xt7x3f4kn47g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kn47g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-01-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1943 1943 1943-01-19 2013 true xt7x3f4kn47g section xt7x3f4kn47g Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

The Kernd Ixuks
Over The SGA



Survey Discloses
A Third Of Group
Had Not Read It

Beethoven's Symphony Feleil
At Sunday Mnsieale

"An affront to the Student Government association" is the charge
brought by James Collier, president
Beethoven's "C Major Symphony,"
of that organization, against the which had its American, premiere
editorial which appeared in Friday's in Lexington in 1817. was played
ionic of The Kernel, entitled "We at the Sunday afternoon concert in



Sutherland Leads


Form Discussion



heard the things that

have gone on. you'd know why the
article was written," Vincent
stated. "I'm for the Kernel."
Betty Lee Birk, freshman representative, thought that it was very
clear that he article was not referring to the SGA but to the president. She added that she felt that
the article was largely justified.
A IT rent
Ruth McQuown. graduate representative, had not read the editorial but had discussed it and was
familiar with its contents. When
asked if she considered it an affront to the" SGA. she stated, "Not
in the least. I am inclined to agree
with the Kernel, and I do not feel
that in doing so I am being disloyal
to student government. I heard the
between Collier and
the Kernel reporter after the last
meeting. I remarked then that the
Kernel had done its part. Perhaps
the ,SGA should appoint a public
relations man to attend to publicity
for the organization."
Jane Birk. women's
was questioned although she
is not included in the survey fig
ures. Slie had read the article and
thought it was very plainly direcl--- d
at the president. "I do not think
that all of Collier's remarks against
the Kernel were Justified," she stat
iMarvui Akers. men's
nnt, could not be reached for a
(Continued on Page Four


department Student
chairman of the meeting will be
Pat Rimmer, commerce junior.

Campus Groups
Must Submit
Social Calendar


War Maps
of the Russian
theater of war appears , in
today's issue of the Kernel.
Students and faculty are advised to clip this map. It will be
invaluable in following the second front movement in Europe.
Also the developments as they
move in Africa.
This is the first of a series of
war maps that the Kernel will
make available for University




Y- -

A Gits Breck

Hall Head
Group Attendance
banguet will
Thursday evening

The annual YMCA
be held



in the Union Commons with Eldon
Dummit. well known lecturer and
civic leader, as the speaker.
The banquet is held each year to
honor the winning groups of the
YM discussion series, and the first
place among fraternities this year
goes to Alpha Gamma Rho with an
attendance record of 88.2 percsnt.
South Breckinridge hall won the
group participation
with an attendance of 87.6 percent.
These two groups will be guests of
honor for the occasion.
Total attendance for. the season
reached 2,408. an average of 401
persons for each of the six meetings in the series, the subject of
which was "The Struggle for a
New World Order."
The groups and their leaders who
participated this year included Delta Tau Delta, Dr. Otto Koppius;
Sigma Nu. Prof. Robert Lunde;
Kappa Alpha. Dr. J. Huntley
Kappa Sigma. Dr. L. L. Dantz- ler; Phi Sigma Kappa, Dr. D. V.
Hegeman; Sigma Chi. Dr. T. D.
Clark: Alpha Tau Omega. Rev.
Robert McNeil; Phi Delta Theta.
Prof. C. W. Hackensmith: " Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Dr. Roy Moreland:
Phi Kappa Tau, Dr. Howard Beers;
Triangle. Prof. J. S. Horine; Alpha
Gamma Rho, Prof. Lawrence Bradford; Alpha Sigma Phi, Prof. Blane
Schick; Zeta Beta Tau. Rabbi Albert Lewis; Bradley Hall, Dr. Dana
Card; East Kinkead hall. Dr. Marshall Ketchum: West Kinkead hall.
Prof. A. J. Lawrence; Basement
Breckinridge, Lowry Kohler; South
Breckinridge. Prof. O. H. Backer;
Middle Breckinridge.
Prof. Joe
Lane; North Breckinridge. Dr. Kon-ra- d
Bekker; 655 South Lime. Prof.
Arthur Gullette; and 315 South
Lime. Scott Reed.
Du-pr- e;





Host And Hostess
Plan Introduced


At Annual Farm And Home

Convention .1 anuar v

The "host and hostess" idea is
being introduced
today at the
sweater session to be held from 4
to 5:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the!
Union building. It is the duty of
these hosts and hostesses to see
that people are introd iced and to
keep the sweater swing moving
along smoothly throughout the afaccording
to Jeannette
Graves, chairman of the House committee.
Miss Graves stated that the
sweater swing is being thus
in the hope of gaining a
larger and more consistent attendance. She f miner said that the
sweater swings were originally intended to be very informal affairs
where students could drop in casually and dance, but that some people had occasionally come with
The House committee organized
the sweater swings with the under
standing that they would be "dateless" and. therefore, "stags" are
urged to attend. "However," Miss
Graves explained, "dates are per1
Hostesses and hosts for this afterjpn i 'i in
ir noon are Frances Jinkins, head
hostess; Claudine Mullinaux. Niesje
Wilder, Emily Hunt. Jean Reed,
CunningCarl Bell, Roy Hunt. Roy
They were chosen as
ham, and Ed Barnes.

26-2- 9
Convention Held
In Memorial Hall
For Men, Women

Popular Students Eleeted


Theme of the thirty-firFarm and Home convention to be
is the
held here January
statement made by Dr. Thomas Poe
Cooper, dean of the agriculture col- lege, "This is the year ot do an ex
tra good job of farming and
to produce the enormous
amounts of foodstuffs that will be
needed to win the war."
For the first time in the history








of these conventions general meetings for both men and women will
be held In Memorial hall in order
that everyone may heat the speakers.
Sergeant Alvin. York, hero of
World War L will speak at the general session at II a.m.. January 28.
in Memorial hall. His subject will
j be "The
Strength That Lj America."
The man who probably knows
more about the food situation of the
nation than any other person. Roy
Hendrickson. director of the Pood



the most outstanding seniors on the
Distribution administration. Washand presented at the Lamp and Cross cabaret dame Saturday ington. D. C will speak on "Ameri-at
ca, the Pantry of Democracy,"
night in the ISluegrass room of the L'nion building. Miss ilwes 10:15 a.m.. January 27. Memorial
Organized Classes
is piesident of the VM'C.I. secretary of the Student l'nion lio,nd, hall.
Closed Yesterday
chairman of the House committee, and a member of Mortar Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, Ann
Arbor. Mich., specialist in the field
Fifteen students from Henry Clay Board. Crowley is president of Alpha Zeta. lamp and (.'row. of marriage and family relations
high school who were allowed to SuKy ami the Agriculture council, treasurer of Alpha V.amma and author of a number of books
graduate before their semester offi- Rho. and a member of O micron Delta Kappa.
on youth problems, will be a feacially ended, brought the present
tured speaker. She will lecture or.
University enrollment up to a total
of 2.480 students, as registration
closed Thursday This is a drop of
332 from the final enrollment of last

iiim-pu- s

Ceiltei' V aCllltlCS UllUSeU:
Student Interest Lacking

classes were closed to

students yesterdav. and any student
entering the University after the
regular registration period will be
charged one dollar per day. the total
not to exceed three dollars.

Only Six Of

Have Attended

Dean Holmes Named


n'y '
students en-.- ..
rollei in the University have used
AClVlSOr Ull vampUS
the facilities of the War Informa- Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of tion library since the opening of the
women, has recently been appoint- - winter quarter, the center's attendy
ed faculty advisor on the Univer- - ance record revealed; similar
WAACS. ords keP' during the fall session
for the
gave an average of four or five stu- WAVES, and SPARS.
Col. Oveta Culp Hobby, head of dents seeking information daily,
Although facilities include over
the WAACS, suggested that a closer


coordination should exist between
girls on the University campus and
Therefore, faculty advisors are be- tng appointed
to keep available,
news and latest
files of
reports on the organizations
interested students.

problems, govern
defense, post-wregulament bonds, organization,
tions and insignia of the service
branches, labor problems, locations
of battle areas, and civil liberties.
Bulletins on file cover similar reports from Britain. Belgium. China.
Denmark. France, the Netherlands.
Yugoslavia, and other nations.
A great amount of material dealing with the participation of women
in production has been recently received from the Women's Bureau of
the Department of Labor, according to Miss Norma Cass, chairman
nt the epntr's rrminitfe an or
uanization. catatosuinu and arrana- ing material. Another director stat- ed that despite this collection of
information, women students are
more interested in studying the activities of the WAACs and WAVES,
clippings of which are taken from
various newspapers and filed.

Student Group

1,440 pamphlets covering 108 phases
of the war effort, too few University
students use them, in the opinion
of the directors of the Key Center,
other figures showed that men
students outnumbered women in use
of the center when it was first es- tablished during the spring of 1942,
but at present their numbers are
nearly equal. This was probably
due. a director stated, to the fact
that the women were in search of
material for term papers on peace
problems, rather than
and post-wactual Interest in the war itself.
In addition to University students
and facultv members, visitors to
the center have included trainees
from Avon and Lafayette high
school, librarians, and students from
Lexington schools,

social calendar from all cam SOCIAL SERVICE"
pus organizations giving the time, . . . will be the subject of discussion
type and place of all social affairs led" by Dr. Margaret Ratliff at a
comand entertainments including meeting ofof the social 5 servicetomorIn addition to the library, the
the YW at
formal dances, house dances, teas. mittee
center maintains an honor roll of
row in the Y cabinet room.
open houses, and such other func
over 2.187 undergraduates and alumf
tions as planned by the different
ni of the University, now serving in
social chairmen for the present . . . will meet at noon tomorrow in
the armed forces. This list will
quarter should be turned in to the Maxwell Street
be supplemented, it was announced,
Guignol scores another hit with
either Pat Conley. chairman of the church with Dr. and Mrs. Herman
by the names of former University
Wanda Austin, in the role of the
social committee of the Student L. Donovan as special guests.
"Arsenic and Old Lace" which straight Juvenile lead, does a grand
students who are members of the
Government association or to Dean "VENEREAL DISEASE
opened for a week's run at the cam- Job. Her speaking voice which is
WAACs and other women's organi-Th- e
pus theater last night. With a few low In tone, is a welcomed contrast
Holmes at Uie Dean of Women's IN LEXINGTON" . . .
center, similar to 90 others
. . . will be the subject of a talk by exceptions, a grand cast turns in a
office not later than Monday, Janwith all the excitement which is
in the country, was
uary 24. This is in accordance with Dr. Charles Baker. Lexington phys grand performance.
constantly going on during the en- opened last April following Presithe ruling of the Constitution and ician, before the Freshman club at
Gladys M. Greathouse as Abby tire play.
dent Donovan's appointment of Dr.
is for the purpose of evenly dis- 7 o'clock tonight in the Y lounge of Brewster and Frances Bouten as
As Dr. Einstein. James Snyder
The center will probably be of Frank L. McVey. president emeritributing the social activities for the Union building.
Martha' Brewster, the sweet little proves that coaching and a little greater use after the war than now, tus of the University, as head of the
the entire quarter.
old ladies with a murdering com practice can make a world of difthe director said, adding that the key center activities. Seven sub
. will be guest speaker before the plex, flit about from one
murder to ference in an actor's performance. students' lack of interest could be committees have been formed to
Y sophomore commission at 7 o'another with all the innocence of He has lost much of the stiffness due to ignorance of its existence, carry on its operations,
"Why little children. Their interpretations which characterized his performdiscussing
clock tonight,
plus the fact that the majority of zations.
Communism in Russia?"
of the parts are excellent.
ance in past productions. He plays them enter the Library building
One of the four official centers
"Bach, the Greatest Musician" JUNIOR-SENIOEli Popa, a newcomer to Guignol, the role of a crook, posing as a sur through entrances other than the in the state, the University has reopen FELLOWSHIP . . .
will be the subject of the first
gives one of the outstanding per geon with as much ease as any of front door. The library of the cen- ceived material from the United
class of this quarter to be given . . . will meet at 7 p.m. today in the formances of the play. There is that the old timers.
ter is located to the right of the lat- States government and over 50 othLam-pe- rt
Friday, January 29 by Prof.
Union building to hear Rabbi Albert about him that hints of the profes- The weak spot of the play is in the ter.
er organizations publishing authorihead of the music department. Lewis speak on "Jewish Festivals."
sional stage. He plays the role of characterization of Miss Riley and
Topics covered by material in the tative material for the use of stuAccording to Dr. A. E. Bigge, head
Army women. library
Mortimer Brewster, a nephew of Miss Klien, Salvation
include national and civilian dents and townspeople.
of the Department of German, . . will be discussed by Rob McNeil the little old ladies, with a polish Piayeo oy Marjone fTeeman ana
plans are being made for open of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian and finesse that brings it out of the Frances Rowland. It is a little
classes in the departments of psy- church, before the sophomore, jun
ficult to believe that members of
chology, bacteriology, and physics. ior, senior group of the YMCA
Another scene stealer is Leonard such an organization on an errand
mercy would pop gum ana taiK
meeting in the Social room, of the Cohen, a freshman at the Univer- Union building at 7 p.m. today.
sity, who is also making his first ap- with a decided Brooklyn accent.
pearance at Guignol. "As Teddy
In the minor roles. Jack Somade
Brewster, the slightly demented ne- as Officer Harris, gives the most
. . . will be shown at the next meeting of the Future Teachers of phew who thinks he is Teddy Roose- outstanding performance. His Bronx
Co-e- d
velt, he actually looks and acts like accent i which seems to be the real
America to be held at 4 p.m. Thurscourse. Dr. Galluway predicts that
Training school audi "Old Rough and Ready." His ac- thiug and his obvious inefficiency,
day in the
Do you want to get to the point
Russian will quite likely continue
tions afford much of the comedy of make the role more than just a in a hurry? Take Russian.
to be tauirht here if the demand
An old battered sign saying "No
It is already apparent that they SPANISH CLUB . . .
the play. He dashes up the stairs "small part."
You can say "We fell in love with colUjllues.
Women Allowed" came off the wall. have brought about some changes. . . . will meet at 3 p.m. Thursday yelling "Charge" at the top of his
.The remainder of the cast: Henry eacli other" in one word.
The Cossack speech lias a vocabHiid the time worn theory that the The room is bristling with activity,
voice with every exit, disturbs the rtor isoy as mr. uioos.
in the basement of Miller hall
fa aU)lner
ulary extremely rich both in the
workshop of a newspaper is a man's and the men are working much
neighbors by blowing a bugle be- Hackaday. Jr. as Officer Brophy;
total number of words and sv no- world was blasted into oblivion harder so that they can keep up TRYOL'TS
in form fore every cabinet meeting and Jim Penock at Lt. Rooney: George
. . . for women Interested
The conveniences of the Soviet nyms. and is very precise and very
when two young women marched with the new employees
helps bury each body in the locks Goodykoontz as Mr. Witherspoon
ing a drill team will be held under
tongue are now available to stu- - subtle, accordin gio Dr. Gallaway.
into the Kernel's composing room
It is suspected that the old hands
at of the Panama Canal Hhe base- - and Mrs. E. G. Williams as Mrs
sponsorship of the
Professor Gallaway believes that
mid proved that they could stand are trying to show off, because they the
Hamer have small oarts but each!"1'.." of
5 p. m. Thursday in the Armory.
the University through the the language, which is based on
the gaff of performing hard work.
have begun straightening their
The surprise of the entire play is contributes to the play by upholding
courtesy of Dr. W. F. Gallaway. as- - Greek, is not difficult to learn
Since Uncle Sam's got a hanker- ties, and almost break their backs
Don Irvine. As Jonathan Brewster, other roles.
professor of English, who- - cause it is almost entirely phonetic
ing for college men, the journalism trying to see which one can carry Today
the third nephew who is really an The perfect timing of the actors,
belongs to the
"P th"
and Blade, room 204. 7 old meanie, he is absolutely grue- the movement on the stage, the eerie
plant has decided to train about the heaviest load.
years ago as a hobby.
group which includes English. Lat- Both girls admitted the work was to 9 p.m.
place of
perhaps is the fault of effects when most of the stage is in five
right women to take the
some. This,
was included in the in. French, and Greek,
YWCA cabinet. YW office, 8 p.m. the makeup man but Irvine plays darkness
those w ho leave, and Iris Kocher, hard, but said they liked it, and
and clever handling of
Although the Russian alphabet
tliey spilled printer's
Sophomore, Junior. Senior YM up to his scarred and battered face, props on the whole prove good di- curriculum because more and more1
freshman, and sophomore Bettye didn't care if
country contains 32 letters, its grammar is
group. Social service room, 7 p.m.
McClanahan are the first who will ink all ov er themselves.
and with each appearance on the rection and definite cootwration interest was shown in the
and its culture when Russia joined comparatively simple. The English
Sophcmore commission, Y lounge, stage, cold chills run up and down among the entire cast.
don overalls or slacks and take on
Now remember, men, those black
Allies. Dr. Gallaway explained,
professor believes the verb conju- spine. This role is quite different
you may see around 7 p.m.
a man's job.
"Arsenic and Old Lace" is a play the
spotted faces
Enrolled in the class, which will gation is easier to learn than that
club, Y lounge. 7 p.m.
done that, vim won't want to miss. And.
McVey hall are some which go to
from anything that Irvine has
If the worst conies, these
school, and Thursday
before at Guignol and he adds an- - incidentally,
the elderberry wine be offered for two quarters, are of French. The noun has six cases
will have to take over all work in help make this a
twenty students, including five staff but essentially only one declension.
YW publicity committee, Y other star to his list of outstanding served at intermission does not
the shop, although at present they one of them may be what you were
who are auditing the The structure cf sentences is some- , tain
out with last night.
lounge, 4 p.m.
m training in the bindery.

Guignol Scores Hit As
Arsenic And Old Lace' Opens


Bach To Be Subject
Of First Open Class




II You're The SilenlType
Russian Is Your Tongue

Kernel Print Shop Invaded
By Overalled






The-cours- e





Alvin York Will Snen

nrnnn i Minnn

Campus Library
Will Have File
Of Congress Cards

Memorial halt Prof. Carl Lam pert,
conducting the University Philhar
The University library has been
monic orchestra before a large au- - recently selected as the site where
dlence, gave the "C Major" a sym- the Library of Congress will depathetic interpretation.
posit its printed catalogue cards.
Lampert's direction
The library has already received
evoked an artistic response from a large number Of catalogue cards
young men and women who of which approximately 50.000 per
of the represen- composed the orchestra. His apOver
tatives had not read the article, and preciation of Beethoven's music is year are issued. In order to work
out a plan to make it possible for
were, therefore, unable to express
as are his lectures on
u opinion. Of the remaining 13 Beethoven, the man and the mu- more libraries to have the use of
members. II interpreted the article sician, which stand out as high the Library of Congress catalogue
as criticism of the SGA president points in Mt. Lampert's musical without large expense in filing
equipment, the Association of Re
only, an dlwo felt it to be an at- literature courses.
search Libraries appointed a comtack upon the entire association.
The audience was not sparing of mittee to study the problem.
"Directed At Collier"
This committee
has arranged
After the pulsating rhythm of
John Yeager, representative from
cooperation of the library.
the law college, stated that he un- "Seville" came "Czech Rhapsody by with the the Library of Congress
to publish
derstood that the editorial was di the American, Weinberger. Wein
boojc form by means
rect ed at Collier. "However, it is berger's music, always interesting catalogue in
photo-offs- et
my impression that it was a slam because of its blending of the old of the lithoprint
World and the new, was handled process. The catalogue will contain
at the SGA," he added.
1.900.000 cards and
George Warwick, arts and sci- deftly by the Philharmonic orcheswill consist of about 160 large vol
ences representative, who had read tra.
Folk Music" and umes, of 640 pages each.
only part of the article, said, I
Since it will be many months beStrauss' "Emperor Waltz" completthink that I would consider it an
ed the program. The folk music fore the catalogue is completed, it
attack on the SGA."
called to memory many marches, will necessarily be some time beore
Eioise Bennett, representative of dances,
and songs which we com- the University library will receive
Ue agriculture college, did not con- monly take for granted as purely its first ten or twelve volumes as
an attack on the American in origin. The
sider the editorial
Strauss that is the number to be issued each
SGA but she did feel that it would waltz was
time, according to Miss Margaret
done splendidly in con"go against the organization."
King, University librarian.
cert style.
-A Little Sharp"
Since the catalogue cards will be
"The editorial was perhaps a lit- returned to the Library of Congress
tie sharp in its criticisms," declard
when all the
ed Jack Atchison, arts and scihave been received, it has not been
ences representative, "but it seemed
decided yet whether or not the
directed entirely at Collier."
Prof. W. R. Sutherland, assistant cards will be placed in files In the
Freshman representative Jerry professor of English, will lead the main lobby. The cards will be of
Eastham understood the editorial as panel discussion on "Education In more value to the librarian and the
an "expression of the opinion of The Post War World" sponsored by graduate student than they will be
vome of the editors about the SGA the Union forum committee at 4 to the undergraduate. Miss King
president's lack of appreciation of p. m. tomorrow in the Music room explains.
The cards which the University
Kernel support." He added that of the Union building.
the SGA had not done anything - Other members of the panel will library Is receiving list only authis year so important that it be Prof. Maurice F. Seay, head of thors of material cataloged in the
.ceded extensive publicity in the the department of educational ad- Library of Congress in the last two
Kernel but that he felt that the ministration: Scott Reed, law stu- or three years while the large volKernel would have given proper dent; and Mrs. Lorene Blankenship. umes will contain all the authors
j catalogued
cooperation if it had been needed. home economics student.
Faculty advisor for the forum is
The Kernel"
Miss Chloe GifTord of the University-Extensioyou'd

Take Over The Hairbrush."
In an endeavor to determine
whether or not members of the
SGA concurred in this opinion. The
Kernel made a survey of the 22
with the following


Football It Not
Ready For Scrap Heap


Collier Sees Editorial
As "Affront" To SGA



"Normal Living in Abnormal Times"
at 11 a.m.. January 27. Memorial
hall, and will discuss "Family
and the Permanent Peace" at
10:15 a.m.. January 28. Memorial
Mrs. Overton was on the campus
In 1939 In connection with the Religion in Life conference. This religious worker and special lecturer
Is also a college Instructor in public speech and drama.
"Wartime Britain" will be discussed by Hilda Beal. of York.
at 1:45 p.m.. January -- 6. Memorial hall. Miss Beat has lived hi
England since the war began and
can give
about conditions there. She is now
with the British Information services in New York City.
"Living Through An Air Raid and
Traveling in a Convoy" will be dis- cussed by Mrs. Ben Lowry. Lexing- ton, wife of Lt. Col., Lowry. at the
women's general session. 1:45 p.m .
Thursday. Memorial hall. At th
outbreak of the war. Mrs. Lowry wa
In Hawaii, where her husband was
on foreign duty. She and her
mother, who was ill. came home in
a convoy. Her experiences and the
hardships she experienced because
of the war will be recounted.
Third Officer Anne Sweeney of
the WAAC. Columbus. Ohio, will tell
the general assembly "What
Means To Be a WAAC." Her talk
is scheduled for 1:45 pm.. January
27. Memorial hall.
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president,
of the University, will appear as
the first speaker of the convention
and will discuss "The University in
Time of War" at :30 a.m, January
26. Memorial halL
speakers on
the program are W. W. Shoemaker
oi Armour aim
pany. Chicago, who win speai on








. if


and Agriculture;" Frank J. Zuik. of
the Farm Equipment institute. Chi-

cago, who will speak on "The Farm
Equipment Situation;" Robert A.
Hicks. ODT. who will speak on
Farm People."
The annual
will be held at 6 30 p.m.. Januarv
28. in the Union building.
Special meetings of the rural
community and the rural church,
agricultural engineering
poultry section, dairying, animal
marketing section,
dairy section, animal husbandry
section, agronomy section, horticulture section, and , beekeeping sec--."ii.
tion will be neia on




what like that of English. There
are no articles.
The Russian being taught here iy
the white Russian spoken bv the
greatest number of the Soviet people. The instructor is attempting to
make the instruction as
as possible.
Dr. Gallaway points to the grea'
strides which the Russians have
made in the fields of literature
music, science, agriculture,
psychology in explaining the culture of the huae country.
Lor.g a regular part of the language studies of at least 50 colleges
throughout the country, especially
in the west, the tongue was also
recently installed at the Universitv
of North Carolina and Dartmouth.

� oesi isopy MvaiiaDie

The Kernel Editorial Page







tnwrrt at th Post Offlct at lxtnfton, Kentucky,
wioud class matter undrr the Act of March t, 1(70.



tl 1




;e,d articles aatf columns are to be enasitferetf the
.fil4jfts ot the writert themelie, aa4 4a mot eretsarttp

The Kernel.















If you'je one of those nianv who lav down
tlieir texibevks afier tlass anl snatch a few extra
winks of sleep or liurrv dowmown for a show,
you're missing something.
Formed in the dark hours following ihe
"dawning of the dav of infamv." ilie panel discussion group which meets regularly on Wednesdays is designed to present "food for thought."
No student conscious of worldwide develop
changes would miss a
ments and


chance to express his own ideas.

The war forum


the women's defense council of the University
shortly after the
of the second semester of 1942.
its organiaiion
At the outset the idea
was to give students a clearer insight to world
affairs. Interested students, campus leaders who
fell the need of discussion among students and
piofcssors. were the founders.
1 here
are no named seakers in the panel,
line, chosen professors lead the weekly discussions, hut each student has an equal chance for
pal t it ipat ion.
In the first davs of the group, in addition to
the haii man. two professors and one student
Weir selected to lead if ilicci ings. Sometimes

as a project


one professor and two campus representatives
would he chosen and at oiher limes a newspa-criiiai- i
or businessman from downtown would
Usually it was decided liesl not to inapjH-arclude two Mulleins or professors from the same
department lint always advisable to have present either a iiiciuImt of the jxiliiieal sc ience or
history department.
However, this did not and docs not mean that
all present do not have oportunitv of expressing their views. That prevailing thought would
only serve to defeat the putose of the panel.











"All I said was Ibat I thought

I'd die
funny paper."

This year the panel discussions are in the
hands ol the Student Union forum committee
and the I nierual ional Relations class. Their
organization is much ihe same as the form of
the originators.

By Bill Goodloe
As anyone

can plainly

see. various

and sundry hell weeks are now in



Occupied Nation

The story of the resurrection of
the town of Lidice, in Illinois, was
a disturbing bit of news to the Nazi
First, they tried to
silence it. But the story got across
the ocean and through the sealed
frontiers of Greate- - Germany.
It became known to the Czech
people through the Czechoslovak
broadcast in London, Moscow, and
Boston. On October 18, it was confirmed to the Czech masses officially
by no less a personality than the

Gruppenfuehrer and the State
Secretary of Bohemia, K. H. Frank.
In a public speech delivered on
the occasion of the celebration held
in connection with the renaming
ofvthe Vltava Quay in Prague to
"Reinhard Heydrich Ufer" on October 18, he warned the Czechs that
they have just one more chance to
reform and to repent, but that it
will be the last chance. He deplored the fact that a "part of Czech
succumbs again to the whispering ampaign of a clique of
Czech immigrants in London" and
aid that German measures against
ihe culprite "will not be stopped by
a requiem Mass served for the
Czech bishop Gorazd in the Cathedral of St. Paul in London, nor by
the American fad and folly of
S. S.


The official confirmation of the
fact that Lidice was resurr