xt7wwp9t2q46_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61.dao.xml American Liberty League 37 linear feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Jouett Shouse Collection (American Liberty League Pamphlets), "American Liberty League" Statement by Jouett Shouse at the time of the announcement of the formation of this organization, August 23, 1934 text "American Liberty League" Statement by Jouett Shouse at the time of the announcement of the formation of this organization, August 23, 1934 2013 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q46/data/59m61/59m61_1/Am_Lib_Leag_1_001/Am_Lib_Leag_1_001.pdf section false xt7wwp9t2q46_1 xt7wwp9t2q46 It will cooperate with the President and the Con-
gress in securing such legislation as will accom-
plish constructive results.
"Tl1ere will be two classes of membership, one '
a regular membership embracing all those who  
subscribe to the principles enunciated but can- I
not afford to contribute, the other a contributing L b t L
membership embracing those who in addition 1   Y  
render monetary help toward the League’s sup-
port. Our aim is to secure hundreds of thousands N&tiOI\8l Press Building
of contributing members so that the activities of _
` tl1e League will be sustained through numerous Washington:    
contributions of comparatively small amount.
“As prescribed by its charter, the League is
to be absolutely non-partisan in character. The
question of party aiiiliation will not enter into
consideration in the matter of membership. All
who believe in its aims will be invited to join. €\@)
It has no covert purposes. There is no object §i
sought to be attained beyond the simple state-
ment contained in its charter and quoted above.
It will unite several millions of people from all
walks of life who are now without organized in-
fluence in legislative matters, and thus enable
these people to have a consequential voice in
securing constructive legislation and in prevent·
ing any measures designed to destroy the prin-
ciples upon which our government was formulated
and under which we have prospered as has no
other nation in the history of the wo1·ld.”
Statement made by Iouett Shouse,
President of the American Liberty
League, at the time ofthe an-
nouncement of the formation of
this organization, Aug. 23, 1934

 “Other divisions will be created from time to
time as may be found necessary.
“   American Liberty League has been “(]srsfu1 consideration is being given the mat·
meerpereted wider the laws ef the DIS' ter of selecting chairmen for these various
trict of Columbia. divisions »
uh ie a, nompartisap Organization f0rm€d’ as "Each division chairman will be a member of
stated in its charter, to defend and uphold the . . . . .
. . . the Execunve Committee, and, 1n addition thereto,
Const1tut1on of the United States, and to gather h f H , U tl , ,t. H h been C1 cmd
and disseminate information that (l) will teach t ed; °wm° ge; amen ml la Y ave B
the necessity of respect for the rights of persons ea eve agree te Serve`
and property as fundamental to- every successful John W_ Davis
form of government, and (2) will teach the duty _ Ir C8 du Pom
of government to encourage and protect individual en _
and group initiative and enterprise, to foster the Nathan L- Miller
right to work, earn, save and acquire property, “ Alfred E, Smith
and to preserve the ownership and lawful use of ‘ James W_ Wadsworth
property when acquired.
"Its organization will consist of a Board of Na- “I have been eeked te become efeeldem ef
tional Directors composed of outstanding men and the League. The other oiiicers, directors and
women from every State of the Union, from whom members of the Executive Comm1ttee w1ll be
will be selected an Executive Committee of about announced from time to time as they are chosen.
eighteen members' ' "The headquarters of the League will be in
"This Committee will assume all responsibility Washington, with offices in New York and other
for the conduct of the Leaaue’s affairs between cities. State divisions will be established end all
meetings of the directors- citizens who believe in the principles for which
•·The League is divided imo the following it has been created as set out in its charter will
divisions; be invited to ]o1n.
Home Owners Division "The League will become a real factor in assist-
. . . ing toward recovery and the restoration of pros-
Farmers D1v1s1on . . I .11
_ _ _ perous conditions for all our people. t wi
Labor Division l O t take so active interest in and definite position
saunas Depeelters Dmelen on questions of legislation affecting economic
Lite Insurance POHCY Holders Division and social problems. It will report to its mem-
Bondholders Division bers and the public generally the conclusions
Stockholders Division reached as a result of its research and studies,.