xt7x3f4kq67m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kq67m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-07-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1987 1987 1987-07-23 2020 true xt7x3f4kq67m section xt7x3f4kq67m  






or College basketball’s best come to-
a? gether for Pan Am games. Page 8.




The Shakespeare in the Park festival takes a
fresh look at the Bard’s works. Page 2.



M Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI, M). 7

Established 1894


Le Fabuleux


Ralph Wilson sold this colt to the David Minion Bloodstock
Tuesday night for 1 .4 million at the Keenland horse sales.






President David P. Roselle and
his administrators are now planning
the strategy they will employ to
brim more dollars to the University
when it takes its bucket request to
thestate this fall.

As part of that strategy, Roselle is
making several 1 moves
that he hopes will help spread the
word across the state that UK is
doim an exceptional job —— both in
education and service to the public.


l .a.4:


thington, chancellor for the commu-
nity college system, with the respon-
sibility of oversee"; UK’s public
relations program.

While seekirg assistance from
state lawmakers last week, Roselle
said he teamed that legislators were
experienctrg difficulty findtrg infor-
mation about UK.

See PLANNING, Page 3

'VI'IIIl'll'llltlllll‘ll)liir' . I

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday, July 23. 1987

RFL staff expresses concern
at PPD renovation estimate

Arts Editor

Radio Free Lexington received a
setback Tuesday in its efforts to
reach the Oct. 1 goal for making it
on the airwaves.

The UK Physical Plant Division
estimates that RFL will need to
spend $24,550 to renovate a storage
area in the Student Center to fit its
broadcasting and recording needs.

By receiving the estimate, RFL
can now make definite plans on how
to collect the money needed to has-
ten construction of its studios. How-
ever, members of the RFL staff ex»
pressed some concern over the
amount of the estimate.

“We‘re a little disappointed about
the cost, but it‘s not devastating.“
said Mark Beaty, program director
for RFL. “It‘s not like death."

“We’re not really sure how much
more fund-raising we're going to
have to do, or even if any more
fund-raising is necessary,“ Beaty

More than one-third of the cost es-
timate lies in the installation of a
new air conditioning system — an
$8,590 expense that RFL members
said they did not expect.


ClRadio Free Lexington took an-
other step toward airtime by
making its programming deci-
sions. See Page 4.


“We were originally told that area
had its own cooling unit. indepen-
dent of the rest of the Student Cen-
ter,” Beaty said. “I'm not for sure,
but apparently the unit won't be
able to service the renovated area."

“The Student Center is equipped
with a cooling system adequate to
serve its original needs," said Jack
Applegate. director of the Physical
Plant. “The building system, as it
stands, cannot handle the high heat
load of a radio station or its equip-

Other major expenses in the esti-
mate include:

w$4,470 for construction of new
walls, doors, and windows;

w$3,250 to construct an external
exit and provide sidewalk access
and lighting:

r$2,160 for a loo—amp panel to
power its equipment;

wand $2.100 to build a wall sepa-
rating the station from the KopyKat
storage area.

RFL still needs to determine the
costs of minor renovation in the Pat-
terson Office Tower, where the sta-
tion will set up its antenna and

RFL also received blueprints for
the construction of its studios, and
the results were received with much
more enthusiasm.

The planned floor space of the stu-
dios are much larger than RFL ex-
pected, and larger than most college
radio stations currently enjoy.

The broadcast studio will measure
13 feet by 9 feet, while the produc-
tion studio, where shows can be re-
corded ahead of time and played
back later, will measure 11 feet by 9

"I feel really good about having
studios of this size to work with,"
said Beaty. “We were originally just
hoping to have room to turn around
in there with all our equipment. Now
I‘ll have room to scoot my chair

The Student Center will also house
several offices in the renovated
space. including those of the pro-
gram director and the production
and news staffs.

UK survey shows restrained
enthusiasm for Toyota plant

Contributing Writer

A majority of north-central Ken-
tuckiarm don't think Kentucky made
a good deal with Toyota, 3 survey
by the UK sociology department has

The survey, conducted last surn-
mer by a group of sociologists head-
ed by James A. Christenson, indi-
cates only one out of three people in
the 41-county area approve of the
$125 million incentive package given
to the Japanese auto firm.

These are the counties that stand
to benefit most from the Scott Coun~
ty plant.

Critics of the incentive package
have claimed the actual cost of the
deal could go as high as $350 million,
due to higher taxes and increased
demands on services from the state.

in June, the Kentucky Supreme
Court ruled in a 4-3 decision that the
package was constitutional.

The study team contacted the

same group of people that was
polled in 1979 about economic devel-
opment, quality of life and jobs. The
results are based on questions about
the new Toyota plant, and followup
questions from the previous survey.

Toyota officials would not com-
ment on the results until they read
the study, which is called “Jobs,
People, and Toyota" and will be
available this week from the sociolo-
gy department.

An earlier survey done in October
1&6 by the UK Survey and Research
Center showed a more favorable
view of the incentive package.

This study, directed by James
Hoagland, indicated about 50 per-
cent of people in the same area ap-
proved of the package.

The main difference between the
two studies was the way they were
conducted. The Survey and Re-
search Center chose a random group

of people in nine north-central coun-
ties including Scott County.

This study also included people in
the 18 to 5 age group. who are more
likely to be seekiru jobs and support
growth, no matter what the cost.

The sociology department study
did not randomly select its group,
nor include the 1840-5 category.

Hoagland said, “We feel our ran-
dom sampling method was appropri-
ate for this type of survey." Chris-
tenson was not available for
comment, but said in a earlier news
release, “We wanted to talk to the
old-timers, the people who lived
there when the plant was annmmced
and will continue to live there.“

Accra-dim to the release, the so
ciologists said questionirg the peo-
pie from the 1979 survey allowed
them to make comparisons over
time and thin see how public winion


 2 ~ KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 23, 1 987


Shakespeare in the Park returns for its sixth year

Contributing Writer

For the next three weeks, Lexing-
t0n residents can enjoy a little cul-
ture while spending a pleasant sum-
mer night under the stars.

The Shakespeare in the Park festi-
val began its sixth year last night
with the opening performance of "A
Midsummer Night's Dream.“

The other Shakespeare production
will be “Macbeth," with the festival
rounded out by the musical “On
Blue Mountain." Performances al-
ternate Wednesdays through Sun-
days. ending Aug. 9.

Julie Ann Grady, originator of the
festival, is director of “A Midsum-
mer Night‘s Dream." Students of
Shakespeare‘s work will notice that
she has made a few changes in the
play by setting the action in a real

Latest ‘Jaws’ film treads water

Arts Editor


There's another shark off the
coast of Amity Island

Now. by my count, that makes
four so far. And after watching
“Jaws — The Revenge.“ that‘s
about three sharks too many.

Let us travel back in time to the
summer of l 75. That was the first
time that John Williams' now fa-
mous score floated ominously from
theater speakers and that equally
famous great white popped its snout
out of the ocean.

“Jaws." quite simply, stands as
one of the most enjoyable action
films ever made. and it put director
Steven Spielberg on the map.

However, everythirg that went
right in the first film has gone


to Sell?

|.' .l‘ "in


in; l'..- I“!



dream sequence instead of having it
take place in an enchanted wood.

Of this year‘s actors, Grady, who
is also designing costumes for
“Macbeth," said, “We have a lot of
experienced actors, but none of
them have done Shakespeare be

“Macbeth" is directed by Tim
Carter, a UK theater student. Carter
plans on departing from the original
work by giving the three witches a
more prominent part. Instead of for-
tune tellers, the witches will be
more in control, guiding what is

With the supernatural characters
and overtones of “Macbeth“ and “A
Midsummer Night‘s Dream," along
with the witches' increased role, this
year‘s special effects will be better
than any of the previous years. Car-
ter said.

wrong in the first two sequels (in—
geniously titled “Jaws 2” and “Jaws
3-D“), and “Jaws — The Revenge"
is no exception.

best thing
about the origi-
nal film was
the presence of Roy Scheider, Rich—
ard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw,
three fine actors whose interplay
made the scenes on land just as en-
joyable as the action on the water.

Add to that the film‘s clever
script, breathtaking editing and
freshness of concept, and the result
was a film that even to this day re-
mains worth watching.

"Jaws 2“ managed to snare back
Scheider in the role of Sheriff Brody,
but he was like a lone lighthouse
beacon shining through a typhoon.

Apparently Scheider has had

“On Blue Mountain" is the first
musical presented by the Shake-
speare in the Park festival. It is a
one-act musical about Appalachian
life in the ‘30s It is directed by John
Le Mar Cole, musical director for
the Junkyard Players production of
“The Mikado" last year.

All performances are free. and
they will be presented in Woodland
Park beginning at 8:45 pm, with a
preshow consisting of folk and medi-
eval music at 8: 15 pm.

Refreshments will be available,
although picnic dinners are wel-
come. Spectators are encouraged to
sit on blankets instead of lawn
chairs in consideration of others.

Shakespeare in the Park is co-
sponsored by G.D. Ritzy's and the
Division of Parks and Recreation
with individual sponsors for each


However, everything
that went right in the
first film has gone
wrong in the first two
sequels . . . and “Jaws
— The Revenge" is no


enough. In "Jaws — The Revenge,"
his memory is marked by a picture
in the Amity police station, where
youngest son Sean is now a deputy.
Apparently about 15 years has gone
by since the first film, and since
“Jaws 2" Brody suffered a fatal
heart attack.

How sad.

That leaves Lorraine Gary, who

Wes Miller
Arts Editor



About the festival

Place: Woodland Park.

Cost: Free admission.

Time: Preshow 8:15 pm,
performances at 8:45 pm.
Refreshments: Available at a
low cost.

What to bring: Spectators
are advised to bring blankets
rather than lawn chairs.

A Midsummer nght’s
Dream: Saturday; Thursday,
July 30; Sunday Aug. 2; Fri-
day Aug. 7.

Macbeth: Tomorrow; Wednesday July 29; Saturday Aug. 1;

Thursday Aug. 6; Sunday Aug. 9.

On Blue Mountain: Tonight; Sunday July 26; Friday July 31:
Wednesday Aug. 5; Saturday Aug. 8.



in sea of stupidity

has played Mrs. Ellen Brody from
the beginning. in the lead role. and
she's just not up to the challenge. As
a supporting character, she fleshed
out the role of a sheriff‘s wife, but
playing the lead is beyond her

Gary is not entirely to blame,
however. The plot of this film is so
ludicrous that one is tempted to be-
lieve it was originally intended to be

This time around, director Joseph
Sargent would have us believe the
great white is so intelligent that it
follows Ellen Brody and what's left
of her family from Massachusetts to
the Bahamas in a personal vendetta
to kill them all. The shark only aims
for a Brody, and after the first 10
minutes it proves to be a pretty poor

Michael Caine provides some

spark as an airplane pilot named
Hoagie, but it‘s not enough to over-
come the blandness of Lance Guest
(“The Last Starfighter") in the role
of eldest son Michael.

Aside from Caine, the shark ef-
fects are all there is to recommend
in the film, but there's a 45—minute
stretch in the middle where the
shark only appears in a short dream

“Jaws -— The Revenge" is a tired
rehash of its classic predecessor.
and one hopes it will be the last of
the series. If not, because they have
beaten the premise so far into the
ground. they should call the next one
“Gums —The Cliche."

"Jaws — The Revenge" is playing
at Crossroads and North Park cine-
mas. It is rated PG-13 for violence
and language.





10:30 pm.





In Imperial Plaza/Waller Ave.







Continued from Page I

As part of better “organizing" the
University for the fall, Roselle also
gave Raymond Homback. vice pres-
ident for University Relatiom. the
sole responsibilty of developing
strategies for raising money from
private sources.

Both personnel actions, Roselle
said, will better organize the Univer-
sity when it presents its budget re-
quest to the state this fall.

“The important thing for me is
that the University is in the situation
for making an organized request of
members of the general assembly.“

For promoting the University
across the state, Wethington is the
best man for the job because of his
political ties, Roselle said.

“Charles Wethington is an ideal
person to undertake this responsibil-
ity because of the information he
possesses and the people he knows,"
he said.

The personnel changes made last

KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 23, 1987 - 3


“The important thing for me is that the
University is in the situation for making an
organized request of members of the general

assembly. ”

David P. Roselle,
UK president


week are the first of several admins
istrative changes that will be made
in the coming months, Roselle said.
He declined to specify any of the
planned changes, however.

Both the personnel actions and the
assistance he sought last week from
the budget review subcommittee of
appropriations and revenue reflect
Roselle‘s approach to raising funds
and the emphasis he places on fac-

Last week Roselle made that em-
phasis known publicly for the first

He told the six-member subcom—
mittee that the success of the Uni-
versity is dependent upon the qual-
ity of the faculty.

To retain quality faculty mem-
bers. Roselle said it is imperative to




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pay them at a rate comparable to
faculty salaries at other benchmark

“The quality of an institution is
the quality of the faculty. Our fac-
ulty salaries are not just compet-
itive," said Roselle referring to the 4
percent raise faculty and staff re-
ceived for the upcoming year.

The average projected salary for
UK faculty and staff for the upcom-
ing year is $38,500 — about $3,700 be-
hind the faculty salaries at bench-
mark institutions.


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Micheal Jackson. a UK service worker, burns paint off the
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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. July 23, 1987

Student’s study links toxic dumps , cancer deaths

Contributing Writer

UK sociologist Mary Harmon has
found a clear and statistical
relationship between the presence of
toxic waste dumps and cancer

The more toxic waste dumps in a
county, the higher rate of respiratov
ry and digestive cancer it has, Har-
mon found. It was because of this
correlation that Congress estab—

lished a “Superfund" in 1980 to over-
see cleanup of such dumps.

While researching for her thesis,
Harmon had expected to find a high-
er correlation of cancer in counties
that had Superfund dumps.

“You would expect to find a
relationship between the Superfund
dumps in a county,“ Harmon said.
“because they are considered the
most dangerous to human health
and are only eligible for the Super-
fund cleanup,"

The Environmental Protection
Agency determines which dumps
are most dangerous by measuring
how close a dump is to populated
areas and water supplies.

However, those Superfund sites
are not always linked with the high-
est rates of cancer. When comparing
the rates of cancer in counties with
Superfund dumps with the rates in
counties with non-Superfund dumps,
“it (the dumpsi didn‘t make a whole
lot of difference," said Louis Swan-

WRFL begins program scheduling,
making record company contacts

Arts Editor

Financial problems and construc-
tion time notwitlstanding, Radio
Free lexington has come a long
way since receiving license approval
last May.

Although it is still unclear when
WRFL-FM will go on the air, the
station has been contacting record
labels and trade magazines to in-
crease its visibility.

The WRFL programming and
music staffs have assembled a ten-
tative playlist and broadcast sched-
ule, which they have sent to record.
ing labels in an effort to be included
on their mailing lists.

“The music staff has done a great
job in presenting us to the labels,
and we have been well-received by
those they’ve contacted," said Mark
Beaty, WRFL program director.

“We have contacted all the major
labels, including Columbia, RCA and
Warner Brothers, plus a lot of the
lesser known ones like Alligator,
Touch and Go and Homestead Re-


“We’re going to allow
our DJs to do their
own thing. I don't want
to try to fit our jocks
into an existing
Mark Beaty,
WRFL program director

cont," said Kakie Urch, assistant
music director for WRFL.

WRFL plam to present music that
will satisfy a variety of tastes, in-
cluding jazz, reggae, heavy metal,
classic rock, punk rock and rhythm
& blues, which will be highlighted in
specialty broadcasts at least once a

“We‘re going to allow our DJs to
do their own thing," said Beaty. “I
don't want to try to fit our jocks into
an existing formula."

WRFL is beginning to build its
own music library, which currently
comprises about 200 albums. By the
end of the school year, the library
should include over 2,000 albums,
Urch said.

WRFL also plans to broadcast
many non-music programs, includ-
ing local and national news broad-
casts, interview shows with local
personalities, weather broadcasts
and sports coverage.

Recently, WRFL applied to and
was accepted by The Gavin Report,
one of the most important trade
magazines in the recording industry.
The Gavin Report supplies the Col-
lege Music Top 10 lists to Rolling
Stone magazine.

“Being accepted by The Gavin Re-
port is an incredible vote of confi-
dence," Urch said.

By being a workirg member in
The Gavin Report, WRFL will con-
tribute to the magazine's survey of
college radio stations and will be in-
cluded in their College Music Top 10
lists in Rolling Stone.

Senate Council looking ahead to fall agenda


As chairman of the Senate Council
this year, Bill Lyons sees himself as
a broker.

As a liaison between the faculty
and the administration, Lyons, a po-
Iitical science professor, said his
most important role this year is to
develop a solid relationship between
the faculty and the new president.

“My major goal is to see if we can
establish a good, solid relationship
between the elected faculty govern-
ance on campus and the new presi-

dent,“ said Lyons, who has already
had several lengthy discussions with
David P. Roselle.

Based on those discussions. Lyons
said he believes that Roselle will be
receptive to faculty needs and desir-
es, particularly those addressed by
the council.

“1 think Dr. Roselle is sensitive
and open to the faculty," Lyons
said. “I think his style and his incli-
nation is to seek the broadest possi-
ble viewpoint by talking to faculty
and faculty representatives.“

Among the issues that faculty rep-
resentatives on the Senate council

will be dealing with in the fall in—
clude finally approving the Universi-
ty Studies Program and revising the
policy on incomplete grades.

The committee established by
Lyons' predecessor. Wilbur Frye, to
investigate the feasibility of creating
two “dead days” for students to
study before finals, will not meet
until the Student Government Asso-
ciation gauges student‘s viewpoint.

The Senate Council will also be
working on a “major policy revi-
sion“ this fall that could streamline
the way the University Senate elec-






The Keys helps to sponsor "Shakespeare in the Park" at Wood-
. and "Macbeth" opens Friday Night so we need to help
raise S for the production company. We'll be asking for done-
tions for $1.00 at the door! Thanks for your support! Actors a.
Actresses will be there too!



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son, an adviser who worked closely
with Harmon.

Harmon has been working on her
thesis for about one year. “1 real-
ized there wasn‘t any study done on
the relationship (between toxic
waste and cancer) although it was
was commonly believed" there was

Phillip Breeze, writer and editor
with the UK College of Agriculture's
Cooperative Extension Service.
says, “Nobody officially knows

where they (dumps) are. If someone
knows of one, they should call us."

There are 22,000 dumps in the
country and only 800 Superfund
dumps. Swanson said, “Other
dumps have not yet been identified
or put on the list.

“If you do live near a waste
dump," Swanson said. “take it se-
riously. it could be a threat to your

shoppers village

. J”



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 UK preparing to buy
IBM super computer

Contributing Writer

UK is currently negotiating the
purchase of a $5 million super com-
puter with International Business
Machines Inc. and should reach an
agreement sometime after Aug 1..
said Jack Blanton. vice chancellor
for administration.

A seven-member team evaluated
several proposals for the past year
from different computing compa»
nies. Blanton said.

“IBM made the best proposal in
the judgment of the committee." he
said. “(The committee) did scoring
sheets individually . . . and IBM got
the highest score." he said.

UK President David P. Roselle
said that no final agreement has
been reached with any firm.

The new computer that the Uni-
versity is looking to purchase is big-
ger than the system UK currently
uses and has more horsepower.

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KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 23. 1987 - 5


“The new computer is put in a
category of a super computer as
contrasted with the ordinary com-
puter we now have.“ Blanton said.
“The IBM super computer is consid-
erably different and will do much,
much more than the current com-
puter does.”

Special kinds of renovations will
be needed in McVey Hall and UK is
in the process of making cost esti-
mates. An architect has been hired
for the computer ren0vation.

"(The purchasing process) started
over a year ago and we are now con-
cluding it." said J. Robert Heath. di-
rector of the computing center.

“The $5 million is from the state
as part of our last biennial appro-
priation." Heath said.

A formal announcement of the
computer purchase is expected after
the first of August. “Dr. Roselle will
be making the announcement,"
Heath said.

Blanton says the computer should
be ready for operation by Jan. 1.

Service game


Robert Cairell prepares to serve a volleyball during the Com-
munity Education's Childrens Summer School program.

hurt in jump
at Med Center

Staff reports

A psychiatric patient from the
Veterans Administration Hospital
sustained a broken jaw and other in-
juries Thursday. July 16. when she
jumped from a third-floor patio at
the UK Chandler Medical Center.

The woman. identified in a UK po—
lice report as 32—year-old Sherry
Carmen of McKinley. Ky. was an
in-patient at the Cooper Drive divie
ston. said Linda Cranfill. a staff as
sistant to the director of the VA hos

Crant'ill said in-patients are free t(
come and go at will. "unless their
travel is restricted by their doctors
Patient‘s rights warrant a free envi
ronment as possible.“

Denis Stewart of the Lexingtor
Fayette Urban County fire depart
ment said Carmen could have
reached the patio by traveling
through an above-ground tunnel
which connects the VA hospital and
the Medical Center.

“Since she was dressed in street
clothes." he said. “she could‘ve

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Kentucky Kernel Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Editor
Copy Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Editor

Brad Cooper

Karen Phillips
Thomas J. Sullivan
Alexander S. Cr0uch
Wesley Miller

Jim White

Mark Zerof

The Kentucky Kernel .5 published

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 6 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Thursday, July 23, 1987



Money, research
reasons to keep
Coldstream farm

At the June 23 Board of Trustees meeting
there was a rather heated discussion over
the future of Coldstream Farm.

Former Gov. Albert “Happy” Chandler,
who donated the land to the University more
than 30 years ago, was displeased that the
board was even considering the sale of the

Nonetheless, members of the board voted
to appoint a three-member subcommittee to
begin studying the preposed disposition of
the farm.

Quite a few board members and UK ad-
ministrators seem to be in favor of selling
the land to developers who have been been
baying like hounds for the Opportunity to
place a mall on the land.

Brad Cooper

Thomas J. Sullivan
Editorial Editor

Karen Phillips
Managing Editor



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Last year UK and Lexington’s UrbanIntern witnesses contra hearings, North testimony

County Council commissioned an architectu-
ral firm to develop a plan to show how the
farm could be used. The proposal suggested
building a mall, condominiums and resi-
dential lots.

Just what Lexington needs, another mall.

While some may say it is irrational to fore-
go the money that selling or leasing the land
could bring UK, is it any less rational to put
ourselves in a profit-motive mind-set where
we develop every piece of land just for the
sake of making money?

‘It is hard to measure in numbers the aes-
thetic value of land versus its monetary
value. If you look at it in those terms, sure,
selling the land is advantageous.

But money is not and should not be the
only issue involved in deciding whether Cold-
stream should be sold, leased or traded.

What is most disturbing is the precedent
that such a decision could set for future land
sales. If Coldstream is to be sold, does this
mean that every piece of land deemed use-
less by the University is going to be devel-
oped for money. We shudder at the thought.

It is even more disturbing to note that if
the the University sells the land the money
could be taken from the University by the
state legislature.

Kentucky Revised Statutes stipulate that
monies acquired by sale of state properties
must revert back to the original owner of the
property. In this case the original owner is
the state.

UK could very well not see a dime of the
profits of selling Coldstream and the College
of Agriculture, which might enjoy the profits
of such a sale, could suffer in the process.

The third and most important reason not
to sell the land is the fact that it‘s just that
— land. God‘s glorious gift to Kentucky that
has made the Bluegrass known throughout
the world.

You can tear up a farm and make a mall
but you can‘t tear up a mall and make a

WASHINGTON — I won’t soon forget
my afternoon with Lt. Col. Oliver North.

This summer, while serving an inter-
nship in the US. Senate Press Gallery in
Washington, 00, my supervisor asked
me if I wanted to sit in on the Iran-contra
hearings while North was testifying. As an
aspiring journalist, I naturally jumped at
the chance.

Death threats had been made against
North and a protest had taken place in the
hearings the day before, so security was
tight. But my temporary press card made
the ordeal go much faster.

As I walked through the door, North im-
mediately became my center of attentim.

I couldn‘t help but feel a bit in awe. He
sat there and confidentl