xt7x3f4kmq2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x3f4kmq2d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1902-04-jun5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-04-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-04-jun5. 1902 1902-04-jun5. 2011 true xt7x3f4kmq2d section xt7x3f4kmq2d 

MI1IUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 4, 1902 - page 132

      Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Hager, Nelson, Bell, McChord,
Ramsey, Patterson, Clay, - 8.

      Noes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Lindsey, Marcum,
Kinkead- 5.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Judge

      Motion for Pepper prop. to be selected as site for
Girl's Dormitory.

      It is moved that it is the sense of this Board of
Trustees that we purchase the Pepper property, and to erect
the Female Dormitory thereon. Said motion was duly

      The balance of the afternoon was occupied in a dis-
cussion of this motion, without the vote being taken.

      Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Board
adjourned until nine O'clock A. M. June 5, 1902.

      June 5, 1902 - Convened at nine Of'clock A. M. June
5, 1902. There being a quorum present, upon motion duly
seconded and carried, the calling of the roll was dispensed

      The committee on the Experiment Station, through it's
Chairman, Mr. Stoll, made the following supplemental Report:

      Supplemental Report Com. on Ex. Station.

      The committee on the Experiment Station beg leave to make
the following Supplemental Report:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESjune 5, 1902    page 132-133

      Salaries of H. E. Curtis & L. O6 La Bach, fixed at

      That in addition to the recommendations presented in
the Report of the Committee, on yesterday, your Committee
recommends that the salaries of Henry E. Curtis, chief
Chemist in the Fertilizer Department , and of L. 0. La Bach,
chief chemist of the Food Department, be raised from $1500.00
to $1600O00 per annum.

      Thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion:

      I move the adoption of this Supplemental Report of
the committee on the Experiment Station. Said motion was
seconded, put upon it's passage and upon the roll call the
vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Frazee, Stoll, Ferguson, Bell, Kinkead,
McChord,, Ramsey, Patterson, Clay, - 9o

      Noes: None, The motion was carried.

      Finance Coomr Appointed.

      Upon the suggestion of Mr. Ferguson, the chair appointed
as the Finance Committee, Messrs. Clay, President Patterson,
and Mr. Ramsey.

      The chairman announced that the next in order of
business was the election of a Secretary, a Treasurer and a
Business Agent.

      Mr. Bell presents a communication in reference to
Mr. Wellington Scott, signed by members of the faculty which
is as follows:

      Communication from Faculty concerning W. F. Scott.

      I am willing to have it announced from the platform
today that Wellington Scott will receive his diploma when
he completes his course in Latin.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 4, 1902 - page 133-134

      J. H. Neville, J. H. Kastle, A. L. MacKenzie, J. G.
White, J. W. Pryor, A. M. Miller, John B. Brooks, M. L.
Pence, J. K. Patterson.

      Upon motion of Mr. Bell, duly seconded and carried,
the President was directed to make report from the rostrum
during the commencement exercises in accordance with the
recommendations contained in said communication.

      By President Patterson:

      I have the honor to report that the Faculty have recom-
mended to this Board for the degree of Doctor of Laws, Prof.
W. H. Bartholemew of Louisville, who for many years has been
principal of the Female Hign' School, and one of the most
prominent men connected with education in Kentucky, eminent
not only as an eductor but as a man, with the request that
the Board authorized me to confer that degree.

      Judge Barker made the following motion:

      Directing conferring of Degree on Prof. W. H.

      Resolved that the President be authorized to confer
upon Prof. W. H. Bartholemew, the degree of Doctor of Laws,
as recommended in the report made by President Patterson.
Said motion was seconded, put upon it's passage and
carried unanimously.

      Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion:

      D. C. Frazee re-elected Sec. & Business Agent.

      It is moved that this Board rerelect for the coming
year Mr. D. C. Frazee as Secretary of this Board, and
Business Agent of the College. Said motion was duly
seconded, put upon it's passage and carried.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 5, 1902 - page 134

      Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion:

      Salary of Sece. & Business Agt. fixed.

      Be it resolved that we pay Mr. Frazee $1500 a year,
and that we put this limitation upon him, - that he arrange
with Mr. Worthington or some other competent stenographer,
to secure his services for the ensuing year.

      Said motion was duly seconded.

      Mr. Ramsey offered the following amendment:

      That the salary of the Secretary and Business Agent
be placed at $1200 instead of $1500. Said amendment was

      After some discussion the Board adjourned until 2 - 30
P. M. of the same day.

      Board met at 2 - 30 P. M. June 4th, 1902.

      Mr. McChord, chairman of the Committee on the Minutes
of the Executive Committee, offered the report of said
committee, which is as follows:

      Report of Com. on Minutes of Ex. Com.

      The undersigned Committee of the Trustees of the A. &
M. College, on minutes of the Executive Committee, respectfully
report the approval of the minutes adopted, since last
approved by the Board.

John ICChord, Chairman
W. C. Bell.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 4_, 1902 - page 136

     Thereupom Mr. Clay made the following motion:

     Rept. Com. on Minutes of Ex. Come Adopted.

     I move the adoption of the Report on the Minutes of
the Executive Committee as read.

      Said motion was seconded put upon it's passage and

     Mr. Bell as chairman, presents the Report of the
Committee on the Minutes of the Faculty, which is as follows:

      Report of Committee on Minutes of the Faculty.

      To the Board:

                    Your committee reports:

      First: That the Minutes of the Faculty be filed and
con-firmed as a whole.

      College Dances.

      Second: that it is advisable that the College dances
be held not oftener than once a month, at such times as the
Faculty may designate and under the supervision of the

      Vehicles & Flowers at College Dances.

      That it is advisable for the Faculty to prohibit the
students from attending in vehicles, and that no vehicles
be allowed on the campus conveying any one to any such dance;
and that it is advisable for the Faculty to discourage the
students from sending flowers to any girl attending, and
of girls attending from receiving flowers to the end to
discourage the students from spending money for such
things, and which the student body is so illy able to


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 136-137

      Control of College Dances given to Faculty.

      It is recommended that all resolutions heretofore
passed as to college dances be repealed and that the Faculty
be given the power to take full control of such dances and to
do all things necessary to accomplish the changes above
sumest ed.
                                   H. S. Barker,
                                   R. W. Nelson,
                                   W. C. Bell, Chairman.

      Rept. Coom. on Minutes of Faculty adopted.

      Thereupon Judge Hager made the following motion.

      I move the adoption of the report of the Committee
on the Minutes of the faculty as read, and that a copy of
same be certified to the faculty.

      Said motion was duly, seconded, put upon it's passage
and carried.

      After further discussion on the amendment offered by
Mr. Ramsey to the motion of Judge Kinkead to pay the Business
Agent a salary of $1500. The vote was taken on said amendment,
and stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Hager, Bell, McChord, Ramsey, Clay, - 5.

      Noes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Barker,
Ferguson, Nelson, Kinkead, Patterson, _ 80

      The amendment was lost.

      Vote on Salary of Bus. Agent.

      Thereupon the original motion made by Judge Kinkead
to pay the Secretary and Business Agent a salary of $1500,
was put upon it's passage and the vote stood as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 5, 1902    page 137

      Ayes:  Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll-, Barker,
Ferguson, hager, Nelson, Kinkead, McChord, Patterson, - 10.

      Noes: Messrs. Bell, Ramsey, Clay, - 3.

      The motion was carried.

      The committee on Internal Expansion offers itts report,
through it's chairman, Judge Barker, which report is as

      Rept. of Comr. on Internal Expansion.

      The Committee on Internal Expansion have the honor to
report, on the proposition of Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead
to lecture during the ensuing collegiate year to our students
on subjects relating to English literature, that they deeply
regret that the college has no money with which to renumnerate
Miss Kinkead for her valuable services proposed.

                                    McD. Ferguson,
                                    C. Y. Clay, Jr.
                                    H. S. Barker,

      Report of Com. on Internal Expansion adopted.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr. Bell:

      I move that the Report of the Committee on Internal
Expansion be adopted as read. Said motion was duly
seconded, put upon it's passage and carried.

      At this point Judge Kinkead presents the matter of
the re-election of Prof. R. L. Blanton, as Assistant
Professor in the classics and filed statement signed by
various professors of the college and statement signed by
various ministers of the City of Lexington.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1902 - page 138

      Judge Kinkead made the following motion.

      Prof. R. L. Blanton, re-elected.

      I now move that Prof. F. IL. Blanton be re-elected to
the position of Assistant Professor in the classics, Said
motion was duly seconded, and after discussion was put upon
it's passage, and upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Bar-ker, Ferguson,
Nelson, Kinkead, McChord, - 8.

      Noes: Messrs. Hager, Ramsey, Patterson,    3.

      1he motion was carried.

      At this point the Board took up again the question of
the location of the GirlTs dormitory.

      Col.. Nelson made the following motion:

      It is moved that Mrs. Blackburn, the Monitress of the
College, be sent for and asked to state to the Board her
views and preference on the question of the location of the
girl's dormitory.

      Said motion was duly seconded, put upon it's passage
and lost.

      1hereupon the motion heretofore made by Judge Barker
was taken up. Said motion is as follows:

      Pepper Prop. selected as site for Girl's Dormitory.

      I move that it is the sense of this Board of Trustees
that we proceed to purchase the Pepper property, and to erect
a female dormitory thereon. Which motion had already been
seconded.  After discussion, this motion was placed upon it's
passage, and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 138-139

      Ayes:  Messrs. Barker, Ferguson, Hager, Nelson,
McChord, Ramsey, Patterson, Clay, - 8.

      Noes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Bell, Kinkead,

      The motion was carried.

      Comn to Nominate Ex. Coin. appointed.

      At this point the chairman appointed as a comdittee
to nominate an Executive Committee and a building committee,
the following:  Messrs. Hager, Fowler, and Ferguson.   This
committee thereupon withdrew to consider it's Report.

      tdr. Ramsey, as Chairman presented the Report of the
Committee on the President's Aeport, which is as follows:

      Rept. Com. on President's Rept.

      To the Board of Trustees of the
      A. & M. College of Kentucky.

Gentlemen: -      Selection of Commandant left to Pres.

      Your committee on Report of the President submitted
3rd, inst. respectfully report: -

      That unless the Board at it's present session shall
select a commandant that the selection of a suitable person
to fill such position be left to the President with full power
and authority to act therein.

      Dr. Pryor's salary fixed.

      We recommend formal ratification of increase from
$1200 to 41500 in salary of Dr. Pryor involved in advancing
Dr. Pryor to full professorship.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1902 - page 139

      Salaries of various Prof s.

                                 III .
      We suggest reference to committee  on salaries, or
special committee of recommendations in Report of the
President for increase in salaries, viz:

      Milford White from $1000 to $1200, V. E. Muncy $900 to
$1000, Leon Frankel and J. E. Winston each from $800 to $900.
We favor advance in salaries proposed and, also, an advance
in salary of Prof. Faig, Chief Assistant in Mechanical
Engineering, and recommend that such be granted by the
Board upon report of the committee on salaries.


      The recorimendations of the President touching increase
of salaries of assistants in the Experiment Station have
been met by action and vote of the Board on yesterday.


      Prof. Mathew's Services - We recommend formal sanction
by the Board of the arr8.ngement proposed and pending between
the President and Prof. Scovell concerning the disposition
of the time and service of Prof. Yathews, based on
withdrawal of Prof. Mathews from compensated service
in the Experimental Station.


      In reference to Male Dept. of Physical Cult. - We
concur in the recommendation of the President that enquiry
be made touching charges of inefficiency in organization
and management of the male department of Physical Culture,
and that this matter be referred to the Executive Committee,
with authority to act by continuing the services of the
present Director, or to employ another as they may
think fit.




      Re-election various Prof's. recommended. - We concur in
the recommendation of the President for the re-election of
Messrs. Sawyer, Johnson, Faig, Milford White, Winston,
Frankel, Logan, Davis and Muncy for the collegiate year.


      Concerning Baild. for Dept. of Chemistry. - We favor
recommendations in the report of Dr. Kastle concerning new
building for chemistry provided for by the withdrawal of
the interest of the College in the Experiment Station
Buillding and their reference to the Executive Committee
with power to act.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                                   W. R. Ramsey, Chairman,
                                   John F. Hager,

      Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion:

      I move the adoption of the Report of the Committee
on the President's Report as read. Said motion was duly

      Mr. Stoll moved the following amendment.

      Amendment to Rept. Com. on Pres. Rept. concerning
Prof. Faig.

      I move that the Report be amended so as to make Prof.
Fai g, Professor Machine Design with a salary for this year
of' $1400, with an increase of 4100 a year until a full
Professorship is reached.

      Said amendment was seconded and put upon it's passage
and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 55 1902 - page 140-141

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Barker, Ferguson,
Hager, Nelson, Bell, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, Patterean, - 12.

      Noes: None.

      Said amendment was carried.

      Adoption of rept. of Com. on Pres. Rept. - Judge Kinkead
then moved the adoption of the Report of the Committee on
the President's Report as amended. Said motion was duly
seconded, put upon it's passage and carried.

      Thereupon upon motion of President Patterson.

      Miss Offutt re-elected as Asst. in Physical Culture.

      Miss Offutt, was re-elected tb the position of assistant
instructor in Physical Culture.

      Mr. Stoll thereupon presented to the Board the
resignation of Mr. Kiler as instructor in physical culture,
which is as follows:

                             Lexington, Kentucky, June 3rd, 1902.

To the Board of Trustees,
        State College of Kentucky.

           Resignation of W. H. Kiler as Instructor in
Physical Culture.


      I hereby tender my resignation as physical director
of the Kentucky State College.

      Thanking the Board of Trustees for their kindness to
me, I am

                              Very truly yours,

                                Wmi. H. Kiler,


MINUTES OF rTHE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 141-142

      Resignation of W. H. Kiler accepted.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Judge
Kinkead. I move the acceptance of the resignation of Mr.
Kiler as Instructor in Physical CultLre. Said motion was
seconded, and carried.

      Thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion.

      All Instructors & Assts. re-elected.

      I move that all instructors and Assistant Professors
be elected for the ensuing year. Said motion was seconded,
and carried.

      Thereupon Judge Hager presents the Report of the
committee to nominate an Executive Committee and a Building
Committee, which is as follows:

      Report of Com. to nominate Ex. Com.

      Your committee to select and nominate an Executive
and Building Committee report as follows: -

                          Executive Committee,

                          D. F. Frazee,   Chairman
                          C. M. Clay, Jr.
                          John McChord,
                          J. B. Marcum,
                          W. R. Ramsey,

      And that such committee constitute the Building
Committee as a whole or that the Building Committee may be
a sub committee of the Executive Committee of three or
more as ex officio Building Committee


Thereupon Judge Kinkead made the following motion:



      Adoption of Rept. of Comr. to nominate Ex. Com.

      It is moved that the Report of the Committee to
nominate an Executive Committee and a Building Committee be
adopted. Said motion was seconded put upon it's passage
and carried.

      Thereupon Mr. Stoll made the following motion:

      Major Bullock Re-elected Treas.

      It is moved that Major R. S. Bullock be re-elected
as Treasurer of the College. Said motion was duly seconded
and carried.

      The following motion was made by Mr. Stoll:

      Ex. Com. authorized to accept Bond Treas.

      Be it resolved that the Executive Committee be empowered
to accept the Bond of the Treasurer. Said motion was duly
seconded and carried.

      Thereupon Judge Barker made the following motion.

      Com. to select 3 lady Comi's. authorized to act.

      It is moved that the Special Conmittee to select three
lady commissioners who have the power to select a monitress
for the proposed Pemale Dormitory be authorized to act
upon that question during the time that shall elapse
between now and the next regular meeting of the
Board. Said motion was seconded, and carried.

      Judge Hager made the following nominations.

      Board of Control selected.

      For the Board of Control: Judge Geo. B. Kinkead, Chairman
D. F. Frazee, R. C. Stoll, W. C. Bell, President Patterson -
Ex-officio, and Director, M. A. Scovell.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 142- 143

      Said nominations were seconded by Judge Barker. and
put upon their election, and said persons were elected as
the Board of Control.

      By Mr. Ramsey: Mr Chairman you will remember that
when the Specia-l Committee was appointed to investigate this
trouble in reference to Mr. Goode, a committee was authorized
to engage the services of a stenographer, and we secured
the services of Mr. Worthington, and he makes a statement
of his bill for services rendered to the committee,
amounting to $129v70.

      By Mr. Stoll:

      Directing payment of bill of Mr. Worthington.

      I move the payment of this bill of $129.70 to Mr.
Worthington. Said motion was duly seconded, and upon the
roll call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Fowler, Frazee, Stoll, Barker,
Ferguson, Hager, Nelson, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey, Patterson,

      Noes: None. The motion was carried.

      Mr. Stoll as Chairman presents the Report of the
Military Committee.

      Rapt. Military Com. - Mr. Stollis rept. of trip to

      Mr. Stoll also made the following report as a special
committee of one to go to Washington, to see if he could
make arrangements to secure the services of a regular
army officer as commandant.

      I will say that as soon as I could do so af ter the
meeting of the Board in December, I went to Washington, I
had some letters to the President. When I reached Washington
I. conferred with Mr. Yerkes and he suggested that I had
better go with him to see Col. Sanger, who is the
Assistant Secretary of War. We went, and I had a talk with
Col. Sanger, and it was pretty hard to get him, and he made


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 5, 1902 - page 143 -144

an engagement with us for the next day. I finally caught
him and went over my wished with him, and he suggested
that I write him a letter. I did write him a letter and
took it up the next day and presented it to him. He told
me that anything he could do, he would be glad to do, and
that the best thing for me to do was for me to see Adjutant
General Corbin. He sent for General Corbin, and he was not
in the city, and I was introduced to the Assistant Adjutant
General, Lieut. W. H. Carter, whom I found to be quite a nice
gentlemen, and very anxious to help this college in any way
that he could, for the reason, as he said, that he was a
sort of half way Kentuckian; and he said he would send me a
list of the retired officers; that it was impossible at
that time to spare any officer from the active list. He
sent me this list and I took it and went to see Col.
Hughes, who is the Assistant Auditor of the War Department,
and with his assistance and with the assistance of the Army
and Navy Register, we went over this list of names and found
that all of them who had applied to the War Department for
such assignments, had enlisted in the army prior to the
civil war. I came to the conclusion that any man who had
been in the army before the war, enlisted as a commissioned
officer before the war was perhaps & little too old for
our purpose. I then went back to see Carter and told him,
and he had a conference with some of the other officers in
the Department I think, with the Comissiary General, The
Quarter Master General., and the Assistant Inspector General.
After conference they told me that the best man that they
could recnmmend had just then applied for retirement, and
that the etiring Board was about to act upon his application;
I asked and was told that it was Captain, or Brevet Major,
Charles D. Clay; he was a Kentuckian and probably would
be glad of the service, glad to accept this position, and
that I had better wire him and ask him if he would accept
this provided he was retired. I did not feel disposed to
do this, because, while I felt like under my appointment,
my authority was to select, yet I did not feel like taking
any such responsibility. Upon my return I made my report
to the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee did
not elect him, upon the grounds that they did not have any
power, - that I did not have the power and they did not have
the power to act. I want to say here that it would have been
a mighty good thing for this college if I had gone ahead
undAr this authority and selected Capt. Clay; because if he
had been selected then probably this disorder and all
this newspaper notoriety would never have occurred.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1902 - page 144-145

      Capt. Clay is a man about forty years of age; he was
commandant at this college while I was a dtudent here. He
afterwards went to Cuba in the army, and was made a captain,
as the records of the 'War Department show, for his gallant
services on the field; he was afterwards sent to the
Phillipines, and received the wound in the neck, which was
the cause of his retirement. This wound, as I have learned,
will not prevent Capt. Clay from performing the services re-
quired of him as commandant; so as a member of that committee
I would recoimmend his appointment. I would also add that his
compensation would come from the War Department, and the college
would be at no expense whatever if Capt. Clay is selected.

      Rept. Mr. Stoll, Rec'd. & filed.

      Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded, the Report
of Mr. Stoll of his trip to Washington was received and filed.

      Rept. Military Com. Adopted.

      After some discussion and changes made in the report
of the Military Committee, upon motion the Report was adopted.
Said Report is as follows:

      Rept. Military Corn.

To the Board of Trustees of the
      Agricultural & Mechanical College of Kentucky.

Gentlemen: -

      Your committee on military affairs and college discipline
says that it regrets very much that it has to report that the
military discipline of the College has been very lax since
the last meeting of the Board of Trustees. From the information
it has the Military Department of the College has become dis-
organized. Your committee believes that this disorganization
is the result of two causes: first, because of the antiquated
rules and regulations of this college and second, because of
the incompetency of the person selected by President Patterson
as the Commandant of the College.


MINIUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1902 - page 14Z-146

      Your comnittee would report that the discipline of
the cadets outside of the class room can best be enforced
by a commandant, and it recommends that the commandant
hereafter alone be charged and held responsible for the
maintenance of such discipline.

      Your committee would further report that in it's
opinion the Military Department of the College can best be
improved by making the Military Department beloved by the
students, and by making the officers of the Military
Department upper class ones.

      Your committee does not believe that military duties
should become        so as to become distasteful, but they
believe that military duties should be used as a means of
punishment for the breach of any rules of the Military

      To the end of increasing the efficiency of the
Military Department of the batallion your committee
recomrnends the passage of the following resolution.

      Seniors not required to drill.

      The seniors shall not be required to drill, but may
be required to give theoretical instruction in Military
Science should the commandant so desire.

      The following motion was made by Mr. McChord.

      Rept. Com. to nominate Ex. Comr re-considered.

      I move that we now re-consider the Report of the
committee to nominate an Executive Committee and a Building
Committee. Said motion was seconded and carried.

      Thereupon Mr. McChord made the following motion:

      Building Com. selected.

      I now move that there be stricken out of the report
of the committee to nominate an Executive Committee and
a Building Committee, so much of said report as directs
the Executive Committee to select from their number three
members as a Building, and I move that in lieu of that
the following Building Committee be selected: H. S. Barker,
Chairman, Messrs. Nelson and Bell. Said motion was duly
seconded and carried.



      Thereupon Mr. Stoll nz ode t-he following motion:

      Direction to Bldg. Com.

      I move you that this Building Committee be directed
to proceed with all reasonable dispatch with the building
of the Girl's Dormitory. Said motion was seconded and

      Thereupon the following motion was made by Mr. Ramsey:

      Regulations denying students rights to petition

      Be it resolved that all rules or regulations of the
College denying the right of the students to petition be
abrogated and declared to be null and void. Said motion
was duly seconded and carried.

      The following motion was made by President Patterson:

      Com.r to revise Regulations appointed,

      I move that Judge Hager, Judge Ramsey, and Judge Barker
be appointed a committee to revise the regulations   of the
college and report to the next meeting ofthe Board of Trustees;
and that they be asked to send copies of the proposed rules
to each member of the Board by November 1st. 1902. Said
motion was duly seconded and carried.

      Thereupon the Committee on Appropriations, through it's
chairman, Mr. Stoll, made it's report, which is as

Rept. Come on Appropriations.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1902 - page 147

Estimated Expenditures.

Pres. Patterson
Proffs. White
t  Neville
k' atterson
t Kastle
" Roark
" Pryor
" Anderson
" Mathews
" Miller
' Pence
" Wernicke
if Brooks
" Mac~enzie
" Director
" Directress

Mod. Lang.
Civ. Eng.
Mech. Eng.
Mining Eng.
Mil. Dept.
Ac adey
Hist. & PoliteEcon.


-    Logan
-    Blanton
-    White
-    Winston
_    Muncy
-    Frankel
-    Barkley
-    DrawLng
-    Fe lldws
-    Comnandant


Fuel & Light
Repairs & Imp.
Stat. & Print.
Student Labor
   n Trav.Ex.
Athletic Asso.
Class Day
Other Trav. Ex.




MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1902 - page 148

Miss Mulligan                      $300
Business Agent                     1500
Mrs. Blackburn                      800
Miss Hodges                         600
Aubrey                              500
Mill igan                           700
Murray                              500
Watchman                            360
Janitors                           1200

                                  R. C. Stoll, Chim.
                                  W. R. Nelson,
                                  J. F. Hager

      Mr. Stoll made the following motion:

      Rept. on Comi on Appropriations.

      It is moved that the Report of the Committee on
Appropriations be adopted as read. Said motion was seconded,
and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Frazee., Marcum, Stoll, Barker,
Ferguson, Hager, Nelson, Kinkead, McChord, Ramsey,
Patterson, - 11.

      Noes: None. Said motion was carried.

      Thereupon the following motion was made by President

      Committee to revise salaries appointed.

      I now move that a committee of three consisting of
Judge Kinkead, Judge Nelson, and President Patterson be
appointed to revise the sa