xt7wwp9t4p2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t4p2h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1998 Vol.69 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1998 Vol.69 No.12 1998 1998 2019 true xt7wwp9t4p2h section xt7wwp9t4p2h f l
. i t
i i .
i i I‘eWiSE‘Owens THE KENTUCKY December’ 1998
l ; 1934.1998 Volume 69. Number 12
1 He was one f. ———--———— 7
i iOf the most "it, _ The OflIClaI Publication ’
Z respected v of the Kentucky Press
' "’9” m the 3:? 32' Service
newspaper '35-! ‘
business: Q a, El
* ‘ known for iii» £3?
‘ ' his big ’ ‘ i ‘
-5' heart, u'arm smile and keen ' i
' business mind. Colleagues \ .1“
remember the former KPA
president and Herald- . ‘ . -
Leader publisher in a storv , ' > g;
8 on page 14. l ‘ _ ;
s . 7 x __ i I ., ,5.. "3&1 . ( ° V
_ mm , - Standard Communications
, Ii ,"| I ,. . . ‘ ‘ ,
. m ., ~ paves new ground With live
, . i : i '7
i a i A ' ’ ab] Pl JG TV
. a gait ‘ x" . If! I
' “w" 2.; ,3 . 3- By LISA CARNAHAN photographs taken either by veter-
3 ’ ‘ " KPA News Bureau an newsman and PM} Operations
. \ ' There are probably others doing Manager Tom lsaacs or by the
i . ‘r , , a, it —— but not in Kentucky. And at newspaper’s editorial staff
; ‘% ' , . least nowhere else close by that peo— “We don’t have the ability right
' w: . ple at Standard Communications now to do full video." said Publisher
, “1%, have heard about. The Bardstown- DavidGreer. “But we’ve talked
‘ , o .I u based company that publishes the tri- about in the event of some major
' iii“ . l weekJY, The Kentucky Standard and news Story, like ill“ lif‘ilvt’n Hill
‘ ir- . ‘ i : Standard Speciality Publications, is (ll-“ti“??? fire, that W" WOUId 2‘10
it ’ _ 1 delving deeper and deeper into the “V". . .
“ 131; cable television business. Isaacs does most of the Visual
: it: The staff of PLG-TV Channel work for the newscast. taking his »
35”) .T' ' 13 recently began doing a live digital camera to acc1dent scenes
' a L , nightly newscast, airing it at 5:55 in and also taking shots for general
T a: an attempt to draw viewers who are new‘s’liiems. th h d t f‘ d'
‘" ' . , ose are (2 ar es .. . in mg
Chris Poynter, Bowling Green bureau chief for The Courier-Journal, £83513; t: Yatehartlhe aganringegfévésa: something to go with a fiscal court
. was the keynote speaker for the Department of Journalism Scholars 68-25 1 $1 (:35; g" thep ' . story, for instance," said Isaac's,
Day at Western Kentucky University. The Kentucky High School ' ant " tw ,enno er fivenfig who’s worked in radio broadcasting
Journalism Association co-sponsored the workshop that drew over EEVgC: 55:2; 3112;“; r: wteap gm; for over 38 years __ most of it in
200 hi h school students. KPA Photo b Lisa Carnahan ' S 0 9
9 ( y ) of the day and it’s visualized with See CABLE, page 9
’ L d b ' t' f K t k
, By LISA CARNAHAN ation from Manchester to London in May. The especially that can handle ' ”V” ragga
KPA News Bureau third-generation family-owned business prints the our heavy use of color. We ~' ‘ it}
It would be a safe declaration to call the South six newspapers owned by the Nolan family — the were a lOt of work to other ”9x
. Central Kentucky town of London the printing Manchester Enterprise, the Booneville Sentinel, the printing plants. We Just “a
' mecca of the region, possibly even the entire state. Pineville Sun, the Jackson Times and Beattyville plain wore out pur welcome «
Three printing plants that print a total 0f 24 news- Enterprise -—— along with six other weeklies. at other places, ““1 Estep.
papers, “Ct to mention numerous other commercial The third is a plant owned by a former newspa- “The Herald-Leader people ‘
; print jobs, have chosen less than a mile stretch of per man, William Ray Evans, who worked for the were really nice to work Este
' Ky 80 in London as their home. Sentinel Echo for 25 years as production manager, “nth but the" “310': IS differ- . p ,,
- One of the plants is a new venture called Duke and, according to Evans, “did about everything else ent than ours. It s lighter. We. pour the ink to ours.
Publishing WhiCh is the home 0f the London-Laurel in the building except write stories.” His plant, Solplans beggm fl.” abznntmg plant and'lxipdon
. News Journal and the company’s new printing E&C Web Printing, prints eight newspapers and was C (389“ as t 9.51“? 0‘3qu") Infininmam y t?
I press. Duke Publishing, owned by Don Estep and has been in operation for 11 years. east an west com ors as we as no an sou i
' Terry Forcht, opened its doors in August. The plant travelers on 1:75. "
currently prints the other two News Journal publi- Duke Publishing ' “We felt it was .very advantageous to be here,
cations, The Somerset-Pulaski News Journal, and Estep said the plan to build a printing plant, said Estep, who Visited several printing plants
The Corbin-Whitley News Journal and one other was necessitated by the startup of the third News before he came UP “flth the plan, dGSIg'n and “it“?
newspaper. Journal paper in January of last year. ment for Duke PUthhmg' , .
. Less than a half-mile down the road is the new “It was hard enough trying to get two papers The plant has the capamty m grow, right “10"“
4 home for J. Frank Publishing which moved its oper- printed...working out availability for runs, and See LONDON. page 8
V - I . i

 / .
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, December, 1998
entuc y peop e, papers in t e ne s 1
Nelson JOIHS graphics MadisonVille Messenger, has been newspaper, the Jessamine Journal. which focuses on theIhealth and em'i-
appomted as a member of the Inquiry She also wrote for the Kentucky ronmental Impacts of people's (1MB,
staff at Bardstown Commission of the Kentucky Kernel.
Supreme Court. - '
In 'd Nelson has 'oined the staff - - - - - - ‘
f Ti" J S The inquiry coImmissmn WillIbe Hardlnsburg newspaper HopklnSVllle paper
0 e Kentucky Itandard, responSible for hearing cases resulting S onsors ClOlhln , drive
Bardlstciwn, as agraéihihc deSigner. t from the new disciplinary code for honored by governor ‘ p ‘ ‘ E
e son earne er aSSOCla es - , , , , , ,
d . l . h' _ lawyers established by the Supreme The Breckinridge Herald-News The . Kcntmky ch» Era.
egree in e ectronic grap 1c deSign Court on Oct 1 . H k 11) ‘ . . ‘ .
' - ' ~ . ' ' . was recently honored at the Third op ”15‘” Li '5 again CO‘5P(’n50”nR
from Northern Virginia Community Moms was sworn m Nov 9 . . , .
- - ' ‘ Annual Governor s Economlc the annual Warm the Children pro-
College. Her experience includes . .
designing ads for the Elizabethtown , , , Development Leadership Awards gram. Started in 1995, the program
News-Enterprise E1118 JOlnS news team Banquet that recognized Kentucky provides winter clothing for needy
A native of-north r V'r . 'a . centennial companies. The awards children.
. e “I ‘ gm' ’ at Sentinel-NEWS were presented by Gov. Paul Patton. - ' . . ‘ ,
Nelson ls also currently havmg a book Children are mvtn $80 ( ach for d
ublished which she illustrated Allison Ellis is a new reporter for .The Herald-News was one Of 43 shopping spree at J C Pennev Wal—
p ’ ‘ - ' _ ‘ busmesses honored at the event. , ' ' . ' ‘
the ShelbyVille Sentinel New” > Mart or Kmart INeedy children are
' ’ A recent graduate 0f the ' The newspaper began operation identified b the Salvation Armv and l
Moms named to court S University of Kentucky, Ellis received l" Cloverport m 1876 and was merged . . y k . " L .
. . . . a degree in journalism and political m 1956 with the Irvington Herald recrpients are chosen on a family basis
Ianlry commlSSlon science. which began publicationin 1917. with each child in a select family
Bob Morris, publisher of the Ellis interned at her hometown . . receivmg clothing. 5
Dyal-Caldwe" JOIHS Staff The program is also sponsored by
__ I h K t k P _ the Kiwanis Club and Salvation Army
6 en uc y fess at JaCkSOH county sun and donations are accepted from the
The Kentucky Press (ISSN-(X)23-0324)ispub— District 12 Sue Dyal-Caldwell has recently public.
lished monthlybytheKentuckyPress Stephen Bowlingjackson Times joined the staff of The Jackson
Amadm/Kmmd‘)’ PressService, “‘0 County Sun as a staff writer/re orter. -
2:11:32??? postuageispaid a$t8Frankfort, Wm“ 13 A native of New York Stage, she Herald—Leader WlnS
. . u 501p on pncels peryear. Glenn Gra ,Manchester Ente- rise . , , , ‘ ~ . - . .
Postmaster: Send l geofaddressm'l'he y W tlliaskv‘vorkwcd at new organizations in NAA advenlSlng award
Kentucky has, 101 Consumer lane, District 14 ac sonILounty and for 21 years she
Frankfort, KY. 40601,(502) 223-8821. Stuart Simpson, workedIin public relations, sales and The Lexington Herald-Leader
. Somerset Pulaski News-Joumal markétmg m New York C‘ty and was was a winner in the Newspaper
Officeisand M‘s. . a busmess owner. Dyal—Caldwell ‘5 3 Association of America’s READY
Kentucky Press mam“ Dism“ 15”“ graduate ofBrown Business SChOO] in (Real Estate Advertisin of
Don White, Anderson News New York where she majored in sales . . . , g
President and marketing. Distinction, \early) awards. The
Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice&Times District 15-8 awards honor outstanding real estate
ohn Nelson, Danville Advocate—Messen ° ' ' , ' t t .‘ '
mam-nee ’ 3" Fnedlein hired as news “VOW” 1‘“ new‘plp“? b’
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader State at Large Realtors, deve opers and builders.
P ‘d Sharon Tuminski, Winchester Sun reporter at Bardstown The Herald-Leader won in the
35”"35‘ ent - - ~ . Realtor Cate o mews 3 er circula—
. . . John Friedlein has Jomed the g ry p p ‘
Gene Clam; “0‘9““ Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer stafl" of The Kentucky Stande as 3 tion over 100,000? for a full-page black
Vice President ‘ . . . . reporter. and white Rector & Hayden Realtors
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen Friedlein is a former news clerk ad.
Associates Division for The Courier-Journal where he
Tree-SW Ed Mastrean, Kentucky Educational wrote weekly columns Spotlighting .
DaV‘d 6799’! The Kentucky Standard, Television churches and people who have been correctlon
Bardstown positive influences in their neighbor-
Dis 1 Advertising Division hoods. In the November issui- of The
' trict Larry Brooks, Lexington Herald—Leader A r .d . i ‘ . T ' vi -' . ' K . ‘k ' l’ N‘s l ' l‘ N l. l =
. . . gm uatt oi tht Inmrsity ot Lntuc _\ rt . .. tit mic or i ii
W'll‘am Mitchell, Fulton Leader News Editorial Division Louisville, he was a news writer for 1999. KPA Summ” (‘onw-nt “m
Distrith Mark Neikirk, Kentuckv Post ll“) L. ”f L newspaper, the Lomsvxlle were incorrectly llSIt'd, n“. :‘onvcn
-~ . . . ' (.ardinal. lie is also editor of tion mll hc hcld Jum- li-lh lll
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Sprmgs ProgreSs ‘ . . , . ‘ ,
' Circulation Division EarthSave Lomsvdle lVewsmagazmc Bardstown
District 3 Dave Eldridge, Jessamine Journal ———-——_———_—_—_
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News
Ioumalism Education D th
District 4 Io-Ann Huff-Albers, Western Kentucky 9 a S
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite UniverSity
, , CeneralCounsels . . I I
D‘suflds Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene GCDBVICVC Shonert afiairs after her move to Failiiiouth
DadereerJ'heKmtuckyStandard, DinsmoreszShohl ‘ . t . She served H Vcars as :i school
Bardstown (:eneneve Shonert. a former board member and was ‘1 member
District6 Kentucky PressAssociation co-pIublisher “f the Falmouth of numerous organizdtiohs includ-
Kentucky PressServiceStaff ()ut ook. died Oct. 25 at St. > , , i, r i ,
Doroth bema ,Oldham . . . I I in lllt lindli ton ((ililtl)
YA thy Era DaVidT.Thompson,ExecutiveDirector Elizabeth North Hospital. DtiHUCT‘tlllt‘ Wom'iii‘s (lluh ind
District? Bonnie Howard, Controller (‘ovington Eilmouth Wonicn' “(‘luh L l l
Gl'D',Ad ti" 0' t . ~—. ‘. “ ‘
KeueyWanuckGallatinCountyNews Usznéarjzllisan,Niewsséli‘igeaiirgigctm I Her husband. Warren Jeffrey l'uncral WWW”. “TN held I” l
Rebale‘m-SIkfieamh/Markefingcmmamr Shoncrt “:35 3 former owner. (‘d'lm the Falmoiith (‘hristiaii (‘hiirch '
District8—9 SueCammack, Administrative Assistant and PUhll-“ht‘r 0f the “PW-“PUPPY. The family suggested memorials he I.
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOutlook BuffySams, Bookkeeping Assistant Mrs. Shonert was co—puhllslivr made to the Fiilmoiith (‘hristiiiii '
RaIchIel McCarty, Advertising Assistant until, 1986. (‘ h u rc h. Fa l m on t h Rot :i r\' .
District 10-11 I KristieToles,TearsheetCoordmator A native of licnoxhiirg. Scholarship Fund or the l’ondlctoii
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Susan Greene, Indiana Sales SUPCFVISUT Shonert became active in civic (‘ounty Library I
l l
' _ I I

 The Kentucky Press. December. 1998 - Page 3
. ___.__.__________.________________ _.._ __...__ .
1 Give our readers a d t t 1
, y c goo mys cry 0 so vc
'I , t'e refit/HI!» writer found two boys. ages 7 and b. working on a
coaCh s cattle roundup The writer said the boys “are old
.3 Readers wonder “IIinninim. what will the hands at the noisy. dirty work,"
corner ' ' ( R‘I‘UI’II‘VUIS ‘I‘Ilw livery reader wondered. “Ilminmm, how can
1"...“ \ So it t}treshadowing in leads is a good idea. boys that young be ‘old hands” A paragraph
‘ "—"'——"——- v.3 ‘ . why not use it everywhere" The lead's goal is to later. the writer used this charming quolt" "We've
‘ By Jlm Staswwskt . ; get the reader to read the second sentence, so why been doing it since we were 5—-or It " Thats a neat
‘“ "“"" isn't I’aragraph 4's goal to get the reader to read little resolution ot‘the little mystery
Across the nation, newspapers annually spend Paragraph 5‘.’ ()r the penultimate paragraphs goal But writers let little mysteries whiz right past
| millions and millions of dollars on readership ~‘h(y(ytlnu' [.jxt..,,gl,,“g symposium sponsored bv The plaint. ”I’I’IV “generally accepted
‘ sions oI'the Institute. 31”,,”quan Dog-pg” Theory. and I’reedom I’orum in Arlington. gunman“ “1* mm“. and ”>1Hmfl
Newspapers as large as the more ., returning Stump“ >1,th Virginia He was there to detentl bility." and renderan “1mm,“
Dallas Morning NOWS and Sim more time involved in detailed “II "I"” l”"”;' II‘V‘IV‘I I” II‘“ To be lair. I’Iint made a point
Diego I'nion~Tribune have sent training related m ”HM, and ”mm. WAIT. which is to examine the of defining “I“! “SW5 In...“ H“
stat‘t members to the Institute, In r~’“l’.l“i‘l>- In addition. participants teasibilitv ot'crt-atuig a “voluntary the “M! h”. ”H, moment. I”
ll(l(llII(tlt'(IillI}' and nonvdaily news- spend some “mp designing art mechanism tor resolving “transna least IIe emphasi/ed ”L,” “I”,
papers (including bentucky news- work In Windows based In“. t” tional complaints about media internationalcouncil would haveto
I paperst ”I every 5”“ have become give them some experience on that WWII"! be non governmental and indepen
: dependent 0” the Institute for In” platform “I” concept “I” ”PIMTPHH'V dent. and would have to be sup
I It'S-‘IIII‘HII'(It-VPIHan‘Ht Some press The idea tor the Institute was ”H. brainchild ”I ”kt” Ink“, '1 Iiorted. voluntarily. by the news
associations have begun to offer the Itr'tllH'IIIhI oI Hob Ilebusk P‘H respected Itirkish totirnalist who .1.
, . . . . . . . . mtt ta
‘ scholarships to offset costs of sends . . ‘ H _ ,V organized the group s meeting in . p y
| tittye (llrt'tlttt ot Iennesset I iess _ , ,1 It would haye no power to pun
mg personnel to the event .\ _. H1 . I Iv _ . R]. 'I‘ Istanbul. w here this plan was I I I t t' I I I .
, Design Tools .\Ittllll1l\',&t publi- "will” it.” ant V \m‘ ‘lmll m I liatclted in late September ”I l-‘ "H .\ Hut ton wont H to
‘ cation with subscribers m ”,8 WM“, known speaker and consultant in In I’lill“ “le“ I’Iint h talk piro\ ide an |III‘\}H'II~‘I\t‘ ‘sIH‘t tly
‘ ”H_\ called the Institute M the newspaper industry ‘\\IIII the HIV “mm setting ”I’ an ititerna tor-um tor eoniplaints isstit oprn
I Newspaper 'I‘echtiologv ”the most “WHITE,“ IT” Willi“? Mm”) h‘h tional tribunal to police the news ”I“! "I’m” 1“" ”'“l'” “""lml
. intense training program t-y't'r‘ I'lmwl m“ \I'IH ”I ”5 fl“ “WITH" media The proposed tribunal con ”“““"‘I “"‘I I“"‘II‘I\ I"‘ 4“ "'IV’
‘ tlt veloped tor .\I.tt based It! w spa I'll ll“ ‘l‘k‘l'l‘ll‘ "I -\"'\\‘I:-|[H'I \l\!”]1r,rjuft"~I)t‘lIt'tl toutttaltsts "M" I'” I":"“ I""“‘I“Ill ”“I II“
’; [wr‘l‘wwmlh “H“ to (“mlm‘l ,t‘t Iii; In addition NIitnp and “H“ 5I~III'II.III~I\ would ht” ”one or A respeitsil Ie IIlt-tlt.i .r.
I tron, pa~t attendees the Institutt SeeTRAINING.pagett l toinplatnts Ii‘otit intlt‘.irl 1 ti See TRIBUNAL. pagett
I .

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. December. 1998
.__ . __. __._ __ ______._ __- ____..__. __..________.
. O C C O '
‘ ‘ l l ‘ l :
Watch out for deceptive Criticism can k1 ll a sale
° ° t-ri Hi- t-wss: .' ' '.r. :1. c, ii»
advertising and protect A - ~ . t w
d-llbs lu:o7i'~ t iSt-rtiszzt 2' t
9 . m ’7 '3 putt: t'tt ‘» llt'i. s' is
our 3 er 3 bottom line -
y p p M"— £94 1, «1" l'i‘u' HM min i».iii~ i'ri. sit
ByJohn Faust J ‘M'ii ti? iritimsni. ltr\"l' .i
FTC Offers new gUlde cising or dieting? Can You get an Raleigh NC _ 1 \ '-' ' 7’ = :1 l? t .I t e
unsecured loan no matter how R-' 1 ’ 1V ‘ ‘ i Y‘IIHH‘I'. it Hui. t illip'lilwtdlir-
for ad managers bad your credit is? Can you mp{Sinitiwf‘llfi“Lids:‘i‘t‘l'm'lli:2:12-53 its! t ': , \ iii pt u e l\ lint?
make a fortune working only a W h ”15;“ M dimer/hi H ”Twp: ”"9‘ ””1" ‘ " “““"
Advertisements for fraudu- collple of hours a day from “Lit. h-\|thouwh H“. 51‘.“ I“? I.“ “i l' ‘ ’" ’7‘" ll ‘l‘mt' H" l“ ”I l‘
lent goods and services can dam- home? mpg”, \t'lllll“ |.\[,,.H,.m. ‘11,. \‘1 my” My} l‘ 1", ”H il‘ “M” m "
ugp your nC’VVSpapCr‘S CI‘CdibllitV .Ads “litlll gl()\Ving testlnlonl' l.llt'{l\‘llt'1)llll>t llllltlttlllt’lllttl l'lll'" lili‘l‘l i", h if} ll \Vlil \l‘l’l-\MH
in the eyes of your readers and als about dramatic weight loss, mt Npm“ {M11 “up”! W.” MH‘ "1”} l‘ “'1‘ ““"' "”)“”“"“" 3
legitimate advertisers. But the cures for disease, or financial IMHWH» ll '1’ "f ‘ 1“" “’1'” ’ "’““ “M" i"
Federal Trade Commission says success, or before-and-after pho- H. 5mm” m mum“ ”p“ MW i “l““l’fll‘ ”5"” ““‘l‘l‘l ll" ""“F” H.
ad managers are the gatekeep- tos. l.tll\' .tlHItJI \‘t‘li.ll"\ hippt: in: on}, “W Him I“ Will” hf“ I'I-EIWHHS
ers who can prevent a credibility oAn address for an advertis— its. ht m.- It‘ll \wu about “no Hm”: mil" “Mi H” M“ 1; It
crisis and save readers from or that's a private mail receiving ”Hymn“ mm. ”mm wmp. mo it “WNW“ I “7 “HM N“ Y" “W"!
falling ViCtim ‘0 fraUdUI‘mt company. Ask your advertiser hating Ht- rm-ht-tt me. iris my: ”m" .”‘ m _\\/. ‘.‘.“"1“"”“3" "’
SChemes' fOT the company’s GCtUle street case. pulled out a retent l~\llt‘ and “TIM [MM WM 1“” 'm “MN”
The FTC’S new publication. address and telephone number. proceeded to point out All th» 1” it‘ll” HUNT“! ”Hm!” "Iim .
Screening Advertisements: A -An ad that’s unclear or things he thought thm \\¢'t‘t dmn. (limb ',‘}"fl“ll\ miylmw‘“ ”1‘”-
Guide for the Media, says th“ ambiguous. It" you can‘t tell the wrong The niud \\.t> t‘e.ill_\ thins \ Mil M ”H Emmi I; i ”w “my
mOSt Comniun types 0f fraudU' nature of the product or service lle repeated a rumor he had heard 11ml“ [NIHJHJ‘h um“ NH“ lib Tm”
lent advertlSlng feature extrava— being Offered, ask the advertiser ahout them And he even criticized “If”! MN” hulls” “fr ”(I)” lei”? ll
gant claims .for get-rich quk for clarification. Your request 1h“l’lll’llt'itll‘mr “4”" ”1‘” will) IN (”mlwlr ”W” “"U‘ll
schemes, weight loss products, may deter an unscrupulous As in- tallied. I tougfht iiit- rim ”W ”“”"“j_"~‘ “'1‘“ "‘1” ‘1“:
cures for disease and aging, advertiser or help a legitimate to defend his t-mnpi-titor And I "\“”‘.‘_“"Kll“‘ “Elm” "“ m‘" ”3””:
credit repair and advance fee b . 1 'f~ . f . “(,mimwd ll 1h“ (MWHIWY W“ ‘ ll . >d liusinwss t . pt iw
loan offers and travel “OPPOrtu- usmtss C a“ y m orniation . A . "“1"” “MN“! t-“Itll'ifl‘lwlh “Ml ‘
' . w v _ that’s too vague. tr inpttd to point out a hu (.1 thr ‘ . ~ ‘ .1 . ‘ x .. .
nities, as well as misrepresen- 0A t f :1. th t ('l)\'loti\ prohlenis With thr- sales A h‘” 1” ‘Hl‘m‘l " ‘1' ”ll ll‘ml‘
tations for products. ‘ g” 8‘ mg 'a you ppm)!“ mm ”(Wm Hettun-i' iii Hetlwtn.» on his loin:
Following are several “red should check something OUt‘ Although ”1,, WNW“! and stlili‘>\iltl .Ht'i‘t'. ht mtitl. “A
flags" the bOOklet Cites to help Experience sharpen lntmtmn' believed in what l1t“»’~'t\ selliiw llt WM” ’ "“1““ "l l"; ‘1‘”‘13 “’m
managers maintain EffeCtive ad For‘copies 0f .the hocklet knew the advertiser ivas ruiiiiii‘.‘ ll‘illl‘w‘ l““ l”"\"‘l l“ l'“ " w H
clearance standards. Screening Advertisements: A ads in the other puhhcatioii Bi “AH" ”“l l”“'lli‘l'i" \\a\ "l ‘l’H'W
.Ad advertiser Who refuses gutde {01: the MEdla’ fax your condemning his competitor. he \xas l’”‘”““‘ "H" “l ill' ‘l““'l“'\I “4“"
to answer your questions 01" order to (202) 326-3574 or email llltllrt't'llV t'rlltt'lllllti the ad\ertiser See CRITICISM. page 15
lnake Changes in an ad. You rsatterfield@ftc.gov. The text IS __-
have the right to reject an ad for 3150 available on our WEbSitC.
any reason or insist on modifica- www.ftc,gov. For more informa- I
tions. tion about ad clearance. call Vd ksh n hel !
coutlandjsh copy or too- Lesley Fair at (202l 326-3081 ()I‘ ‘ I e0 wor Op ca p 1
good—to-be-true claims. Can you Laureen France at (206) 220- i
really lose weight without exer- 4471. your staff create better ads i
NAA. Advei tismg spending I e , ' - ‘ . ‘ a
. (f, an-yrfim“‘3“°'\m°° X." 1
V . *- . . . 1
up 5.6 percent over last yeai l “It“ , 7%; t
. - ‘ i I
Spending on newspaper advertisements through Septeniher totaled :'; ?
530.9 billion, a :3 ti percent increase over the same three quarter period {it ‘
last year. ' _p I
In the last quarter alone, newspaper advertisttnt increased by .‘i 4
percent to $10 :3 hillion. the Newspaper Association ot America Alast,,,apmgramthatistailorinadetornev~ spapers‘
“nmlumml N‘” 30 Basics ofLayout and Copy is getting rave reviews from
NAA president John I“ Sturin said the tigures are right in line” with publishers and ad managers t‘UaSl'lH'CUaSl
the 6 percent spending growth protected for the \‘ear h\' the group's Its 21 workshop. not a ]pdurp_\}mr 5mfg W11] hp H]\'()l\'(‘d i
“"“mml-‘t’ from the startwworkingon laxouts. getting ad ideas and I
Spending for national advertising saw the greatest gains in the third “Tm“gmonwffticnyphead1,m.5_ I l
quarter. up 5.9 percent to $1 4 hilhon (‘lassitied spending: was up .‘l 2 Findout howtotrain vourstatttheouicltandcasy \\;1\ l l
percent to $4 5% hilhon. retail adiertisingz expenditures increased 29 per ll'rifi’tmim for/rechrochint'
cent to$48hilhon ' ~ ,
For the year to date. national (|(l\'t‘rll.\'llltf spending lumped H 2 per 1",?" I‘m“,A‘ld’T'flV’g')‘ mmrlh ‘ ‘
cent to $4 5% billion. while expenditures tor classified ads increased ti :3 PUBUX lllHill.R3lVlghv NL BTNM' "7“ Ant-“834 L’lhh
percent to $12 .3 hilhori Retail :idVr-rtisinp spending rose 1:") percent '6‘ “""‘*'"“‘ """"’ " " “’
to $14 1 billion

The Kentucky Press‘ December. 1998 - Page 5
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Issues IR‘ J i:’ 'l V ' l W 'ii' ill “‘ ll ‘1-\l"7“ 'll' 3“ “V l i \l" iui's sub. 1 l'vil"“.“» 'fii "xii.
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X'JerryHilliard "‘ [H"'l\\’l' \l" '“l‘ 1‘“ ‘ll'lllli‘ l.l‘l It full lIHl' i'i‘fh i'lll13‘ iiosi
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I‘Hllklnu tor ‘l ll'l' “HUM VHIH piper Iii.iii\ siti s .ii‘e ilv \i teil ti thll Aile proudes ii listing ol :olis 'l‘llllllll' N i'H'itlh'iHiy- i'lihcm. w
Ill“. I‘l‘ll'mv I‘lllllui‘il‘i“ and “Mil" ”l iolis .i\‘;iil.il\l< .ll media i title-ts .l‘\-lllillll| .u all l\'iii:'lit Kidder papers. l’ p.‘ I
;\"“ lunglaiid" HM“ “hm” .\e\\ throughout the nation The trick is is \\I ll is the IL“!!! s .iiid phone iiiiiii i}, «l 1‘ \ i 1 H Y, \ K H m (. a:
/‘"“l””(lw 'li‘l'q "‘“l’l’l‘l ” lml“ ”ll‘m knowing when to look iei's ot ioiitact people l'lie iolis ton-r pm m] livery“. \ ,i ,miilnloo “I
mation about \‘HIH' iill-llllll"‘ll"l"~ ()iie neiksp iii» r that has dont .i i xiide range ot iniii i'ories. including ,liilii‘1-(l5ii1-{hl\ \lmwmim “Hgk
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. ll'l’ ”ll“ " ‘l l)” ”W” complicated has created a "-lolis l’.ii'e that .lli\ \Vl'llllit' Specialties] (‘ein l‘lditiiia' ' l . . . . ' , .
3 than that. (oniputei‘s are liltltt'llllllf one III-1y use It [)l'iivlhtlt‘s links in (it' iphics iiid He ieii" iiid ll (Am will. \i “1 lemm“ “Ml l“ \
‘- ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 k ‘ \yords
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_,,,.H. V _ . .
V. V . .. . V organizations '.\.itioii.il lint isit\ \« \xspapei MUN "VIHV
(ll \\orld Wide \\eli sites. it s time 1.1,,» .ixnmplp all that 5 n-iiiim-d .leli Rank 1 l l l . . l .
l" L’” your ll'Vl “"1- is .i click oi the mouse to get \oii to i\\\\ \\ iii‘\\.\lilli\ i'ldll‘ i ’H l‘l'htm I” m“ \lllii win“ Hi
'l“l’ “l“»'“|“‘s'* “l “VHF“ "\t‘“ Hil)ll.\llli‘1.\lli newspaper eoiiipa Sponsored in the Nexispiipei' W ll“. [llhllflll ”l ( 'hllflml‘l '”
. ’ liel‘lxele‘y \ lll'.lllll.ll! .\k'll'i"l ml
””“L'HWl’lt‘ WW“ ”1”" l“ tound i'l iiies such as (My, (ianiiett l“, \V _\ssociatioii Hl;\llil'l'li'.i The Honda . -
1 general sites such as "The Internet 5‘" s. JIM H‘t'\ 'l‘iiiies l'i ioii iii Jacksoi \ lle ii id 'lMld-H‘ll'xm ,ll' Hlld'llwl “MIR“
V V , tripp ”H i l i i i . .. _ . V_V h
Sleuth iwuu isleuth coma \\'lil"ll Another cl’ck Will take you to Morris l‘oiniiiunii'atioiis('orp this end H mm“ ll Mill in. ”NM.
\ . ..1 esi H.“ tlia :1, (mt) datalias \ .- VV V \ . W _V V .. -\ .. W ,_. \ . liesides iii-\isliapei positions. [1‘
hi“) “I H - ioli,itis ot \.iiiou. protesioiial \i!\|ti (ll (illH ll~Ill .i tliv . _ . . l .
‘V‘ ll'l‘lm‘ Employment. Ill“ :ii‘oups. including the National nations iiiost ('Hllllll‘i‘lli‘ll\l\i‘ lli‘\‘ s “mm” \ ”Him“ ”l" “H" \i ”1 WWV‘
Sleuth turns up thousands et’opeii ;\\'\‘t)('li|1l(llll)i Black Journalists. paper ioii ll\llll§'.\ \Vi-li si