xt7x0k26b98g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7x0k26b98g/data/mets.xml Butterfield, Consul Willshire, 1824-1899. 1890  books b92f517g5218902009 English Robert Clarke and Co. : Cincinnati, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Girty, Simon, 1741-1818. Girty family. Indians of North America --Wars --1750-1815. Detroit (Mich.) --History. Ohio --History. Pennsylvania --History. Pittsburgh (Pa.) --History. Ohio River Valley --History. History of the Girtys : being a concise account of the Girty brothers, Thomas, Simon, James and George, and of their half-brother, John Turner : also of the part taken by them in Lord Dunmore s war, in the western border war of the Revolution, and in the Indian war of 1790-95 : with a recital of the principal events in the West during these wars, drawn from authentic sources, largely original / by Consul Willshire Butterfield. text History of the Girtys : being a concise account of the Girty brothers, Thomas, Simon, James and George, and of their half-brother, John Turner : also of the part taken by them in Lord Dunmore s war, in the western border war of the Revolution, and in the Indian war of 1790-95 : with a recital of the principal events in the West during these wars, drawn from authentic sources, largely original / by Consul Willshire Butterfield. 1890 1890 2009 true xt7x0k26b98g section xt7x0k26b98g 
   This Book mav v

   History of the Girtys






Author of "An Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford in 1782/' etc.

   Copyrighted ROBERT CLARKE & CO 1890 

It adds much to the pleasure of an author, in writing biographies of persons, to be in sympathy with them; but this occasionally results in unmerited praise. On the other hand, where the writer pursues his self-imposed labor with a feeling of antagonism, unjust detraction may ensue.

While it is true that an extended notice of the three Girtys    Simon, James, and George   was undertaken because of the notoriety they had obtained, yet the principal reason for prosecuting this work to a final completion has been that there is an apparent necessity for our Western annals to be freed, so far as may be, from error, every-where permeating them as to the part actually taken by these brothers   particularly Simon   in many of the important events which, to a considerable extent, make up the history of the Trans-Alleghany country.

It is because so many "conflicting statements" have heretofore been published concerning the Girtys   sometimes, however, in fragmentary form, but generally incorporated in Western historical works   that, along with the accounts of them in these pages, are also given brief sketches of the principal occurrences in which they took part to a greater or less extent. These events are drawn from authentic sources, largely original; and as they are interwoven with the life-record of the three brothers, they are arranged, of course, in chronological order. This book, then, is historical as well as biographical. And it may here be added that the author has kept constantly in mind one object as paramount to all others   the statement of facts, as he understands them.

To confine these pages, however, to a bare mention of occurrences, giving the name of the Girty who took part in any particular one, would be simply to make a dry chronological record; this might be useful, but it would not be entertaining. If it should appear that Simon's name, during the Revolution, became a household word of terror all along the Western borders of Pennsylvania and Virginia, the reader will naturally want to know the reason why. Details, therefore, become necessary. We shall see that not only Simon, but James and George, were cognizant of, or participants in



many of those events which make the history of our country so full of interest. Their lives, from boyhood to old age, were indeed " tragically romantic."

Pennsylvaniaus by birth, they were prisoners to the Indians in the old French war. Simon was a noted scout in Lord Duumore's war; and he, with his two brothers before named, was actively engaged in the interest of Britain during the last five years of the Revolution. In the Indian war of 1790-95, Simon and George aided the savages   the former in a way especially effective. But what has given the three brothers particular notoriety was their warring against their countrymen in connection with the Indians, from 1778 to 1783, inclusive.

An interest in another of the Girty brothers   Thomas   and a half-brother   John Turner   is awakened because of the bearing their lives have upon the career of their three more noted relatives. Therefore it is that they, too, are noticed at some length in the pages following. Other members of the family are mentioned    only, however, in an incidental manner.

It only remains for me to acknowledge my indebtedness to Douglas Brymner, Esq., of Ottawa, Canada, for promptly furnishing whatever copies have been called for of the transcripts of the Haldimand Papers in his charge as Public Archivist. The extent of the obligation I am under to him for this courtesy can be best understood by observing the number of citations from these Papers which hereafter occur.

Consul Willshiee Butteefield.

Omaha, March, 1890. 

CHAPTER I. page.

Simon Girty, Sr., emigrates from Ireland to Pennsylvania...... 1

Marries Miss Mary Newton................................................ 1

Death of Girty.................................................................. 5

John Turner, Sr., marries Mrs. Girty.................................. 5

The Turner family made prisoners by Indians...................... 8


Turner's awful death by torture ......................................... 11

Thomas Girty rescued at Kittanning.................................... 13

Simon, James, and George Girty adopted by the savages........ 15

The Girty family, in 1759, brought into Pittsburgh................ 16


Employment in Pittsburgh of Simon, James, and George

Girty............................................................................ 19

Thomas Girty, before 176S, settles at Pittsburgh.................... 22


Boundary troubles between Pennsylvania and Virginia......... 23

Simon Girty sides with Viiginia.......................................... 24

Lord Dunmore's War......................................................... 25

Girty translates Logan's "speech'.'..................................... 29

Boundary troubles renewed in the West.............................. 30

Girty commissioned second lieutenant by Virginia................ 31


Backwoodsmen, in 1775, enthusiastic for liberty.................... 34

Simon Girty goes as guide for James Wood......................... 35

John Neville, for Virginia, takes possession of Ft. Pitt............ 36

Girty appointed interpreter for the Six Nations..................... 37

Savages begin hostilities on the Western border.................... 40


Simon Girty made second lieutenant by the patriots.............. 41

Lieut.-Gov. Henry Hamilton, at Detroit, excites the Indians... 41

Brig.-Gen. Edward Hand takes command at Fort Pitt........... 42

Alexander McKee, at Pittsburgh, distrusted by the Whigs...... 43

Girty arrested as disloyal, but acquitted............................... 45

Thomas Girty's early career at Pittsburgh............................ 46


George Girty eidists with Capt. James Willing...................... 47 


Gen. Hand goes upon a " Squaw Campaign "......................... 48

McKee secretly prepares to desert to the British................... 49

James Girty goes to the Shawanese for the Americans........... 49

McKee, Matthew Elliott, Simon Girty, and others, start for

Detroit.......................................................................... 50

The reason why Simon Girty deserted his country................. 52

Mistakes and erroneous traditions as to Girty....................... 54

He had no landed property in Pennsylvania........................ 55


The Delaware Indians excited by the wiles of McKee and

Simon Girty.................................................................. 58

McKee, Elliott, and Girty go to the Shawanese towns............ 60

The three, with others, depart for Detroit........................... 61

Received with open arms by Hamilton................................. 62

Simon Girty employed as interpreter in the Indian Department ........................................................................... 63

James Girty, having deserted his trust, also goes to Detroit..... 64

Hamilton's barbarous policy against the Americans............... 65

McKee, Elliott, Simon and James Girty attainted of high

treason ........................................................................ 66

Hamilton vainly endeavors to arm the "Moravian" Indians... 67

Simon Girty given no military office................................... 68

Hamilton takes delight in the sufferings of American prisoners................................................................................ 69


George Rogers Clark sends spies to the Illinois..................... 71

Capture, by Indians, of Daniel Boone and others................... 72

Clark's conquest of the Illinois and Wabash towns............... 72

Simon Girty and his brother James sent to the Ohio wilderness.............................................................................. 73

Simon goes among the Mingoes; James, among the Shawanese.. 73

With warriors, they raid into the American settlements......... 74

Hamilton, at Detroit, disregards his orders.......................... 75

Capture of Simon Kenton by the Shawanese....................... 76

His life saved by Girty....................................................... 78


Hamilton seeks to recover the Illinois................................. 86

Major A. S. Peyster, at Michilimackinac, aids him................. 86

Brig-Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh takes command at Fort Pitt...... 87

Mcintosh builds Forts Mcintosh and Laurens....................... 88

Simon Girty ambuscades a detachment at Fort Laurens......... 89

Hamilton captured by (.'lark at Vincennes........................... 90

Girty becomes bitterly hostile toward Americans................... 91 
   Contents. vii


Capt. Henry Bird goes with Indians against Fort Laurens...... 93

He besieges the fort........................................................... 94

Failure of Bird to capture the post..................................... 95

Delaware Indians try to take Simon Girty's scalp.................. 95

Col. Daniel Brodhead takes command at Fort Pitt................. 95

Col. John Bowman marches from Ky. against Chillicothe...... 96

Bird plans another expedition against Fort Laurens..... ........ 96

Its failure...................................................................... 97

Simon Girty goes after a package of loyalists' letters.............. 97

Why his name became a household word of terror on the

border.......................................................................... 98

He accidentally meets David Zeisberger, the Moravian missionary........................................................................ 98

The Moravian fiction as to his meeting Zeisberger................. 101

Girty's determined hostility to the borderers........................ 104


George Girty deserts his company and goes to Detroit............ 105

Engaged by the British commandant as interpreter............... 108

He is paid the same as his brothers Simon and James............ 108

Simon Girty's intention again to go against Fort Laurens

abandoned................................................................... 109

James Girty is to reconnoiter " toward the Weas"................. 109

David Rogers, with supplies for the Americans, attacked........ 110

He and his force defeated by Simon and George Girty and

Elliott.........................-.................................................. 110

Major De Peyster takes command at Detroit........................ Ill

Clark's success at the Illinois and on the Wabash causes disaffection among the Indians............................................ Ill


Catharine Malott (afterward Simon Girty's wife) captured by

Indians .................................................................... 116

The three Girtys at Detroit in the spring of 1780.................. 117

Lieut.-Gov. Patrick Sinclair organizes a raid against St. Louis.. 117

The expedition virtually a failure....................................... 118

De Peyster assembles at Detroit whites and Indians to assail

Kentucky..................................................................... 118

Capt. Bird takes command........................:....................... 118

The three Girtys   Simon, James, and George   go on the expedition........................................................................ 118

Capture of Ruddle's and Martin's Stations........................... 119

Clark, in retaliation, marches from Ky. against Chillicothe

and Piqua ................................................................... 121

George and James Girty help defend Piqua.......................... 121 



Thomas Girty still resides at Pittsburgh.............................. 124

Delaware Indians become hostile to the Americans............... 125

Simon Girty brings in prisoners from Kentucky.................... 126

Col. Brodhead goes on a successful expedition against Coshocton...............................................................................    126

Simon Girty saves young Henry Baker's life........................ 127

He (Girty) writes De Peyster from Upper Sandusky... ......... 128

Clark plans an expedition against Detroit............................. 129

Capt. Andrew Thompson marches to interpose, a barrier to

his advance.................................................................. 129

Col. Archibald Lochry defeated by Brant and Geo. Girty........ 129

Capt. Brant and Simon Girty have a personal encounter....... 130

Brant and McKee at the Long Run massacre........................ 131

Fort Henry (Wheeling) visited by savages........................... 132

Moravian missionary establishments on the Tuscarawas broken

up................................................................................ 133

Andrew and Adam Poe, and others, attack seven Wyandots successfully................................................................ 133


Simon Girty associates intimately with the Half King........... 136

Aids that chief in getting the " Moravians" from the Sandusky. 137

Goes on a raid into the border settlements................. ......... 141

Returns with John Stevenson as prisoner............................ 141

De Peyster writes Girty to take the missionaries to Detroit..... 143


Zeisberger and Heckewelder frightened by Girty.................. 147

The two missionaries go to Detroit...................................... 149

Thomas Edgerton condemned to be tortured, but saved......... 150

Girty speaks kindly to young Christian Fast........................ 152

Thomas Girty petitions Brig.-Gen. Irvine.............................. 153


Col. David Williamson conducts an expedition to the Tuscarawas....................................................................... 155

Ninety "Moravian" Indians captured and killed.................. 155

Sensational stories of Simon Girty related........................... 158

Girty writes De Peyster from Upper Sandusky.........   ........... 159

A volunteer force organized against the Wyandots................ 161

Command given to Col. William Crawford........................... 161

The Wyandots prepare to defend themselves....................... 162

Preparations by De Peyster to meet the danger.................... 163


Crawford attacks the enemy on the Sandusky Plains............. 167 
   Contents. ix

The Americans retreat from the Sandusky.......................... 169

Another battle fought...................................................... 171

Crawford and Dr. Knight captured by the Delawares............ 172

The Colonel meets Simon Girty at the Half King's town........ 172

Girty makes no effort to save Crawford from torture.............. 174


Girty again meets Crawford........................................'....... 177

The Colonel tied to a stake by the Delawares........................ 178

He is cruelly tortured........................................................ 180

Girty delighted at the horrid spectacle................................ 180

Crawford's awful suffering.................................................. 181

Death finally ends his misery.......................................... 182


Girty informs Capt. Wm. Caldwell of Crawford's death.......... 183

Does not claim to have interceded for him........................... 183

George Girty now living with the Delawares.......................... 184

John Slover captured........................................................ 184

Badly treated at Wapatomica by James Girty....................... 185

Cursed by George Girty..................................................... 186

Sentenced to be tortured, but escapes.................................. 186

"Dead men tell no tales"................................................   .. 187


Great Indian council held at Wapatomica........................... 190

Capt. Caldwell goes there from Lower Sandusky................... 192

Marches against Fort Henry, but returns before reaching the

fort....................:......................................................... 192

Capt. Andrew Bradt sent to reinforce him.......................... 192

Clark supposed to be on the march for the Sliawanese towns.. 193

A large Indian force near Piqua assembles to meet him......... 193

The report of Clark's coming a false one.............................. 194

The Indians disperse....................................................... 194

Caldwell, with Rangers and Indians, crosses into Ky............. 194

Bryan's Station attacked................................................... 194

A fiction as to Simon Girty demanding a surrender............... 196

The enemy fail to reduce the Station (Bryan's)..................... 197

Battle of the Blue Licks.................................................... 198

Girty had no command in the battle................................... 199

The victors return across the Ohio....................................... 200

Capt. Bradt assails Fort Henry............................................ 201

Clark destroys a Shawanese town on the Great Miami............ 201


News of peace with Great Britain reaches the West............... 210

Capture by Simon Girty of young Burkhart......................... 210 

A fiction as to Samuel Brady.............................................. 211

Girty recalled from the Ohio wilderness.............................. 211

De Peyster informs the Indians that peace is made............... 213

Girty visited by his brother Thomas and half-brother, John

Turner...........................................................   .............213

Sir John Johnson counsels the Indians not to yield their

lands...........................................   ..........   ..................... 214

Girty marries Miss Catharine Malott.................................... 215

They locate in Canada, on the Detroit river.......................... 216


Col. Josiah Harmar commands the First American Regiment.. 220

A treaty with the Western Indians held at Fort Mcintosh..... 221

Simon Girty directed wholly by Alex. McKee....................... 222

Girty and others inflame the savages against the Americans... 223

Another treaty held   this time at " Fort Finney "................. 225

The Western savages, owing to British emissaries, getting

hostile......................................................................... 226

Col. Harmar ordered to protect the border........................... 227

Girty and McKee go to Niagara to an Indian council............ 227

Capt. Joseph Brant urges the Indians to unite...................... 228

The savages determined to oppose Western settlements......... 229

A fiction regarding James Girty being on the Ohio................ 229


Capture of James Moore by the Indians.............................. 233

Mary Moore, his sister, afterward taken prisoner..............   ..... 235

She is purchased of the Indians by a loyalist........................ 235

Simon Girty and McKee aid her in getting released.............. 237

Thomas Girty sent as a messenger to the Indians.................. 238

Simon Girty is very active with the Ohio savages.................. 239

He has great influence among the Indians........................... 240

A Mrs. Thomas Cunningham captured by the savages............ 240

Girty and McKee get her ransomed..................................... 241

Portents of an Indian War in the West............................... 241

A treaty in 1789 held at Fort Harmar. ................................ 242


Simon Girty is not very active in 1789................................. 244

He is again visited by his half-brother, John Turner.............. 245

Hostility of the Wabash and Miami Indians........................ 245

An unsuccessful expedition led by Gen. Harmar against the

Miamis...................................................................... 246

Maj. Hamtramek lays waste Wabash towns......................... 247

The Western savages determine upon war.......................... 248

A fiction as to Simon Girty attacking Baker's Station........... 249

John Dunlap forms a settlement on the Great Miami........... 249 
   Contents. xi

Girty leads an Indian force against Dunlap's Station ............ 251

Shocking torture of Abner Hunt.......................................... 252

The siege of Dunlap's Station raised................................... 254

The U. S. endeavor to treat with the hostile savages.............. 256


"Moravian" Indians paid in rum, by Simon Girty, for labor... 259

Gen. Arthur St. Clair marches against the Miami towns......... 260

St. Clair's army defeated............................. ...................... 262

Girty fights bravely in the battle........................................ 263

He recognizes Gen. Richard Butler on the battle-field............ 263

He captures a white woman................................................ 264

Girty and a party of Indians attack Fort Jefferson............... 265

A grand council of Indians to be held at "The Glaize"......... 266

Young Spencer captured.................................................... 267


Simon Girty the only white man in the "Grand Council"...... 274

An armistice determined upon by the Indians........ ........... 274

The U. S. attempt to treat with the savages.......................... 275

Commissioners reach the Detroit river................................. 276

Negotiations with the savages fail....................................... 278

Gen. Wayne immediately moves toward the Maumee............ 278

Quakers hold a meeting at Simon Girty's home..................... 279


Simon Girty is very active as interpreter.............................. 281

He is seen by Jacob Lewis in Detroit................................... 281

Savages under Little Turtle attack Fort Recovery................. 283

The enemy repulsed......................................................... 283

Girty fights bravely in the attack......................................... 283

Battle of the " Fallen Timber"........................................... 285

Wayne's victory complete................................................... 286

A vain attempt by the British to induce the savages to continue the war................................................................ 287

Proposals for peace made by the Indians to Wayne............... 288


James Girty marries Betsy, a Shawanese women................... 289

Locates as a trader at St. Mary's......................................... 289

Removes to the "Grand Glaize".......................................... 290

Young Spencer is frightened by him.................................... 292

Girty, with his family, in 1794, removes to Canada................. 292

George Girty gives himself up wholly to an Indian life........... 293

Meets young John Brickell............................................... 293


Simon Girty, McKee, and Brant endeavor to prevent peace.... 296 

John Jay concludes a treaty with Great Britain.................... 297

The U. 8. and the Western Indians treat at Greenville.......... 298

The Indian War ended...................................................... 298

Possession obtained of the Western posts............................ 299

The treaty of Greenville a "bitter pill" for Simon Girty and

McKee.......................................................................... 300

Girty swims his horse across the Detroit river....................... 300

Girty's banter to an Indian................................................ 301


Girty, at his home, continues as interpreter for Britain........... 304

Sketch of Prideaux, Simon's last ohihl................................. 304

Simon gets a grant of land from the Crown.......................... 305

He separates from his wife................................................ 306

Marriage of his three eldest children................................... 307

Deeds half his land to his son Thomas................................. 307

Went to Detroit when it capitulated to the British................ 308

He goes to the Mohawks to be out of danger........................ 309

The property of Matthew Elliott destroyed by the Americans.. 310


Death of Thomas, son of Simon Girty................................. 315

George Girty marries and dies among the Delaware?.............. 315

James Girty returns to the Maumee. to trade........................ 316

Granted land in Gosfield, Essex county, Canada.................... 316

Death of his wife.............................................................. 316

Gives up his business on the Maumee................................. 317

Dies in Gosfield, on his farm, in 1817.................................... 318

His character................................................................. 318


Simon Girty returns home totally blind............................... 320

His wife lives with him again............................................. 321

His death and burial........................................................ 322

His personal appearance described...................................... 323

His ill-will toward the Americans....................................... 324

His general character......................................................... 324

He was never a vagabond................................................... 327


Thomas Girty moves from Pittsburgh.................................. 331

Dies on "Girty's Run," across the Alleghany.......................   . 331

He was never an " Indian hunter".................................... 332

Death of John Turner at "Squirrel Hill"............................ 332

Bequests in his will.......................................................... 333

Turner described in the Pittsburgh Daily Gazette.................. 333

Death of Mrs. Catharine Malott Girty................................ 333 



A   First published account of the Girtys........................... 335

B   Record of the baptism of John Turner (translation)......... 337

C   Mention of George Girty as a trader............................... 337

D   Fictitious account of Simon Girty joining the Indians in

1774........................!..................................................... 339

E   Oaths taken by Simon Girty when commissioned second

lieutenant under Major John Connolly............................. 341

F   " Letting loose the horrible hell-hounds of savage war."... 342 G   Simon Girty and the siege of Fort Henry, Wheeling, in

1777.............................................................................. 344

H   Simon Girty's visit to the Seneca towns up the Alleghany,

in the fall of 1777........................................................... 346

I   The reason why General Hand gave up his intended expedition to French creek, in the spring of 1778..................... 348

J   Concerning certain orders said to have been given by Gen. Haldimand to Lieutenant-Governor Henry Hamilton while

at Detroit...................................................................... 348

K   Kenton and the Mingo Logan...................................... 350

L   Lochry's defeat........................................................... 351

M   Why the Moravian missionary establishments on the'Tuscarawas were broken up................................................. 353

N   Simon Girty and Colonel Crawford on the Sandusky........ 355

0   A fictitious account of Simon Girty attitudinizing as an

orator......................................................................... 372

P   Concerning the Blue Licks campaign.............................. 373

Q   The Haldimand Manuscripts....................................... 377

R   George Girty to Captain Alexander McKee.................... 382

S   Examination of John Leith......................................... 382

T   McKee the principal stimulator of the war of 1790-95....... 385

U   Governor Simcoe, of Canada, prevents peace in 1794......... 386

V   Simon Girty and the Scotch-Irish of Western Virginia..... 387

W   Deed of Simon Girty to his son Thomas........................ 389

X   General Harrison in Canada in 1813............................. 390

y_Letters of William Charles Mickle................................. 392

Z   Published estimates of Simon Girty................................ 394

AA   James Girty's will...................................................... 397

BB   John Turner's will..................................................... 399

CC   Simon Girty and boy prisoners.................................... 401

DD   "Simon Girty" in a Cyclopcedia................................... 403

EE   Illustrative notes, also extracts from printed accounts, concerning the Girtys..................................................... 405 
   history of the girtys.


On the Susquehanna river, there lived, in the second quarter of the eighteenth century, upon the soil of what was then Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, an Irishman, whose name was Simon Girty     sometimes written, in early accounts, "Girte;" sometimes, " Girtee ; " and frequently, " Gerty." At least one writer has declared, though erroneously, that the word is a corruption of " Guthrie." *

Girty emigrated from the Emerald Isle at middle age, engaging, soon after his arrival in America, and in the province just named, in the Indian trade, in the employment of pack-horse driver. Subsequently, after lie had saved enough of his earnings to go into business for himself in trafficking with the Indians, he married Mary Newton, an English girl.f Of previous events in her life, nothing whatever is known. Girty was married about the year 1737. His first child, named Thomas, was born in 1739.% The birth of a second child, called Simon after the father, was in 1741.     A thir