xt7x0k26dx5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26dx5p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1971 1971 1971-11-16 2020 true xt7x0k26dx5p section xt7x0k26dx5p Falls ShOl't 0‘ d t. I
1rus ees app ove ml um I. l l u gt I .
By L!NC0LN R; LEWIS: JR. Kt‘lltUCk." (‘OUHCH on 1)”le ”Um” I'Ldllk‘ilIlUYlb l‘)’ all state institutions. llic i'tl'lllal Liiii\ i 'i H c 1 , ' '
ASSistant Managing Editor recommendedtotal. division oi iiind {L‘illtt‘sls lllltt thtte catitzoiics 5 I” ' ” '
LOUISVILLE;~“One of the leanest biennial The total budget. including all sources oi The iii'st catagon is ctiiiiiiiimii,” at”; t M” ' - .‘ : f
budgets in UK history.” according to President income. is $353.5 million. The state contributes cost oier ilie next two \L"ir\ to lll’il'li ill‘ rwwiiii s i "
' I ' i 1 l l ’ I t k V X i l ‘ i . 3 I ' ‘ . k A. k 1 l > b ‘ A '
Otis A. Singletary. was approved by the BOdfd 0f JPPlemdttl} 58 Ptfkkm ”1 [ht total flmdmtl. at their present leycl while allowing to: lilc‘ft'dst's ll. ' :f”
Traffic? 13 3 SPeClal meeting “CFC yesterday. Salaries near average iixcd costs and inilatioii. ~
of $54 lu [agiligfilligsz’tavrglzh LrilillisriLTiro‘nntii/ISWSSC Under the l972-74 biennium budget. UK Will 3H” “N "‘ “Vlng- “111le b Utnmlvfl‘d 5 3 " {1' .
‘ur t. @119 ill” L ” tptp I ‘ilr )1: remain within approximately $50 oi' the l’t-‘l‘k'k‘nt it” .WHL Will ‘t’k‘tlk'lli'k’ 11 “Nd 1“! l’tits‘lil}
L ren ~ m 10“ m 3 a C SUPPOTL W1 5“ benchmark avera’e tor facult . salaries. “4.2 million in additional illlltis out the cttlflllIL' '.
leave UK 232 faculty members short of the E 3 . l , ‘ ‘ - ' ;
(The benchmark average is the average oi other ”“mmm- ,
schools comparable in size to UK. Schools in states Enrollment increases .f :
bordering Kentucky are normally used in figuring The second catagmn coyers :tl'tllt'kik'ki 1'-
O I wants ”It“ benchmark average.) enrollment increases. L'K plans to TL‘LL‘H‘L‘ .lll . '
This new budget request was developed under a increase oi 3.772 students in the coming biennium ‘5”
new iormat developed by the Kentucky (‘ouncil tor the whole L'K system. , ”'
on Public Hi h) Edu" ' ' ' w ‘ - . . 2 ‘ ‘ -
H 1 : 3 . ll . g er cation and Will lc iolloch (.ontinued on Page 6. (.01. 1 . ..
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)—The University of 5
Louisville trustees Monday approved a budget 5 5. '
request that includes five separate proposed ”
tuition reductions. ” ";
The budget, approved and directly submitted to 5 .5
the Kentucky Department on Higher .5
liducation~calls for $21 million in new money ~. _ ‘5
from state appropriations in the next two years. i-
Additional provisions in the request would “phase _'» ' 5. . 5. 5
in" other expenditures at a cost of (37.3 million in : , u ” 5. .‘
new state iunds. . 5 1 5 5. -‘
. Same tuition as UK I i ~’ 1
‘ The tuition—reduction plans include one to , g. _' -‘, .
reduce L'. of L. tuition immediately to levels
. r . , ~ .: .
charged at the University oi Kentucky. and \ ..5
another would phase in a reduction over a .5 .-
i‘ottr—year period. , ‘ 5’ ,
Other protects scheduled to be phased into the ~ f
budret rei ttest in ‘ludc: ' ' ' ' ' ' .5
t l t g . g 5. ‘ an independent newspaper published by students at the unwersrty of kentucky
O A new community college in southwest .
Jefferson County at a cost of 8408.000 i‘or the Tuesday, Nov. lii, 197i LEXINGTON. kErsit (.M mam. \“y [em M .51
(‘ontinued on Page 6, (”01, 3 "‘ ' '—'"_"—"—_‘—_———“‘ ' .
. ,——‘ ~l L
Krogd hl 9 Board okays A &\ ' "
a p . c ,1 V (1111]) - -
,, an t — > . .1
B,‘i~1[KE “IINES - .: ~-, ‘ " l r i it vtin~ » i4 .- " i
. , ‘ ‘ . ‘ ~i\.t .t ... \ .l.\Ki\ii\._ rliii‘tll}. tl.:,:=.\.- .»
; 5 5 Editor-iii-(ltiei ‘i‘w': \tphppu K(,i;lf”;)ilit iltgtt1ti‘\.”ti‘._t5 2». train :, -
’ cam al/ 11/ LOL [SVILU The Board "‘- 1 “1‘1?“ ”lddk‘ to \‘ttvwgei 'T‘sUl. General tics iiz' it): i. \.";§_" ,5 . '»
9 long—anticipated mm es in its iiist oi‘ilcaniptis guanine 3’ “
meeting Monday to rcdeiine the role ()i‘ the la; 4 series at wording changes in tlic titictiyrzct‘t. 5 5
UfmlllUIllt.‘ college 5.‘ “NIL rC‘lrtliilll/C ”10 (it"“L'EJK” the .titiiitiittcc reinoicti iicatlcitiit respwitsél‘iiiiy L H .
S l l 1 us 888 oi Arts and Sciences. and get the l ntvci'sity ‘. to: . omintinity grille-gt Hun-.53. ”Hm l p . 5
proposed sll million iootball stadium oii to .i \qui'iggni ghdlfltic‘n; Hicfguht‘tl the or. o: lo. .ii
. l ‘ ' ‘ , ‘ 1’ ~ .
Bv MIKE WINES "1 ”k st‘art. advisory boards iiitl‘l st‘\.'ti in mm nieiitlict‘s inn .5 -
Tid' . Cl . f 111d ~3~Piiflt report to the trustees. ii t’niici’sziy r“, .1 new \Hw. 5m ..5 .iwm' H W. ,- _
V _ llOf—ln‘ "e . advisory eommittec on community college students ’ i 5 ‘
, LOLilSVlLLP~AstronomyIproiessor WHSIL‘} 5: 0p c rations stii‘iencd requirements ioi 1,, It“. same gidrsnwm ;.-.,»..,;.,ix,'i:-; ‘ , "
gkrogdahl was denied permiSSion by the Board 01 establishment oi a community college and detail-cal am “(tun oi” lile miicgc. \\ .1. Lien-mail i fo' ,
”“5195 3‘0““de 10 Wash 011135 and conduct ii the bonds between the l3-collcgc system and l'lx.“ L.;.i.]gtii;1-l\,\t-ti Vice ”53.1.45; c.” tint ; ,.}--¢55,i;i\; 5 t 5
campaign ior the House oi Representatives at the Lexington campus Vi ,K \ i n Dr of l \\ n. I H H ' ” .
_ ‘ . . g ._ . toiicgcs_s‘ct . ..t:iiicy an.
same “m" _ ; _ , APltroval oi the revised “Policy Statement on WM” ”.1” =' '
‘ lxrogdahl had “91105th a WEHVCF 01 d UmVCNtX Community Colleges." passed unanimously at :i A I; {I ‘ 5 . ' ‘
(.overning Regulation which spec‘iiies leaves oi late-starting $05510” oi the board at Mh‘mw And in a mine to redennc flt‘lvllgldi \iillttirirtix 5 . _ .
absences Without [my may” be given tor the (‘ommumty College. was the highlight oi a giowtli oi the coittiiitiiiity pair-Te cystciig tIiic ~ ' .,
i ' . , x.‘ . ., ,' g . w ~- ., ‘N ;- w ~' 95.» . ;5 w W 91‘ ‘, - .
duration of an election campaign or term oi meeting overshadowed by the lanClilllL' oi the ”PM” “in“ 1m," ”MN“ } hm‘ {wink ‘3“ \m . ' ' ”' '
”H“ 1 ‘x)‘ s . . ”. ‘ -. s \‘ ‘. . ‘ “ ‘ " ' H'ia‘V” I
oificc. The trustees uplitld‘ a denial oi his request largest budget proposal in [k s history tscc Dflflr‘lti th‘ ”1" ”mm“ m “‘ ‘3‘“ ‘ l --“ ‘ . 5‘ g
made by l’reside‘rit-Qtis A. Singletary. related story~ page one.) i‘llitlrt‘ institutions. the report said. snotutl in _ 5 5 . _
The move means that Krogdahl, who has been . . . dcyelottcd on the basis oi local economies. liLt‘ti. " . - ' '
_ ; ; Major revrsion _ , ,. , a ., .. . . ’ -
Placed on the American Party ticket as a candidate 5 Minimum!) dune .intl iotation. among o. it‘t ‘
C t‘ d The policy statement represents a major revision standards 1'
on mue on Page 3. COL 1 ot the oi‘fical role of the coitimtinity college (‘ontinued 0" PM!" ‘3» (‘01- 3 ' i I,
: v " 5:25: ; g g .f' .' . ' ‘
" . 5' 5 - : '- ' 2a . ‘ *9 "- . .2 ”” ' .' ‘ -
are ”'.- .r’ K at! .5 V y“ ~ W .- ” - «
5 - ::'- x» 5°55 ” “t” ” °’ "1...; rs ..
.:j - . - 5:. “gflf” ”t «3“ , .. ' é '- ’ >
it? "3‘ " . 5. . ' .- 5 ' . ' .. 5
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;_ 5 .5 1., ‘ H‘lé-i-C‘.‘ . _ 5'». .. .?‘_ g). ‘ _ s‘ v ri'.. .. g “ s .
” ,5 _. i, Kg. jg“ ‘9; £. y: y“* 3‘15. _” - . 5 " : . ~ «9.; '§\. ‘ m ' 5 . '
‘ ._ ‘Ig. :- .-".£.5v5 . ' \' ; . V, s": M 333-" 5 i - ‘ E“??- ‘vu : 3*" ’ A 5" A" r‘;\‘3 .‘ ' ‘E’fi‘ "A. 5%‘5’5.§I‘£'o I
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' “ :: 1.. ' ’ " a: ‘ W .. if: ' . . - ’ - M . ; » '
-* . . ”" .. ‘6» wr- "=:’ $9.91 . =~ ‘ z." it ' vs” "" ” ' ” ’ ‘ 2'. -~ 1“"? V.isai-§""3"5» -:- ' a .. ”' -
. .5 . .0“ 2x I . .5 . 4*» . . . - -.‘ 923: 16,53 L‘ . _ ‘r ’5: 4 . 5 5 Hy 19% “(9 :"‘»»
" i .5. "49' 5 ' .5 j: .. ' ”it; ”.3“ .3 5 3° ” ~ ”s2, 5 ”‘:5*3\‘-~'5v1"s “is“ ”i i ' '
”: - «fig- .. - - ” ,.: , ff} -’ ~ . =. .» - * e." saw “it;*”\ .
-;r£ , g. a ' 4 ‘ ' w; ””‘ . "t . *‘ttfj’ . xix." \ 5' I
. ‘3 _ i it” “5;“ Sgt-max“. . . a? I”; A” : ‘. .5 . . .
” , -::;_\;55:;.-_ “ff-.1":‘»'bfi-:-: .=..-‘," ‘ - ”‘ .. . -
Nothing arouses the old sporting instincts test their skills against one another. So what if ..
Aces, 0098, back [0 back . . . quicker than the sounds of shuffling cards. it's well after sunset. Whose turn to deal? (Staff ‘ ”
Thae five adventurers took advantage of an photo by Dave Herman.)
empty sidewalk in front of M]. King Library to I '

 - Z—THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Tuesday. NOV. Hi. W71 /____'_______—————————————‘
‘ S ° I ' UK ° °
p s 1 9 1
(us nor Is not It? ansuer m vtsu
. U,
. II 1311 am 21883 01‘ ea ..S 01' peace
V 0 By RACHAEL KAML'F The ambassador admitted the guerrillas have alive. He said the U. S. believes he is alive and the T‘w‘
. Axm‘a‘“ Managmg Edm” occasionally crossed the border. He said they have Indian government has no reason to question that U”
' l” 4” Ullsk‘hi‘duh‘d VB” 1” ”N US Cil‘htius. also attacked Indian rail systems. However. Jha but “because no one has seen him or heard from Th“
‘ . . . - India's .~\mbassador to the [tilted States declared said it would cost India more than a war would to him we can’t be sure ot anything. f Lt
' , . . that his country did not \\ ant to go to war against stop illegal border crossings. Refugee problems Cea
- a, . . , k . , , . . .. Oll
- .' ' ‘ ‘ “1‘15”,” . , , New country The seven to nine million retugees trom hast Won
‘ T ‘- . L' }: Jha :puk}: [0 Affirm”; 2‘1 L 1‘1“;de Pakistan. a relatively new country. was formed Pakistan are causing social. CCOHOHHC and health A}
- .. ' i > i; i '; it t' . . . . . a ‘ . -
- -. 15:”: ay :2 {“1} int? in“ if \: til: nttll‘ at? in 1°47 trom sections ot lndia. hast Pakistan was problems tor India. Jha said there could be serious Rel:
‘ v s . . - a \ y 1 l \ x ‘ _ ‘ - ~ ‘ ‘ ’ , ‘ . ‘ . \ r
. , a b an. ‘ ar 1“ 1‘ ring .. 1' L \L L u once a part ot the old Indian state of Benegal. now consequences it the rttugcts did not go back. prol
, g . problems between the COUDIHCS. he said. s ilit along religious lines India is Hindu and . , _ f ‘
' _ There have been frequent border clashes Pl‘dlei‘lll is \loslem " ‘ Pakistans presrdent. Mohammed Ydhd‘ Khan 2:“
I. 3 , z; - between the two countries over India‘s "support” llk' L .1! ‘1‘” i. \ 1 l‘nk b‘tvvem Fist and W *st said 119 W11! "01 ”CWT" anyone Who left hast 3 t
‘ 4 V ’ i l: ‘ P k" ' I” " B~ 0' hi '«i ‘ . ,1 w ‘ H 5“” M ‘ ny 1 ‘ E ‘, “ Pakistan betore March as a Pakistani national. He dev:
, . , ot ast a 1stan tor ast crigai st 1L lit lTkLLOlil P'k" . 1 _ ‘14) (W) t 'nd Past P‘ kstan ar‘ g .1
. I' ' . ‘ from West Pakistan ‘1 N‘H‘ .15 r“ “‘1‘ n ,‘S ‘1 . ‘ d 1‘ '. L said that it is a problem that should be solved by W“
~ ‘ .' » ‘ ' ’ B ' al' d ‘ d 1000 miles apart With India in the middle.) the United Nations we
. . -' en is eteete : .. . ii . . i . .7 ,. . it . , ‘ , ‘_‘ “ _
‘ . . -' ll .1 ‘ 1 0 300 B ‘ 1 ; hh‘”“1”§ “Gd “Mum ”M arc‘apart. Th") dont Jha said his country does not expect aid from But
. . . . ’ " ‘ “ 0 " ilL‘ 'e‘I't‘ ‘3‘. i. '3 >> " ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' ' l ’ x ' ‘ ' ' '
’ - _ . P ‘ lcl sdlt tile (and f L;]:.cll.5 \\ \\ ‘l l c\cl: speak [.lL Same ldlligtldlgc. PAL-311d: h Illt‘ Ullltcd SIUICS. “C Stud relations between his our
' ' ‘ "“ “ ' “ ‘ “ ’e‘ ‘ ct I‘i‘ic‘l‘. {37‘ :V‘ >‘ 77‘. "‘1 " ’ ' L ‘ ' " u - - '
. - .- r - . d“‘”l‘”:.1”‘“m“ H “I : Ii‘ 1 f 4.3. 1:91“ ‘i';’b“*‘:“d_fg, 5““ ‘1‘ .3 1511““? g“ “m country and the U. S. are experiencing a fresh ma
‘ "i ‘o ‘.r .i‘i . =.i er ."ll’c"¥‘,ii'i‘.. I .: ~ H; i o . . . . ~ ,.. .. . . . . . ..
. g . .. _ . _ st mc1 IicI it”: it t i}t)s kn; 'c ‘ X g diis sticcccdct n Ixiiii ing up a national. unity }Li\:$t.ll upturn lollowmg indian Premier Indira Grandhi s . f
- ' 8‘ .1. l L ‘ 3 it ;. l.‘ .iI‘i '_‘.'lc"..ii .357. . Iii J. i“ “J a ’\ " ‘* " ‘ ‘ L ‘ “ ‘i‘ ”‘ . . ,- . .
. . - “ I \1 Mi :1]! LPr '\ ) Th1 \ i 1 Y N L e I,“ t\\ o :u‘i .L ‘ H‘S d“ cnga ‘5 1k tlt “ .. T‘ talks with President l\ixon earlier this month. out
. ,~. ' o , H * ms. ’s’ .‘iec.=;"s ..Itistiaute‘ne “i‘T‘vt‘s v... x o x _. . . - - . . . . . ... . ~ .
.. ‘ - . ' _ ' n H k K x. L .L H . _ i L I‘”“‘\“““‘ ““‘ ”Nun: tntm ‘1‘ J ‘0 0113‘ 1‘ Jlia said the prime minister is ViSiting the major ins
' . ' core at the Bengali guerrillas. Jim \lilkt. \~01~.1u~.ggr_ut_ .- . .- .. . _ ow
. , ~ ll .11“ V x . > . , fl“ 7 It I 1 l 1 ,~ 1. l powers seeking help in using their influence. _
. . .i‘ s.i it .i.i '\ li.‘ le vars. casein: as \a‘ “nu 's 'r it e 9 Kurt .c‘ _' z ‘ ~
' ‘ , ' . ..i‘. .d .H i. k l . .. ., . . .t . . T .t 1 ~ “1‘! k E“) “.J ‘H H.‘ rcr» L k m: H” pressure. or whatever to bring about settlement oi p0
.- . ’ , .c. .ilnc ' 13‘} JTC -1‘:-'1‘~--1‘-‘: - 3 ~~ sh Tis‘v‘T‘V ct'uj‘tcc. "\yz‘iep tor the tirst time there “as a , , .. hu
- pom. ,. a. - H R ‘. .. . . . I ‘ . l" B ... the tension.
. , , - Jf‘x‘ c..lli‘.. .L‘YTS.;,. ‘1 c'ii. ..‘ i.‘ ..c’.‘.\.\ v= "v\.»""t."“‘r ‘i' ‘v H . - - .
.. .. » . ; l L ‘ 1 P1, » _ ~‘_ *‘\ {I 3“?” " ”‘ ;_I “lit } t “We want Pakistan to remain a strong. staole
' . ‘ ' . l‘tiici 'ilcillci :\ crcl\l.:l‘. \‘.ii'.‘<‘\'.\. “1‘ ;~ 571"-’ i (\l ' .' '7’} (3‘ ‘ L! . . .
. - ; . . L . 1 Visit... Ikaiimsn‘ 7‘1 a. {lulfiiull \\ t. [,1 1 country It is not good tor India to have troubled
. . ~ t , “'.’1i‘-"- gr '11s ":ir \ i‘i‘hlzte. confirm: i. ~- .
" ~ , " it [irk H ab " i r“ 1' j H L holders. .ilia said,
'~ . . ~"'~ *“‘1“J“‘ “n“‘nmh The ambassador could not say whether he felt
_ I. " . . - W 1 7 Charged “"11 treason there \yould he a \\ a1. He only said. “l hope there '
. I ,' _’ i. 2 ‘i\ est. Pakistani .‘r‘ticials arrested Muiibui soon is not a unit." “l
_ x ,. - ,- I after“ .1Tci\ for treason and charged 12in \yith Jha made the unexpected stop at UK yesterday pl
. . _' H ' VE N M v [S B w PRINT 1 0 Leading a reyolt against West Pakistan. on his way to a speaking engagement at Pikeville F'
. ',' ' . , 8‘ 0 SLIDES — o I "' & so 0 lira \y as asked it he believed .‘\lu_iibur was dead or College. '
y - ,' : " '. g: This in gig.- .;.I' .:, ..: " Ei‘: -s-3' C'sg :ff'»? p'ices. I F
I. . .' mane; high Leary :: .' p' "Ti :3;- " C‘Ti' 1" last 3 ‘as. 337‘? Try . 0
' - I. . the ‘ 1" so“. CE .596 1" ":1- * : a“: '35-?“ erases aw r0 8 l e p
SO EASY SC CC'NtE‘i‘E‘iT ..s: 9w:- :3e and fire :::;o:n
.- " ' befits 7 »‘ n "tar“;- as: Edd"€$ .t' tt- r:">’: :r 'f :' :é'“ 3;? endcse
: . .- ~ coco?" and '9~f‘2“:9 0r, .:‘3 to»: ::-:u" ‘: get ‘ M ”a 9'5 and diS-
, ' i 2‘ , court scrapers yd; ‘ M 3': “2%? at :' :~:s abette' deai than .
. ' ' ' “t'ee' ‘ztn Samgs and p'iiEE? ‘: :.2 ft guaranteed to 0 rce 0 en rlmar
. 5 -' , O O O O O O O O O O O O C C O O O C O O O O O O O O O C O .
,» ' ’ '- ' YOUR ORDER MUST INCL DE THI ' a‘
—> , '. ' -' ' t i‘” . U SCUUPON “6““ . By D' A' Matthews selecting candidates for the The suit also asked that 'p
" 3 '4 :Nifl‘ “S“:WMW : Assistant Managing Editor office by the Democratic and Secretary of State Ken Harper L
‘» " ‘~ ' '5" ' . ”“7“ mmflwws . TWO UK 13‘" PYOfCSSOTS tiled 3 Republican parties be declared be enjoined from certifying any Y
‘ .t .. . ’ , . i: M . 011155 WHO“ SUM Monday to TOTFC unconstitutional. candidates nominated by the
' ' . .. ‘ o - ~ ~ - ,. .» ~ ~ n-i-m mm c an Open primary for the specral The House seat has been two parties and that the L
I A . ~; ‘ ° ’ ; f: 1:: ‘2: 0 election .‘0 fill kentucky 5 (3th vacant since the death of John executive committees be kept t‘
I ' .'.- 7 ' i 7 i. . -. — ' ‘v - " ~» 149 122 ‘ CongresSional seat m the L‘~S- Watts Sept. 35. At present the from meeting. C
. I ‘ . - v , - . ~ - ,. » «s \ x '1 1 ' r1 ' « <~ -
i i ‘~ . » . 2 ' . . " ' . _ , ...” ..li. z “a”: ot R“;lr““ntatlg“i; 1 V1103“! 15 slated 10 b9 illik’d by 3 Republicans alreadv met E
_ ‘. ‘~ "‘ .- I . ., ' n - " ' . . . " ‘ ’il iam A .ison an ennet l . fl - ., i . . , ' . ,
. ' - - . ~ o W van _ . _. 0 ~ - - , - ~ l DL“ 4 Slimmiekapn ”Md by. The Republican committee
. . ~:' f .. - . . —. 3:99 5:33 » ' 1 3‘ . (fwd? lr flkd 5“” in LS- Governor Loure B. Nunn. ‘t i] Lex'n ton Monday” ni ht
‘_ j ; .v , ‘ ‘ , ~ . . - w 355 . 3 . District Court on behalf of three Want open election m“ ' 1 g. ‘ ~ g
' . . _, ‘ .‘ MAIL To. spE_ . Q. Q . _ Fayette County residents. who and chose Lieutenant Colonel
. , -= .. . ' - 0 WC» 80x19 Cmcmnan OhI045214'Dept.WM o - ' - Caodidat’s in swv'al >li-t‘o . R' v o d Nutt’ as it‘s
. -‘_ 0.0000000000000000...000000.000 111T askingthatthe niethodot /“ ‘L‘.Iu1kuln§ d'mn ‘ H
: ‘ _ i ' . . are chosen in caucuses oi nominee.
'yj ‘ -‘ _ ‘ : executive committees or the Nutter. who has been in the ‘
3." I’ -,V g h - maior parties. The suit asks that army for H“ years. is the
. 3‘; I . f . . - C evy Chase COIN Laundry instead Nunn be ordered to call Secretary ot‘ the Army’s liaison 1
- . . ‘. -. , a general primary election to representative in Congress. He 1
‘ ~ ' g " ONd Dry Cieanlng pick candidates tor the office. has held that post tor three '
‘ ,‘ . The plaintiffs claim the years. ‘
' . . - ‘ ,‘ . OPEN AGA' N T selection oi candidates by part; _ The Democrats ml“, meet '
f . ' - : ’z' . . executive committees violates Tuesday in Lexington to sezect
' _' ~ ,. _ ‘_' w the one-man. one—vote mandate their nominee tor the sixth
u .‘ i I . 312 south AShIand 0? the Supreme Court because district seat. Democratic sources
. ‘ -- . . - " every county in the Sixth indicate it is almost certain State
, ' .1 ‘ HOURS: 7:45—10:33 WASH .25 Congressional district has an Representative William Curiin
_,- A f - ‘ SUNDAY-SATURDAY DRY .10 equal vote on the committees. will be that party‘s nominee.
f . ~ - '3 regardless or population. UK reactions
 ‘ ~I - 11le Young Democrats
fl" ' i; _ . chairman Jerry Springate said
= 7 . . ° Monday night “The people
-. . l e a a e er erVL< 'e should have a choice instead of
f . y I , y ' ' allowing backroom politicians to
. ' . _ ‘ ,~ ~ select the nominee. However.
A . , I NOVEMBER 19 — 6-30 p m
. . ,- . o
.1 ' ° ° congressman and the
‘ , .y .1 , I. .. . congressional primary in May
'_ ‘ . [I _ . a emp e at srae will give the people a choice."
', , . ., . UK College Re ublican
' - ' ‘ . ‘- Mok Res nation f r Dinn r (26 - — ' ‘ ' ' ' - .. p
, ‘ . . e e s o e 6 3251) For rides meet at. 6.00 at either the Student Center Parking chairman Philip Dunnagan said
‘ - , 4. Lot or Hoggm Field Parking Lot. Monday he was in favor of the
- _~ . p . people having a voice in
,» . I I. ' _ .________,____.__....__..___._...__ -..... , . . .-. . ..." . ..-..-...._ _,_, ._____ . ____________. nominating their congressman.
._ .' . . . y ,1, The PertWIllab Pa ers . However, he said he was not sure
g _ .- , . y y p by DOD R050 and Ron We'nberg gomg through the courts was the
>- " , i « y i a» ” -- a. r. a— ' , best w
; ». , , - . .1 . -. -. . , . -..» .: W at W M mm 1 I,“ rm M. ay to change the raw.
T '1" ’ l I, ' _ : '3‘ ‘7' " ”w- «9” Tax t 5‘5 .’ ,.A‘,’(E_ .. '9 ‘5 ,1’5 /‘ fi'oPE W/E 050 WWW/UH fl: TWA/k 7,4/5 "l h
5 ~ , _ , y . 3‘ .. \- w:»-. 3: 5%;- meta: 55w 550.99»: Mrrgpfwr/x 7.05 W75 £06K Wit/1.7" ppm/s A7 ac/T -7 1p pawl“ T C “€0ng Herod
, I _ . ‘ '_ l " r- ,. - a ”- ,, / , ~—
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' , . ‘ - ‘ ‘ . 7 w * 5:. u ‘ Q i/ ‘ rMRV 9 v» m z x /r r P ’r r , '7" r , “M“"h Umvcrslty of Kentucky. Lex-
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f ' . . . Z ' L i . 3 r fa " ‘ . 1 p‘ t \ "5' « . 35' C “he, W3. '- *“lhh-‘hi‘d h)‘ the Board of Student
. , . , V. t . ‘l \ J a? d , oa/A/ PRO rec f/o N. . ", g -' 7:651 rink-dun r * v. Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986.
‘ ' “V Le- «a "f .zs‘i ( M . '3“? “$33.5 et'e— it s. "mm as the Cadet in 1894 and
.- . . . in s ,s ‘ _ , ‘ J ' ' is“ V ,3/ y: ‘3. h_ ‘. ~33: ”13‘ ii a .3— Duhllsht‘d continuously as the Kernel
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, , .1 . k 1“ I 53““ . s. § ‘ ‘ t . u. I” {in E 'gfi; . § 3.; 9;} \\ 7th;- ~ f a \ail‘ (N, Advertising published herein is in-
'. ' “11'- ' - ‘6 ‘ ’3 ‘ -" '.,A w" 3i ' ' NW ”A .‘s-‘fl‘x ia,‘ ' 4"] ‘3 ""“““‘ '0 help the render buy. Any
. . , ._ 3 ‘ $ ' 4 1:». ‘i -. tit s j‘? “ ”W" ‘ 33’7": ‘4; ‘i § “""t‘ “r misleading advertising should
. . * a 7’ ‘w a a- ~ . I‘s‘e. salt. eta £52-; V4“ ill a saw- . 4 it h" imam tn Thv Editors.
, -. . Iggy“ . u .t ”i. ‘- "I .sf'fi! I egg-xv . 5_ é diff, by; ,‘ril ”t SUBSCRH‘TION RATES
. m «M\- £14 , . . ‘ . .2,' :3. A i . é; i' g"; E“; a; I. ..1 : . :s ‘ 1 (A Yearly. by mail ~ $10.50
G i 955% .. v l '7 s s " I M '17, F V ’ . t. it, ‘3’” 7 . - - A "" , m 9‘ """ "WW- ”"m files -~ $.10
. , . ~ o E q . “pg!" h ~23; ' i w . .3»; :55; ‘ \, i ’ 5 ‘7 7‘ t; f _ \x“ ,u Vat“. i, if 'ti (3 ‘ KERNEI. TELEPHONES
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‘ I" 's, '\" S x'..:..;::.. h "‘ i7} ‘ if / \ I, l. “ Wyt I ‘ _=_3 ' "I l. i ' "" ‘ ‘J' 1 - ‘d‘h’rm‘ PH“? Editor.
. m 'f 7’ ‘ x g \'"W~—- g, “EC , . ~. g c - v" "g t g NWT” J; V Afusn‘riatv Epimrs' Sports .. 257-1740
v ‘ ‘M‘z‘rw . . , ‘ ,. ' ; , w y y « wr Isl v. i _ . .. ._
N ,. v . '_ ‘ 3" it» A"? ‘3‘: § r“ . if. ’ “nth..." “‘ ““H “i mm,” '.,(.".c.m.1258-t646
H..- ......u , _

 ‘ ———-——-———————-_—_—_——-————_————_———— . . . . . , . , . a , . , I
THE kf.\Tl (.Ix\ kl‘.R.\El.. liicsilzis. Nrn. It). I‘J7l .‘i
' Rare (‘on"' ll ’1'" ["11 *° ['1 ’ ‘ '
am us ['16 S . . "(3 (UN )00 .8 on ( lap IV ”I l. )rllr‘ -
o s/ -
I (‘oilllc book heaven is in NH. blind iii an upstate \c\\ York J” ”mum,“ oi Doc Sawge and ' ‘ g ' : _
King Library. nursing home and Siegel \llll Batman l\ really the Shadow in ' , . ,
From now until Dec, 23 some writes some bit stories tor the disguise. . 1
Women of the more Valuable issues of newer comics." But lttWSlHl\ to protect comic ‘

Keriiel cartoonist [)on Rosa‘s . . c ii 'I i 'l c t e r i I {‘1 " ' .1 i l .7'
1 . . . . _ . ()ut t l, ".t llwt ' ‘ ‘ l ‘”-‘ H“) x '> '

. Women from schools in each would be responsible for 0011110 b00k and ”NEH/1M R 0 m V n “W m Vin succeeded even bat-l 1.; mg 1313 . . '

. . . . ‘ M . ,~ , -1 , , . osa s pri/e possessions ate . . . , . . ,

t Tennessee, 01110 and Kentucky before the marriage. kOHUllOn “111 hi on dbl’ld) 1“ some of the mm” l)()ll‘lld Duck 30 s when the creators oi . ' . ‘

1 met here this past weekend at Nancy Ray, Assistant Dean of the R3” 300k Room 0“ the comics done by ”I‘M (.m (‘aptain Marvel were .. zed by the ' '
the Tri-State Convention Students. spoke to the group llllh tloor Qf'lhk‘ library. _ B‘lfKS‘ Some people gin” beliexe Superman people for magnum” ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ -4 ' .
featuring “Women in the about women in politics. 00 Q‘hlblt are ”9351”“ Ol Donald Ducks ml TClllh ”‘1 any Nothing ever came Inf that suit , ', 'l ' . "
Com mu nity" by Associated Referring to the recently formed COImC limdm“ "”111de Donald value but. I think. mm.” and literally thousands oi . l '. 7 » '

t Women Students t'AWS). Lexington Women’s Political DUCK “0- l‘10~ Mild IVO- 1'34- really superior [U anything in successful cllurae‘lcr—jnspircd ‘ -'

l1 Ann Bolling of the Human Caucus. she advised the audience the early Supermans. Captain their time .. Rosa \‘lltl " comics rolled off the presses ." .

5 Relations Office spoke on a to “work through the system. America, MHI’V'S‘lS‘i‘md the nearly ‘ ‘ ' unobstructed. ‘
problem some college women because it offers women a complete “’th I‘C comlCS- .. A widg range , ” ‘

n face when they get married: “We chance to make changes in their . A150 {Oil‘thfslfluy are m" 135‘ Rogu‘S collection 9PM“ u wide .

it are encouraged in college to situation." 15599 0 1” ”legit/'1!” d“ a range of [ustcg and interests. ’

e develop 0}” minds. compete Ray cited numerous unique group oi Big-Little Unfortunately. he noted. these ABORTION ’ ~ ‘. '

y W11“ men “1 the classrootrhand Department Of Labor Statistics books. . . diversifications were not unique QUEST'ONS ' I,
we hold equal responSibilitleS. that demonstrated the American liiSide stories among the early comics. pm . ‘ 1 "g

n Bl” suddenly we have to 011111129 women’s economic situation. There are countless tales example. Superman is probably For Information and . ‘-

is our priorities if we want to get and discussed-the pending llEW behind some 01‘ the issues on Referral Assistance Call ‘. I,

h married. COlllpltllnt against tllC [lanL‘l‘SlUH display. 'I‘ukc‘ for example. the I Abortion Information .

’s { Encouraging women to work Workshops were held Superman comics. While these WALLACE S BOOK Store Center, Inc f; f . ‘ -

.0“? “9”“. 1“ 11‘3"? “‘fufé‘fi‘ d“fi‘fs““g ‘fo‘lugf “’1“ ."l 1511“ 01 UK supulum brought Is Now Reservmg (201) 868—3745 ‘ f.~ ..

)r inSide marriage, 0 ing cite icr society. women an community fame and fortune to Clark Kent. 868-3746 -_

e own marriage as a case in service, and how to implement Lois Lane. and Jimmy Olsen. Textbooks 900 A _' . .

)f point, where she and her women’s goals on iiidiVidual they did little for co-autliors . For The Spring Term 'MondM- :° STtoodP-M '

husband discussed what duties campuses. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. °Y ° ° ‘" °Y '
h. who made little profit from the '__________________________________ L -
.-d ‘N . 9 venture. J:
l- h -P h _ Where are they now‘? Rosa 3 ,I .
:11 al t 6 us er sadly said, “Shuster is nearly ‘ _~ _' .
r" A protest of the Herald-Leader Center to the Herald-Leader 7 ' ,_ . _
“Nail-the-Pusher" campaign was office at 239 W. Short Street. Ab ° ' ‘ ‘ » " " ,.
'45 planned for today by the UK A series of abstract “hit and ortlon . g“ .‘g- ' ,
”9 Freeple Happiness Conspiracy. run” skitsrwhich Dunifer called . . . ' , i' .-
. .. . The medical, psychological. ' -. . ~
According to Steve Duniter. guerrilla theater—were to be y . , -- .- . . - 2.
.1 . and social aspects of abortion ' § ;- _. . 3
Freeple coordinator. the conducted along the way to . . g . , .
or anization lanned a h th “'b urdit' of the WI“ be the topic ofa talk by Dr. " V' ' W '- i ' 5
g . p S OW . 6,, a S y and Mrs. J.C. Willke today at .g ’ . ' > '
proceSSion from the Student campaign. UK 4‘ ~ f .
The Willkes have written two If( '-
Ul‘ CLU books on aspects of sexual W V ' . ‘
behavior and their latest, on the P ' ' g .
.. abortion question, is called by ‘ - ‘
Prison reform. court watching, talk with city officials to find one source “a potential arm—Y Hose . . . , .
and a tenant’s union are being out “where the people are at bestseller.” III-IIII-IIIIIII‘ _

'iat planned by the UK Civil before taking action. They plan to discuss such I '

per Liberties Union (UKCLU) thlS A Public Education . and questions in their forums as: I Shakealegtogetlnon thlsoffer ‘. . >

my year. C 0 m m u n It Y R 613 “095 “What is an abortion? What does I -. - - FREE SU'ZY Perette Parity ,: . .‘ ‘4 _

the At a meeting last Thursday Committee was set up to adVise it do to those involved? What are I Hose Wlth this coupon and any (3 -‘ _ .

the UKCLU members setup groups students of their legal rights. its consequences?” = Purchase 0f$3 ormore- ” ’ - 9

ept to work in each of these areas. Students with legal problems or They will speak in the Student I One gift per purchase. Otter y ,- _ ‘ .

Chairman Arnold 031th“ 0t the suspected V1013t10n5 0f the” Center Theater at 1 pm. and in I good thru Nov. 30, 1971 1:9 5 i r‘ -
Prison and Court Reform rights can come to the UKCLU the Agricultural Science I ‘ ,, '

it , Committee said his group would office in Frazee 305 for help. Auditorium at 8 pm. I w I .. at g . .

. ec I . g .. ~ ~ 333.; - ‘ a .

lg‘lt I -‘ Ag flag ‘ . _

mel B d d hl 9 h I 4 . . . . . I:

W. oar says Krog a can t teac , run . is , if... VISItthe . _ ,

. I 5 we Colonel ' - i. _

:28 Continued from Page 1 “I don‘t think you should had claimed in his letter that his = COLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE ' '

C ' ' ' ' ' 66 n ..

‘ W for the sixth district House seat have the preSident Sitting in campaign was not full-scale I t ck F. d k. k s" . " .

b3“ left empty by the death of Rep. judgment of a faculty’rrlemberin and would not interfere with his I en u w m I: en) -‘

h John C. Watts. must either take cases such as this. he said. teaching duties. Further action I :33; CéingLiszzuigASOAD

r“ a leave of absence without pay adding that he did not Wish to on Changing the Governing I 345 ROMA," ROAD .i.;t.fi ' ' _ .l

“Hi from his teaching position to run discriminate against any faculty Regulations was delayed until I 696 NEW cmcu ROAD, N.£. ‘ 3' _ . :

:x for Office or withdraw from the member. the Dec. 14 trustees’ session. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEL . . , .

“ml race. Su orted Offimefinaé'pwpzop’pzoco'wzémézow .o-o-,-.-vp:.—ap-.-z-c-;a,o -3-;.-:-;-»,-v,--,--,rg.;-, 0'.5'.v?5’p}5’n’;3:oio'fl'fl'.0’,".375’;’4:’;~ I i ' ' i

If" N Krogdahl was not available for . pp ,W , fl ‘ ‘3 " ‘~

g “V ‘ , . Singletary was supported by fi V . '

gum comment last night. ‘ “ . ,, . ' ‘T ,

,. W Id f d _ trustee A.B. Happy Chandler «a ‘1 _ . ‘
“m“ 0“ per orm uties and Student Government h: . .1. . ' , ‘ _.
~ In 3 19“" ‘0 Smgletary (13th President Scott Wendelsdorf. "3‘ " i ‘ , .

, it, o .» , , , .
NOV- 3. Krogdahl had “5de l0 both of whom asked for a policy at N ' . _’

:rats be allowed to teach while which would clearly separate 1 ® I: ' 5 . f .
Silid C'deiUngUL Cllilllllntllml’u“ 1” faculty members‘ political lives it. ' z ‘ . . g. '.

eople lht‘ D00- 4 599011” election WOUld from their University lives. CzJ ' i g, ' 1'

ad of be “limited to my own time” ‘ .~ ' . y 23;; . 1 '.

ms to and that he “will in any case (handler claimed grant“:i % Q I _. ..

vever. continue to perform fully my Krogdahl ‘1' “MY"; “0“ is m 9" f " -

:ed a regular duties as a member of “tab?“ _“ prcccheiit (WE i‘ :3 ' f

the the University faculty.“ couldn t ‘1‘“ ‘ w” ‘v ‘1,“ 5% t.) :- _~ ‘
May At the Monday board meeting. proposed ‘ changing governing {\v ii .‘ '

ef’ Singletary recommended denial regulations to-ina L “VIC“ 0 ‘3 1:, -

1. ‘ ‘ of the professor’s request, calling absence for political campaigners \i '1 . ,~ -

21:12 the Governing regulation mandatory. (El {i . '

I S ambiguous 30d asking for a Krogdahl. who said he entered kt.) '33 ' ' '

Of the ‘ 'f' . ' . “ 1‘ \ ‘ “I l 5 x) ‘§) I

“e in clan icationoto insure a po icy the race to offer a ful er range lo '13 .3 . ,

’ that’s very firm and clear.” of political opinion” to voters, >0 = .

ssman. .1, V, -

3t sure ‘ l , .

vas the :5 i,

, '1‘ .

. I) .

2 for 1 ‘ F t ' ll

‘ ea urm i . '.

rocl 9 i. '
. ‘ i


y. Lex . ’ i 1‘ . ‘

idt cliss GU .

pngcmyé ._ Dec. 3 8:00 pm. {i . ..

.d exam l} 1“ ‘l ‘i

summer , . . Q ‘ . . '

smdom g Tickets. $4, $3, $2.50, $2.00 { ‘ . . .

96. - H ‘ ~

593231 347 5. LIME Phone 252 1722 § On Sale—Nov. 17, 9:00 i . .

erne - . 1‘ - .

. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ll Memorial Coliseum t: . .

.y. Any 5‘) ‘ . .

; should 5-00 _ 10:00 pflm :2; After that—0t Central IHfO. \z‘l ‘

5; ' . . i}; Nov. 18 - Dec. 3 i1 . '.

.10 i ‘ .. .

. rzza—2 for the prlce of I l. _ .

257—1755 E} 3; . ~ »

257 -1740 l a???) éazéVePfi’E-Yfié'ifi 23730926 'fliflpfii'é‘ifi'p 292.. row/2.1. 3633' pzyzwm-rpw; paepzkvp‘wgppa.» #11381! ' ‘ .

I- .


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