xt7x0k26c85p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26c85p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1965 journals kaes_bulletins_190 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.190. text Bulletin n.190. 1965 1965 2014 true xt7x0k26c85p section xt7x0k26c85p r Commercml Feeds in
· i Kentucky r
. 1965
‘ U "{ OF
; S
` ` V 9/865¢
\ Regulatory Bulletin 190
l University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station
* Lexington

Bruce Poundstone, Chairman _
Robert Mathews, Asst. Adm. & Chief Inspector ·
J.M. Fernandez, Auditor - Inspector ‘
W.J. Huffman, Registration Inspector '
E.G. Vanderpool Neville Hulette Noel J. Howard
M.M. Davis W.M. Routt X!
Valva Midkiff J.A. Shrader *Le1ah Gault
J.T. Adair Dewey H. Newman,Jr. Norma Holbrook .
Paul R. Csudi.11 John Ellis Robert N. Price `
Richard Westmoreland Sue Witt ·
Introduction and Feed Monitoring Program ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 3 A I
Estimated Tonnage of Feed Sold in 1965 . ...... ... . . .. . .. .... Zo
Companies on Reporting System May 1, 1966 .......... ... ..... 5
Average Composition of More Common Feedstuffs. ...... . ....... 9
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed in 1947-1965. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll
Urea in Feeds ..... .. ... . ............................. . ..... 12
Changes in Product Names .............................. ..... 13
How to Label Feeds containing Antibiotics ..... ............. lh ·
Ty·peALabe1....... ....................................... . 15
How to Label Feeds containing Drugs ................. ....... 16
TypeBLabe1... ..... .... ........... . .... . ................. . 17
Table 1 - Report of Official Samples Analyzed 1965 ....... .. 18
Table 2 — Samples Classified as "Not Passed" . ........ . ..... Zio
* Died August 19, 1965 I
This report compiled and prepared by Robert Mathews and Bruce Poundstone.
Analytical data by the Laboratory Staff.

This bulletin contains the results of inspection and analysis
· ,` of commercial feeds sold in Kentucky during the calendar year
_ of 1965, and other information helpful to those interested in
this field.
During 1965, 3,396 official samples of feed were secured by
' i inspectors. 2,867 or 857}. of these passed inspection and
analysis satisfactorily.
‘ During 1964, 3,372 official samples were secured and 2,832 or 8/+7
l of these were passed.
The total estimated tonnage of commercial feeds distributed in
Kentucky for 1965, was 531,901 tons. In l96!•, the tonnage was
_ · 535,60i+ tons.
I The class of insecticides known as chlorinated hydrocarhons (DDT,
dieldrin, heptachlor, etc.) do not decompose readily after application.
These insecticides have been used in Kentucky on crops fed to farm
· animals. Residues on such feed are stored in the fat of animals
_ . consuming them. Only a trace quantity is necessary to be passed
by dairy animals into milk.
I To assure dairymen that feeds fed in Kentucky are satisfactory,
7 the Department of Feed and Fertilizer set up a Pesticide Residue ,
Monitoring Program in 1962. The first year, 3A samples were analyzed.
By 1965, 200 samples had beenscreened in this way. All dairy feed
samples received by the department are now being analyzed for chlori-
nated hydrocarbon residues. They are checked for aldrin, lindane, ‘
` dieldrin, DDT, DDD (rhothane), heptachlor, heptachlor cpoxide and
- endrin.
A All feeds tested have been within the tolerance.

Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
Mixed Feed '  `
Calf Feed L;,$6()
Cattle Feed 27,992 I
Dairy Feed 103,090
Dog & Cat Feed 16,352 ‘
Horse & Mule Feed 15,061 K »
Mineral Feed 8,196
Pig & Hog Feed 92,393 . I -
Poultry Mashes 130,531 I-
Rabbit Feed 1,574 ·
Scratch Feed 5,679
Sheep Feed 520 S ‘ l
Stock Feed 1,297
Turkey Mashes 8,203 U
Miscellaneous Mixed Feed 1.7,518
Straight Materials  _ 7
Alfalfa Products 3,0!•9 I
Animal Products 5,156 ,
Barley Products bh
Brewers Products 689
Corn Products 21,085
Cottonsced Products 11,790 '
Distillers Products 3,636 J
Linsced & Flax Products 182
Molasscs 14,371 · `
Oat Products 1,26Zo l
Soybean Products 13,3i•2
Wheat Products 22,351 V
Miscellaneous Products 1,976

Regulatory Bulletin No. 190
. {
Abilene Flour Mills Cadiz Milling Company
· Acme-Evans Co., Inc. The Carey Salt Co.
_ Ade Farm Chemical Cargill, Incorporated
Agway, Inc. John H. Carr Implement Co.
Albers Milling Co. Casey County Farm Supply
. Allen Products Co. Cashman's Leghorn Farm
_· All-In-One Feeds, Inc. Cat Life Packing Company
Allied Food Distributors, Inc. Central Alfalfa, Inc.
Allied Mills, Inc. Central Soya, Inc.
§¤ American Crystal Sugar Co. Chickasaw Oil Mill Company
_ American Kennel Foods Citizens Milling Co.
I V Anderson & Spilman Clark Milling Company
Anglo Sweet Feed Mill, Inc. Cleveland Milling Company
Anvil Mineral Products Corp. Clinton Corn Processing Co.
Apex Feed 6¤ Supply Co. Clinton Milling Co., Inc.
Archer-Daniel-·Midland C0. Cocke Gr Company
Arkansas Rice Growers Assoc. Colchester Processing Company
. Armeato Import Company H.C. Cole Milling C0mP="¢¤Y
Armour and Company Colorado Milling & Elevator Co.
V - A1-mlm; Cremcries Columbian Hog Er Cattle Powder Co.
Q Ashland Mining Company Continental Chinchillas, Inc.
Aubrey Feed Mills, Inc. Cooperative Mills, Inc.
_ Auburn Mills, Inc. C°I`“ Pl`°du€c$ C°mP¤“}'
Aylor & Meyer Company Cosby-Hodges Milling Company
Crescent Roller Mills
Bagdad Roller Mills
Barry Carter Milling Co. William Davies Company, Inc.
Barton Distilling Co. Dearborn Mills
, Bates Farm Supply Decatur Cotton Oil Company
Bay State Milling Co. Diamond Crystal Salt Company
Beacon Div. of Textron Diamond Laboratory
· The Beardstown Mills Co. Dixie Mills Company
Best Feeds & Farm Supplies, Inc. Dixie Portland Flour Co. (Tenn.)
Big Sandy Wholesale Co. Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Tenn.)
L.A. Black Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Kan.)
_ Blatchford Calf Meal Co. Doane Feed Products Company
Blenda Life, Inc. Dog Life Packing Company ·
Bobb Brothers Dover Milling Company
Boone County Farm Supply Dunnington Milling Company
The Borden Company Durant Milling Company
The Boswell Company Dyersburg Oil Mill Company
Y Botkins Grain & Feed Co.
Boyle Packing Co.
Bradley S Baker The Early & Daniel Company
Bremco Mills Eckhart Milling Company
— Brennan Packing Co. The F.L. Emmert Company
The Brode' Corporation John W. Eshlelman & Sons
~ Browder Milling Company Olen Evans Company (b)
` Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. Evans Milling Company, Inc.
_ Brown Molasses Company Jchn Ewing C0‘mP¤“Y
The Buckeye Cellulose Corp. EX¤€lSi0l` Milling C¤m‘P¤¤y
Buckeye Cotton Oil Div.
The Buhler Mill & Elevator Co.
' Buhner & Co., Inc. Fabro, IUC-
Bullitt County Feeders Supply FJPFO of G€¤1`gi¤, I¤¢·
__ Burton Feed Er Supply (b) Fam S°YVi€@$» I¤C·
` (s) Small Packages Only, (b) Bulk Sales Only, (m) Molasses Only, (d) Dog Food Only

Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
Farmers Elevator Company - Franklin Hi-Life Packing Company
Farmers Elevators, Inc. - Owensboro Hill Packing Company
Farmers Friend Mineral Company Hi-Vi Dog Food Company
Farmers Hav 6: Seed Co. (b) Hobbs Feed & Supply Sr
Farmers & Merchants Milling Co. Hodgenville Roller Mills
Farmers Service (b) Hollar & Mardis
Farmers Supply - Sadieville Holly Sugar Corporation
Farmers Supply Company Hopkinsville Milling Company
Feed Service Corporation Horlicks Corporation I
Feeders Supply Company Howdy Distributing Company
Finch Packing (d) Hudson's Farm Service (b) `
Fischer Packing Company Huff & Puff Pet Foods
Fish Meal Company Humphrey's Mills
Foremost Dairies The Hunter Milling Company `
Fort Negley Mills 2 ‘ `
Foster Canning Company
Frosty Morn Meats Igleheart Brothers Division `
Henry Fruechtenicht Company, Inc. Illinois Cereal Mills, Inc.
Fruen Milling Company Illinois Soy Products Co. I
Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company Independent Oil Mill, Inc.
Inland Mills, Inc.
International Milling Co. V .
Gallatin County Farm Supply International Salt Co., Inc.
Garland Mills, Inc. The Ismert-Hincke Milling Company
Garrard Farm Services
Garrard Mills K l
General Distributing Company Jacco Industries, Limited
General Foods Corporation Jackson County Farm Bureau Coop. Ass'n.
Corn Mill Division Jersee—Security Food Company
Gaines Division l.S. Joseph Company, Inc.
General Mills, Inc.
Gethsemani Farms
Gifford Feed Gr Grain The E. Kahn's Sons Company `
Gilster Milling Co. Kane Molasses Lab.
Gland—O-Lac Co. K 6( K Manufacturing Company ,
Goldenrod Oil Meal Sales Co. The Kansas Milling Company
Good—Life Chemical, Inc. Keco Milling Company `
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Keller Hay & Grain Company .
Great Lakes Pet Food Company Kellogg Company _
The Great Western Sugar Company Spencer Kellogg Sr Sons, Inc.
Green County Milling Co. (b) Kentucky By-Products Corporation
Green Valley Farm Supply, Inc. (b) Kentucky Chemical Industries, Inc.
Gro-Green Chemical Company Keynes Brothers ,
Gwinn Brothers Company Kimbell-Diamond Milling Company
K & M Farm Service
H.C. Knoke & Co. ’
Earl Hale 6¤ Son Kraft Foods
Hales & Hunter Company Kroger Company
Peter Hand Foundation (ea)
Hardy Brothers Mil ls
Hardy Salt Company LaCross Milling Company, Inc. ‘ _
Harpeth Mills Lake County Oil Mills -
Hartz Mountain Products Corp. Lake States Yeast Corporation
Harrison Farm Supply (b) Land-O-Nan Warehouse (b) `
Harvest Brand, Inc. Edmond J. Lang
Havdon Mill Er Grain Co. (s) Lewisburg Koller Mills (b)
Haynes Milling Company Lexington Roller Mills, Inc. -
llayward, lnc. Life Guard Feeds
Heaven Hill Distillories Light Grain Er Milling Company, Inc.
Hr-cklv Brothers Lincoln Farm Service
Dr. Heinz Company Linden Mill (d)
anal-rs s. Berry mea to. (iu) Lu>Sc~>¤¤¤l> Fam Supply (b)

Regulatory Bulletin No. 190
Lipscomb Grain & Seed Company, Inc. Northern Ohio Sugar Company
Loft Dahlgreen, Inc. Charles Nunn & Sons Milling Co.
V London Feed 5: Milling Company Nutrena Mills, Inc.
Lowe's Feed & Hatchery
‘ Lynn Grove Milling Company
Odon Milling Company
Oelwein Chemical Company
M.F.A. Grain 8: Feed Division Old Stanley Distillery, Inc.
The M.G.R. Feed Company Osceola Products Company
Magic Feed Mills, Inc. Orleans Candy Company .
Man-An··So Corporation Orleans Canning Company
Marblehead Lime Company Owensboro Grain Company
_ Marco Mills, Inc. Owensboro Milling Company
Marianna Sales Company
` Marion Milling Company
‘ Q Markin Feed Company ` Pacific Molasses Company
Master Feed & Seed Company, Inc. Packers By—Products Company
Mavar-Shrimp 6: Oyster Company (Cat) Pan American Mills (szl
Mayfield Sweet Feed Mill Phillip P. Park, Inc.
Mayfield Milling Company, Inc. Peavy Company Flour Mills
McCauley Brothers Seed Pedrick Laboratories
McKnight-Keaton Grocery Pendleton County Mills
. Memphis Cotton Oil Mill Penick Er Ford, Ltd., Inc.
V Mennel Milling Company Stanley Penn 6: Son Inc.
Metcalfe County Farm Supply, Inc. John J. Pepin 6: Company
Middlesboro Milling Company Perk Food Company
` k Midget Mill Pfizer 6: Company
‘ Midland Flour Milling Company Philip Roxane Division
, Mid-South Feeds, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Company
Midsouth Milling Company Pittsburg Plate Glass Company
Midwest Feeds Planters Manufacturing Company
Midwest Mineral Company Planters Oil Mill
Milliken Sweet Feed Mill Portland Feed Mill, Inc.
` Mineral Products Company Provico Feeds & Concentrates
Model Mills
, ‘ Mohawk Roller Mills
August Moldenhauer Mill The Quaker Oats Company
Monroe County Farmers Service, Inc. Quin Menhaden Fisheries
` Monroe Sweet Feed Mill Quisenberry Mills, Inc.
Moore-Lowry Flour Mills, Inc.
Moorman Manufacturing Company
The Mor-Milk Company Ralston Purina Company _
John Morrell & Company Lloyd Reiterman
' Morristown Milling Company Reliance Chemical Corporation
Morton Salt Company Richland Mills
Mowatt, Wilson & Company Rico Liquids, Inc.
' Mt. Sterling Hatchery (b) Riteway Milling Company
Mt. Vernon Milling Company Riviana Foods, Inc.
Murphy Grain 6: Milling Company Allen Robertson Company, Inc.
Mutual Products Company (s) Robinson Milling Company, Inc. ,
Myzon, Inc. Rome Oil Mill
_ G.P. Rose E: Company, Inc.
- Russells Company
ll. Nagel 6: Son Russell-Miller Milling Company
` Nashville Cotton Oil Mill Corp. Ryde Br Company
National Additive Corporation
National Alfalfa Dehyd. & Milling Co.
· National Biscuit Company S é: O Products, Inc.
National Distillers Products Company Sandusky Brothers
National Molasses Company Sanford's Feed Service
_ National Oats Company Salyersville Wholesale Company
National Remedy Products Co., Inc. Charles W. Sehenk 5: Sons (s)
Nebraska Consolidated Mills Company Schenley Distillers, Inc.
Neumond, Inc. John Schlcmmer
New Era Milling Company Scientific Milling Company

 8 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
Scioto Farm Bureau Coop. Ass'n. Sunshine Molasses Company
The Scott County Milling Company Supreme Mills
Seaboard Allied Milling Company Surewill Mfg. Co., Inc.
Seaboard Seed Company D.B. Sutherland & Sons
Sea-Born Mineral (Div. of Skod) Swift & Company (Chicago)
Joseph E. Seagram 6: Sons, Inc. Swift & Company (Memphis) '
Security Mills, Inc. Swift & Company - Oil Mill
Shellabargers, Inc. Swift 6: Company - Pard Food Dept.
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Siemer Milling Company
Sikeston Cotton Oil Mill Tabor Enterprises
Simpson Milling Company Teater 6< Cassity Farm Service
The W.J. Small Company, Div. Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
J. Allen Smith Thompson Feed Mill '
Smith-·Douglas The Topeka Flour Mills Corp. Q
Smith Packing Company Todd County Grain Co., Inc. (b)
Southcoast Fisheries Company Tree City Specialties `
Southern Canning Sales, Inc. Trenton Cotton Oil Company ‘
The Southern Cotton Oil Company (Ala.) Tri Associates, Inc. `V
The Southern Cotton Oil Company (Tenn.) Tri—County Farm Supply `
Southern States Bardstown Cooperative Tri-State Molasses Company
Southern States Bowling Green Cooperative Trueblood Grain E< Storage (b) '
Southern States Boyle Cooperative Turf Feeds, Inc. _
Southern States Campbellsville Coop.
Southern States Carlisle Coop. _
Southem States Clark Coop. Union Sales Corporation 4 `
Southern States Cooperative United Salt Corporation
Southern States Cooperative Service Usen Canning Company
Southern States Coop. Seed & Farm ‘
Supply, Inc.
Southern States Cynthiana Cooperative Valier 6: Spies Milling Company
Southern States Frankfort Cooperative Vets Division of Perk Foods Co.
Southern States Fulton Cooperative Vita Fresh Dog Food Corp.
Southern States Georgetown Coop. Vita Plus Corporation -
Southern States Glasgow Coop. Vitamineral Products Company
Southern States Hardin Coop. VyLactos Laboratories, Inc. '
Southern States Henderson Coop. '
Southern States Hopkinsville Coop. .
Southern States LaGrange Cooperative W & W Hamstery
Southern States Lebanon Cooperative Walters 5. Thompson (m) .
Southern States Lcitchfield Coop. Watkins Products .
Southern States Lexington Coop. Weisenberger Sanitary Flour Mills .
Southern States London Coop. West Tennessee Soya Mill, Inc.
Southern States Maysville Coop. Western Condensing Company
Southern States Morganfield Coop. Western Grain Company
Southern States Owenton Coop. Martha White Mills, Inc. .
Southern States Russellville Coop. Martha White Mills of West Virginia
Southern States Somerset Coop. Whitewater Flour Mills Company
Southern States Coop. Elkton Branch Whitney Seed Company ’
Sowell Brothers Feed Mill R.L. Wiles Feed Mills, Inc.
Specialty Food Company `
Specialty Feeds, Inc.
Spen—W¤·ll Feed Company Yopp Seed Company
Sphar & Company _
St. Louis Brewers Yeast Company —
A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Standard Brands, Inc. '
Standard Products Co., Inc.
Stauffer Chemical Company
F.W. Stock 6. Sons, Inc.
Soni-Citrus Products Company
Sun-Ray Feed Mills (Lexington)
Sunshine Feed Mill, Inc.

 Regulatory Bulletin No. 190 9
Feedstuff Protein Fat Fiber N.F. Water Ash
Alfalfa Leaf Meal 21.0 2.8 16.0 40.5 7.7 12.0
. Alfalfa Meal 14.0 2.0 30.0 36.0 9.0 9.0
Barley 12.0 2.0 5.4 67.3 10.6 2.7 *
Barley Feed 13.5 3.5 8.7 60.9 9.3 4.9
Beet Pulp, Dried 9.2 0.5 19.8 47.2 9.9 3.4
7 Blood, Dried 84.5 1.1 1.0 0.7 8.2 4.5
· Bone Meal, Raw 26.0 5.0 1.0 2.5 6.4 59.1
- Bone Meal, Steamed 7.5 1.2 1.5 3.2 5.7 81.3
Brewers Dried Grains 25.0 6.4 16.0 41.0 7.7 3.9
Buckwheat 10.8 2.5 10.5 62.3 12.0 1.9
Buttermilk, Dried 33.0 6.0 0.3 43.1 7.6 10.0
Buttermilk, Semi-Solid 13.4 3.0 0.0 15.9 65.0 2.7
Citrus Meal 5.9 3.1 11.5 62.7 9.9 6.9
. " Coconut Oil Meal 20.5 8.0 10.0 45.0 9.5 6.5
Corn 8.0 3.9 2.0 69.9 15.0 1.2
` Corn Bran 9.7 7.3 9.2 62.0 9.4 2.4
` Corn and Cob Meal 7.0 3.5 8.0 66.1 14.1 1.5
Crushed Ear Corn 6. Shucks 7.0 3.0 10.6 69.2 11.0 1.8
. Corn Chops 8.0 3.5 2.0 71.0 14.0 1.5
Corn Feed Meal 8.0 4.5 3.0 71.0 11.4 2.0
Corn Germ Meal 21.0 9.0 9.0 50.7 7.0 3.3
., Corn Gluten Feed 25.5 2.7 7.6 48.8 9.1 6.3
Corn Gluten Meal 43.1 2.0 4.0 39.8 8.6 2.5
Cottonseed Meal 41.5 6.3 10.4 28.1 7.2 6.5
t Cottonseed Meal Solvent 41.1 2.1 11.0 31.1 9.2 6.8
· Cottonseed Feed 34.6 6.3 14.1 31.5 7.6 5.9
Distillers Dried Grains, Corn 26.1 8.8 12.8 44.2 7.1 2.5
*` Distillers Dried Grains, Rye 24.4 5.6 11.5 48.3 6.1 22.4
` Distillers Dried Solubles 28.5 9.6 4.4 42.5 7.0 7.4
Fish Meal 60.9 6.8 0.9 5.0 7.1 17.6
Flaxseed 24.0 35.9 6.3 24.0 9.2 4.3
Flaxseed Screenings Oil Feed 25.0 7.1 11.7 40.3 8.1 7.8
` Hominy Feed 11.2 6.9 5.2 64.2 9.6 2.9
Lespedeza Seed 36.6 7.6 9.6 32.8 8.3 5.1
Linseed Meal 35.4 5.8 8.2 36.0 9.0 5.6 .
Linseed Meal Solvent 36.6 1.0 9.3 38.3 9.6 5.6
l Malt Sprouts 26.8 1.3 14.2 44.3 7.4 6.0
t Meat Mea1,55Z 55.8 9.3 2.1 1.3 6.1 25.4
r Meat 6. Bone Meal, 50% 51.0 10.1 2.1 1.6 6.1 29.1
Molasses, Cane 3.0 0.0 0.0 61.7 25.7 6.1
Molasses, Beet 7.8 0.0 0.0 62.1 22.0 7.0
l Oats 12.0 __ 4.6 11.0 58.6 10.4 3.4
Oat Kernels 16.0 6.4 1.6 66.0 8.0 2.0 `
Oat Middlings 15.9 5.2 3.3 64.6 8.6 2.4
_ ` Peanut Kernels 30.4 47.7 2.5 11.7 5.4 2.3
Peanut Meal 43.5 7.6 13.3 23.4 7.0 5.2
· Peanut Meal, Solvent 51.5 1.4 5.7 27.2 8.4 5.8
Peanut Skins 15.9 22.4 10.6 42.2 6.2 2.7
Rice Bran 12.5 12.5 12.5 44.0 9.0 9.5
Rye 11.8 1.8 1.8 73.2 9.4 2.0
Rye Middlings 16.6 3.4 5.2 61.2 9.8 3.8
Skimmed Milk, Dried 34.0 1.0 0.0 51.0 6.0 8.0
Sorghum Grains 9.5 3.4 2.0 72.2 12.0 1.9
· Soybean (Seed) 36.5 17.5 4.3 26.5 9.9 5.3
Soybean Meal 44.3 5.3 5.7 29.6 9.1 6.0
Soybean Mea1,So1vent 46.1 1.0 5.9 31.8 9.4 5.8

Commercia1 Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
Fcedstuff Protein Hat Fiber N.F. Water Ash
Heat Meal Tankage, 607, 60.6 8.5 2.0 1.8 6.9 20.2 _
Meat Meal Tnnkage with Bone 50% 51.3 11.5 2.3 2.3 6.2 26.1
Wheat 10.5 1.7 2.8 72.9 10.2 1.9
Wheat Bran 14.0 3.5 9.5 56.9 10.1 6.0
Wheat Hill Run 13.5 3.5 7.5 60.2 10.1 5.2
Wheat Nidsllings 15.0 3.5 7.0 58.7 10.3 5.4
wheat Shorts 15.0 3.5 6.0 60.6 10.5 4.4
Wheat Red Dog 16.0 3.5 3.0 66.4 8.5 2.6
Wheat Flour, Patent 10.9 1.3 0.4 74.7 12.3 0.5
Wheat Germ Meal 27.8 9.2 3.3 44.4 8.9 4.5
Grain Screenings (From Wheat) 10.5 1.7 2.8 70.8 9.6 4.6
Whey, Dried 12.2 0.8 0.2 70.4 6.5 9.9
Yeast Brewers, Dried 44.9 0.7 2.7 38.8 6.2 6.9 i
Yeast, Irradiated, Dried 48.7 1.1 5.5 32.2 6.4 6.4 `
:\1(a1fa111xy 14.5 2.3 29.7 36.3 8.6 8.6 _ .
Blue Crass llay 8.2 2.5 29.8 42.5 10.5 6.5
Clover Hay, White 14.4 2.4 22.5 40.9 12.0 7.8
Clover llay, Red 11.8 2.6 27.3 40.1 11.8 6.4 V
Corn Stover, Without ear 5.9 1.6 30.8 46.5 9.4 5.8 '
Corn Stover, With Ear 7.8 2.2 27.1 47.6 8.9 6.4
Cuwpea llny 18.6 2.6 22.5 35.1 9.9 11.3
Yescue llay 7.0 1.9 30.3 43.2 11.8 6.8 _
Lespcdeza llay 13.5 2.5 28.0 40.1 10.5 5.4
Soybean llay 15.5 2.8 26.5 38.7 9.2 7.3 i
Timothy llay 6.2 2.5 29.8 45.0 11.6 4.9 r >
Alfalfa StcmM¢-111 11.5 1.3 36.3 34.8 9.0 7.1 .
Corn Cob 2.3 0.4 32.1 54.0 9.6 1.6
Corn Husk or Shock 3.4 0.9 28.2 49.6 15.0 2.9
Cottsmseed llulln 3.9 1.0 45.5 37.2 9.7 2.7
Flax Plant By—Product:: 6.4 2.1 44.4 33.1 8.1 5.9 .
Oat Mill lly-Products 5.6 1.8 27.9 50.8 7.6 6.3
Oat llull Feed 3.5 1.5 32.5 49.3 7.6 5.6
Ont llulls 3.0 1.0 35.0 47.7 6.8 6.5
Chaff and Dust M
¤'< Varies in qualiLy from fair.
‘?¤`= Varies in quality from poor to worthless and even dangerous. ·

Regulatory Bulletin No. 190
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed in l947·b.§
Feedstuff Protein Fat Fiber
Activated Sewer Sludge 29. 2 6. 0 6. 7
Alfalfa Silage 4. 0 0. 9 9. 5
Barley Bran 15.2 5.2 14.9
Bluegrass Chaff 7.1 1. 9 28. 5
Bluegrass Screenings 6. 7 2.0 26.1
Blackberry Seeds 9. 6 --- ....
Bread 12.5 5,3 0.7
_ Brewers Wet Grains 10.3 1.0 3.4 ·
Buckwheat Feed & Hulls 9. 6 2.9 22. 4
Cake, Ground 4.8 9.9 1.5
_ Cob & Shuck Meal 3. 2 0.6 31. 6
. Cookie Meal 7.7 8.6 0.8
l Corn Dust 7.1 2.7 1.7
Corn Blowings 8.7 1.9 15.7
Corn Fudder E4 Soybean Plant 10.1 3. 9 17.0
Cracklings, Edible 67.1 28.1 1.1
Cracklings, lnedible 44.1 22.2 3. 0
I Distillers Thin Slop 1.4 --- ---
. · Fescue Silage 2.8 1.3 $.9
Honey Suckle 2.8 0.02 6.0
lee Cream Cones, Ground 9.2 1.5 0.7
· Johnson Grass 7.8 0.8 37.6
Kale Seed 24. 3 40.0 9. 6
Korean Hay 13.9 --- ---
Korean Screenings 21.9 3.6 20.21
Lespedeza Screenings 19.8 15.7 26.2
Lima Beans, Ground 21. 5 1. 5 6.1
' Malt 1-lulls, Ground 10.3 1.8 22.5
Osage Orange Apple Z. 5 4. 5 1.7
_ Peanut Vine Meal 10.1 2. 3 14. 0
Popcorn, Ground 9.4 2. 5 2.7
Popcorn, Popped and Crushed 8. 4 12. 8 2. 9
Potato Flour Z. O --- -——
Potato Flakes 9.0 --- ---
Rag \Veed Seed 17.2 16.2 34.4
Sorghum, Ground (Sta11< & Leaves) 4.1 2. 9 19. 6
_ Ground Unthreshed Heads of Grain Sorghum 6. 4 2. 1 10. 5 I
Fescue &: Clover Silage 2.0 1.0 8.0
Oat Silage 1.9 1.5 9.8
· Straw Silage 6.5 3.0 19.5
Sudan Grass Silage 5.9 1.1 14.0
Sudan 8: Soybean Silage 2. -1 0. 6 7. 9
Vetch Seed 26.*1 0.7 7.6 .
Walnut Shells &· Meats 15. 2 24. 2 27.1
. ` Walnut Meat Skins 8: Small Amount o1'S1ie11 21. 5 45. 5 12. 0
Wheat '1`oast, Ground 12. 6 -1. 9 (1, 5
A Wild Onions 6.7 0.2 1.¤·
Wheat Silagv 4. 4 1. ~l .12. 7

Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
The following information may be of some help to manufacturers and feeders IL
using urea.
Urea is a white crystalline powder made by combining ammonia and carbon
dioxide under pressure in equipment that will withstand high temperature. `
Urea contains 46. 5% nitrogen, which is equivalent to 291% protein. The com- _
mercial product "Z62" Feed Compound, is urea which has been diluted with other _
materials to prevent caking, and contains 42% nitrogen which is equivalent to 262%
protein. The addition of l percent of this material to a dairy feed is equivalent to ·
adding 2.62% protein. Besides urea's protein equivalent value, one must also
consider its lack of energy value as compared to the common high protein feeds.
An example of this, if the nitrogen in urea is used as efficiently as the nitrogen in
high protein feeds, it will require approximately 14 pounds of urea, plus 100 pounds
of grain to replace 100 pounds of soybean oilmeal. , -
Urea, when used as an ingredient in feeds sold in Kentucky is shown in the
guaranteed analysis as follows: Crude Protein %. This includes not V
more than % equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen. Crude
Fat %. Crude Fiber %. One percent of "262 Feed Compound" V
would be 2. 62% equivalent protein from non-protein nitrogen. Urea should be shown
as an ingredient under "lngredients".
Cattle, sheep, and goats are able to convert urea to a usable form through the
action of micro»organisms in the rumen. The organisms convert the nitrogen of
urea to protein in their cell bodies which are in turn digested by the animal. _
Horses, swine, dogs, and other single·stomach animals arc unable to utilize -
urea. ·
The Association of American Feed Control Officials has a regulation to the
effect that urea be used in such limited quantities as to insure the total amount
present shall not exceed 3 percent of the (grain) ration or l/3 of the total protein. _
lf a feed contains more than 3 percent of urea, the label shall bear a statement
of proper usage and the following in type of such conspicuousness as to render it
likely to be read and understood by ordinary individuals under customary condi-
tions of purchase and use.
WARNING: This feed should be used only in accordance with directions
furnished on the label.
N )

Regulatory Bulletin No. 190 3
Soybean Meal Soybean Oil Meal
‘ Linseed Meal Linseed Oil Meal
l Meat Meal Meat Scraps
Meat Meal Tankage Tankagc or Digester Tankage
Wheat Middlings Wheat Standard Middlings
V _ Wheat Gray Middling
Wheat Shorts Wheat Brown Shorts
’ Wheat Gray Shorts
Wheat White Shorts
Wheat Mill Run Wheat Mixed Feed
Wheat Germ Meal Wheat Germ Oil Meal
Oat Hulls Oat Mill By Products
. (If Fiber is over 22%)
Rye Mill Run Rye Feed
4 Rye Flour Middlings Rye Middlings
Soybean Mill Feed Soybean Mill Product V
l Vitamin A Oil Vitamin A Feeding Oil
Vitamin D Oil Vitamin D Feeding Oil
Vitamin A fx D Oil Vitamin A & D Feeding Oil
Cane Molasses A
. ` . Corn Sugar Molasses
- Beet Molasses
Citrus Molasses
7 BHA (A Preservative) Butylated Hydroxyanisole
V ( A Preservative)
BIIT (A Preservative) Butylated Hydroxy Toluene
( A Preservativc)

Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
The labeling of feeds containing Antibiotics for growth promotion and
feed efficiency was changed on January 1, 1966.
All labels for feeds containing Antibiotics must give the purpose .
for which the Antibiotics are used after the Brand Name of the feed.
The Antibiotics are listed as Active Drug Ingredients and the per-
centage does not have to be shown, however, we have no objection i
to the percentage being shown. If the percentage is shown it should -
be in grams per ton thru 2000 grams and grams per pound if the amount '
used is over 2000 grams. Feeding directions must be shovm on the label vv
for such products. The word "Medicated" under the Brand Name is not `
a requirement en labels for feed containing Antibiotics for growth
promotion and feed efficiency. V
On labels for pre-·mixes, concentrates and supplements, the percentage
of Antibiotics must be shown and adequate mixing directions to provide
a finished feed with the proper concentration of Antibiotics.
The Federal Additive Regulation for certain Antibiotics, Tylosin, ·
Oleandomycin and Nystatin require quantitative guarantees regardless I _
of the level or purpose of the Antibiotic.
A sample Type A Label is shown on page IS.

 Regulatory Bulletin N0. 190 15
12 1 . 225
IOO lbs. Na! W•ighI
I For zrowtb stimulation and feed eM-
clency when fed aa directed.
PEINICILLIN (from procaine penicil-
V lin)
BACITRACIN (from manganese
CRUDE PROTEIN, not less than 17.0%
` GRUDE FAT, not less than _.. 8.0%
. CRUDE FIBER, not more than .. 6.0%
Each ingredient must be specifically
named (unless stated aa such in tha
guaranteed analysis listing) in accord-
ance with the names and definitions
adopted by the AAFCO.
To be fed na a aole ration lor grow-
inz poultry.
Robin, Indlann
Type A Label

Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
All labels for feeds containing Drugs must have the word "Hedicated" · V
under the Brand Name and it must be in type half the size of the
type for the drand Name.
Th. purpose for which the feed is used should be listed next and I _
under this, the Active Drug Ingredients.
This label is to be used for all Medicated Feeds which contain Drugs '
for special purposes such as prevention of diseases, treatment of
diseases, aid in control of diseases, hormone action, worming etc.
This lahel is also used on feeds containing growth promotion drugs
other than Antibiotics.
All labels for feeds containing Drugs should have feeding directions l
and withdrawal notices when necessary. In Pre-Mixes, Concentrates -·
and Supplements, the feeding directions should give directions for i
mixing the finished feed.
A Sample Type B Label is shown on page l7.

Regulatory Bulletin N0. 190
To aid iu preventing outbreaks
of coccidiosis. Follow feeding
directions and warning state-
4 ment on back of this label.
AdIv• Drug Ingr•di•nI(sI
Nicarbaziu _.-.-_ ....... ..0.0125% ‘
Gu¤r¤nI••d Anulysls
Crude Protein, not less than-e......20.D%
Crude Fat. not less than  ..- 4.0% ‘
Crude Fiber. not more tha¤........ 3.0%
Each ingredient must be spe-
ciiically named (unless stated as
such in the guaranteed analysis
. listing) in accordance with the
names and definitions adopted
by the AAFCO.
Munufudursd by
Robin, Indiana
Type B Label

 Comercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1965
For samples not passed see Table 2
Number of Number of Number of
Analyzed and Passed Not
Examined Passed ·
Abilene Flour Mills Co., Abilene, Kansas 2 2 _
Acme—lEvans Co., Indianapolis, ludiana 2 2
Agway, Inc., Syracuse, New Yorl. 2 2
Albany Mills, Albany, Kentucky 4 3 l
Albers Milling Co., Los Angeles, ('a1i.forni·i 3 3
Allen Products Co., Inc., Allentown, l‘r·oni.ylvania 6 6
Allied Food Distributors, »\Llr¤uL<*, *5 wlgia 10 10
Allied Mills, Inc., Chicago, £ll`;;.l`· 143 133 l0 _
American Kennel Foods, i’u·:· sl'? ile, ·'entucky I l _
Anderson County Farsi Swyiei , l.ax,·’4u(;cbL11`g, Ky. 3 2 1
Anderson-Spilman, D zaoil ·, , lo utueky 6 5 1
Anglo Sweet Feed lll, ine., Dia-nsboro, Kentucky 9 3 6 `
Ape:·; Feed Ei Si1p;l‘¤ l·w·,:., Marietta, Ohio l 1 ‘
Archer-Daniel-Z" ‘ oi Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 7 7
Armour and Comp,-1;., tihicago, Illinois 2 2 `
Arkansas City Mills, Arlzansis City, Kansas 1 l `
Ashland Milling Co., .`i:;hland, Kentucky 21 16 5 I
'l`he Creat Atlantic ei l’.1ci.iie Tea C0., Maspeth, N.Y ll ll
Aubrey Feed Mills, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky 218 203 I5
The Auburn Mills, Inc., Auburn, Kentucky 16 12 4 V .
Austin Dog Food, Div. of Sunshine Biscuits,
Long lslaud, lien: York 1 I
Aylor & l-leyer (Zoiwpany, Aurora, Indiana 4 2 2 .
Bagdad Roller ‘-lill;., Inc., Bagdad, Kentucky 34 23 11
Binner Fred Mills, lluntington, West Virginia 1 1