xt7wwp9t285m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wwp9t285m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1871-04-nov22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-04-nov22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-04-nov22. 1871 1871-04-nov22. 2011 true xt7wwp9t285m section xt7wwp9t285m 


Zentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 22, 1871

of Nov.
22, 1971

Notice of
thi s cal-
led Meet-

pre sent

Session not
an open one

Prof. Pick.
etts Protest

Sundry mo-
tions con-
cerning this

Motion to lay
on the table

gotion to
rej e c te d

Answers to be
either oral
or written at

     The Board of Curators assem.led this 2 o'clock P. 1,i. in
accordince with the following notice sent to each Cura.tor
     To wit
           Ky. University Nov. 7th 1871
     Dear Sir
            At the request of the members of the Extive Commit-
tee a meeting of the Board of Curators of Ky. University is
called to consider matters of importance connected with the
complications which have arisen r-ccntly among the Professors
of the Bible College
     Other matters of great importz'.nce pertaining to the welfare
of the institution will be presented for consideration.
     The meeting takes place at the Morrison College on Wednesday
Nov. 22, at 2 o'clock P. M. and your prompt attendance is respect-
fully requested.
                R. M. Bishop
                             Chai rman
Jos. S. Woolfolk
     Upon calling the roll the following Curators were found present.
R. Uir. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Benj. Gratz, Andrew
Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk,
A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, Wt. L. Williams, A.
G. Herncaon, R. J. White, P. 0". Ricketts, B. B. Groom, John
Shackelford, LX F. Smith, J. P. Tarbitt, R. R. Sloan, W. T. d7ithers,
Enos Campbell, James L. Caldwell', L. B. Wilkes, Z. M11. Sherley,
John Aug. Williams, S. 1U.. Wing, Horace Miller, H. C. Graves, William
'i:. Rogers, Landum A. Thomas, Curator Williams opened the session/207/
with prayer Curator Withers moved That the session of the Board be
open, but the motion was lost.
     The Protest of Profess-or Pickett was then read by the secretary.
     Curator A. F. Smith moved
     That Bros. Milligan and McGarvey be heard in response to the
protest of Prof. Pickett and that Bro. Pickett be heard in defense
if he so desired.
     Curatbr John Aug. Williams movad That the said Brethren be heard
only in writing.
     Curator Pickett moved
     That the whole subject be laid on the table P Resected.
     Cur, tor 'Worthington moved
     That the subject Prof. Picketts Protest be indefinitely post-
poned. After a protracted discussion engeged in by Curators Ricketts,
Worthington, Shackclford, Z. F. Smith, E. E. Sloan, G. W. Elley, J.
G. Allen and Rege.nt Bowman the motion was rejected -
     Curator Worthington moved
     That the said Brethren may answer either orally or in writing
as they may choose, Adopted.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 2?, 1871

Curator Gratz
ask to be ex-
cused from vot-
ing not granted

Ten minute

to notify

Meeting of
Nov. 23, 1871

     Previous question as amended. was then adopted.
     Curator Gratz asked to be excused from voting.
     Curator Ricketts moved
     That said request be granted but the motion was not carried.
     Curr.tor Campbell moved /208/
     That no Curator shall be allowedl to speak more than ten (D)
minutes at a time end only once on the same subject until all t
that desire to speak shell have done so unless by the consent of
all the members present.
     Curator Witihers moved
     That a Committee of three (3) be appointed to notify Brethren
Millignn, M'-cGarvey & Pickett of the action of this Board - and the
Chair appointed Curator Mithers, J. A. Williems & J. G. Allen.
     Curator Campbell moved
     That a Committee of five be taken on the subject_ adopted
and the following Curators were appointed to compose said Committee
E. Campbell, C. T. Worthington, R. P. Sloan, R. C. Ricketts, W. L.
     Upon motion the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at
9 o'clock A. M.
               Jos. S. Woolfolk


           Morrison College, Nov. 23, 1871

     Board of Curators met pursuant to adjournment at 9 otclock
A. M. the following members were present -
R. M. Bishop, J. 13. Bowman, J. G. Allen, Benj. Gratz, Andrew
Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk,
A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, W. L. Williams,
A. G. Herndon, R. C. Ricketts, Z.  . Smith, J. P. Tarbitt, E. R.
Sloan, John Shackelford, W. T. Witfers, B. B. Groom, Enos, Camp-
bell, James L. Caldwell, L. B. Wilkes, Z. M. Sherley, John Aug.
Williams, S. M. Wing, Horace Miller, H. C. Graves, Wm. E. Rogers,
Landon A. Thomas.
     The minutes of the previous meeting being read and corrected
were approved.
     The Chairman of the County. of five who had under consideration
the difficulties in the Bible College asked for further time to
complete their report.
     Curator Joseph Smith offered the following Resolutions for
the consideration of the Board of Curators.
     Resolved that the Regent be urgently requested at the ear-
liest practicable period to obtain at least one hundred thousand
dollars as a special endowment of the Bible College.