xt7wst7dvj6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvj6b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1985 1985 1985-10-22 2020 true xt7wst7dvj6b section xt7wst7dvj6b t f. i t i
Vo|. XC, No. 12 “905"st 1.94 Universny of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Indomdam ulna 1971 Tuesday, October 22, I985 . ‘

JM .V V." ,

P l ' ' '
roposa l 3‘4"” SpeClal U.S. envoy

. 4 i, I '(

debated by \ "“- , t lk - - .1

,s a s Wit gyntian

. " It ‘1 5 ’ I. " l.l“;i

legislators e ' . . . . a ,_

~ .- .- umSian offic1als

. . . \ . ..' . V,. V, .V‘V '. '.
Intox1cation bill . - ' . . . . . It. i“

_ , A . . Whitehead makes last stop on mISSlon 3:1
being reworked . f , , , . g .. ,

. . . . to repair battered US. foreign relations . ;

IH' M \ltklt.('lll~2Ll.(-Rl-Jl\ , ' a -':' .
c (him-mu“ Pro“ ' ' 4'": V \{ . i B} JEFFREY l'l.BRl('ll and that the 'l iinzsiriris Mi. r n: ma. ,‘V T i’ .' I; 1dr“:
. . . . - 53 . 5“ ' . . Asstxuated Pres> uatiiigthen: ’.: U"; "
I FRANKFURT ~ Aimosisrx years . .V V - .‘ . ,, » :3 . 2'. :V .v
ago amid ‘1 .groundswe.“ 0f public ~..\r , "I ‘ s‘ . ‘ K " Tl'NlS. mnlsla President Rear Tunisia has been a sfiiuiit't'. turgi VI: " '1":
“‘pw’m' "”"mal penalties “'9'? ?9‘ - ’1 5 gan‘s speCial envoy met With Tuni- of the i mm: stun-s for it M: 'j .'V
iiioy'ed from the offense of public in- VV '..t . . . sia's foreign minister last night (m “M “Hummm loot: hm hm Y‘. ."v -.i 5-15,.
loxVication. . V ' h ' 5 the last stop of a mission to repair gardmt .is 'int' ml the up”: _ .-;,,..v '. t’ V.
5”“.1’ then. the General Assembly 1 .. , ' , '~ . l' S. relations in the Mediterranean modernit- yum-s J . -‘ '. ._ , -'
has failed to appropriate the (5b- ‘. r . , . V. The envoy Deputy Secretary of . , f .V‘ . .' ".-

_ mated $6 million necessary to build 4' i, V . ’ ’ State John (".“bitehead came from Before he ieii . air“ yy hlU'i'lt’n 2 ‘. it ’-.
il‘t'éf'mf‘m Wm?” and establish 5 " . , 5 f’, U ‘ ' talks in ('airo earlier in the dav with [OM ”WWW" n" Ea" MUWT” “ Ii . ‘_
ltlht'l' programs needed to care for ’ ’ ‘J Q ' ' ‘ 5 .‘ s; 3 President Hosni Mubarak 0f Egh'pt letter “‘0!“ Iit'dfldil 1h.” PXpl‘tS si ti '.. f If; 5,

. people whose alCOhOl abuse 18d (0 i ’ "3' .f a “‘8 calleddhat meeting “a. good his continued lilllinllilllt’f‘i'V to rinse . " . .3 . if V'
' lroublt-“ilhthelau. . _ .4 35,. “N step“ toward healing the l .\' -}‘:';.’,\l)il.m relations alill Iii.» tilipo- .' ' '0!”
And. according to Rep. Walter {I ,’ i ‘3 A 7 I . breach that resulted from the 59% that “" ”m ”W put "3” """I" "l3 i
Hk’y'lns. l)-Morehead. the legislature ' .. ' ‘ lure of the Italian cruise ship Achii- ”WU" "‘"Wl‘l‘ 3. -, 2‘ a f. .
" ””1 mm) m find the money any- x ' . V - ..ar.,reii.*1 .. “ le Lauro and the L‘ S interception of yiuiiir lh fl cuso-i‘ 'in l :2 we ‘ ‘
“m“‘mm . . . " ’ ' I ' ‘ an Egyptian plane carrying the four s‘i‘ ”NIH: .X.V,‘(.m,.fi ,. m... l. ,i H. ~ I ' ' " ' .
WWW‘ ““5 prefiled a b'“ that ‘- -.. ‘ hiiackei‘sout of Egypt ihdflr: l\ ‘w j me? x t 1"1‘5'ii'iii . . ‘3 -
“WM WI ‘1 middle ground between Y, ‘ Before Rome to Egypt. Whitehead nt ”-le at.“ ih‘s (‘ll\ where-"hi- ii i 3 " -
completedecnmmaliration 0‘ pUth . . ‘- 1 was in ltalv. where the coalition {ti-k9 ~ “1r: micron . ' -
lliittxlt'dlltm and the current law. '. .7 - government'collapsed over ane lé‘Vh rVr‘VVV ‘ ;VVV‘ Vh. VVV'VVV ~ ‘Vr ‘V- ... -- ~ ,
""1”“ “mm“ mandates incarcera- ‘2’ 1 7 ‘ . Minister Bettino CraXi‘s decision to Vihu-rha': {wig-imi- mu. A 5 .. i ' 5 ~ ‘~ I
"‘m 9"“‘9‘ for those Who can afford . :r . 4,- release Palestinian guerrilla leader I p 5 ”A '. . " '
“’p‘N 5“” . i7 3 ‘ feta Mohamiiied Abbas Abbas accompar Mubarak “my“- .: _,,» , ~ '_ ‘1 , » 5“
lileyins‘ bill would allow police to J .. mm the four alleged hijackers out of broadcast “up”. “my l '. . he ., .3 V,- j - .
issui- citations to offenders in lieu of a , Egypt on an Egyptian Vietliner. Tunisia and .h‘V’l ”I”: ‘21,” ’ V_ = ' =~ - . :
ltiil time. provided a third party .' . .24, which took 0“ 1“ hours after Muba sulted about plans M m“ hmp‘ .iv . . . . '; . .
“W.“ to take the mdtvtdual to a “ .. " rak said they had already left the plane \ flight mummy 'hr aim. "l’ : ' -’
.satt-ttx-iition , . country lion U"‘3"|“ “mm ”mm spur» V, _ '. V
The measure also would allopr- . V; .- , Whitehead was met at ’I‘umst'ar man Mr“ “WMN ‘.t‘\'(‘l‘ in: u: _ .' . ,. V. f
lice to hold someone for up to eight 2 . . ‘ “Qt thage airport by Mahmoud Mestiri icdthi allegations V 5 ,. h. 5 ‘- 3
hours before rcleaseon any reason. ”‘ ' a.“ . t . . ’ Tunisia's secretary of state for for T . V '. ‘. . .
The proposal was "mm?" at a 1’ . ‘ "I 4' . ' eign affairs. and‘ went straight to Egyptian ”Hit in» "ill: 7;..- ,. € ‘ . . ‘ ‘ 1’ '
legislative committee meeting yes 3’ ‘ i ' I '~ talks with Foreign Minister Bell ment Hl'. \yhztenen ‘ s mos-'1; .» 'r 3 _ ' ‘ . .
terday h} law enforcement offiCIals. ’ x» _ t‘azd Essehsi. He was to meet Pre- Mubarak 'l'hi president f ‘it"'. w i- 3 "
who descritx‘d It as {00 vague In V" w.“ 5 . mier Mohamed Math and Pres‘ident p0rters by leaving l'riiba Palm-e . , M ' . , L.
”“‘”~‘f""““" ‘ ‘ " ». Hahib Bourguiba today where the talks ‘.Lt'l‘t I'ieli‘. 'r.r lust .i ‘ . _. ,
“0 helm“ that on balance. ”“5 A a. . - " " ‘ ’ ' “ h I In 'l‘unis. he faces a government side door Mubarak halt itiflmtiiiv-i, , , ..
m“ would be difficult to enforce as n’ I ‘ A ' NM ‘ ":17; 7;» I angered by Washington's failurt‘ i” public apology trim. Muscat, ‘ .r n 1 " ‘
“ “”rwn'l-V written,“ said state p‘." 1 condemn lhsrael's Oct 1 air raid on theKgyptiaiEpi-lipie ' v, _. '
“'1‘ U 1‘3”) Femress' the agency 5 ..__.._. ,0 VAnmt “a“ 5.... the headquarters of the Palestine V . . _ . ' _' 5' ' 3 '
|"h“l('mwr Liberation Hrganization ii; a Tunis sources ”1 m“ hK'HJ‘V-‘Vth A“‘-t"1 .. h _» .~ I . ‘
"liief Ron Mc‘tride of the ikshland Kat talk . ‘silhllrh The goyeriimeiit rim 'l‘iim ”Vivi"l who p§)(1\h'lt‘VIll‘VVt‘t\fl(:< ivnVVmV‘V Vi ‘ i" '
2 .. . . _ sian news agency said 61 Palestin» “3“” .‘~ 5““ . “MW“ ‘ 5"”‘H "L .- . ' :
“’1'“ Department said he ‘5 con . . . . . . . . . . amid further worsening or seln' ori- ' . ‘r
corned that individual officers will Freshman Lady Kof Pom Shrum, left, laughs at said during media day ocfiwties yesterday of lfimahd‘3TUh1513m died mm the l'nited val“ Finn: w _ .. .' .
betacedyi‘ithdifficultsituations something fellow freshman Jodie Whitaker Memorial Coliseum. Mestiri said last week that l' 5. ceived $3 3 billion ”L: l \ m:',§lyf;Vg . V ' 1 . ,
\‘H'hmslu‘ TORS. Page: Tunisian relations were in a crisis the last fiscalyear ' .. a ' . ,'
United Way drive U UUQ Program offers credit hours "
right on schedule without ever requiring class
By K|\IBHK|.YS|SK "Lots of mid and crazy things are “NIIEB By y'Asn'.-\.\.\'s.\iii '“——_“_——‘ "l writ- (mil ii makes- ~ .. .- ,. . . ’V f. I -
Shitfwrlh’l‘ gomg on.” said Bob Clay, assistant Contributing Writer 5‘ toilet the hours. ht’\l1 : ,e ' i. 3 "V
dean ofstudents The SIUdent mug! Fees are SSH per ('Tt‘til' nuiir ..-;.: .i "w. ' i“: " ..
With a hm? more than a month [0 An ()ctoberfest was sponsored by Need a few more credits to grad have motivation s: seryice charge per win-t.- - .’ , - ‘. - ' .1
go. ‘ht' l’hlted Way campaign is "31- North Campus. and the campaign uate'? Want to get 3 Jump on next se . If students mail their iissiuiziiae-ii's ; .i '.‘_ . '. ".
most exactly on schedule." fsaldlBob also was featured at the first fool. _— mester" because there IS no to the [,ldppendem \‘tudy ””1”. in” ‘ " ’.‘- 1 ‘. ‘1
510"“ campaign manager or fnjt- ball ame L' ‘omin activities in» The lnde ndent Study Program musi pay for postal t'osls 'l‘hc nit w .' . I," ‘1 "Q
ewH’tayoftheBliiegrass. cludega Vegaspii'ight gt Holmes Hall $246,874 may be abi'ee to help ~ and you teacher 10 ten the H yyill pay the postage to lo-Yiiil‘ 'h. tr 7 ‘5." *_ , 5 '
"\t'ef have relacheddagloul 6"]? Pfr’ and Boyd Hall‘s annual haunted never have to attend a single lec- student what [0 d0. sigiiment students dish «or dint of: » .- " V' '
cent 0 our {3.03 sai ary 0 '0‘ house ture . the assignment at the [lltit'pt‘ftllt'Yl' V ' ;‘ .
truba. one Of the organization‘s cam- "These activities are fun things." 3225.000 The program is for students who Esmr saylor‘ Study tifflt‘t‘. located in Frame ”Ali 7 ';' . ' ',
paign directors . Clay said. adding that the campaign have schedule conflicts and thus Profiram coordma'o" When students enrol] «l. a «nurse ‘ . .1.
The 303' for the Bluegrass area ‘5 is a good way for students to get in. $200,000 cannot attend classes regularly The _— a record oi their progress is Kept if . ‘ ~
9081035- 3 10 percent increase 0"” volved. work assigned for each course is the ‘ . d . V d '_ V . 11 The i-ecoid includes [Ltit' oi «iii-wt 1 ‘ . V ,V 'V .. Jr’
‘3“ year. . . Students can volunteer their time 3175 “06 same as offered by attending the gram. ”3' many ft“ ens ”mi 1V“ ment. dates assignments n.» n- . . .. V . ‘
PK 8150 '5 faring well; n has instead of their money. he said. For ' regularclass during the semester correspondence courses med?“ renal and l't'illrllt‘il in in»- s'ilr'vri' .. . . "_- ~ ,2 r. .
““59" 81 percent A’ or $200in " 0f example. a group of students went There are about 140 college the) heed ddqmof‘él ”em" m grad- and the assiuniiien: Lil‘.i '
(“’fi‘hlhfl UP-” POW said. “The hard- United Way officials at the Student have a 10! 0‘ people donating.“ she signments and a final exam are re- ‘The student must have motivation If more time it imam “mg m ‘ .-
85‘ money isthelast money." Center gave us tremendous expo said.“lt'sabigdeal,“shesaid. quiredtocompletemostcourses because there is no teacher to tell pans|0n5 are (men gnmim [my . ' . . » - .
Residence halls are sponsoring sure." For "‘9 Bluegrass area. Slone “Corresponding courses will the student whatto do."Saylor said grades for l'ly' students are .iutomai - V‘ " ~
many activities to raise money. in‘ said. ”I think (the 803“ will be ex- bridge any gapof need.“shesaid. (‘had Brown. a health administrar ically sent to the Registrar s Office ' .,
Chldihg 513"? auctions. tuck-in 591“ “There are 575 990919 0“ campus tremely C1059 It is the “’5‘ time we About 2,300 college students were tion senior. said it took about three and the dean of the students col ' '
““95 and the selling 0f items we" working 0" it.” said Jayne Middle- have had a 8031 over 4 million. “.5 enrolled intheprogram last year to four hours to complete each as» lege ' . . .
as sweatshirts and cups. ton, cochair of the UK drive. “We quiteachallengeto match." Earl Pfanstiel. director of the pro signment for Political Science 1m 5 . ' V '
Library assists students with research computers "“5"“ ‘ ' ’
’ Arnold Schumann" is back. and ‘ -
. ,. . . . . v :..:: - - even if his acting is more recognna»
Computer searches i .. t... Instructional programs aid students we than m p.0. a i...
:- 15; x a g 3 .5 , _ , . , film. "Commando." IcaVes much to .
demonstrated at t a 3 .M interested in improvmg research skills be new For a mm. «c m-
.’ sit; - we vmm‘“ M“ "
King branCheS . z i s 3) KATYVMCCRVM‘KLIN search projects the students are
9 ... “‘giéiw‘g Contributing Writer gomg to be responsible for in the Although the Lady this are hoping
. . . . $313 v esfre class " ‘0 ta“ 3 “"1" “mm“ ‘0 mm“
B’ ”A“ ”“35“" 51’2“ . =3 ‘ i the f the 'nf i' lk "th the truct to Arena for the was NCAA .
Contributing Writer * sweetie ". “8? ° ' ‘ 0"“ ‘9" .e’" M‘“ ‘3 '98 “‘ “‘5 0' ”m" 5
V??? than [fission p? librfary 5:!“ be aaollglm- get ahbaSlC idea otf the tape of Vre- :3“:le ”"1""an Coed;I Tim
- - t . ‘ U“ i ting ace or s ents w on‘t searc an us me or wi require. pes t ey aren't i In ing
~ Ml King and.f°ur branch “mm 3 .4}? know how to find the information Olson and her colleagues develop a about it too much. For the story. see
ies vull be offering free demonstra- w. .. -. 2.». a, ._-..-.-x-. .
tions of their com ‘ “sir-let? .‘ “ ‘ ‘. “ A ‘fi‘ "‘9de program. Depending on the com- SPORTS.pqe 6-
puter search SCI“ Veikfi‘h ' i ‘ [I '- wig-,3 iii The M l KI Lib “- . . ' . be h ter' [5
vices Thursday effi‘g‘fi‘h : .. V . . “ . I . 13‘ . . . Ving rary o ers seve— plexity of .[ mearc mil it!
s33; ;- . , .. ~03. — . “it“? saris ral imtmctional program to 838le students WI" need for a class. the
Librarians will show how they \s «WMV fix“; f. students in acquiring lifelong skills length of time it takes to dcvelp a WEATHER
conduct a computerized literature \% V1.33 involvmg research. program varies from one to two
search -~ a quick way to scan me- “‘3" , .‘ __ “ Working with the freshman stu- weeks rof
chanicall stored bibli a ic data if. 1 ._ j . "‘ ‘ ._ ' dent is an important beginning to "l can usually tell what a p as . .
via a conyiputer termini? PE: a fee. ' é . :3. .- y g . ‘ s as. "ski; ward helpirg a student develop re- sor wants in to minutes." she said. ”0“" 9'0““ "h“ F" "'4‘?“ 30'
the search produces a printed bibli- V: , . - " “:er . ‘5“ search skills, said Laura Olson. "Even if they don't have particular ”‘5‘? “'“h ' '“Ih “1 W "“d 603
08raphy of periodicals. disserta- ""5 " "V ' " ' ' ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ bibliographic instruction coordinator research topics at the moment, we TWW’“ "m 5‘ CWY With I is)"
tions. government reports and """""'/"""“°""““ atMl Kira. can get a good sense of the general 2:112)” m-VM'V c'zrdL‘km
. . . i‘ "1“. (hunt “rs
““d‘ov‘m'm‘m'” and what it will do.“ said Mary ‘1'" "‘°"° m“ ‘0" PM“ "'9 "What we try to do is work with ”9":- . m m“ mo. .m. . w h
. . , . . . added. . .. . .. When teaching lower-level classes . . 'l
During the demonstrations, llbrar- Vass, a College of Education libran- Hank Ha k h . the imtmctor. Olson said We h mam Olson usuall momma-10..
ians hope “to give a good basic in- an, r a“ 1' sure coordmn- take our cue from them. We try to inseam ‘ y
troduction to what (a search) does Last year's demonstration day susg‘mmeg address our lectures to whatever re- SceSKILlS,mc2

 i l ‘1 It I
. O tions about how to find material but struction." he said. “There is all
. Le ISIatorS . kllls teach students how to find it them- this information and the librarian
selves." she said. “Some We holds the key. I think that the collec-
Contlnuodfrommeonc don‘t know about vanous typesIof tion the iiheei-yhae is quite good.
i .tmmmi mm pdtwiie aims for the basic instructional sources available, Once Mama: There is a wide variety of different
.. W W .. Wm i... W 0...... at: mam :0 my iristmasszziisan “ Writ... I. 8°“
\VI d it kn) McBr de Id be ' n mm nitv raised uestlons 99099 m a “1th sense or am ‘ .. . , . . . '~
":c‘t‘ulirlh W't:\:TOIl'l knowl what a abofiltwthel conititutionalmqof such "955-” Fentross said. “We're cer- Research strategies begin wtth fitmer a1 nggtgfipflfixcgagf lnterlibrary loans are availablgtlo
"if i 't l ‘ .. l tat ‘ ' tainly not Opposed totheidea.” dictionanos, en0yclopedias and the ua '3 e"?- , graduate students and faculty. . a
. 5d\?_;’fd1'_°“"51 F t .. _' d the‘ 39“” 5 ”3 card catalog," she said. “mm information are necessary II" "3‘ source is not available at'Ml.‘ King
Mir; Ciltserzgii abihflrm lighilitv (it pentross said the bill. as written. these sources students often get a search worlt. The M.I.tl':ng Ligraigy or any of the 15 branch libraries. ll
. ' .. - . . '. . might also make it a crime to drink 31mm asked the Subcommittee bibliography to work from. If they we“ *m'mrs on . gra “3 9 can be Obtained from 0th?! “ml/"Sl-
polite Ufilkt‘l‘\ who chOOse to release 1 el to aSSIst students m research - t
. ‘ mmmne mm» the custody of another an alcoholic beverage at a public on Human Services of the Interim know how to use those three types of mitob Aken a research librarian at "‘5 across the state andna Ion-the ,
- hrr-ton it the ottender' ,5 released place. such asa ball game Joint Committee on Health and Wel- tools. they can usually write a well- M 1 King {o-r three ears said alter Roxanne tones. who directst Mir;-
' ' l h - . ~i hi ffr Th: d he ' fare to withhold action on the bill documented researchpaper. ‘ y - ._ terlibrary can program a ' . .
_ am I en toiiiniits a tr.me. t t o I t I ea Is good. t officers said. 'l' , _ uldbedr “We try not on] to answer ucs- native tools for msearch are avail King said the servtce is available
. ‘ V Ct‘l' might be sued. MCBl‘ldt‘ said but needs some work unti dne“ versmnco awn‘ y q able at upper and graduate levels only to graduate students and {ac
- , ~ , ~ - —~ ~~~ v~~*-——~'- ————"—h——~—~—7 John VanWilligen. an_ anthropolo uh,» because they have the greatest
1 ~ .. available. covering subjects such as the number of data bases searched. other thing computers do that people l g)’ 9T0t559r~ works Wlth Aken m need,
. . j _ . searCheS psychology. chemistry. education. the amount of printing needed and don‘tkn0wabout." jteaching his graduate and upper- .. t. l .
. , , _ engineering. medicme and business. the length of the search. The war This year‘s participating campus l leVel classes how to work With these b “t are .rgely a research 1|-
. . a .. Wpugtnnc Many new data bases have been agesearchcostsaboutszo. libraries and their demonstration tresearchtools. I I rart Our '9’?” ‘5 geared EN?”
'- t - . ' liii‘ ltll .\11 King. said there is no added since the serv'ice was in Although the literature search is hours are: l _\ahW|tllgeh said that In'some 0t 5:31p 98:: seriou~ltbi‘esearch. t' 5h?
. .. . .h. _, i ., t iir the demonstra- stalled at [K in 1982. she said. used mainly by professors and grad- . . , . l his classes. students are given ses- . ause no i rary is en Irey
'- ' “ “mm “mm ( . .. \" ' " d ‘e rch l‘ for those u'te students working on theses and ’ng Library. 104 Library In- ‘ 5'0'15 0“ speCIal collections. map self-supporting anymore, we cant
.~ . . ~ .2 an} it depends on who shows .. ~r;iss sari [ha s a b h nsive d: tat'ons Vass said 16 struction Room.9a.m.to9p.m. | presentations and instruction on how extend the service to everyone we
.' , ' \.iwi.’lil\\ht‘ll w o wan 6‘ m0"? compre e 559" t ‘ peOp wEducation Library, 9 am. to I to use the Human Relations Area want."
. ' . » _ w I. I‘ti- i i ht)r'{rle\ em to» search and need tosave time. working on grant-sponsored protects l _ . I
‘ ~ ' L "" “pd mt“ ‘ " p ' .. * ' noonandlp.m.to4p.m. l File He Sited these tools as Impor- .
, . .‘ . WI. \Kiil ”with “he” d compute The nicest thing about it is that it and even people from the Lexmgton V” ‘hemistry-thsics Librar' 10 l . . . l l Jone said people who want an m.
-. ~ ~ " rim: liIt-i-iitiiru search is what sub- 15 so individually tailored", \‘ass community are regular users. a.m.-t06p m - 3' I! tatttrtgr 311$ grahgattethee‘eracitfusssstu- terlibrurv loan should not wait until
. "h ' g . .‘M‘ m,» he “idrchfit ht,“ much .i said "A person can do. Within 11m: The Education Library alone con- wAgiiculture Library, 9 am. to . dents eis '31:? ituinvolges teaching the last minute to put in a request.
. . , ~ . -_ M,d1.t.ht..,\t>tmd how :iiiiiiiiate one lL\‘. whatever types of searches the) ducted t:norektihandgtio Sal-(tho: last noon and 1pm. t04:30p.m. t them lifetime skills" VanWilligen It usually takes two weeks to re-
- . ' '. . l'hi» . m ”wt/ed literature want “ year. s e sai . a ing a i ise . ‘ . .. . . . . - th 1 . .h b' t the time may be
M , . . .' I whit-i; with}: Ellht more lelelllt} Searches are conducted by search isn't restricted to the UniverSIty Although they will not be holding bald Graduate stude'P‘SI are more 13:11:; (feipznhinguon the number of
I. ’ .~ I ' - iilltl .i lot more efficieiicx.‘ \‘ass librarians. who first ensure that a realm, demonstrations. the Medical Center Iinterested m careers Imoung re- requests the department has to fill.
. . mm ‘ll 2, especmnt haiidi when computer search is needed. They Computer searches "are used Library. the Law Library. the Busi- tsearch.r , . . . I . A . _ , ‘
t , I '. ‘V ; dealing with new Acont'eptib that work with the applicant to deter- much in businesses today. especially ness Library (216 of MI. Kingi and l \anWthe" sald. he , “fir mt‘ "“9 use the Interlibrary 10¢”? Syfi‘
t' I I I. :1 tireii: iii the regular indexes \et, mine the most "omprehensn'e and by lawyers and doctors," she said. the University Extension Service in lPressed “mt the Instructiona 5”" tem'to h¢tP the StUtht get the Infor»
1‘ ‘ illlil “llt'll combiningiwoi-oncepis" \‘05t-9fft‘CllY9 search "Computers are becoming so much Frazee Hall also offer the computer ;ice‘offered b3 thelibrar}. . d . mation lt . wendont have the Id‘“
m ’. ‘ ' “U“. [him "no data bdbe§ arc The fee for the search depends on a part of what we do. This is just an- search service. _ The k9." thlhg ‘5 to 5hen “the manded thing. said George \‘takim.
' ' V " ‘ " with the person who (10% the lh‘ an employee of the physms library.
l- r-- -- ------g-----" . .......................’
3 q '_ ‘ E HICK'FIL'A ANDWICH.‘ Study. Reading 00d Classroom 0 ‘ m-FASTIK 1 for $4 :
3 . . . - . I PlRCHASEACHICK-FILA I Strategies ° W 3 for $10 0
. ' “I ANDGETAFREECHICK-FILA I 10 session of b - t d k'll - | I O W 5 Of $15
' “ l- s N'DWICH wmi THISCOL'PON ‘7; s °s" s ” Y s ' 5' '"C ”d 0 ¥ '
‘ . ,h. _ . I .— j . , szuflcr nomad \mh ammhfl I “7:2; * ing Reading Speed and Comprehension . ‘ I 7 for $20 0
-. - . . . , . I u < 14/” couponoffcr One cou m per person I t— ' o / Improvement. . . 12 for $30 .
l. _. ' ' > ”‘ U ' pcrusu ([th Sundays. - T . 276.5538 0
. - . .. ' , '< E " ,. .. ggegsxpim 11.3.35 I K Fee:3'0”KS:”:°xsgf:53N3°;st”dem Q 1701 Nicholosville Rd. these offers :
1 A i ‘ __" _;. I a ' H , ' : ' : O . AcrosslromCentrol 919- ”'2’55
. .1 . . _ I k .355“? fit a il’ubsc‘t Mall .Namc Here! I 5 0c; file-fizvl. $25 . Baptist Church (behind M-F 979 S 86 :
‘ V I I _ V : "“25“ . . -mmaa¢~ “(W o o ' eta-(tn-Nov..2i : PhySiCians Eye Center) .
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. x . 7 OFF BROADWAY COSTUMES : {it I ( wrgggggggggf;
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. , 278-9y2(78 P ) I Mon.-Frl.9:00-I:00 $09.9:00-6:00 . ”Ll I Rm. '23 Seoton Center
' Mon. thru Frl. 10.9 Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1.5 I 5" w'“"‘""°“"°‘""‘" ""‘°”’”°" C‘ I I For more information call Dei McLaughlin ot257-3928.
9 '. I '1 7* An Important Message To All U.K. Students From
,~ :- The Director Of The Student Health SerVIce Partr it
: “ _-. 3. -. -. ‘ We Are Trying To Prevent A Measles Epidemic E. s
. ~ . . . At The University of Kentucky!
2 . ‘ ' f From 19634970 many children were vaccinated with "killed virus" vaccines s nior & Underclassmen
1‘ . .~ that unfortunately did not give long lasting immunity. Therefore many college e
‘f ' 2, . ’~ . _~ students who were vaccinated during these years or NOT immune.
’ .‘ This situation has led to some serious measles epidemics on college com-
: , :' puses over the past three or four years. These epidemics occurred at neigh-
.‘. I'. ~ I boring universities such 05 Indiana, Prudue and Miami of Ohio in addition to
‘ , . ~ many other colleges notionWIde. act. 1 4-24
, ' For this reason the Student Health Service is conducting a measles immuni- 9 12 I 1 5
;, , zotion clinic: a.m.- p.m., p.m.- p.m.
t :l" .I'I L WHEN: Tues., Oct. 29th and Wed.. Oct. 30th.
i'.--" 3-“ " I3], to the building is just beyond the overhead bridge across Rose Street from the
. I1: " q - ' " -' University Hospital), lst floor (look for the WILDCAT BLUE DOOR).
. . M 8.00.... whoop... Old Student Center
e V t l v ' I
_ ’. , ,, ' _ COST. FREE TO STUDENTS
. .‘ ' - ANY DOUBT ABOUT YOUR IMMUNITY. (Students born before 1957 do not need
' , further immunization because they would be considered exposed to natural
' . ' v‘ ' . measles and would be expected to have natural immunity).
5 7 ’ . Protection of the University of Kentucky student body requires 100% partici-
I ,' ' ' potion. Please give this matter your prompt attention. We need your cooper-
. r ’ otion to assure that U.K. does not experience a measles epidemic in this and
' I . future years.
‘ Director, Student Health Service

 l l t l I
KENTUCKY KERNEL 7M7, ma 1m - 3
Arts Educ).
Assistant Arts ltrt "Jr
»,'W " ',.;;;:;%;::v..:‘.<.é:‘a'i:?i'sa=.?:‘-:=‘e'.:;?=i'_".iiijglizgiiié11:21:; V 1- ,» ' - " A 5‘ ' " ’ ~ . .
Qifiézvetjrjfl ' iw Motifwfi ‘ {’1’35?“ " ‘ .
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‘ ’ P ‘ Latest Marsal s alb m - '
Commando offers .. \.. ,_ . I ll , _. ;
‘ i ‘ . . . . . . .
x ' «fl \ , 0 he I) .' _ .
A , - ' - . .
more senselessness . ~— - «5 shows purist at IS est A
i; " ,'
It) WESLEY MILLER —-————— ad F . I q‘ M." * 'I , _ H) lX)l.t)Rl-LSH\I(( in "—“—"'-—"‘_“—- _:' _. - , .
Staff Writer REV'EW - “ . J :J ‘v " *5 Assocmted l’re» REVIEW ,j' i r_ II. . ' ,
v“ ‘ ' ,' ' ,
I , . — . , fl ' . ', ',
There is nothing more retreshing , Black (odes tfroni the tnder- . I I I- ’ Ir‘I -‘ . ..
[U a jaded filmgoer than an enlighl- The fact that he doesn't know where . I gIroundHM‘nton Murmin uiIidIIflIovts lIiktI-I iiIIrIiIuw :.r v: .I f I; I, ;‘, ,I III
ening new [WisIt to an OldIlhemt‘ 1 n- she is or how many soldiers are pro- .. w ., . . K ( olumbia Records 53(3):); "I'YYL:HIIIII II .. . . .. 1;; . ~.I _ .
fortunately, "t ommando is El) min- tect'ing the prison doesn‘t stop mm d "a i q l i. h II _ ,I. ll iiI II.u.I.I t: . . . . . I._I III,I;I . ,'
utesof darkimpenetrable gloom As a Special Forces commando. he _ . I' a . ‘ At u time “her. lliitll} tun musi ll l“ ’I‘" d 'I Id'I'I *I “t . > . , 'l.,".":.l,.1 I“! 3;
Arnold Schwarzenegger is east in can do just about anything m. damn _ ..f‘o ~ ‘I mains abandon the 'r'urlitiongil -t_\l 0““ lI'lttlll‘tl" mt I‘~:r . I , m
the "“Wl‘amll'ar ml" or the oneman well pleases believabilily n0l\\'llhr “4 f‘ 0‘ ings ot their genre .,, embrut-e the "l I“" >I"P\1Ir‘”“ I'm ‘ 1" II _‘I-.'u‘II- It”; if},
meiiging army who must light in- standing ’ y ,. trappings .01 t‘llfllllwl't'l’dl 'lup 4n phones lei-{itixI l‘I in .r ' , I ”nII';
credible odds to reach his goal In What follows is a totally ridiculous 3.. t . lllU>l('. (,mmmt, NIH-.1 “mum t liIttlIIlit‘l»\ Ilulw . , -‘. I, 1 I.
this case, Schwarzenegger plays search In whieh Matrix fa“5 M, leet I ‘ ‘ trumpeter \\I\l:l.il: Nlrli‘tlll\ l't’llutlll,\ lmI-‘I I‘d“ “ll I-l ‘ ' . " -'.‘ ‘3" I: I.IIII,,,I'I
.lohn Matrix. ii man “no :nust res from a jet plane. lights a dozen I . I ‘fi' . dpui'ist illltlfln‘bpwgs nuwIiIxIIIlI;:Iu:IiI:II.iit\~I:II,I'.I,iIrIv-» w IIIIII
t'ue hi” ~kldndpp~m1 daughter truth it armed police Office” With “Sh only, ‘ . r sv on mmm cmrulv so: He 1\ it hi~ 'l‘sl or 't m ;. (“er 4P3 ‘l‘l fililli I it!“ :\- . " . ‘ -' J r ’f .’ 7‘ -
loi'niei'Stxm‘iull‘orces coniiutle . breaks into an ammunition store h} morocco: : w tum: IIIII I II. IIIIiI I.II r .IIII III IIIIIIitIIIsI‘IIjIIIIII, Ll“; , , I I I Ll,” .‘..- If. ". I.

( ”mm‘md” ”(9009" ”1 one [9' driving a bulldozer through the t'ront Arnold Schwarzenegger is o one-mon army in Commando. lh'll I bound to getter II; as rilueh I‘II u IIIIII‘ II ‘I ‘ I’I‘ , . IIIII'I'I i f t-IIt’jj I- .-.I'
59”" ll “1““ 5"h“d"'"'l“gg"l m‘ Window and survives a shooting I‘ I' . ‘h- .. If 11‘ ‘ --l' l If I “ ‘ I ‘I ‘ ‘I , ‘ ‘ f. _1,f'.'It;v'.