xt7wwp9t2q46_92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), No. 95 "The President Has Made the Issue" Speech of Charles I. Dawson, Chairman of the Kentucky Division and Member of the National Lawyers Committee of the American Liberty League, at the American Liberty League Dinner, January 25, 1936 text No. 95 "The President Has Made the Issue" Speech of Charles I. Dawson, Chairman of the Kentucky Division and Member of the National Lawyers Committee of the American Liberty League, at the American Liberty League Dinner, January 25, 1936 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_95/Am_Lib_Leag_95_001/Am_Lib_Leag_95_001.pdf section false xt7wwp9t2q46_92 xt7wwp9t2q46 AN INVITATION TO JOIN THE   I '
  The President
A We extend to every American citizen who believes in E
lthe fundamental principles which gave birth to the E    
L Constitution of the United States an invitation to be- § K A
A come a member of the American Liberty League.      
You may indicate your acceptance of this invitation g
by iilling in the necessary information as to your name E
and address on the enrollment blank below and mailing g
it to American Liberty League, National Press Building, E * * *
Washington, D. C. Q
There are no fees or dues. If you are willing and Q
able to give monetary help for the League’s support § Speech of l
your contribution will be appreciated, as our activities E
are supported entirely by the voluntary gifts of our f · CHARLES L DAWSQN
1) . 5
mem as § Of Louisville, Kentucky
ENROLLMENT BLANK   Chairman of the Kentucky Division and
§ Member of the National Lawyers
Date § Committee of the American
E Liberty League
I favor the principles and purposes of the {American Q _
Liberty League and request that I be enrolled as a Q
rrrrrrr member.   *
*contributing g g
Signature     American Liberty League Dinner
  Washington, D. C.
Name (Mr. Mrs. Miss) E JBHUETY 25, 1936
E     A
*-· treet <
Q-a :
2 €  c
°" Town E S   $’
  , _ ’°*v Lei
County State g e
*A; a contributing member I desire to give $   l AMERIC  LIBERTY LEAGUE
to help support the activities of the League: Cash here-   Naeieaal Headquarters
with Installments as follows: ;
    ir rk
(95) g Document No. 95

 The PI‘€Sld€I1l Has Madé the ISSIIB ment, but that on the contrary its purpose was
to create a new National Government, and to
* g specifically record the powers conferred upon
that government by its creators—the people of
THIS assemblage of earnest and thoughtful the United States.
men and women, who have come from all quar- He knew, by the terms of the instrument it-
ters of the Nation to give voice and substance self and from an unbroken line of opinions of
to their opposition to the un-American and g the Supreme Court, that the only powers pos-
destructive program of the present National sessed by the National Government are those
Administration, confirms me in the belief that expressly or in1pliedly conferred upon it by
the American people cannot be bullied, boy- I that Constitution.
cotted or bribed into exchanging their ordered l He knew that the Constitution was framed
liberty under the Constitution of the United _ and adopted by men who were proudly con-
Stateg for the "more abundant life,°° °°pl3nn€d SCi0l1S Of the fact that they were citizens, of
€c0n0my" and regimentation of Franklin D- independent sovereign states, and that in great.
Roosevelt and of the motley crew of socialists, ing the National Government, they had no in-
parlor pinks and silly sentimentalists with tention of surrendering into the keeping of the
whom he has surrounded himself. new government those inalienable rights which
Such gatherings as this encourage me to hope the Declaration of Independence declares, are
that at last the American people have come to the heritage of all free men; that among these
realize that our form of government is in peril inalienable rights are the right to life, liberty
at the hands of him who only three years ago and the pursuit of happiness; the right to labor
took a solemn oath to support and defend it. If in lawful occupations of their own choosing,
there are any of you so gullible as to still be- free of governmental interference, and to enjoy
lieve that the President and his advisers have, I the fruits of that labor; to acquire and hold
or ever have had, any real attachment for our property and to be assured of its protection, not
form of government, or any intention or desire only against spoliation by the Government, but
to faithfully observe the limitations which the 1 against the avarice and designs of their fellow-
Federal Constitution has set upon their powers, j men.
I ask you to review with me their record for J
th€ Peet three Yee1`S· l HE KNEW that those who framed the Consti-
p tution had no intention of destroying their re-
WHEN Mr. Roosevelt, as President, took the J spective state governments, or of surrendering
oath to support and defend the Constitution of   any of the powers of the state governments to
the United States, he could look back upon   the National Government, except to the extent
nearly one hundred and fifty years of National   and in the manner set out in the Constitution
existence under that instrument. He is a law-   itself.
yer, and we have the right to assume that he f He knew that there was conferred upon the
was thoroughly familiar with its provisions and ¤ National Government no power of control over
with the interpretation and meaning given to the internal affairs of the state; no power to reg-
those provisions by the Supreme Court of the ulate the farm, the factory, the mill or the mine.
United States.   He knew that the National Government has
He knew that the purpose of that instrument   no power to take the property of any citizen,
was not to record a grant of rights and privi- g or group of citizens, whether under the guise of
leges to its citizens by the National Govern-   taxation or through condemnation, for the ben-
2 I 3

 efit of any other citizen or group of citizens. enumerated therein, many of the states, of
  He knew that the Constitution confers upon which the great States of New York and South V
the National Government no police power within Carolina are outstanding examples, conditioned
the respective states, under which Congress their ratification upon the express declaration
may legislate for what it conceives to be the that every governmental power not expressly
eneral welfare it matters not how rave the conferred upon the National Government by
Emergency nor how great the demandgfor such tl1e Constitution is reserved to the respective
le islation ma be. state governments. a
{llc also kneirv that the framers of the Consti- i He knew that the Constitution would never
tution werenot content with merely limiting i have been adopted but f01` thé 01631* under-
the powers of the National Government. He J standing that the Congress, in the manner pro-
knew that the history oi the past, and of tho t vided by the Constitution, would promptly sub- i
days in which the framers of the Constitution n mit to the I`e$PeettVe States ¤¤1e11d¤1e11tS,
lived, had taught them that the concentration j eXPt'eSStY exeepttng tfem Battelle] power those
of ai] governmental nowei. in the hands of ono human rights and privileges which are enumer-
man, oi. group of men, is the beginning of ated in the first ten amendments, and that in
tyranny, and that they had therefore deliber- c°mPttanC€ with this understanding ttleee
ately provided in the Constitution for a separa- amendments were Submitted by the ttfst COD-
tion of the three great divisions of govei.n_ gress that met under the new Constitution, and
mental power———the executive, the legislative · were Pt`0mPttY ad0Pted·
and the judicial. V
HE KNEW that any attempt on the part of
IIE KNEW that the executive and legislative tnn Nannnal (aovcrnmant to ragulata any bus?
dnnnnnnnntn ann Without nnwnn tn nnss nnnn n nests not comm1tted to 1tS control by the Const1-
the validity of their own acts. He knew that tnnnn amonnts not only to uaurpauan af p°w°r’
the executive department, under the Constitu- but to a nnanct Vwlauon of ana Flfah Aman?
tion, is not permitted to legislate, and the legis- mann wnlcn pnnnacta the mnaan agamat acm"
lative department can not confer upon the ex- Ezznnlnnfngglifllfjnnbcrty or pmparty wlthout
ecutive department power so to do. '
If he had the slightest conception of the pur- hHC mnsnnnvn known Wnan na assumed amca
pose and spirit of the Constitution, he knew t at tnc Nunn and Tantn Amanantama express
that the judicial department, headed_ by the nm Wncnn Pnnnsnpny of th? nnmad g°v°rn'
Snnnnnn Cnnnn was intnndnd by thc fnnmnns nf ment created under the Const1tut1on; that the
the Constitution to hold the National Govern- Nmth declares:
ment to its delegated powers, with authority, in "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain
at Propet. ease, to declare invalid any attempt rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage
on the part of either the legislative or executive n °ta°rS ratainaa by tha p°°p1°·”
department tg overridtn or disreigand inte limita-   and that the Tenth declares:
tions impose upon t em; an e new that 4
, this power had been exercised from the very bnalgig Iéztngfiiunnttn aigiaminntitgg Enitndtsttnis
V bagmmug 0f tha Rapltbha _ States, are reserved itc the pStates respectively cor tg
He knew that, notw1thstand1ng the fact that { the peop]e,”
the Constitution in its original form unmistak- f —
ably limited the National Government to the He knew that the framers of the Constitution
exercise of those powers expressly or impliedly did Det intend that the National Government
4 5

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