xt7wwp9t2q46_43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), No. 46 "The Return to Democracy" Speech by Jouett Shouse, July 1, 1935 text No. 46 "The Return to Democracy" Speech by Jouett Shouse, July 1, 1935 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_46/Am_Lib_Lg_46_001/Am_Lib_Lg_46_001.pdf section false xt7wwp9t2q46_43 xt7wwp9t2q46 Pamphlets Available ·A· *
* Th B t
Copies of the following pamphlets and B B  
other League literature may be obtained
upon application to the League’s national t D
headquarters: 0 QBIIIDIBPIIC y
Why, The American Liberty League?
Statement of Principles and Purposes
Progress vs. Change—Speech by Jouett Shouse j
American Liberty League—Its Platform
An Analysis of the President’s Budget Message
Analysis of the $4,880,000,000 Emergency Relief
Appropriation Act * * *
Economic Security
The Bonus
Inflation I
Democracy or Bureaucracy?———Speech by Jouett
The Thirty Hour Week
The Pending Banking Bill b
The Holdirflg Czompany BillB F d 9 Svssch Y
"What is t e onstitution etween rien s.”—— I
ipeech by jamig M_ Egg h b J W JOUETT SHOUSE
W A W ' . . , ,
Wzgggwgfth 8 Omg pecc y ames President of the American Liberty League
P*`i°° C°”“°1 over the Red Network of the National
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ,
The Labor Relations Bill Broadcasting Company
Government by Experiment——Speech by Dr.
Neil Carothers July I, 1935
How Inflation Affects the Average Family-
Speech by Dr. Ray Bert W esterjield
The AAA Amendments ’ .
Political Banking—Speech by Dr. Walter E.
The Bituminous Coal Bill
Regimenting the F armers—Speech by Dr. G. W.
Extension of the NRA
Human Rights and the Constitution—Speech ~ 9%  C4
by R. E. Desvernine i V   ’I»
The Farmers’ Home Bill · [Z2 
The TVA Amendments C.   ,`‘» J   MJ
The New Deal, Its Unsound Theories and Ir-  
reconcilable Policies—Speech by Ralph M. *?;·Y EP
Shaw l'
Is the Constitution for_ Sale?——Speech by Capt.
William H. Stayton
How to Meet the Issue—Speech by William E.
The Supreme Court and the New Deal
The Duty of the Church to the Social Order—
Speech by S. Wells Utley I
An Open Letter to the President—By Dr. Neil
* National Headquarters
wAsH1NoToN, D. c. I rk t *
  Document No. 46

 The Return to Democracy
‘ p *
As STATED by the announcer, I speak to you
tonight as President of the American Liberty
l League. Our organization was formed less than
l~ a year ago. Its objectives are quite deiinite—to
  defend and uphold the Constitution of the
United States, and to teach the necessity of pro-
Q tection of personal and property rights. Some
J of those inclined to be critical of our movement
have urged that the Constitution was in no
danger, but recent decisions of the Supreme
Court make clear the facts. In the few minutes
I speak tonight I shall try to show specifically
how the protection to you as an individual
which the Constitution provides is being
threatened and the dangers to you of that
In prior administrations it has been the ac-
cepted custom for the committees of Congress
to write legislation, accepting or rejecting, as
they might see fit, suggestions that came from
the Executive. Also it has been the custom
that in each house there should be adequate
opportunity for debate and amendment.
_ UNDER the present administration proposed
bills have been prepared at the White House
and not in the committees of Congress. More-
,— over they have been sent to Congress with orders
that they should be passed without change,
without the opportunity for either amendment
or debate. Thus there has arisen the pernicious
custom of legislating by gag rule. Under it a
member of the House not only has had no
opportunity to try to aid in shaping legislation,
but he has not been allowed even adequately to
discuss it. The excuse has been the emergency.
But be not deceived. When your Representa-
tives in Congress are mere rubber stamps for an
Executive, no matter how worthy his motives,
your rights are being destroyed and your pro-
tection under the Constitution threatened.
I recall very distinctly my service in Congress

 in the administration of an eminent Democratic ihmr consideration Such incailuics as he Shall
President, Woodrow Wilson. Even in the stress Judge necessary and expedient ith; cotinmtgucfis
of war, with the fate of the peoples of the world ginggn§;€SS€;;§n;u§1I;3Si‘tl T “;_;?€d ttf {1;:;:
hanging in the b"'1*‘“°°’ no attempt was made to le islatiojgto carr them infbp effect ln each
deprive either branch of Congress of its privi- hg th I h is b Brmittcd the 0 or-
lege of proper consideration of legislation. Take misc f B it St) Ou , Eh? h b PP
the Draft Act, for example. Here was a pro- 4 mmly. or B am m W lc .any mem Br cfm
posal the importance of which could not be M Particlpatc and th? Oppormmty for the consul-
overestimated, which had to be passed before Cliauolti cit all pcituianl la1:1Cnd,[I;c1;tS.` tilhat IS
America could make plans for participation in .. t 6 Or Br Y way 0 cgls a C. 1 IS] Flwag
the war, and yet it was debated for six full [ th? Congltfss of the U§1t?d.Stat?S as Bgls me
legislative days and the debate upon it changed Prgui ui t 6 fulescntha mlmstragom d
the attitude of the House completely and en- . ut attcr Y We ave Scan (mgulss Lmatch
abled the passage of the Act. The Revenue Act wlth Such contempt that lhe Exccuilvc ram:
f 1917 was considered for Eleven 16 islativg of the Government has written the bills and has
gays and the Revenue Act Of 1918 for tin legis- ordered Congress to pass them without change
lative days in the House. It should be added and to Pass them Without any Opportuuipr for
that none of these measures came to the floor 3§lS;(i_l5;;_i d$;at€tOO1t€a;gl;I;gmCEt°iS r{;1;tv;;yt};i
until after an exhaustive study in the committee d. t t ty. yn . 51 sth d 6 1 cd b
charged with the responsibility of fostering it. lc a O1-Sup. IS E m . P .mp Oy Y
NOW let us lock at Some of the important autocrat1c governments. lt 1S 1n direct contrast
legislation of the present administration. I to every prmclplc of democracy.
_ refer only to procedure in the House of Repre- _
sentatives. The National Recovery Act had but B UT that IS not an A few weeks ago when
two days of debate The Agriculture] Adjust_ the Supreme Court held unconstitutional two of
ment Act also but two days of debate in the the pet measures of the administration and one
House The Federal Emergency Relief Aet was dictatorial Executive act, the President made
debated for only two days and the Securities Act ¤S*¤¤¤di¤s °f’mm€mS On the d€C1S1°nS' At a
of 1933 was considered and passed in a single _ conference w1th newspaper men four days after
date During the present session the Work Re_ the Supreme Court had acted he delivered a
lief Appropriation Act, which wrote a blanket lengthy Speech 42 bh? (mtset he dlsclalmed
cheek to the President for $4,880,000,OOO to be s any intention of criticizing the Court and then
expended in any way he might see fit, was given for aPP1`°X1mat€1y an hour and _a_ half he
only two days of discussion in the House with_ bitterly condemned the Courtjs decisions. He
out any prior committee eonsideretion, and the complained that the Court°s interpretation of
Wagner Labor Relations Bill wes Passed with the interstate commerce clause meant a rever-
only one day of debate and without the oppor- Sim] t0 “h°r§° and buggy daljsji Hs complalecd
tunity for a roll call. Last week it was proposed of the unW1Sd°m_ Of auowmg Béch Sovcmlgn
to jam through both houses e tex measure of state to regulateuts own affairs in accordance
tremendous import with only tive days time for with its constitutional powers. He spoke of the
both committee work and debate need of the “restoration” to the Federal Govern-
ment of alleged powers which it never possessed
THERE is an orderly and proper method Of and which the Supreme Court had just stated
legislating. The President is empowered by the clearly lt never POSSCSSML . ,
Constitution to “give to the Congress informa- The Interpretation put on the Prtlsldcms
tion of the state of the Union and recommend to Speech by the enum press Of the Namm was
4 5

 that he contemplated an attempt to restrict the the administration goes blithely on its way ask-
authority of the Supreme Court and thus to ing for enlarged powers.
enlarge the powers of the Executive at the Pending amendments to the Agricultural
expense of the Judiciary. What may be his Adjustment Act would extend rather than limit
intentions in this regard only the future can dis- the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture.
close. It is not surprising that his plans were Instead of having merely the power he now
set back by strikingly unfavorable reaction of possesses to curtail production and to assess
the country to his suggestion. However, it is ' processing taxes he would be given dictatorship
notable that two members of his Cabinet and an p over all who handle food-stuffs of whatever kind.
Under Secretary who have frequently been em- V Indirectly he could thus control the producers
ployed as Presidential spokesmen, in highly .. who sell to the processors. This would give him
publicized speeches since the President°s blast, authority over the prices that must be paid by
have made bitter attacks upon the Supreme the housewife for practically everything she
Court decision. buys.
Could there be more striking evidence of our The Oil Administration established under the
need for a return to democracy? National Industrial Recovery Act fixed in a
bu1·eaucratic board absolute dictation over a
major industry and permitted production only
THE very antithesis of democracy is bureau- as Washington might elect.
cracy. Bureaucracy is a government by bureaus, Under the pretense of reform the Administra-
a government by clerks, interference by oiiicials tion Banking Bill now pending in the Senate
vested with temporary power iu the private would take from you and your banker control
affairs of the citizen and in the conduct of his over your money 011 deposit in the bank and
business. Bureaucracy represents the accumula- lodge it in a political board.
tion of power in the Executive branch at the The Wagner Labor Bill, Wbicb has passed
expense of the Legislative branch. In a broad beth houses and is noW in oonierenoe, would
sense the issue of bureaucracy concerns the deprive the employer of any real authority over
extent to which government properly may apply his eII1plOyeeS and would set up a government
t its regulatory powers over the life and property bureaucracy to define the labor conditions that
of individuals. Today we are facing the menace ii Shall be maintained in his plant.
cf burcaucracy in 3 mguucy and [0 an cxtcnt   TIIC BilZl1II1i110l1S Coal   WOl1ld €StEll)liSl1
both unparalleled and unbelievable. A demo-   oornplete governmental domination of an im-
cratic government is being displaced. by a i portant basic industry and would create bureau-
bureaucratic autoorsoy_ cratic boards to put its mandates into effect.
Dc my words Sccm cxtrcmc? Then lc]; ug TICIC       COIIIPRHY   38
particular-izs_ demanded by the President and passed by the
In tho realms cf industry and sg}-jcu]tm·s Senate, would cause the dissolution of these
alike this administration has attempted a policy holding Companies Within a Specified time re-
of regimentation. It is true that the attempt in gordloss cf the lose of hundreds of millions to
the first instance was outlawed by the Supreme SoouritY lioldors through rorood liquidation-
Court. Equally, it is true that eminent legal lVl¤re<>v¢r» it wvuld place the whole utility in-
authorities hold the Agricultural Adjustment duSirY under stringent swernmcnt rogulotiou
Act to be as unconstitutional as the National and ooutrol·
Industrial Recovery Act, and on practically the The TliirtY‘liour Week Bill Would rnalie
same grounds. But despite the decision in the muudatorY o SYStom Wliioli Would be detrimental-
Schechter case with its widespread implications alike to labor and to induStrY·
5 7

 DO YOU 16311% that 0V61‘ 8 11¤11d1‘6d t110uS611d ghastly record of the Roosevelt administration
6mp10Y66S h&V6 116611 3dd6d to 1116 g0V61‘11111611'¢ in its unbridled and wasteful expenditures, in
payroll under this administration and that every its Squandgring ef pubhe funds fel- gvgry een.
day there will be further increases? Let me cite eejveble puypggg, in its total disregard of a
an cxamplc Of 1116 Way bl11‘63u61`¤6Y g1‘0WS· continuance of the deficits which Candidate
111 Mmfch of 1933, P1`0f6SS01° Tu§W6H ¤PP631`€d Roosevelt so bitterly and properly condemned
before the Senate Committee to support the pro- y in connection with the Hoover administration—
posed Agricultural Adjustment Administration ( these form material for a speech of very real
Bill. In reply to a direct question he suggested length. I am speaking now of the promise of
that it would not take more than Hfty people in the Democratic platform to abolish useless com-
Washington to administer the Bill. On April ` missions and offices and to consolidate depart-
30, 1935, according to the government’s own ments and bureaus. Instead of any attempt to
report, there were 5,362 individuals employed achieve such result save in the first two or three
in Washington alone in the administration of months of his administration, every piece of
the AAA, apart from several thousand employed legislation proposed or endorsed by the Presi-
as Held and county agents. dent has contemplated a vast increase of Federal
What is true here applies in multiplied other employees, a vast growth in the dangerous un-
instances. Instead of attempting to curb the American and undemocratic authority of the
number of government employees the adminis- appointed bureaucrats who for the moment are
tration has given unbridled rein to every effort in absolute control of the affairs of this Nation.
to increase them. And yet the Democratic platform of 1932
There was written at Chicago at the Demo- stated, and stated truly, that “a Party platform
cratic National Convention of 1932 the best is a convenant with the people to be faithfully
political platform that any party has ever put kept by the Party when entrusted with power,
forward in this country. The nominee of that and the people are entitled to know in plain
Convention——Governor Roosevelt—flew from words the terms of the contract to which they
Albany to Chicago in order to give immediate are asked to subscribe.”
one hundred per cent endorsement, as he said,
A se every Plesk ef the Plssfeses Ogge ef the ees- · Tim; ssss nss permit any detailed snssnssssn
etettetttg ptettke seed se fettewee We seeeesse of the President’s recent so-called tax program.
tmmeetete see etteette tteettettett ef gevettt" I merely wish to observe in passing that in no
meeesl essveeeeeses by ebehseee useless sem-   sense ssn is be considered s serious effort ss
mssssees eee eetteee’_eeueettdattttg departments balance the Federal budget in accordance with
sed bureaus eee ehmmatmg eXt"a"agaaee* te Mr. Roosevelt’s reiterated campaign promises.
eeeempttett tt eevmg ef ees less they 25 pet sees The estimated yield thus far suggested is about
se the eeseef Feetetet gevettnmette $340,000,000. To consider such a proposal as a
Ie tttgttttett tf eta petteette;enee1;'eett;)eut’l?eV` budget balancing effort is like trying to shoot an
ewes eeseee t se tt sveee et _ttte ttt`g_ ee elephant with a pop-gun. Make no mistake
Oetebet`_19’ tt9e2’ eeeeeeeed that tt Wea hte m` about it. This bill is not primarily a revenue
seeeee tt eteetee se eeteet tt Pledge _tt`em every bill. It is a political gesture pure and simple.
men etttettmihte Cet°met’ the ettet ttem ef tee I The reckless dissipation of national resources is
Pledge bemg abaetttte teyatty se the Demeettette bound to necessitate very heavy additional taxes.
platform and especially to 1ts economy plank.” But the money to meet the billions of debts
_ _ which this administration is ilin u will not
IT IS? not my 1ntent1on here to dwell upon the be raised through any dcmggoggec gsoak the
question of governmental extravagance. The Richn 01, sssharc Our Wcalths, tax Prbgmmo The
8 9

 bills being incurred in your name by the present L Sflcakmg on behalf Ol lll? flmellcan L*b°“Y
administration are going to be paid by crushing Bagum I call upon You to Jom _uS lll the effort
taxes upon the average man and woman of this to Preserve the ldeals Ol Amcrlca and ts Péli"
Nation for many years to Come. petuate orderly Government. Your membersh1p
I cannot here dwell upon other aspects of in the. League will be welcome. Simply address
recent legislation. Suffice it to say that much {lm€l`lcall_Llllcl·ly L€agu6’ Nallolllll Press Bulld`
of it would have suited the picture perfectly had _ mg’ WaShlngtOn’ D' C" Fmll You wlll be °“}”°_1l°d· V
it originated on the basis of the platform of the ( Upon Cach Ol- yllu rests llldlvlllual lcsponslbllltx
Socialist Party rather than the platform of the I; llglmugllf llllllllcliellcc or neglect you Pclimlt
Democratic Party. lf any experiment could be l 6 crm 0 Yciull Government to be clmllgcd’ ll
more radically socialistic or more wholly con- I you are ulmjllllng to fight for 3 return to d€m°c`
trary to the whole basic conception of our gov- l•acy’ you wlll have only yourselves to blame for
ernment than the TVA I am at a loss to imagine the perversion or the destruct1on of the most
it- And the acts of administration of the con- successful governmental experiment that the wit
fused medley of alphabetical agencies have Of man thus lar has d€VlS€d'
veered from the extremes of fascism to the
limits of socialism.
To refer once more to an out-moded but
sound document, the Democratic platform of
1932 advocated “the removal of Government
from all fields of private enterprise except where
necessary to develop public works and natural
resources in the common interest.” Instead of
observing that dictum we have seen Government
literally thrust into every possible business by
the present administration regardless of destruc-
tion of legitimate investments or curtailment of j
the rights and opportunities of citizens.
A RETURN to democracy offers the way out.
That means a return to orderly Government. I
Why were the restrictions placed by the Con- ‘
stitution upon the powers of the Federal Gov-
ernment? Some would have you believe that
these restrictions work to your detriment and
should be removed. Why are they there? They
are there simply for your protection. They
guarantee your rights and privileges and oppor-
tunities. If they are taken away, if they are
broken down, your liberties are in danger. No
emergency can justify the assumption of arro-
gant power. One of the wisest of Americans,
that old philosopher, Benjamin Franklin, spoke
a great truth when he said: “A nation that gives
up its liberty for a little temporary safety de-
serves neither liberty nor safety.”
10 ll