xt7wwp9t2q0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t2q0v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-11-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1938 1938 1938-11-22 2013 true xt7wwp9t2q0v section xt7wwp9t2q0v The ECentucky Kernel




22, 1938





Another organization was added
to the list of those cooperating
completely as Lambda Chi Alpha
yesterday reported that 100 per cent
of the fraternity had taken the
tests. Louise Shephard. president
cf Zeta Tau Alpha, said that "In
behalf of my sorority. I wishi to express our
of the Kernel's
campaign. You can be assured of our
support and cooperation."
Today's schedule for the test will
be open to all individuals and orIncluded in this program will be ganizations that thus far have been
silent and talking motion pictures, unable to take the Wajsermanns.
to be shown before special and It definitely will be the last day on
Pictured above are Mildred M. Griffin and Carol Hamilton who were mixed groups, talks and lectures which group tests will be given,
selected as the University's best waltzing couple in a contest held Sat- by prominent members of the fac- - stated 'Dr. Chambers.
urday night at the Union dance. By virtue of their win, they will compete
in a waltz elimination in Louisville early in December. Survivors of the
Louisville contest will compete in Cincinnati, with the winners in the
Cincinnati elimination being; given trips to Hollywood and screen tests.
The couple judged best in screen tests will be awarded a three-mont- h
movie contract."last-minut-

for secretary-treasure- r.
The freshman class elections will
be held on Thursday, December 8.

Another Old Tradition Shattered;
Vol-CKeg Is Vinegar Barrel!




Purdue's Bucket; Michigan's
Jug Eclipsed By
UK's Barrel

Five Formations Will Include
"Hello," "Rose Bowl Vols,"
"Mv Old Ky. Home"

Michigan and Minnesota have
their little brown jug.
Indiana and Purdue have their
old oaken bucket.
Kentucky and Tennessee have
their beer keg presumably, but it
is not a beer keg at all. it is a vinegar barrel.
This is not an attempt to shatter
another tradition, but only an assertion as to what this bulging, cylindrical-shaped
container, emblematic of one of the nation's keenest
gridiron rivalries, originally was.
Back in 1925. a group of rabid
Kentucky alumni, better known as
the "Raspberry Patch," conceived
a plan to stimulate the
rivalry to greater heights by
using something material to denote
supremacy between the two. After

In competition with the Univer- sity of Tennessee band and the Vol- ettes, feminine formation unit, the
"Best Band in Dixie" will perform
field in Knox-vilon Shields-WatkiThursday for their last
show of the year.
Members of the band and director
John Lewis will leave by train Wednesday night.
First on their program of formations is "Hello." "Dixie." and "Rose
Bowl Vols," in courtesy to the Volunteer fans.
For the Kentucky
stands the music aggregation will
form a huge log cabin with "My Old
Kentucky Home" as accompanying
music. Then the formation will
change to "UK" and finally to the
bubble pipe executed at the Clem-so- n
As the bubble bursts, the musicians form "UK, On, On," and
march from the field playing the
school song.

due deliberation, these worthy individuals decided to pay homage to
Kentucky's weakness
a beer keg
would be the very thing.
But where to get the keg? Kentucky at that time was in the throes
of the prohibition era, and no keg
was available.
"Patch" imported a vinegar barrel
from Cincinnati. Naturally it was
necessary to rechristen his ligneous
majesty. Yet would it be wise to
lKldly proclaim the new protege,
"Beer Keg?" Not at all. The
league and similar organizations would be horrified. They
would interpret such a proclamation as approval of the return of
light wine and beer.
So the tactful Alumni ashered
the keg onto Stoll Field, that
Thanksgiving Day of 1925. incognito with "Ice Water" painted on it.
That first ceremony was spectacular. Kentucky's blue and white
clad band marched from one end
(Continued On Page Four)


Commerce College


Plans Publication

The Inquiring

Election of officers for the College of Commerce Employment Association and plans for the publication of the seventh edition of "Bargains in Brains" were the keynotes
of the meeting of the association
Friday night, November 18 at White
Student officers elected to serve
for the school year were: William
Thomas Reese. New York,
and Walter Sauer, Louisville, auditor.
The faculty members serving as
the advisory committee for the publication are Dr. C. C. Carpenter, A.
J. Lawrence, Wendell Bcals, and
Dean Edward Wiest,
A. Tolman is the executive secretary and treasurer of the association.
"Bargains in Brains" was begun
in 1932 to facilitate the securing of
jobs by the graduates of the College of Commerce. The publication
is sent to approximately 2.500 business firms over an area of 25 states.
Included in the publication will
be pictures of the students,
of their college records,
chief interests, activities and other
information concerning the appli-

The Question:
Do you believe in capital punishment? Why?
The Answers:
Herman Dotson, Senior. Law:
"Favorable arguments for capital
punishment are that it is a deterrent and that it eliminates an
undesirable member from society.
have demonstrated
that there is no deterrent because
of Uie clemency powers of state
governors, political influence, reluctance of juries to impose the extreme penalty, and the belief that a
good mouth-piec- e
can beat any rap.
Modern rehabilitation of the criminal lias focused attention on correction rather than punishment
which emaciates the second contention."
Junior, Commerce: "It is inevitable that some
kind of punishment has to be maintained; however. I object to capital punishment for the most part cants.
because it is uncivilized. As a suggested remedy why not do away
witli pardons and make a prison
term a restraint of liberty for the
full length of time that the courts
Grover Conky. Senior. Engineer8 A. M.
ing: "I am against capital punishmy opinion .no crime
ment. In
The Thanksgiving vacation
committed can be righted by taking
will officially start after the
a life; a life which can not be relast class on Wednesday and
stored should an innocent man be
end at 8 a. m. Monday mornpunished."
ing, according to the regisMary Hieronymus. Freshmen, Agtrar's office. It was also anriculture: "Capital punishment is,
nounced that an hour would
in my estimation .the only right
be added to the graduation
means of justifying an act that has
requirements of anyone cutbeen committed against tlie pubting classes immediately belic. More capital punishment would
fore cr after the holiday.
help prevent the numerous crimes
now so prevalent "

Turkey Holiday
Begins Officially


Collegiate Contest
Stirs Stock Judges
Into .Team Practice
Members of the University of Tennessee Livestock Judging contest
arrived yesterday to do practise
judging at the College of Agriculture before going on to Chicago
where they will compete in the Intercollegiate Livestock Judging con-


liei e is
"Of all llie holidays observed in this lounii
none so distinctively American as Thanksgiving."
W e're a trazy group ot people, we Americans.
We boo and cheer at football games, we try tor "blood"
at boxing mattbes, we sentimentalize over a
girl, we tluitkle at the antics ot an animated mouse cartoon,
we lly into rages and then aie extremely sorry, we "live fast."
we become terribly serious then indcteiiily gay.
bat's what makes us iiiteiesting.
We're not all good, but we're not all bad. Our heiitage
is tbe culmination of years of carelul and indillerent mixing.
Many races and many temperaments went into the making,
and the lesult was a distantly dilleient treat tire .m Ameri.

Nov. 26.

The University of Kentucky team
went to Illinois Sunday, Nov. 20,
and will practice at the University
of Illinois before going to Chicago
for the contest.




Mystery Surrounds

Beating Of Student

Lambda Chi Is "Taken For!
Ride." Is Unable To Iden- - '
tify Two Assailants

Lee Bowling. Commerce Senior,
who was badly beaten Friday night
after being taken for a "ride" by
two men. was said to be "doing
nicely and would be released in a
few days," by attaches of the Good
Samaritan hospital yesterday.
Bowling sustained a badly smashed
mouth and a broken nose. He said
that when he drove up to the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity house
where he resides, two men forced
him back into his car. After driving him about town, the men
parked the automobile, beat him
severely, took three dollars from his
pocket and left. Bowling was unable to furnish police with a description of his two abductors, or
given any reason for the attack.

bis American dots not ninge wlien spoken to. He isn't
even afraid, for he set up bis own government. He has made
some pretty bad decisions, but' also some mighty good ones.
He has built the most, gigantic structures, amassed the most
enormous fortunes, and produced the most vicious tiiminals
in the world. But he doesn't wait or drift. He aits.
Thai's what makes us great.
I be American has deelotd a great tommy, a laud ot
the free, rich in beauty and power. Here he woiships,
and writes as he please. And although he sometimes hides
behind a Ii.nd knot ks shell ot steely lexluic. he is a regular
fellow at heart. He is sympathetic, dogmatic, and pragmatic
in turns, but he makes a leal triend and an untiling helpmate.
lianklul. not only on
hat s what makes us deeply
I hanksiming but on everv day, that we are Americans.



Agents Convening


anti-syphi- lis

UK Philharmonic Group
Plays To Capacity Crowd

Aspirants For

A bumptious capacity crowd filled

Memorial Hall auditorium Sunday
p. in. tu auuit me iaii aeout OI
the University's philharmonic orchestra, under the batons of Professors Carl Lampert and Alexander Capurso. Despite that, the audience almost disorganized the concert from time to time, a fact which
would have distressed a group with
less fortitude, the entire affair was
carried off nobly.
With excellent work turned in by
everyone of the 65 performers, the
widely inclusive program was presented with gratifying skill. Outside a few minor annoyances, such
as an audible hoarseness in the
flutes and a rattling overtone in the
violas, the work was technically ac
curate ana aitogetner pleasant. The
confident power of the renditions,
and the grasp of tempo and spirit
by the young musicians in every
section of the orchestra, displayed
a solid knowledge of music which
contributes credit to all concerned.
Four great musical nationalities
were represented. The opening selection, Wagner's splendid overture to "Rienzi." was the best of
the afternoon. Figured by faultless
solo work in the brass and a complete mastery of the complicated
timing 4t was a beautiful piece
beautifully done. It was shaded In
volume nicely enough to lend all
the tonal variety demanded by the
score, and topped the height reached last spring in Liszt's "Les Preludes."
The first movement tan allegro
of Mozart's symphony in G minor,
conducted by Mr. Capurso. did for
the string section what the Wagner
overture had done for the brass. A
(Continued on Page Four



men who wish to


try-ou- t

for the freshman or varsity swimming teams must be
present at a meeting today at
three p. m. in Boom 204. the
Student Union building.

Emma Y. Case Of Eastern
State Presides At


The annual meeting of the Kentucky Association of Deans of Women convened here November 18
and 19. Dean Emma Y. Case, Eastern State Teachers College,
president, presided.
At a luncheon meeting at Boyd
Hall, following registration. Miss
Mary P. Corre. director of occupational research and counseling
at the Cincinnati public schools
spoke on "Occupational Counseling
as an Integral Part of an Adequate
Guidance Program."
Dr. Edward F. Farquhar, professor of literature, addressed the delegates at an afternoon tea given
by Mrs. Frank L. McVey at Maxwell Place. His subject was '
"Administration of Student Personnel" was the topic discussed by
Miss Helda Threlkeld. Dean of Women at the University of Louisville,
at a dinner held at the Lexington
Country Club.
Saturday morning. Miss Jeaunet-t- e
Scudder. director of the women's
dormitories, spoke on the subject
"The Development of Leadership
Through Student Government." Dr
Harriet O'Shea of the educational
psychology department at Purdue
Alpha Gamma Delta and Alpha
University talked on "Essential Ele- Tau Omega were the winners of
ments for Counseling."
the ODK tag sale contest, which
closed after the last home football
game. The winning sorority turned
in $25.10. and the fraternity. $31.
Second place was awarded to
Kappa Delta and Alpha Gamma
Advanced students in military Rho. Alpha Xi Delta and Kappa
science will be issued their first Kappa Gamma received third and
pay checks of the year from 10 a. m. fourth places respectively. The Inuntil 12:30 p. m.. Wednesday, No- dependents were third in the men's
vember 23, in Alumni Hall. Depart- contest.
ment officials announced that stuApproximately
$130 has been
dents having afternoon classes in turned in. A few organizations have
remilitary on Wednesday must
not turned their money in. which is
port to Colonel Donnely's office be- to be done before the holidays.
fore 12:30 p. m. in order to receive
Estimates for the troDhy case
their checks before the Thanks- have been received and it is to be
giving holidays.
purchased soon.


Alpha Gams Win
Tag Sale; ATO's
Cop Men's Trophy

Military Students
To Receive Checks

A Thanksgiving
sunrise service
will be conducted by the Baptist
Student Union at 6:30 a. m., Thurs- day, November 24. in Memorial hall
with Rev. Leo Green as speaker. A
musical program will also be given.
Students and townspeople are in-- 1
vited to attend.




In Friday's issue. Alpha Chi Sig- -'
ma was called a national honorary
chemistry fraternity. This was incorrect

since it is a professional





X' S: I IVN7V.


S JfI I r a

pert and Capurso Do Fine
Work With Second

Swimming Team
Will Meet Today

2-D- ay

Kentucky county and home demonstration ayents are holding their
annual convention today and tomorrow at the Livestock Judging
Pavilion on Rose street. Miss Gladys
Gallup. United Slates Department
of Agriculture, and Miss Myrtle
Weldon, state leader of home demonstration agents, will be principal
speakers at the meeting


anti-syphi- lis

Independent Association candidates are Charles Bradfored, for
president; Jean Marie McConnelt,
Petitions namfor
ing both a secretary and a treasurer were submitted by this group,
but these offices are to be combined it was decided by the Student
Council. Political managers of the
Independent group could not be
reached for their decision as to
which candidate they expect to run


to take advantage of the educational
service were asked by Kernel staff
members to apply at the editorial

The Wassermann test total is expected to pass the 1900 mark by 5
p. m. tcday. the close of the first
phase of the Kernel's
campaign, Dr. J. S. Chambers stated
late yesterday as preparations were
made for the final day of testing.
rush of students
heretofore unable to take the tests,
and the complete staff of the Department of Buildings and Grounds,
boosted the total to 1808. Members
of the Kernel staff stressed the
point that the testing period only
will close today. Immediately after
Thanksgiving, they stated, the educational program is to be inaugu-


cil member in charge.
Voting will be held from 9 a. m.
to 4 p. m., November 30, in the basement of the Union building.
John G. Clure, Alpha Gamma
Rho, was named for the presidency
by the Fraternity Combine. Other
canflidates on the Combin ticket are
John Ed Pearce, Pi Kappa Alpha,
and Frances C.
Hannah, Chi Omega, for secretary-treasure- r.



President Will Ue Honored
In Dedicatorv Kites
At 4 P. M.


Educational Program Will ulty and state health officers, and
Students. Faculty And Other
Supplement Testing
exhibits of recent books and current
Friends Make Plaque
literature on syphilis. Organiza
tions and invididuals wishing to


Fraternity Combine and the Inde- pendent Association, submitted pe- titions for candidates for sophomore
class offices, it was learned yester- day from John Way. Student Coun- -



two political


Wassermann Tests Close
rirsi rnase ur campaign

Two Political Factions Submit
Petitions For Sophomore
Class Officers



McVey Plaque Will Be Unveiled
This Afternoon With Ceremony
Conducted In University Library

Five Cats Play Finale
In Coming Vol Game





Doing Your Part
When you go home for Thanksgiving, there may be some who have
heard "dark tidings" of an
campaign at the University
of Kentucky
Horrors! Those of
you who have had your Wasser-mancan begin your own educational program by explaining to
these people the real purpose behind the campaign, the prevalence
of sphilis. and the absolute necessity of abolishing the idea that it Thanksgiving Fracas Will Be
Dixie's Top Draw
is contracted only by the morally
loose. Don't be dogmatic, but know
Of The Day
your facts and present them clearly. Below are more facts concernWith five Wildcat seniors in their
ing the disease.
swan game, the 33rd renewal of
the Kentucky-Tennesse- e
feud will be enacted Thursday on
Syphilis causes the loss in the Knoxville's Shields - Watkins Field
United States of an aggregate of in Dixie's top contribution to the
about twenty million working days Thanksgiving grid parade.
ech year. At $4.00 a day. this As usual Tennessee rules top
m eaiis a money loss of $80,000.-00.0heavy favorite with the experts who
An additional $10,000,000.00 contend that Kentucky's chances of
a year is expended for the care of even holding the score within the
persons blinded by syphilis. Fully three figure range is as hopeless as
as large a sum. if not larger, is an elephant in a steeplechase.
expended upon asylums for the in- - J In picking the undefeated Vols
sane made so by syphilis. Another to roll over the Cats, the wise guys
like sum goes for the maintenance have been about as subtle as cirof homes for those crippled by this cus posters. Nevertheless, recalling
disease. And who shall say how three previous occasions when Kenmuch it is costing to maintain pritucky has risen up and smashed
sons for the confining of criminals Rosy dreams, the odds on the Vols
who were driven to crime by the in betting circles have gone no
warping effects of syphilis on the higher than two touchdowns.
The five Wildcats wrho will face
the barrier in their final collegiate
How To Reduce It
tests are Captain Sherman Hinke-beiHarold Black, Randal Phillips.
A comparatively
small fraction
of what it is costing the country Harry Brown and Dameron Davis.
to maintain syphilis would, if in- All except Black may break into
telligently and judiciously applied, the starting lineup. All but three
avail to reduce, within a compara- members of the Blue crutch reserves
tively short time, the prevalence of have improved and will be able to
the disease. And with a reduction face the Vols. The Cats still on
in the insane, the blind, the crip- the sidelines are Chet Mason. Char
pled, the criminal and in babies ley Ishmael and Black.
The game will also bring to a
born either dead or handicapped
for life. More than that, it would climax Ab Kirwan's first semester
mean the adding of from four to as head Cat coach. In his first year
twenty years to the lives of all in such a capacity Kirwan has been
those who now die prematurely from confronted by almost every form of
heart, brain and bone diseases bad luck, inexperienced players, injuries, dismissal from the squad
traceable to syphilis.
and desertion, all combining to take
their toll. Prying into the Wildcat
So What?
diary one finds from a percentage
Take no chances. Avoid promisbasis, that a dismal year is on its
Have a way out. but two games of eight
cuous sexual relations.
complete physical examination, in- played going into the win ledger
cluding blood test, by your family Still the new spirit that has perphysician at least once a year. Tell meated the team sinc Kirwan's infreely duction makes the year a success,
your friends and
and frankly, the fundamental facts and it will be an inspired, deterabout syphilis. Help to make it cer- mined Kentucky team that will take
tain that your children and your the turf in the Turkey fiesta.
children's children will escape the
Off Again On Again
inevitable effects of syphilis wrecAt times the Cats have been hotked homes, blind babies, crippled ter than a four alarm fire, for exyoungsters, insane adults and warpample the Georgia Tech game. Then,
ed criminals.
as in the Xavier humiliation their
Do Your Part.
play has been colder than an
kiss. But regardless of team
Dangerous Practice
records and past performances, the
"Sir: I am amazed! From day to Thanksgiving fight is always full of
day I hear of students who are thrills and chills. So bitter is the
going to school under great fin- rivalry between the two teams that
ping-pon- g
ancial handicaps, or of those who a Kentucky-Tennesscannot become students because of match would attract a full house,
lack of funds. Recently Dean Jones and with football, and the Vols Rose
made an appeal for clothing to be Bowl bid as the magnet, a capacity
given needy students. Moreover, in audience is expected.
The series
our churches we hear that charity stands with Tennessee holding 16
begins at home.
wins, Kentucky 10 and 6 draws.
The Tennessee attack is headed
the YM and YM are
sponsoring a sale of paper tags to by George (Bad News) Cafego, Kid
raise money to keep Chinese or Mercury himself. Cafego, aided by
European refugees in school, or Babe Woods, Bob Fox and Bill Coff-masupplies the Vols with the ofbring them to our campus! This is
incredibly absurd! Since when have fensive punch necessary to KO such
our students become so wealthy or opponents as LSU, Auburn, Clem-soAlabama and Vanderbilt. The
our state taxpayers so liberal that
(Continued on Page Four)
we can support foreign students?
Why can't we aid our own needy
instead of introducing foreigners
who are to be educated and given
(Continued on Page Four)


Dean Lyle 'Croft will speak on
"What Is the Value of Fraternities
and Sororities" at 7 p. m. in the Y
room of the Union.



Wednesday Is
Last Day For
Students who have not received Uieir directories are
urged to call for them immediately.
Directories may be had at
the Alumni Office. Room 124.
Student Union building. Wednesday. November 23. will be
the last day that directories
will be available.
Faculty and staff members
may obtain copies at the Registrar's Office.

Unveiling ceremonies of the bron-

ze plaque of Dr.




honoring the President's 21 years
of service to the University and to
the state, will be held at 4 p. m
today in the main lobby of the Lib-


The plaque was secured through

contributions from students, faculty members, and others interested
in the University and sponsored by
Omicron Delta Kappa, senior men s
leadership fraternity.
Virginia Murray Tilton. granddaughter of President McVey. will
unveil the plaque. The Men's Glee
Club is to furnish the music for
the dedicaton.
Following the dedication, a formal dinner will be held at 7 p. m. ui
the Union buiidlr.g. Judge Richard
C. Stoll will be one of the principal
speakers and David Pettus. a member of ODK. will make the presentation address. Sherman Hinkebein,
president of ODK, will preside
Miss Lena Madesin Phillips. New
York, first woman to graduate from
the University Law School, will give
a brief talk at the unveiling ceremonies and will make an address

at the dinner
Members of Scabbard and B.ade,
honorary military science fraternity,
will serve as ushers.
The plaque is beuig presented
under the auspices of Nu circle o(
Omicron Delta Kappa,
leadership fratemitv to honor President McVey for his many years
of service to the University and to
The only figure of its kuid on
the campus, the plaque is the work
of Christian Petersen, noted Iowa
sculptor. It is a likeness of President McVey seated in a chair witli
a book in his hand.
The bronze plaque is 54 inches
wide. 76 inches high and weighs
650 pounds.
Inscribed across the
base is the statement. "Believe in
truth. Protest against error. Lead
men by reason rather than force "
A clay bust of President McVey
was designed by Sculptor Petersen last spring at Maxwell Place
and was used as a model for the
final work.

Varsity Grjdders
To Hold Banquet
Eighty Members

Of Team
To Be Honored At Dinner

Approximately 80 members of
team will be honored at a
banquet Wednesday night at 6 p. m
in the ball room of the Stuaent
Union buidling.
Seated at the speakers table wul
be President Frank L. McVey. James
Shropshire, the coaching staff. Captain Sherman Hinkebein. represtn-ative- s
of the Kernel and Herald-Leade- r,
and other guests. Neville
Dunn of the Lexington Herald w;!l
act as toastmaster.
The football squad will be seated
at a long table in the middle of the
room according to Aaron Slabod-kin- s.
representative of the Coiletre
Catering Company, which is
the banquet. Between l'
and 120 people are expected to attend.

Any freshmen interested in
busketball managers and
who know how to referee scrimmages are asked to report at 3 15
p. m today at the Alumni gym.

Contestants for intramural
ing and wreatling must take a
sical examination today in
basement of the Alumni gym,




Theta Sisma Phi

205. Union.
YM senior

4 p ui



cabmet 7 p. in Y
Room. Union.
Sophomore commission 7 15 p
m.. Room 204, Union
Camera club 7.30 p in.. Room
205. Uniou.
Cwens 5'30 p ui., Room 2oU,
Y's club 1J noon. Room 23a. Union.
ODK o p. m.. Room '04. Union
American Student Union 7 30 p
m.. Room 206. Union.
Swimming team 3 p m , Hv.mt
204. Union.
French club 7.30 p. m.. Pro! B
w Schick home 8?5 W High




Behind The Eckdahl


semi-weekl- y



i olte$e


Pmhlitbert Reprvsenistire
New Vowk. N. Y.

MAOieoN Ave.
tOfTO. ' LO





Lovis T.


One Semester


E H. Mi i hsitr


fan McEiroy
H arry M. Smith






One Year





B porta Editor


Society Editor






Circulation Manager

8. Louise Calbert
James Howell
George Lamason

To President McVey


When the bronze plaque of President McYey
i unveiled today in the University library, members of O micron Delta Kappa, as veil as other
students, farultv members anl alumni, may
feel proud. ODK deserves especial commendation because it was mainly through the
continued and unfailing efforts of this organi-73- t
ion that funds were obtained for the work.
This fitting tribute honored a man who so
ablv has fulfilled the exigencies of his office, will
remain as a monument to his services and an
inspiration to future students of the University
who will be mindful of the generous spirit in
which it was given. R. E. G.

Last Day
For Wassermanns
Although the Kfrnfl's campaign against syphilis already has resulted in a greater jxreent-agof Wassermanns taken than most schools
where the test was not compulsory, we should
not be satisfied until every student has been
registered at the Public Health building.
Today is the last day on which these tests will
le given in large numbers. See that your friends
go over from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon.


Tal.e Your Wassermann

A young theologian

named Fiddle
Refused to accept his degree.
For said he, its enough to b
Without being Fiddle. D. D.

With that touching beginning, we
hand the rest of this column over
to Charlie Gary, one of last year s
crop of scandal writers, who, once
again Is trying his hand at reaping
a gossip harvest from this campus.
Before we do that, however, we
would like to add a few of our own
tidbits. Such as . . . Ann Scott's
little blue Ford getting a heavy
workout these cool nights with different couples piling in and out . . .
and the Rounsaval charm again
working at the little white house on
East Maxwell, this time it's Agnes
Gilbert . . . and one queries "Who
is slipping off the deep end?" . . .
also news to the effect that Jule

Capsule Criticism
(Heard on Campus)
It was a good concert Sunday but the orchestra needed to clear its throat.

Art Editor


Immediately after Thanksgiving, the purely
educational phase of the program will begin.
At that time, there will be motion pictures, talks,
and exhibits explaining how to diagnose and
cure the disease. It is then that your part will
be plavcd. By attending these features, you will
lie able to assimilate the knowledge necessary to
teach, instruct, and render invaluable aid in
checking this number one enemy of public

Corny Joke Department
(Contributed by Gordon Clay Godbey)
A Kentucky colonel of our acquaintance once
boasted to a friend that he had on his plantation
an Indian who never forgot anything. The devil
was listening nearby, and he bet the colonel that
he was wrong. The colonel bet his soul that
the Indian wouldn't forget.
So the devil went up to the Indian and said,
"Do you like eggs?"
"Yes," replied the Indian.
The devil went away.
Twenty years elapsed and the devil returned.
Confronting the old Indian he raised his hand
in the customary Indian greeting and said,
"Fried." replied the Indian.
Comes a postcard from one Jay Nelson of
Monrovia, Calif., with a contribution for our
corny joke department. We showed the joke to
the editor who blushed and s.lid, "You can't

print that."
But an interesting phase of Mr. Nelson's card
in the sentence, "Send me the KD house."
My dear Mr. Nelson, you don't realize what
you are asking. You don't want the KD house.
You fellows have enough out there to worry
you, what with Tom Mooney, Sam Goldwyn.
And anyway, we didn't offer the KD house,
we just offered a PICTURE of the house, and
Gild knows, that's all any human would want.
Our Professors Say
"I wouldn't spend my money buying Esquire.
I would far rather have Pictorial Review, Woman' Home Companion, or Popular
"Jackson was president. At last we had democracy, and the White House, looked like a
stadium after a game."

Helping The Hand
That Helped Us
The American Red Cross ha, started its an
nual drive to secure the necessary funds to carry
on its vast and worthy program of good
Always in the front lines providing care
and treatment to the stricken at times when a
helping hand is most needed, the Red Cross requires a considerable sum to continue its work
snd is dependent upon the generosity of the

W hen you arc approached for a contribution
of this
don't forget the spirit and
oiganiation a year or so ago when large areas
of our state were unindated by the flood. Think
of our helplessness then if there had not been
a Red Cross with adequate funds to come to our
aid R. E. G.

A Lack Of That
Thanksgiving Spirit
For the past three weeks, through the medium
of this paper. Dean T. T. Jones has appealed
to men at the University to bring old clothing
to his office for immediate distribution among
needy students.
The response was ungratifying. For from
among the many more fortunate boys on the
campus only one group seemed interested enough to answer the call. The Sigma Alpha
fraternity is to be commended for donating its surplus clothing to such a worthy cause.
It seems incredible that this Thanksgiving
while some students are snuggling in the warm
confines of a new coat, eating turkey dinners,
rmd having an enjoyable vacation that other
Mudents will remain here working