xt7x0k26f707 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26f707/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1965 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, 1965 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, 1965 1965 1965 2023 true xt7x0k26f707 section xt7x0k26f707 __l_.




Dear Carolyn:

As I forgot to tell you he name: of the two books on Eilke, I am sending this
along right away. It was so good to have you and Victor here today and it was certainlv
as fine a visit as there has ever been. I enjoyefi it SU much. It was good tosoe you
both looking so well.

1h: Pilke books I n92?


/ nd G. 0.110115 ton (eds) R.T‘-T.F.ilke, . _; , his minri and


/ ‘ . K R 457§b /F. .T.Welmore, filke' s Crafts manshin, Oxfofld, lQ:h
”081 2 ‘ . / . . .

,_j4‘A4;? f Also an idea occurred to me, for printing. Tnstead of my trying to do a few mre
\ W¢fa versions from Chuang Tz cu, T thought J might send you ten or fifteen mazes from a
\\NWW /notebook withmato1"ial. about the woods ano the SOTitnfle here. What do you think?

The lines from Coethe:

The True was found already long ago
It bound tie noble swirits into one
Hold to it e anc:Lent m nth

Do not let go!

It really does say everything, doesn't it?
I do not know if Victor wanted that bill back, so T am enclosing it.

”Again, thanks for coming. Then you send the Rilke Jictor could also 50in to them +he boobs
mr he-m mentioned. I Fill be glad to have them.

With all hlessings to you both;
Cordially in Christ,


