xt7wwp9t2q46_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), No. 68 "Straws Which Tell: Excerpts from Letters Received by Senator Millard E. Tydings (Democrat) of Maryland Following His Speech in the Senate on 'Recovery for the United States'," October 14, 1935 text No. 68 "Straws Which Tell: Excerpts from Letters Received by Senator Millard E. Tydings (Democrat) of Maryland Following His Speech in the Senate on 'Recovery for the United States'," October 14, 1935 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_68/Am_Lib_Leag_68_001/Am_Lib_Leag_68_001.pdf section false xt7wwp9t2q46_65 xt7wwp9t2q46 Pamphlets Available I t
* *k *k
Copies of the following pamphlets and
other League literature may be obtained
upon application to the -League’s national
headquarters:   7   7
itatement IotgPrincip1es andII’u1i§oi<;s   S  
' i erty eague— s a orm
Arriulllliizggrsis of the President’s Budget Message ·  
Economic Security
The Thirty Hour Week
The Pending Banking Bill_ .
The Holding Company Bill
Price Control
_ gge §abor_Re1atg>ni   ' * * *
1t mmous oa 1
Extlensidln of the NRA
The Farmers’ Home Bill
The TVA Amendments
The New Deal, Its Unsound Theories and Irre-
concilable Policies—Speech by Ralph M. Shaw
Hcjgw go 2/Ieet the Issue—Speech by William f R d b
- 0 E L tt °
. The Suplgeme Court and the New Deal Xccrpts rain (1% ifsd. ccclge Y
An Open Letter to the President—By Dr. Neil Senator M1. ar · Y ings ( emo'
C'¤*’0¢h?*`$ crat) of Maryland Following
The Revised AAA Amendments H. S h . h S
The President’s Tax Program IS Pecc In t 6 cnatc on
The American Bar-—The Trustee of American "Rc;;Ove;·y for the United
Institutions———Speech by Albert C. Ritchie S ,»
Two lAmazing Years——Speech by Nicholas Roose- tatcs
ve t
Fabian Socialism in the New Deal—Speech by
Demarest Lloyd -
The People’s Money—Speech by Dr. Walter E.
t Spahr
The Principles of Constitutional Democracy and
the New Deal—Speech by R. E. Desverwine
Which Road to Take‘?—·—-Speech by J. Howard
Pew `Iv,Rl¢
The Blessings of Stabi1ity—Speech by James W. · Y   44,
Wadsworth "‘*"****
Recovery by Statute—Speech by Dr. Neil e-   u
Carotherc · Ei   o
Expanding Bureaucracy Q? I VO
The Imperilment of Democracy-—Speech by T Y Le
Fitzgerald Hall
Lawmaking by Executive Order
The Test of Citizenship—-Speech by Dean Carl t
WZ. Ackerman
Today’s Lessons for Tomorrow-·S;oeech by Cap-
tain William H. Stayton l `
New Deal Laws in Federal Courts
Potato Control
"Breathing Spells"-—-Speech by Jouett Shouse
The National Labor Relations Act—Summary AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE
of Conclwsiom from report of the National . `
C<>¤S¤m¤r¤ wd the AAA NATIONAL Pnnss BUILDING
l rDocument N0. 68
October, 1935

- 2 *
9 Senator Millard E. Tydings (Democrat), of
gl Maryland, addressed the Senate of the United
1 States on April 2, 1935, on the subject “I{ecovery
, for the United States.” So impressed were news-
  paper editors with the significance of this speech
  that its text, or a summary thereof, appeared in
  hundreds of publications from coast to coast. ·
l The response was immediate. Thousands of let-
l ters and telegrams came to Senator Tydings, and
l it is significant of the trend of public opinion
i that of all the thousands only two offer adverse
I criticism. i
  you have finished with this l It 1S not possible 1n this pamphlet, to find
¤ room for more than a small fraction of the let-
PamPl'aet Please Pass is OW to seme   ters received by the Senator and then only a
friend or acquaintance who might be   few sentences from each letter. The compiler
intevestecl, calling his attention to the   has kept two points in View:
_ { (I) The opinions of the writers concerning
mzmbe/rslup blank on page 3L   recent legislation by the Congress, and (2) A
l word picture of conditions in the States.
l Following are several excerpts from the
l speech by Senator Tydings which brought forth
l the avalanche of commendation for his stand
  and condemnation of the ill-advised legislation
  which he criticised:
  "What is the Democratic party now doing?
, I am not seeking to hurt the Democrats; but I
believe the time has come to raise our voices in
I warning, for before another year shall have gone
I by there may not be the large Democratic ma-
jority here and in other places which we have en-
joyed. We cannot go on running the Govern-
ment on hot air, on money pulled down from the
c heavens which the taxpayers will have to pay
back. We cannot continue on the philosophy
· of scarcity, of producing less and less and expect-
; ing to employ more and more people. We can
2 no longer do that with any degree of success,
§ because the less work there is, the less we pro-
duce, the less employment there is. Up to this
1 3

timo tlio Wliolo philosophy oi tlio administration, on that occasion. A billion dollars 1S treated lust
. in my iudgmont, has been to nioduoo less and to the same as if 1t were a hundred thousand, incl
increase rather than to decrease the army of the 38 if We could Qpend and berrew our Way en e
unemployed." c the depression.
"Every policy of the NRA is a policy to in- Excerpts from e new Letters
crease the cost olf mgnufacturecil commodities. From a farmer in Columbus, Iud,;
li f A A is oic to increase
gileerlzrogie gl Oagliceultural cemllmodities, which { _ “Tne eeeennn ef yen?1ePeeennnefienedtngonleingge
makes us the less able to go out beyond our own is hPeI'temng· The Y ele eenn iy ei nd have
country, or, indeed, even in it, and sell'the things ePe·n`ed ef nny relief 7zm d fninlgg; Of the
which we must sell in order not to increase . been Penenined ngngécxggauge I degiinnd on
further the army Of the unemployed.,) {   lsellre OW§llece)’s crop reduction ‘coiai*pion’
` ` ` ` ' us to be Russianize .
"Senators, the time has come to turn back { pepereh I Slmply rel G _
from this supernational policy and attempt to I A telegram from Clucago signed by 22 persons:
revive world trade, to reestablish international { uAnnloud your oouiago and pati~iouSm_ NRA
currencies, and to promote and increase the com- and AAA should loo sotannod as first, approach to
merce of the world rather than to decrease it." { Sanity and oonnnon Sense.},
o ' O A . ealer:
"What good, forsooth, does it do any man if he   Frgm an Atleety ea ° coal d b t h
gets a dollar a day more, if everything he has to { I mede ?» tmp the enner dey efln an ene uni
buy costs him a dollar a day more? What we { dred miles In my een and   Snen d nygheegnig
ought to do is to bring into balance the price of l€9»§l? 150 mules eteplnng lively eerfgse e e .e
commodities &”d““p”"i°" of em-" { 1““*“i€f£§‘Zl{°§€ti?i§’S’l°2E.ii$€ii§‘$’..§3i§Zf§§é’§
or 61 . V
_ .' . l l . land dzhat have not been touched this year which
` “Here We ere preyldlng fen the expendltnre ef ought to have been turned and ready for plant-
$5*ede>eee>eee> en nrnennn equal ee 20 per eenn ing To me it is a most serious situation. I
of our total national debt, without any strings . know what thoso oonditions moan Whoo you in-
· tied ne nl Wereny ef ene nn’me‘ De Senednae vestigate the production side of the situation. It
think it will be expended efficiently, even if those in Snnnly awful to oontomplato tho futuyo I
at nne nep Wdnn in ee expended? Tner e Win nee have lost money until it is alarming trying to do
be a member of Congress in either House who business nndol. this NRA•7?
will not feel impelled in the competition which { _ _
will be engenderei to see that his State is fairly { A feed dealer in Hendersonville, N. C., writes:
treated in the distribution of the funds, regard-   HI novo just road in tlio papor what you have
less of the unemployment or distress which may l Said about tho NRA and AAA I Woot to Say to
exist in nie Sydney { you that I am proud of your good sense and
‘ ‘ ‘ { judgment, and am glad we have one level headed
"Mr. President, I am an organization man, I   Senator in Washington. For God’s sake talk to
have voted for all of the unpopular measures of { some of the other Senators and save our
the adniinistrationl and goin practilcally none of   country."
its popu ar ones. stoo ere on y a year ago .
and made a speech which was hard to make, ask- An Augustin Ga" mon manufacturer.
ing the American Senate to cut down the costs of I "Permit me to commond Y0111‘ 00¤1‘&g€0uS and
the Veterans’ Administration, because we were { able attack .... I bollcjvc YOU hm'? the Seed
told, and I believed it to be true, that economy l wishes of the vast majority of the kind of citi-
was the basis upon which we would have to re- I zens whose initiative and hard work made this
construct the fortunes of the Government. Noth- nation great and would long ago have restored
ing has happened between that date and this prosperity but for the restrictions and reg1menta—
which has made me proud of the speech I made tion of NRA and AAA."
4 5

 A telegram from Los Angeles, Calif.: waited with growing impatience to hear them
"Congratulations on your speech. The sender l expressed m the S€nat€‘ _ _
used to be a small business man, employing On the letterhead of a Cincinnati, O., dry clean-
thirty people in a manufacturing business, also i jug eempsny,
ft 1 f .Th'...h caused , . .. .
Iii; tb b)§;§)e€fa(fi1ni?1g2hItirely aiid close iiisy manu- i “I;it°°> can `SSESIIZG lf thiii)SuC;§;ti;gtn§§S§)oaii:
· · 7 7
emng Pm YOU   at liberty to   my   ttftd Sift; iiiis t§§§§3§».§;». Wants finest
iéaénie. J. Concoff, formerly Quality Potato Chip i commu, in the Virorilui Wiu SOO? Siiik  H Such-to
` depth that nothing s ort o a mirac e W1 save 1 .
A letter from Providence, R. I.: [ Let’s quit catering to anyonejlzituboiusm, capitstl-
"‘Have been reading the text of your address _ 1SSiné1;)I;H?g}; (;ghirO;ig1_ggg   igiogvgrozoiiggile
in the Senate in re to NRA and AAA. Leader- i 3 d gmom them it roooivos oiiiy for o
ship of this kind is most encouraging to small ¥ §&n.,OSg€,gm€ Without courting disésiorn
business people who are making desperate efforts l Hm 6 ’ _ '_ _
to continue in business. We in New England E Cotton market practically lost says this Vicks-
  hhave lieen the first to feel this ciiuishing eiifei? of   burg, Miss., writer:
’ t e co on processing tax w ic as jus a out . -
wrecked all kinds of business. The cumulative T “P€rm1t.m€ to congratulate yOu’S1r’upOn your
· · · speech delivered yesterday in the Senate. There
evils of such taxes must ultimately rest with . h. k. . th. unit who is
those whorproduce the cotton from the soil." IS not a t m Pig man m IS °?mm Y .
l not of the op1n1on that the policies of the Agri-
From a woman living in Pittsburgh, Pa.: cultural Adjustment 1iidm1n1strat1on bare tfali-
"e¤¤gr~e¤lee¤¤S On your Comet ed. seed 5 }2°“’£t§’ $533i§€`i,i§FkZi“lOiS1EZ$iI.‘§“§Oymy itieisi.
common sense when you spoke your piece in the Gointries ,,
Senate yesterday. If we had more men like °
yourself, the country would not be in the mess it A New Yorker writes from Rockefeller Plaza:
is today Mere power to YOUIH "I have just returned from a trip to California,
From the head of an advertising company in and Iflyiu ceiulii hagsullsigrisg t’I?€;i1i(;;&%i1§i;’i¥1aiT’h;
· _ ave is ene o
X6ma’   thinking people ol the United States are becom-
(qt Wee e JOY to reed Yee? Speech of Yeetefdey ing dreadfully alarmed over the rash and uncon-
in the Senate. When you called the NRA and Sjdsyed legislation being proposed."
the AAA ‘Monstrosities’ you gave exactly the . . _
right name. Congratulations to you for having Tclcgmm fmm a M1dd1‘“’*°“'“’ Pa" buck com
the courage to tell what the country has been Pe¤Y*
herins te hee? fe? many leng m0¤’¤hS· Your "We, being a small manufacturer, heartily en-
speech will be heartening to the entire nation." i dgygg yguy stand en NRA, Keep up the; gciod
` On a letter head of the Princeton University   ;V§€`kVi7€83[i{i;;I£1aSS€S are Wlth you 95 per Gen o O
Press: . i On a letterhead of the Statistical Press, Inc.:
"Your comments in the Senate yesterday are i U . h S ii ,0 d . ii
' indicative of a feeling which is shared by a great ._l YOU? epeeeh IP l ie ene be Yes fi; eytggagus
many—that the depression is not likely to be i NRA and AAA.1S t ei mos ismsluc u GE nc?
cured by any panaceas but by the revival of we have mad m 8* 0Dg* Ong. Ima'. Om
WOr1dtrad€_" ing as it does from a Democrat it carries even
more weight. We only wish the Senators from
A telegram from Newport, Ky.: i New York would get your idea}, A
l"Ci>ngratulaiiions upon your speaking so A Letter from a Beaver, Pa., attorney:
p ain y _upon t e present course of government. uio my Opinion you have expressed the Opin-
YOVY .V“"WS repfeseft the th°“$hJ°S Of e greet ions and sentiments of the mass of intellectual
majority of sober-mmded Americans who have poopio throughout this country. I am satisfied
6 7

 that the policies pursued . . . have caused more HGSS and I trgst the things Yeh Said may have
heartaclhes and anguish throughout the past tvsio 3 Seed erieet·
years t an the depression itself. You correct y _ · · _,
say that the whole philosophy . . . has been to From fer Off B‘h‘{‘e“’ Mime
increase and not to decrease unemployment. el h§1Ve Jheii iiniehed reading yehr Speech ahd
That has heeh the result in this Sgctign and i I consider it the sanest statement that I have
every other section with which I am familiar." Yet Feed?
A true picture, says this writer: A Baltimore, Md., physician sounds a note of
"I am taking the liberty of addressing you, to T Werningi
Say that We heed mere pf your kind in the Cen- "A group of my friends and I have decided to
grass of the United ewes tedey- I em an ¤W¤<—>r keep a list of all ease tenets of any importance,
of considerable real estate in Fairhaven and New l both State and Federal, and record against each
Bedford and a food merchant with four stores in h mahvs name his attitude teward Ggvgynmgnt ex-
New Bedford- I em a direeter of the Fairhaven A travagance, its interference and competition with
hahha a direeter and Past Preeideht pf the New legitimate business enterprise, and the usurpa-
Bedford Retail Grocers Association, and know tion Oi the rights and authority ef State govern-
that yeh are expreeeihg the trne Pietiire·” . ments by the Federal Government. Our votes
Glendale, O., man tells why cotton exports are and theee of as mahy et Ohh tnehde as We eee
less, persuade to go along with us will be cast for
° _ those who subscribe in general to the very ideas ·
"r md with e greet deei pf pieeswp ypur at- which you have recently expressed se rerelmy.
stack ¤p¤¤ the NRA and AAA in the paper this They will likewise be cast against those who
m°I`hihg· I have heeh a reeideht fpr the iaet tWe either obstruct a return to sane government or
yeare ih the eetteh epinning dietriet ei Engiend· who attempt to straddle these vital questions,
Mahy et my triehde there teid me that they had and when I say we will vote against such men
e preterehee for Amerieah eetteh> but they Were and use every possible influence to defeat them,
forced to buy elsewhere on account of the re- I meau that We have agreed to do all in our
Strictivns here-,) power to end their political lives, regardless of
From a Cincinnati, O., civil engineer. enyheihree fprnwhich they might be a eahehdhte
"Although not one of your constituents, I wish m ii G umm`
to express my admiration for your courage in A veteran editor writes from Los Angeles:
eteeemg up for Amerieee. pri¤<=ir>i€S» end the "We have had of late a lot of twaddle about
memleee ef me.D.eme,em‘e1e platform ef 19e2> the ‘old order passing’ and ‘new conception of the
egemee ‘ ‘ ‘ Seemhem‘ functions of government dawning,’ etc., all of
Kansas City, Mo., man voices a change in public which is preliminary; tip tlhe rearinlg 03 af sort (if
0 iriieh, i hybrid governmenta s ruc ure——a 1n o socia -
"ItIehould be apparent to anyone that we can’t · imc-Superpetehnelietic °eie°e to be nm by at
. . ; bureaucracy with autocratic authority. Let us
reeever frem me eemieeelee ey d¤S*¤¤>¤¤g eee · hold fast to fundamental truths. A life-long
restricting preeeeteem eee ey exeeeeive Speed` A Democrat in fact one of the veteran Democratic
mg' It is my belief mee wane me heee few editors of Dalifornia my blue eyes are becoming
months the people at large have begun to realize . md Hit iam againfn
this, and that there has been a decided change in J ' `
public opinion." A lawyer of Washington, Pa.:
From a member of the Kansas House of Repre- "The immense debt whicih we aretplilignlg up}; the
S ut i ei A lack of encouragement to usmess a as U1
NIB lethvc   t th t th k up the country in times past; the constant and
ee y epe’ eee er’ e e ere mey epee continuous experiments that have already been
eee as yeu heve‘ They knew as hmm ef yemi tried and the uncertainty of what we may yet
statements, but only a few have the courage of t is leading us as you Say into an unknown
their convictions. As one American citizen I high Wham it is Ciimcuit to Sag the Outccmey
wish to thank you for your courage and frank- _ 9

 From a Renton, Wasn-, Pllyslolani ever recorded in this or any other land .... I
M] hey,-e just, reed e Synopsis of your Speeeh am one of the thousands of small_business men e
before the Senate of   2nd, and I hagten to bhabl have b€BI1 fOI;C€Cl. to ,(3lOS€ l`,h€1I' place l.1I1Cl€I`
congratulate you. I might be termed a man the blue buzzard, NRA-
without a party except the party of justice and · - _
that party has rio political name. I do not ldab- All Ocmgauanan Chlcago mauufacturmn
ble in politics and seldom write a Representative I am very olose to elgblly years ef _age and I _
as I feel they are capable of doing their own baye llyed llbrougb eV_ery depression slnoe 1877, ‘
thinking, and   not, wordg are Wasted upon ef 3HCl  feel   l`il1€ bl1S1I1€SS 1I1l',§I`BSl»S of OUT COUI:l·
them, and if they are they do not care to be try, lneludlng the farmers, ll leb alone, Wlll
bothered. But when a man comes boldly to the gradually Work_ back to prosperous times-   ·
front and pleads for ‘sanity’ as you have to stop L I am a Republloan, and have been all_ my llfe,
this damn foolish reckless spending that leads not bull rbe only hops now for our oounrry lles ln the
to recovery, but to destruction, I cannot refrain hands of good Demoorabs llke yourself, and I
from giving him commendation and truly regard slnoerely llrusnllbali l]bere may be a goodly num"
him as a political Moses for whom we are look- her of your friends in the Senate who will now
ing in this, our time of dire distress." loom ,you and bring forth lalr and Jusll leglsla·
1 n.
A11 El Paso, Texas, Republican writes: I O _ d b h f h_ _
"You are a Democrat, I am a Republican. In Owaf worrgzh al Ou;} cl uTurc’ Says t IS wmtcr
spite of this I find myself agreeing fully with mm sr BS 1tY° a"
you on the matter . . . in fact, to what you set "Considering the mess we are in; the wild
forth in your recent speech I say: ‘Dem am my experiments set forth for trial and the lack of
sentiments? " constructive thinking and action by those in
_ authority most of us out this way think we are
A“°th°" telegram asm LOS A“g"1"S¤ Calm: headed fdr just the things and places you state
"Just read part of your address as published in we are, unless something is done to head off the
Hearst paper. Please accept thanks for a dis- insane orgy of spending . . . actions by those in
play of American spirit in telling the truth to the aeiltholrity remindd us ,of a bugch loif school boys,
public." w o ave swipe Mas sugar ow amily savings
. —- ff on a Saturday afternoon spending ram-
From Covington, Ky.: O ,,
_"May I urge you to do all you can to dispense . . .
with all these boards, bureaus, committees and Kansas CRY, M°·· man Palms a dark P*°t“"°’
authorities, and urge the people to return to the "A state of mental paralysis obtains in every
ways of old—fashioned industry, thrift and in- line of business throughout this part of the coun-
dividual aggressiveness? try. Happening to own a farm in Platte County,
A   {mm Wiscam     iYi§$,°.}"'l’ c`§.“.l"i,2ii util ilZi“Et°?£ Edit ii-ad;}
_"Many thousands of thanks to you from all I in the lcountry is ynow sitting aroimd tvgddling H
right thinking men and women of New England. l his thumbs, and he tells me that with corn at $1
I confidently b€l16V€ I may add you have the a bushel and hogs 8 cents, he is perfectly satis-
support of every other of the forty-eight States, fied to accept the government dole. Your atti-
for the stand you ’l1ave taken and are taking J tude encourages me and I have renewed faith in
regardless of Parry- the United States Senate. . . _.   prominent
On the letterhead of an Angola, Ind., iron com- 1(§;1l;1b;1§d0;ut§;€g;H¥E(i;; 1ildi;2liLI?é€1Sh?gtl§I{:)%1I?’tagI1§;
_ Pony- prospective recipient of a dole."
"The speech delivered by you on the floor of . . .
the United States Senate on April 2nd should B°St°n b°°k`bmd°r Speaks as mind:
have the_ approval and support of every red- “Your speech was the talk of the town. Only
blooded citizen in this Nation. We have lived to a man with your ldeas can saye our dear coun-
see . . . the wildest fanatical spending orgy try- The NRA Pull more men out of business and
10 11

 more workmen out of jobs than any depression From a manufacturing stationer in New York
we ever had." City;
From Garden CnY° L' 1** New Y‘n`k° "When we think that we are getting our cotton
"As a great nephew of Chief Justice John seed from Japan, our rye from Russia and our
Marshall, born in Virginia 62 years ago, voting wheat from Canada,_1t doesn’t take much brains
the straight Democratic ticket for over 40 years, to figure out_ what difference it makes how high
. . . I wish to thank you from the bottom of our farm prices may be 1f we do not sell our
my heart for your efforts to break the vicious ¤» product."
ring of Communists who surround the President." A Mercer Pa clergyman write?
Evanston, Ill., man warns, Democratic leaders: U 1 ’ 1; d eh _ th_ _ h
. . ; 9H
"I wish to congratulate you on your speech 1n I releg Elsie 1§i&e1;)i1rgf11pe%)(e}; eheSrle1r;)e1r1}»gnr%rv;,eur
the Senate yesterday. It 1s_a great pity that men Speech in the Seeete yeeeerdeyy
of your soundness and sincerity are 1n such
minority in the Democratic party._ . . . Whether From jorooy City, N, J ,;
the leaders of Democracy know 1t or not, they H _
are sowing the seeds of Fascism as well as sound- The Write? knows Y0U frem   d3·YS_ ee
ing the death knell of the Democratic party." Gepteirn _r§§’<21a¤gi1g£htlf€f29th1]€§;’}S1(;]n» gavuig
. s 1eu . oun -
Praise from Philedelphim  irgings areehoping allgaizzigt _hope for a leader
"I am a Republican, but I bless you and con- to crush these menacing fallacies. God be with
gratulate you for your fearless address on the you to strengthen your stand."
floor of the Senate. You started something ,1 _ D 1 , . _
Tuesday. You have the country back of you, an W1 mlngtene e ·> lneurenee men wrueS‘
indignant country .... I am informed that one MAS e Demeeree I egree with you that the
Shlp lend ef 6*00e tene Of eern eeme Inte the Democratic party must get back to fundamentals
Peru ¤fPh1lede1r2*¤e e Snort tune ege fm Seuth if our country is to be lifted from this depres-
AInenee· Imeeme ue unperung eernln sion, which has tried the souls of everyone, for
A Burlington, Ia., physician; the past several years."
"We can’t help you out with votes, but we Ngrwalke Cgnnq man Says;
extend our best greetings and are grateful to you e _ _
for representing us in these times of hysteria." h SP€€Qh<;1S like YOILIS (rz; APE? 2fm`€l}?Ound ee
1 1ons w o
A telegram num Denver, Celen arnevztelllIenu’sli1<§(Ie)1i1ce’(;tnd?uo% csourslej a tremen-
"Congratulations on your splendidly coura— dous; appeal to other millions 1n both mayor
geous speech. Inquiry would reveal thousands of parties, who long ago concluded that_ bureau-
thinking Americans ready to back your senti- cratic control and the squandering of billrons as
ments. The general impression, despite news- yet unearned might provide temporary rehef but
paper ballyhoo to the contrary, is unless some ~ w1ll never remove the basic cause of our 1lls."
diffeleent lgovernmental supervision takes place C wl t_ f C_nc_m1ati O
quic ly c aos will result." Ongm a wm mm I 1 ¤ ·¤
A telegram from Johnstown, Pa.; = "I wish to elongretulatel jeou end tobcemmejrlrd
· - you on your ones y an ran ness e ore e
youulgucgriggugelcad our Sentlmenm God help Senate Body yesterdey. Ie ttefok extregietcouelage
' to quoe your parys pa orm an o sow
From a New Haven, Conn., lawyer: where the administration has failed to fulfill it’s
uOf eu the idieey dieeleyed by e peeple whe obl1gat1on_to the proletariat. I have been reared
are supposed to be intelligent I have never seen · e Republleglne but em hberel Irnmdreed enihl
anything to compare with what Congress and the geeere eugh. eewere greg mmaimg Org ce m E
admiiristration have been doing the last two 1;; $0908 ,, 10* 1 Wou e a' p ensure O gwe you
years. ‘ ·
12 13 »

 that have been promoted to bring prosperity by
From Turks Head Building in Providence, R. I.: young theorists out of college without expe-
"My friends and I think that when a man nenoe·"
arises in the most important legislative body in From a Fremont, Nah, banker:
the world and courageously expresses himself as u _ _ , d
you did . . . appreciation of his attitude should What the ’¤h¤}k1¤s People ef this eefugzgry tie?
be ea esse d by an Cérc <=me¤S·" ?“e§2€e§$€i§i§‘..2.£‘;?.°e§e§e S§§.f§e“§§e t·)herednI?’ 
8, •
Frggajxjge¤*;:;e;;n;;;;Se;;¤;;; NRA and   A telegram from neeteeet, re.:
AAA. You sag, ‘Is it not about time to repeal big: mgm meleleegekef Senagidhad Sigggzgc 3}:22
these monstrosities, to wipe them out?’ Instead, F 3* 1 Egb 0 Spend E le ymi 1,, ye Y
if you had used the words ‘damnable activities,’ Won 8 a Wm or U muh ry'
it Weleld ¥gcaV<;6_beerm¤¤{‘e epprslpliialgne- ger ae I From e veteran lawyer of Bnaelc, N. Y.:
§€i,Vi11€bg1»»ua 1On’ 6 Unger 1 as S G Worse "I am a retired lalwiyer, haiving iluséz passed niy
` seventy-eighth birt ay. WIS o sincere y
Proprietor of a Greenville, Ill., department congratulate you on your vigorous denunclation
Store; of those alphabetical r{11onst1iosit1es& gleople who
. . appreciate the cost t e va ue an e respon-
“G°V°’”m"’“t tslwt sm} “.“"mp1°Yme“t Wm sihilities of American citizenship devoutlyrvish
°°“tm“° f°“""“ It We d°n]i gm busmsss s "‘°""·' that there could be more men in official positions
S°n°‘bl€ chance te Opcmm who would have the courage to oppose policies
From a manufacturers’ representative in San that are desttnottve ef our institutions ef gOY'
Francisco Calif _ erminent, ;>fd;nc%Tv1€lual"r1ghts, and the economic
’ " we are o e a ion.
"However based on the talk I hear all about ,
me now, boldly and frankly expressed by sane Frem 24 Stats Sm"’t· New Yerk CRY:
people who have at last awakened to the real “I believe there is a widespread feeling that
danger confronting our country, our various rep- the country is in much more danger through ‘
resentatives had better take note and stand for what its Government has done and may do than
sanity in government, as you have done. The anything else; also that practically a complete
storm 1S gathering momentum on all sides. I about face on many schemes must take place
am daily amazed at the extent of it»—even in immediately if we are to be spared serious infla-
pllacesh one Iyvoulrg not, expect much serious tion. I think all efforts by you towards sound
t oug t on t e su ject. principles will find strong and increasing
A Maryland woman now residing in San Fran- Support',)
oiseo; · From Knollwood Park, White Plains, N. Y.:
"Just a word of congratulation to add to the "The Demoofatio PaI`tY Was net elected on a
many you have he,d_ As an old Mgrylgnder I · platform such as has been followed for the past
want to thank God for a Democratic Senator S§3V€1‘3l Y€a1‘S· It eeeme te me that the I`esPon‘
from our State, who has brains enough, backbone Slble heaolS ef the PaI`tY Should ehdeaVo¥` _to re"
enough, and patriotism enough, to be something _ gagturg It from the hands 111t0 which 1t has
more than a ‘Yes man’." 3- 611-
Veterau writes from Cggpgrgtgwu, N_ Y_; A Pittsburgh broker writes about “closet natur-
"I have been a Democrat since the day of ahStS”’
Grover Cleveland and have stood by the party, "As a good Democrat from Baltimore County,
but I cannot see where the end will be if some Maryland, myself—I am mighty glad to see you
of the laws proposed in Washington are passed. take the stand you did yesterday and sincerely
I can assure you that there are many Democrats hope that it will wake up somebody else and
who have been loyal to the party who are not take the play away from these closet naturalists
going to stand any longer for the unstable plans 15

 who don’t know and never will know how much From a Chicago manufacturer of athletic cloth-
they have to know in order to know hoxv little ing:
they do kn0W’ Bspecmuy about b“s“‘°ss‘ "There is some man in Washington today who -
From a New Castle, Pa., physician: Kill bel the big mean of the future, and who knows »
"I am convinced that every honest citizen vt W at It may s Ysurssls for ths msn who ls
you thank you for your stand in the Senate big <·=¤¤¤shl¤¤ Hgh? ms NRA ’¤.¤ 3- smh and at
yesterday I have been e Demeeret, but When the same t1me_br1ng forth legislation whreh IS
a party repudiates all its promises and tries to . ssnstmstlvsv Wm be ths msn of ths hom`-
WI`OOk the cvuntry I must turn against it with ll From a Baltimore manufacturer of hydraulic
all my might. The caliber of you men who are drcd S_
trying to save us is so far above the administra-   gc ' _ _ _
tion followers that there is no comparison." J? 09Ȥ1_W۴ lleuaglnetliihat   takes izipurage to
_ _ _ _ _ _ s a e pam ac s 1n ese 1mes. 1S eas
Alarming conditions in Johnstown d1str1ct: enough to follow the crowd, but I think WB hm;
"The Johnstown district has been turned into a hOOh Playing this $O»m€ Ot ‘EOhOW this 1€&d€1" 8
test tube for an experiment in absolute Com-· httlO ,tOO 1Ohg WlthOht askms Where WO WO
munism. The middle classes have had their gO1hg·
savings ssnsscstsd FY gsvstslhsht b“I`ss“°"s·ts· Congratulations from Pittsburgh, Ps.:
The perpetual paras1tes are l1v1ng 1n undreamed H _ _
Of luxury at government expense}, I 31'I1 Just] 81S staunch ai Boeplubllcan 3S you
are Democrat, and an organization man, but I
A Chi¢¤g0 <>iVil €11gi¤¢¢1‘ ¤¤YS= believe Americanism comes before party, and I
"There is no basis in your speech for question- Whht tO congratulate YOU Oh htiihg OhO WhOm
heg your pargy loyaltg ____ T0 pmhgldhthat I would call, An Amer1can F1rst.’ "
t ese renega es are emocrats is to is onor · - ·
every principle of statecraft which that party From the pmsldcm of a New Jersey me mgm"
has advocated and to invite the condemnation smc °°mP‘°mY°
of all, regardless of party, who abhor shifty "Your words in the Senate chamber yesterday
policies, hroken promises and other forms of geserve hearity commendation. It is the first
duplicity.’ eartening t ing out of this fog. Down in my
heart I said, ‘Thank God! Perhaps our country
Fmm ML V°m°“* N' Y': yet will be saved from utter ruin.’ I might add
HI? the midst of all Phe lpresent wild, destruc- that I have been a lifelong Democrat."
tive egis ation it is re res ing, to say the least .
to find we still have left a few men like yourself Pmphccy from Oalumct C‘tY· Uh
and Senagor glass who have common sense and "'1iheHpasseaee of dthe proposed PWA bill of
are not a rai to use it. ‘ neary ve i ion o lars will, like the rest of ·
, , the attempts at recovery, prove a failure as it
From the M‘ & T' B“1ldmg· B¤**¤1¤» N- Y·’ is impossible to increase the buying power of
"I am a Democrat of long standing, having I twelve or fourteen million unemployed by only
voted the Democratic ticket for more than a giving 3,500,000 work at a starvation wage of
quarter of a century, but I have been amazed at l . only $12.50 a week