xt7wst7dvr29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvr29/data/mets.xml Ellis, Gilbert J. Fillmore, J. H. (James Henry), 1849-1936 1896 1 close score (iv, 512 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: BV459 .P730 1896 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) BV459 .P730 1896 English Fillmore Bros Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Hymns, English The Praise Hymnal: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes, 1896 text The Praise Hymnal: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes, 1896 1896 1896 2023 true xt7wst7dvr29 section xt7wst7dvr29 .Lsshu.

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’ PREFACE. ' w g,


THE PRAISE HYMNAL is intended to promote spirituality in worship, holinesslin
lite, and activity in World-wide evangelization. The singing of hymnshas ever-been
one of the mightiest influences for good. It makes possible a deeper experience of

- truth, a more real fellowship with God, and a holy union with devout souls of all

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if V ages in their highest ideals of duty. The great periods in the history of the Church "
i l have been creative of new song. No more decisive proof exists that the Gospel isthe
u i. cum“ :“ human “wane Hmn Hm inv and spirit with which Christians sing their
' ilogy of the Church. Out of the ;
‘ ~ I v E: nerpeople have accepted it as truly '
=.' ' ,— ,\ my: ‘0 to sing ought to be in‘a' Church
(\ ’3 Li a E in side by side in one book which‘is
‘ ‘3: “If-n ' ‘,.§. :9 , m g; Church. 4 I
(Q: g: f? g 1-1 b devotion. Its hymns arelargely , '
r‘\ f-\ ‘ f“ ‘2; {Q g zly to God and to Christ. Then it
F ~ 3‘ ‘ .
fr i1: 7:, T' 5? :31... l to rouse the mind to the blessed-’
la. ,‘91 E?» b: :3: :3, g :4 in the Christian life.
{4 \N \ o :- g 2" distinguished by the fact that the
2' ‘ A 5 :5 pel hymn to those about us. The
_' \ t V # x S. Q r Jral tune, while the latter is set to ‘
l m H r: .. 6.. . . "I
‘ (— ~ *5 c H. o rus. Each kind of tune is needed,
*. ix kt I :3 r21 . , ,
i \ L T 2 Ho Ex: 0 awaken zeal and act1v1ty.
' L‘\ i‘ r— '3: E ’11 d. Chorals, many simple and beau-
p“ \Q \l a; o l: s, Which often combine the excel- ‘
; t 4‘ 3 n A . , . . > .
7 p :-4. 3 y; ,7 difiering niuSical tastes Will find?
f (N, :n o specially suited to congregational
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k‘ s). ‘ .. O\ h,’the triumphant spirit in which
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ti ~ ml n. . . _7 . .,
‘ o (\x ' r—a (D e Holy Spirit, and they reveal the
l‘s S “3‘ g :3 dove, in devotion, in trust, in zeal
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R Q ‘ O H- y o
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THE PRAISE HYMNAL is intended to promote spirituality in worship, holiness in
life, and activity in world—wide evangelization. The singing of hymns has ever been
one of the mightiest influences for good. It makes possible a deeper experience of
truth, a more real fellowship with (iod, and a holy union with devout souls of all
ages in their highest ideals of duty. The great periods in the history of the Church
have been creative of new song. No more decisive proof exists that the Gospel is the
rising force in human affairs than the joy and spirit with which Christians sing their

Recent years have added largely to the hymnology of the Church. Out of the
modern revival has come the “Gospel Song,” and the people have accepted it as truly
helpful in the (‘hristian life. \Vhat the people love to sing ought to be, in a Church
hyninal. The new songs and the old should stand side by side in one book which is
adapted to all the various services of an aggressive Church.

THE Prensa HvMXAL is, first of all, a book of devotion. Its hymns are largely
prayer and praise, in which the heart speaks dire tly to God and to Christ. Then it
is also a book of gospel hymns, which are intended to rouse the mind to the blessed-
ness of salvation and to the importance of activity in the Christian life.

In a gene ‘al say the two classes of hymns are distinguished by the fact that the
hymn of worship is addressed to (iod, and the gospel hymn to those about us. The
ti ‘st is most suitably sung to a solemn, dignified choral tune, while the latter is set to
music with a more rapid movement and wit-h a chorus. Each kind of tune is needed,
the choral to express reverence, and the lively air to awaken zeal and activity. V

THE I’RAIsE HvMNAL contains the best of the. old Chorals, many simple and beau-
tiful new ones, and a large number of double. tunes, which often combine the excel—
lence of the choral and of the gospel song. 'Widely differing musical tastes will find
here a common meeting-ground, but the book is specially suited to congregational
use. It is the people’s book.

These hymns reflect the inner life of the Churchflthe triumphant spirit in which
it is moving forward to its work and destiny, They are full of the thought of God’s
love, of salvation in Christ, of strengthening by the Holy Spirit, and they reveal the
people of God as striving to perfect themselves in love, in devotion, in trust, in zeal

or the gospel, and in self—sacrifice. In a true sense these hymns are the voice of the
Church universal calling Christians to a deeper spiritual life, and to more Christ-like
service in the field of duty. Let these be sung by all the peOple, and our Churches
will be glorious not only with the beauty of music, but with the noble offering of

that worship which is “in the beauty of holiness.” i
(i i)





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A few suggestions :

1. Brood over these hymns; feel the blessed truth in them ;' When this is ap-
preciated the tunes will be loved, and singing them will aid the spiritual life.

2. Let there be more mutual respect in matters of musical taste. If people love

a song join heartily with them in it.

3. \Vhile singing, make much of the thought that it is an offering to the Lord.

- Sing with a sense of being heard in. heaven and to please God.

4. \Vhether we sing or play on instruments, let us feel strongly that What we do
for God ought to be well done. .

5. Choirs will greatly aid congregations by singing to them the choral tunes in
unison till the melodies have become familiar. Unison singing by the whole congre-
gation is very impressive.

6. Occasionally bring the children into the Church and have them sing a hymn
with which they are familiar as a special song.

7. The “Scripture Readings” are intended to give the people one more edifying
way of taking part in public worship. The Psalms selected are devotional, and to
read them aright is to pray in the heart.

The “Topical Selections” are largely the expression of experience of living real-
ities/ii ‘.All public reading of the \Vord is essentially a paying of honor to God, and
not merely a didactic exercise. It is suggested that these readings be used in addi-
tion to the ordinary reading of a lesson.

The Psalms retain the numbers and the order which they have in the Bible, and
are to be referred to by number and page.

Th6 “Topical Selections” are well suited to revivals and special occasions. It

‘ is better that leaders of meetings study the apprOpriateness of these selections for

special uses, and we, therefore, make no suggestions as to their fitness for particular

The “Orders of Worship” give some hints as to how they may be introduced to

All the readings are taken from the Revised Versw’n except the Lord’s Prayer and
the Twenty-third Psalm. The paragraphs are the verses just as they stand in the
Bible. The reading may be either responsive or in concert. Six selections are given
for recitation in concert from memory. This is an effective way of using short selec-

Here, then, in hymn and tune and Scripture, are the fit elements which the sin-

cere and the spiritual may employ so as to bring beauty and dignity into the worship
of God. In the Church let us, in the Spirit, go near to the throne of grace; let us

~pour out our souls in gladness and yet be filled with the awe of His presence. So

shall our Churches be indeed “none other but the house of God and the gate of
heaven.” GILBERT J. ELLIS,
Cincinnati, January, 1896. - J. H. FILLMORE.



Selections to be Read or Repeated 1' n Concert.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed‘be thy name.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

dom come.

Thy king-
Give us

this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive

our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.



BLESSED are the poor in spirit: for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they
shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall in-
herit the earth.

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they
shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called sons of God—[Matt 5 .° 3—9.


THOU shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind. This is the great and
first commandment. And a second like
unto it is this, Thou shalt love thy neigh—
bour as thyself. _ On these two command—
ments hangeth the whole law, and the
prophets—{Matt 29: 37—40.


FOR this cause I bow my knees unto
the Father, from whom every family in
heaven and on earth is named, that he
would grant you, according to the riches
of his glory, that ye may be strengthened
with pOWer through his Spirit in the in-
ward man; that Christ may dwell in your
hearts through faith; to the end that ye,
being rooted and grounded in love, may
be strong to apprehend with all the saints
what is the breadth and length and height


and depth, and to know the love of Christ
which passeth knowledge, that ye may
be filled unto all the fulness of, God.

Now unto him that is able to do ex-
ceeding abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to the )ower that
worketh in us, unto him be t}l
the church and in Christ J esusgflmtoflall
generations for ever and ever. jAnien.’——
[Epih 3:14-21.

5. PSALM 23.

THE Lord is my shepherd: I shall not
want. He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures: he leadeth me beside the
still waters. He restoreth my soul: he
leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies: thou anointest
my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow
me all the days of my life: and I will
dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


\VHo can discern his errors? Clear
thou me from hidden faults. Keep back
thy servant also from presumptuous sins:
let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be perfect, and I shall be
clear from great transgression. Let the
words of my mouth and the meditation
of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, 0
Lord, my rock and my redeemer.—-—[Ps.
19: 12—14. '



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13 111A DIJVG.


1 BLESSED is the man that walketh not 111

the counSel of the wicked,
Nor standeth 111 the way of sinners,
Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD;

And in his law doth he meditate day
and night.

And he shall be like a tree planted by
the streams of water,
That bringeth forth its fruit in its sea-

son ‘
Whose, leaf also doth not wither;
And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

The wicked are not so;

But are like the chaff which the wind
driveth away.

Therefore the wicked shall not stand in
the judgement,

Nor sinners in the congregation of the

F01 the LORD knoweth the way of the
righteous. .
But the way of the wicked shall perish.


\VHY do the nations rage,

And the peoples Imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves,

And the rulers take counsel together,

Against the LORD, and against his
anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder,

And cast away their cords from us.

He that sittcth in the heavens shall

lau h.
The Lord shall have them in derision.

Then shall he speak unto them in his.

And vex them in his sore displeasure:

Yet I have set my king

Upon my holy hill of Zion.

I will tell of the decree:

The LORI) said unto me, Thou art my

This day have I begotten thee.

V 8 Ask of me, and I will give tlmv the na-

tions for thine inher.itance



And the uttermost parts of the earth
for thy possession.

Thou shalt break them with a rod of

Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a
potter’s vessel.

New therefore be wise, 0 ye kings.
Be instructed, ve judges of the ea.1th

Serve the LORD with fear,
And reynce with trembhng.

Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and ye
perish in the way,

F or his wrath will soon be kindled.

Blessed are all they that put their trust
i11 11i111.

l’SA LM 4.

ANSWER me when I call, () God of my

Thou hast set me at large when I was in

Have mercy upon me, and hear my

0 ye sons of men, how long shall my
glory be, turned into dishonour?
[low long will ye, love vanity, and seek

after falsehood 2’

But know that the Loan hath set apart
him that is godly for himself:

The LORI) will hear when I call unto

Stand 1n awe, and sin not:
(‘ommune with your own heart upon
your bed, and be still.

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the LORI).

‘ Many there be that say, 'Who will shew

us (my good ‘3
Loan, lift thou up the light of thy coun-
tenance upon us.

Thou hast put gladness in my heart,
More [than they haw when their corn
and their Wine. are increased.

in peace will I both lay me down and

For thou, LORI), alone makest me dwell
in safety.






GIVE ear to my words, 0 Loin),
Consider my 111edltat1011.

Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my
King, and my (jod:
For unto thee do I pray.

0 Loan, in the morning shalt thou
hear my voice;

In the morning will I order my prayer
unto thee, and will keep watch.

For thou art not a God that hath pleas-
ure in wickedness:
Evil shall not s0]ourn w1th thee.

The arrogant shall not stand in thy
si ht:
Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

‘ Thou shalt destroy them that speak
The LORD abhorreth the bloodthirsty
and deceitful man.

" But as for 111e, in the multitude of thy
lovingkindness will I come into thy

In thy fear will I worship toward thy
holy temple.

‘ Lead me, 0 Loan, in thy righteousness
because of mine enennes;
Make thy way pla1n before my face.

For there is no faithfulness in their

Their inward part is very wickedness:

Their throat is an open sepulchre;

They flatter with their tongue.

Hold them guilty, 0 (iod;

Let them fall by their own counsels:

Thrust them out in the multitude of
their transgressions;

For they have rebelled against thee.

But let all those that put their trust in
thee rejoice,

Let them ever shout for joy, be 'ause
thou defendest them:

Let them also that love thy name be
joyful in thee.

For thou wilt bless the righteous;
O LORI), thou w11t compass 111m w1th
favour as w1th a shield.


1 0 LORD, our Lord,

llow excellent is thy name in all the
earth l

Who hast set thy glory upon the heav-


2 Out of the mouth of babes and suck-

lings hast thou established strength,
Because of thine adversaries, ~
That thou mightest still the enemy and
the avenger.

\Vhen I consider thy heavens, the work
of thy fingers,

The moon and the Stars, which thou
hast ordained;

What is man, that thou art mindful of
him ‘3

And the son of man, that thou visitest

Forthou hast made him but little lower
than God,

And crownest him with glory and 11011-

‘ Thou madest him to have dominion

over the works of thy hands;
Thou hast put all things under his feet:

"' All sheep and oxen,

Yea, and the beasts of the field;

The fowl of the air, and the fish of the

\Vhatsoever passeth through the paths
of the seas.

0 LORD, our Lord,

IIow excellent is thy name in all the
earth !

I’SALM 15.
Loan, who shall sojourn in thy taber-

\Vho shall dwell in thy holy hill ?

He that walketh uprightly, and work—
eth righteousness,
And speaketh truth in his heart.

He that slandercth not with his tongue,

Nor doeth evil to his friend,

Nor taketh up a reproach against his.

In whose eyes a reprobate is despised;

But he honoureth them that fear the

He that sweareth to his own hurt, and
changeth not.

He that putteth not out his money to
usury, .

Nor taketh reward against the innocent.

He that doeth these things shall never
be moved.


PRESERVE me, O God: for in thee do I
put my trust. *





2 I have said unto the LORI), Thou art
my Lord:
cI have no good beyond thee.

' 3 As for the saints that are in the earth,
They are the excellent in Whom is all
my delight.

4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied that
exchange the LORD for another god :
Their drink offerings of blood will I
not Offer,
Nor take their names upon my lips.

5 The LORD is the portion of mine in-
heritance and of my cup:
Thou maint‘ainest my lot.

6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleas-
ant places;
Yea, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord, who hath given
me counsel:
Yea, my reins instruct me in the night

8 I have set the LORD always before me:
Because he is at my right hand, I
shall not be moved.

9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my
glory rejoiceth:
My flesh also shall dWell in safety.
10 For thou wilt not leave my soul to
Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy
one to see corruption.
11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
In thy presence is fulness of joy;
In thy right hand there are pleasures
for evermore.


THE heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament sheweth his handy-

Day unto day uttereth speech,

And night unto night sheweth knowl-

3 There is no speech nor language;
Their voice cannot be heard.

4 Their line is gone out through all the
And their words to the end of the world.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for
the sun,

" Which is as a bridegroom coming out
of his chamber,
And rejoiceth as a strong man to run
his course.


6 His going forth is from the end of the

And his circuit unto the ends of it:
And there is nothing hid from the
heat thereof.

" The law of the LORD is perfect, restor-

ing the soul:
The testlmony of the LORD is sure,
maklng w1se the Simple.

The precepts of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart:

The commandment Of the LORD is
pure, enlightening the eyes.

. The fear Of the LORD is clean, endur-

ing for ever:
The judgements of the LORD are true,
and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold,
yea, than much fine gold:

Sweeter also than honey and the hon-

Moreover by them is thy servant

In keeping of them there is great re-

‘ Who can discern 721's errors?

Clear thou me from hidden faults.

Keep back th'y servant also from pre-
sumptuous sins;

Let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be perfect,

And I shall be clear from great trans-

Let the words of my mouth and the
meditation of my heart be accept-
able in thy sight,

0 LORD, my rock, and my redeemer.


THE earth is the LORD’s, and the ful-
ness thereof;
The world, and they that dwelitherein.

For he hath founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the floods.

" IVho shall ascend into the hill Of the

And who shall stand in his holy place ?

He that hath clean hands, and a pure

\Vho hath not lifted up his soul unto

And hath not sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive a blessing from the


 «v..- immfiefm



And righteousness from the God of his

6 This is the generation of them that
seek after him,
That seek thy face, 0 God of Jacob.

7 Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates:
And be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors:
And the King Of glory shall come in.

8 Who is the King of glory 2’
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.

9 Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates;

Yea, lift them up, ye everlasting

And the King of glory shall come in.

10 Who is this King of glory?

The LORD of hosts,
He is the King of Glory.

PSALM :25.

1 UNTO thee, 0 LORD, do I lift up my

2 O my God, in thee have I trusted,

Let me not be ashamed;

Let not mine enemies triumph over
me. ‘

3 Yea, none that wait on thee shall be

They shall be ashamed that deal

11 For thy name’s sake, O LORD,
Pardon mine iniquity, for it is great.

12 \Vhat man is he that feareth the '
Him shall he instruct in the way that
he shall choose.

2' His soul shall dwell at ease;
And his seed shall inherit the land.

’ The secret of the LORD is with them
that fear him;
And he will shew them his covenant.

” Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD;
For he shall pluck my feet out of the

” Turn thee unto me, and have mercy
upon me;
For I am desolate and afflicted.

The troubles of my heart are en—
0 bring thou me out of my distresses.

Consider mine afliiction and my trav-
And forgive all my sins.
. Consider mine enemies, for they are
And they hate me with cruel hatred.

0 keep my soul, and deliver me:
Let me not be ashamed, for I put my
trust in thee.


treacherous] y without cause. Let integrity and uprightness preserve
4 Shew me thy ways 0 LORD; , me, .
Teach me thy paths. I‘ or I wait on thee.
5 Guide 'me in thy truth, and teach me; 22 getgeefmlfiraelt, O 310?,
For thou art the God of my salvation; ' u 0 a ”8 rou La“
On thee do I wait all the day.

6 Remember, 0 LORD, thy tender mer-
cies and thy lovingkindnesses; JUDGE me, O LORD, for I have walked
For the hav * b ken ever of old. 1“ mine Integrity: ,
y b L I have trusted also in the LORD Without
7 Remember not the sins of my youth, wavering,

nor my transgressions: F , . x O I d 7 _
According to thy loviiigkindness re- 'T‘Xflmlm; 1.1193, JORD,13§ ‘tprmeme,
member thou me, . ry my ieiiis an my ieai .
For thy goodness’ sake, O LORD. 5 For thy lovingkindness is before mine
’8 Good and upright is the LORD: , eyes,‘ . ‘ . _ . . _
Therefore will he instruct sinners in And I haye walked “1 thy tiuth.
the way. ' . I have not. sat with vain persons;
9 The meek will'he uide injudgement: Neither Will I go in With dissemblers.
And the meek wil he teach his way. . I hate the congregation of eyildoers,
10 All the paths of the LORD are loving— And Will not Sit Wlth the Wicked.

kindness and truth ’ I will wash mine hands in inno-
Unto such as keep his covenant and cency; ,
his testimonies. , SO Will I compass thine altar, O LORD:







That I may make the voice of thanks-
giving to be heard,
And tell of all thy wondrous works.

LORD, I love the habitation of thy

And the place where thy glory dWell-

Gather not my soul with sinners,
Nor my life with men of blood:

In whose hands is mischief,
And their right hand is full of bribes.

But as for me, I will walk in mine in-
Redeem me, and be inerCiful unto me.

My foot standeth in an even place:
In the congregations will I bless the


THE LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the strength of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

When evil-doors came upon me to eat
up my flesh,

Even mine adversaries and my foes,
they stumbled and fell.

Though an host should encamp against

My heart shall not fear:

Though war should rise against me,

Even then will I be confident.

One thing have I asked of the LORD,
that will I seek after;

That I may dwell in the house of the
LORD all the days of my life,

To behold the beauty of the LORI), and
to inquire in his temple.

For in the day of trouble he shall keep
me secretly in his pavilion:

In the covert of his tabernacle shall he
hide me;

He shall lift me up upon a rock.

And now shall mine head be lifted up
above mine enefnies round about

And I will offer in his tabernacle sacri-
fices of joy;

I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto
the LORD.

7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my

Have mercy also upon me, and answer


8 When (lieu saidsl, Seek ye my face; my
heart said unto thee,
Thy face, LORD, Will I seek.

Hide not thy face. from me;

Put not thy servant away in anger:

Thou hast been my help;

Cast me not off, neither forsake me, 0
God of my salvation.

For my father and my mother have.
forsaken me,
But the LORI) Wlll take me up.

Teach me thy way, 0 Loan;
And lead me in a plain path,
Because of mine enemies.

Deliver me not over unto the will of
mine adversaries:

For false Witnesses are risen up against
me, and such as. breathe out cruelty.

IImdfainled, unless I had believed to

see the goodness of the Loan
In the land of the living.

IVait on the LORD:

Be strong, and let thine heart take

Yea, wait thou on the Loan.


I WILL extol thee, 0 Loan; for thou hast

raised me 11p,
And hast not made my foes to rejoice
OVBI‘ lllt‘.

_ O LORD my God,

I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed

o O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul

from Sheol:
Thou hast kept me alive, that I should
not go down to the pit.

Sing praise unto the LORD, 0 ye saints
of his,
And give thanks to his holy name.

For his anger is but for a moment;
In his favour is life:

Weeping may tarry for theaiight,
But Joy comet/L in the morning.

‘ As for me, I said in my prosperity,

I shall never be moved.

" Thou, LORD, of thy favour hadst made

my mountain to stand strong:
Thou didst hide thy face; I was troub-

7 I cried to thee, O LORD;

And unto the LORD I made supplica-





What p1otit is the 111 in my blood,
when I go (11m 11 to the pit?

Shall the dust p1111se thee" shall it de-
clare thy truth ‘.’

11) He 11' () Loan, and lime 111111'1'1y upon

1101111, be thou my helper.

Thou hast turned for me my mourn-
ing into dancing;

Thou hast loosed my sackcloth, and
girded me with gladness:

To the end that 1111/ glory may sing
praise to thee, 11nd not be silent.

() 110111) my (1011,] will giVe thanks
unto thee for ever.

I’SALM 3].

' thee, (1) LORI), do I put my trust;
let me never be ashamed:
Deliver me in thy righteousness.

111w down thine ear unto me; deliver
me speedily:

Be. thou to me a strong rock, 1111 house
of defence to save me.

For thou art my rock and Iny fortress;

Therefore for thy name’s sake lead me
and guide me.

Pluck me out of the net that they have
laid pi‘ivily for me;

For thou art my strong hold.

Into thine hand I commend my spirit:

Thou has redeemed me, 0 Loin), thou
(111d of truth.

I hate them that regard lying vanities:

But I trust in the LORI).

* I VV ill be glad and 1ejoice. in thy me1cV '

11111 thou hast seen my affliction;

Thou hast known my soul in adver-

And thou hast not shut me 11p into the
hand of the enemy;.
Thou hast set my feet 111 a large place.

Have mercy upon me, O LORI), for I
am in dist1ess:

\IineeVe wasteth 11“ 11V with grief, ym,
my soul and my body.

F111 my life 1s spent with sorrow, and
my years with sighing:

l\I_V strength taileth because of mine
iniquity, and my bones are wasted

Because of all mine '11dvers'1n'ies I am
become a reproach,


Y e 11, unto my neighbours exceedingly,
and a fear to mine acquaintance.

They that did see me without fled
from me.

am forgotten as 111 dead man out of
11m l1ke a broken vessel.

For I have he1'11d the defaming of

Terror on every side:

\Vhile they took counsel together
against me

They devised to takeaway my life.

But I trusted in thee, () LORD:
I said, Thou art my God.

My times are in thy hand:

Deliver me from the hand of mine en-
emies, and from them that perse-
cute me.

Make thy face to shine upon thy serv-
Sav e me in thy loVi11gki11diies.:.

Let me not be ashamed, () 1.0111); for I
have called upon thee:

Let the wicked be ashamed, let them
be silent in Sheol.

Let the lying lips be dumb;

\Vhich speak against the righteous in-

\Vith pride and contempt.

Oh how g1eat is thy goodness, which
thou hast laid up for them that fear

\Vhich thou hast wrought for them
that. put their trust in thee, before
the sons of men!

I11 the covert of thy presence shalt
thou hide them from the plottings
of man:

Thou shalt keep them secretly in a
pavilion from the strife of tongues.

ll les scd be theI 1111111:
1111 he hath shewed me his marvel-
lous lovmgkmdness111a strong City.

As for me, I said in my haste, I am
cut off from before thine eyes:

Nevertheless thou heardest the Voice
of mV supplications when I cried

() love the Loan, all ye his saints:

'l he LORD preserveth the faithful,

And plentifully 1ch tideth the pioud






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24 Be strong, and let your heart take
All ye that hope in the LORD.

REJOICE in the LORD, 0 ye righteous:
Praise is comely for the upright.

Give thanks unto the LORD with harp:
Sing praises unto him with the psal-
tery Of ten strings.

Sing unto him a new song;
Play skilfully with a loud noise.

For the word Of the LORD is right;

And all his work is done in faithful-

He loveth righteousness and judge-

- ment:

The earth is full of the lovingkindness
Of the LORD.

By the word of the LORD were the
heavens made;

And all the host of them by the breath
of his mouth.

{He gathereth the waters of the sea to-
gether as an heap:
He layeth up the deeps in storehouses.

Let all the earth fear the LORD:
Let all the inhabitants of the world
stand in awe of him.

For he spake, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood last.

The LORD bringeth the counsel of the
nations to nought:

He maketh the thoughts of the peo-
ples to be of none effect.

The counsel of the LORD standeth fast

The thoughts of his heart to all gen-

Blessed is the nation whose God is
the LORD;

The people whom he hath chosen for
his own inheritance.

The LORD looketh from heaven;
He beholdeth all the sons Of men;

14 From the place of his habitation he

looketh forth
Upon all the inhabitants Of the earth;

15 He that fashioneth the hearts of them

That’considereth all their works. _

16 There is no king saved by the multi-
tude of an host:








A mighty man is not delivered by
great strength.

An horse is a vain thing for safety:
Neither shall he deliver any by his
great power.

Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon
them that fear him,
Upon them that hope in his mercy;

To deliver their soul from death,
And to keep them alive in famine.

Our soul hath waited for the LORI):
He is our help and our shield.

For our heart shall rejoice in him,
Because we have trusted in his holy

Let thy mercy, 0 LORD, be upon us,
According as we have hoped in thee.

PSALM 3’ .

I will bless the LORD at all times:
His praise shall continually be in my

My soul shall make her boast in the

The meek shall hear thereof, and be

O magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt his name together.

I sought the LORD, and he answered
And delivered me from all my fears.

They looked unto him, and were light-

And their faces shall never be con-

b' This poor man cried, and the LORD

heard him,
And saved him out of all his troubles.

The angel of the LORD encampeth
round about them that fear him,
And delivereth them.

0 taste and see that the LORD is good:
Blessed is the man that trusteth in

0 fear the LORD, ye his saints:

For there is no want to them that fear

10 The young lions do lack, and suffer

But they that seek the LORD shall not
want any good thing.

Come, ye children, hearken unto m