xt7wst7dvp74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvp74/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-02-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1956 1956 1956-02-13 2020 true xt7wst7dvp74 section xt7wst7dvp74  



Minutes 2: the Universitv Faculty, January 2, 1056


neoole of the state and the nation. President Donovan indicated that the tim

would be used to interview members of the cniVersity family and emphasized
the wonderful Opportunity which this brondcnst time offers.



The faculty adjourned.

Robert L. Mills

Minutes 2: the Universitnyaculty, February ll, 1956

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
February 13, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were
Elinton Adams‘, A. D. Albright*, A. J. Brown“9 Leo M. Chamberlain*, C. Howard
Eckel, Stetie Erikson’, W. P. Garrigus, Lyman V. Ginger, W. W. HaynesP
Maurice A. Hatch, W. A. Heinz, J. E. Hernandez, A. D. Kirwen, Frank D.
Peterson, Helen Reed. J. E. Reeves, H. A. Romanowitz, J. R. Schwendeman, D. M.
Seath, D. V. Terrell‘, and Frank J. Welch.


The minutes of January Q were read and apprOVed.

Dean Dickey read resolutions on the death of Professor W. R. Tabb and

Professor Staley Adams read resolutions on the death of Professor G. E. Gerhard.

r.“ " .1.
These resolutions were accepted by the Faculty, to be Sprend upon the mIHUVCS
and coPies to be sent to the resPectiVC families.

George Richard Gerhard died at 7:05, the eVening of Thursday,
Fecember 15, as the result of an automobile accident u

rhich occurred
a few hours previously. Prof. Gerhard had been in ill health and was

on his way to Augusta, his original home. when the accident happened.

Prof. Gerhard was 45 years of age at the time of his death, was
married, and had one sonp ll years old.

he obtained his B. S. degree in Met
University of Kentucky in 1932 and his
he was awarded the degree of Master of

allurgicel Engineering from the
Master‘s degree in 1933. In 1938
Science from the University of

During 1934 and 1935 Prof. Gerhard was an analyst in the Metal«
lurgical Department of the American Rolling Mills Co. at Ashland,
Kentucky, leafiing there to accept a position as teaching fellow in
metal processing at the University of Michigan. He remained there,

with leave of absence during the war. until 1946, advancing to instructor
and assistant professor during that neriod.

*Absence explained



A \.‘ 5’“


 Minutes 0 the University Faculty, February l1, 1 'b


Prof. Gerhard was a reserve officer and during the war was assigned
to the office of the Provost Marshall General, where he advanced to the
rank of Major. After the war he remained in the reserve and held the
rank of Lt. Colonel at the time of his death.

He came to the University, September 1, 1946, with the rank of
Associate Professor of Motellurqioal tngineering, which position he held
at the time of the accident.

Prof. Gerhard was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Phi oidma
Kappa, the Masonic Order, the Reserve Officers Association, pnd the
American Legion. He elso helo membership in Tau Beta Pi, Sigma A1,
bigme Gamma epsilon, Gamma Alpha, The American Society for M tals, The
Amerio n Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, and the Kentucky
Society of Professional Engineers. He was $130 a rejistered engineer
in the state of Kentucky.

Prof. Gerhard worked very closely with the students in the Department
of Metallurgical bngineering for many years, having been in charge of
seneduling. A; a result, he has many close friends among the alumni to
whom his death will come as a distinct loss.

fie Served the Pepertmunt, the Colluge of Engineering, and the
University w~ll and, although his load had been lightened during the
past year due to illness, his death will be keenly felt within the
bepertment anc the Joliege.

We wish to express our deep appreciation of Prof. Gerharo's services
to the College of Engineering and to exPress our deep sympathy to his family.

Be it, thererore, resolved that this resolution be Spread in the
minutes of the Faculty of the College or Engineering, be transmitted to
the Faculty of the University for appropriate action, and tflat copies be
sent to the family.

when a feculty member who has rendered a great Service dies, those
who heve known him well regret that in some way :eSOlutions could not have
been formulated to the living.

If these resolutions were addressed to Roy Tabb, the Salutation well
might be: To One Who Served Magnificently His University, His State, and
His Nation. He was proud to be called a university professor.

Roy Tabb was held in high esteem by his colleagues on the University
campus. He was liked and admired for his high standards. cammOn sense,
scholarship, and devotion to his work. He was an insniretion to the faculty
of the College of Education. of which he was a member. We were always proud
to acknowledge the fact that he was one of our own.

The two following statements indicate how highly Mr. Tabb was regrrded
in agricultural education outside the state. The staff of the Department
Of Agricultural Education at the University of Missouri says; His "many
contributions made in the field of teacher education have had a profound
influence on the program of vocational agriculture throughOut the United
States." The Indiana state supervisor of agricultural education says:








Minutes 0

the University Faculty, Februagy $1, 1956

"All of us considered him to be one of the leading teacher trainers in


agricultural education in our region."

Mr. Tabb’s ideas were sought by many people and many agencies when
there was a desire to "think the thing through“ or to get directly at
significant ideas and principles. He was a past master in detecting sham,
pretence, weakness in argument, insincerity, and lack of effectiVeness or
accomplishment. He was able to think in terms of large units and would
often see possibilities of accomplishment that his co-workers had not
dreamed of. At the time of his death Mr. Tabb was on his way home from
Washington, D. C., where he and Dean Dickey had been in conference with the
U. S. Commissioner of Education, on a proposed research project.

Mr. Tabb, born in Grayson County, Kentucky, in 1905, was grnduated
from Western State College in 1926 and was awarded an M.S. degree by the
University of Kentucky in 1938. Immediately after graduating from Western
State College, Mr. Tabb taught vocational agriculture at Frenchburg for
two years. He was agriculture teacher and high-school principal at
fiawesville frOm 1928 to 1937. He had been on the University of Kentucky
faculty since 1938.

Mrs Tabb ”as the coaauthor of two books and was largely responsible for
the graduate teacher training and follow-up work in the adultsfarmer program
and in farm shop mechanics education in vocational agriculture in the State.
He believed in farming as a business undertaking, carried on by people who
make their living from the land.
knewn, he kept abreast of the develonments in agriculture, which contributed
to the high regard in which teachers of agriculture held him.

More than almost any other man we have

Pllis Hartford
Vernon Musselman
Carsie Hammonds, Chairman

Dean Stahr presented for the College of Law a list of persons who had

completed requirements for the LL.B. degree at the close of the first semester,
and asked that the University Faculty recommend these students to the Board of
Trustees for the degree.
following named persons for the degree of LL,B.:

The Faculty approved the motion recommending the

The Faculty of the College of Law recowmends to the University
Faculty and the Board of Trustees that the degree of Bachelor of Laws
(LluB.) be awarded to the following candidates who completed their
academic work for said degree on January 27, 1956:

James Goslee Becker, Louisville
Columbus Gibson Downing, Lexington
deard L. FOSSett, Falmouth

Henry Caywood Prewitt, North Middletown
havid Banks Sebree, Jr., Frankfort
James Marion Todd, Lexington

Robert Greene Trimble, Lexington

Carl Wilson Turner, Lexington

John Greene Wright, Talmouth

This recommendation is subject to verification by the Registrar
in each oasa that the candidate has met all reauirements for the degree.

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versity Faculty, February ll, 1 56


Minutes g: the Uni

Members of the Faculty will recall from last year that this
necessary in.order that the candidates may be admitted to
sfully passing the Kentucky Stz te Ber examination
March 1, 29 3, 1956.

action is
the Bar upon succes
which is to be given
Dean Martin presented recommendation
timm that the following new organiz ewli “n
AlohaEnsilon Rhofl honor society of redi 10 arts.
Ennmh of the Institute of the Peloneuti we 1 Sciences,
5°dfityt— 6E; F“CUIt3 ”Oted 3F?Y0vol of the two organizations.

5 from the Committee on Student Organiza-
be apprOVed: (1) a local chapter of

(2) University a: Kentucky Student

3 national professional


The Radio Arts Department hes re nested permission to establish a
local chapter of Alpha Epsilon Rho, honor society of radio erts. They state
that "our purposi shall be to encourage and recognize outstanding college
radio and/or television students of high scholastic standing." If the rem
quest is apnroved, the fraternity will function unde- the guidance of
Mrs. Camille Hnlyard, Head of the ”9dio Arts Depr.rtmentc

Twelve students of the College of Tngineering have requested permiSrion
to esteulish n University of Kentucky Student Bro1nch of the Institute of the
Aeronauticul Sciences, a nationel professionrl society. Its purpose shall
and dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice
sciences; the provision to students of the opyortunity
with the personnel "n6 activities of the Insitute
and the encouraging of professional conscious-

be the advancement
of the aeronauticel
to become accusinted
of the Aeronautical uciences;
ness and fellowships

Dean Siney reported on a conference which had been held on the campus with
Dr.R. G. Gustefson, president of qesources for the Future, Incorporated, who
washere for the Farm and Home meeting in January. Dr. Gustefson is much interested
ine proposed survey of Eastern Kentucky and indicated that he would like to return
to Hm campus for another conference which would include persons on the campus
whonfight have helpful ideas and who would be interested in participating. Presi
dam Donovan spoke briefly in support of the plan and urged the faculty to give all
Emlp possible.

Dean Dickey Day Committee, announced the next
which would mark the

, Chairman of the Founders
amnml Foundels De uy Program on Wednesday, February 22.
muversity's ninety first yeare The theme of the program is "Education to Serve
thePeople" and persons to be hon01 ed include the fecult uy end staff members who have
rmfiered exoeptional service to the University over a long period of years and
twchers in the state wyo have completed 45 or more years in teaching. Plaques

wfld be presented to two UniVersity of Kentuc wyr gre.duates who have won recognition
in‘Hm field of educrtion, Miss Ng-n y D uke L-wis, Ween of Tembroke College, and
Jarflt’fls“s’. Ca.rnehen, president of e l:rge tcxtbook firm in Cfiicugo. Pr Gident

meven 8.8ked the Feculty to show thnir Cu?“0rt of the annual Founders Pay by
attending the nrogrnm and by 1 romoting the attender nce of their students.

President Donovon announced Religious Emphasis Week the first week in
Murd1,qe state:: the.t all classes would be dismissed on Monday, March 5. at 10
o'cflook for +he orening convocation. Hw urged the faculty to attend the meetings
miEIVe full support to the obSCrve nce.

The f cdlty adjournede

f/ 2%:61 é;

Robert Le Mills







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