xt7wwp9t2q46_145 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), "Bulletin Of The American Liberty League", Vol. 2 No. 1, August 15, 1936 text "Bulletin Of The American Liberty League", Vol. 2 No. 1, August 15, 1936 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_0013/bulletin13_1/bulletin13_1.pdf 1936 1936 1936 section false xt7wwp9t2q46_145 xt7wwp9t2q46 —~‘ ° A L L
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The American L1berty League has stood without equivocation for the fundamental
constitutional institutions of America. It has told the American people its position
on all questions w1thIn·the scope of its activities. It has pointed out frequent in-
» stances where the New Deal has subverslvely departed from our traditional institutions.
New Deal spokesman have resented having their real objectives exposed to public view
and have retallated with viliflcations of the League. With the opinions of such as ,
these, the League Is not concerned. It has refused to engage In an exchange of eplthets
with those who have resorted to abuse because they could not refute the League's state-
ments nor answer its arguments.
The League will continue to keep faith with the_many thousands of American citizens
. who have enlisted under its banner. It will not try to deceive w1th glittering promises.
It will not lend itself to any attempt to arouse unjustified hopes that can ultimately
bring only disappointment.
But it will continue to emphasize the protection of the rights of the masses which
. ·the Constitution affords and It will be true to the pledge embodied in its charter to
uphold and defend the Constitution and the Courts created to interpret that document.
‘ Thlé League ' S POSIU °¤ WRS. .m%.d°. 9}§5}};}§_ R S**&*$°m6¤*¤ 1¤S¤¤¤ ¤l ¤r .....  
within a few weeks after 1t was organized."Thep§T“5§‘35gKrrtf$§:#t#r;r  ~e .  f ’’‘ .. ·.  »¤;xe#»;»¢}L$?$¤~¢»Ja%¥g i‘   f‘‘
tion which was reiterated in a statement adopted by the League's Executive Committee and
made public on August 6.
For the past two years or more the Roosevelt administration has been telling the
rpeople that It proposes to do things which simply cannot be done under the Constitution.
The New Deal has found that out In the numerous Instances In which Its pet experiments
have been Invalldated by the Supreme Court. Nevertheless it has continued to make
Many of those who object to the New Deal's unconstitutional performances and its
promises of similar performances in the future have asked, quite reasonably, that Mr.
Roosevelt tell the country what changes he desires In the Constitution. It has been
suggested that a good time to take the people Into his confidence on this matter would
be before the-November election. Mr. Roosevelt, of course, has a perfect right to ad-
vocate an amendment to the Constitution and to seek to bring about its adoption. But
the people have rights also. They certainly have a right to know where a presidential

 candidate stands on such an important issue and to know it in time to express their
approval, or disapproval, by their ballots. Thus far Mr. Roosevelt has chosen to ignore
this right of the electorate.
Now 1t develops that the New Deal has devised a scheme for changing or nulllfying
the people's Constitution without letting the people have anything to say about lt.
That is the only logical inference which can be drawn from the recent writings of
Henry A. Wallace, New Deal Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Wallace has written a book
entitled "Whose Const1tut1on?" and he has also wrltten an introduction to another book
entitled "Storm Over the Const1tut1on," by Irvlng Brant. In his introduction to the
Brant book Mr. Wallace says: _
”The important thing .... is to elect Presidents who will nominate the
right men to the Supreme Court."
Thus Mr. Wallace lets the New Deal cat out of the bag. ‘
Never has there been a more barefaced proposal to prostitute one branch of the
Federal Government to serve the ends of those ln control of the other branches. It A
means that the New Deal 1s preparing to fill any vacancies which may develop on the
Supreme Court with men who will put partisan politics ahead of their sworn duty to in-
terpret the Constitution to the best of their ability.
It is inconceivable that Mr. Wallace would have expressed such views in a campaign
year unless he had good reason to believe that he was reflecting the views of Mr. Roose-
velt. If Mr. Wallace did act on his own lnltlatlve and without the knowledge and con-
‘ sent of Mr. Roosevelt, and 1f Mr. Wallace's views are not those of Mr. Roosevelt, 1t is
equally lnconcelvable that Mr. Wallace should be allowed to remain in the New Deal I
l.I.D....Y 0Q-@QlLT¥iAl:; t
(1) Under the New Deal the national debt burden has lncreased by $576 for every A
family in the United States? (
(2) New Deal expenditures in four years will be more than one—fourth greater than
the direct cost to the United States of the World War?
(5) For the four years of the Roosevelt Administration, Government expenditures
will be nearly as much as for the preceding eight years?
R (4) That Government expendltures_durlng the Roosevelt Administration will be at
l least one-third more than the total cost of Government from 1789 to 19157 c
(5) That the New Deal is collecting only about $1.00 for every $2.00 it expends,
although you are paying higher taxes than ever before?
These facts, and many others, are presented 1n detail in a League pamphlet entitled
”New Deal Budget Pol1c1eS" (Doc. No. 150). `MAKE SURE THAT YOUR FRIENDS KNOW ABOUT THEM.
The League's Get—Out-the-Vote campaign is progresslng rapidly. The response thus
far indicates a very general realization among the voters of the lmportance of express-
lng their will at the polls ln November. Remember, the League is not asking anyone to ·
vote for or against a particular party or a particular candidate. It ls asking that ~
·each voter pledge himself to exercise the highest duty of citizenship and to solicit
others to do the same.

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"Handlcapped by the punctual rise of the 1ncom1ng t1de, 250 WPA workers were still
busy on the east shore of Staten Island for a few hours yesterday building a boardwalk
on a site which 1s under water at high t1de.
”A1though the workmen have the assistance of mechanical pile drivers mounted on
floats, they are unable to work during h1gh tide because the water rises almost to the
top of the piles. While waiting for the tide to ebb they Just rest. Altogether since
last October they have been working an average of four hours a day, occasionally six and
sometimes less than four when high tide comes at midday. They also have a f1ve—day week.
·I· ·N· it- it {
"Borough President Joseph A. Palma said yesterday that when the plans were approved
by the Works Progress Administration in Manhattan last year, he asked that suction machines
be sent to the site to start the proJect by drawing sand from the bottom of the bay to
build up a new beach. Engineers had assured him, he said, that the most practical and
economical way to construct the boardwalk would be to build the beach first and then erect
the boardwalk on dry land. ‘
"But for some reason, which Mr. Palma said he could not explain, WPA authorities de-
cided to build the project backward."
—— New York Tlmes
July 24, 1956
‘ A ¤f@§.E&A1¤¤1¤.Q.E..¤. QNQMI
"Unless some provisfon is made to finance the purchase, Chattanooga will have a new
astronomical observatory without a telescope.
"It was learned that purchase of the telescope was eliminated from an alternate
when the observatory contract was let.. It is estimated by Commissioner T. H. McMillan
that the purchase and installation of this equipment will cost approximately $1,600. No
· provision is made for this item in the present PWA set—up.
"An effort is being made to get a change order approved by Federal authorities pro-
vlding for the buying of a twenty—1nch telescope, said the comm1ss1on."
—— Chattanooga News . 3
_ May 29, 1956 ‘
"§gc1al_and;§ggngm1g Exper;ments;QnQgr_the Gu1se_of_Taxat1on" — An analysis of New
Deal administration tax laws whose real object 1s the use of the taxing power to control
and regiment business 1n contempt of the unanimous verdict of the Supreme Court. (Doc.
No. 129) `
“New_Qea1_§ugget Pg1ggfgs" - A review of the huge expenditures under the Roosevelt
administration and the alarming increase in the national debt despite the most burden—
some peace time taxes ever levied. (Doc. No. 150) 4
" A..R. S. .1> lx-; O-§2§£`§.E§£X.H§l£§.92L§.@E*i§El9Q-1...wh 9§9...C ...<>¤ S.&12a21.m.1 aaa2_1S...S¤a
of the Campaign" — By Raoul E. Desvernine, Chairman, National Lawyers Committee and member
of the Executive Committee of the American Liberty League. (Doc. No. 151)

"Nho Are the Economic Rgyal1sts?" - By J. H. VanDeventer, ed1tor of ”The Iron Age.”
(Leaflet No. 15) _!
“Danger S1gnals" - Contrasting the views of the New Deal Solicitor General, Mr.
Stanley Reed, on the function of the Constitution with those of Senator Carter Glass of
V1rg1n1a. (Leaflet No. 16) C
"Ang_§atan_game Also" - An editorial published by the St. Louis Globe—Democrat d1s- A
cussing some reasons why the New Deal party objects to the American Liberty League. ·
”gn 0pen_Letter to the_Preslgent" - By Dr. Gus w. Dyer, Professor of Economics,
. Vanderbilt Unlverslty, and a dirt farmer, who asks some pertinent questions concerning
Mr. Roosevelt's acceptance speech at Philadelphia. (Leaflet No. 18)
l A S '£E...M.QB§-A..BUN¤2A'1'.2-L..I FE
"That famous remark —- 'It's a long time between dr1nks' —- said to have been made
by a governor of North Carolina to a governor of South Carolina, or v1ce versa, was the
lsubject of study today by a WPA wr1ters' project. A
"An appeal was issued for all available lnformatlon on the much publicized topic w
as the writers planned to include all the variations of the old story in the state guide
» book now being prepared.“
-- Sallsbury (N. C.) Post
July 26, 1936 C
."Now 1t 1s a Townsendite who jumps on the American Liberty League. That organiza-
tion, he charges, has hired Rev. Gerald Smith 'to sell the Townsend plan down the r1ver.'
This American Liberty League must be a powerful organization. It dominates the Republican
party and names its candidates, it controls all conservative Democrats it doesn't hire,
it furnishes and pays the leaders of the Share-the-wealth gang. Maybe we will learn next
that 1t invented the 'New Deal' and nominated Mr. Roosevelt." V ’
-- Lynchburg (Virginia) News
Published by Carter Glass & Sons
_ July 19 , 19 36
"...S¤I&.QQ1>1§§'lV_A.TlQ1!..I.N._A N.QT_.§'£&&"
"s0,ooo,ooo idle acres 1n the U.S.A. means 30,000,000 producing acres in foreign
lands. It means imports of farm products that are freely flowing to our shores. It
means 2,000,000 idle workers in this country to be fed ln the name of humanity. It
_ means 2,000,000 busy workers in foreign lands. It means loss of our foreign trade. It
means burdensome debts p1led mountain high. It means artificial prices for food and
clothing. It means more government employees appointed by Jim Farley to devise ways
and means to feed the idle who have been victims of the 'braln trust'; the experlmenters,
the theorists, school teachers and professors who have about as much actual knowledge of
A business as the old maid who can tell the mother of ten chlldren how to raise them. Im- _
ports of food and clothing are the witness that condemns and damns the policy. The
emergency 'must' be continued at any cost, otherwise the money now being distributed
would be withheld to pay debts and balance the budget. This of course would mean defeat
for the adm1n1strat1on."
—- By 0. H. Anderson, City Manager
“ Fernandlna, Florida.