xt7x3f4kng22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kng22/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-01-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 13, 1989, no. 542 text The Green Bean, January 13, 1989, no. 542 1989 1989-01-13 2014 true xt7x3f4kng22 section xt7x3f4kng22  
Number 542 January 13, 1989
pc LzARNzRs• snoop
February 14 will be the first meeting of the Library PC
Learners‘ Group for the spring semester. The meeting which will
be held at 2:00 p.m. in Room 505 King South (College of Library
and Information Science), will cover OCLC- related topics. The
first half of the program will discuss "Logging on to OCLC
through and IBM PC." In the second half of the program Mary
MacLaren, head of acquisitions, will present information on the
OCLC acquisitions subsystem. For information, call Phil Stoffer
. at 7-8359.
Applications are now being accepted for the 1989-1990
Library/Book Fellows Program sponsored by the American Library
5 Association and the United States Information Agency. The
program seeks to enable U. S. librarians and publishers to enrich
and broader their experience through a short period of service
overseas and additionally increase international understanding.
Positions this year are available in Swaziland, Tanzania,
Jamaica, Brazil, Guatemala, the People's Republic of China,
Taiwan, Norway, Ireland, Spain, Pakistan, Syria, and India. Ten
of the fourteen possibilities listed will be funded.
Stipends for fellows are $23,690 per year. Travel expenses for
the fellow and one dependent to and from the host country will be g
Q reimbursed and health and life insurance are provided. Some ,
3 hosts will assist with housing. To be eligible applicants must f
§ be U. S. citizens, preferably have a command of the language of Q
{ the host country, have experience and education in library or i
§ information science, publishing or other fields directly related Q
f to the interests and needs of specific projects, with §
* demonstrated competency as required. Persons who have lived _
1 1
r ‘Ihé Newsletter of the Umversnty  
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 abroad for a ten—year period immediately preceding application
are not eligible.
To apply a resume and. cover letter stating desired position, V
A foreign—language skills, subject expertise and maximum placement
service length should be sent
by April 15, 1989, to Robert P. Doyle, Director, Library/Book <
Fellow Program, ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. The
telephone number is 1-800-545-2433. Full position listings are
a available in the gg office.
The basic policy manual of the Council on Higher Education and I
all revisions for the manual will be housed in the Government
Publications Department in King South. 4 I
Now is the time to select the journals you would like to receive .
this year through the library's routing service for privately-
donated titles. Listing below are the titles of the journals
currently available for routing among the staffs of King, the *
branch and associate libraries and the Medical Center Library.
A routing slip is attached to each issue upon receipt. The issue j
is then routed to the first person on the list, who, in turn,
routes the issue on to the next person. The only requirement for
participating in the service is to agree to hold the issues for ~»
no longer than 3 days before sending them to the next person on _.
the list. V
Please indicate your selections on the list below. Please also V
remember that library faculty and staff are eligible to received .
the Tables of Contents Service for any title received by the l

American Libraries
College and Research Libraries
College and Research Libraries News
Kentucky Libraries
Library Hotline
Library Journal
Library Resources and Technical Services
Southeastern Librarian
Special Libraries
A Please complete this form and return by JANUARY 23 to Nazee Depp,
Central Serials Records, King North. (Submitted by Mary
Asovz AND Bzvomn more efficient.
(2) Despite the fact that OSU's
Mr. Willis recently received collection was "on line" years
the following letter from Dr. before ours, the check—out
Rupert Pickens, chair of the system at OSU still requires
French Department: all information to be entered
` by hand. UK's bar-code system
‘ I spent last Friday doing for books and borrowers‘ cards
‘ research in the main library at now puts us years ahead of our
Ohio State University. neighbors in terms of speed,
Although, in my field, UK's efficiency and attitude. It
holdings do not match those at takes more time to check a book
OSU or Indiana (libraries I out at OSU that it does here to
frequently visit when my book enter a book that has not yet
list gets long enough), I am been bar-coded.
most pleased to report to you
that in many ways I find UK's (3) Finally,. it is significant
system superior: that in—library xerox machines
charge 10 centers per page (for
(l) Our computerized catalog a reduced copY); UK's nickel—a-
system is much faster than page operation is therefore a
OSU's and, what is more real bargain.
important in the long run, more
user — friendly -— thus, far You and I first met years.ago

 ‘ after I had written to you your University is through
complaining about a library you...I hope you really do
policy...Now it gives me a understand my gratitude for
distinct pleasure to give you your help.
some glad news -- as befits the
A season. -—-——-
—----- The Library Staff Organization
recently received the following
B.J. Gooch of the Special letter from the Mary Jo
Collections Department recently Votruba, Executive Director of
received the following letter God's Pantry:
from Marianne Tuttle of
Houston, Texas: Please accept our belated but
sincere thanks for the $40.60
First, I would like to take a contribution made to God's
moment to thank you for your Pantry in mid—November.
kindness to someone you've Because we received enough meat
never met! I have been doing in November to meet our
research for ten years now Thanksgiving needs, we used
(both scholastic and genealogy) your contribution to purchase
and I know how busy you must be 60 lbs. of chicken in ~
and yet you take time for the December which we used in our
special requests from people Emergency Food Boxes during
everywhere. I don't know if I Christmas week. what a nice
told you that I was a counselor substitute for the usual
at our local college until my hamburger!
car accident...so I have a fair
idea of the demands that are We appreciate your support of
made of you. I just hope that our efforts to feed the hungry
your system appreciates the of Central and Eastern
professionalism you express to Kentucky. We hope you and
the public! t yours have a blessed New Year.
...Kgain, I truly do thank you
for all your efforts and
kindness! If there is someone NEW STAFF
who I could write to concerning
your endeavors on my behalf,
please feel free to send me cindy
their name and address. Garrett ..... .. ....... Serials
Someone should know how you
deal with the public, since Charles LaFollette ...
many people's only contact with Bibliographic Maintenance

 January 18: "Computational Analysis of Mathematical Conjectures,
_ Richard Varga, Kent State University
‘ January 25: "Neural Networks and the Function of the Brain,"
George Reeke, Rockefeller University
February 1: :"The NSF Program for Science and Technology
Centers," Richard Hirsh, NSF and Johns Hopkins University
All programs are held at 4:00 pumr in Room 137 Chemistry-Physics
_ Building
January 13: A Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. William
C. Parker, Vice—Chancellor for Minority Affairs
January 20: Chopin and Latin—American Piano Music, Patricia
Montgomery, School of Music
January 27: The Library of the 21st Century, Mike Lach,
University Libraries
Administrative Use of January 24 SOLINET—-Atlanta, GA
Hicrocomputers March 22 Huntsville, AL
Harch 31 Ruston, LA
Advanced PC/HS DOS February 16 SOLINET--Atlanta, GA
Book Repair March 30-31 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Books Format January 30 SO111NET—-Atlanta, GA
February 16 Jacksonville, FL
February 20 Newberry, SC
February 23 1·i4a5¤aguez, PR
March 14 Baton Rouge, LA

 QTCDEB <>I?IEbi]Zbi<5ES
- $44,676. Deadline: March 1,
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Physical Sciences Library
Coordinator, University of
California, Irvine. Salary:
Library Technician III, grade $31,008-$57,816. Deadline:
, 7, Acquisitions. March 1, 1989.
” Library Technician V, grade 9,
{ For information on the above U.S. Government Publications
jobs, get in touch with Ann Librarian, University of
Howell, Director's Office. California, Irvine. Salary:
$25,380—$44,676. Deadline:
Director, Center for Applied March 1, 1989. _
Energy Research. Salary: none
listed. Deadline: January 31, Associate Dean, Operations and
1989. Planning, University Libraries,
California State University,
Northridge. Salary: $52,812-
$63,900. Deadline: February
ALABAMA 28, 1989.
Head Librarian and
Associate Curator, University Bibliographer, Stanford
of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. University. Salary: $33,000-
Salary: $21,000-$26,000. $50,000. Deadline: February
Deadline: January 31, 1989. 15, 1989.
Head, Physics Library, Assistant Government
University of California, Publications Librarian,
Berkeley. Salary: $25,380- University . of Colorado at
$44,676. Deadline: February Boulder. Salary: $22,000
15, 1989. minimum. Deadline: January 31,
. 1989.
Head, Access Services,
University of California,
Davis. Salary: $25,380-
$44,676. Deadline: March 1, DELAWARE
Serials Catalog Librarian,
University of California, Preservation Libgarian,
Davis. Salary: $25,380- University of Delaware, Newark.

 ' . _ 4.
Salary: none listed. Deadline:
. February 15, 1989,
Assistant mr sanior Assistant
Librarian/Patsnnnel Services, MASSACHUSETTS · `
University at yalaware, Newark.
Salary: nasa llsted. Deadline:
January BQ, lQ8%. New Hroducts Coordinator,
Silver Platter Information,
Wellesley Hills. Salary: none
listed. Deadline: none listed.
GEORGIA Database Maintenance
Caardinator, Silver Platter
lnformation, Wellesley Hills.
Head, Catalan nayartment, Emory Salary: none listed. Deadline:
University, Atlanta. Salary: nnne listed.
$29,000 miwimwm. Deadline: western Region AQQQQB 
February li f“rN le@¢¢#;y;a*£ws, ...— Silver Qlattgr
ln _.». t;l;;icn. wellesley 7HiLLs.
Asxiayxni w»..ltmw t , ;,“ : mens listed. Deadline:
Hsaijiaft D ·:»; L .i.¤. ww;·e. urns .§sted.
Gewygit . ai .rs;+y,
AtE.;»ii°1;"‘ . ‘ A . » .   Y;'_’    
$3l,  » ,`». ;. +1.. 215::
January 2%, l9nw EF? JHQSEY
Qaxatnr of Public Affairs
INDlgg£ lag .—-’~ ¤s, Prlnmeton University.
saial,: none listed. Deadline:
Mall; l, LGS9.
Assistant `» rat gahra y
Systems . . nu¢>l ‘*:.· sian C;mati©n;L¤eation Center
Resaarxh, -114sa state L=s;alian [grant—funded
University, erre aaate. pmaitinn}, Rutgers University,
Salary: V l .2J minimum. Eel l:.. Linnswiek. Salary: none
Deadline: Few-e ·.·· y 1, ilié. listed. Deadline: January l,
g Ka fg C} __
Head, »i:· .;