xt7x0k26dx91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26dx91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1975 1975 1975-12-02 2020 true xt7x0k26dx91 section xt7x0k26dx91   

\ol. IMXVlIiNo. ‘t-t

luesday. December 2.1975

56 walkout stalls
no-smoking vote

ll) l).\\ Ill lllltl\\\
\ssistanl Managing luditor

In what one senator called a "childish”
\tasters. agriculture
cnator. walked Monday night's
student Government so: meeting to
prevent a \ oie on a no smoking resolution.
\t'hen Masters lett the meeting. be
destroyed a quorum and prevented a vote
on a resolution that would have en~
couraged the l niversity to prohibit
smoking In most campus buildings.

Ilioyt- t'i:ariie

out ol

the resolution stated. “In no event
should the designated smoking areas in
elude classrooms. library stacks or
t arrels. hallways. laboratories. restrooms
or lounge tlfl'its w here there is no choice of
a similar number ot smoketree lounge
aicas in the same building.”

Masiers said he left the meeting because
:t was obvious to him that the resolution
was going to pass. and he wanted time to
research the topic.

"As one person who derives much of his
fltt‘ttntt‘ trom tobacco. tl ieel the
resolution? is kicking that particular in-
dustry in the small ot t he back. andthat‘s a
httle nigh." Masters said bet'ore he left the

\\ out 86 President .I an llarrats‘on got a
senator to move to send the resolution to

tominittee. Masters returned to the
meeting to vote on the motion.
\t that point .lei‘ry' 't'hornton. law

-enator and sponsor ot the resolution. iett
the meeting and prevented the vote.

l! a senator is going to he so childish"
.isto leavethemeeting. 'l lett the meeting
as a matter ot protest to tight tire with
tire.” t'liorntoii said

t'hornton did.
senate \oted to

ln other action the senate voted to ap
prove a resolution condemning the l'..’\'.
tor name-calling. killed a resolution that
have condemned the l'.S. tor
‘aiding Israel” and sent a pro»lranian

return and the
resolution to

how ever.
send the


iesolution the the political att'airs com
nnttee tor consideration.
the resolution condemning the l'N

passed by a mic ot It yes. seven no, and
seven abstentions. the resolution con-
demned the l N. tor calling Zionism racist
because “labeling and name calling serve
no peacetul or constructive purpose."

'l he political at'tairs committee had
tonsideicd a resolution that condemned


it said. Zionism is
not racist. but voted to delete that portion
ot the resolution when it heard testimony
that Zionism was racist

the senate objected to considering a

resolution that would have censured the

.\ act ion because.


an independent student newspaper W:


-—43dl l(igtfl

\hbtlt l.\'l'l'l

lll'.‘ \.'\


t S tor ‘anhng Israel in the suppression
ol the rights ot the Palestinians."

‘."he \ote to kill the resolution which was
ponsoiwl by and Economics
Senator ta-orge. was '2 to -t_ \o
otticial reason was given tor the move.
'he senate voted to



In other lJts-itlcs.‘

appropriate ‘.tt>t.‘ to the campus. chapter ot


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky


I’ll \.'\l\' HARRIS

the \ational A’l'L‘illll/itlttllt tor the ltetorni
ot Marijuana laiw: \hllMla.

.\ iinance it;llttl.iil(‘( ieport urged the
enate to give {\t iltMl, sat: and lend them

sum. but a question about the senate's
ability to lend money was raised by a

t‘ontinueil on page 8

Concert Commit-tee rocks on despite losses, problems

By .ltilil. I). Z.\Kl‘2.\l
kernel Stall “riter

tut even though the concert auditor has not completed the plans. cost. and other tactors ‘success" while l'uckett said
lost a large sum. l’uckett said it tiiial report. said llulbert and the committee weighs these that ”bl‘t'ilklntfl. even I5 ‘0?le
was a partial success becauseot l'uekett tactors with such things as only to presenting good music.
quality ot the music and the the co chairpersons also whether the pertormers plan any 't he students seemed to enjoy the

the .\ov. 21 .\ew Riders—Vassar ”11""
t‘tements concert lost ap—
proximately $tt:.t:txt. according to
student (‘enter Board iSCBi
toncert co chairpersons Ann
llulbert and Hand l’uckett.

tavorable crowd reaction."

About :1
(tin t't‘t
.v iilaiae


.uttt: peoplcattended the
\« curate tigures are not
though. because the

money is not


pointed out that the loss comes
trom the concert
mittee's binds. and regular St'B

other dates in the


drawing power oi the pertormer

lioobies. which more un
portant than us making money.”

past was

.md how well similar acts have the thick ('orea Ramsey
they said drawnatl l\' 'l‘heperlormersare Lewis concert also broke even.
and the tilm then ranked in the committee‘s while Linda Ronstadt showed a

. —8ruce Orwm

t tl\( lilt'l‘
\.\\ lll l.l&l'lll'l‘


( H.\l.\ll'l"l‘l‘ll‘l

no mvm rccmcrr

i'tllltllllllt‘l‘ werctheonly two sell
supporting groups within M'B.

Besides putting up money tor
toncerts. llulbert and l’uckett
-aid the committee also pays tor
tquipment tor concerts.
sends delegates to entertainment
tonterenees and is responsible
tor paying the salary ot a concert
toordinator ~eurrently llelen
Hughes: and her secretary.

In the past. money trom the
concert committee was also used
to help other SUB tunctions that
having tinancial ditr
ticulties. l'uckett said a tcw
years betorc. money was given
to the nnniconcert committee
when they lost money heavily.

'l he pertormers are chosen by
the committee itselt'. llulbert said
at this year‘s tirst meeting a list
was compiled ot’ entertainers
suggested by committee mem
bers about 2:3 people and
names given to the committee
trom other interested students
and taculty members. Hughes
took the hst and contacted the
agencies which represent the
trrtormers to tind out the par-
ticulars. which include tour



order ot prelt't‘enee.

this results in
problems the athletic
association has the tinal say on
when Meiiioi'ial ('oliseum can be
used tor concerts. For example.
.letterson Starship tell through
this semester because a suitable
date tor the l'niversity and the
band could not be reached.
llulbert and l’uckett said.

Another problem with the
t‘otiseum is the size. l’uckett
said. The t2.t:tit: seating capacity
is too large tor many popular
bands to tilt. yet too small tor
major entertainers like Elton
John. lte said, “A ball seating
4.0m; to 3,000 people on this
campus would really improve the
quality ot' concerts.“

'i'iie lioobic Brothers concert.
which was the most successful
conctrt this semester in the way
ol attendance, only broke even
tinancially because the band
demanded special lighting and
other effects that cost the com-
mittee $5,000, according to the

llulbert said she considers any
concert which breaks even a


small protit even though it was
the tirst Homecoming concert in
recent years not to sell out
l‘uekett said he teels one reason
“people on this
little tired ot~

tor this was that

campus are a

country rock."
llulbert and l’uckett also said

they would welcome more
student input. but leel that a
survey would not help them

"Surveys have consistently the

same results; Elton John. Led
Zeppelin. getting the Beatles

back together and these people
are impossible tor us to book.

“Most of the bigger bands
won‘t play here because of the
size ot the Coliseum.“ said
l’udwtt “Those that would play
have such outrageous prices that
we would have to charge between
sit: and$15 a ticket to break even.
Students cannot afford such

No more concerts are planned
tor this semester. but Puckett
said that “ itthings work out. next
semester‘s concerts might blow
some people‘s sminds. However.
he said he was not at liberty to
reveal what those plans are.






Letters and Spectrum articles should be messed to the afraid Page Editor.
Roan HA Journalism Building They should be typed, (bible spa-03d ind sated
Lette's should not exceed 2i) words and Spectrum articles 7!) tons.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor


, (Editor’s note: Because of the number
‘ of letters and commentaries received

by the Kernel, there is no editorial
today. In cases where there are a
number of letters and commentaries
about one or several subiects, more

space is devoted to the reader's views.
Letters and Spectrum articles must be
typed, doublespaced and signed Lets
ters cannot exceed 250 words and

Spectrum articles 750 words.)

Non -smokers gasp
in cigarette stench


A little over two months ago Jack C.
Blanton, UV Vice president for business
affairs. and Dr P S. Sabharwal, aca
demic ombudsman, issued a memoran
(tum which requested that people not
smoke in classrooms and other public
areas on campus As eVIdenc ed by the
continuous pollution of many class
rooms, it is apparent that the
memorandum and associated Kernel
publicity have largely been ignored (or
perhaps the smokers have so much
smote in their eyes that they were
unable to read the memorandum and
At any

rate, the non smoking populace must

related articles in the Kernel)

c ’llltl'llll‘ toput up with burning, tearing
eyes and raspy, dry throats as a result
of ttli‘ stenc l= produced by their inc on
sicleratc- classmates


Since a polite, cciiirteous memoran
clum liasfailed to induce clearing of the
air that people try to breathe, the
n-insm-iker is left With the question of
,chat is the next m: vi» to be undertaken
ti save his eyes nose throat and lungs,
Perhaps nonsmokers should be armed
».'.ith large -anisters of mace so that
ttlt'y can fight smoke With smoke But
since this tactic might tend to disrupt
the learning process in our classrooms,
a less radical approach, such as a
complete ban of smoking in classrooms
and public areas, should be instituted,

Now many of the human ”chimneys"
on campus are sure to howl with protest
when even thinking about such a ban,
After all. Dr Melvin First of Harvard
stated on Nov 18, in a UK Tobacco and
Health Symposium that ”there is no
proof thatexposure leads to respiratory
illnesses.” Such a statement makes one
wonder why the federal government
went to the trouble of requiring
warnings on all cigarette packages.

The Kernel article of Nov. 19 failed to
mention that First stated that his
research proiect was a pilot study and
that the data c0uld not be used as
concrete evidence Even if First‘s pilot
study can be later reinforced with more
data, the fact remains that a non

smoker is certainly not imagining his
red, blurry, tearing eyes and his
scratchy throat after he leaves the
smoke filled classroom,

Since discomfort and physical irrita
tion would probably be a weak argu
merit in favor of a smoking ban, another
study besides First’s study will be
considered The UK Clinical Associate
Program’s November Newsletter con
tains the followmg information from a
lecturi- hy Dr. Harold Lewne of the
Stritch School of Medicine of LOyola

"Then- is only one known substance
that can stop the respiratory cilia,
lining the bronchial tree, from continu
ally cleaning the bronchial tree. One
c igarette stops the cilia instantly and
for fifteen minutes, Non smokers in a
smoky room also get paralyzed cilia.
The continuous beating of these cilia is
a maior mechanism removing carcino
genic substanc es and bacteria from the
lungs The normally completely sterile
bronchial tree is completely covered
smoker. This
makes the smoker a perfect carrier of
all types of respiratory diseases and
wound intec lions.”

With bacteria in the

in addition to the above information
tioni Levine’s lecture, it is interesting
to not:- that the Kerrie] article of Nov,
W, on First‘s tobacco and health
mentioned that ”tobacco
smoke concentration often exceeds the

()( 'llllllc‘ll’

average air quality standards for clean
air " If one adds to these statements
the government‘s warnings on ciqa
rette packages, one can understand
that the nonsinoker has a very justifi

able argument for smoking

banned on campus


Students, faculty, staff and other
members of the University community
in favor of this smoking ban are asked
to express their feelings to members of
the University Senate. The proposed
ban will be voted on by the University
Senate on Dec. 8 at 3 pm. in the law
school auditorium, so please talk to
y0ur senators before Dec 8.

The GASP Group is the group against
smoke pollution.


Edwin Newman guards

the English language


Ever since Noah Webster decided the
American language was distinct
enough to warrant its Own dictionary,
we have tended to take advantage of it
and call bad English "American.” This
blanket excuse has covered every
abuse from ”very unique” to ”viable
alternative" and assorted malapro
pisms and redundancies between.

The French have an academy which
serves the sole purpose of protecting
the language from the vagaries of time
and trend. The British have the Oxford
English Dictionary, which now comes
in two volumes with magnifying glass.
And we Americans have, well, Edwin


There are those who argue that the
Appalachian folk, having been isolated
for many centuries, speak the purest
form of English. The apologists may be
correct, but the combination of 17th
century syntax and the corrupting
influence of English
made iii a local vocabulary that is
Kentucky's alone Te consider a few

southern have


You all This is said in a distinctive
disyllabic manner, unlike the classic
geuthern slur You all has merged into
a cr‘mpr‘und word here,'resu|ting in the
possesswe "your all’s,”

l swan, There is no substantial
evidence to suggest that this is a
coniugated verb we swan, they have
swanned but it is taken to
something like ”i swear."

On account of, This is a perfectly
legitimate construction when followed
by a noun, but Kentuckians tend to say
things like "I cuddeh (translation
couldn’t) go on accountof I had the lock
back. ,

Jacked up. This is authentic Ken
tucky; I have never heard it used
elsewhere except in reference to cars.
The unusual usage of the phrase


occurred one evening when a female
friend of mine was leaving a res
taurant, and some guys in the parking
lot started heckling her. When she
ignored them, one of the men shouted:
"Hey little girl in the yellow coat, ycu
Sure are iackedup tonight.”

Then there are directions and dis
tances. ”Down the road a piece” might
mean two miles in Fayette County or 30
in Letcher. ”Yonder” is usually
between one half and five miles, but
might be more. And if somebody in the
CCuntry tells you the place you’re
looking for is "ten mile up the pike,”
prepare for at least another hour on the
road, Pikes are measured differently
than roads, and while a piece might be
purt near, 10 mile is a fur piece.

“Dreckly” and ”kindly” are cases all
their own. Dreckly, in English spelled
directly, means right away, as in ”I’ll
fetch itdreckly,“ And after many years
of hearing people say others were
”kindly nice," I figured out that they
meant not that the SUblCCtS were kind
and nice, but kind of nice, which comes
Out to mean so so

We also have a tendency to prcnmnce
words and phrases in an all but
unintelligible way, almost a code, such
as- “T’r‘ther day l
thee ayter near the office tahr and saw
’Wunst is not Eneuqh/ It was awright,
iiis’ fairda middlin.“ l defy any yankee

went tc: the

to decipher that statement
prevw‘us southern exposure.
The mass media. it is said, are
helping to destroy regional aberrations
in the language. If that is the case, i
have heard few signs of it. The local
tc-IeVisiei'i and radio stations still have
their own folks on the air, at least fr:
give the hog report. And it is still
pissible to hear a commercial that goes
gr‘rflCttllng like this

Come on down to the hardware store

fahrwood fer the Winter?
and get you a parasl‘l and cut up some
trees. We even get cordless models,"

That's a far cry from Frank Blair for
Columbia Gas

Peggy Caldwell is a graduate student in
the Patterson School specializing in
international relations. Her column
appears weekly in the Kernel.




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Turkish invasion
shows naked


By Nick Pappas
Constantine Pallassis


The Turkish invasion of Cyprus in July,
1974, was in violation of all international
law and treaties. When Turkey invaded
Cyprus the United Nations with resolu
tions 3212 and 365 (1974), and with 12 other
resolutions since has ordered Turkey Out
of Cyprus immediately pr0ving her
invasion to be naked aggression.

What international law has given Turkey
the right to invade a small, helpless and
defenseless republic and burn its t0wns
and villages, plunder its homes and
businesses, close its 200 churches in the
occupied area and turn many of them into
stables, sheep pens, stores and bars; rape
the young girls and women of all ages; sell
stolen Cypriot produce and artifacts of
foreign markets, set up a revolutionary
government to bring in 103,000 Turks to
((‘lUlil/C the island (it'ei making 900,000 of
its own inhabitants refugees in their own


i A Turan must rial-re that i over'inii up
the truth with Turk i'r-ili prepagiinda Will 11' l
iliii’iqe the lac ts Fiii tiii-i'niorii, Cyprus:
not a member of NATO but an unaligned
( ointry Cyprus does not grow herein but
itwas t" the Turkish government that the
US q(ivernment paid ‘5th million to strip
its production so that American Youth

poin ts to




waJld not be poisoned.

Furthermore, the United States sided
with Turkey in the invasion of Cyprus
when clearly visible to all was the support
of the parition of Cyprus by Turkey under
tie Nixon Ford Kissinger foreign policy,
which resulted in its denunciation by
Cmgress and the cutting off of military aid
to Turkey. Congress has restored aid
hoping that Turkey would open the US.
bases it closed and would resume Cyprus
negotiations Turkey has done neither, but
in blackmail seeks $1.5 billion a year rent
from the US, government as one of the
many conditions for opening the base.

Before 1955,0reeks and Turks in Cyprus
were like brothers and sisters. However,
when the Greek maiority of the island was
iliiiieil independence by Great Britain
after 80 years of diplomatic effort, the
Greeks under arihhisliop Makiiries and
General George "Digenis" Grivas started
itli'l)f'tll‘lli and gained the independeni e E‘f
Cyprus as an island republic Ttlt‘ Turkish
(1 veriimenl sided Will! the British Turkey
out terrorists t' Cyprus called the TMT
and supplied tlieiii wrtha multitude of men
and weapons.

Turkey caused the first bloodshed at
(1"lltly(’ll, Cyprus, on Dec. 8, 1958, and at

Omerfita on Oct. 6, 1959, and also
attempted to haul a shipload of secret
arms on the Deniz. In 1959 Turkey also
napalmed the Tylria villages with stolen
NATO planes and weapons in 1964 and was
twice stopped from invading Cyprus by
President Johnson in 1964 and 1967. In 1974
Turkey illegally invaded Cyprus using
NATO planes and weapons. Turkey cannot
account for 3,500 Greek Cypriots in
occupied Cyprus, Turan. Turkey made
2(1),000 Cypriots homeless in their Own land
and holds 40 per cent of Cyprus in the name
of 18 per cent Turkish population.
Turan, the government and people of
Cyprus have abided absolutely by the
Lindon Zurich agreements, which gave
the Turks a far greater proportion of rights
and representatirh in government than.
The Turks, comprising
only 18 per rent of the population, were

their numbers

(then 3.0 per cent of the seats in the House
of Representatives The constitution could
n t be modified unless voted by twi. thirds
of the Greek and Turk members Thus
eight Turkish members of the house Could
defeat a bill vote by 35 Greek members
and seven Turkish. The 15 Turkish
members defeated the main source of the
island’s income, the lncr me Tax Bill,

voted by the 35 Greek members. The
highest iudicial organs the Supreme
Cmstitutional Courtand the High Court of
Justice, had to be presided Over by neutral
presidents. Separate municipalities of
Greeks and Turks were provided.

Thirteen new amendments were needed
and Archbishop Makries presented them
so that the state could function smoother.
Before the Turkish Cypriots could consider
them, the Turkish government intervened
and in December, 1963, the Turkish
government, through its underground
TMT, organized a rebellion against the
state and put into effect its plan tr
partition Cyprus

Cyprus was Greek from the mostanoent
times till today. Let not the Turks under
the big lie, try to remain further !l‘: a
tireign country. They should leave 2""
tt‘iediately and allow the twc: pe pies n
that martyred Greek island t‘ iwe ,n

Nick C. Pappas is an Arts and Sciences
senior. The Rev. Father Constantine S.
Pallassis is pastor of the Greek Orthodox
Church of Lexmgton and Central Ken»

By Mike hale, 'Scott Martin and Karen Redick

On NOV. 24 our campus was visited by
a man who preached on the Office
tower f0untain for slightly less than
three hours. Some passed by, some
stOpped to listen, one individual threw a
small pebble, one stood on the fountain
displaying signs calling the man a
fruitcake, some heckled, some laughed.
Who was this man? Why was he here?
What did he have to say?

Who was this man? His name is
Jimmy Conyers, an exconvict who
turned his life Over to Jesus Christ
while in Eddyville State Penitentiary.
”But as many as received Him (Jesus)
to them He gave the right to become the
children of God (John 1: 12).” Now he is
an evangelist who preaches the good
news of Jesus.

Why was he here? Jesus said to the
disciples, "As the father sent Me, I also
send you (John 20:21).” He also said
”GO into all the world and preach the
gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15)."
Conyers was sent here with a message

What was his message? Conyers’
message was. this. that God sent his son
into the worfo 30 give eternai life to
those who believe in him for salvation.

He spoke of the sacrifice of Jesus‘ blood
for the forgiveness of sins and of the
power of God displayed in his resurrec-
tion. He said that Jesus was not sent to
condemn peOple to hell but to save those

‘At the age of 23' iié"
realized that he was

guilty of sin and cried
out to God”

Conyers spoke often of a literal hell as
the destination of those who do not
repent but continue in their sins. He
said Jesus ”reborned and trans
formed” his life. He frequently spoke of
his past, how he had hated, stolen,
taken drugS, been involved in illicit sex.
led a prison riot and spent the majority
of his iife behind bars At the age of 23‘
he realized that he was gui‘tv cf sin aiiri
cried out to God in higmiser. If d gdu ~
him a wsi‘n {‘f this so‘i Je-'.i-' Christ
"onvers sir

was at this tune that
rendered his life in Cm

preaching Nev. 24, he pointed his finger
at adultery, fornication, homosexu-
ality, drugs, Muslems, Buddhism, Hinr
duism, transcendental meditation,
atheism, alcoholism and religious hypO-
cracy, while accusing those who parti-
cipate in such as being locked in their
own prison of sin. He then proclaimed
that “if the Son shall make you free,
you shall be free indeed (John 8:36).”

The real issue is not the man, Jimmy
Conyers, but the man Jesus Christ,
God‘s only begotten son. So often we
find fault in mannerisms and means of
communication, neglecting the mes-
sage being proclaimed. The message is
Jesus Christ, who died on Calvary for
the sins of all men, and has Offered
salvation to all who call upon his name.
Preaching is indeed foolishness (1 Car
1; 1:) tr: those who are hardened 6335” s.‘
the message that cemes forth .5; . t.‘


5’13; near ,.

C .‘.Cl';‘€ ii:‘-d T'{‘\lr>|‘4‘::

3‘7”“, preaching is the power 3” 13in

32;. “’e s a .mmistri summ. Scott
fi/lartvn :5, an engineering ,ort'e' Karen

Redick :, a nursing sophomore.



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will hold its first election of officers
on DEC. 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in Room 118

of the Classroom Building

All students interested in MARKETING,

4 ‘Ot/il/il ;‘I\
37‘ ‘ K H are urged to attend.







.----.------ «our---



-- '- ' ‘ " mtrwsoeawomi



Women’s groups present
politicians with agenda

the National \tonIen's Agenda, a statement ot goals shared hy
\tomen's groups. \‘ltll he presented to governors. mayors and
t ongressional representatnes aeross the natIon today More than
‘I: \\t)lltt'll‘ organizations representtng 3.1 InIllIon \\()lllt‘ll ha\e
endorsed 11 Issues that must he resolved “to eomplete the IIII
tInIshed uork ot aelneving a tree and demoeratie soeiety” ae»
tordIng to the agenda preamhle

Issues Inelude taIr representation In the politieal proeess. equal
wtneation. quality health eare and adequate housing Kentucky
xtiilttt‘lt s group representatIves. \\ Ill meet tor a press eonterenee at
11 am today Ill room 307. Stati-(‘apitol BIIIldIng. Franktort

State education boards to review
corporal punishment policies

I I: \\l\l itlt'l’. I \l’I 'lhe lyentueky Attorney Generals ottiee
Ins urged eaeh hoard ot edueation III the(‘omtnonwealth to l‘t‘\'l(‘\’t
ll‘ pohey on eorporal punishment In sehools

t hat reeonnnendatIon eame Inthe \\ akeot a l 5 Supreme ('ourt
derision handed dimn (let it; setting rules on the use ot phy sieal
Iitntshment In sehools.

\\i \t‘lt(1‘llilll‘illi’ll)l(‘Ul‘pllrillpllnlhllnlt'nl In the nation and the
late tor so long. .the question about how to handle It keeps eoming
up’ \«st .\tt_\ (ten ltohert (‘henoyytth said.

‘.\o\x \tt‘ have as hroad a pronouncement as ue‘ve ever had." he
aid the pronouneements to date In the state don't go as tar as
‘he supreme ('ourt ruling."

the Supreme (‘onrt alhrmed mthout eomment a deeision hy the
l h ltIstrIet ('ourt III \orth ('arolina Intheease ot Baker vs tmen.
the lame proeedures set In that ruling require that a ehild he given

. tear notIee ’ that eertain ltt‘llilVltH‘ suhjeets him to eorporal
LIIInIshnII nt

Israelis agree to U.N. buffer,
will boycott Mideast debate

I \I'l‘lnl) \.\'I‘ltt.\.\. \.\. t.\l'i Israel agreed Monday to keep
the t nIted Nations huttei toree on the (iolan Heights But the
government angrily Ilenonneed the l.,'\' SeeurIty (‘ouneil tor
'sIIrn-nderto 5y rIan extort um” and deelared It vull take no part In
the I'tllllll'll s Mideast dehate next month heeause the Palestine
l.IheI'atIon HrganI/ation \\lll he Invited.

Common Market leaders meet,
will discuss European unity

llinlla . \l’I (‘omtnon Market leaders opened a two day
ltllllttll ltt"t‘lllll_{ Monday In a major test ot their \\‘lll to overeome
IIatIonalIstIi- .Ind eeonomn' dillerenees and unity 331: million

N-tting .I tone tor the summit, l“reneh l'resident \alery (iIsi-ard
: l‘. taing ttwlared III .I IIreeonterenee speeeh that the liuropean
onnnnntty \\t' are huIldIng has happily made military rivalry
Inong Its tales anaehronistte " lint. hesaid. ‘peaeetul rivalry ” Is

In It Isl. l'l'illtl‘ \lInIster ltarold \\ Ilson's demand to go It alone In
'1'tllltllllt polo-y dI'I\Ing .I \Iedge through the solidarity ot the
. t onoin . «oinnntntty. ttgured to domtnate the opening day talks

Civil Air Patrol still searching
for small plane, Milwaukee man

l,tll’l.\’\ll.l,li I.\l’t .\o traee has yet heen tound ol a small
plane. piloted hy a MIlwaukee man. missing sinee Wednesday
night. aeeording to ('Ivil :\ll‘ l’atrol ol't‘ieials. hut the seareh has
narroyied to the l’Ine Mountains along the Kentuekv'l‘ennessee
honler "We have halt a dozen planes In the air right now." a
»poki.\man said Monday. "'l‘heseareh Is eentering around the state
line hetueen Knoxville. Tenn. and London. Ky" The plane “as
piloted hy lion Loren/oi Milwaukee. ott’ieials said. and had three
passengers ahoard Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins ot ('Ineinnati.
”too. and a man Identitied only as Ken Sehuller.

’t he smgleengine ( ‘herokee l’Iper “as headed trom Milwaukee to
MIamI. aeeording to ('.\l‘ ottieials. and It retueled at London. K} .
t-etore disappearing


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sports Jl


Robey scores 24

McKinney leads Northwestern
past sluggish Wildcats 89-77

Portions of this story were taken
frolll the accoulit of tlle game
broadcast h_\ “HAS radio. and
froln .\l’ dispatches.

Led by hotashooting guard Billy
McKinlley‘s 33; points, Northwest-
ern‘s Wildcals upset the Kell-
lllcky Wildcats 8977 last night in
Evanston. Ill.

McKinney. a (5-0 junior. led a
second—half surge which saw the
scrappy Northwestm'n crew out-
score l'K 23’-8 during the first
nine minutes of the second half,

The burst ballooned North—

western‘s halftime margin to a
65-42 lead with 11:41 remaining.
McKinney was supported by
Hilton Hale. a sophomore f0r~
ward. who scored 11 of his 13
points in the second half. but it
was McKinney‘s seven free
throws late in the game which
iced the victory for the Big Ten
Northwestern took a 7-6 lead
early in the first half on a free
throw by Jim 'l‘easley and never
trailed after that. McKinney's
outside shooting, combined with
the inside play of forward Bob
Wallace. kept the Wildcats at bay
throughout the first period. UK
was plagued by poor shooting and
a lack of aggressive defensive
play throughout the game.

UK seemed to come alive late
in the second half. cutting a
23-point deficit to 11 with a little
under three minutes left. but by
then it was too late.

sophomore Rick Holley with :14
points .Jack (ilyens added 1:”) and
'l‘runlan (‘laytor pill ill H and
showed good poise alld defense
for a freshman

(‘oach Joe Hall came out with a
surprise starting lineup. with
Merion Hasklns at a forward
spot. Hall started Hasklns ill



AP Top 20

the top 31: lcain> in the
.\>.\ll('|ilit'(l l’ress college
lRISkt‘llNlll poll. with first-place

parentheses. >eason
previous to last lllght'\
ganlcs‘ and total points. Points
hosed on llfrli'. lti~l 1713 “#9783;

etc :

.ote> ln


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