xt7x0k26f01z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26f01z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1985 1985 1985-02-11 2020 true xt7x0k26f01z section xt7x0k26f01z Wm
Applicants wanted
' at ' ' for SAB ositions
‘ , , .
5..., i and student awards . .
E’- 5' - ”‘1‘“ By KAKIE URCH male Senior awards for seniors are ‘ , -
- J5, ,_ , ; Staff Writer available inZOAStudent Center. ' . 5 -.
. . . , According to Mustian, the awards . _ , ‘
- . . The Student Activities Board are designed to recongnize the - . ‘ , ‘
,2; . no . wants you toapply yourself. achievements of freshman, sopho _ ,, ~
a - «5 . . 3: ~ / Vice President Scott Mustian an- more, junior and senior students _‘ - _. 4
m . _ \ ’ nounced the availability of applica- who have “shown outstanding lead- ’ .. - 5
_ . ':_ . . 'I % Cg: , tions for both SAB Member Selec- ership and made a significant c0n~ . j
q ' .. \. i _ 1 ~ “ _ w ., . tions and the the SAB-spomored tributiontotheUniversity." 5 . . '
5' '. ‘ . . - -« ’ ' . ” . , Outstanding' Student/Otis A. Sin- Mustian said that GPA “plays a -
. * ‘ -. . Q2 , p gletary Outstanding Male and Fe- role" in the decision of the awards .
5 M, w; ' "" f? . 2 male Senior awards. committee, but that there are no set ._ . ’
. m , .44. .. . ,» H i ‘ ' All pmitions on the Student Activ- academic criteria . -
if”? ’ 1 ’ ' ' ‘ ities Board are open except one con- An applicant may be nominated _ 1
. . f? w jg" cert co-chair position and the Home- by an organization. but students ' I ' .
. ye... ” coming chairperson, may nominate themselves by filling ’, '
.. 5 SAB positiom include: president, out an application Applications.- lre ' . '_ _
. 3";- vice president, secretary/treasurer, due March 8. . ‘ I
five members-at-large, and chair- 1n the past. winners were chosen .. .
555 ‘ . persons for public relations, special purely on the basis of the completed ‘
or» activities. contemporary affairs, applications. This year. however, . » ~ >
f .. 5 . _ _ Little Kentucky Derby, Spotlight two to four finalists in each category 5 '
:2:- ‘j' Jazz and Visual Arts. A co—chairper- will meet with the selection commit- ' *
a w 5 _ V, 5 son for the concert committee is teein short interviews. .
5: ' . " also being sought. The selections committee for this |
j. .. ' ' S . w. Applicatiom are available in 203 year‘s Outstanding Student/Single» ' ,
..‘ .. ', . . _ 51* " . Student Center, and are due March tary Awards consists of David Brad '
iv W -‘ ~ '5, 1. ford, the honorary .hairman and - -
- :1" . , . .. , Applicatiom will be reviewed by a winner of the 1983 Otis A Singletary _
. I " selectiors committee of four non-re- Award; Daniel Pulks. a winner of ,
‘ ' . 3-5 it?" ”’53? turning SAB members. and three one of last year‘s Great Teacher '
. 5 .‘t " . people not affiliated with SAB. Ap— Awards; Mustian. representing the
. . .I 5 ‘ plicant interviews with the Selec- SAB; Dean of Students Joseph .
r‘ ‘ tions Committee Will be held March Burch, representing his office; Vice 5 '
w . it 3" at; ... v. 2. 5,6and7. Chancellor for Student Affairs Rob-
' "a. " p.5- ‘ . ‘ ‘ . _ L To be eligible, applicants must be ert Zumwinkle representing his of-
“ 4‘ ‘ fl .. ‘ ‘f‘ ' full-time UK students, with a cum- fice and Lini Kadaba, representing ‘ . '
' ‘" ”"‘ ’ “ rm sHAnp/ Kemsufl mulative grade point average of 2.0 Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership
or better. Honorary .
Eye contact . . According to Mustian, “Experi~ . . '
Kenny Walker SIIS on the flow after he was accidently night's game. Walker recovered from the injury moments ence on an SAB committee is help .The 60mmltiee “'1“ meet to re' ' -
struck in the eye by Ole Miss guard Andre Laird in Saturday later and returned to play. ful,butnotnecessary." Vle“inatgph‘camms'ttlri‘efwg‘le'k 0f 1‘tliaFCh
________________———————-————-—————————————— SAB members have to attend the 2‘: thi rvtewts w‘ ,llmathlSts geosen ‘
. weekly meetings and are respomi- a eds mee ing V” en ar‘ '
WK t 0 h 0 t ‘ ’ ble for the direction and program- rang '
S pln par y or ming 0f their respective committee The awards themselves will be
oractivity. be has thl presented at the UK Awards Bans '
' - . . - . Board mem rs c en in 's se~ uet, to be held at the H att-Re en- ._
Radio station offers fun and prizes for people who Will part With their blood lection will take omce May 1 and 2y.Apr‘i125. y g ‘ »
serve in their ition until Ma 1, -
By NANCY S. MAHURIN Blood Center’s public relations coor- donors about their reasons for giv— There will also be a grand prize of 195. pos y President Otis A Singletary “.111
Staff writer dinator, said the Pint Party is an at- ins b100d. Wilson Shld- $500 worth 0‘ stereo equipment. The Mustian encouraged “everyone to present the awards for outstanding
tempt to make giving blood more When they register. every donor name 0‘ the winner Will be drawn on investigate this, and feel free to ask male and female senior This year
Giving blood can turn out to be a excitingand“a lot more fun." will'get a 98 Rock carepackage con- Tuesday night after the last donor us any questiom," He said, “Serv- for the first time, the award is ac: ' '
party. There will be a party-like atmo— taining promotional items. Also. registers. Donors from either day of ins on the Student Activities Board companied by 51mg cash.

_ 5 . sphere with balloom and music, Wil- upon registration. donors are eligi- theblood drive are eligible. is one of the best learning experi. ' .
Radioman“! 98 WKQQ—FM will son said. Entertainment wiu be pro- ble for prizes which will be awarded Campus organizations and resi- ems people can have for hands-on SAB President Louis Straub will . .
be mulls the first 93 R0“ Pint vided by the 98 Rock Air Force (a periodically throughout the blood denco hall floors will be competing planning and direction of activities. present the Outstanding Student . .

Party 0!} Feb. 11 and 12- The b100d mobile radio station) and the Q drive, Wilson said. Some of the for a special prize also, Wilson said. , , .Tlieopportunities are endless.“ Award to the freshman. sophomore ' .
drive.“ll be held from noon to 10 Bird.theWKQQmascot. prizes available will be movie Whoever gets the most donors to Applications for the SAB-spon- and junior winners. “This is the sec- '
pm. m the West Concourse of Me- Disc jockeys from WKQQ will he passes. concert tickets, records, show up Will receive a pizza party sored Outstanding Student Awards and year I've worked on this." Mus- ‘ . ,
monal Coliseum. there to broadcast directly from the tapes and coupons from many Lex- from Domino's Pizza. There will be for underclassmen, and Otis A. Sin» tian said. “We‘re real proud to be . . '
Suzanne Wilson, Central Kentucky cole and will be interviewing ington restaurants. 5"“00.Pa8€5 gletary Outstanding Male and Fe- abletopresentthis.“ '
Local businesses fund ! T‘Ilr' ’ ”_ i ' Clinic gives . r
i [/1 ‘, . V
UK (1' 't ' ,.,., .
' .s I '
a s in ci y paper | _ Viv , PH , specral care ..
I ' . '
.. . .. . i -‘ \ ~-»\_/i‘ - '
Advertismg campaign famtlzartzes . .(sv to patients '.
Lexin ton comm ' ' ' ‘ t , / \ 3" . ' ‘
g unity Wlth Umvers1ty w" /// (3c . By KIMBERLY SlSK -
. . /.§t, ,,\\\V ‘ \ t, 1, , Reporter ' l ‘
By WENDY SUSAN SMITH run advertising campaigns, the s ‘ ,,/ gar" is“ . . 5 . . i '
Staffwriter umqueaspect about this project 18 \\ _ " , Disabled people need dental care; ‘ -
.. that this UniverSity does not have to ’ \ \\_ \ 3 l and student dentists need experi- I ‘ '
shadows“ “m i. mm pm... . , ~\ -' ' ’ / i ’ ’ ' '
s_ . niveisi s run- according to Bernie Vonderheide, di- I ‘ k \ ' ' ' ' ' ‘
mos advertisements in the Lexins- rectorotintmnation services. ’ " ” ‘k ’V ' - \ / 1‘ mm Sti'ietch‘alegiigfndesi‘gf 31:83:: . '.
tarragon-Leader. _ ' Every Monday for the past 21 \ X i i 2' , : of those needs. Designed to teach .
. As far as i know this is the first weeks, UK has run a series of ads i x ‘\ , q; . I. UK dental students how to manage
hm an ad campaign SUCh _88 this on the opinion-editorial page at the ‘ ‘: \ _ do :3 , L__.___———’l handicapped patients. the program.
one his been'done In any umverslty Herald-Leader illustrating the diver- -———— ., '. . which operates a twochair clinic '
in an Us” “Id Rama“! Hm- any a Icufifi“ that exists m cam- liTlM HAYS Kernzltrraphics also pmida dentistry care for the.
Dodo Vice "wow tor Umvemty pus. toward showlns what this institution ber firms to see if they would sup- ads — which are spomored by a dif- disabled who otherwise might not .
Relations. “The W of these ark is to is all .about and limprovmg porttheproject. ferent business each week — at half receive medical attention. I
We smelled the Lexlnston Show that UK is on the cutting edge relationships .Wlth the busmess com- There were no problems in getting price. Patients may have physical, men-
Herald-bender month. ago and pro- of new. development and technolo mummmulfl the businesses to spomor the ads. “This had been one of the most de- la], emotional or medical problem. ' '
posed the mesa! running these mes- gy," said Charles Chowim, a journa- Vonderhetde said that Louis Voriderlieide said. because the Her- lightful things about the project — according to Dr. Michael Martin. ' ‘
“80' “th"! Unlvemty pro- lismprofeaaor. Owens, Vice president Md general aid-Leader had enough businesses to the support of the business commu- head of the program. The disorders
mm. students. foamy nod alumni These .d., whichqn an institutio manager of the Herald-Leader took start with and more came in. nity,“Vonderheide said. range from mild retardation to pro-
at a nduood rate. Which they mil type of advmmns — advertis- the idea to the Lexinatm Chamber The ads are composed in the Uni- WKYT-TV is doing a similar se- found retardation, low mobility, and .
agreed todo, .Hornback said: inginwhicha company (in this case of Commerce Board Of Directors. versity Information Services divi- ries by running prime time tele- seizure disorders.
Alarm pnvate universntles have UK) talks about Itself — are scared and toeemer they contacted mem- sion and the Herald-Leader runs the vision ads 14 times duringtheweek. Although the service caters to the
severely disabled. Martin siad he
tries to keep a balanced mix. Con-
. Pro ram re ares adult for AC'I' WWW...
S relax severe mentally retarded pa-
‘5')»: ixvx’.~»*‘§¢)wh~3o ‘Ak(\';*-‘:’ ‘1:- '- fig By LISA BROWN ”—— “t! f w W co awn] SW8 m in an clinic
,; t ”4. 1‘" so" if“; ‘I fix 5 , men 'Ve OI' . m' - hldlll .
3.3% W After several years Without taking a test, Wu” 5““ ”at: gp‘mu" ‘° at; Effm with?“ a,“ the“!
wow may-“ millet?)e ”for orig. 31‘.er (legged it: some adults who want to take the ACT are peninotheruees. pm :flgfimafimfiwfi" §°‘
.. . £wa 3‘. .‘ ‘ :5.i_55§*_,«.,§ ”.55- 0 en 5 (I - u . " . se 6 In-
“'3 35:5. -.._ M 5m mmewmmemw . . . very anxious and their skills have got- “,1 ”rimm """‘"’°‘"J:° m elude. .n open panel discussion in
side “lt'I been 13 years since I've ten rusty. ” waishop."sheuid. ""“ch "he.“ “d m "‘9" P?"
.. «ksawsévmtwdmw‘ QM j taken a test." said Calvert, current- Sun Byers, director of Acedem- ”'3’ ”new. ”9' A general mm“
son. ,5 ly the mansger of . jewelry .tore tn Brenda Depp, to Support Service. for Adult Serv- “W“ WV“ ”99‘ “W "m“
a.“ 1% it, mm ”.mmm . Winthechmc,underMnr-
_w'§{wgflw . _. , ptnue I ices, said some adults return to , .
~i - .5 s :- degreetnsocialwork. ”08’1"" nstructor .chool... reeultofdivorceorjobs ““W‘m'
”Sillng‘gé‘if» But Calvert m advantage of g — that dendaid w you have a de- wm‘ m teachu 3W“
camtlmhelperefreshthemem- test in W perspective." said dentstoekamockACl‘toeeewl-t greeOthsnwanttogolntoadlffer- Mbmm'ep‘mummrf
criesdshad-itsprepnrlngtotske www.mmm. theirscoreraultswwldbelfthey .nt field. Such i. the c... with m‘mmm‘mm:
the ACT - Preparing for Standard- tor. Depp said most of the 12 stu- dlth'ttakethecotn'se. Junction. 10. Martin “‘d‘ M” a” patients '"
_‘ .............. .. hummer-M. dentsell'olledru'etnageftuna Calvertuldhetlnlghtl'dareeulte m,.w.it.r attheHyatt-Re- “W“"mu‘finm
\owgyjymigi.ié§ The mat. SM by the to 56 and haven’t attained school in were'pretty had." my “and, said he want: to enter decor, solicit! aho learn to ‘lnter-
‘ s... o it ”fif- “ Coil-dim and W Center and many years. They need special at— W the 10-week cane UK as a full-time studuit and pur- “til“? all other MM d "'9
. p ::§..-o.§w NW" ‘ w amped Menus for Mt tendon to help pep-re than for the they do horns-work and study How to one an elect-teal M de m'
«:5 53%;) some, main: areas of the Acrmmmtnm,“ PreparejbrwACT.0ntheeeoond ”.mnidthemmhm Dr Bruce Jordan “I.“
.2» r ,3 - s ‘ Acr: wan, ninth. .nd the natu- ..id. to bet cl... ....ion, they tale the rdreltlfimyofwtechool. m m “53;, m y'"
Q. -, rallndeoclaledencu. ‘1‘hey'ne vu'y anxiou- and their ACT again to see how their seats 'l‘heACl‘m Jan. and “M from UK last m m
1% _‘. . t 3‘... “1 she teach than: techniques for skills have m n-ty." its said. have Improved. Depp. who she monlhnthym 7to9p.in., mmwmwdy'mafl
. ~: mum-unwound. Attbehntcls.m.lan.31.ttteetu— mummmm utilAu'llu. mmfi,
t e

 2-KmYKm My, My 11, 1“
information on this calendar oi events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
Ottice. WMSMdentCenter, Untversttyoitten-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
. on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga~
nixations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar form must be tilled
. out and returned to the Student Activities Ollice.
Dcsfliinc: Forms will be accepted no later then the Monday proceeding the publication date. '
0 Exhibitions: Table Cloth 8. Schroll Paint- 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminists Women’s ' Concerts: uniVGTSi’Y 0’ Kentucky mac" 0 Workshops: Resume Writing; tree; 103A
ings- Center for Conterporary Art; 124230 PM; pr.“ meeting: “35:30 PM; Call254-2946 Voices Choir; tree; Memorial Hall; 7 PM: Call Mathews Bldg.; 12:30 PM
CalI7-8143 0 Movies: All of Me; $1.75; Worsham 7‘56“ 0 Academics: Last day to file an application
. 0 Exhibitions: Frank Herrmann-Pointings-ii-S Theatre; 7:30 PM . . Movies: Eddie and the Cruisers; ”'75; ‘°'°M°Y degree
' M-F/2-6 Sun/12-5 Sat; Rasdall Gallery: Call 0 Other: UK Basketball Boosters; SC Grand Worsham Theatre; 7130 PM 0 Mavies: Eddie and the Cruisers; $1.75;
255-7850 Ballroom;6:30 pM;ca"233_5024 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. Alabama; Rupp Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM
0 Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Con- 0 Workshops: Business Procedures Arena; TBA ' Movies: ‘Ashes and Embers 3- HOWP'GCO
formists- A Bible study: “2 Rose; 7 PM; Call Workshops-Research Procedures; Rm. 15 Me- 0 Sports: UK Lady Kats vs. Tennessee; Me- iiims;iree: SC Theatre; 7:30PM; Call7-5641
. 253-0329 morial Hall; 10-Noon;Cali7-1851 moriol Coliseum: 7:30PM . Workshops: Alumni Job Club; lree: 103A
, . Movies: All of Me; 51.75.. Worsham e M..fing,; UK Snow Ski Club meeting; ”5 0 Luncheon: Forum by Robert Spiliman on is- Mathews Bldg.; 5:30 PM
Theatre:7:30 PM SC; 7:30PM; Call259-1159 sues Confronting Higher Education; S2; 412 o Other; Dating Foreign Students discussion;
‘ V 0 Movies: Free screening of Vision Quest; 0 Meetings: Cosmopolitan Club meeting-Car- R°‘°‘ N°°"" PM7C9I'254"8_81 412 Rose; 5:30 PM; Call254-1881 ~
. Worsham Theatre; 8PM los Rangel speaks on Colombia; 205 SC; 7 PM: w.°nnOther:.”M|;ss KY V°':gt'g;::gf°:;£?cglii
- 0 Other: Schedule a tree therapy Marriage- Call7-8646 ' 7 £59er m e announc ' ' ' °
. /Family seminar; tree; Funkhouser; Call7-7761 '. Meetin 5' Students for Amer'ca m t'n ’
0 Recitals: Symphonic Winds: W. Harry 11 SC' 9 ' ' 9° ' 9'
Clarke, Conductor; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; 3 ' 3PM
' Call 7-4900
0 Workshops: Interviewing Skills; tree; 103A
_ Mathews Bldg.; 1 PM
' Academics: Last day for submission of ap- 0 Movies: Purple Rain; $1.75; Worsham 0 Exhibitions: Art Museum- Kentucky Quilts; _ ° Exhibitions: Table Cloth 8' Schroll Paint-
plication for admission for the '85 Fall Semes- Theatre; 7:30 PM' 1800-1900; Center tor the Arts; Call 7-3297 "‘9‘? COM" for COMG'PO'OW A"? ‘2'4130 PM;
ter 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Dmitry Feoganov, ' Lectures: Basically Bach Series-Bach 8. the C°"7‘8“_3. _ . ‘
. 0 Concerts: Lex. Philharmonics- Romantic Fa- Piano; tree; Center for the Arts; 3 PM; Call 7- Idea of Mus. Perfection; Center for the Arts; 2 ' 51'1“”li Frank Herrmann-Pamtmgs-;
vorites; $10, $15, 8. 517: Center for the Arts; 8 4900 PM; Call7-4900 ”‘5 M'F/2'6 Sun./12-5 5°": R°5d°” GONNY?
PM; Call233-4226 0 Sports: UK Basketball vs. Mississippi State; 0 Movies: Purple Rain; $1.75; Worsham C°H255'7_85° .
7 0 Mavies: Purple Rain; $1.75; Worsham Starkville; TBA Theatre; 7:30 PM ' Mov1es: Purple R01"? 51-751 Worsham
Theatre; 7:30PM 0 Sports: UK Wheel Kats vs. R.|.C. Rollers; 0 Other: Ticket distribution- Georgia game- Theatre; 7‘39”“ . _ .
0 Sports: UK Lady Kats vs. Florida; Memorial UK Seaton; 7 PM; Call 7-1623 tree to full time students; Memorial Coliseum; ° Other: T'erl d1str1butlon-Tennessee _9°"‘°3
, Coliseum: 7:30 PM ‘4 PM; Call7-1757 free to full tlme students; Memorial Coliseum;
0 Recitals: Organ Recital: Schuyler Robinson; 9'4 PM? Call7-1757 .
Center for the Arts; 3PM; Coll 7.4900 0 cher: Schedule a tree therapy Mamage-
. Sports: UK Cool Cats vs. Cincinnati; 33- /Fam1ly seminar; free; Funkhouser Bldg.; Call
Stu/$4.35, & Sb-Pub.; Lex. Ice Center; 8:30 7'77“ _
PM;Cal|7-2898 0 Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Con-
. Sports: UK Wheel Kats. vs. R.I.C. Rollers; torm1sts- A B'ble study; “2 R059? 7 PM? C9"
UK Seaton; 11 AM; Call 7-i623 253-0329
‘ . Movies Arts 8' Concerts intramural and Athletic Events
t ‘- . . . . , 2/13: Concerts: University at Kentucky Black Voices Choir; tree: Memorial 2/13: UK Basketballvs. Alabama; RuppArena: TBA
2” ‘g 9" °' M" 3‘. ‘75ax9'?h°gjrymr:$:¥hwm. a M Hall; 7 PM; Call 7-5641 2/13: u1< Lady Kats. vs. Tennessee; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 PM
2/}; {11.33335 Wdtszinam Theatre: 7-30 PM { 2/15; Lex. Philharmonics- Romantic Favorites; 310, $15, 8 817; Center for the 2/15: UK Lady Kats. vs. Florida; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 PM
‘ 2/131 Ed' .3»; c} a ers' s1 75- Worsham Theatre 730 PM Am: 8PM:C0"233-4226 2/16: ux Basketball". Mississippi State; Starkville; TBA
7/ 354d" “d m. c ".‘ r :31‘75: Worm,“ "mm: 7:30 PM 2/11; Exhibitions: Table Cloth a Schroli Paintings; Center for Conterporary Art: 2/16: UKWheel Katsvs. R.i.C. Rollers; u1< Seaton: 7PM; Cannon
' ”“3 "°" ”'5' ’.' I .' . . , . 'h' .7.30PM 12-4:30PM;CoII7-3143 2/17: ux Cool Cats vs. Cincinnati: sum/s4. :5. s “-Pub.; Lex. Ice Center:
' . . M‘f ”“713"?F;2;?;°“°g;$;';;,21:57‘7;0°;3cT “m" ' 2/11: Frank Herrmann-Paintings; 11.5 M-F/2-6 Sun./12~5 Sat.; Rasdall Gallery: 3:30 PM; Coin-2390
. ‘ 2/‘5;'“'PI' noln3s1'753w :‘Mm “waif” PM Call2S5-7BSO 2/17: UKWheei Katsvs.R.i.C. Rollers: ux Seaton: 11 AM; Call 7-1623
" ' 2/16.Purpe ain, ' ' o ‘ h : 7:30 PM 2/17: Art Museum- Kentucky Quilts; 13001900; Center lor the Arts; 7-3297
: 2/17: Purple Rain; S1 .75; WorshamT eatre, . 2/11- Recitals' Symphonic Winds: W. Harry Clarke Conductor: Center for the
' , ‘ 2/18: Purple Rain; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM Artsja PM' Call 74” ' '
2/16: FOCulty Recital: Dmitry Feoganav, Piano; tree; Center tor the Arts; 3 PM;
. . ' Call7-49m
3 2/ i7: Organ Recital: Schuyler Robinson; Center for the Arts; 3 PM: Call 749(1)
’ '. , I Meetings and Lectures 3E SPGCiOI Events Loo ing A an
: l _” _ ' . . _ . _ _ 2/]4;Acod.mlcs: Lastdayto tile on application ioraMaydegree
, * V t2e/rlt7orthhe'uArr.t: nmoémlfiwn” 3°C“ 8 "‘0 'd” M M”’- PPHK'K‘": C." mg?" day k" submission d application '0' admission '0' m. '85 Fall Se- 2/19: Ticket distribution; tree to lull time students; Memorial Coliseum; 9-4
V. ‘ 33:," }:;fm412n;.F:rzzo :y' zoiegOHSggl‘mpena lon issues Controntmg Higher Edu-" amigeua lree therapy Marriage/Family seminar; tree; Funk- :720Fio-1'erf7ali1576utierrel, Piano; $10: CFA Concert Hall; BPM; Call74378
-2/11: Meetings: Romans: A Letter to Non-Contormists- A Bible study: 412 -5 ' ‘ . . . 2/20; UK Basketballvs. Florida:Gainesville: TBA
' lose: 7PM; «112530329 M’f U“ M'fi"'°°‘""' “'°;°"19°&m"'fi'£' calm-.5334” sc~ ‘ 2/20: ux Lady Kats vs. Vanderbilt; Memorial Coliseum: mom
, 2/12: BMW. “mini"WO'mn't Pr.” WNW: 5:: 513° ”:2 ““5449“ 231335155313“ "m". “M” “p " "m." w °""°”"‘ ' ' 2/21: A Funny Thing Happened...Way to Forum: “Johns-sou. I. Sr. Cit.;
‘ , 2/12: UK Snow Ski Club meeting; 115 SC; 7:30 PM; Co 259.1 i5 - . . . . ‘ . Owing] "not"; .PM; Call 7.3297
. comm, “gm mum-cm w w on Mom 205 so 22;: '11::21mmgsgz°m.::z:zznz.-.1m“x:“M.
I O ' ' .
2/13: Students for America meetin ; 1135C; 3 PM Coliseum; 1" PM; C°"7"757
' : ' 2/13: Romans: A Letter to Nm-gonmists- A Bible study: 4:2 Rose; 7 PM: :21: "ckglldmficzn‘yggmm Wm""” '° W" "m' "“4””; ”PM“
' "m” seum; . ; .
' ' §7ll:W0fkshops: Interviewing Skills;iree; 103AMathews 3139.; 1 PM Wit 5cm“ 0 1'00 ”W0" M°"'°9'/"°'""Y "mm"? "W “"H‘WW
‘ ' 2/ i2: Business Procedures Workshops-Research Procedures; Rm. 15 Memorial ”dB-5C9'l7‘779'
Hall: to.Noon; Call 7-1851
2/14: Resume Writing; lree; 108A Mathews Bldg.; 12:!) PM
, V 2/14: AlumniJobCIub: tree; 103A Mathews Bldg.; 5:” PM
’ l

 KWYKMWW", 13-3
' ' ' ‘R ttl k ’ - “‘1 M W '
Diverse influences enliven a esna es vitti..w;,_
Ll d Cole and the The .which hails from Glas- “Are You Ready to Be Heartbro- the minical question “Is life more 1:713; _ ~ g."
mg; 0y gow, Sc'mm. combines folk and ken?” is definitely the best song on Oingo than Boingo. or is the reverse - we}, :2.“ w I my“! _
r0s.Records new wave influences in an extreme- the album. and the one which should thecase?" ' f - fig _ / ' ‘
Geffen/WarnerB . . , . , , ,, 4 ”Vs-
o Are they the new Kinks? Are they ly pleasant way. I have the mat radio success, The If Oingos the upbeat and Boingos . ,, , w: I I (/
Television bedded down with Paul “Perfect Skin," the groups Euro- muslc is reminIucent of Style Coun- the depressed, then despite the ob— ,_ gs“;- MIIIII . , 1/ , . ,
Weller and Lou Reed? Are they pean hit and video is nice, but even oil. but pole s siming is almost puIre ViousI title — So—bo — Elfman mere- : I: X , trial—'- I . ,
Dylan revisited with some technolo— more impressive are the titleIItnck. pop, while the lyrics renund the lis- ly gives us the question Without 45's ' w _ . - I {
gybeyondtbeelectricguitar? “Down On Mission Street, Cliar- tamdthenewlmfieetheReed committingtoanamwer. I {Zia . ,3 t v 4 ..
Nah, they‘re Lloyd Cole and the lotte Street" and “Are You Ready otNewSematlom. . I The record features the upbeat. , .MI . _ I . .
Commotiom. and Rattlesnakes may ToBeHeartbroken?" . II Rattlesnake: may seem lilIie sacri- well-arranged horn and saxophone- . A; .. . I It I . .
provetobethebestnewmusic Whocanarguewithlyneslike a legetothosewhobelievein'l‘otal embellishedrotéknwhiEcIlininIgohotirng I '11??? M..- . . 4 . .' I
mgr-11m, girl needs a gun these dayIsI on ac- Originality. but as must—buy for fans Iknaw w . rows in o- , 1 VIII“. 2‘.“ II \ J - , ,
This record is a commotion of in- coimtofalltherattlesnakes? _ anyone who apoljecmtes high quality specuve. dootn-hdeii lyrics are 13 H . I 2;” , , \ , I , , - .
teresting melodies, tightly produced Or the genutI'lection to the religion selective syntliesis.I taposed against this with unus .t . ‘e l fi '3 4 I . . .
sound. wanderingIzuitar, impressive of a demanding loverIIottered on KERNELRATING.9 su’l‘hzssmusic on So-Lo makes ou \\ I I}, g I =7 +\‘ r l- , . I. i .
phrasing and lyrical enlightenment DownOnIIMissionStreet. II Elf t to . and shout but when , A _I V , I ll‘ . ‘ I I . II I . I
m the W8 ”mm “M to: Warmest: mm m" omen . -. - .2; g s( .1 4 - , .
Col. ’ presen y“ r . . . . I- 7,44 I , ,1.
Aiid unlike other groups whose ly- Street?" . . _Danny Elfman ownnues the tradi- nos you realize you want to Jump 3 I,’ " zyg- II» ‘ A‘L '7’ ‘ ,- 2 I .
rics are so good they don't includes Also of interest is a syncopated tion of great lyrics and tWistI-and- andshoutoutthewindow. Z ,I I . ., n7 .1 \c , II . . ‘
lyric sheet. the lyrics on this record tune titled “Forest Fire." and “Pa- shunt music he began as lead singer On “It 0“] Makes Me hum, ,: ¢ 3 a is . ,I.» y ; , ’. _. .
areI intelligible and intelligent, but tience." which was remixed by Rik With OingoBoingnoI.s solo album asks Elfman cheerlully sings “The only \ /, - I, I ,. !I 3': .3‘ .‘ 4 I . I, I . I
notintellectual. OcasekottheCars. y way to go was straight down." And " , ‘ ' “5% 'l ‘ g . . Y a ‘
on “Everybody Needs" hedeadpam , W‘ , " s; J a: J‘ 7 s ' a ‘ _ I ‘ f
6 ' I. h 9 d 1 'th t d t l'f “'l‘rueLoveandvirtuegetputinthe — — W " ,I _-
lme lg t ea S W] S I] en 1 e Em/ylgzafiglwwfflyde/When It DANNY ELFMAN‘S ‘so ,, LO” , . I
' ' ' that ll tudents “Limelight” is a [five and Dime production, and will Like Elfman's work on Oingo Elfman can write about cliche top— make you wonder about love and sil- ‘ 4 ‘. . . - .
call: lifotmgl};Jo e213: abfilwtih’cilgwelate f: ebguet s“Dance run 3‘ 5 and ‘0 tonight in the Workshop Theater, 102 Boing’s last LP, Once or Twice is ics with originality. The lyrics on 50. liness in general ,' I ,
AroundtheUmelight"fits thatdescriptioh: FineArtsBuildingAdmisslmufl’ee- Good For Your Soul, this contradic- Lo are much less political and socio KERNEL RATING: 3 I .
“Limelight" is an original one-act play written by En- tion in musical and lyrical content is logical than his oingo Boingo songs. I . . . , _ , , '. ,
glish' Higgins' directed b somehow acceptable, due to the in- These are Eltman’s “silly love . , . I
graduate student John and . y LYN CARLISLE otboth .. . ill th KAKIFL’RCH . . I _ .
theater graduate student Vic Chaney. It takes place in a herent strength . songs but they re so uns y ey . 4 g I . . . I
clothes and empty Big Mac containers) and includes 9" ‘57"! "INOTICE!!! . . . II 4
fourcharacters. I . t
“3°“ 3““ — “1mm” may“ by meat" ”‘5 59' i Are ou an oat-of-town student with . ' ~
nior James A- 5‘0“ - ‘8‘; New “fife“ “”33" ““00... y IMMEDIATE dental needs? QEADl-LNLNJARS ,FQB ENROLLMENT " . 2
er mainl concerned wi eating. ' roomma m— , . _ I s I
m en’s Jonson - a very human amass we» mm.“ 3“?” 0w°**.:.s::.:*:i::.':3.291'3z::::.2e mamasurosoup , »
”‘twfilmtir‘i‘mnmfihimpm "m“‘fii‘r‘: may" ”1.31-3- 3“"er . HEALTH INSURANCE ' - *
ea ng nner wt y -Satur yon eveningopp s. 4--“ A .., , "Whom , AA,AAW7 A“ ’ I ,
food. “"00“ -Comp|ete dontolsorvices - - I . ,I I .
At Leon's suggestiom Greg takes a Theater 101 corms-mum Wm E. Shares, in, DMD/Family Dentistry (Through Credit Life Insurance Company) _ _ I
course. where he meets commercial star Karen HogeIr, "0"" ”W 3122 “”6302; Suite 3 h h H h d G . .
played by telecommunications Whom"? “my 9 mun" r... 173- ‘ t nt w o wis to enro in t e Stu ent rou ‘
man. Coleman portrays Karen as a very believable “Odo-:0.” ‘ Colltor further information I S Ud'eh | Pl 1’ l 1’ l t' P .
young girl who is tired or being recognized as the “John sac-ho- Hea t nsurance on mus comp e e app ica ion . - .
Hen” mm. Gm'" She is ”armed t° Greg because o0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° . ’ . . . ° . .. and mail along with check for the specified . .
attirsthedoesn’trealizewhosheis. l b ‘lh 1’ k' d dl' f Ian ht
Sarah Burns, Karen's roommateIhlis the magi;- . I . amboun , IIy I998305 mar ing ea me 0 ml lg , v
site. Portrayed by theater junior ie Rodgers, r Fe ruar 4I . t I
lives to be seen with “the right people” and treats . lee our best . Y , .
Karenlilteastar. . . .
Sarah and Deon are exaggerated characters, botIh . . M." to; » -
funny and obnoxious. the onlyha difference mhthat am- . I I
l-lik leon' ' tolike narrogan . I
mess; ”ism are to be commended as their . : CREDI'LLIFE [£593,5ch COMPANY t
final outcome of set design, story and characters I
weaves a short. humorous tale oi the tribulations of . . 245 Central Avenue
«beingsomebodyj' . . St. Patersburg. Florida 33701 .
<€ctiitiiii CINEMA . 1i , .
“ROAM MAIm-SIHVIOIWFIgV l . /Il4' é . m I
Em ..____..._e$=-5°wo~m‘ . / s . m ,
gag“ . f” ' . l4: . . I IV 1 I.
II“ neuuo-‘Io- *I'5-l o- Illumgflfcllelaflofllme‘Eull . ‘II« \ K I . I
Medical Plaza-Suite 16 O 7—7 ~ , ’ 4 I . OR '
2134 Nicholasville Road irasazsssrasrrssmao 3 . -: ,7 I I I
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(cos) mui ; ,
‘ O _ O . . . I I I
_ AVariely of Sizes Available . Bring application and check to the Student Health ', . II I
' mum“ m '°' “YE"! MA"- . ‘ Serwce Insurance Oficg, Room 1698, Medical r t .-
At’ril exam. W auuoiimuiiiiiwtimiimm-im . it”? . ##T-d—h—ild bl d f. l ll , I
9'5”“ 4'0““ I'M r OWIMW f» x Plaza, (be in t e WI cat ue oors, irs oor) . . . I ,
“”4” ”'""’° M“ """""""“ o BASKIN'ROBBINS g3 :1s ’ by 4-30 p.m. February 14 1985. = ; .
mm - c' . ICE 03st swans a . 1
“.1. .112: I a Campus Location 0 EWLLAQILE M49519 "1'5 DEADLINE- . ,. . t
“" #M 0 255-0528 0 r '. _ . .
W. L. Matthews. Jr.. Fellowship I I' ' , II .‘ .
UK Seniors who expect to enroll in one at the Um- \\I V \\ I . I I ,1 .
varsity oi Kentucky's graduate or protassional pro- .\
grams tor loos-so. are eligible to apply tor the W. L, 5 , x. I I I
M Jr F El wshi . ~ ‘ \\ 1 - I , . I .
MOA'Lplisztion tgrris an: a statement at cri-toric tor oli- @ AG ‘ -. YOU re INVIted tO the I, I . .’
gibility are available in the Graduate School. 329 Pat- *0 o [5 4 . I I I .
terson Ottrce lower. '0 Q ’ ‘_\~_\ t I
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Application Deadline: March 15, I985 .‘ . \ . I '_
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One coupon per pizza. '
Expires: 2-14-85 Feb. 11 &12
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mommies" 30; HOT Noon to 10 p.m.
location. _ .
p067 UK’s Memorial Coliseum
. I. '.
/.- l:8%\ a blood drive for the , a
W Central Kentucky Blood Center algr .
‘ Prizes, live broadcasts and appearances by the
Ourman‘ylsss Mo D I TRADITION 98 ROCK "Air Force" and O-Blrd
Wm.“- WMMW»
sums-n- ‘ mswvmmom
” ”3 "I'M/WI m 138-1717
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 mirmvxmm m 11, 1"
er ' 9 o O I! C 0 D b 0 - -
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VI Ew | N ‘. FUN“ 5'.“ // ,/ ‘ .23
‘ . . 'u a
, II" . 0/», . -.
WI... WMIWI -' OFF'C‘E 1. . a 5M? 0 ;. . 9 '
.000! ' n' lc' Money [[0 'e' F I, '
Johnvduhl WW 0! . __ . . ‘4 .
‘ Editor-in-Chlo. Widiiu .: :2 . THE SLOT : . .
ltt-boohC-m man.“ ",- - ;_ MOD 6 a _
Midi”! E6500!“ Edi.“ . : Ga L051- . l ...
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in wMtTTAMCE -; fl. ,
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Committee rejects 2:: ‘ /-—-./=1/ '3? 'E
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r0 osal to ensure - ----- / 1
:4 0 a "l -' '.'."'. ., .' , : ‘
n. c ._ o- _ d . I
meetings stay ‘0pen’ ‘9
In the middle of a long, hard winter, everyone needs a
little sunshine. Unfortunately, UK students won’t be get- . . . .
- g , ting their fair share. Student funded organizations staying behind closed doors.
That’s because our Student Rights and Responsibilities
. ‘ handbook contains no provision for open meetings in stu-
dent organizations — a provision that would be analogous . o o ‘ g o ,
‘ . to the state’s “sunshine law.” D l l h t l d to t h b t
. A recent proposal that would have amended the student an ce In lme 1 ea S e l lme
code to include a sunshine provision was denied by a UK .
committee. "You don’t wanna think of your - qulros’ only the basics: an actor, an immedia‘ ti: and personal interaction
. future. . audience and a space to move with our audience. Tomorrow and
The tproposgl WOltlld haze :deqlilrgd that Stlldetllts hat": You don’t wanna make any plans. ,A James A. amundin. Yesterday no longer exist: only the
‘ access 0 meetings 0 regls er s u en organlza ions a on baby 5 a. Aphcemm. hemmnwremm
. . . are funded through student acthitles fees or University ap- Allyou wanna do is dance." M STOLL I know this particularly weu, be You may have found the movie
. , proprlatlons. That would apply to two groups baSically — came 1am not only 8 mm major version of “A Funny Thing Hap
the Student Government Association and the Student Activ- “All you wanna do isdance” ‘ but one that has been at it for five pened on the Way to the Forum" to
g . ities Board Billy Joel TV f the t tak to m And tonight I go back under be funny, but when the theater de~
', . . or six seconds i as ' ts. partment brings the show to life
“ In deny