xt7x0k26dw2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26dw2c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1944 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1944 Vol.15 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1944 Vol.15 No.5 1944 1944 2019 true xt7x0k26dw2c section xt7x0k26dw2c ,, ‘ -> ‘ .215: 5 .
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N C nt t O n d In, 1944 C m t’t' n ' “
3w 0 es 8 0 e 10 -:5 555.;
so l5 5;
' Call is hereby issued [or the 194ml will prevail :Any editorial written on a us make this 1944 contest the biggest ' lli'l.‘
- . . . . . ‘ ‘ L’. .355; . 5
04 prize contests of the Kentucky Press As- religious sublect, printed in any Ken; contest of them all! No newspaper shall . 5“ l iii ll
2 sociation. Every editor of the State. lucky newspaper between the dates 01' be eligible for more than one of the ‘55";
8 l whether a member of the K. P. A. or lune 1. 19/13. and May 1, 1944-, is eli- above first prizes. .— l“" l
f the not, is eligible to enter the contest. gible for entry in this contest. The same . . 5 5.? ij‘i 1. .
'1 h ‘5 . . ‘ - . . 7 Disinterestcd Judges to Act - 55(555: »
t e l’rr ()1. l l' 1’ / 1‘I'lr . I rules as in the Best Lditorial contest 5 3.555.; 5
. /_. . ; L - . . _ . . . 1 .55 55 .
illghf O (1 13(1)“ 029 )1“ (1 nm \\'lll also applv in this. Competent out51de Judges Will study ll ii‘i
ll ' n5 q. ’5 ,. , . . 5 . . 5 5.555.. :5
than u [ginm 11 )J((/ The \\ar (iry also makes 515C same the entries in the contests. Because ol ’ 5.535555 l ;
_ . . . . . ,1 5532.71 ,
ense. .\ neir contest. is added in ltl-l-l [or award in the annual Georgia Press As- the. IICCCSSILy 01 getting [110 COMIC-Sm .111 . .; lliilvlsg’
0/0 on the best religious editorial. or the l)t‘Sl sociation contests. \Ve hope that every their hands at an early date, all entries wirllhll ‘
itain- editorial on a religious subject. '\\'lll1 the Kentucky editor will consider entering must. be in the University postofhce not 5"}. 5‘l5‘f55 5 5
ctric . prize being otl'ered by The Salvation this contest. later than May 10. Please follow all 5 5 ‘5". 5‘ ;
Army through the courtesy of Brigadier Please read the rules governing each rules regarding preparation of the ex- ; 1‘: 5 '
Vincent Cunningham, editor—in-cliicl' ol contest and follow them to the letter. liibits and the deadline. The job print- l l ,
man" the War Cry. Atlanta. The first min: is Any Violation of the rules will result in ing exhibit shall be brought to the Mid- f j; ‘i 5
3 I101. a certificate and $50 in cash. Second and the entries being discarded. Send in as summer meeting, all Others must be lor- ff l ‘51 5
Ken- ii third place winners receive certificates. many entries as you please, but observe warded immediately. ‘5 “ l .
- . .5 . . . a ‘ 5535' .
ii . Brigadier Cunningham state.rin iiiak- the deadline. 'Ihe rule that no news- May 10’ Deadline l ll: /i .
as __ . mg this award available to lxentucky paper is eligible to enter the All-around All 5 l _ l l d 1‘ fl 5 *‘il 75 i
Cin- newspapers, “Our purpose in offering and Front Page contests if it has been a P f SPUICSRIHLP“ )e m t ‘6 1‘“; sf 0' 2}“- "l‘ til '.
. . . . . . . . ‘ - a . 5‘5,‘ 3: 5 1 ‘
Ak- the award is, first 01 all, to stimulate a Winner in the preVious two years Will be \ro ' 1()ICtle)r' _' Olmllanfl (1)1110; 'e a“ 5 5355‘ l ‘
are i'cvwal of religious interest among the strictly enforced and your cooperation ‘Idl b. dime; C?“ )le 11““ C “l 1:9 I ll 5'
l‘ X "cadets of the newspapers alliected. This. is requested when you send in your en- same un :’ d ut eaci entry must e 5, ‘ ,
I [30' l as'you may know, is the chief business tries. Platfly mar ch as “I: :llEKcmltiL “1L 5‘. l, 5 l' 5
.u SI- . t)l the Salvation Army. anyway. And, Attention is particularly called [0 [[10 pac age must we malr e(11 . ll . blew?- Ii it . . l
. lll'caSC ol. the War Cry, I am simply car- requirement that entries in the edi- Pill)“ (Ronif‘st’ ‘1" 1396556? tof m ' i l ‘ ll‘ll l ‘ .
tying out the Salvation Army work in 1‘ torial, news; and advertising contests VICE“ ' .ottmann, "“VCIS‘ly 0 Kfin‘ 5‘5 555.55 i5 .l 5‘
~- . . » r .u- - 5 . 15135.11"
llttle d'fl-Cl‘ellt manner, bill. 215 CHCCUW- must each be pasted on separate slips Kl“ yachmgton. It 18 suggested that l i ‘
"I - . L - . .5 .:= 5" 5
i" of paper, or cardboard, elsew1se the en— TC e “1:” writ“ 1‘10“: announcmgdt {1 .1 55555 ’5 5
He adds, “In the selection ol' the win- tries will not be considered. The ex— :16 PaC1 age 'bzls lee“ SfCUt. ['0 aVOl ( C- ‘1 iii :j.l 5, :
5 net the War Cl‘)’ takes 110 part whatso- liibit this year promises to be one of the 3" ant gels-Kilt? 01:5 10 entries. 1’ ‘5 . l5 5-
ever, that is placed in the hands of a largest and best since the contest began. onlest .e 66 um u es . i: 3,195.15"
Committee selected by your association. Each contestant may select any issue ‘ R: {35.1
AlthOugh there is no reason whv the Open to Every Newspapm Of this paper, 0" may Clip any specific ii iiil3l l .
Salvation Army should not be mention- Each and every contest is open to ev« entry, between the dates 0t July 1, 1943 . 5 ll.“ 5 J
‘ Cd in the winning editorial, we are care- ery weekly or semi-weekly 1n the state. and .Apl‘ll 121941.51. [his change from re— J i Ml € l _
. ‘5‘ lul to State that: it shall not be necessarr The news story contest is open to coun- quiring spec1fic issues of newspapers was 5 £5 :51-‘255
‘ - . ‘ . . J . . ' ' . ‘ . . . 5: l5 5 ‘5’ 5
g lo] the Salvation Army to be mentioned try dailies. Every editor is urged to send made at the tequest of many of our .5. Elli iii .
u l In order to win.” in his entries for each contest and every members. It has also been suggested Eiil l ‘5‘, j
' ‘ - - - - ' - , 5‘ . .' 55 . H , ' ' .. '. .5 455.55. ~ 2
At his suggestion, the following rules entry Will be Judged on its merits. Let that election or special edition is- ... 555;»; l .15
:5 5:55 5 v «5
5. ll -ii5 i .
i Lil 'l[ c. 5.14
- 5 535554 5‘ .5 a
:; 1:? 5‘ ‘4
. 1'5 5, ,.Ix!; 145-7..
- 52:55.5 5.1:. .~ 5

 33 , i{ 3 — ii .
j_. j ‘ . 4‘:
g 3 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1944 1' M(
V Ll sites should not be included in the All— to be engraved on the memorial was \‘ertiseiiient that appeared during the ’—
, 33 . i3 Around Contest: entries. that of The Piiieville Sun, Herndoii3 I year, Iune J. 19413, and April 1, 19443
' I t Beautiful Trophies Procured Evans, editor. Second wmnet 3was 31 he each entry to be mounted on a slieetdi
- : t g 3 3 3 Shelby News, \Vade McCoy, editOi. caidboaid With the notation as to [th
i ”1‘ Beautiful Sllvel‘ prizes W1“ be offered \tVinner in 1940 was the Lyon County name of the newspaper. date olf issue
I .. i” this year's contest. They are made Herald, Gracean M. Pedley, editor. and name of contestant. i
V '3: "1 possible through the courtesy 0f the The name of the Cumberland Courier. Trap/1t O/Iered For
, . “ 3 Louisville CourieroIournal, Lexington Charles K. Steele. editor. was added in [,1 1,333- f- 0'15 3} 'I .1
, i ; Herald-Leader, The Kentucky Post. liJ‘l-l. Graceaii M. Pedleys Lyon County I) J H" MD A 11);, '
j ‘ (Ioiingtoii. and President 3Ioe Ricliard- Herald repeated its mu'mlyh'of 1940 in ’l‘hrough the courtesy of 'l‘lioiiias Li
3 3 3 son. the 1942 contest. and Editor l’edley Smith, president of the Louisville Paper"
3' I All-Around. Contest again triumphed in 1943 with an edi— COHIIMH)’, a Special cotitest is again open
I3 1 3 , 3 , _ torial printed in the Princeton Leader. 101‘ 1110 “111013 Ol ”16 512110 at the mid-
’ ‘ i 3 I‘m guidance 0t the competitors the Space is reserved on the plaque for sub SlmlmCI‘ meeting. Mr- Smil'h Will pie
3 3 iollowmg “3”“ constitute the percent— sequent winners and your paper’s name sent «'1 hand-SONIC and valuable trophy
I 3 I ages by Whleh the newspapers “”11 be will look proper thereon. for the best exhibit of job printing mi
33 1 3 E . scored: General appearance, 30 per Best News Story (Imttesl the meeting. Every editor is urged to
3? 3 cent; local news, 15 per cent; county ' ' prepare an exhibit, preferably iiiouiitetli
3 3 correspondence, 5 per cent; personal :At the request 031' a number of editors on a large cardboard, 1-0]. exhibiti on and
33 .3 :3 items, 130 per cent, farm news or news this contest, is continued lor (.(iiiipetitioii judging during the meeting. i
3 3 l ,3 pcitaining to the chief industry oi the this yeai on the best community news The following items are to be includ-‘
t 3 3 section where the paper 15 published, a story. The [actors to be c0iiSidered are “13 Exhibitors are urged to include‘
‘3; 3; Pei cent; general news, 5 per cent; and content, sentence and paragraph struc- every item. but, to aid that printer who
.3 editorial, 20 percent. Factors to be con— ture, thought, unity, coherence, vocab- migh‘. not hare every item in his mm
.3 t3t sidered in scoring of general appearance ulary, the lead and community service at least eight of the ltwelye “8th must
I3: l3 f3 3. include make-up of front page and com— value. Each story is to be pasted on a be included: _
33 3 33x33‘ 3 position. headliiie3schedule, literary ex: sheet ol3 paper With the notation ot the 13 Letter head—one color. I
3 i 3y 3 cellence. community serVice, headlines name3ol newspaper, date of issue, name 23 Letter head—two or more €013“
3 l 3 _ 5 content, illustrations, typography and oi editor, and name ol the writer oi the 5; Envelope—one (301033 |
:‘f I t3 , press work. story. Open to weekly, semi-weekly, and l Envelo )e——tw0 ('3r 3336336 (0103333 ‘
‘5; . i l * ~ countr ' dailies iii the state. Oiilv crime ' I ' ”
l ‘3 3 Itronl Page Contest _ 7 , 3 . I 5_ I’roo‘ram_
It 3.3g? ‘33‘. 3 3 3 3 3 stories Will be barred lroni this contest. 6 Bodilet—Jottr or 33303333 333 es
3 : 33 y 3 3 l‘actors to be Judged include headline ”(333 33333330333333 Pane (33333333333 3_- B 33 33 3 33 llg --
ht I ‘ _ content, headline schedule, type balance, " ’ ' n ‘ /- lulhe” (-3” -
_ i ‘ ii ! ‘ make-up. name plate and ears, press This contest. again sponsored by The 8- Calling (“I‘d-3 3
i ‘13: i 3 work and inking appearance and illus— Shelby News through the Ben Coxine 9- Wedding lh‘3'112‘11()ll-
I, 33. : trations (if any), and contrast. Trophy is announced in another column. l0. SUNCINCIII 01 hi” llCiKl |
3 (Note. —Special emphasis will be Daily Comp“. Added. ”- BIOUGF- 3 3 9
.33 33 33 3 placed on the make-up of the entries in 3 l2. What you consider yoitr best I01).
33311 l l the above two contests.) A new contest {(3)1111}? smaller 1’5”)?” Entries I'Vantcd For Cozina Trophy
33 . 33 ,3 . I 3 B 33 3 33 ,_ was added three ycais ago. All dailies in (.33 3 F 3 3 ”(3333.333 3.333 3 I“ 1.3 3 3, I Pa 333
i (”SI Edttmtal Con/est the state with the exception of those ' l U I ' l I" .11!th h
'1 i I .3 i I“ order to stimulate the “hm” in published in Ashland, Owensboro, Pa- Kentucky Press .-\ssociatioii newspztp'ri
" , expressing individuality, initiative, and ducali, Covington, Lexington, and Louis ers will compete again this year tor the?
'3 leadership in this department which is ville are eligible to enteil The same Ben (:oziiic Memorial Cup, awarded
.3 i i ”10 €di101"$ own, attractive. prizes are rules, slightly modified, that govern the possession to that paper in the State ad-
‘1 j. offered in this contest. The {3001‘s selection of the Best All—Around VVeek’ly judged as having the best editorial [)2th-
333 ‘ 3 I which will be CO‘lSidel‘Cd i“ the judging Newspaper will be applied in this Daily The Coziiie Memorial Cup was altered
-‘ are: subject: matter, thought sequence, contest. The committee solicits entries for the first time in 1935 by Wade M-
t ‘ t community appeal, rhetoric (diniOIL from every small daily in the state. McCoy, then managing editor of Shelby]
hhhl” figure 0f speech, punctuation), Best Adehjsin" (Inntjmsilt'mt News, Shelbyyille. The winner in that
3 3 and vocabulary. Each editorial should 3 ‘5 3 3 3 year was W'arren Fisher’s Carlisle Mei-
‘i . be pasted on a sheet 0f paper Whh the Three3priae3s Willi)? ”Bldg? ‘JO K36131- iany. Mr. Fisher won again in 1930‘
3 ‘ . E notation of name of newspaper, date of inlclky all“)?313h,_113m3mh1$li i” km he? Gracean M. Pedlev, Lyon County Her-
I}, t issue, and writer’s name. No “canned” “ 3—page 33(3’3‘1‘15UhChylr 5’ “"3 best h“ [ aid, won the 1937 contest. The 1938 con.
ti, 3 ., or clipped editorials will be considered page advertisement, 33’" ["1 best ‘lhimel’ test was won by Editor A S wathen,
3., 3 . . . page, or less. advertisement. l‘actors to I . ‘ ' '
“ti »: t m th‘s contest. - - , keiituckv Standard Bardstown. The.
it. 3. . 3 be Judged include type content, type ,_ _ , .- 3 ’ 3 F6333?
3y; . Grehan Memorial Plaque arrangement, value olf illustrations, $0 - fri-City3 News, Cumberland, I. 1". 3; “I
33: ‘ The winner for the best editorial will lection of border and decorative materi- man, editor, was the 19393winner.l5 1:323,
‘ i ' ’ again have the name of his newspaper a1, and fulfillment of three functions of Harry Lee I/Vaterfield, Hickman (‘Outhii
. engraved on the beautiful Enoch Glehan advertising—attention, interest. and con- Gazette. Chhmh’ “'0” h“ leg on 033,3 '
‘ 3.": Memorial Plaque which was established viction. The entries are limited to ad- (“13) ”1 13940- Gracean M‘ Pedley’. "30,3“
. 3 by Mrs. Enoch Creliaii and the members yertisements set in the contestant’s office “huh. 0‘ the Princeton Leadel. ‘21“. 3
g 3 of the Department 01' Iournalism in either hand or machine composition. another leg 0“ the 011’ m 1943' L01 ‘3 l
. 3 ‘ memory of Mr. Grcliaii. The first name Each contestant may select any ad- Please Turn To Page F17” §
t 1
t i i
V ill 1_‘ ' 3~"
i i ii "" ... . , , .-:‘....._.,_:_»-_.N-.~:W. h .mm-s M...”

 3 3 ;~.-.1;~,1:~ ;‘ 1. 2 1 ' ' ,, _ , w .. I?“
'~ 35:31.1: 1‘; .
‘944 'I March, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ‘33
during the M 33; 1F 331333 ..
111 1,1944, 1 .~
1 a Shefioii 1 353 ,13
1c ol’ ixsuc, 3 33 3
M akmg The M 051: Of Food ’ .
’l‘hmnas ll ' ' g 1 ’
1111 um) tes u'rmg e . -
at the mid. . M 3 33313333 '2
11 Will pm. th Ah d - II iif .
able trophy on S ea ' 3 3
printing m3 ’I‘ II 1 I1
is urged to I ‘2 53 ‘
11y moumed‘ 1 13‘, .:’ I3
ribitionand3 * .I II: ’I‘
r) be includ-I‘ I j
to includc3 :3 3 I. 3 Z
)rimer who . . . . . 3 3‘ 1‘
13“ 1113111113 Official Agricultural reports pomt up the need for even ; 3‘;_: 1 _1 13
listed 11111513 greater effort, to combat food waste and to make every pound ‘ 1 133133 331 1
' of food do its full war job of providing nourishment and strength - i 33'
m €030” I to the homefront and the battlefronts. Food production has about 5 31 '1 3'2; 33
II I reached the top limit while overseas demands are increasing. I I- 133
The efficiency with which America's food is distributed ; 33331 3
11 ICS- . . . . ..‘."1I:°. "
1) g Wlll greatly determine how well American workers can eat "1 the 3 33:3 -‘
- months ahead. 11111.1
11 1113:3313. %
, , g3: .‘3131331-33 1
3 Greater efficiency means less loss of perlshables, and 113 3'1 3
111 be“ 301331 . therefore a larger quantity of actual food available at the store. 13 3 3133 3
_ T303333. It means that foods reach consumers with a higher nutritional "5-, IE:
1-1111 P113111 content. It means that prices are lower than would otherwise be '_ 1313 ,‘
111 “3333.333333]. possible. It means that essential transportation facilities and :1 3 -'
_ :1 33‘ 3:31 1 5
year 101111113 manpower are released for other vital war tasks. 311913; ‘3 g 1 -
13), awarded 333 /3 3
the Slaw :ul- _ 3 I 3 . 3 3 . 3 333 33,333 3
3330,3231 333313-31, In domg the nation 5 most effICIent gob of food dlstrlbu- 33333333313333 ,
11.1111 oil'crcd tion, the men and women of A&P are insuring that food is fight- 11 33
)3’ “13111.11, ing — and will continue to fight —- for freedom. :3{ f3 31 21'
or of Sllelb)'| ‘ 3 3 3 33 .§
mcr in lllfli - 3 1; ‘3 3 3
Iarlislc MEI" '3 3 1' 333 1. 3 ,3 3
11" 1“ 1931‘ * if 131‘1‘1312111 a
County HCT' ‘3 1 313‘ 3 ’ .
Ihc 1938C011' 3 13:1,33 .3
S. Watllfi“: . : 11, 1:1 '- 3 -
slown. T1113. 1. 31333 I
1: 1'1"le I ) I 3‘ I E “ 2:133
inner.Ed11011 A & OOD R I 335113 I'IIZ'3 1
man Comm/3 f; 1 1 333‘ 1 3:1 '
111.15" 11111111 1 : 1:1 13 1.
11.1111, :1 a »
;ca(lelI‘, “'1111I 31 1"»‘313 .:
“2'” “11"“1 3 ‘1?1
111 111111111 '2: 1 1
I I EII‘JI' i , :1‘
I31; 1
' I111? 11. '
1; . II I1

 ' “.1‘ i it t:
l‘ 1 1 A. .'
‘1 1:; ‘ Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1944 M
g ,
;I .l /] Kentucky Newspapers Eligible city with his famous “sunshine” gnu Continm
. ii ,1 ; e For News Picture Contest “‘9. Independent, 531/2.)’Far5 01d, €i~ Bradley,
i, gII : . 3 5 r tabhshed the custom of givmg away lit-(- 1 (
_ f‘ 1 1 en ; ,-.._ r? 38 lwenty—cight P111“! 55,630 in ““1 any (121in issue of the paper on the aml fim fie
. , 3 . . , l)onds,I are offered newspapers tor the which the sun has not shown Upon llltl lb \WIth
, I I 1 Official Pligli‘ielgsatii’sgogiaiiiiii Kentucky best pictures showmg the salvagilng or city by press time, 3 pin. Since the till II: ~5I lc
, ‘ “5“ ”l waste paper by the U- 5- \ IICLOU fer was established, l2,2¢}6 publication 51m J
“ ‘ Waste Paper Campaign. A PTEIIK na- d1 5 on] [re . ,_ . memory
1 . . . . ._ (1 , v 3.; issues hayc be
- “ 1 ‘ Victor 1“ Portmann, Editor-Publisher t'( '1] ii of W 00 is offered) and sec- y i ' en glltn who ma
. 1 j 3 i I)": I) 19 +0 , ‘ .JL' away—the last time on March 11-1", 1,
. I I Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton tional piIi/es of $171-00, .‘jilOIO, and not) (ilk .u ciagc ol 1% lice Issues a year. Copicsl staIrIlI gI
1 g 1 1 _____.__ 0ll€red 101‘ the prize—Winning photos. are given away free on the street and MI, tiaistn, .
3. i ‘ Kentucky Press ASSOCiatl‘m Officers Kentucky, Wllh Tennessee, Alabama. the office to every one who asks for'h. m his I
; j g j' , JOe Richardson... m1..-..§......_.a.....£.............Times, Glasgow and lVliSSlSSlppl, IS in the East South Subscribers get a week’s credit alter m permanf
reSi en , . r . - ' ..
i 3 Chauncey Fox-gay.”.______.,._,,ea__I_I...indepemieni, Ashland (.entral section. The contest is open to en sunless days have 1);“ch newspat
. . . . Vice—Presi ent , , 3 , . , . . . . _ ‘ .
i 1 Victor R. Portmann__..............-..____U. of K, Lexington ‘1“ YEW-91331361” "Kn dnd I)I CS5 photo- hll‘. Brown 13 a lllC lllCIlll)Ct" 0‘ Kl“ Flllt
1 1 E secretary wager- . giapheis and entries must bC sent 1" L“ and says his spirit. still rests In his home gown] I
1 zecutive Committee, Districts h C . C . I 370 L I . o I I . ..
1 l ‘ Fred B. Wachs, Herald-Leader, Lexington (sling). ‘» e ampaign (”“1“ch I “(may state. lxentucky. . )9?“-
§ . . Chairman; First, Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, a u- . i v ’ ~ . 1‘ i .1? 1" ~ 111k _ )
l ‘ can; Second, John B. Gaines, Park City News, Bowi- to.“ dvenuej NE“ 3011‘ Cltl’ X10 L Il. l a;
1 ing Green; Third, John H. Hoagiand, Courier-Journal. night. April In. ——_'—______—‘H*—‘— mm art
. 3 1 3 Louisville; Fourth, James M. Willis, Messenger, Bran- ‘ , , .
‘i ‘ i ’ denburg; Fifth, Virgil P. Sanders, News-Democrat. . t'tlllm‘lil
1 .; Gammon; seventh, Walker w. Robinson. Herald. —~W————W-—————~~— Danvrlle Advocate—Messenger .. V
' ‘l l Paintsville; Eighth, J. W. Heddon, Advocatel, Mt. 5:31: Becomes Mornin News C] e c. i ‘0
1' , 1 li ; Ninth, Harold A. Browning, Repubican, — . . . . . r t I
', E I‘ lizrgrisburg; Tyler Mumford, Advocate, Mgrganflcgd, Notional Editorial ASSOClOl'lon g p p I on [lit]
. ‘ ‘ State-at-Large: Seymour B. Goodman, 'nterpr e. - . , ' , ~ ,, , _, . .. . .
1 1 Elizabethtown, State-at-Large; Immediate Past Pres- TO Meet In MllWOUkee In June l1] ‘m (HIGH ‘0 gut ‘1 “MIL “’mPM mmeerd
I ident, Vance Armentrout, Courier—Journal, Louisville. A 1 d l' 1 ill coverage ()1 war news, and :15 a war.ti1nc but 53K
1 . Kentucky Press Women's Club i Lll‘CC- Ely, stream 1116( program W1 , ~. - ,- r v - . .- . -
1;. r 1 Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herold, Harrodsburg, President; be held by the National Editorial ASSO- 1110\L “1 \ 16“ 91 meeting antlupffled lll- “of"
1 1 g was Mildred Babbage. Breckenridze NeIIWS. Clgvgyort. , , 92 9} l S h 1 titre war restrictions, the DanVille Ail- , 3. Ed
' ; . 1‘ 1 1 ; .J.O.Y , ourn . xon, " ._ ,_. 2 ' ‘ '1‘ , , . 1 ~
i. starsartistes... Manama“; :1“le 1311.111, I , I; “:9 ,f ?, \Ig changed from are“
1‘ j;‘ i Record, stearns. Third Vice President: MrS- J- 3- ote ’ . ' wau LC’ .01 “L ‘ t ‘mwlf iiiiig newspaper to a morning daily this "canned
,1 l : Wallace. Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary: convention according [.0 the prelimi- t . ) ‘I
I, i . 1 I Miss with Lucas, Independint,BM:1y5vill;I, tIIcvorrIeii- ’ P l \I l' , week. An Associated Iress iiews-tclc-l ‘1. (.h
13 1 z : ; . J. . , so. ' J , - - - . .
II l , {Ending secretary Mrs m ey n rin- _ 1.1;“);1 ariéiouncellngllbllfllt ll ixarC‘ “I‘ll“ graph With direct alternoon SCI‘VICC was , mmrei
I i . 1 ,I 0 {IE 1 atlolla I” 1518‘ - I“ post-(.01: installed to give readers complete news 5 Fe:
‘3 iéli ‘2, NATIONAL EDITORIAL- vention vacation 30m ulp’ asting “ml coverage. Editor Simpson, by this as “Tw
“ :« :’ 93": SSOClATlON JUIY 1’ from Milwaukee {'0 Buffalo, than c \Vlll also be :bl* t )1‘0 ll'C .
i : i 1 1 “mix???” - r / thr u 'h th Great I akes and return is g ’ I L 0 I '5" ”Hal‘s 5
,2, i 1 J w l - [To 31 f e h ‘f' 4 " ‘ 1_ l ‘ emergency serv1ces of student printers .lilllil,Bt
a, 1 1 . . - ‘ . 1 . , 1
y :, fl...._,mw___fi___~_w__ 0 erec 01} t 6, 0mg??? ecitors l‘ 10 and operators from the School for the will be
it“ i 1 '1 a _ , r I 7 ~ ‘ i . '1. . . .
' y Q g (,m sparcl “C um}: I a i 591m] 1&5?” .1 Deal, DanVille, who Will be able to 6. A
ll j " MEMBER {regrfi “OHS till“ y, CVCD C OIL I P11 . t0 bd‘C “,Ork in evening hours. (HIS ()1‘
y I ‘1‘ . iiifilhil augmented tax. The complete program If .
, l 1 j M“ will be announced later, ———————_———__—,_# . “11011ng
i 1‘5 .1 .‘ . E , ' /. 'c
i .i ‘ . _____”Efl________~ .,
:‘ :i, 1.: iI K Tl’aCCIEXTII’gNS Frankfort State Journal «INL-
:1 “ “‘1: ‘ l 1 I 8' HI
1 1 ASS Kentucky Newspapers Wanted Changes Ownership standin
1 1 ' "i one” 1: ”HA . nu , I . _
i I ‘j M __#__ In NEA 44 Newspaper Contests Announcement was made that lawccllI 11“]ng
.11 1 } Volume Fifteen, Nimtber Firm The Press urges our state newspapers Publications Company, New York, had“; ‘ 9; M
, . 1 W, -- - WWW—v ,. ~ , - W - . )ur h‘ s* t. . ‘, ~ ' '<~ .‘ : in t0
1. ; to enter the various contests in the NEA [C 5 (15d ,hL (311.“ SlllntiCSUan mil pearani
‘ . . . _ .. ‘1 ‘ (r ‘ or a '
. , l944 Newspaper PI’OdUCllon annual competition as officially aii- t1 L 'U'llllnbc liin inc 0mg Jim the Dag
1‘ 1 . - - . .1e ouisw e .o r "lV’ul‘C 01 ,-
4 ‘: Prize Contests Announced nounced in the March issue ot the Na- Louisville Tli- triinsa’l't‘ion carriedrlvitll 10. At
1 1 1 i I t1 1 tli 1 1c {01 tli tional Publisher. There are contests [or 't 11 it I]? '. (L t .‘ the St‘llt‘ Conside
1‘ 1 w n.' .1 r counin e ‘u is ‘,e .. . 1- - , ~ -.( 0. I. ,
:1 I ‘m_0 c , . both dailies and weeklies—our newspa— 1L um,“ In” "““9‘ m ~h‘ 11. It
. 1| 1944 prize contests are given. It is hoped .. . . . . lournal, l‘rankfortz, which was a 511-.
,1. . ‘ , . pets me both eligible and competent ~. . . , , . , [ make—u
i that every Kentucky newspaper editor for all the classifications and have ex sidiary oi the Dearnig (.oiiipaiiy dll(~ tutti)
i . . i ' . J i
'1 \ ‘l ' th time to elect his best )ro» . . g . I r\' ,' " 7. evnianwhu ,
, “I take C S . _ l cellent chances to take the prizes. .Studv “hull J) l1“ 1.1111‘m “ N l . 1- . scrutiir
‘2 ‘. duction efforts and send in entries to th» . l d 1 . I . , j handled the busmess as executrixof ICI
1 .' I .. e was an sem in your cntrics at 1 I I I .1 . I Hcl‘ mmv,
- . ucry contest. once atc husband, James L. Newman. 2' 4
M l - - . " ' v.. ‘ , . ,. . ' - JVCHE
.1‘ ‘ Special attention is called to the new ““9”“ “1 [11C ncwspapci st terminal 12 s
i. ’ 1 -1 contest [or the best religious editorial *”‘—"——————————'——— Cd by “Hi sale. NO announcement on“ P" 0|er
,‘I i i offered by the \Var Cry, official news B 'f PCFSOHHC] 011 ”101011111?” has Y“ m", , p s
3;; ‘ . _ . . , Lew B. rown, Ll e Member, ,mdc , and 0
.2. . 1; papei of the Salvation Army. The KPA R i es S. nol A Cl _ i .. "Outsid
‘1‘; ‘E Executive Committee, by resolution, ex- ece V '9 war ~ I
1‘. 1 : . . . . 1 ' , —--——————————~——‘ (
, pressed its thanks and apprecmtion to Lew B. Brown, lormer Kentucky piib- I115. .,
ti‘ 1 Brigadier Cunningham who made this lisher and president of KPA in 1907. Some Kentucky newspapers have 110‘! m lh‘
.I splendid contest open to every Kentucky now publisher of the Evening lndepeii- sent in their NAS representations. N“ 1‘ “‘9’
If editor. The prize committee anticipates dent, St. Petersburg, Florida, was pro tional advertising contracts are comlrl‘s’l (Omen
i i great interest and a large number of en- sented with a testimonial scroll by the in to NAS members. Is your newspaper y l‘l- l
i l . tries in lhiS (liViSiOIL city council for bringing fame to that represented? (””59“
- ll . ' a . ~
it‘i‘ » 1
‘~ it l — \

 944 ~ March, i944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . Vigil
" ‘l‘M ,i ‘
line" after. Continual I’m" Pug” T70“ Newspapermon For More Than Survey Of Readers Will lill '
:51‘01d,[€§~ Bradley, Providence Enterprise, won his 50 Years Dies At Murray Produce Vouoble Data all ‘ .~
t‘ Va' -- . I t ' 4t "‘ ..~ ,. “:C,’
in lhgiliilil filbut 16% ()232iiE‘Ltlliisul/eiisi‘”Cold: SETS“ 0. J. Jennings, 69, newspaper man \1Vhile the value of reader—interest Ill , ll l
n Upon titty 15 Smile ltitle implies .this handsome and publisher lor more than fifty years. surveys for newspapers has been proved ' i l. 1i
We the ”I" sill/er lovinir cup is dedicated to the Shell at {1.15 home Mamh 6. FIG had been and .(IISCUSSCd time 01.] end not. “m.“ i l l l l l
publicatipii ' . I 01-hour beloved Ben Cozine in 11111calth loi hlteenIyeais.I . . publishers have gone into this Vital in- .IlI -:I I ,
been git'cn 1110110in 1'1 Id.” "1 a): , (I t: Jennings was a native ot Missourl. formation-I)roducing plan. Perhaps the it 5E l
,rch ll~ztnI Wholinihew us )1: lofn‘illi' Ibegsii it? .0)l:1__ “'hCl‘C he started 1” the newspaper b1151- terin “rcader-interst survey" sounds too ”+1 l ’
3111‘. Copicsl staining Liar?“ 11' {1L 1 =1 _1 l ness ”Uh“ 38"? 01 I12- He went to Murray technical. too academic, too impractical ll :I ‘1‘
met and III, naltsni, an( is cc itoIrias a aiIct 01cc lorty-nine years ago and became pub- or too expensive. It might: be better i '.
asks lor'lt. in his low11 21ml his state. 1" retain “51101” 01 the Murray Ledger, aft” be- received if referred to as a poll to learn ' i 1:, .
it alterset. permanCnt possession ”I lh‘: cup, the i119; “)thCtC‘l “’hh th “70510111 KC” what people are reading most in the ii
newspaper must win it three times. tuckian alter the Ledger was sold in a newspaper. I ‘l‘l »
)er 01' KM Thc l0“”“‘”‘g. rules were made to merger. A reader-interest poll may be elal)o- I" I a,
n his home govern the selection of the Winner each Jennings also published a paper at rate and expensive or it may be con— I- I It
I year: Senatobia, Miss, from 1898 to 1900. He ducted in a simple manner through the ‘ I 'I
1' Page ”mlchli the page must con- was one Of theIorganilers "I the Ewing columns ()1. the newspaper itsell at the » 7'11] ‘ ‘
"“ Iain articles ol literary, feature, and Tobacco Assocmtion in the early tur- small cost 01- the time involevd m min ' “l’_ l I »
‘Senger “1:10:31 llillilci‘l (emiient ‘hould a ) e'ir will): ((13)?ng:gffccl‘zntliolifiillrl is piling the replies or role. For instance, ' ll 1‘
spoper i “' 1,01. i ”I!“ 5. . IP ‘ 1'1 . _‘ ‘ I " -I b ' a survey of tth latter-I type produced I 'I I I .
”‘1 [ht pagcuHowuer, ”“5 "“11 “0t bar 1’11"”er of 1h“ Mlm‘ll Demociat. some amazing information lor the pub- 1:. “I .
‘c completcl contesraIms using such advertisemerfits ____”~________~#w_ “she, 01’ a small newspaper. I, Show“, ; II. I 1
a wartime but saic use wi count against per ‘cc— . . . lllt w: . A ,S is . -II,. all I 11,. n WW I 1.1“: film l1.
icipated hi1 ti0H- Wlfg Of HQPkmSVIHe inalteriall ililiclie'ideil‘ciiiltldiiest. wiill L‘lfi‘il’L ol‘ H ll l
anville Atl- 3. Editorial matter: preference will be PUbl'Sher D'es At Home Iht . l b - . - . 0 1- Allin?! l i
c sit )scii (.15 voting that in ltist place, , It“ ltr. _
0111 an CYC- given to “home-written” editorials while .\1rs. Rebecca i\1lorgan \Vood. 32. wile local tiews was second wiht, 91%: editor- - IIII .
g daily tliis "canned” edimrials will be a detriment. ol‘ 'I’honiéls 1:. Wood. copublisher of the ials and state news each drew 93% in , .II I “III ‘ ll .
i news-teleI A1. Clipped editorials of community Kentucky New Era. Hopkinsville. died reader interest, while the "’l’ feature ‘ ‘ III; Ii
SCI‘ViCC was . nature will be acceptable. March 21 at. her home liollowing a long 0an got 80% support of readers. “imp, . . II ll
aplete news 5. Features and literary: features such illness. 11 similar poll by the same newspaper . ll“ . i
,. b)’ 1111* as “Twenty Years Ago,” syndicate nia- She was a daughter of Mrs. Ethel Ross six years ago Showed comics at the very 1I III 1 I ,
to pl‘QCln'C tei'ials such as written by Doctor (Iope- Morgan and the late C. L. Morgan. Her topiol' the list in interest. the latest sur- t lit 'lI :
:nt prlntm land, Bob Burns, etc.. essays, poems, etc., father, who died in 1931. was a promi- vcv gave the top comic only 81% rating I l: l
001 for the will be acceptable. iient Hopkinsville businessman. Besides and the rest ol? the comics were under lilllll 1
be able to 6. A column, whether serious, humor— her husband and mother. Mrs. \Vood is 50%. The top feature was supported lllii,’ "l I ,
l tins. or a mixture, will be considered 5“”le I’l' 1' daughter, RCI’CC‘“ \Vood: l)y"8()‘I{7;I ol the readers. the society ('01— l i l i“ ll '
,7_# , editorial page material. “_ sister, Mrs. thk Mlllm“ I-Iopkins— uinn rated only 6197;, and a serial l'ell l I, ll .’
7. Editorial cartoons will be accept- \illc, and-a l)t~()lher,I])\1t. Lynn Ross Mon to the low score of, 23%” which is too l1 pug, ‘II E
able. gan. “3‘10"“ “‘1 (hhhl’ K0111”! Calil. low to warrant: the space given to this ll
3. Headlines, Whether spot heads Oi #__W___#____#__c_ olfering. I 1» 11f: ‘ ll ;'
.hatFawceit standing department heads, Will be . l . The poll was of special interest be- I ll 1
I York, hall, Judged tor typographical balance. Congrotu otions cause of the changes in reader interest ll . . I
tock in thc‘l 9' Ala“ head: the typographical ap- ']‘hc PI‘CSS CXICIKlS congratulations it) it. showed 1121(1 [111((311 place in ()Ill)’ 21 .1 l‘l‘ltvll ,ll I
mpany and lfijlinfc’dhc C?1]l€[1t,‘lanl:lt relatIiclin (I) the Paris Daily IEnterpriIse on its third year. For the past. three years, the an- ll ll 1
C Company. 101:3}? ‘15 RIIWIKI c WI 1 c COIIISIIC 0133‘.- birthday and on its anniversary edition nual poll has shown that news and edi- ,I1 I, will I
garrietlwitll rt work. 1f any, WI” be gisen [“11 . issued in commemora[ion ol that event. torial matter have rapidly supplanted . ; IIIIIIII'I ll. .
n the Sttitt’ ConsulerationI the lighter material and the policies of . .I l 1 ll ‘3
was a sub-l 11' Makhflp and balance: the page _—__H___——____—_‘ the newspaper have been changed ac- l , r l i.
mpaiiy and ~ 1n'“ll‘e'up ‘Vlth emphaSis on balance, sy‘m- Bollard Yeoman Wick