xt7x3f4kq483 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kq483/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1971 1971 1971-03-29 2020 true xt7x3f4kq483 section xt7x3f4kq483 ,“i 1 ‘.l i 1

i: t‘ .1

Monday, March 29, 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTI'CKY, LEXINGTON Vol l \ll. \o, tilt ,"r. '1' .
a ‘ .‘i

‘ 3‘35”“,

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SG candldates - "so ~
7 \ . s, 4" _.;_-,"t

step up campalgn ., 's - . , . -_-
3," “VF-ND" L- WklfiHT fortn almost yerhatim." (This .~ ‘ . ‘ i _ V » i) a“ i .‘H. ."',‘ J1"; '
Kernel SUI” Writ” “as later denied he Tailor ,= I“: _5 fat ~ 1 ,. v” p 4......- , .3 .. "tint:

Tht‘ four remaining Student \Vendelsdorf's academic at— (W 2‘ pi .. ' We”). 5“" i ‘ {”{V f i' :
(Loscrnmcnt Plit‘Sl‘h’llihti tlt‘kt‘ts fairs platform included stato -. ‘3 W ' . Xi”! ) .'1'.;‘-:.'-’
continued their campaign for ments on tenure puhlish ”I If .' t“ -, i ., »~ _ . i’v'ihj':
Tuesday and \Vednesday's elec- perish. and ”K. quality ”1‘ u” or ”fit _ . 1 ~
“OHS Sunday lttilltt- dergraduatc teaching. among .1 in “‘ j:"'-3_'"., .‘ , f 1 -_ 3
The latest series of forums others. ' M33” " . ['4‘ -.
found the issues shifting slight~ Rehecca \\'(-.5tm-fi(.|(] MM”! it: .f , “a? i ’ 4121:» ' r ( 5;. i " Luff
I.“ TW” 0f th" candidates the issue of ctology to the cam- %‘ e -N,‘_i h C’ . my“ ’
traded positions on two issues. Phil” as a result. 3}“. mjd‘ of a ' "" i i: i ., it} I: i 31;
while one candidate added new \‘isit she made this wrykvmi to ., » ‘w _. , . '. t.
Phhths hi his platforms. Eastern Kentucky. Ben Fletch- .. h -. y . 1 if: ’. . "
Skip 'l‘aylor. Umdt‘hltt‘ h)" er also picked up on ecology. ' “ ‘ . _‘,=“
the presidency running with saying that his ticket. it elected. ‘ . t.‘ '
LOH Medley. for tht‘ first tilltt‘ would like to \xork on the cam» ' 3 a»: i.‘ ‘ " v; 2 ' ' ”q :.
emphasized Stiltlt‘m "iflltt"~‘-V1tilt‘ pus enxiromncnt and with Zero 5“ ' i u . ' i. : ,

' Scott \Vcndelsdorf dropped his Population (lrtmth and limit: . if.“ 15.125 .: i . , 7'
concern for that issue in fasor onmental Awareness Society \‘fi‘ . i ‘ ' t
of academic affairs. \Vendels— “1 think that this panning“ Betsy Kaye Ellis was ”owned \liss l'nisersity of Kt'lltlltk\ \atmdax .v" :i' . “‘
dorf's running mate. Rehecca has settled into one ”1’ opposing A queen or night. ()utside Memorial ”all. where the tontest “as held. a group .-
\Vesterficld. introduced a new ideological forces." said Fletch— of about to women‘s lilierationists protested the health pageant, ~. "I
issue. that of ecology. and lien er. “I)u\'p and [ are trying “(,1 ‘) Speaking of women'~. liberation. Miss Ellis said. "Their moH-mcnt A: .. ,-'
Fletcher later picked up the to work that way. (1 810159. is getting stronger, but there are still women like me Mho enjm {'3' [1' '5 '3 i
ball on that issue. Fletcher also “Throughout the campaign. heing feminine. I like to feel small, delitate and protetted in .t "-55; 'J;'..:'~.=,-
added several minor ideas to Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 man." (Stors on page 7). r' -'-.;:: ‘_
his academic affairs and student .sfi..._;.....w;..
services platforms. . . 0 . 5,; It: " 3 ' . ’. . .

tu ents dented ede ral l n unctwn
cozy complacency of the Uni- / "
versity administration,” 5 aid ~ ‘ if .' '1 ":’;;' f:
Taylor, Speaking before a small B." DAN D- RHEA Student (Imernun-nt President titer-1' lhight \.:i=i ot the (it"tisihli. 'l an; :lvix fine.“
group in the Student Center. Kernel 5”“ “in!" Bright stated. “The ruling of the judge in that We \\ill have the opportumh to argue :~ .' 3,
“Years of administration uneon- Federal lUdgt‘ Milt" SWinford refused to regard to the injunction was shocking and the merits of our case at a later date :‘it 3:; ‘. L‘ ‘_:
cern have created a backlog of 1-55“? 11“ injunction ordering illt‘ Fayette almost unbelievable. It is almost inconceiV- the time I feel confident that in wall t'stdlt . t.‘ if.
grievances. The fires of frus- (Iounty court clerk to register four UK able that Judge Swinford could haye hased lish that students are not morn tl‘dll’slt'ttt ‘13.:
tration are burning at UK. and “Udell“ 0“ '4 PFOVtSiOH‘dl lMSiS ht'fm‘t’ :1 his decision on the ahsurd assumption that than many other groups of tltl7,t‘ll\ nou . w:
it is time to redress our griev- formal hearing to decide whether the stu- student voting could undermine the “hole heing registered. that the tight to \on ‘.\ “ g .
ances." \ dents should be able to vote in the county. economy of the state or lead to the destruc- denied it a person is .thle onl\ to ., .m t . .‘J -
Len Medley, Taylor's running If the students' case is ”Pht‘hh til“ Sttl- tion of the community. Newr l)t'f()l‘t‘ have hallot m .t meaningless (‘ll'ttltilr " ;.
mate. speaking the first time in dents would become a part of the regular I heard such an admission of complete lack -\s‘ lh'i rht ”Hm”! ”w (mmmmh 1”. W h . g 2:1
the SC-sponsored series (“1’“) registration rolls; if the students, case is 0f faith in the young. h'iiided 'thlettcr from l".i\'ette (it‘lllt‘l\ (min ‘ '; tial“: '\
been out knocking on doors"), denied. the students would he dropped from The hearing *5”qu was to “M ”w jurisv (ilerk' (I‘harles ”AMI”- 'l'hr- 1PM”. «HM. ' ,i .- .
Cited SUCh problems as th“ thehrolls. . . . diction of the federal court in tht‘ (Kl-W that the Registration and l’nruation lmsrt' 33‘.
dwindling in loco parentis pol- Since the federal carats docket is filled The attorney for the students. Ken (Iuido, had emmincd Bright and {WWI hm m l»: .f‘ 1 '91.]
icy at UK and the revision of through l‘t‘llt'ni‘lh ‘9‘? ”w ""1"”; ”hunt“ argued that the students were hemg denied qualified h, Hm. in km“. ( ”mm t ”my. 3 1
the Student Code. particularly ”10.1mm“.th WI“ preVent student “his- their rights under the l-tth .'\mendment, -\ttoi'ne\ l..i\\ cl,“ Km”, it...“ “Habit. 3., 1”.“ .1. i"
“so that the National Guard ”mm“ fur M least a year. ~ ltri 'ht (honed is ~ Til untitt lttllll the suit 3’" i
can’t be called otit again." Of this ruling judge Swinford said. "You ,,,,,,.,N,.,,,....,.,,..’,... L H ‘ “ l ‘ ' ‘ ,- , I, 3' 1
Scott \Vendelsdorf outlined are asking for "1 decision that could ”"(h'r‘ I The attornm for the plaintitls~ Kc: "~ .-_" 'i ‘_ 73 3:",
for the first time before a forum. mm“ the Who-hi economy (“r this state. H Wf’atllt’r (uiido, called the Action .tlt effort to «on; ,7 »'.'"'-‘ '5," .(
his academic affairs platform. the student were ”H.“ t” V”t“”h)“kh'h “t h Forecast for Lexington and vicinity: Cloudy promise the law suit. lodge Suintord l't ‘ -1 .- . .i
saying. “I emphasized student ”5 3 practical "‘i‘ttt‘l‘h“ could control th" and cool this afternoon fair and cold ‘0' fused to rule on the tilt)tlt)l;. .dlounig liltulr .5 .~, ', j,
‘ rights last week. but I think you community. A WWW” h‘h‘f-i l“ 1‘ college - . 1 i I - h od' to remain as a plaintitt iii?! :43:
know how we stand on that town could organize the student body to h'ght' Tomorrow fa" dhd “30' ng ‘ 1"“ _ .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ..‘ .‘ .' ,. :
by now. destroy the town. This court is lH'illLI asked :1“ Lite midfios. .lowhtonigihtfl)? ghe‘llo-w .Os. lh'ight said. It l\ .osio it':\.i}‘t\tilli}tl;yfi: ‘. , ta . .’ f; - ‘
'“Rehecca and I are gratified to use its equity power so that all qualified 'gb.':$().rrhh)'n‘ e’nit ‘ " ré'lmatmn ih" l“““'h' “"““:"‘ "h”“l” ‘ " " " 'V it,“ ti .

. . . students can )articiiate in choosini the h") a "“9” Km today. tomorrows and to t" ““h ‘h‘h‘ l““““-” ”W" “"‘- " ' “\' H" . i ‘.
to see the OH?“ our stand hi” I ' i - - ‘ h night. «onto- his lnk of l‘it wheat: to; fl-t ‘ -'
had. Taylor and Medley have people who are going to gmein this couir l 'L n I!" )1 t ) ”Nut,“ ~.. \ r51 .. ~.-- '1’
adopted our student rights plat— t.‘ and ””5 Shit"- "”””"”’””””””””‘ '1‘ u d ' i l ‘ ‘ ' ” ’ ‘i ' " “'3:
.3, - . .~ ,

w . :' I _ . _ C O . “hp-'fL'
r '~ ~< -* % Ex-candldates Issue ent'lorsements
r» J - '
..,...i..‘ ii.-
Smeral Student (toyernment \\'j]|i‘m,c .md Stlmart/ “(in into their platform the may ‘.‘
. , , 5 : presidential candidates who memhcra ”t ‘1 coalition of t'ati- .uadennru planM It. It i We . _; '. 1.
f ' ~‘ ' JJM‘ withdrew from the race last (lithites \\lio \\ltll(llt‘\\ trom ill! “1th “it .i '
.’ if..." ._ “(pk ha\e issued statements t-mnpaigninu last \xeek. hh'll \lth H} t""“‘ M Strut. -. ‘ . . 2.. .' .
h V 7t I either supporting ”thm‘ candr in. J. statement issued. in (ii)\t"’liltlt'lti \ltt‘ president .ux»? {'1‘ f‘ ,
i‘ i ‘ dates or the“. (“HT now leader: “hi”, ("”9" “ former hrhWh-ll‘ protected Kt. presidential hope .‘i i .‘
e f .., ., _. less. platforms. St; \ico pres— tial candidate and a member) of {‘11. 1‘de J statement “WW” ‘2 . ’3' _ .' ;
’ $33 "3‘ idcnt Skip Athfi also lssum] that coalition (,“lth \Lli‘k ‘13:: the of the lien Fletcher and shit-(1'
,1: g ,.. i)» . . an endorsement. ‘ ‘ tor as his running littltt t;- itu l).t\id l.e.\f.tster team ”V “M . '. ,. "9‘
'. . , «s. _ . jun “ilhams. former 5(‘1 rep— position as ex-(ancitatts \sas I“. “as (.man‘d that that 'I 1. ‘ ~. A
. ‘> . _ H resentative. said bluntly, l am prt‘stmtetl. (lates said that that mmmmmm k the mm. ”W _ ~' .f-
.2: d: it a?“ ' . going to vote for Jerry Legere Eulloetion of candidates had that (“n ..Sll(‘_(_(_“f11"y immk ‘1, .- ' ,. .-
= ”‘3 because he Is by {iii the most deetded not to ”“9“.“343 h”— and achicye meaningful change . .' . . ‘ -'
° ', ""t-p‘f qualified and experienced can- (torso any of the remaining can— for the student and l'nix'ersity .. ~ , if y
i I .. p it‘- didatc. . 1 . ‘ dttlates.‘ lunch -\“1t~h.(-l;u,“lil. (fan: communities without neglecting , . . i, . t
g £1?- g g . , k Steve .Scl]\\ilrt1.,' a grat tart; (luli‘tte ls‘nt)“ lmt tsittlia \ .r“, existing programs and services . ‘. til
. j . . .’ __: _ t ii! student in education psyc 0- to support ant or UK orst” any of Student (m‘vrmm‘m‘n . _
3‘» _ , . '- 4* hfm'gvgrg‘. f . 3 “fly, urged everyone “h“ 31.11)- candtdate he feels he can. ‘ . . ~‘
g. “5" ’ ‘ gt "‘6‘ g. ported him “to get behind (itltt‘fi continued. In terms of He continued. ”Secondly. 1 . .'
”7“ .. ' . i, s tj ,' x: . (Scott) \Vendelsdorf and vote my own personal decision. I lwlim-p that regarding “(shimmy ' * . '
{we ‘7‘ 'i .p " ' ‘ for him on Tuesday or V\'t’(iltt‘5- have chosen not to endorse any affairs. no” and Dave are the , . p »
it ‘( fie (lay-n HO said. “\Vendelsdorf‘s remaining candidate. I do he- only ('élltdidates “h” hm.“ called a .~ .
' H 3 background in law and his lit'Vt‘ that there "0‘" t‘XiStS 3‘ for Priman emphasis on educa i.“ ~ .'
4 i " a... work in these matters in th(‘ clear-cut choice in the race. and t ,‘ on a | impnwpmpn“ hut- . R . '
‘ ' b "" “- " past are qualifications “'hith that some of the represented “5055.11 with ideas, programs .‘ , ‘
» -.. ' Dr. David Burg. from the UK department 0‘ English, addressed a surpass those of the other can- overall ideologies art' “‘05” t0 and ahility' to affect that im- . ~ '-
Graduatc and Professional Student Association (GPSA) forum on dictates: “'5 platform contains my POS'tl‘l“ than others. "0““ proyement. \et in doing so \
technocracy this past weekend. He discussed the present separation everything contained "‘ the (’th' CV”. hemuse ”t my strom: "I" they have also addressed them- '
,. of the arts and the sciences asking. “Why not use technology to er platforms and surpasses the terest m academic matters, :‘m selves to the hroader spectrum -’
exalt "a," than depreciate our humanncss?” (Kernel photos by others.” especrally in student simply asking the other can I' of student concerns. including .
Keith Moder) rights. dates to endorse and Implement especially student rights." .
t ? ' ., .. "nun-s On" 0:

 2—THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Monday. Niarch 29. 1971 E —
' M
R P hmphasrs on economy V ‘M
Eli! owe, at Sovrel (.ongress l
M()S(T()\\' (AP! ~7linagine a mterie of young followers as a Presidium's name to the Staliii- news erne S "
lllt‘t‘lllltl. Of the President Ul llll‘ preparatory step for eliminat— ist appelation of Politburo. ;
’, l'nited StatcS. tht‘ ("-lhlllt‘t- lllt‘ ing his old guard. Brezhnev There are signs that the .
(iongress. the 50 state .L’UWl'll- was one of the men tapped by Kremlin leadership may be pre- From AP TPIIOI'IS
' - nients, leaders of business. labor Stalin. The dictator died within Daring to rehabilitate Stalin, t0 . l l
' ‘ I and farm groups. newspaper a few months, however, and the some extent, at this congress. SAX l‘ B:\l\ClSC()—A disappointed traveler returned home l l9
. - , publishers and network rlirec- anticipated purge was stillborn. But even those who fear it most Sunday after tailing in his bid to fly around the world on com- Wltl
. - tors, the head of the FBI, the Five years ago, the 23rd Con— (10 not feel the party will go merical airlines in world record time. He completed the . are
' i ’ lUlllt (:llit’fs ”l Stilll “Ml ill“ t01‘ gress produced the mild sur- beyond a further step of bal- JUUV‘K’.v "1 43 hours, 31 "lllllllt‘s- Sh?
’ - Boy Scout. prise of Brezhnev adopting Sta- ancing Stalin’s image with praise Alexander km”, llt’llllli-I *0 Il’l't’élk ill" “'Ol‘ld ”’“ml ”f 41 '5 l'
. ' Then suppose they are all ljn‘g title of party general secre- of his role in increasing Soviet hours, .30 minutes claimed by lellow San l-iaiicIScaii Maurice TU"
' . , from the same party. That tarv and the changing of the strength. Bosen, was delayed in Tokyo when a Pan American tlight ROI
‘ . gives some idea of the kind of did not arrive in time from llong Kong. V
political power that will be con- ° . She
- ‘ centrated here Tuesday for the motlona tac ta en \VASllINCTON — Federal environment agencies have ; ind
. " opening of the 24th Congress of started a study to determine whether industry needs gov— t 1‘
. I the Soviet Communist party. . . ernmcnt financial aid to meet its antipollution requirements. reat
- ' Starting 11 3'91” late—perhaps b defense 1“ I ate trlal Officials believe the need, if any. may lie with small firms ‘ IS a
l - because there have been deep ’ that could be bankrupted by the sudden, heavy cost of rocl-
,' disagreements in private~this pollution-control measures soon to be imposed by federal i set
V V l > . ' gallieiiiig til the coiiiitiy’s inter- LOS ANCELES (AP) ~‘lIhe AS Fitzgerald spoke the three standards and regulations. . 4m,
locking directorate is expected defense has called them Sick women, who had chatted, But the study, conducted jointly by the Environmental . the
i l" expend its formidable film? to little girls" and begged for the” laughed and drawn pictures Protection Agency and the President's Council on Environ- We:
‘ press a large rubber stamp on lives, hoping that jurors in the during the nine-month trial, sat mental Quality, is looking over the whole range of possible T
. ' ‘ things as they are. Sharon Tate murder trial Wlll frozen in the“ Chall'S- The" problems, incltiding even the largest corporations. mor
‘ The emphasis. Soviet sources flinch at the idea of sending eyes were fixed on the attor- pie
2 . . confide. will be on economics, three young women to the gas ney. FT. BENNINC, Cir—Lt. William L. cant-y 1m My Lin one
i ' approval of the five-year plan chamber. Fitzgeralds plea was made murder jury spent Sunday reviewing court-martial testi- bori
'. i which gives a modest boost to Attorneys for Charles Man- over the heated objections of mony from as far back as last November, seeking to re- and
' consumer goods production and son’s women co-defendants have the prosecution. construct air operations over the South Vietnamese hamlet just
' ' provides for a belated applica- StI‘C‘SSEd the \VOan,S youth and Deputy DlSt. Atty. Vincent during a [VHS infantry assault there three years ago, EVE]
, . . . a . . _
~ tion of automation to industry. femininty and his final argu- M. BughOSl said: If the death It brought to 20 the number of Witnesses whose testimony don
. ' ' All boasts of “catching up and ment for Leslie Van Houten, 21, penalty is to mean anything in has been repeated since the case went to the jury March 16,
i ' surpassing the United States” attorney Maxwell Keith said: the State Of California other the third anniversary of the so-called My Lai massacre. Such
. ‘1 , have quietlv disappeared. “How mad, how insane these than tW0 empty WOTdS, this is readings have taken more than 16 hours of the time for
In addition, as the party's young girls must have been." the proper case . . . If any one deliberations—deliberations that over a 12-day span have
' ‘ . . governing body, the Congress Got case Friday of these defendants receives life given no indication of when the verdict might be expected.
' ‘ will choose a new Central Com- Jurors spent all day Saturday imprisonment, the death pen- The judge. Col. Reid Kennedy, said he will hold a court
' mittee, which in tum approves deliberating the fates of Man- alty should be abolished in session with lawyers Monday to try to agree upon some plan
I _ the ruling Politburo. The feel- son. Leslie, Patricia Krenwin- California. If this is not a prop- of prodding the jury toward an early verdict on the guilt Th
- ‘ ing is that there will be no ma- kel, 23, and Susan Atkins, 22, er case, no case ever Wlll be. or innocence of the defendant. ; 5:3“
. V .. I jor changes in the top leader- after getting the case late Fri- Each stoned :
‘ . ’ ship at the end of all the ted- day. Thev previously had con- Each of the women in dra- LYNDON, Ky.—-A 126-vear-old sacred tradition is crninb-
- i ' . " ious oratory. victed the four and now may matic witness stand confessions ling at Kentucky Military Institute here. :- 1101:.“
., 7 . Diplomats from both sides of decree one of two possible sen- during the penalty phase of the Beginning next fall, girls will be accepted at the private ” GP
the ideological divide. however, tences — life imprisonment or trials, said she participated in prep school and the institution will cease operation as a inil- . “‘1':
I - 2 ‘ : expect that the party’s general death in the gas chamber. They the killings of Miss Tate and six itary academy. and
7 ’ ’I" ' , secretary, Leonid l. Brezhnev, had Sunday off and resume de- others. Each said she was Simpson blamed the conversion on dropping enrollments . 31;;1‘:
' will pursue, despite quiet resis- liberations on Monday. stoned on LSD when She and a growing independence among youths who disdain 255-6
' . tance. his bid to outdistance his The most emotional plea for killed and now felt no guilt or anything that hints of military regiinentation. MEI?
. colleagues in the collective lead- the women's lives came from remorse. . Eff?“
» ‘~ ership. the last defense attorney to In turn. they said Manson (flll(.'AC()—'I‘he Bey. Ilesse L. jackson. a protege oi the Bldg.
- ' ,' lror 3]] the official and unofti- speak to the jurors. was innocent of the murders of late Dr. Martin Luther King It. says he plans to work for
'V i ‘ cial assurances that the session Chief defense counsel Paul Miss Tate and six others over the creation of a third political party aimed at nominating
. > ' . will be placid. postwar cori— l‘itzgerald. described how the two nights in August 1969. And a black tor president in [9“ZI. . I. Dr.I ‘
.' " ‘ ' gresses have had a wav of pro- three women. if sentenced to Irving Kanarek. Mansons 13“" ll" “ill-(l ll'“ lllll‘l llitl'll' t'll‘m “"ll bau- ‘lH' support ”i 3‘ Exile]:
' > ,- I' ducing surprising changes which death. would enter the green yer. has asked the iury to spare number oi nationally known black politicians and leaders. i 30, 2.
-. , did not figure on the agenda octagonal gas chamber at San the life of the hippie-style, clan lchsaiil its membership will be made up ol blacks and liberal IiI MPE‘I‘
, . ' . and this one may not be exempt. Quentin. how a heart detector leader because he wasnt pres- white elements. 335°}?
1 . . ' in 1932, at the lgth party would be strapped to their cut at the slayings.
. " . (Tongress. Ilosef Stalin managed chests. The warden. he said.
I. - .. to pack the Presidium with a would shake their hands and ' 4 '35,
. . ‘ sav. “Goodbye. Patricia. Gootl- o . . Iiizéil.
. I . I" - n :‘ 1n n
" bye. Susan. (,oodbye. Leslie. , + a S S I ' e + i tend.
' BRAND NEW SEWING Described gas chamber “LIE;
' MACHINES (7) $35 He described the dropping of . . Begir
. . ' (’Vallldt' )(‘llPtS llltt) “Cid as “the (‘lflsslfied advertising “'lll be 30?? “Ni om-o~o-¢~o~m~~o0oo No’tooo"o”~ooo’l"" an i
'I . ll } . ll . l] i. ,. on a pre-pald basis only. Ads may? be FOR SALE FOR RENT 21:3
. . Nationally advertised brand lttSi Stllllu ilt‘} \\l (.‘\CT Ldl‘. placed in person Monday through ””””””"’"”""' ""’"””"'””””” ,‘
‘ _ , ' Then he said their bodies will trldIaonr by mail. payment inclosed. 1955 INTERNATIONAL Metro truc‘il. MODERN i'iii-nisiii-d oii‘itviontvy upart- U“
. . . These are Zig;zag sewrng ma- .. ' I“ ‘ ‘ ‘0 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL. Room (flcan, good IiI‘eS, runs well. Heavy merits. only 2 blocks from UK on E‘ E
- . chines complete with factory sag against the straps across ”1» JonrmIllsm Bldg. riuiv hitch for horse trailer. Phone 422 A)'lt'>i()l‘(i Place. Immediate oc- yard
" - . I l l j . l‘l I” - . d l Rates are $1.25 for '30 words, $3.00 BUG-0752. EBMZQ eupancy. or summer and fall now ree.
. ' guarantee *0 be sad for 535 UP” ( ltStS. KM 15 ‘1 T00 in, mm. consecutive ”mum,“ of “u. 7—5—--——-_—-———‘- -— being rented. Call 254-4949. 43m
. . y . . each. Cash or monthly Day- of saliva from their mouths . . . “"1: “Id 0' ‘3" “‘0rd5- and 53-75 per l.9¥.{..§f}l‘3§' .IRG.?,.TI.B.SHT§’.folklisirhliiif.“ fififiiAc—rnfi hen—CT;
. . - ments, These machines have Tth m-(i TlO\\' officially dead_" “H ' V” words. Call 278-8th7 after 4' prim. and week- robin aphrtment2it~11i4tiyillnlge Drive. | C3":
' . budhin Controls for making ' ' towow’mm'o' Cl‘idS. 2551:“ Tenants willing to (ibnti‘i’b sonic cost. dents
. ' . . LOST ———-——~ ——————— --* - Call 252-4342. 24Man .‘
. button-holes, hemmmq. dec- ' FIGHT CANCER NHW-~-- FOR SALE-«1956 Jaguar XK140; rcd- - ‘em‘
. n f' ' . . , , ‘ . .- black, chrome wires. abarth, dual FOR RENT »—l-‘urnislied efficiency,
I . Eraflive SlgCheIS, SEWlng . On Lgfgctganlieggxz gflllt'lf‘nglntLZOTE-‘llg‘fig (iVCI‘llIC‘ild Cam Six. {our speed. it 1111111195 pa]d_ $91) month; 436 VV. S_1xth
. . . u ons, arnmg, mending, .‘ WITH A after 5,10 pm Citev‘vard 253129 beautitul classic, $1.200. 278-7554. St. can 254-7253 after 5:00, 293129 '
- .. I Overcasting and many other I‘ l l . ”2:31:11 -N--W~¢,
.. . features. May be inspected at 1 CHECKUP AND CHECK . »-~---.WNA;T.&.M--N- KUSTOM BIN Speaker cabinet, 3 15_ smwcas u
1 ‘ . United Freight Sales 2123 . A ' MN,WM, inch speakers. $250. Gibson Bass mmN¢¢m~¢¢~
- . . I ' ' - ‘ . . I Gu1tar and case $100. Call John PIANO TUVIN‘G- Reasonable rices a
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i ' 0 i i I :l -. . "
Movie Review .. 'i . - , .
S ‘G' 3 Shelter’ exhibits the Stones
- By LARRY KIELKOI’F At \Voodstock, the most press- planes, getting off planes, :tlitl . It Will WHH'tllng ulmllt the we ii. that is. ill those tr“ in t I-= -'
. Kernel Staff Writer ing physical problems were mud generally clowning for the (“.tlll- l0ll‘5llllll and PWH‘NH“ 0* ”I“ ”|‘”“"““ “l”‘“ "“t' ‘lmll “" ll” ".8, T: ‘
, it one were pressed to name and bad trips. The guy who died ”3‘- Barely (1" they l““"" ”W “Wk ””19“” “hp”. mm“ ”' “(WW . i ' :I‘
e . the most popular rock group was accidentally m” over by a screen, (IxhiIiIrge hired hikers tor sci-ur- fill the mitt-Int Illl I\1;ll smili- I.,: .I .I ..
_ within the past decade, chances tractor while he was sleeping. “ill?” they d”~ ”W." 3"“ T‘“ ”-le and Wt up I“ fl“. film “1”!" ’fm‘ I WINHMI \ (”M HUI ”f 3 ~ '. I:
(I are that the all but unanimous At Altamont people were placed by their managers and which openly Iln\ite(l pushing Stones. 1. l'oiill\ liki- mur i Io .
choice would be the Beatles. lt hrut'illy beaten by Hell’s Angels agents making phone calls iii an IiIUld Sllm'lilil IIIH an t'llm‘t to their H'HIW‘. Hlllm'lL’ll YlIH‘H' lm‘ , :‘ .
1 is just as likely that the all-time hired for the sake (.f “security .. attempt to set up the gig, or a Wild! 41 “all pvl'fimnimIs't‘S I1“ ”II“ I211“) Ml j r‘ ,‘ -,I,
_ . M. ‘ ‘ " -.. _ . i i . . . lllllt'l to )t‘ r (‘sirt'( Ilt it is . - '.’- 'v’.’ .- .’ 1
e ”liver“? group would he th‘ And whatever the number of :‘d 9f w'd: waits”; "109”" d It said something oi the en— more llltll just I little (llSl'lstt‘~ ’_'.~,f I . .I
t Ro ing Stones. .. . had trips, the worst had to be aces \IsatIc ling ( _ ones Per- tire 506m, when a young adinir- i l t .. l II n'une III III I .. .‘ I.
Watching the film Gimme l . . - . lf form live. Hero worship is an . [I . .. . 1 I u o sit .i ii}. . ic . -. . .:.: ,
I ,, I I . tie concert itse . . . mg an, ltdis stimmmg ( 0““ ll' Vt _ h t 'n(l then when ., . t .
Shelter , one thing is obVious. , . integral part of the film. i .. .} . -k‘ . 'll . _ I .1 pil ) It] I\ s lll . .i ‘. . . I. . I . I-I
. .. n At \‘\ oodstock those in the . “l ( I” 5‘ 5“ ”N‘ML“ ‘0 it {“18 .‘S .. ”M,“ 0} then .m“ a .,
e indeed, the Stones try harder. front row not only had the lest There are probably “” lilgger move with the music and look . i ' ‘i ‘ . 1- 1 y . if .‘ ”
._ For the few who don't al- ' ) ‘ fans of the Stones. however. h vin rlv ‘ll tl . g“ “H ("ht”kv“ Mdnw It‘ ‘1‘. ( H Y ‘i if“ ‘ l’, "
.i . t n seats for the concert, but were ‘ . I . I . . ’ h, ‘ “ ‘ ’ " Stones on the ”Ana-ritual .itt: ~' 'v' -.- 3’ - :fi
‘. 5» ready know, Gimme Shelter th ‘t , 'if I“ t") .I than the Stones tucuisci‘vcs. lt “ I-I’ ' . ’.
5 Il is a byproduct of the Altamont t e sIars 'Inn‘ 6‘ ure mo K n pK' would. after all, seem to take On the whole, however, Alta- lll(lt‘.I 'i l ‘ .' . ,
f §I rock festival which the Stones ure as “e ' a very special type of ego to inont is shown from the Vlew- It is, however. quite possl )t‘ :ZII-hI II
ll 3. set up at the end of their 1969 At Altamont, those in the set up your own concert, hill point of the Stones—isolated that some sort of national new '3 .- '-. .
3 American tour. It was t0 be, as front row were victims—of b0th- yourself as the star, and make and apart. \\ hen the Stones are rosls (li(l play a part ill what .gI: .I If ._
1 .- the press put it, “Woodstock But despite what happened at a ”wok. about it. in a helicopter. we see Alta- happened. ii, .is the} so}. \\()U(l- I- .‘ ', . .III ,
_ \Vest." A l t a m 0 n t, "Gimme Shelter As a documentary [lIGIII mont from a helicopter. \\ hen stock was a (‘ltI\. then perhaps . .II II
Q There were similarities. Alta- would certainly be justified and “Gimme Shelter" is a joke. And the Stones are on stage we see Ali-tumult was a country .' I- . . .I :
mont was free and 11 lOt Of 900- “'01)“ probably he a great film its not at all funny. liven as a Altaniont from the stage. \\ c (anada anyone.“ . .
ple were there. At \Voodstock, if‘ as the movie ads claim, it film about the Stones it is so r L“ III _.
i one person died and one was Showed 8" that haPPP'Wl Bl" technically poor that it liecoines * . '. II‘:
_ horn. At Altamont, four died It doesn L In fact, It shows "9“." painful to watch. ' ~
- and four were born. If you’re little» Outside of a few nice shots, i . . .
t just keeping score. that makes it \Vl‘i‘t it does show ‘5 the the camera work is agonizing. ~‘ _ -I 'I . 'I
even at five all. but the statistics Stones—in hotel rooms. 1“ “3‘ F r c ‘l u e n t l Iv the cameraman ow ‘- I .
‘ ‘ don't hear out the facts. cording studios. getting 0“ would focus on a subject—miss O i _ I} ‘. ,-'. ‘. _
. it—oome hack—miss it again. . II I: -. '. I
, . , » , - » ~ ' then finally. on the third 11'}: :_ .- i x: '. .. .
r make it. By that time the scene . . . ‘:I . I f
2 V l‘ d d T had changed. .. Appllcatlons are now belng ,II. ; '~.=I
- O ay an omorrow As for the message. its not .I 'I .
t that it doesn't say anything. it s f d b .I . '.- .‘
i just that it proliahly isn't what taken or Stu ent mem ers Of I' ,. ‘;I ‘1 'I .
t The deadline for announcements is nights. 3rd floor OB-Gyn clinit‘. Med- the Stones \\'('l‘(‘ ll‘IVl-"LZ l” 53W- o ll. 3‘» ’
2 7:30 p.m. two days prior to the first uni Centcr. It (1008 iiflt'i' I!“ 5;”: munpihmu the Board Of StUdent PUbllca- 1K" . I. \ -’ ,. ’I
j publication of Items in this column. For free, confidential pregnancy . . ' _ .lf . , - . 'I . -
3. tests and abortion counseling 2339?: about 0'10 S ""3319 Of ”“0“ . o . . .'. ' ‘ II ; .
- . . To?“ . Lii’itii‘ti‘itififf‘iihifii‘“trot-ii as. 5-9 hm. uim W" ”9* tions. This Presrdenhol Board _-.-_ , =—. ,.~
3 Daily (rumpus LvIents. For lnt'orma pm.. or Fri. 2-5 p.m. and Saturday ()ill. llC tries to t‘()()l it by WM]. I. i I. _. , . . .~
g mm Phone 238-46“). 9 aim-2 p‘m. ' " l ll \v int to iiltri - o l C J ‘ i it . i
GPSA. Meeting 730 p.m. Monday. . t T i l Lit VI The mg I) ease ti 0 ‘ l ‘ L-- -_,; I """"—§”"‘;“‘V"',"".'"'"""I‘
. g March 29. 217 White Hall. R£:?F%ilfiggesxlnfluggcm Egg’cgpau- (hm, myself." governs the aCfIVII'y 0r atuuenr . I. If
I'K Amateur Radio Club. Meeting an chaplain. conducts. Monday nightS. ‘ .- ». , -' ‘ I.
and slide show 5:30 p.m. Monday. 7:30 p.m., Canterbury Lounge. 472 o . . O I -. -. . , I,
.\1; ‘ch 29. 453? Ande s Hall. F r I. _ P bl U g - I I.
‘ . iiltll‘O information call 0Sham Browch. “(gzesltlanned Parenthood Birth Con- u lcatlons at the “IverSIty Of I. sI3 \ '
i 255'6553' trol Clinic is now operating at Broad- ‘. .. ." .II . -_ .’ .
Effective Mom. March ‘39. the of— way and Second st, Thursday and STEREO s I, I )I
iices of the Billings and Collections Mohdav nights from 6-8 p.m. IOthEX‘ Kentuck w‘ ’ ~. " U
Department, Comptroller's Division. clinics fire listed under Clinics in the CONSOLE 75 0 I '5 1. .‘II
w il l x 1 u'tid room 220. Ser 'ice ‘1 - P . i - .- . -.. .
I 13;ng it fit] c in \ YtlieothmreaESfES- Biology 101. Psychol- $ . ; . .‘ . -. _ . . .
i- “h" “- “mind”? 33' 322.135.; P' k I' - “ ' .
. . 0 . . ( ~ . . .. . . i‘ .
I TOMORROW Eighwé’oiflé‘iflheiii “Eggten ISponsored Just received 5 deluxe solid lc up your app lCGtIOI‘I at z, . ~ _. .I
”Computer Music and Psycholo‘yI" by QUEST, a Free UnlerItf Igtzcrsup. state nationally advertised ' I . I' " .. .- .
s D . D r‘d W 11. M' higan State . 1 t Program i'ewse I . — I I o o o . 5 ‘. . . '. x
l ‘5 Uhivergixtiy. ieftstiiees. CincgiputerM Scifi Nix-,Suheerhrss for