xt7wwp9t2q46_45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), No. 48 "The American Bar - The Trustee of American Institutions" Speech by The Hon. Albert C. Ritchie, Former Governor of Maryland, before the Annual Convention of the Maryland Bar Association, June 29, 1935 text No. 48 "The American Bar - The Trustee of American Institutions" Speech by The Hon. Albert C. Ritchie, Former Governor of Maryland, before the Annual Convention of the Maryland Bar Association, June 29, 1935 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_48/Am_Lib_Lg_48_001/Am_Lib_Lg_48_001.pdf section false xt7wwp9t2q46_45 xt7wwp9t2q46 Pamphlets Ava1lable ·k *k
Copies of the following pamphlets and •
other League literature may be obtained      
upon application to the League°s nat1onal
hcadquartw-=   Trustee (If
Why, the American L.ibertydL1<;ague'? A • I
Statement of Princip es an urposes -
Progress vs. Change-Speech by Jouett Shouse   n`
American Liberty League—Its Platform • •
An Analysis of the President’s Budget Message  
Analysis of the $4,880,000,000 Emergency Relief
Appropriation Act
Economic Security
Th; Bonus
n ation
The Thirty Hour Week * * *
The Pending Banking Bill
The Holding Company Bill
“What is the Constitution Between Friends?”—
Speech by James M. Beck
Where Are We Going`?———Speech by Iames W. Speech by
Yesterda , Toda and Tomorrow
The Labzr Relaigons Bil] Former Governor of Maryland, before
Government by Experiment—Speech by Dr. the Annual Convention of the
Neil Carothers . .
How Inflation Affects the Average Family- Maryland Bar ASS°c1au°n
Speech by Dr. Ray Bert Westerfield at Atlantic City, N, J,
The AAA Amendments
Political Banking——Speech by Dr. Walter E. Saturda June 29 1935
Spahr y’ ’
The Bituminous Coal Bill `
Regimenting the Farmers—Speech by Dr. G. W.
Extension of the NRA
Human Rights and the Constitution——Speech
by R. E. Desvernine
The F armers’ Home Bill
The TVA Amendments `},E ’C4
The New Deal, Its Unsound Theories and Y   ’l¢
Irreconcilable Policies—Speech by Ralph M. C1. 
shaw ’ ·:     ··»
Is the Constitution for Sale?—Speech by Capt.  "‘1’**§·» "·` 
William H. Stayton •?;· ev
How to Meet the Issue——Speech by William E. Y L
Borah ‘
The Supreme Court and the New Deal
The Duty of the Church to the Social Order-
Speech by S. Wells Utley
An Open Letter to the President—By Dr. Neil s
The Revised AAA Amendments
The Return to Democracy--Speech by Iouett
The President’s Tax Program National Headquarters
Document N0. 48

 The objectives of the national administration
are, I take it, the promotion and the main-
tenance of economic recovery on all fronts,
The A111€1'iC3H B3I`·····Th€ Trustee and the fulfillment by the government of its
. . . modern-da social res onsibilities to the eo-
~ of American Insutuuons ple. These? are also the objectives you arid I
I _* want to see attained, and so, I am sure, do the
overwhelming majority of the American people, ·
. . re ardless alto ether of olitical considerations.
PERHAPS as  ugh as CVB? .bcf0rc there- IS §I`he measurgs taken li,y the Federal Govern-
need now for faith 1n the ab1d1ng and guiding t t th_ d h b il
value of all that cumulative wisdom and experi- Ten SP1 Bde? d av? Ccnduecsljsir Y Conti
ence we call the law and the Constitution. There t;;;;r ii? LQ; authz;;gty0iIY(_§1;a:;ing?0nSZliguii
is nccd’ t00’ for, faith .m the lawyers as the Sometimes denounce so readily and so harshly
guardians of our 1nst1tut1ons, and need for them the motives of those who Venture to question
to merit that fmtlb New forces-am loose m any of the ¤overnment’s methods for attaining
the land, and new difficulties confront us; where d _ t F _ I f h
else should we look, if not to the lawyer, for an mam ammg ”°?°V“fY‘ am °”° ° t °S°
_ d d b hich to test and Cvaiuc who cfeel that the time 1S here now when any
suthsmlc Stan ar S   W _ , o l one IS entitled to disagree, if only he is con-
atc them new tcniinclfas am; plglgilcsi t tutes scientious about it, with much that comes out
c W13;] irs; ;§=€;(;h;ct§);w Cincaicwiij; dzgamd of Washington these days, and still be a good · .
to be emergency measures, experimental in 3$c1i;;a: °g::g ixhgj presence I may add’ and
nature. Many of them contravened principles ` Y `
of the American Constitution which had long
been established both in peace and in war, but FORCES ere even new developing in this
the emergency was acute, and laWYe1‘S aud lay- country which profess to think that the Ameri-
men alike accepted these measures in the hope can system is not worth saving, that it has out-
that they would lead us out of the emergency lived its usefulness, that it cannot meet the new
and into normal times again. It was with this problems of the new day, and so it should be
hope that I accepted them for the emergency scrapped. I am not one of these. I believe
itself. , that a system of government which has bestowed
n upon us so richly and so bountifully the bless-
i ings of religious freedom and of civic freedom,
THE €XP€1`im€¤tsl Psl`l°*l is HOW slmul °Vcl`v ' free speech and a free press, higher standards
and we are face to face with the fact that in of living, Snortci. hours of Work, puroi, hoalth
811 lik€lll100(l there Wlll be all ultimate l’l`Cak' conditions, better education and enlightenment
down in our f01‘1I1 of g0V€1'¤m6Dt» unless fI`0m in all lines of endeavor, a system which survived
DOW 0¤ W6 msst Our llalllmal Problems within the throes of civil war, and draws its strength
and not without those American principles and from Scniccs dccn in thc cconoinio oxporionoo
American institutions which are prescribed by and in thc dcniccintic impulses oi: monkind_I
the American Constitution and inherent in the believe that Such a System oi- govornmont is
Am€1`i¢¤¤ G0V€I'¤m€¤t· worth saving and worth preserving, and that it
2 — 2.

 has within itself that which can meet the prob- mean that the American Government will be
lems of this or any other day. autocratic instead of free, and then where will
The American lawyer knows that in this land you find your superman or your master mind
of diversified customs and diversified peoples, to guide it, and if you do End him, what will
self-government is the constitutional rock on happen after he is gone? s
which our national unity and our national
stability depend. Yet through the prodigious
eXPe¤dirure vf Predigiene Sums of m0neY» and THE American lawyer knows that government,
through the conditions the government impesee I like the individual, is subject to economic laws,
upon the States before they can receive these ‘ and one of these is that it cannot, without
funds, American se1f·g0Ve1‘¤¤1e¤t is being de·   disaster, live beyond its means. Yet no effort is
stroyed before our very eyes, and if this course i" heing made towards balancing the national
is persisted, then in the cud what will be left budget, but on the contrary the national deficit
of S€IZiZ`·gOVCI°I1ID.€]1t III]. .A.II1CI'IC3.   l)C II`1€3Su1`Bd is mounting to alarming proportions; now and
by the forebearance of the Federal Government Strange tex Policigg arg hejng proposed, eeeom.
to interfere. _ panied at first by suggestions that they be
adopted without taking time to see whither
THE American lawyer knows that back or all they will lead; new and strange movements and
American endeavor and American achievement mms am_th6 order of the daY’ and busmcss men
has always been the free spirit of the American are afrald to End or to b0rmW’ t0 Stock up
people. I do not mean freedom to exploit pub- SuPp11BS’ to bu11d’ to $0 al?cad’ because they
lic resources or to plunder private citizens. To cannot count on what IS gomg to happen next
the extent that these are ills in our body politic, and do not know what the dollar W111 be Worth
by all means eradicate them, although this next wack'
need not lead us to passing "death sentences” ‘
upon corporate undertakings which would de-
stroy the good as well as the bad. THESE things-——and others which time does
The kind of freedom I mean is tho freedom not permit me to detail———fall within the knowl-
to aspire, to achieve, to create, to rise. I mean edge and cXPcricnce of the American lcwycrv
that free spirit which is the real incentive for end the American lawyer is inVesred with HH
hard work and constructive progress and dar- obligation, which he nes traditionally dis-
ing, and which is just as essential now in almost cnergcdv rc do his Perr in trying to see that
every field of modern activity as it was in the me gcvcrnment nclde rect to what has been
pioneer days when we were Winning our western tried and tested, to what has proved sound and
empire. true and in consonance with those ideals and
This spirit of individual American freedom   traditmns which have made Our Country what
is being imperiled by e counter spirit ef bureew * it is. It should be our task as lawyers to fulfill
cratic centralization and by a regimerrted and this 0l)lig&ti01”1 to the limit of 0111' abilities
nationelized eeonomy whjeh is its antithesis against the dangers which threaten now.
and ereh enemy_ If we surrender the Old to It would be much easier for me not to say
the new spirit, then this wil] mean the defeat these things. It would be easier and perhaps
of the Amerieen theory of democracy It will more appropriate if I adhered to the traditional
4 5

 functions of a toastmaster, and simply presented BUT surely the world has not suddenly become
the speakers. Indeed, with iifteen years’ experi- so wise in this twentieth century of the Chris-
. ence iu the highest executive office tt State can tian era that it can scrap all the wisdom of the
bestow on one of its citizens, I would be the P¤8t» and it i8 na moto uguro at SPeeell ta Say
last te question lightly the conduct of public r that the American bar and the American courts
agairs by these charrgcd with the duty of een. a should, in a very real sense, regard themselves
ducting them, and if these matters belonged to as trustees and guardians of American 1nst1tu·
the general realm of administrative questions, ti<>n¤· TlloY Should fight lor true demeerauc
about which the public se etteh lseks the , principles and constitutional safeguards, and
knowledge and experience necessary to a well- eSPeelullY Should thay Preserve tha Snptama
founded opinion, I would not refer to them Court aa tha rree and lmrremmeled agency
at all_ .. which it now is, to uphold American institutions
against anything which would impair or break
them down to the injury of our Republic.
It is to this wider horizon of the functions
BUT a deeP» u lundulnenlul ptinaipla af Amon of law and lawyers that I presume to invite
icalll g0V€1`!1m611t i8 at 8t3ko· No P0]itio8 o1` your attention and our responsibility tonight.
pattiaanahip ata invalvad in what I Say. nothing The American lawyer is not only guardian in
but ¤11d€1`1YiI1g tmd Bildufing P0li0i€8· And 38 the temple of justice. Even more, he is guardian
· I Y6-611t61‘ tht? g1'€¤t P1`0f€88i011 which 1188 b€€I1 of the foundations of American society, and as
ontfnslod ta tha loWYol’$ and judgo8 af tha land. such cannot be blind to forces which imperil
I think all of us should assume the obligations them,
of that profession as well as its privileges and We must show our faith in this great reser-
benefits. And I feel that a bar and a bench voir of human experience we call the Constitu-
whose progenitors checked royal usurpation in tion and the law, with their accumulated tradi-
sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, a tions of stability, of morality, of justice, of
bar and a bench which in nineteenth-century t government, and of human and spiritual well-
America made our government one of law and being in State and family. We must show our
not of men, cannot now content themselves with thinking, fighting faith in these, as the pure
questions of pleading and practice, or even with fountain from which we can draw the
the ministrations of justice. The American r strength to convert the unsound into the sound,
bar and the American bench cannot ignore uncertainty into harmony, and thus move on-
their traditions of governmental as well as juris- ward and upward.
tic leadership. t
It is true that the aftermath of a World War 3
and a devastating depression have developed
weaknesses in our governmental system. For t
instance, more adequate provision is needed for  
the enforced idleness of the aged, the dis- r
advantaged and the unemployables, and new
relationships are called for between government
on the one hand and capital and labor on the
other. i
6 7