xt7x3f4kq168 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kq168/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-10-01 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 3, October 1, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 3, October 1, 1914 1914 1914-10-01 2015 true xt7x3f4kq168 section xt7x3f4kq168 =i r=
I H E   ID E A I
.. University of Kentucky
____;______   -—·-—·=-—-—- ————-———· —--———.- | .»._...;
U KIIIIUCKY Ioys lcors 87 Polnts` Growth of Instltutlon Along All Lln•s Clays and Cslhouns of Orgsnlzstlon Open to All Studsnts in the Unlvsr- Second Game of Season to Be Played
--———-—·—" Agslnst Woak Opposltlon   Continues-Now Faces. 8•ttI• the Whlsksy Question. v•r•lty. with Crack Football Team.
Y From Ohlo.   ` rj ""—"·‘ ’""" ——-~———
· l Bair proof of the fact that Kentucky Patterson Literary Society met lnl Pursuant to the will of Phllo Ben— GAME CALLED AT 3:30.
13 TOUCHDGWNS MADE. lState University ls growing in size the Y. M. C. A. building on Saturday nett, of New York, Wm. J. Bryan, Sec-
land scope of usefulness is shown in night, September 26, in regular weekly retary of State, became custodian of Nnxt Saturday me wnncntn win nu.
“""' nthe number of lnstructors which havo sesslon. $10.000 to be distributed among the nnnn in their Second encounter of the
ln e- Berne ther enrly mrned inte nl been added to the faculty this year. After the devotional exercises, most important institutions ln twenty— Snanon when they ment Mnryvnln Col-
Pnrnde ct nlne lcrscvctl wudente cvcrl All of these new instructors are fresh which were conducted by Mr. O. R. flve states. Four hundred dollars is to Inge of Tennessee her; Alter snow-
thc Keel l¤¤c- Stnte University d°r°*t' from the flelds of their various col- Willett, the first debate of the season be invested by these colleges and the ing what they could nn against Wn-
  cd wnnnn8t°n ny thc sccrc ct 87 tc 0 leges and will prove etflclent and val- was announced. The question: "Re· interest accruing must be applied blan· mmnmn Hour boysn Should not nn.
  met Sntnrdw ¤ftcr¤<>c¤ en Stcll Flcld-l uablo additions to the teaching force. solved, that all maltous, splrltuous and nually as a prize for the best essay on nnnnncn much trouble wnn the noun
i Thirteen eenendewne were rnnde bv, The lnstructor perhaps who will be vlnous liquors should be prohibited in "'I’he Origin and Development of Par- nmnm
;, rltstc nnd nine Benn! were kicked- M l concerned with the greater number ot Lexington and Fayette County," was llamentary Institutions," or "The Es- S f
ll`} ne thhc did the Wll¤¤¤¤¤t<>¤ crcw “n°w l students ls Lieutenant Arthur Under- afllrmed by Messrs. S. E. Love and sentlal Principles Underlying the Suc- Omg more ast practice has been
h rerm nnd ruled td mskc One ¤r¤t' wood, who succeeds Lieutenant A. W. O. R. Willett. The negative was de- cessful Operation of Republican Insti- engaged in during me week to good
S dewn Weiner the ¤tcrl¤¤s derenee ct Q Gulllon. He is a graduate or West tended by Messrs. B. D. Sartin and J. tutions." Hidvamage it is possible that both
the "e"¤·°` ,   Polnt Military Academy and a native C. Wolf!. Kentucky was selected as one of the fmtcher and Downing wm be back
8*-Me'! c¤c¤¤lvc wdrk Wee nnnnny Kentuckian. l The speaking on each slde was states and the fund was given to ex- In the une at iacklei It they are'
end sssrcsslve ee the t°P‘nen·"Y sccrs Mr. A. E. Wells has come to take spirited. The debaters are classed Governor J. C. W. Beckham, who was watch the two 0 them
nh°“'ed· Celmun Pern, l’n"in$ wen charge of State Hall, the student com- among the best speakers in the Uni- to select the institution in Kentucky. The training table ct State Hen has
true and ncsrly sll of his throws Wcrc mono, no hoo ooo experience ot vcrslty. no selected stats Uolvorslty as o bc¤· been "eSnh' p“n'°°*“d hy the Pn*Y·
` e*DWred· °°T“rheY" mnde the l°n$eet many years In such work and ls al- The judges, Messrs. McNeil, Ed- eflclary and the trustees chose Dr. J. ers and is b°°°mi°K wry p°p“l"· In
"nn ct thc Keme eerly ls thc neeend ready popular with the student body. Wards and Crumb, had great difficulty I K. Patterson as custodian of the fund. this way um players k°°w thcy src
hem when hc rccclvcd n- kicked nnd Dr. W. L. Anderson, who received In deciding, but finally the afflrmatlvel The conditions of the fund state getting Dum f°°d and um °°“°h°“ cnn
l‘o¤lD¢d tbl'0¤8h the Wb0l¤ Wll¤¤|¤8· his degree or M, D, at Yale in 1904, is I was given the decision. that the essay must be between fouri keep an ey° °° uw pl“y°” wd see
Wn tcsm ren e t°nehd°Wn» aided by successors to Alpha Brummage in Then the subject WIS throWn,op•¤ and tlve thousand words; must bei that they d° “°t °v°rm‘i° cr ““d°r'
) some tlne interferences by his team- gymnggjum wor]; Mn Brummggg will I tor general discussion, which was en- wholly original, and all quotst1ons]"°'m‘ ___
· V mates- dbg coach or the atnlctlc teams, l tered into freely. . must be set on by the usual quotation; F*'••bm¤¤ Pr¤•P•¤¤·
The Wll¢l¤¤t¤' team W0¤'k @80 de! At Mechanical Hall Mtns Mary Mc-I Refreshments, consisting of fruit marks. A paraphrase of an extended: Dr. J. J. Tigert, coach, has been
s€l'V8¤ ll0l'l0l'¤bl0 ¥¤0¤U0¤· Phorson, or Louisville, wlll occupy this punch, were served. quotation would not pass for the orig-I working hard with his big squad or
The interference Ewen by thc year the place of Misses Helen and Business session followed. Several inal and at the same time would; Freshmen and at present has two
‘ bookflold mcn and thc ends was Margaret Lowery, instructors of free· new names were accepted and tl11’08¥ vitlate the essay. lteams picked out. Daily signal prac-
! Klenlene tc eee end the derennive hand drawing, who are on a leave of new members rooolyéd. ` The prize will be awarded in May,ltice and scrimmages constitute their
I Werk was e¤¤nY as Seed- The ste'? absence to study ln New York City; but the contestants should turn lnlwork and prospects tor a big, fast
g of the same in detail ls so entirely B Mloo Mopnoroon ls o, graduate or lthelr essays at least six weeks before' team are good.
l n¤l'l`¤UVe ct e"erWhehnin9 derent Peratt Institute, of Brooklyn, and has       Ethe award is made. The award wllli ·-lloch Rodon tonne,. Loxlngton
g that dstslls which srnssrctl st done much proctlcal work lc arawl¤g._ REGULAR MEETING *he made by thrcs mcs. chcscn by Doc-, High School ooo,.-to.-book, lo playing
len8th in thc lccsl Pnnere nrelShe is hlghly recommended. ' ......t.. ltor Patterson, who will pass upon the l lllnt noslllon on lno 1914 toon} nnd in
l elnmed lh The IDEA ct rnnl tnne- rt} ln the new Department of Journal-, Later-sry Progrnm Followoq by Smoker? merits of the manuscripts. Jus usuul playing n Sm. gnmo Bunn,
V rrxnedmfeinfhguitdhgof E w;;:l,l:; ` Lim 3:;  ggfhgznnixlctzneggiggg Md Gsnsrsl Business ;—···—"Annr  ·rnnnnnn~ · - — ’ Son lsplaylng good rootball, ns glgg lg
. g of the literary Dempsey, the blg center. With these
weterlee at thc hendn ct "`nined end I Marguerite McLaughlin, formerly on 8°"I°°‘ iprogram a feast was enjoyed by the and several he has in the background,
nnnung regulars- tho renortorinl Staff of tho Some 989812 ——-— lmembers and visitors. Dr. Tlgert should develop a strong
The nne'nn dr the twc *-enrne st thc Miss Mchnushlin ls an alumna of The Union Literary Society met ini Several names were submitted for team.
opening of the game followsr State University. lsoclety Hall, last Saturday nlghhlmembershlp. Three names submitted; No llellulw schedule bag been uu.
\\'llmlngton. Position. Stotén ln-orcooor George M. Baker, grad-; October 26th, and dispensed with althe Saturday evening before wereluuuuuoll lol. lllo 1915 eleven, but ll ln
Linton R. E. Roth. WVMHDB   nate of the University of Minnesota, I short but interesting program, l voted npgn and added to the member-ii)r0bnb1n mnt nnvnrnl gnmnn wm bn
· Smltll R. T. Thompson i llns come to assist in the Education! The specehes of the evening were; ship of the society. They were   gollodnled with nlgu gchgol teams ueol-
end Smith   Department. He took his master's made by J. T. Gooch, upon the "Hls-1 Messrs. G. H. Williams, B. H. Mitchell   her€_ Loulovlllo hiale High ln mon_
Stone R· G- R0dm¤·¤· degree from Columbia University last tory and Origln of the Union Soclety." , and ’l‘. Rector. illoooll aulong tno nnonnoolo nnd n
Pctrls Reehmhn year. At the University of Minnesota Lester Grady upon "The Joys of Llt·l ln the tumes of the smoker a busi- [ uoluo wllll ll should be n nnnnnol.
‘*’0“’e*`$ C- B¤llcy· Pctrlc he studied with Dean James and erary Work," and C. Clark on "Pros-`ness meeting concluded the program: _
Faulkner L, G, Corn , , ,, A Tl13nkSglVing day game with the
4 Blll0l`lt, his teachers at Columbia were pocts, ;of the society. nnnnrnny nl. Tnnnnnnnn Frnnnmnn 1
HdleY L- T- Vcst Turner Strayer. Thorndike, Dewey and Mo- A reading by Herbert Graham was Students desiring to become ulem- _ _   B
, . also posslble and would bring out a
ssrl Stctes L- 1*- Zerr°en· Peck. Murry. He has taught in and been omitted on account of unavoidable ab-I bers of a literary society are cordially nl, _ _n An
Shaw Q. °P¤l‘k. 1*66868 principals otlhigh schools in Mlnne- sence, llnvited to visit the Union. ’ A cw" . Kentucky urst-year
nusey r`· B- Scott- Schrsdcr sota for oovoo years ooo como,. ,0 -.__._ - ______n ‘“““ “'° “'°'““‘ "““‘ ‘""* "‘° *‘°°°
Mcnlnlnn nl H. Hun Gumbnrt nn www   n n•_W _`_n 7 , n I . Itllut the game will be secured and it
our L- H- Tnmn (Continued on Page Slx.) . Wl     the I-Ztlllllt! is played they will give a
and McCauley "Tlle Wildcats surely dld look classy good account sf th°m°°lv°“‘
*(Yaptaln. lin their new "K" blankets. ·‘Petey"   The game Saturday afternoon will
0ttlclals——Henry, of Kenyon, Ref- Moore. trainer. proved a good guard- hc eened dt 3 0`¢l¢¤‘k· Everybody
won; poollmn of nntlonln Umnlro; lou lol- moon sllollld come out and watch the "cats"
Lieutenant Underwood, of Kentucky, ·————-—- “`n"’ up- Seneen eennen Ne- 2 is
Head [nnnnmnn The next game is with Maryville. l 1.,,,, V good only for this game.
i Let us hope the Southerners will put 4; ` ’\ iq
NOTE. on THE GAME. up a better flght than the Ohloans dld. . ‘ L (food  _ =‘  + + + + + * ;°L°;`+ + in + 1. nl
npouyu vent and lnrurkeyn Park un.   Uauayls defensive Wrork A   _ Hilljnnl \._.    + rrllv }{L)lllt• Et't)ll0llliC8 (`lub +
doubtedly "puIled" the two feature showed up we"` Several umm he l {J grrr r Ihllhrlb ai`. ·I• will llold its lllvtbllllg on Mon. 9
,.t.y. or oc .......... Callllslll no-. oo. "'““ “°°“ ‘° '”°“" ""°““" "“’ W"'   % lll ` · t -    
|lllllK[0ll llne and down the runner be- ;/'Q J  “ N  ,... ..... ,. .... T ‘|‘“* U""b"' "· M d·*“’· en the •
was tlle longest of the dny. being mm nn nnnln nn! Swann. Z . égm W l__  ir, r,. ,‘u _· 1 ·I· [till`!. lloor of l‘:dl.lCu(|()ll bulld— O
about 75 yards. "Polly's," while not _______n gd ‘ ` ' lh' no ` , _ _ Y l _
o a.» V Q- lll}, lever) one ls ulged to be O
oultc so lon:. was snthuslsstlcslly re Webb l.all·s cheer cooclllog wu a (   ‘-    J
ceived by the crowd. "P0|lY`° also sllort. but satisfactory. Lot’s have   TE. 6 { ""   J + present •
played a line game ln the line. some more "root|n' " Saturday. M rr J n ‘  car rmcrn ""` “"”"" `lr r lr * • * + * * * + * * * '• *
O dj
-s ’ O

 2 ‘   TH E 1 D E A I
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Whcrc the G0’s G0. V
"°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE """"'°"i"
Me At Admission l0c
FIRST·CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and M•nng•r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
      Things tl¤•·atr¤<·nI tm- Iooklnu up. Ita) + ·I· 0 ·|• Q •l• { •|• Q ·|» Q 4· Q Q Q •I» n·t~t· editor of the Somerset Herald, Lth(1'"_
--»--------- moml I-lttt·ht·o¢·k Is womtnu to the- |l•·n 4     Or nlll write the proceedings of the "I‘|;le=l"' has hom; homgglok and geyg
H°**' P'°“"°“· ` All, tn·toI»or 7th and ath. In his great ·|· ·|· Q Q Q ·|· Q Q Q 4- ·|» •|· ·|~ Q Q ·|• Henry (‘Iay Law Sorlety for The he misses his friends at State very _` r
ml? *"°““U' md ¤l¤¤lt>· °f l"'""" hh; llroadway success. "'l`he lleanty IIIHA. lie ls tt new student ln tltej muvh. Ile sends his love to all me
ll H°“'°'*‘ T*`“"*" "`°”""f"· “'I""h shop" Volmn & IIarrls‘ have eletlnlte- °OLLEGE OF LAW ('olleze of Law. lvoxs. mid of murse he means the girls
(`0m*“ to the nm] All °" "Hdmd SM` It decided upon the booklm: of the SCHOOL RECOGNIZED · - too, hut ho In only (00 hmmm] {0 gay
\"‘d¤Y and S*l“"d“Y '““““"*`· ‘* "“"h lot-nl play date and arramtem•·nts lmvc. md rv W T T;;,;_T,'v mw hem m_ up n' T` R°"m"`°‘ nn"` Sprung his so.
that it cannot mu m delight ,;,0,,. of hwn (_0“Humm[m_d to HW md that · F I · · ’ d- il f distrlvt rt (erm ln tho General Assetn-I *
` d t. I * ll f . t
“" “'“° h'“'° m "my M Mm" and Nad   they have signed. senletl and dellvort-tl :`:;wY0r;(utq;‘;;p   Zocluerizn Bu; NY IIT the Fltnle. le hnek ln >*<‘ll<*0l  
and drum Y°" may not bp amp to “ "°“'""" "“*‘""""‘“"‘*‘ “"· """"' smtp tml»·r:r·¤1t»·'l.aw (`olle e an np- mmm, X  
nrrord to travel, but you cannot afford I (.,,,.k M th,. hom; of hp., mlnpp vow ` t ` g »•-••· ·- ·
.. ’ ` ` iroved college. This makes this one
to lnl¤¤ "U‘¤V€“¤I¤ with H‘““‘· bp" York companv wlth the orlltlnnl <‘n=*¥·l I I I I 1 1 l     i A
· ot tie tlree souttern aw sr mos n ,»—
"°“"° the expense "' inhnmmmal °°m`L and production precisely as presented , mm (hss     ‘,’,7’
pared t·° actual tmv°‘ and yet the I at the Astor Theatre durlnp: the record , . _i I _ H1 I b d I "`""`;' I .· ih"
knowledge Information and ex-‘ . _ . rms Mtn" ’) the of ‘ 8 oa" “ Janne! Parkt Chosen President and.
““m° * /· hre-skim: ettgapzetnent in New \ork* , _ , NN ,,
perience are imparted by girdlmg uw (V"`. adv `\•·n lork admits Slate graduates to Mt J it B H vg   v
t· ~ I · ss eanne e e , ce-
globe with Howe that would he da ‘ ` '¥th•~ bar examination there without pre- prugdenh Tho NEWEQT
..   ° i W llminnrles. __.-_.
"G d T I .
"""’ by “""““ "“` '“" °‘" " SOPHOMORE CLASS l   York tm the .mt stringent ’·’···· S¤¤··>r <‘·¤—·— me In <**·¤·>·=*l R, O
person with an sons of dlscomfortx         M my har pxmumanons Thursday and elected officers for the
delays and unpleaaantness to endure, P Y ~‘?·*’“ f _ _   ‘ ‘ ` mm ymr at mnpgp Mr umu parks
In its wonderful variety of Interesting °pu·" who md"`. ° Umvcrntyl "'"'  H" _ A A I M A  '““ P"*°‘ *c°· I"- W •••
c n ,- p ini { LAW LIBRARY. ot Richmond, was selected as presl-
_ to otol eat eso
““bj°°“’ °h° nsw ‘"`°*:°‘m "`mch B,dy_ ..._. dent. Mr. Parks is very popular mem- U __,
;ln¢;W§s1¤cl;‘!;::::|:: ;:e0;0:h?:; I*;’;B M mp mst meeting of me SUNW The recent addition to the lan |i·¤bor ol the class, being captain of both ‘*   I D  
can ` adv more class, held in the Armory last mary "' illustrated "“€ books forifootball and basket ball. EVE EAR' 'LOSQ d THRGA
‘ _ _ ’ Thursday unemoom September 24th, every Subject tnught. le ¤n0Ule¥` ¤<‘¤l¤Vllle·
next Monday and Tuesday, with Tues- and Curtis Park, of Richmond, treas- HWY "°““‘i" only the mrefuuy *"’l"ct'QWas vhosen as seeretary, and Webb
day matinee, promises to be fully up \U'€l‘· I"! cases On me Subject' Al·¢**l· as treasurer- I A n A M   D E
to the high Bmmmd which this m,_ The meeting was called to Order byi This makes this library the largest! The remaining orncers will be elevt-l ,
g,,,,;,,m,,, has 8,,; for the pest five the retiring president, Clarence c1ark,i**"" mw °' ***9 "‘°*“ °°'“¥"°‘° 0* ““Y led at n Mass meeting in the near fn- SUPERWR VAUDEVILLE
yegrg_ The scenic gnd costume acces. who thanked the members for the aidi “°uu'°m “°h°°l* imm-
sorles are entirely new and the big they had given him in his edmlnietfe-i HENRY CLI; LAW SOCIETY I '°'
qompgny numbers gnqh favorites gs tion and €X[0]l€d (IIB VINUGS of Ih8l l EBLEVINS DELIGHTED 2      
Arthur Rigby_ Sem Lap, John P, class, expressing the opinion that still The Second Session of the Henry] AT GEORGIA TECH. 3 - .     - - 8
Rogers, Jgmeg Mehgn_ Lp roy ETBBKGT RCIHBVGIIIGIIIS &W8.lt.€d Ihém. Cl La S l t l ld I t M
··LuB“·· white, Tommy Hyde_ wm The only nominees for president d M i hl 102: yllwes Buildings Ot she UC i   I
Cayley, wmmm H` Thompsom Ch"' were Barmm Peak and __Jimmy_, [ati nrgn n Se an uw g mmm ‘ hiet S Nevins writes from the
ley me., ma., Gm., Willie N..w..,... saga. Peak winning by 8 .m,s.y ¤  ja 1   me me ro y<·¤·~= ¤ ml M Te¤¤····>¤¤¤y at M lllll MATIIIEE Illc _ {
· v . - .
and the sensational female impemona- of about twenty wml v ered ;>e n in}, {Ji er rliilalnea pt ianttz, that he ls delighted. The build      
tor, Eldon Durand, who is said to The newly elected president lm- iwse T meridia 8;p'b0tl 8 Soc et; ng S hands°m€' and equipped "nh
bring to this production s wardrobe ···e¤¤¤¤en· wok charge and in ¤ brief S d‘“"°`” ;“r’“"d Y “r di t` t;Q;“"j r};"S;““"’“‘· "°°' '°°’“S· *’°w"“g ““°’“·
costing thousands or dollars. This ls speech expressed his appreciation of in buns;] e ant te pde C { y ur ur er Sh°p—°v°rythmg tm b°yS U""" E"“'•'¥ "•" '“"•¤•”‘•”*
s e - V ...
the eleventh yegr of the Evans organ- lil? lI0l10l' done him 8Ild BBk€d f0I` the 0 Bf *:9 grft es an mos pro p could "ish and is B' real home for
;{)[]5 () S Qxls QncQ_ `  
ization and the prgiiminary gnnguncg- t'()·0[)G‘I`8(l0Il of [h€ class BS 8. whole. l Tl re t r rt fu 9 r rum was;]
mpntg promise ggrg]|_ adv_ ThE TBCB for ViC€-pI'8Bld€l'l[ WRS VCT] ` I le g 8 8 pu 0 I D Og ` `   E   I  
given up to Judge Chalkley who lec·¤ R
_...._.. elose, Miss Innes winning by a narrow ’ t
Rlyfnend Hli¢h¢¤¢k· margin over Miss Perry. Miss Lillian mréd on me value of paruamemaryl To
he of good cheer and gw? thanks! Games was elected secretary of thcltramlng and public speaking. Profes-[ •
  · MANN-_'-`•_>"_`r;'_"_   V"? "`"` (EIBSS by RCCIQHIKUOII,   Curtis Sor lTuu"“ ho “aS also preg€nt'Iu&(?€* I     (  
  Cigar CO• Park was an easy victor in the {mas a deltgllttiml talk on the value ol a lit-, r
I-°°"°"·•°‘ urer`5 rgep gyer three other t·undi·ipr8r} tru “` Ig' ` — - -   --——-——-——--——~-—-----—~·—--———-——---   *
Manufacture,. of dates.   The sovlety has recently been Ulfnedg `Q..i;'i"Q’ Qi giQij;"[[,`;i'jQ`.iG`;i;' Q_f. Q. j.;.QiiQ;i`i_ `_ '
     i·»to zi legislative body, and a commit-i _  
»-- ~-—- —
  HISTORY NOTES. tee ol` live was appointed by President; i
136 WEST MAIN STREET . ,_ "“"_"‘i lM°"`lS te umn rules by ‘*'l'i"" met CO C•   &    
  ...., ine enrollment in History and l’o-nmgdnizuuon shan be ruled · ,
l ' ’ . ‘ . ' t · · I · ` I
University Lunch Stand   hmm bcmnw 1* "°“ approxililuteliji 'l`he nest meeting will be next Mon-I   V I
Zttm. Of the e, al out ll? hav se ecte _ , , , _ -.» ~. ‘ ·
Cours .¤¤¤¤•¤».¤y to stuaom il_i_mr`_ as tim limjm Lubjpit WM ¤*¤—l·t· ¤*">"·¤>**> ¤* ·-·**’· *·*"Y · SPORTING GOODS AND HARDWARE I ,
and Faculty of Sat. Unwanny ' · ‘ ' ‘ metnlmr ts ureed t0 be pfeselil Bild F t B   d G . S l. _  
. r. __ __ . _ . . letery law student is invited. ~ 00 8 an ymnaslum upp lcs
A B   Ille class ot l9l.» will include eight { _ _
• • ° • I
l ~ I » ·· ·- ~ ·     Bic cles and Re airs Penman s and P ·
COR. 8. LIMESTONE AND c°LFAX` Seniors vvhose major work lb ln this Messrs- Rl (2 Preston and A. T. Ury. y [3 . , t 0St¢l'8, `
`department. 'I`he Seniors whose sub-· d { { Sl LQ U 1 it FlShII\g T8Ckl€ *
  ¤.‘ ll, P8 ll QS O ‘ * ll Vt*l`S
• jects have been selected are as fol- Sli g _u A _ y _ _ _ _ i
Klnkead Coal C°.l;O“-S; Lester W (;md,._ whe Ju.}, '(°"*’““` °‘ *·“""“"d Am ““d °°`*"'*°°l Special Pfleel on Gymnunum Equipment, Eastman Kodaln ` I *
_ _ _ , . )   _ V ` _ Y visited the school Tuesday and and Sllpplicl. TOY!. ` l
Anthracite and Bituniinougwotn lurchase, Iudward M. Me(,o>, wednesday i
°` ;"'I`he Early History of Lexington;" l
lll*·f ··l*·ltt- . _
COALS  .._ S....m..,»--.-.1.. m...t..,l Mh.- I j··_“·*_i· ;·i;····>  gev jj *46 *48 WEST MAIN ST LE><¤N¤T¤N· KY-
, t _ tcn s m tie 'n versity, par tctpa ng.
- ` · tl K t -k_ II' ll d.·;" I
Lexington, Kenliuckytml; l ":) TSI r "‘;“;i ‘t N EF1 i` in ,,m,,, Pham U, (.0,1ege lm, ·,·,,(.,. pi Ie   _ A .o._ t W   _o   or eo   _ ___e
"‘·"'—""""’_‘""’"’ "‘ """‘"’“" gt e . o , " s o _· a ’ ess l —————-——-·-————--»———~--—r--~-e—--- 1;*..- .
*' S GRIFFING§tv(,u,,[y Since ]x,(0_·» Mel limi ¢*ll.iUI’inl·£ :1 lu<·ra\:lv·e`:»ra;;tloa\  
” ll ’ .‘ ‘ e ', * ', . . ‘-
° ° (If these, Messrs. M<·t`oy and Sand- 0 li" (m;;‘bu‘rn \9":]u;/1) H r mib _     R
, t ` ·t* ‘· 1 2 _ , .
The Sanitary Qrocer mann, who began their work last year, sf; Im du ( B mm m I rvmn U l L A i
Ph   have ncarly completed the manuscript ' B l an ` _
ODE I . . H _ A . . _ _ ’ ‘ .
Oy. S. Llmntono and Virginia Avc.'pmu0m" umn _n‘m°`mh UH WPP Nil'. ll. ll. Sartln, a graduate uf the'   I   ( O Q
. lvuitlng and binding as   part ol the (,0Heg‘_ of Lu" lust year, is now hm,1 •  
]l°quir°m°ms` _ HW éubjwtb °f lh`; librarian. In addition ht- is taking the 4 Incorporatde. L
ggnngng pnngng, Angring {tour other Seniors will be atmount-ed work wlmh wm enable him m KM M5   l
nspatnmc 1""“ "‘°““‘· ti.·g··t·.- of wtastt-r or Law. g
This department has received a _   R • h N S •
W H Stevenson ~¤n···~*¤¤¤¤· of the ·>t¤<·*¤¤ nr<·¤··¤t ·~¤` ·¤·»t» snttlnto, nm.-H. Nichols and; e lg t Ou) erlnce ‘
° ° {the llelglan Vommisslon l'l)ll(‘t*l'IIlIl§J,i |,,.um,u_ (mm, [U Us from Umm. luwi   I
Mies, Work 8 tu"' *“`t“ M uw (;*”""'“" ‘"""y m H"` svllools '|`l1t· former comes from the? ·•
  iliiuul '|`°g*’U‘*"` “'m' ’“‘“*"“I "***l’*‘· .|<·l’t`erson School of Law In Louisville; ‘ `  
• lplctures and magazines devoted to the V and the {HHH. ,-mm me l·mv,.r,,"y (,,-1     A   i
Club R|tg§,5S\|lt8   lgreut war, this material will be de- [_(,ulm.Hh,_ t ‘
*) A ‘ · A I ’ ' l • I
sm 8. Um. Pho". 1972* posmd ln the history oftlu. tor Minh i - ;   NOI‘th LlII\€St0I\€ LCXIII t0I\ K . .
by any who may bo interested. Mr. .l, N. Farmer, of Somerset, t`or·l ’ •
. `

 . 1 1
5 • T H E I D E A 3
r   _f—"`-"A"""`”`"`" "—""` " ““
one or two members of the Wesley V oral county papers for which they Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
lvm if W H   ee K   A A N A   We V J I K V V" rdnM—— *1<1¤¤0 U0¤Fd. WUI teach ugulh, and were to report, under the supervision + •
V· • ’ l many working people will take ad—‘of Mtss McLaughlin. Any news oc-    
Q/; 4 vantage ot this opportunity. rzurrlng around the University that isi
ct! at l‘1Cl11tl1I`&] $.3 » 1 ***"°"°°***°"°
—-—-——— of |ntpri_t t Stat p V In hl  
___ __,____c __ ._ c W _ Mr. Hywell Uavles, Business Agcntl Som Umm It (:8 hopzd 3:::8 by; tm; \\'AN'l`ED—Every student In the Unt-
of the University, has been successful} e vcrstty to read the Saturday Even-
_·. · gd t { th A qi lg { method v ar· . - d. I
    wars DNR en 0 P gr ou um as a mediator lc thc (jolorndu mmc . P (_ 3 newspaper ma or n ing Post and Country Gentleman.
IN “AG ”   3cc|cgy_ {Mk t hi h M h l\e·ntm·ky will he able to keep up with P [MVK \ I r
‘ S 6, W - ` . . •·
` r ° "Hub" spent most of the summer mma Ob sr mm raw: was iw the doings ot the University and that w H gl T JTTLE’ Ae m' I2`) E'
· ' .._--—— ~ K) . " · ' . .
here, but will leave soon to take up his Il n { Be;] ent an d 1 Binh `iw *1 k11011‘l•‘¢|¤¢1 of the good work of the amp t
- ) a 0 »  
Indlcatlons Point to Classes Aggregat dumps as Ccumy Agent of Simpson Lau S E uuemvfch :3 ;vF“il Y ‘l r student body and ot our institution
· e , . . ,
mg 360 lwdema In thlg Hun. VCounty. I-le has several other pro- u (mm; 5 1 t Val-cy as; may be brought Into each and every      
HM mvmon tsvecttve positions tn view, but it is )g;h€ Prenm°'p:°° Bde? Fu °;°°p°€d home tn the State.       c
• I
very likely that he will accept thew y b as an an °°r an °r°° * Short talks from Professors (1, P. y   ul
’*"'“‘ place mcggiqucq {MS" Y me miners and than by me Weaver and Enoch Grehan, explaining 149 WN! Shiv'! B!.
The enrollment ot the College of A8·I *__`_°°`°`——"— l°pr"`°t°r°‘ dcrlnltely the object or the organiza- Sun-8 PRESSED WWLE YOU WM".
rlculture at present ts sw students •¤' sootoancat •oc•¢1·v l ' *1° “*1“’°“1°“° °‘“' ‘°' ° ““°° °‘ mm, also mama; known clearly what '°"°"° °°°
¤Il|¤lt 231 lt the ¢|¤¤¢ cf school lllii T0 MII? FRIDAY t mma y°°"· Tm' *111 end fer me mm] of ncws qt is necessary to reportv ··*—j···—····· ·—· s~—  ·—
term. Indications point to an enroll- me-- ;*""’“e“e at le“‘·· we °t the m°°t bw were delivered and very much appre-
ment of at least 360 students in the P1'¤f€¤¤01‘ M¢!•`¤1‘|¤11d Bnnwnceuwterly weied end |°¤8e¤*· d1`¤W¤ our c|awd_
~ college before the close of the school N13! 016 first 111001-1118 of the B1cl<>sic¤1]=·1"**‘e” °f m°d°"‘ um"' Although the association now has a
year. At present there are 31 seniors $0¢16¢Y 110W 111 D1‘0¢0¤¤ of 01'!•·¤|Z¤¢|011T Dr. Lindsaymégjlanton one of goodly number enrolled, it is hoped   l' T'  
in the dcpu-tmc;"' the gamut apical.; will bs held Friday evening, Octoberlme foremost educators in mg State that at each meeting new members 127 Cheapside
hg fh |.2,at :30o'lock,tnth A l lt l ’ .
Iugnlnclass in the story 0 t e inst lmmdmg c e zfcu ura who was largely instrumental in me} will be added and that it will con- Houma a_m_ U, 8p_m_ phen 864_x
u 0 . · _ , tinue to grow. A cordial invitation Is'
An students and members of thelrncrser of central University and · I,. A e e .. www.
-—-——+•-•—-—   I t`+·ntre College, in 1901 mea at his ‘1"‘*`"""" ‘° e11°'1 **11 *"""Y *111*1*11* °' '°°‘°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°"’
Ilacu ty wh° °r° inwmsmd in m°l°gy· ’ thc University, no matter in what col-
DR’° W' R"     lnatural history and allied subjects, arellmme dh2uD°°vm:’ t°u°wm‘ ° pm` lege they M8 enrolled to join the DO You Know
1 t‘· ·t. al , ’ ·
    urged to be present at the openlnli lteewu 2;;; Tn  rlglosggunty {Press Club. Its regular meetings will The but it none too good
;‘*— meeting" jvirginim in 1833_ In 1853 he took his be held Monday afternoons at 3:30, in? when it come! to I photo-
Hn l••n Connected With Food and + * + + ’ + * I, A- B. degree from Hsmpdewsldney 1 the class room ot the Department of graph? Bc on the safe side
Drug D•partm•nt of Experlmcnt Colle e Vrl lnl and ·J°um°u°m‘ md ·°°
+ UNIVERSITY Norms + " “ °’ "“°“"°° "°'""
in we anu". ·|· ·|• ·|· •I· ·|• O + 0 + + + O + ·I· ·I» Danville Theological Seminary mul The mam of the University of Cm-      
* * years nm" In 1880 he wu gnmed ° clnnatl which State meets at Cincln· I
u 1 10. D. 1 rl u -s1 * ' .
A recent addition to the faculty of Lexington Branch, No. 3. of the Na-.a::r: :900 was ;;_l;_d‘;m:n TL (glu   mm 011 Ocmbér 31. 0l1611€d théif 311 W. Mlm Shoot.
the ccuese cr Agriculture was made tional Association or Stationery Ensi- when in 1901 m B th ` `h Li 1”°““°“ S°“""’“" by de’e“"“g Ge°"¥e‘1 The Student’• Photographer
by the appointment of Dr. W. R. Pin- neers, will meet in Mechanical Hall t iunuenct; Co milc 5 I Tug s`t°W¤ bY 11 ¤¢01'9 01 35 to 0· The Red •
` nell to the position as Professor ot every Thursday night at eight. A. L. l merged with gonna Untvzczittyh v;“·¤¤d Bl¤¢k have the UIBJONYY of their B;;‘~|aR~‘jE;;;;1————;—';—mT-
Bggggriglogy, gc guccggd My-, R, E_ Wilholte, assistant professor ot experi— came vice- N ld t t th my; ei 8`[!¤¤¢ Y¢¤1"¤ 1611111 b¤¢k this year and ' P W.
Knapp. mental steam engineering, will deliver wm h Tm: as °h Mn 3'1m;9‘:_;’ ! ¢0¤¤¤¤¤¢¢¤tlY were able to win without      
c os n
Doctor Plnnell has for the last few 1-W0 l8¢¢11NB R 1110111h 011 !t99·m 6118i-g when hl; round ; :1 tunm b ’ any <1*1*1<=¤1*y- Fishback and 1’·1··=¤* 107 South Llm••ton• Strut
years been bacteriologlst in the Food neerlns. Isaac Watkins. engineer and 1 C u tm d ip N 6 8 C- ere remembered by 1¤¢¤1 1`°°te"¤ ee °PP¤•'*• UW Ph¤•¤|¤ H¤\•| B|•¤k
a se o v ,
md Drug Dep.;-gmcm cg thc mpcn. assistant in the Mechanical Depart- ° ° °°° ue y°°" being the chief ground-galners. Lexlngten, Ky.
ment Station. He will continue his ment, is the secretary of the associa- President Henry S. Barker ot State 11 1118 umd qu°"°r Cl°°y,° °°°' F..'R8T`c..LA. 88 WORK aumuulmln
work in the latter capacity, as his du- ¢i011· University, made an informal address (md team was put in but the K°mu°ky Meet M¤ AKG? ui! GND! It
tles ln the college will not take up ***1 to the young barristers, ln the law team beceme °° dugemus mn tm y
y   hi. entire time- The Senior Mechanlcals were the school auditorium, Tuauy morning, HTS! ¥€¤¤1 WB! !'9t\1!'|1€d to {D9 88m9·   S
It ls expected that this department gusts Fndu m°mi°g °t Mum. on the importance, to a student of The Georgetown mam deserves praise what in ° W ll GOOD
wm be very successful Bmw DL Pm_ Dodge, the Franklin dealer, at the law, of 8 thorough knowledge of the for the plucky ilght they put up ° I- ° °
nell is not only an able teacher, but a Ph°°mx G"°g°• wh°r‘° °'1°’*11’1’°°*°‘* Bible. To this end he suggested at- against tm heavier t‘°°m‘ As y°t it H0! Ch0¢0|l¢¢, Candy ind [ccs
Y practical and experienced bacterlolo- the ¤1¤¤1·y m°d°l °t um F¤¤¤1·11¤ **1111 tecdlng church I-cgclmqy ··Thc Bible W111 be impeeemle t° sat “·¤Y d°Pe °¤` —_  "i__""`
gist M wan. the engine under a glass hood and saw is the foundation of modem hwy was the Wtldcat·Cincy game as neither of 1
the Franklin car that had been run I his Statement, Hand for this muon 3 the games Saturday were ot suttlclent.
  G    100 miles on low gear the prevlousl working knowledge of it wm be Ot importance to judge the merits ot the Dj',   Qward Gordon
day. The students made the trip in a ,, teams.
BE     {much benellt to the young barrlster. DENTIST
__i m°°°" "`“°k‘ {oclug runner, ne sam, ··1 will guaran· A i t U I 1
Goes to Makc 8•rIe• of Experiments The urst week in Octbber is meliee U18! 1111Y Y011118 111811 who uttendsl n u Gres ng V S mr to me Umvmli . .
I h _h I |slty Monday was Miss Jessie O. Yan- McClelland B\¤Id|.¤|
on Slmpaon County Sell. time set for the re-opening of the C ure "’g“ any W111 and thee at [he·c€y Superintendent of county Schools
end ot the year his ablllt t - '
w v -——— ¤*¤1·* ¤¤1·····1 ·* W¤·1·* 11 °¤·¤ · ld { h I ’ ““ “ “ “ of M ason County. Ma. Yancey t. . ——-————— -—--1 ~  
Among the familiar faces that are Miss Maria Elliott, under whose en as nereeeed eWe¤W‘uVe Per
u bl th 1 th u id it d [cam., pioneer in the consolidated school
no oea e on e campus s e sm - gu ance was a pronounce success, · movement of that county and h _   H S F t
ing and pleasant countenance ot Hub- last year, is again to be in charge.4 in relating e Vase {mm me °w¤ ex' caeded with me assistance of ts:   y    B  
' . . ‘ , p · ' .
• bard Gayle, one ot last years College tate University and Transylvanialpenenee 1¤¤1<1¤¤¢ Barker nid that HC Spirited citizens of that county, in By walklng on tacked
1 [ ot Agriculture graduates and also last students, assisted by Miss Elliott, and “he" e Yeung mem h6 Went to his soles whe  
, 1 , establishing schools at Minerva and s n we
tl Maysllck. Miss Yancey has just been cn on or t e Same
9 ’°` 'this expressed desire the old judge presented with R priming Damn by price. ·t or one W ile
' '· ‘  ]_)[-li . 0uWal•
I       S       handed him 8 CODY of U19 St. JB111¢S slmd ms   Stghk Congpany ltzube y
V .·¤ . sc emo ng an exp o ng ·
I _  mule and told him to study it, and A _ C _ V _        
X ·` when he had tlnlshed to come back lawn lmmty School “0rk` The out
y Now Ready >  ......     ...,..1.. ....6 .., ..8 md, J M     »·¤re 1 ·¤   ~¤~»·¤~»¤ 01 113 $011*11 111··¤·1W¤>’
` 4 ·  of law President Barker nid may the school and her visit to State Uni-
\ { Y0\1’u flfld them all h€l`€— ,;P"‘