xt7wst7dvk7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvk7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1996 1996 1996-02-26 2020 true xt7wst7dvk7g section xt7wst7dvk7g      









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TRACK TBflflflNG UK track undfirld

teams pltirod well in SEC Champions/alps at

Nutter Field House yesterdtty. Story, page 2.


WEATHH Partly sunny

today, big/J near 60; cooler
tonight. [021‘ around 40; mm

likely tomorrow, big/J near 50.



February 26, I 996



[hit/\Iu/Iv 4

o fun/pl“ 8
ZN (‘Ilyl\'\I,I('ylt 7 ‘w‘flol'h 2

trunnion/7 l'ItTC/Wllll 9





  Students engineering an edueatio








we have," said Amanda Ackridge, a chemical engi-
neering sophomore and membership director


“There are two different sessions with a race fol-




portz'cz'pnte in contests

By Angela Serey
Stuff l4 'rrter

lowing each, one at 12 pm. and one at 2 p.m.," Ack»
ridge explained.
The winners were determined by how far the cars







NAiiuiii Shuttle, crew
sale alter space mishap

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. w A ll—imle tether
holdiinr a ha|f~ton satellite broke ofl unmpectedly
yesterday from space shuttle Columbia. Both the
shuttle and seven astronauts were safe.

Astronaut jefft‘ey Hoffman shouted down the
news nearly five hours into the experiment. as the
tether was 12 miles out.

"The tether has broken at the lioom' 'l'he tether
has broken! lt is going away from usl" Hoffman
told Mission Control.

Commander Andrew :\llen immediately steered
Columbia clear ofthe satellite.

NASA officials said they had no idea what went


SiTIIIISOII sells ferrari TGSTBI‘OSSZ, 'JlliCBS'
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. ~ It looks like life in

the fast lane is slowing down a hit for ( )J. Simpson.

Simpson has sold his 1985 l’errari 'l‘estarossa *7
“Juices" license plates included rv- for $108,000.

Steve Davis said he bought the car Saturday on
behalf of Valley Oak Auto and Martella Auction
Co. and plans to resell it in .luly. He already has
offers, he said.

“It was very friendly and very open,‘ Davis said
ofhis discussions with Simpson after the sale “l 1c
said he hated to sell the car, but he was glad I
bought it, and l said 1 was glad to buy it."

(.'untpilmlfimi/ I; in rrpmtr.



PERSPECTIVES Natl lilo, agricultural engineering
graduatestudent. (mil lit)” you. Li 7 2m, (lo/t) study a

motor control rtrrmt lfy I.¢’.\‘7lltlt'k’. (jit‘il engineering
.toplmrt/orr .lliu'l' Rim/fie (tr/tore) mes m1 opto-elt'ttrtr
sensing i’lt’I’li't‘ .tt tlit ‘Iigg Drop (fontmtf

, traveled and the creativity of the designs.


From professional displays to student projects to
edible car and egg drop contests, there was plenty for
everyone to see and do at the annual Engineering
Open House Saturday.

Information about the open house was sent to
area businesses, elementary schools and high
schools, as well as being publicized on campus.

“The participants are rimarily from the general
public, professionals in the field, and student engi—
neering organizations who set up dis days and spott-
sor contests,” said Karen Biggerstaf , vice president
of the Engineering Student Council and student
coordinator of the open house.

“So far the day is going great and we’ve had a

Other groups like the American Institution of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, set up table displays
which provided visitors with information about the
organization and with samples of the students’ work.

“The open house is also a way for us to recruit
potential new members and help build up our orga~
nization,” said Kathy Sienko, a material science and
engineering sophomore and vice president ofAIAA.

The open house not only brought out interested
UK students, but also many prospective students,
professionals and families, as well.

“I came today to take a tour ofcampus and see the
engineering buildings and projects,” said Klint Blair,
a senior at Paintsville High School.

“\Ve love it." said Scott Taylor, a professional 0' as“ Fl lday
civil engineer with MSE Engineers and a graduate of

UK. V .


“1 think it is great to see so many young kids here
with an interest in engineering," said 'lim Mackenzie,
a mechanical engineering junior.

Some UK engineering alumni and their families
also return for the open house each year.


was coming out, he said ‘I can't behind the story.” tographs and fingerprints of area chil- 3,, KIDS on I Vankirk Funeral Home in Corbin.
' ‘ . ‘ ._ w. ..... ._- -r.._.a 1 . , ¢
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pretty good crowd,” said Biggerstaff, a material sci—

ence and engineering junior.

This year, the Society of Women Engineers

sponsored an edible car contest.

“Participants have to build a completely edible
car, either on their own, or here with the materials

School, agreed.

ing, so I decided

Danny Hall,

a senior at Prestonsburg High

“I got a scholarship to UK for mining engineer-

to check it out today.”

Many children also attended the open house and
participated in the various games and contests.

“\Ve come and enjoy the open house every year.
This year, my son even has an exhibit in the Rube
Goldberg Contest, so we’ve got more reasons to be
here," Taylor said. ‘

“\‘i'e always have a good time. \Ve’ll be here next
year tool"


Pitino III'BSS


Greek groups bringing
rape awareness to UK


By Brenna Reilly
.N'eu's Ifditor

Bryan Clark was excited about his first assign--
ment as sportscaster at \VYM'lF'I'V (Channel 571.
covering a high school basketball game in Corbin.

“It was a pretty big day for him," said (ireg
(iorham, a sports—phott)grapher at
VVLEX—TV (Channel 18).

Fridav was supposed to be
Clark's first night as sportscaster at
\VYA’I'I‘, and his friends in Lexing—
ton were planning to celebrate with

“I was having a party for him at
my apartment," Gorham said.



By Misty Gentry Matt (irunkemeyer, president of But Clark, a recen; Uhlx'gralduli
Staijrim Sigma Chi, said the rape scenario is usual- ate, “Cleanfii‘lef”. f”; L, “5‘ “Vt “l F . 1‘ ' . b
By Jen Vinson ly set in a fraternity atmosphere. He gam‘edanf ‘ 'le “in,” “e“ crying “(3} mg I
Campus Editor Do you know what to do if you are hopes the video will help everyone realize mstflea SO ce e, ”({1ng .. ‘ 1 . .‘ th- D4 . l
- - raped? What ifa friend comes to you ask- that tape does often happen and not only ‘ t ' p.m.yas ‘ ar “‘15 .L “I'mF on t ante
and Alison Klflhi . f h 1 it b » d3 Th . f - h Boone Parkway, the 1991 (.hevro et Blazer he was
Executive Editor mg or e P a er eing rape ' ese m raternity ouses. driving was hit head—on by car that pulled into his

The much anticipated Sports
Illustrated issue featuring UK
coach Rick Pitino on the cover hit
the University with all the subtlety
ofan atomic bomb.

The issue included an article
written by \Villiam Nack, which
looked at the determination and
drive of Pitino, who has risen to
the top of the coaching ranks. It
focused on Pitino's coachin
career and how his job has affect—
ed his family.

But the article has touched off
something of a controversy
among the Wildcat faithful.

“I take issue with Sports Illus—
trated’s extreme attempts to depict
Rick as some sort of deranged
madman by using illustrations
instead of actual photographs,”
UK Athletics Director C.M.
Newton wrote in a letter to the

One illustration in particular
raised the ire of many; it showed
Joanne Pitino, the coach‘s wife,
tied to a basketball pole while
being pulled by her husband to a
new coaching job.

“Havin my wife tied to a bas-
ketball poE: and a backboard does
not depict the true story of what
we're all about as a husband and
wife,” Pitino said on Friday.

He said that he wasn’t so for
himself but for his three brlizlest
children who have to endure the
fiictures. Pitino told a story about

is son Christopher who was
excited about havin his father on
the cover of S art: I unrated.

“... the nig t before the article




READING "P People around tbe

country are talking about ‘Sportr
Illustrated ‘s’ Pitino coverage.

wait to show everybody you’re
going to be on the cover of Sports
Illustrated. I’m so proud of you
Dad’," Pitino said. “I had already
seen a copy and said ‘Christopher
don't even get it, don’t even men-
tion it.'"

Jay Ingle, a second—year law
student, said he disliked the illus-
tration but that the article shed
light on what makes Pitino a win-

“(The article) shows what
drives him, what makes him com—
petitive," Ingle said.

Chad Tindall, an agricultural
engineering junior agreed.

“I don’t see what the big deal
was. Maybe the pictures were a lit-
the bit crude, but the article made
him sound like a motivator,” Tin—
dall said.

Sports Illustrated spokesman
Dave Mingey said the article kept
with the magazine’s mission of
taking readers behind the scenes.

“It is a very personal look at
(Pitino’s) life off the court,”
Mingey said. “We portrayed an
accurate Pitino and we stand

beginning today.

Delta social sorority.

ties this week.

to space availability.

followed by a group discussion.

By Jessica Bean
Sufi" Writer

Psi social fraternity.


questions and many more can be
answered during rape awareness week

“We are no longer living in an isolated
society. You need to know what to do if it
happens to you or to a friend,” said
Tammy Hanna, a member of Delta Delta

Tri-Delt is teaming up with Sigma Chi
social fraternity to provide several activi-

Tonight members of Tri—Delt and the
sister chapter at Transylvania University
will take a rape aggression defense class.
The class is only open to the sorority due

Tuesday night at 8:30 at the Si na Chi
house a video will be shown on ate rape

“The video 5 ows how male and
female communications can get mixed
up,” said Kerrie Coughlin, a member of
Tri-Delt. The discussion will be facilitat-
ed by the UK Counseling Center staff. All
students and faculty are invited to attend.

More than 200 local children and their
parents amassed emergency identification
yesterday in a photo and fingerprinting
service project sponsored by Phi Kappa

Phi Kappa Psi, cooperating with the
Kid Care program, Lexington Fire Pre-
vention Bureau and Glenn Buick, offered
free identification booklets, with pho-

“VVe hope a lot of males do show up,
not only Greek men, but men across catn-
pus. We need to realize that it is a prob-
lem in our society,” Grunkemeyer said.

A guest panel of professionals will
answer questions on \Vednesday night at
8:30 at the Tri-Delt house.

“Each one of the speakers covers a dif-
ferent aspect of it to give a whole broad
view of the situation," Coughlin said. “It
deals with legal and emotional aspects of

Hanna thinks that it is important for
tnales and females to attend the events
this week.

“I am sure more females will probably
come, but we have to educate males on
what signals they may be sending without
even knowing it," Hanna said.

Thursday, the Lexington Rape Crisis
Center will set up booths in the \Vhite
Hall Classroom Building to provide free
information about services available to
rape victims, their friends and their fami-

Fraternity helping
l.ll. local children


“Sometimes little children can't tell
you who they are, so pictures make iden-
tification much easier,” said Mac Whitnel
of the Lexington Fire Prevention Bureau.

“Fingerprints you have for life; they
don’t change.”

In cases of abduction or missing per-
sons, the photos and fingerprints serve as
a current record of the children, facilitat-
ing a police search.

About 25 fraternity members partici-
pated in the project.

As their philanthropy the fraternity is
working with an organization called The
Nest, a shelter for abused and neglected


path while tryin r to pass another car.

Clark died ater at University of Tennessee
Aledical Center. The driver ofthe car Kevin Evans,
19, continued in the east bound lane and struck tWo
more vehicles.

Evans had multiple injuries and was taken to
A'Iarymount Hospital.

He was released into doctor's care yesterday
afternoon, said Kentucky State Police officer Craig

Evans was charged with secondidegree
manslaughter, first—degree assault, and two counts
of wanton endangerment, Sutton said.

Clark worked at Channel 18 for a year and a half
before taking the job at VVYAIT.

Gorham said Clark was liked by everyone: “To
me he was one of the most incredible people, he
would do anvthing for anybody. It is not really
often you loo up to someone your own age."

Gotham said Clark was a hard worker and was
happy about his new job.

“He was so pumped up about working down
there,” Gorham said. “It was probably the greatest
day he would ever have.”

Clark's fraternity brothers at Pi Kappa Alpha
found out about his death during a party at the
house Friday night.

“I made an announcement and ended the party,”
said Pike President Rob Leonard.

“We had a big meeting and just sat around and
all cried."

Clark was president of Pike for two years in
1993 and 1994.

He graduated from UK last spring.

“He was around for so long and had such as
impact on so may people, it's really hard,” Leonard

About 115 fraternity members plan to attend
Clark’s funeral, Leonard said.

Leonard said when someone dies peo 1e always
say good things about them “but you cou d ask any-
body on earth about Bryan a few days ago and have
heard the same thin .”

Clark's funeral will be Tuesday at 11 am. at




2 Aland”, February 26, I996, Kmmili I\rt7le‘/






"III “MIMI” L K'r I rm Hiir'din imd. into/i1 Pin/1i jug prior to; winning SEC titles at the Indoor TrinI and F 12121

LIiampiuniIiipi at [In \Wllfftl Iiild Hit/m Hiua'm {loll [Iii (film a: Iii/r 14")!“ ti (m [be 400721 yrmrdziy


Elllll & lllIMA

SATURDAY ° MARCH 2 ' 8 pm.

This Japanese-born duo magnetizes audiences
with an intenSity and uncompromising purity
of Vision, embodying stark images of nature's
grandeur and terror, its growth and decay, its
creation and destruction. Evolving onstage as
creatures at the beginning of time and end of
history Eiko & Kama slow time to a crawl with
movement so deliberate that every moment
becomes a delicacy to be savored. in their
local debut, they will perform their Bessie Award—
winning “Grain,” set to an otherworldly
pastiche of Japaneseiibetan and Indonesian
folk mu5lc.

Tickets:At all TicketMaster Outlets or call 257-TICS
$15 Public - Si3 UK Staff ° 87 UK Students

Brought to you by the Student Activrties Board in cooperation wrth WUKY

Bats sprinters shine at SE6 Championships





"UlnnN I NUIRIlenI Nlnl

(unumu DIUI RSI‘IV
(I ll BRnllllN U“ I H

lllllNDllY 2/ 26

("215 f. muuu S

-Rasdail Cial‘er rv Ui'iV d Watkii s

11. OOarn5 00pm. 2 )9 Stu lci ‘ tr (tilru
320:3) .

Facility RcCital Ni. ‘Uill Ltli’lzi , is .i‘iiarl i
8 00pm S nqietary Ctr for the Arts.
Recital Hall _FRE_E


Passport To Your Future Careers for the
215t Century. Kickof‘ for HES Week

3: 00 4:00pm 115 Health Screrices
Le_arn_lr_ig Ctr 252- 2855 2 ..
Black Student Union Meeting 4 000m
“ 245 Student Ctr 323 4_454 _ 7 _


European Pastry Cafe Fundraiser to
benefit the International students at UK
(thru 3/01). 10:00am-4 00pm. 245
Student Ctr, OUiche Luncheon Specials
Qingdao. . _-__ WW. _


‘.‘j -Aikido class, 8'30pm, Alumni Gym Loft;
"f 2&4305

lllfSDIlY 2/22

QRTS 8 muurrs


v." P. R,








The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organiza-
tions wishing to publish meetings, lectures, special events and sporting events, must have

all information to Student Activrties room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.


F Y.) lIBiT. Coiitor‘iiimary Works from the

.i ii} up. w .d Art Museum. Univeisdv Art

Hit “1,“ i (ll -"J. {i UZ)_ ,.____,_. Wv‘_
ifii' IUIT The Artist as Art. Self
in, iits ii the Colloc tron] University Art

Musr dni_(tl ru 7 9f)“
SAII FREE MOVIE". The Dollmaker

/ ("I lam. QGMQLTDQEELSiMfim GILL 22


(,‘tr for Computational Scrences Brown
Bat )eminar Series presents Zhaoiuri
Ral. Dizigorialization of Large Scale
‘ symmetric Matrices" 12:000m. 327
hit v3.1 iigii 323-1029 ““2“
Leadership Development Seminars (2
concurrent sessions). 2 00 2:50pm,
Erikson Hall: 2572855

~"Taste of the World" Cultural Exhibits
and Entertainment, Grand Ballroom.
Student Ctr211:00am‘2'009m
Baptist Student Union TNT Weekly
Worship Service, 7'30pm. Baptist
Student Ctr; 257-3989

INIanURnl S E.

Badminton Singles 8 Doubles Entries

DueLftDOpm, 145 Seaton Ctr; 25 7-65847

Sign up Deadline for Weight Training
Clinic 4: 009m 145 Seaton

Soccer Managers‘ Meeting: Entries Duer

(men‘s women's & co- rec). 5. 00pm,
Worsham Theatre. Old Student Ctr; 257—

-Soccer Officials Orientation Meeting:
Earn $4.25/hr. 9:00pm. 116 Seaton Ctr.



8:00pm, Barker Hall, Partner helpful but
not required; 257-1947

-Fencing Club, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym
Loft; 257-3812


»UK Women‘s Basketball vs. Eastern
Kentucky, 7:00pm; Lexington, KY

-UK Men‘s Basketball @ Auburn (ESPN),
9:30pm; Auburn, Ala

UllDNlSDiIY 2/28

mus f. mDUlES

‘Guest Recital: Leo Walsh, guitar.
8:00pm, Singletary Ctr for the Arts,
ReCital Hall; FREE


thr. for Computational Sciences
Seminar Series presents Jerome Braur,
“Automatic Speech Recognition and
Speech Interactive Systems" 3:30pm,
327 McVey Hall, Reception at 3:00pm;

—Vi5iting Writers Series presents Moira
Crone, "Dream State," 4:00pm, 230 New
Student Ctr
















-ODK Meeting. 5:00pm, 231 Student Ctr

A.A.- it worksl, Every Wed., 5:00pm, Rm.
4 Newman Ctr.

-Universitv Christian Fellowship weeklv
Meeting, 8:00pm, Rm. 228 New Student
Ctr; 225-4386


-Human Environmental Sciences Career

Fair. 9:00am—1pm, 128 Erikson Hall; 257-


international Night of Student

Entertainment, 7:00pm, Memorial Hall;

257—4067 ext 228 for tickets
mnznmurzms E.