xt7x0k26f18m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26f18m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 2001 2001 2001-01-26 2020 true xt7x0k26f18m section xt7x0k26f18m LLtl Ut LLNILR


. t1! pr «hie

Keep trying

Everyone crosses

situations where they
keep trying and
trying but the
problem still persists.
Here are just a few
problems that seem
to be an annoyance
to some people.

You keep trying and


...but no matter how

many times you hit
the elevator button,
it still takes forever.
it always takes
longer when you are
late too. This also
applies to the
buttons at

...but students on

campus keep finding
places to drink in and
around campus. You
try to stop the noise
violations and now
people have quieter
parties in basements.
You have made us
regress to high

...but you are beginning

to realize that
engineering may not
be for you since the
derivative of your
desire multiplied by
1,000 is still less than
the desire to drop
out and move to

...but your humor column

keeps getting less

...but you can never

quite get the
wrinkles out of the
jeans that came out
of the dryer. 0n the
lighter side, it gives
you another excuse
to wear those babies
two or three times.
And don't even
pretend that you
don’t, you know we
all do.

...but you can’t help but

laugh at the guy who
got cardedby a kid
too young to drive
while taking a date
out to a rated R

...but there just is not a

font large enough to
make that Sir page
paper into 10 and not
make the whole
paper look like a
headline for a

...but you are still gomg

to miss your earliest
class if attendance is
not taken on a
regular ba5is.

...but you realize that

maybe the century
club is a little over
your head
conSIdering you
weigh less than lZO
pounds. Start with
the power hour

...but you can't get

around that slow
blue-hair in an old
Chevy Caprice who
iust can't qmte
master the difference
between the gas and
the brake and is
blocking the fast

-Ron Norton

THE 411


41 2.5

The sun will come

out. tomorrow. bet your
bottom dollar!

VOL £3106


3:1,. .1»

ISSUE 8385


NA s .’

Call 257-1915 or write.



space that niav lie stream or river
paths or old railroad heds
the ('it\,
ers may use the paths



By Becky Heisel


l'lx’ students WI“ soon have

the chance to walk or hike their
way to campus on a little piece ot‘
nature instead ol‘ husV roads

l.e\ingti-n is incorporating
corridors of open

Walkers. hikers and ink

“There will he linkages from
that will iiork out


through the suburbs."
"So linkages will go from down

('l itninnnit'x'."



said Horst
i‘ilziit’lilzlll ot' the Land
:\t‘i‘ltilt‘('lllt'i‘ Department

to“ n to campus and on out."
Rural areas will pl‘lllllll'iifs'

hare hiking and hiking trails. and

some lllllt‘l‘t'llfi' trails will he liantli

cap accessible lii‘eenways will con

iiw't parks and other green areas in
le\ington. like the l'K Arhoretum,

"i )ur long range goal is to
hare .‘l network connecting the
said ltag Rven. ol' the

Kentucky League ot~ l‘ities "(‘ol

A little piece of nature: Proposal will incorporate greenways into city
to provide walkers, bikers with a refreshing alternative to busy streets

lege students \\lii he the most Ili‘
tire users ’l‘liei :iie iounger and
are thi- nioi'e .icti\e segment of the
population "

l’inal plans tor the greenways
are llll‘tilllltit‘lt‘. and a workshop
on .Ian 3“ \\ ill show the public a
presentation til liiiilings t'i'oni pi'e
\‘ions workshops and meetings
with (‘Hlllillllllll'x groups

There is still time to present
continents and ideas to the (it‘eeti
war (‘oininittee and Men said he
hopes students will take a:l\‘:in
tage ol' the oppoi'tiitiit'. ‘lll'i itteiiil

Cats turn ‘Tide'
with first SEC win

By Will Messer
iissmiur insignia Ebiroe

Last Sunday things couldn‘t
have been worse for Bernadette

Her team Just lost to No. 2 Ten
nessee in a llliilit debacle that was
the worst loss in school historV
and the (‘ats' sixth straight rlefeat,

After the game. however. the
TVK coach sairl she wasn't lltisef

She said .she was impressml hi
her young team's effort and its
nevergiveup attitude.

Hut aboVe all. she preached

Last night at Memorial (‘oli-
seum. Mattox's squad fulfilled her
promise with a Tlri‘yi Victory over
conference foe Alabama.

i kept saying all along how
much better they're getting and
tonight i thought our defense
stepper] up big for us." Mattox said.

Afier falling behind 62-53 With
7:13 remaining. IfK ran off an 18-2

run to earn its first SEC win.

The run was spearheaded by
[K center SeSe Helm.

The freshman scored nine
points in the run. including the ti»
nal six of the ballgame. She tin-
ished Vi ith a career high 24 points
and five rebounds Helm was 8~of~
in from the floor and ‘l-ofrs from
the free throw line.

“I thought she played a su:
perb gantr- tonight on the often
sive end.” Mattox said

T'K (3-H. l-t‘i Sl‘lti) alsri got a
grittV performance from team
leader laTonya Mcl)ole.

The iunior forward finisher]
with l2 points and played :14

Alabama (1 i .3. at SEN was
led by junior center laNislia
(‘artwell‘s 18 points and sopho:
more guard Beth Vices 14 points.
which all came in the first half.
Vice. a former Kentucky Miss
Basketball and Mount Sterling na»
tive. was (Hora in the second half

Freshman point
guard Rita Adams
drives to the has-
ket against Alaba-
ma defenders
Thursday night at
Memorial Colise-
um. Adams had
nine points and
three steals in the
Cats' victory.

iunrkut | KERNEl

and fouled out of the game.

Hot shooting gave Alabama a
11-36 halftime lead.

The (Zats started the game
with a 7-2 run. but were crippled
by 1.”. turnovers and poor perime
ter defense.

Vice's three-point basket
gave Alabama a lT-lzi lead with
ll'ii7 remaining.

The basket was Vice's third
threepoint goal in a three-minute
span The etc-Montgomery County
star was tot-6 from behind the are
in the first half.

l'K tied the game at 30 after
freshman guard Kristin Connol-
ly‘s basket with 4:36 remaining.
But Alabama outscored the Cats
llvti to close out the. half. Junior
guard Shondra .lackson scored six
points in run and finished the half
with nine.

“We didn‘t play with any guts
and courage at the end of the
game." Alabama coach Rick
Moody said

the ltlt‘t‘lltt".

'fs‘tuilenis hm 'l 22:»ii:l itnl
raiigeot idtas. hes.iiil \\ :ii»
still ('Hllet'liliu. J‘tli‘wt in: 'lllli
amassing iiiliii'iiinien'

lteiieiits iii students do not end
with trails tot lilllslli"
and commutes (ill‘i‘ll‘.‘.:l\s
protect the en\ noninent

"'l'hei protect sonii «it thi
trees and growth itl' trees It tale s
ttees to help t'it‘Jtll the ill 'l'lie\
also maintain \t'litiilli‘ liahit its .inil
make Lexington :i more he iiitit'nl
place.“ Men said

(ri"‘t'll\\‘l\\ are Iiilt ill. built
into dewlopnients‘ outside it l ex
ington. such .is iill‘ itiilinionil
Roail trail and the \l.ish:' son \ti
tioii l’:ii’k 'l't'ail \ 't‘iii

ii li\ lTll'\


Ill iii;


Super Bowl

Find out why
people aren’t as
excited about this
year’s rumblel

http: www.kykernel.com

Planning for a greener community

\:\ til\ {i}. .ii.
itlllll“.' it


iri;1l..ii_'.‘ll t

\[tl‘lii,| -t .;i


t_i .‘\ri’.

(iii. \':‘ ‘.. gt
‘i.i\t-Ti'lrl in t..

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wt 'l iiis'ttr.
ititiiiii ll’ to
'l liT‘i
'i'il iiil
‘i'.llr‘l"* i i «EV

lilit'lt"|i\‘ll_|{] ii' r \i‘i‘ilxilit’tv

til 'lii' s xiii
ill’i'.""ii.' 'ii'li'r"i"
\iiltii \ltiw.‘ ii‘n 'J

\‘qlli l2.i'r‘, iliil.‘

t\\i\l i'iv

Par .1. ?

('1 f iii 'wili: ~, _I. -r‘i i

eiigi lll'i l t» l’ t .. s.
thi- lx'lll‘


' .. ,i
’l"l,l.ti .liiv'i.

wt in: i'

Discover new
study methods

Be a leader: National Society of Black
Engineers offers seminars on Saturday

.* ltl iitl .

l 74;.illv’"?

? ruik; Hii
iii! '-il

rm tirit'

workshop that

thiittt gitw‘i1i4i' hit

t'ei'liiiii shalt. ine'

ions il

ifi’ it’llt'! '.‘ Cl.
ti. is in‘ Hilile‘tiiifi i
.znniiifees‘ .l
anyone eh:
hurl lt‘
\Uli 'i'.

ii- iii iihl’l .. iiu

il;.ikt' ii' i . ‘n . ’ sf ii‘ ‘ :w i.';;:
'l'ttt NH,“ ‘ ‘4 ,ii‘p: .rip»


ilu*t|\it§; .i hi .i‘ i:;ili|
:iiiitil;il h iii iii ' lli ;/ ll n
'l‘lti' 5\ t1 .Iiil.li ‘siii ti“ , ti
net-rs iiiil iiso iia‘ v in llliiiil
sioii lei inn: .i}
Rezii'h l‘on‘irnuiiit. lleip
'l‘lllx'l ll heipsH
rlii'ide'l' ietum»: r. -“il'ill
The leadership
tnall students

)Itll\ .2

,2i tK

's'illi 7".

.liwiiit .t\
iitv e_fi
,; i, i:


and Inn it it it r. \\


Talking polities

its ..pi r

tln' e ill ill



iil\ iniwl iiiii :lltillits tl- l



the conference he
gins at 8 am Saturday
With registration in the
Norsham Theater

the cost is SlO
there will also be a
noon-2 pm. registration
for the 'Guaranteed
40" seminar.

the workshops are
as follows:

-lO-lO:50 am. and il-
‘il'SO am ~~ Crash
course on parliamentary
.1. it . procedure
ii. -l0-l0'50 am. and it»
31:50 am. — NSBE
t:.l’i TORCH. Program.

(l' : ~ iv -Noon ~ luncheon.
it; 022:50 pm. ‘ Docu-

ill _. 'ljliii
iiidltfla s l
nil-int tut
i'iiii‘x liii‘



mentation course.

it» :.~ 02250 pm ~
' Team-building seminar,
03-6 pm. — Guaran—
teed 4.0 seminar.

comm l rtmr surr

Lexington criminal defense lawyer Gotowood Mom speaks to o


Thirst" about

health! marlin-m
for medic-ind purposes. Logolzotion was part of “brain's coniooIon
as 6th district congressional candidate in Kentucky lost yoor.

V The Student Newspaper at the University of Keuy,Lexington





z_| FRIDA—Y. JANUARY 26 2001 t limit! KERNEI. 7 . .. “'1' '_ '" .1 ml "


Hootie slides under

Clooney breaks loose the covers for album
in new Coen comedy ’ "” '

By Tim Staley


llnntie and the ltlnwiish
Scattered. .S'nmtltered and (‘neered


lit the six iidd years sinee their phennmenally popular debut
album. (TH/"lied li’eiu l'ieie. llnntie and the Blnwt‘ish have be
mine the hand ex'et‘wine hives tn hate. The haeklash was iii
evitahle. ennsiilering hnw many times people were l‘nreed tn lisr
ten tn "llnld M\' Hand" thrnughnnt 1991.

The hand is getting ready tn head haek intn the studio tn he.
gin Work hit their tnnrth itlhiim in the tneantitne the group has
released an alhnm tit ('tt\'t‘l' \nnus pulled t'rnm live pet‘t‘nrtni‘inetw




. grow
and ltrsides.
'l‘he dis'e is parked hill til \‘(IIlLfS as rieli as the Ameriean
”mo runutsnm heartland. h artists \llt‘li as Radnev l’nster and Tom Waits. ‘ étltt
”arms 5 szrittv \‘nt al» add the sense til realism essential for
p Amerii ana lilllNIl With a t‘ttt'k rinlid. dnwn home feel. it is nhvi es
.’_ _ _ . . nits that the rest til the hand is etntalh at heme with this musit‘. Le;
Former televrston heart-throb George Clooney tries his hand at comedy in the film OBrother, Where Art Thou and does an excellent job. The iilm also The “im- lim- piinit iii the album is ~-| mi, mmdj' “mi 0f mt. tha
stars Tim Blalte Nelson and Coen Brothers regular John Turturro. The film is about a group of chain gang members and their travels across Mississippi. mm! mm, m... \. ,mza WM. pm
It the stings tin llimtiek lliit'!)liilll;1 studin alhiim are lialt‘as 1m,
- 'l‘he (‘nens twist genre assnm itittns. great as llllt\t' iin Sin/titted. \’iti«ttlit'i'i'(l (ll/(l (‘iii'ei-eil. they are I,
Tales of brave Ulysses: New Coen Brothers film takes .iiixiiia iii iiAiiai ainiiaaiiiv anii eltlort‘ul animaa-iii lurk ii...Aiiiiiiii-aaiiAiiiaii at.
, - - - eharaeters. Itnt the_\‘ aim enjoy having a Grade: A
Homers epic story to a much different, much funnier level gain iiiii... and iiiaiaA all in. .iiiiiiii- i.
The film features llavnrt‘nl eharaeteri
By Matt Mulcahey i-initti-x (lit the llttltl til it hliiid i‘aili‘ttad- t/llltlttllilthtlIt‘llng‘ihlllllhzlhflll‘liliiltlil'llKallllnllhllil
“"“t‘ ~' ”’13:? will." ll’l‘l'llllh'lll! “"2" :(I‘Ill'lljlllll‘gi'1:331?!” llnnter. hnt the new aetnr nn heard and the
. Aw .i» i i; .‘ .. . . ~ .
h! l‘tL (1”! W! l' W” \i' ”I ~ I.“ I‘IIMEV “Mm“: ”Hp W'flm hest hint (Ill the film is (wound l'nnney‘
l" txi‘tl illo tl.i\-il \. ,, ,i'i,it \ liij' i/A tlinlit lt iliiwt ttl' titHiltt‘a ~Itlllttl \' it'llt'lV 1." lll‘ lidll HIK‘NSHL \liltl‘illl lillKlllL’ ( till
ll t‘ Atlll'lit‘\ til i ll lll.llvll\t‘l \\l) it lllt‘\ til i -‘ , ‘.\ i , My . . I if. I, lllilll l)l‘l\ol“' lll‘t‘ill\\( littlllt‘fi' ”ll! “t lllt‘tlltll'
‘ l ‘ ,1' ""l'“ " ‘l“‘ "l“, V'l‘” " "Wu” ““m ll“ et. Stilli'lillitl. tnnuh guy rnle he s inhahited
””1””! "mlm mm "M WWW“ l“ “'1 "m "l” """‘l‘ ”W” ”HWH‘l‘N‘V- \inee “ii R " made him a star llis delivery
.'llltl “tine“ thn tum-rm id the lll'l‘il't‘-a\lt|ll itiit z:i\en the (View! tendeni'y Itt tip inakes ”I“. rule ”8 tittit‘li as llteldiztltigzue
.‘l\ l’tNt‘Jll'l ll ll‘l' l \l‘l l lll\ t‘ttHM‘lt'itl'l’ llll llll‘ll‘llllllltli‘lhllli: lli‘llk llll'lflRKllN‘tllllllI‘ [lilSl and n“ l‘lllll (‘}1;l]‘(’l("(ll" I)”; had grundpli
llll'i‘ 'l‘lit‘ tiliii hi' ’lt t‘,|lll>‘ll tit titalxltiz' \\ l~ t- lilti» \‘t/t'ltt-r/it \ I'm/t t'/\. ”K inure llkt‘lV the M’llt'ltit'\ “ tilt llitil‘t‘ (likiisit‘tius results sinee
l" lllll’ll l l lillh’llt‘ ll illt'lt \Ii’ I‘llt'l/W llllll l~~ l'il*~l"l llll lll" l‘l-tl llllll \‘l‘llkil‘lll (“'llll BlllI‘ll (‘;l\gj(l\‘ (lt‘l'llll'll hp lllltl [hp Sun.
[tk mill ltt \.l\ that tin t‘wn ltii-thii 1 kit I. ltunwtm tile. till.‘ the neathered hertt) danee Kid shuiild head liir ltnlivia.
lilni iii the \illllo ti um. I. itnt uhat hi hid in th lit the .lt tiril tittt‘ttl h\ llittner |t White («4 [my in the t‘nen hI-iythmg‘
mind the then. are tlll't‘t'ltti'~ whim- ellttt‘h gzniil‘y hnntni‘ eatrh this tine. heeause alter
'l'hn LittHH \r i~ nhtll Innii r tn: 1 ... n tin». tl‘i ii antind tn tiltnx til the has! re tlttlliL’ this and The Hie Lemur-slit haek to
ltt‘utlit‘t \ \ll itt'twti ltt'lit'.‘. lit the \t‘lt't ti ix lli llt‘\t tilt ll .ttttl iextt‘llt‘llit‘tttl genres lll\'l‘tl lllli'k. llit‘ll‘ li“.\'l (iffrn't will prohahly l‘t‘llll'ii
tine let in in A hint can" titt‘iilltt‘t\ l'l't . \\ tth And A \ttiitided Whether it'\ slantj'stet‘ tn dat‘ket‘lat‘e
ll merge t ‘lwine'i t. [We tiliihn 'l‘nrtnt‘tnl did new it »tl/i//t/ ( law/tut. llitlh'wutd sell The t‘nens aren‘t likely to feature tzant.r WOWWRNISHED
lteltner «The. Ride \‘wlwnt twink in..- It‘llt i lttdl (Hill/HI] li'tnlit nr kidnatit‘intz \it‘l‘s shuntingenwsnr mnsieal nnmhers h_\' .
lliltt .in .lll\'t‘lillllv ill Amt \lt\\1v~ltttii til new it aha/rune trim/iii. Hie/{1:1 I,i’/lltl(‘,\ the KKK again any time stint}. though the NO strings attached
\iidl'l‘ll wt .i hinted litutxllit‘ ,iitii t‘iiiiiniixk Li liiii mi the teens hrint: the kind tit adds that \(tlllt‘tlllt’ will he kidnapped in One of the scariest movies ever made The Exorcist willbe playing at
.A\ \\ilt ~u ti. innit ~lllll‘l’t‘ .ind ttilll'lx that with the\' their next film are pi‘ettV L’UtHl. 'd . htF 'd (I St d Hh * t k Th ’t
H“, m” mM‘ I ““1th“! [m ”M! tm Grade: 8- mi nrq rt ay an 3 ur aya e en uc y ea re.
214 E. Main ' 231-6997 0 All Shows Before it PM ~ $4.30 l TUTORS NEEDED AT CATS
FREE PARKING moms A snswv ALL onvcm NIIIAMI- 0mg. NonloPollco Dept
ONE OFTHEYEAR’S , . Call Leah at 257-8798
BEST FILMS! ' , ' '
tiawuuit‘ltmcosux TIMES PanTmaellOLHi‘i’liS'ftiNl‘I 'V
. GI. . STIMES . 0M LAs MORNING news
'I ”F. W‘\SHIN(£T0.\' Pt )3 l“
PHI lllll. 120. 330 - PSY 344 SW 400 1

“HypnoticlAshockingly , , A .
riinnyspenbindert" , . »~ KHP445. 322 - AAS MA II3. 162. 2I4

Pctcrt‘mvemnmmcS'mNt: - ‘ j . ti(‘()3‘)l.4l2 A(‘(‘ 2H). _ a (‘8 HS. 231
“Willem Dafoeisirresistible!” » . f' a 1 S()(.‘ 235. 242. 303. 35a HN till) (‘Hii mg

KennethTum,l,USAV(§ELESTlME/S ‘2‘: ‘ ‘ _ i [LNVT l I” M( ;I a“) I . (A( )M '0'
JOHN llllllliUVlCH UllllElll UHFDE "‘3 A MUS 3m) - l K

snnoow or th VHiflPIRE ifiiii‘ia...

B B ‘16 Films “Th-i
i ll

WW- FotHJ marl Narration about this movie go to wwwstndowollhova


America's Leader Don't let parking Campus Calendar

in Student Travel
on campus January 22 - January 28, 200i

ma Re you mad .- The (ornpus (plendut IS produted by the Mine at Student Nilvtllek RCquPlNl Student ”lg“. rind llll Dept'. t0" 'illllt'ill inlminntton lm "It! Onllnt ONE WEEK
PRIOR to the MONDAY inloimntion l‘. to npprni rit httpz//www.uliy.edu/(ompus Calendar

We ' re in st a (all 257-8867 lot mote information

Break ' walk away. m 26 MW Sat 27

Ice Kwon Do (lub Pta(li(e Hours, ‘Nowmnn (mite: Moss hpm
HEADQUARTERS ' ROYAL “Opt"rt'ummcvmloh aiaiia
. A _ LEXINGTON [(lURES lne kwonan (luh leltte Honit llnm l710pm Alumni Gym lolt

Men t Basketball Vt Vnndmhtlt 8pm Rupp Arena

APA RTM E NTS Dept ol Entomology (olloqutm, 4pm. Ag Suente (ti Women s Basketball ir Known. Ipm

°"h A 7 SPEUM [VENlS
Lu x u l'y student 'llrtnese New Year (elebintmn 6 l0 309m (linshnn Stud Fellowship

this), 'Gfl JUSt Off Open Gym Volleyball, Uplinlt (ompus Ministries, 8pm (olvary

Campus Baptist (hurth Gym

0 Full furnished
3 Fwagggvaggs 'Newmon (enter Mms 9am ll 300m 5pm and 8 30pm 8"“ 28
l' g“ r 'Noon Bagel Btunth Hillel/lemh Stud Org l? 00pm Manhattan Bagel nn Riihmnnd I'M

. L883 than a ‘PhtStgmo PiMlg [pm 730 Stud (it
minUte walk away ‘3 I? University Worship Senate 8 l7pm Southude (huuh pl (luvs!
° 'nleidual '98808 ‘Bible Study Jesus the One and Only Uplmli (nmpus

l ' _ . Ministries S 7pm (olvovy Baptist (hurrh . Don I fur-get ' ' L
“"1"“ a "We?“ SPORTS W... M were... ......
COImU Tn”?! \—- -. available 0" spr'ng ‘UK Judo (lub 57pm Alumni Gym loll W‘omrfi‘e noun-mu

' semester sauna" «- 7pm, m. r 1 «1 Amparo

1-800-2COUNCIL - ‘uxAitiidotlub, I 3pm UK Alumni Gym toti
. 2 2 6-9068 'lleueotion Night Uplinli (ompus Ministries. Ipm (olvoiy Baptist (huvih Pet

COLmCiltravel CON} 2 1 7 Virginia AVG. Ii Outveoth (ti 'Wildwutenots Roll Session 5pm, tontoster Pool 83






 fimfi‘fif I;

G t read




Super Boredom: The Gi

SPORRUAH r Ffti't’iD

hum rill‘~.‘tll“ l‘ all»
almut the Stunt llmtl’
(it I'trll! \l“, t'l‘t‘l'l‘t/Ht' l.'..lll h
thi' \I‘Hinutl l-thlull
Lt-auuvk «lawn i'ltllllltf Iltl‘dl
that signals thw «min: at thr
ttlL'Kkltt and pad» until i\ti|l
unseen ~unnnwr 5! It‘l\ tr! A‘anv
Hut durx :urmrn t"‘.l!!\ mun


Super bowl XXXV
6 p.m.Smday


Painter Charles
English. oi Atlanta,
touches up the NFL
emblem on the field
Yuesday at
Raymond James
Stadium in tampa.
F la., site of
Sunday's Super
matchup between
the Baltimore
Ravens and the
New York Giants.


ants and Ravens lack the star power needed
to produce the stimulating fascination Super Bowls typically attract

lr'nr thaw tlllltlt‘kV enough
in twirl“ in imtharn or under
thw nlwlixlt‘» ahadnw, iht‘
.inwa r i~ \M l‘nr thaw whn
haw \llMl‘tW! .\ithuut this to
\‘wxr; Yuri: 'llil! ltaltiinnrt‘.
“l'. ”l“ illl\\\'t‘!' \"t’lll\‘ it!
lw an m wruhwltniu: no,

ththwt thv hlanw lies
A uh ll!" \'l‘l K nuinhinsz parltv
tthvrw int- luv. !1"ir"!(‘\\‘ tr'alth
r)|l!\1t!l‘ at “him wt illt‘ list (It
:iul'. Ltrv it warns i\ awn xhrirt
"1'! Mt urth thr' ll‘t‘t‘lllh In'wr-
rlrum H!‘ Rle iri‘WlS‘

'l‘hr- lilt‘l l\, .t\ ill!t‘lL'tlli1L’ ax
'hr rwlvnuitinn talm nt' ltax'wns'
'I\‘.Ill‘l r\rt \lnrlwll and tilants'
Kill irtrtluat k liwrrx‘ (‘rrllllh are.
no inattM' haw [tillt'll thmn
Minn dwwr‘uw iht‘lt‘ plat-v nu
th" Raymund .ltunr'x Stadium
~~ul~linsu virtually nu on" i\
mxinih tr» wr‘ llt‘di] play fruit
lull \lllttl‘lf. wwninu

ltht‘nitl liittl'i‘ ;iili'l1ll(att
than nnrtnal hax hwn thrn’wn
Hamil-x and nth' Irrhli-x'ant‘uw
'I'liw lil‘jl!!! it! i!!!“ Hill (‘tltlku
art» ill!!!" [ll/W than the
lrn\nuth and
l liltll'!’ lilii‘lifillliitl

itlt'xl‘ tn.


",‘AY‘Qt 1--

, gymnast


phenmnenun than tlw nntivld
happenings during the halt‘tirnw
extravaganza's rattwr tilt-titan

Had hauntu (‘ulpwmu-r and
Randy Miles" Minm'wta
Vikings made it til the garnw.
perhaps it would he more mart

lt‘uitht‘r team had twin thh
lwnvfir'iarx' of a miracle play
during thu pristst'asnn. til£i\'!w
that (‘lliit would haw a iwttvr
national fullnwinu lt‘ .lulin
Elwav nt' .lr‘rrx' Rico vwrr- pla'.‘
in: Sunday. mayiw tlw t‘l‘ZIl star
power would he on the field
rather than in the stands Hut.
it'< uhVirius that r‘irr‘umstanr-vs
r-ntispirt‘d to (house a mils-(tut-
"mint! (if the allow" tr) stu'h

Fear not the lwan mun
tvrx from all pill‘iH‘S will \‘llll
laugh all the way to tho hank
and M'r‘ryrinv (lwsidm the
!()_ if
wu bother with such things if

you don't. well. i also llké' the!
new :\(‘I'li\illli!l Hark.

The Super Bowl has newer
lw-n as much a football game «is
a huge hype mEH‘hlnf' rerepta
r‘le But the parts involving,
pigskin and pads haw- new-r
«mined more insignitir-ant than
tht"; do this year,



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7' ' , _ ,yl‘.’







lOKYO - A drunken
quest at a lokyo

trouble holdtnq
hts peace.

lhe rowdy quest. who
torctbty ktssed the
brtde and punched
the groom tn the
face. was ordered
Wednesday to pay

an acquaintance of

the groom was rushed
to a hospital for
treatment after he

"Hts act left a
permanent scar on
the couple who
should otherWIse

the surroundtnq

a new lite." Judqe
Masavosht Adacht

Yomturt newspaper
'he couple's lawyers

satd the quests

motives retnatned

the newspaper



You may now
punch the bride.

body found
in qiftshop

skeleton of a would

lodged in the
chimney of a ottt
shop apparently

In 1985.
Yhe fully clothed
remains of a man

masons renovattnq
the antebellum

histortc district.
Adams Countv Sheriff
lommy Ferrell satd
the man became
trapped while
attempttno to enter
the Rtverboat Gilt
Shop throuoh the

‘t was likely that he
fetl headitrst inside
the chtmney. was

€.d!l for hero.

are underqomq
DNA analysrs

body found by the

matter to rest
CaIth thson s family

had been rerOvered

Mrsstsstppt Rrver
But the new discovery

sent authorities
scrambling to ftnd
the Identttv of the
other body

-Source: AP Wire
-Complled by:
Jenny Robertson


Rowdy quest

weddtnq had a little

$30,500 by a lokyo
court. the quest was

the oroom's lather.

was punched at the
weddtnq last summer.

have been blessed by

people at the start of

said in a story tn the

unclear according to

be burqlar was found

solving the case ot a
man who disappeared

believed to he Wilson
were found Friday by

bUtidan tn the ctty's

chimney. Ferrell said

tntttred and could not

rerrotl satd identtttcatton
wtth the remains led
ammonites to believe
the body was thson,
Both sets of rematns

|rt Who deputtes said a
river was thson and
hts tamnv had put the

had thought has bodv

from the banks of the

shocked 'elattves and

'lt tust floored us." said
thson's mother, Kav
"Hts daughter was 3
at the time She tust
went to pteces when
she heard the news "


Send your
letters to


the Kernel!

the editor to





Editorial Board Julie Nelson, managing editor
Amanda THOMSON. dialogue co-editor John Wampler, senior staff writer
Jenny Robertson, dialogue co-editor Andrew Grossman. asst. news editor
Candice Jackson. parting shots Jennifer Kasten. at-laroe member
Amanda York, editor in chief Alan Slone, at~laroe member



FRIDAY JANUARY 2620911 keuruckv kERNEL


%di+y" has income a War ism» lately.
thanks to our new sutlsem-ir‘ted President
\ and his AiirAMer‘ican boyscoui‘ VQiUeS.

(5m these “morals“ and so- -colled “ms"
in constantly plugs are all but extinct. I
moon. Jesus 1‘3 30 two iisouSunci year‘s
K 030. (lei with fine program already.

Wt “U11. DJ







° i‘i‘t,lll\t' lili‘V \\tllli(i illl\'t‘ ll.\ put ttolttuttrs that allow 117‘ to gtrt the
Emmmental concerns ".r.tt-th t'trrltn" tt\'l‘l’ “htttttntt most out trt'ttttr htmttr Willit‘ tnkittg
' tachts ” it \\t' .‘ll't‘ to \lll‘\l\'l‘ :ts .t lilt‘ iit‘\l wttt'trttl'it
Important for garth ».;t.-. tr t titttst recount/tr thrtt lill‘ l5‘.tt\'tt'trttttttrntztlists :tt'tr ttttwill t
and humans ahke t tt-rlt r_ lrr lrw ll}.lll.’l'.!t‘ti 11> .t t‘tr tttzztoggtvtrt't‘trtlit litt‘lilt‘litth‘l‘UllI‘ i

wow-r. rrrrt :rl~-\.tttrtl ttt >IlIIlt' silll'l itl'illll\ il£l\"' to tltrtrrlttp thtrstr ttrt'h

, ttt litslh \t ttttwt lill‘t‘\ ttrttstrnl‘htt ttolouttrs.
To the Editor: i

mm lttllritr\~'lllt'lll l5itt\'tt'trttnttrtttttltsts are also re l
\\ilr‘ll\iltlt‘[tllt‘i llll'llllltllt‘tilil.” stitrttstllltr tor thtr Uli t't‘isis thr-

l tllll .‘tl‘lllltlf. to «tout tl:tl.ttr- .l\ .t l ttttt-t lltltlllt'l'lillili .‘tpttt‘trt'thtr l'tttttrtl Sittttrs trttttttttttttllx t'tr~tr\tltr-
'l‘trttr. \‘ttrr trtrt-l till ill\ tr\t 5'iil‘lil tho \zlillr‘tll thrmtt‘tlt tittn'trthntt ilt‘ l‘ll‘ll(‘t‘.\. .\lttrtr turttpltr like 'l‘titty
.lll.li'\\:\ rrl lilr‘ t.tllt«rt'ttt.t trrrnr‘: «Miailr‘ltl’lll'.1\lllllitl'llt‘Xl llHllll Mitt-pptrl titrtrtl to wire thtrir trtt
tttsts llt lr-llt llt‘\l‘lt l‘t\tr lllltltrllnl'r‘l lx‘ tttntttl tr: «rtrlt \\tll ntztttatztr tlttr (ltrrstrttttrttts oi l‘t‘lli lttttttzttt rights
{l5rl'llsli1l' mmt llt‘t‘ltil‘littll' mutt . It in . t'- stilllrt ~t'.llltllt:iii\' illlli l‘:ltltill1li llltillsll‘liii growth.

t-r lllllit‘l ttttl it v ;tt rrlll «ll tttttrt'trst tttrt ttr

l-ttst t'ttltr. ti rtt\tttrtttt:~rrtt ii lrt-iitlll rtlll illlilli' ttttt Ill li\l‘i'li\t‘ Joy Carr

lstx .trt «m-tttmil‘. .ttttt illllll.‘tll trttt titul, .rllti ttr til‘U‘illl) titr\\ ll‘t'il ilNANtl ANDttIGNOMIFSSENlOR


N'H‘H ‘. . M‘t"' 1

Violence caused by 5
human nature, not

\llt‘\\ ttrhrttstrrtt \\\t"‘ll\ ttttrttth lrtr t‘rrt't-trs trt (it‘t‘Jtl lit'ttnttt. it l.\ tlttt‘tt'ttlt to
4m» Ill irrss th.ttr. trttr- \\t‘l‘i\ .ttttl ll l~ \llt‘t‘ llll.lLletl' tltttt titt-tt' \‘tttt'tls :ttttl tutmphltrts
ttt tit-lt’xrrt :trr\\ t“,il\lltil' \ .tt' ll lltlli illlt‘kl‘li now so lit‘i\llil\i\l‘.

sht us ltl-.< '\ \ I‘ ll lihn ' l'.\ tt‘tl \\ ttt _\ilt‘l' :tll. thtr\ \x‘trt‘tr :tslttttzr liltM' [it‘ll
llllltl Iil‘lllt.l~ \llt‘il :tr lltt \\tr-\t \l‘tttg” ttltrttrtrttt litt‘ll‘il\t‘\tilllill‘illlt‘
.lllli .t host trl tt.tt‘trttl .zt'trtttis ltrlrm tit: till” iirtltm‘ this \\ ill l‘ttlllt‘ us :i \lll'lli‘lM‘ to

_ , V. .. .
it,“ ”tn 1“.” \ Mimi“. ,ttttmtt rah.) \gm \ltrl ltlltwtt lll I/tt' l’rl E'mall

'l‘htrstr txttrzttts r'l.l|l‘.l that t,.t,.\ tstntt t'i'lrr/ but not every (‘tlltllllSl htttl lilt‘lt'l'illi





\tttltrttt-tr lll.li\r'\ . htltlt'trtt .li;‘.'l'r‘~-sl\-' lil‘t‘ll i\liir“li to limit .lt \ttlthtrtx Send us your letters
‘t'trll. l hm: .,. tiliir'l’ 'I'htrst- [it‘llllil' litli lllil ilLi t iit‘l ttist and comments by
,\'tr.'tt‘i\ rr\~rt‘\'-rtttr t’ll'i ltr‘ .tzt.'t‘-r\\t\tr, thtr‘. \\rrt'tr urinttlt l'ltlll't‘\\t'(i (‘ttltttttsts e-mail. Hey, we love the

it”. tt'rllt-ss ultt thirt‘ :htrx \tsttr h trrlt- tmnl lsr~~~ l.’l\ thsttt thrrtt lit'tttsh l‘tlillllt‘t‘ NM and we know you

\lxi'rll l \\t‘tl rtltll'l‘fit lilt‘ lttiirr\‘.lll‘_‘ Mills and it l\ liliiit'llil to tttsttl'\ :t ltltttttlr. do too. So send your

ttrr;:.‘. tlttrttgh l‘t’\~tillllttlt iii‘l .‘lll\t‘ trt .l \llllliit‘ htt'k thoughts to
it ".t-‘r tattttrtatt -t\il.' (in: .t '.1l‘t'.ll .-t l‘t‘ltt‘t t'.lll llittl‘t dialoguett‘i‘kykernelcom

tilt at» twt tr-lt-xtsttrtt \il'l\\\ t'I'i\ :tll \ltl \ it it til: lltilt‘t' trl iill'\t‘ trtiltrtttsts

lo lltt‘ Err lllliilr‘l' "‘lllll \ l'trttrshl lrtrt. i‘tl\ lht \\.‘lllll'li to. Hill htr ' 0
[tn \tttt titttth tt lr~ ll'iill ilit ttt.lt ttlt. ll tgtttstr lilt'\ \;l\\ lllli tn;ttt\ hangings. :tttrl snall mall

:nt- tlil'l‘r“l‘ trrttzrrst :ttttttttt.1 th.tttt.t t‘t‘l‘ltllllh ttrrt iit'ttlll\l' thtr\ \ttrutrtl itlll

wt'ws t l':‘ \rr rwllhl rs ' i..!\\ .\ (it‘ll-uh” nt.ttt\ t‘l)i‘~ll'i"\ ml iitllllll‘ltil’I i.lit' ()n
.\s- tl'r t‘. :‘.iltt his svrrvtr. ttttntrrt'ttr. trl' 'l‘hv- Stt‘trt-t " I

thrr \«r r lt‘ s rttr-rt t‘\.r'!'f. \lltLYit‘ t‘tll\tttil‘.i l’nt'trttt ill t :tttttttt5. th: ll ttr it‘ \tsttrtt :

tttt \l that tit~ slim”. ltlllr‘\i that» titr is tlttr tutti-t tttt tht ll iilliiitl‘ rtt .~ \it‘lit‘ ttt —

trlt l\.t’ rt‘tatqtt i\llilll’.1, t‘tttrrrrt'hithmmrtttzz tit-ttotts. ltttt iiil‘\ .tt‘t llril hulking til
i :‘rhtihv lii:tt t .tltrl lr \«-.'tt’triti litt‘int’ls

lillititl‘ll in not rr;t;rrtir. lil‘." (‘lllll thtr lr‘tt'.~.t. ('illitil'l‘ll that unit-h rtttltrttt

Send your letters via
the postal service for
only $.34 — it's that

‘ttllt‘I. ltl‘ ‘v‘Jtrthtt-stu; rttarltts ttt tuttt-h shuns :ll‘l‘ ll\ll.‘lii\ tnrrt‘tr :tugrtrssmr
lltth \Vnii’s littttttt ll‘t'tllt'. \lttr‘n. lrttt .lltft\\.l\

'htrt .mtwh stitttt-tlt' ‘l.rl 'tttrt'rr \ltrit‘lll 'l'hl-~ is Mr. tltt-\ \\.ll('il tlttrstr >illl\\>.
t.tt’tr>r~tt~' .\i\li. trrltrr. lxltrll I'Jllllllll iil‘l‘tllllt‘ .1 cheap. Send your
l tl‘lttttl‘ts it.t\.t- l~r <‘l1 rrlt liil‘ ttrt't-ttmu lil'i‘i’l]\t‘ [rtt~ \ Itllt‘itt‘lr thouqhts t9.
"llliwl t~t'tt'.t lslll trrt . tt'x liturgtttrr tl t‘zttrtsts, llllll‘til‘l‘t‘l‘\ (”Ni 0.35 Grehan Bu'lqu
\Vrtttt mitt" K :» rrll'l t'n ti lttrt'uttstr lx‘ltllt.t‘t )t‘t'\ \tw trt t‘tr' "t'ttrrl (it littrit‘ UniverSIty 0f Kentucky
. ' ‘ ' ’1. I H "‘1 lextnqton KY
lllt' tl l‘~l lili.’. \. :t.r .-: ‘=;t '. rtt‘: ‘ i,lttill<“\ tt‘ttttm tit-«utttw- 'lilt'\ \\.ttt‘lttrrl "iltr .\l:itt 40506-0642
i‘lilti \ ,t:“' ' ‘r 'r ' r 5: tit‘il‘t ilrili lilti lilt' \i.tr\ir l \ Hi lill' ivlliVl‘l‘M‘u
ll‘tli it ,:.t% ‘ " rtt-ml hx tittt i\t‘itlitil'r'll
ttt.ttt\ l‘il.llllr““.~ l h:t\tr Ili\‘.(l\\ ilt‘ilt‘\f‘li titrtt Iii‘tiliit‘
lit tritil .. i l ‘ "rrtr r-t y. tttt-tt h.t\rr thtr ,lillill\ ill lil\llllilll|.\il lttrtutrtrtt Info
ttrrtt 'Ntrttti. i' t: t-. ::.:. litr‘ Sttttpmttsf t'tuht :ttttl \ttttttu \\'htrtt utr \\.'il(‘il ttrltr\t
inns til :7 :2 .. .. :zt ‘m’tr l' \.’llll't'\ trl' sttrtt, .ttttl llltt\ tt-s lot that tttntltrt. \\tr Letterstothe editor
rrttlr'tt.;rr l'lf. \ttrrtt.t'.1.ttr \l]\lil‘li(il'i‘;liii', shouldbe
ll it » l‘r. .:tr ltttltr \ trrltrttt l’trt‘ lll\l.lllt"‘ (lilt‘l‘ utrtrtttg ll'lttrr applOleate'Y 200
t: 's ~. '1 .- .. . .:; ixr rttzx 'lt' .\l.ttttltr iirttlli‘N