university work.
(3) “Semester” means eighteen weeks (one-half year) of
standard college or university work.
(4) “Semester hour” means one academic or college hour per

week for one semester.

161.020 [4502-6; 4502—10; 4502-11; 4503-2] Certificates Required
of School Employees; to be Filed; Validity of Certificates Issued
Under Former Law—(1) No person shall be eligible to hold the
position of superintendent, principal, teacher, supervisor, attend-
ance ofiicer, or other public school position for which certificates
may be issued, or receive salary for services rendered in such
position, unless he holds a certificate of legal qualifications for such

(2) No person shall enter upon the duties of a position requir—
ing certification qualifications until his certificate has been filed or
credentials registered with the board of education employing him.

(3) The validity of any certificate or license in force on June
14,1934, is not impaired by the provisions of KRS 161.020 to 161.130,
and such certificate or license shall be reissued or renewed in ac-

cordance with the terms of the law applying at the date of issue.
Richardson v. Bell County Board of Education, 296 Ky. 520. Positions of teacher

and Asst: Supt. incompatible. (February 1, 1944.)

Martin v. Knott County Board of Education, 575 Ky. 483.
as teacher must be determined at the time he begins to fulf
time that application is made. (November 22. 1938,)

161.030 [4502—1] Certification Authority—(1) The certification
of all superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, attendance
Officers and other administrative, supervisory or instructional em—
ployees is vested in the State Board of Education. All certificates
issued under KRS 161.010 to 161.130 shall be issued in accordance
With the published rules and regulations of the State Board of
Education through the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

(2) Certificates shall be issued, reissued and renewed to per-
sons who have completed, at the state teachers colleges of Kentucky

Qualifications of applicant
in contract and not at the

for White persons or at the College of Education of the University ‘

of. Kentucky, the curricula prescribed by the 0011110i1 on PUblic
HIgher Education and appI'OVed by the State Board Of Education
for the certificates.

(3) Certificates shall be issued to persons who have attended












the state institutions for colored persons in accordance with law
and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board
of Education.

(4) The State Board of Education shall approve the curricula
of any standard college or university, or of any department thereof
for the training of teachers, when the curricula comply with the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and are
equivalent to any or all the curricula prescribed for the state insti-
tutions for the issuance of certificates to students of the state
institutions, and when the institution has otherwise met the terms
and conditions provided in KRS 161.010 to 161.130. Any student
of such institution who has completed any of these curricula or the
equivalent thereof, as approved by the State Board of Education,
and who in addition thereto has completed the prescribed require-
ments for the issuance of certificates for teaching to students of
the state institutions may, by the State Board of Education, be
granted a certificate for teaching of the same validity and tenure
as certificates issued to students completing like requirements in
the state institutions.

Daviess County Board of Education vs. Vanover, 219 Ky. 565; and McLeod v. State,
122 S. W. 737. When a teacher has completed the qualifications required by the Com-
monwealth of Kentucky and is not otherwise unfit morally or in ill health, and meets
the educational standard fixed by the county board of education, he has a right to
teach in the common schools and that an attempt of the county board to prevent

married women who meet the above qualifications from teaching in the county schools
is unauthorized. and an abuse of discretion. (April 29, 1927.)

3*‘161.035 Sections 161.050, 161.060, 161.070, 161.080, and 161,090
of the Kentucky Revised Statutes hereby are repealed. The validity
of any certificate which is in force on June 30, 1950 shall not
be impaired by the provisions of this Act and such certificate shall
be issued, renewed or extended in accordance with the terms of the
law applying at the date of issue of such certificate.

it161.040 General Qualifications for Certificates—No person
shall receive or hold any certificate who does not present evidence
of good moral character or who is under eighteen (18) years of age.

161.100 [4502-5] Emergency Certificates. — When a district
board of education satisfies the State Board of Education that it is
impossible to secure qualified teachers for a position in a school
under the control of the district board, the State Board of Educa-
tion may, on approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
issue emergency certificates to persons who meet the qualifications
determined by the State Board of Education for emergency certifi-

* Acts of 1950 Legislature. Became effective March 22, 1950.



cates. A11 emer
job for which
Board of Educ
tion before at
shall be prepa‘
State Departm
tendent of Pu'
iations approv‘

161.110 [4
Board of Edui
holding admit
year if renew.
the Superintei
year in which

161.120 [
issued under
issued under
teachers, supt
supervisory 0:
Board of Edu
tendent of P1
revoked the ('
him and an c
heard in pers

Additional g‘
Removal of s

be paid for e
of two dollar
certificate. A
the State Tr
be credited
Education 11]
Revised Stat
in said Secti


‘Acts of 19



rnce with law
1e State Board

a the curricula
'tment thereof
aply with the
Ltion and are
he state insti-
of the state
net the terms
Any student
rricula or the
of Education,
vibed require-
) students of
Education, be
y and tenure
_uirements in

McLeod v. State,
red by the Com-
lealth, and meets
2 has a right to
roard to prevent
.e county schools

. and 161.090
The validity
50 shall not
‘tificate shall
terms of the

~No person
ant evidence
rears of age.

n a district
on that it is
in a school
i of Educa-
ency certifi-

cates. An emergency certificate shall be valid only for the specific
job for which issued and for the current school term. The State
Board of Education may require the passing of a written examina-
tion before an emergency certificate is issued. The examination
shall be prepared and administered and the papers graded in the
State Department of Education under the direction of the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction in accordance with rules and regu-
lations approved by the State Board of Education

161.110 [4502-13] When Certificates to be Renewed—The State
Board of Education may renew any certificate for teaching or for
holding administrative position which expires on June 30 of any
year if renewal requirements have been completed and filed with
the Superintendent of Public Instruction before September 1 of the
year in which the certificate expires.

161.120 [4502-9] Revocation of Certificates—Any certificate
issued under KRS 161.010 to 161.110, or any certificate or license
issued under any previous law to superintendents, principals,
teachers, supervisors, attendance officers or other administrative,
supervisory or instructional employees may be revoked by the State
Board of Education, on the written recommendation of the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, for immorality, misconduct in office,
incompetency or willful neglect of duty. Before the certificate is
revoked the defendant shall be given a copy of the charges against
him and an opportunity, upon not less than ten days’ notice, to be
heard in person or by counsel.

Additional grounds for revocation of1 certificates. KRS 158. 990, 159 990, 161 .990.
Removal of school employes. KRS 15611.0

*161.130 Fees for Certificates.—A fee of four dollars ($4) shall
be paid for each certificate valid for three or more years, and a fee
of two dollars ($2) for each renewal thereof and for each emergency
certificate. All fees collected under this Section shall be paid into
the State Treasury through the Department of Finance and shall
be credited to an Agency Fund Account for the Department of
Education under the provisions of Section 45.140 of the Kentucky
Revised Statutes and shall be withdrawn or expended as provided
in said Section.


'Acts of 1950 Legislature—became effective March 22. 1950.














Section II
















1, Each col
ation of teachers
State Board of l
ofiered, which or
the Superintend‘
Board of Educa‘

2. The Sta
of Public Instrll
tion of teachers
if any curricult
State Board of :
Council on Pub

3. The St:
of Public Instri
municipal colleg
when a curricu
State Board of
Council on Pub
education and i
tutions of high
quirements of 1
tion it shall be

4. The St
of Public Instr
institutions of
riculum filed i1
Board of Educ
State Board of
schools it shalf

5. When
of Education 1
shall become t
is designed to

6. Each
of Education E
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1. Each college or university offering curricula for the prepar-
ation of t