xt7wwp9t4m9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t4m9h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 1987 text GLSO News, September 1987 1987 1987-09 2019 true xt7wwp9t4m9h section xt7wwp9t4m9h I i E Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year

Lexington's Gay/Lesbian Services life. Calls such as these, when you can hear
Organization (GLSO) is now a little over ten the pain and loneliness in the caller's voice
years old. During that time the local gay slowly ease into relief — these are the really
community has experienced triumphs and rewarding calls.
troubles, has expanded and deepened. GLSO The Gayline is staffed completely by
has been a part of Lexington's gay history volunteers. Training is provided on the last
and continues to serve gay needs in Central Sunday of each month at Comprehensive Care
Kentucky. Center at 2 pm. Volunteers are encouraged to

Communication is the key to success. Sign up for two, three hours shifts each
This includes communication between the month. Shifts are set up so that incoming
various gay organizations in Lexington, among calls are forwarded to the staffer's home,
its individuals, and with the straight creating a convenient, comfortable setting for
community. the volunteer. Presently the line is staffed

To facilitate dialogue GLSO established Wed - Fri, 8 - 11 pm. If more people
services which can be divided into four areas volunteer the schedule can be expanded;
of endeavor: education, referral, social and women are particularly needed.
recreational services. GLSO News, the
monthly Forum, the Gayline, and the many GLSO NEWS
social events all promote one or more of these
goals. The monthly newsletter is another major

effort aimed at providing a link among the gay
GAYLINE people of Central Kentucky. Currently 500
names are on the mailing list, which includes

GLSO's Gayline has become a very addresses throughout the US, Canada and
important tool in providing both educational Europe. Another 150 copies are distributed
and referral services. In an average month through Joseph—Beth Booksellers, Sqecial
300 people call the Gayline. Unfortunately Media, Good Foods Co-op, and the Bar.
only a fraction of these callers talk directly to These are available for those who do not enjoy
a Gayline volunteer because the line is covered the luxury of being able to have it delivered
just three nights per week. to their homes without fear.

Some of the calls are fun, such as the Many recipients of GLSO News who live
conversations with people from California and in the smaller towns in Central and Eastern
Alaska. These people are usually moving to Kentucky have written commenting that the
our area or are here on a visit. In either newsletter is their only contact with anything
case, it's enjoyable telling people about gay. Their isolation is particularly painful.
Lexington, comparing notes, and finding out Each month the newsletter staff of 23
about gay life in cities around the country. people strives to present a variety of

Many of the callers are more serious, in informative articles with an emphasis on local
particular those struggling with the anxieties concerns. Local, national, and international
of first dealing with their gayness. Often the news is included in the belief we must all be
Gayline staffer is one of the few persons who aware of decisions and activities which relate
the caller has ever talked with about being to gay issues. Whether these events occur
gay. Almost always this is the only person here in Lexington or on the other side of the
who has been supportive, non—threatening, globe, somehow, sometime, they will affect our
and knowledgeable about the realities of gay own lives.

@ Please :end me a free introductory . Most articles report local information in
lssugLOSOthe W and information order to inform the community about upcoming
on ‘ events, and as a means of uniting the local
. , or anizations and the thousands of a eo 1e
IE] I'd like to become a voting Memberpf “,th live in the area. g y p p
GLSO entitling me to free home delivery
of the GLSO News and discounts at
GLSO functions. My annual Member- GLSO FORUM
ship fee Of $10 ls enclosed. On the first Monday evening of each
El I don't wish to become a voting Member mongh GL8? tEOStS a meeting. open tToh all
but please send me the GLSO News "‘9’“er ° .9 gay commumty' 859
each month. The annual charge of $5 meetings begin w1th announcements of
is enclosed. upcoming events and issues discussed by the
GLSO board to keep the community informed.
This is usually'an excellent opportunity to
me:_____ find out what is going on in gay Lexington,
and is an excellent chance to meet new people.
A group discussion follows. Topics
'ddrESS=____—______._ . range from serious issues such as
discrimination, AIDS, and facets of coming
. . out, to lighter concerns such as gay vacation
Clty’ St! le‘—_______— opportunities, gay characters on TV, and gay
- humorists. Usually, though not always, the
all to‘ —Newsletter, P'O' Box 11471 discussions center around gay-related issues.
Lexmgton, KY 40575 These relaxed meetings are held in the
/ rear first floor conference room at
Comprehensive Care Center. The facilities are
comfortable with large chairs and sofas.
.nlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Meetings beg, a, 8 pm when the building is
empty, so there are no interruptiorgs. If th‘e1
The GLSO News is published monthly by front door is locked, push the utton an
the Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. enter at the buzz.
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services - Newcomers are always welcome and not
Organization) P.O. Box 11471, Lexington KY pressured to take part in the discussion if
40575. GLSO is a registered non-profit they prefer, as most new folks do, to just sit
organization which provides support for the and listen. When the meetings conclude
Central Kentucky gay and lesbian community around 10 pm, some of us adjourn to Jerry's,
through educational, recreational, social, and The Bar, White Mountain, or Espresso Cafe for
referral services directly involving or relating more conversation — especially if anyone's met
to gay/lesbian people. someone of "special" interest at the meeting.
Views or opinions expressed in the
articles, stories, letters, or advertisements are GAY PARENTING SUPPORT GROUP
those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent those of the GLSO Board of The Gay Parenting Support Group
Directors nor the GLSfO News. addresses the special problems of being gay
Submissions or GLSO News are and a parent. Many of the participantsI
welcome. All submissions become the property friends are unable to offer the understanding
ffllGLSOI dAll :gbmiSSiCEHS must indicate the needed, and families and straight friends are
u name an a I‘eSS 0 the author. Non- not always sympathetic to the added pressures
original material must indicate that the original gay parents feel.
author has given permission for use of the For these reasons gay parents turn to
23:55:: A'Elgnymgilts ISIilbmiSifti‘OYlS cannot the Each otther throfugh (tihe Ggy ParenttinngSluppor:
' . e e i oria s a reserves e roup or new rien s an suppor . e nex
right to filter submissions (including ads) to meeting is Tuesday, September 15 at 7 pm.
meet publishing requirements. Call Barry at 268-3935 for details.

GLSO's Speaker's Bureau works towards . ' _
fighting discriminatory attitudes by showing September's monthly meeting tODIC W111
the straight community the truths about gay be The National Gay and Lesbian. Task Force
people and homosexuality. Each year GLSO (NGLTF); Programs ‘and' _D-1rections. A“
sends speakers to a great variety Of meetings, NGLTF Board Membertis v1s1ting Lexmgton as
including college classes, professional 0111' 51390131 guest. dom 11.5 Sept 7th; 8'pm, ‘0
conventions, social agencies, and even learn .more' about this national organization and
neighborhood organizations. what IS gomg on around the country.
In their presentations the speakers ,
stress they are neither appointed nor self- ___—
appointed representatives of the gay VOLLEYBALL, FOOD,
community, but appear as ordinary individuals HOT WOMEN AND HOT MEN
who happen to be gay. Responses vary
greatly, but the result is usually an increased The Volleyball—Potlucks for September
understanding by those the program reaches. will be held on Friday, the 4th, and Friday,
This educational effort aimed at the the 18th, at 6:30 pm at Jacobsen Park, Shelter
straight population is obviously worthwhile. #5, Volleyball on the 18th will be "Kiss Off
More volunteers are needed for the Bureau to Summer" and our last Volleyball for this
be effective; we presently have no women season. All you need to do is bring yourself,
participants and are in need of several a dish or drinks, and all your friends. Call
volunteers. Bill or Kenneth for information at 278-0048.
Every year GLSO sponsors various
social events in the hope 0f providing a You have decided to attend the March on
variety of activities for gay and lesbian people Washington October the 11th. What do you
to socialize, make new friends, enjoy each do during’the evenings since most of the
other's company, possibly meet someone very March activities take place daytimes? On
special, and._just enjoy the freedom 0f being Saturday night a concert of Gay & Lesbian
ourselves Without any pressures from the Bands is scheduled at DAR Constitution Hall.
straight world. . .. . The National Theater is advertising "Sweet
These_ act1v1t1es include. the monthly Charity", starring Donna Mackenzie (the
potlucks Whmh occur on the first Sunday 0f original Cassie in Chorus Line). The National
each month, the monthly Coffeehouse and Symphony Orchestra is playing a Pops concert
Dance, summer volleyball at Jacobsen Park and with the King Singers, Oct. 9th, at the
the wintertime Rainbow Bowling League. Kennedy Center. Also playing at the Kennedy
Check the monthly Calendar on the last page Center is a Broadway bound English play
for a complete listing of events sponsored by called "Breaking Code" with Derek Jacoby.
GLSO and the other gay/lesbian organizations If none of this interests you, where do
in Lexmgton. . you go? First thing - pick up a copy of the
Washington Blade, DC's gay weekly newspaper
GLSO available at most newsstands. Many of the
presents area bars advertise in the paper. Most bars
Fourth Monthly are located away from the National Mall area,
re uirin car taxi or subwa (the Metro).
COFFEEHOUSE AND DANCE Th3; begt bet is the Duponfi Circle area,
Featuring TEEGRINDERS _ served by the Metro and home to a wide
from Cincinnati variety of bars including Badlands (a dance
_ bar) and JR's (a more "social bar"), the
Friday bookstore Lambda Rising and many gay or
September 18’ 1987 lesbian owned restaurants. The largest dance
8:30pm — 1am bar in DC is the Lost 8: Found in southeast
at the Washington, accessible only by car. or taxi.
Unitarian Universalist Church Other bars can be found 1n the Capital Hill -
3564 Clays Mill Road Georgetown areas. And, please!, wherever .
you go, whatever you dec1de to do, remember:
. . . H
VBYOB/Refreshments Provided thlygxukéifive sex, make sure it IS SAFE SEX..

 .9 I E
P.O. Box 1964 ' Lexington, KY d059J
The March on Washington is six weeks Our Rap SeSSion for September is
away! Ican't wait. scheduled for Thursday, September 10th, at
Social Action is important to me. In 7:30 p.m. at Keith's. The topic for the
addition to being president, I am Social Action evening is Security: What, for you, does this
Committee chair for Dignity Region. word mean and include? All are welcome in
What a wonderful opportunity we have as what should be a fascinating discussion. Call
lesbian and gay people to show the nation we Keith at 269—8417 for directions.
are good, caring people who are just like most 0 r Program Meeting is on Wednesday,
other good, caring peOple and just as Septembgi 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. at Larry's (254-
deserving of civil rights as everyone else. 9812). Nominations for the Board will be
It's important for Kentucky to have a good taken as well as a program, probably a video.
showing at the March. It is with considerable Our liturgy Will be the first of the
pride I say, ”I'm from Kentucky." Kentucky's month at Don's (299-4458), 7:30 p.m.
lesbian and gay people will make an important
statement just being there, If you go , you'll “
be making this statement.
You will say by being there, that we are MEMBERSHIP
everywhere — whether we're from San
Francisco, New York, Wichita, Lexington, Yes, folks, Dignity's still having our
Versailles or Frankfort. membership drive! Our goal is 25 and we'll
You will also be saying, "I am a person need a hefty turnout in the next several
worthy of civil rights. I will not be treated months to reach it. Some of you may ask,
as a second class citizen. I will be heard and "Why become a member?" Well, it's a fair
respected," question. You get Nregional and national
Social Action speaks to our dignity as news information and the privilege of saying,
people. It gives us a chance to educate, "I belong to Dignity." But for $25.00 is that
learn and achieve. Don't deny yourself that enough? Ultimately, that question is up t0
opportunity. Join us in Washington, October' you. But remember your $25-00 works to
11-13! You will be a part of history! Hope make life better for lesbian and gay people.
to see you at Dignity soon. In peace, So join! Students can join for $20.00 and
Keith couple for $45.00.
BOARD NOMINATIONS Come to a meeting and let us know.
Nominations will begin at the September
We're looking for people willing to serve program meeting and will be open until the
as Board members. You can be that person! October elections.
APChbiShOP Daniel Pilarczyk has barred groups that do not fully adhere to church
the Cincinnati chapter of Dignity from using policy.
church facilities for meetingS- Pilarczyk's position was being closely
According 10 Gaybeat, a Cincinnati gay watched because he is the next scheduled
newspaper, Pilarczyk ousted the grow in the president of the National Conference of
wake of last fall's Vatican letter WhiCh Catholic Bishops and is generally regarded as
denounced homosexuality and ordered bishops a church moderate. His action could influence
not to allow church property to be used by other bishops around the country.
semi. ,, W.

 I,“ fl", THE IMPERIAL COURT or THE ‘ "a”.
V BLUEGRASS EMPIRE. lNc. “r535".53"
In association with
. “:33???”
Ag, % xx;
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«A m G AY
I ’l A M I
r . I % mm w
I, '3'.” FEATURING: g%§l%l¥
TICKETS: $8.00 (per‘ night)$15.00(both ni hts
\ 0/ «Rio \f)

 BORK NOMINATION GLOOMY NEWS FOR GAYS imprisonment if Colorado chose to impose such
a penalty as an AIDS prevention measure.
Three times in the past year the United Most people are quite repulsed by such
States Supreme Court has considered cases of "end of the world" warnings as those raised in
import for gays and lesbians, and twice it has this article. The threat to individuals, gay
ruled 5 to 4 against us. Only in its holding and straight, posed by a future Justice Bork
that contagious diseases constitute a is so great that no warning is too shrill if it
"handicap" ‘protected by federal legislation prods us into action to oppose his
against discrimination has the court held forth appointment. Confirmation hearings begin
the promise of protection for our oppressed September 15. We must begin soon if we are
minority. to convince Senators Ford and McConnell to
In the Hardwick case, the Court bent vote againsthis confirmation.
over backwards to limit to homosexuals only its
holding that sodomy statutes do not violate the
Constitution, even though the challenged WRITE YOUR LEGISLATORS
Georgia statute applied to both gays and
straights. Now the court again finds against Gay and lesbian rights have certainly
us: by holding that actions of the United taken it on the chin in recent months,
States Olympic Committee do not constitute particularly from the bastion of our rights,
state action, it approved the arbitrary denial the United States Supreme Court. From issues
of the use of the "Olympics" to a gay athletic as seemingly innocent as forbidding us the use
organization. of the term ”Olympic" for our Gay Games to
In both of the last two cases, Justice denial of our very rights to privacy in the
Lewis Powell, a moderate from Virginia, ‘played Hardwick decision, the Supreme Court has a
a key role. It is rumored that he changed his definite anti-gay slant.
vote in the sodomy case at the last minute We need to bring to bear our own
thus providing the majority which found no influence whenever we can. If enough people
constitutional protection of privacy in gay voice their concern to their legislators, we can
bedrooms. Nearly a year later, Justice Powell make a difference.
authored the opinion in the gay Olympics case.
Now President Reagan proposes to Here is a sample letter:
replace Powell, widely considered to be a
moderate on most other issues, with Robert Dear Senator Ford (McConnell):
Bork. Currently a Judge on the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Bork I am deeply disturbed by the potential
proposes that the United States Constitution for the Supreme Court to be unconcerned
contains no protection of individual privacy in about our right to privacy. This potential
any form. The most obviously vulnerable opens the possibility of the Court reversing
targets of this view are the Courts' abortion itself on many previous rulings, should the
rulings, premised on the constitutionally topics rise again from the lower courts. I
protected privacy right of an expectant believe this potential danger has arisen in the
mother. nomination of Robert Bork for Justice of the
However, it should be obvious that Supreme Court.
possible reconsideration of the sodomy holding Bork‘s opinions and interpretations of
would be doomed if Bork were on the Court. law are well known. His insistence that the
Furthermore, what sway would a Justice Bork Constitution be interpreted as the Founding
have over the court when it considers the Fathers would have applied it during their
privacy issues to be raised by a society lives would prevent the Constitution from
dealing with the tension between AIDS and continuing as a living document for human
individual rights? Is quarantine more likely? rights. Instead, the Constitution would
Is the confidentiality of AIDS test results to become only historical document with little
be left to vagaries of fifty state legislatures relevance to 20th century America
and supreme courts? The world has changed greatly in the
Judge Bork's commonly perceived past 200 years and the Constitution must be
approach to constitutional interpretation is that allowed the flexibility to change in the future.
it should be examined in light of the Founders' Robert Bork as Justice would not allow this to
intent. Sodomy convictions in the 18th happen.
century carried far more severe penalties than President Reagan‘s nomination of Bork
even today's statutes. Would Justice Bork indicates that he does not respect the opinion
extend the Hardwick case to allow life that the Supreme Court be politically impartial.

 L Without this impartiality we will loose one of FREE FOOD!
the most important links in the delicate system .
of checks and balances. GLSO's September Potluck Will be held
i Since the President apparently refuses at Kenneth's on Sunday, the 6th, at 1:30 pm.
E to concern himself with the impartiality of the This Will be a "Back Yard" barbeque.
Court, I believe it is the responsibility of the Hamburgers, .hOt dOES» chips, and 50“ .drinks
' Senate to reject his nominee. 1 urge you to will be prov1ded. Brmg a lawn chalr and
' vote against the appointment of Robert Bork. your be“ diSh- We‘ll be playing volleyball
‘ Thank you for your concern. after we eat. Call Kenneth or Bill for
' information at 278-0048.
, Sincerely,
_ #
During July, the GLSO News staff
. received reports the Urban County Police have ASK AUNT MARY
stepped up late night patrols of Woodland Park
homosexual activity.
Three different employees of the police Dear .Aunt Mary: I'm 18 years Old and
‘ department contacted the newsletter staff. jUSi beglnning to accept my sexuality. 1 live
’ Each time the person declined to identify in a very small town in Western Kentucky. 1
‘ himself/herself or even indicate whether recently met a man who is very interested in
- he/she is a member of the police force, me, bin i haven't slept With him YEt- l'Ve
administration, or the department's support read a lot about AIDS but find it hard to take
staff. All three callers based their insistence it all that SGPiOUSlY, since we are SO isolated
on confidentiality and their concern over here. My friend iS pressing me to have sex
losing their jobs should their names be linked and i guess it is lUSt a matter 0f time before I
to the publicizing of the force's actions. give in. In my situation, i don't think I need

In order to verify these reports, the 10 WOI‘PY about ”safe 59X," (10 YOU?
newsletter staff contacted the police force Anxious in Hardinsburg
about this information. Reportedly, in early
June several men were arrested in Woodland Dear AHXiOHSI Yes, yes a thousand
Park for engaging in homosexual activity. times yes! You very definitely need to
Because of the circumstances surrounding the practice safe SEX everywhere and at all times.
activity the police decided to increase the Even People in small towns travel a great deal,
frequency of routine surveillance of the park. 50 the isolation you claim is quite illUSOPY-

. Since that decision, the number of men Please call the GLSO phoneline for information
arrested in Woodland Park for solicitation, on safe sex practices. (Wed-; Thurs. or
indecent exposure, sodomy, and related Fri., 8200-11100 p.m.). The false Sense of
charges has been higher than usual. security YOU express COUld be fatal!

None of the people who gave GLSO News And HOW I Will offer some unsolicited
this information could give specific numbers of advice, WhiCh is one Of my specialties. You
people arrested as a result of this crackdown, are 18, jUSt accepting your sexual orientation,
or what charges were brought. It is not less than totally informed about AIDS and safe

. known if any of the other parks in the city 59X» and are being "pressed" to have sex.
are also being patrolled. STOP! Don't let it be just a matter of time

before you "give in." Your whole life is in

w front Of you . Sex Should be a Shared

ANNUAL CAMPOUT PLANNED experience by TWO people who wish to give

pleasure to one another. Don't settle for less

The seventh annual fall campout is in your first experience, you will know when
scheduled for October 10th and 11th at Eddie's the time and the person are right.
farm. Historically held the second weekend of Aunt Mary
October, this year's event provides the
opportunity to "rough it" for those who cannot if you WOUld like to write to Aunt Mary,
attend the March on Washington. Relive your send your letter t0: Aunt Mfii‘Y: c/o GLSO, .
childhood by singing campfire songs and Post Office Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky
sleeping under the stars on a remote farm in 40575- if you WOUld like a personal reply,
Scott County. Check next month's GLSO News please include a stamped, SElf addressed
for details and directions. envelope. All names are strictly confidential. 7

AN OPEN LETTER OF INVITATION numbers over 500 and is an excellent
opportunity to network with a large number of
When word got around the GLSO NEWS wimmin.
was looking for womyn to write the "Women's .
News" section of the newsletter, I was excited This month, we have included a cursory
because of the opportunity to combine local liSt 0f publication, grows, bookstores, and
interest with the different formats of other music outlets that are of interest to women.
publications I'd seen, thereby presenting Not all are lesbian owned/operated, but all are
Lexington lesbians with an informative, supportive of womyn. This list is by no
perhaps provocative, upbeat source of news means complete, and if you know of others
and interconnection. Several ideas came to please write us. We will continue to add on to
mind, the first being an open forum that the list and after going to the Michigan Music
would address the realities we all face - our Festival, I'll bring home more information.
own "coming out stories", relationships (or Also, this month, we've included our
lack thereof), politically correct vs. politically first poetry and reviews. We hope you enjoy
incorrect, monogamy vs. non-monagamy, them and will send us yours for possible
separatism, alcohol/drug/food dependency and publication in the GLSO News.
recovery, and other personal trials and That's about it for this edition. Be
triumphs. Secondly, a monthly book review aware that the subscription policy will change
and occasional album, concert, movie reviews in the next few months, so be sure to return
might provide information about locally the coupon on page two to let us know you
accessible possibilities concerning other facets wish to continue receiving the newsletter.
of lesbian culture. Finally, this column could Encourage other wimmin to subscribe and
become an Opportunity to help network become involved with some of the local groups
through assistant organizations, political action and attend a Coffeehouse and Dance On the
groups, performances, coffeehouses, dances, third Friday of each month.
sports activities, and support groups. We wish to celebrate our commonality
Well, the editor of the GLSO News and I and our diversity as women/wimmin/womyn/
discussed all of this over coffee at Espresso ladies/girls/dykes and hope you will find
Cafe, found we had similar goals, and I signed within these lines the inspiration to share a
on. Later that evening, while attending the bit of yourself with us.
GLSO Coffeehouse and Dance Committee Laura Joans,
Meeting, I presented these ideas to the Assistant Editor for
women there and they (some of the brightest, Women's Issues
warmest, most dynamics wimmin!) chimed in
with nearly unbridled enthusiasm and a whole *
new collection of ideas.
So - - here we are with our very first .
edition and it begins with an invitation for Untitled
your opinion. We wish to offer an open forum Your fantasy
where letters from our collective and from you ran into my reality
can be printed and we can argue or agree, .
inspire or irritate, but at least talk about And there were no surVivors
issues that are usually kept silent. What is You wanted hearts and flowers
your coming out story? How do you feel about I wanted
. . . . you
lesbian separatism? How about "Wimmin" vs.
"women"? How do' you feel about non- As the glow of new love faded
monogamous relationships? Have. they worked So too did your ardor
for you? Letters can be printed Without While mine blossomed
its: 22.3..sz 3.53;; as . to
_ /’
will be interested in your story. We also love the person you are
would like to print your poetry, prose, lesbian You wanted romance
hmericks, and reViews (read a good book Iwas real life
lately? and I don't mean Sydney Sheldonl).
Finally, use these pages as a way to announce There is no room in fantasy
meetings, parties, tournaments, etc. for reality
Currently the GLSO News mailing list And so we could not survive.

I _—-—————_ '
RESOURCES OF POSSIBLE INTEREST 40228. Louisville's gay and lesbian newsletter
TO WOMEN includes monthly features an AIDS, local
activities, political actions and legal cases.
Organizations Lesbian Connection. Helen Diner
Memorial Women's Center, P.O. Box 811, East

GLSO, Offering the ~(11,30 News Lansing, MI 48823. This is an informal forum
Gayline, Speaker‘s Bureau, Gay Parenting newsletter with thousands of subscribers that
Group, monthly Coffeehouse and Dance, and also offers nationwide advertisements, a winter
monthly GLSO meeting (first Monday evening 81ft catalog, and a contact dyke listing.
of each month) and other opportunities. Write Lesbian Contradiction. 1007 North 47th
to GLSO, p‘o_ Box 11471, Lexington, KY Street, Seattle, WA 98103. This periodical
40575_ presents articles on a broad spectrum of

Feminist Alliance. UK's Organization for issues from politics to womyn's spirituality.
feminist and lesbian women, with monthly
meetings. Call 278—7077. Books/Music/Video Cassettes

Alternatives for Women. 178 Walnut _ _

St., Lexington, KY 40508, phone — 254—9319. . Sqemal Media. 371 South Limestone.
Referrals for counseling, support groups, Lexmgton, KY- Phone: 255-4316. This
educational series and networking are alternative bookstore has recently expanded its
available. selection of lesbian books and music.

South Eastern Women's Employment Crystals, incense, cards, and tarot decks can
Coalition. 332 Longview Drive, Lexington, also be found. 'The GLSO News is available
KY, phone .. 276-1555. here during the first days of each month.

UK Women Studies Office_ UK offers a ‘ Joseph—Beth Booksellers, at The Mall at
minor in Women's Studies. This office can also Lexington. Green. Phone: 273-2911.
be a first step in networking with other Lexmgtons newest bOOkStOI‘e has a good gay
feminists at UK. literature section, including a shelf of lesbian

Continuing Education for Women. UK is books, Boston's newspaper the Gay Community

. - News, and the GLSO News.
very supportive of women students, espeCially —— , _____ '
"adult" students (over 25) who are . Lexmgton Pubhc lel'aI'Y- Several
anticipating attending UK. Counselors are lesbian 'authors works can be found here,
available to discuss career choices and along With a small selection of women's music.
scholastic strategies. . Cut Corner Records & Video, 377 South

Interweave. Unitarian Universalist Limestone, Lexington, KY. Phone: 255-3964.
Church, 3564 Clayg Mill Road, Lexington, KY This unique. business offers a selection of

I 40503. A support group that offers dialog womyn's 'mus1c (100k under "f01k") and some
between gay/lesbian/non-gay members of the lesbian Vldeo CESSElteS- .
Unitarian Universalist Church. The UU ' The Crazy Ladies Bookstore, 4112
church is very supportive of its gay and Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45223.
lesbian members. Call 266-8887. Phone: (513) 541-4198. Cincinnati's womyn's

Dignity. 13,0. Box 1984, Lexington, KY bookstore has an excellent selection of lesbian
40593, Lexington's chapter of the national material plus a mailing list and a newsletter.
Catholic gay and lesbian support organization. Women. sounds! WEKU'FM Stereo 88.9.
Dignity's monthly newsletter is included as a Sunday evenings, 8 ' 10 pm. This program
section within the GLSO News. presents different styles of music women

_____.._._ artists.

Womenews. Room 106, Old Student
Center, UK, Lexington, KY 40506. UK's
Feminist Alliance will once again publish a .
monthl newsletter, be ‘nnin this fall. L d H d
lncludg’d will be many itemsglof intgerest to local en a an ...
mm” ' VOLUNTE '

Lavender Letter. The Lavender Letter, LA
Inc., 7401-B Fegenbush Lane, Louisville, KY


A Review of Soul Snatcher The Little Joys Of Breaking UP
a novel by Camarin Grae
The sense of freedom,
Many people believe that each of us has incomplete,
a twin somewhere on the face of the earth. a mixed blessing,
This lesbian suspense novel deals with the only partially offsetting
question in a most intriguing way. What would that