xt7wst7dvf8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvf8v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 2004 Vol.75 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 2004 Vol.75 No.7 2004 2004 2019 true xt7wst7dvf8v section xt7wst7dvf8v . U‘ 91' F' 3’ '1} "i' Ii; a“: :sz5: 3"th SC: ’4' L: :>; 5 “54:11; ’.
* 7 ,” Volume 75, Number 7 U, S. Postage .
,4 i // ,w, r“_“~*—FEL3_—“ r———-—~r 3 3.3 3.3 Kentuc Press Association PAID
, , _ / 3/ ' 3,/ .g @3333 3333 Frankfort, KY 40601 Permit No. 939 f '
' ~ Vk ’ :3: 3 . - ' r F (UK) LEX 405 ,
, w ” t " .. ‘5‘: :3; ' ; MARGARET I KING LIBRARY “
3 I ROM / 3 J3; / 14:239.- _ A “:4 UNlVERSITY OF KY LIBRARIES ‘ '
‘ I \< “r it “”1: . . J :4... LEXINGTON KY 40506 ‘
i ' e. as ,
July 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service « 3 .'
UK sus ends microfilm 0 eration '1 ' ° " ‘
p p ., v ,‘Ju y: 4 >:
Most all /33/3 M3” may be a history I can’t say the decision was News & NOteS
. Kentucky publish— On Second flit/””72 link. An engage- expected since probably none of us , v . 3 33
ers received a let- 43%” ment announce— thought of microfilming when we KPA fall ad seminar .1;
ter in early June Thought 4%,, ment, a birth or heard about the state cutting higher The .2004 Kentucky Press '1'
that as of July 1, 33% death notice, a education funding. But it isaresult of Association Fall Ad Seminar has ‘
the University of M w e d d i n g UK losing some $74 million in state been scheduled'for Thursday and
Kentucky lerary 112; ffggfigflfiffi anniversary — funds the last couple of years. Every Friday, Sept. 1647, at the Paroquet
was suspendlng - those types of student has been affected, most every Springs Conference Center 1n 3,
its microfilm oper- stories are often department has made cuts and that Shepherdsville;
ation of Kentucky newspapers. referenced as how genealogists have story resonates through higher edu- The two—day seminar includes
That sent many of you scurrying linked family trees. cation hallways across the sessions on selling online advertis-
to find another microfilm company. But certainly the more obvious Commonwealth. ing and making it profitable, 26
Or trying to develop ways to make news about actions by city and coun— The problem really was the tim- special sections you can do on a
sure your newspaper and the local ty governments, school boards and ing. Just three weeks’ notice to news- shoestring, and technology train» 3
“- .. public library didn't go without. local planning/ zoning commissions papers that UK was ”suspending” jag, 7 conducted by Kevin Slimp, 3
Kentucky newspapers provide the will be used at some point to refer- the operation. (UK said it would put new media gun: for the Tennessee '
history of the Commonwealth, every ence when a particular action was the project on a one-year hiatus and Press AsSociation. '
day, every week. No matter how taken. then reevaluate whether to continue Registration information will be 1
small the newspaper, no matter how UK’s microfilm operation has long microfilming.) sent in late Iuly,
insignificant the story might appear, been a success and it has been impor- The timing didn’t turn out to be
sometime in the future that story tant to recordmg Kentucky 5 history. See M1 CR OIFILM on Page 8 KPA Excellence in
——————-——————————-—.————— newspapers 3 3 3
From newspa erman to ultarman 1 86 mm W m“ m ,
p g August for entry information in the 7
. 2004. Kentucky Press Association’s ‘
- By DANA LEAR Excellence in ‘ Kentucky '
‘ News Bureau Director Newspapers competition. The con- '
5 When Kevin Davis isn’t hard at work in Cunningham test period covers OCt' 1’ 2003
5” making sure that The Carlisle Weekly gets published every through dept. 30' 2004‘ 3 3 ;
i V. week, he can be heard performing the songs on his new CD, _ Entry information W111 be mailed i
44$»- often in Branson. m early August Wlth an Od‘ 15 3
his The owner and publisher of the western Kentucky news— deadline. 3 . _
3‘ paper released his first CD, which includes all of his own The contest W111 be judged-1n ‘
‘ ‘ -' its? 3 3333 work, on June 1. The CD, titled Complicated Situation, is a llfovember by the North Carolina ;
‘ compilation of songs Davis has written over the past 10 ress Assocration.3 ‘ . 5
i . I: ' l ” years in a style that he calls ”different and unique.” Be prepamd.’ Start 3°.“m3 .
a 5 .4. Davis calls himself a ”late bloomer" in the music indus- through your issues published
3 . i "’6 - i try because there were limited musical opportunities in his Since last Oct. 1' The contest focuses
. _ . 3 i :_ .' J AV "fi school. While in grade school he used to sit and listen to on rep omg’ photography and lay~
3 I " 333$ 33 local bands called Wolfman and the Pack and Midnight out/desrgn.
4e i: - s s ecial perform. , .
, ‘9 ' ’° 1 P It was in the fourth grade that he really started to show KPA BOOlZ Camp begins ,
%‘i ' l ' : his first real interest in music and being a performer. His This year's KPA Boot Camp is 3'
332,. 3w...“ . 3' . basketball coach, Bob Petrie, played the guitar and used to just days away, but there is still 3’
I" l get together with some of the boys and give them the mom available if you have a Staff ,
. Kevin Davis, owner and publisher of the Carlisle Weekly, 3
recently released a CD titled Complicated Situation. 3 3 3 See NEWSPAPER on Page 11 3 3 3338.38.3NEWS, 01.1,1’38810 .
‘k W_:“ ’ ' ' " 3 7,, 7 ’— _—"‘ ' ” — h’ _ ‘ . _____ __.,.. it: *

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, July 2004 l
K t k ‘ l ' th '
en uc y peop e, papers 1n e news
Susan Sanders took over as gen- Landmark Community News- years. While at The Post, she served Armstrong to its staff in mid—May.
eral manager of Kentucky Homes papers. as chairman of the advertising com- She will serve as general assignment
Magazines in Berea mid-June. She was advertising director for mittee for the Virginia Press reporter for the newspaper.
Kentucky Homes comprises six sep- The Destin Log, a semi-weekly in Association. She is a 2004 graduate of Asbury
arate real estate publications operat— Destin, Fla., for 14 years. She began Jeremiah Massengale, of College where she completed a
ing primarily in central Kentucky. as advertising sales manager for The Monticello, was awarded a $1,000 degree injournalism. She worked for
The magazines are published by Post in Big Stone Gap, Va., for six scholarship by the Bluegrass Pro three years on the staff of the Asbury .
. p p . Chapter of the Society of Collegian, the student newspaper
' . ' 5 - .: ‘ Z; ' . I . 5 Professional Journalists to help him on campus. She spent her final two .
The KentUCky Pre SS 1 ' ' 5 pursue career goals in journalism. semesters as executive editor. '
' ~5 , ' y' , > _ : , . »_ " The scholarships are awarded to In April, she also served as
The Kentucky Press (Pernfit.#5 939) is pub- ' District ln-Edend Shelby Beattyyillé students whose work in and out of designer of La Esparanza, a Spanish
‘lishe‘dmonthly by the KentuckyPress _- ' Enterprise in 3K5 1 5 , ‘ the classroom indicate a strong corn- newspaper, and was also the editor
AssociafioanenMckyPressService,hic.', _ :f} 5‘ 5. _ mitment to becoming professional and designer of Intersection
ThirdClasspostagejspaidatleangWe ' "Districtli-G1ennGra5aManchester ' . journalists. Acommittee determined Magazine, which covers Ichthus ‘.
“42141.3‘1b5‘2fipfi0“ price 33%?“ ' Enterprise, l'l' : by the Chapter made the selection. Music Festival in Wilmore each
year. Postmasterfiendchangeofaddl‘ess ; " 5_' 12 3'55" 3 _ ' Massengale is a junior at spring.
ffiepffifiygymflfilggmigfi géfigpqg‘fsowcmm Casey . 5' '5 Cumberland College. He has She completed a summer intern— '
, * f ' ' '" I, 5 ’ 5' j: j j -, 5 5 worked for The Wayne County ship last year as a staff writer for the
. ' , ,' 5 5 '5 ' ‘, 5' 5, Dismct13~TmntaudflLLeXmgmn .' _ Outlook and is a staff writer for The Murray Ledger & Times and
'5 , , , ' ; : . . ' ,-Herejd.L¢éaer:' f i[':" '{f_ " ‘5 ' Patriot at Cumberland. worked a previous year with the
Officeis 5 j " , , , ' ,5 ,. _ 15,: f_,,:5::5-ii'.'"";';5,_'3 The Wayne County Outlook cele- Murray State University News
Kentucky P mASSOSiafim‘E BtstnCtlLTeregsaScentersBereaszen; brated its 100th birthday Wednesday, Bureau. _ .
Piés'identejlohn Nelson,TheAdvocate ,1 StateAtiargei' 'I' ' May 26 With in open house. staffihfffi:ogiedl;ae:ilgflfii$2216: ‘
-,Messengér,Dam5i11é .. - - ; ampmxemyxm} Everyone was mated t0 “OP by the 1d - b1. .' :
;'_I" .‘ .: 1],, Wflhegawyers,s5entmet-Bche offlce forareception. W_ee erntertamment P1} 1cat10n.
President-Elect:Dafid'mdmlbéfifit‘j{'3313', ifPatuClark,entonNewsHeraid A special employee reunion was Lisa Wirth, of Gilbertsville serves
SomersetCDmmonweaIthloumal f:fiylofli-IayestCentudquewEra also held on May 22 at The Outlook customers 111 the local midtown and ._ :
: 7 . 5, 5 ' ,' _‘ "'3'; '7 ' : " ' office. The reunion was for all pres— downtown areas. She holds a bache- ‘9, .
Vice Presidthharfie Portmam :_ DIWSLOHChW .55, 5,255.75: ent and past employees, publishers lor’s degree in organlzational com-
Fraxfldin-FaVOfite _ " :5 5"" y 5' News Editonalesmn John :. and owners. munication/ advertising from ‘
Treasure-GlennGa Manchester" ShlndlebowerSpencerMayet The Tribune Courier in Benton '
Enterprige ' r X I ' , , AdVerfisngmsxomChei-ylMagers, announced the addition of Tabitha See PEOPLE on Page 12
5 - , I . : ficegitralkenjmcky Newsjournal , —-——-—-—-———————
PQStPIESidem‘Shal‘On Tflnfinski, -: " f 55 with aPulitzer.
Winchester Sun ' ' " 5/" " 55'" Cmauonnlm‘m'msjohmmz Deaths Steinau joined the photography
Board ofDirectors a I. ,' ' 5 :5 s" LéXJngtonHerald—Leadere,re "' I. "— staff in April 1944 and won numer—
DistrictlL-Aiice Rousei'Murray Ledger ~ associatesljiyi'siofi-CliififeIm, OHS awards durlng nearly four '
and Tubes 5 j _ g ‘ ‘ ,Kentucky Utilities§yi€ffj ,5 Former award-Winning decades at the rle‘A’Spaper-
. ‘ ' s 5 _, .' '- ,5: ' g 5 ,‘53: : ,2 ' C-J photographer dies He retired in November 1982, but
81313?!“ i) f Jed DlflmghamlDawson ‘5 {Geflfralpcm‘f‘ls "l9“ :klssghglkefi ' Robert Steinau, a retired Pulitzer continued freelancing until the end
pnngs regress ' " , ngs Icy, aclgDmsmore g, 5 - - ' " Prize-winning Courier-Journal pho- Of 2003-
District3»Donn Wimmer, Hancock 5' Kenmclcy PressAséociatioh Staff, 5, tographer, died Sunday, June 27in . .
Clarion » :" ,. . ’ ' {f' David'l‘.Thompson’EXecufivéDirector-a the inpatient unit of Hospice & Former C'J I LOUISVllle .
5' -' ’ 5 BomxiéHaward,'Conimller 5 " ‘ Palliative Care of Louisville Norton Tlmes Wl'ltel‘ dleS
District4~CharliePortInamL Franklin Teresa ReviewDiréqtor dealés" ,r - Pavilion. He was 81. Nancy Armstrong Ballantine, a
FéVOI‘ite , ' - I, if» 5 gadeCeireeIrfiMezxgber SergcesdDirector .' Steinau, who has been sick with former columnist for The Courier-
District‘s-Ron Filkins,l on that later. hyphenated. .Todflay, Irlnost words preachy to readers or worse yet, what ”assume” does to us. ,
My No. 1 gripe is the now com- beginning WIth non no longer being guilty of writing deadly dull Perhaps we should blame Al ;
mon practice of making a word plu- requ/irena hyphen}, . English-lesson columns. Gore, a former newspaper journalist .
ral by adding an apostrophe and the . .Its and It 8 continue to baffle Instead, several positive phone in Nashville, for this mess. After all, .
letter ”s.” On a recent trip, a sign mthhS' Many Of the abusers are calls and e-mails arrived from read- he did invent the Internet, didn’t he?
N NA urges FTC not to increase Do Not Call fees ‘
: Proposed increase Congress that the registry updates five area codes. NNA members pub- ing the list for free. That means the
i must occur every 31 days, not every lish a range of papers, from antique money for running the program was ;
i . from from $25 to 90 days as originally required. NNA traders, sports team titles and Civil less than anticipated. 1
, $45 per area code pointed out that the frequent updates War buff newspapers to childrens’ Thus, the FTC proposes increasing
were already a cost imposition upon magazines. the fee from $25 to $45 per area code, }
Saying that too few businesses are small businesses. Hiking the fees to ”Just because they are national and the maximum charge for more 3
paying for access to the national D0 access the registry would simply doesn’t necessarily mean they are big than 280 area codes from $7,375 to ,
Not Call registry, the Federal Trade worsen the injury, NNA argued. businesses,” NNA President Bob $12,375.
Commission is proposing an increase NNA also commented that the Sweeney said. “An increase for them NNA has proposed that small f
‘ in the fees. The National Newspaper Commission should continue, as it will hurt just as badly as if the charge businesses—as defined by the Small
, Association last month told the has planned, to offer five area codes for local area codes were hiked up.” Business Act, and interpreted on an }
‘ Commission not to raise the fees for for free. But because many newspa- The Commission noted that 52,000 industry by industry basis by the §
small businesses. ‘ pers publish niche publications to businesses had registered for the Do Small Business Administration—~be
The Commission’s actions come extend their franchise, not every Not Call lists since inception. But considered for an exemption from .
'- -' ' 1 on the heelshfanearlier decree by’ NNA member: requires fewer 'thafnfi’j'more thah345’,‘000 ‘of them‘are'a'ccess=f."the'fees.f.f ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " , ' ;
rr'“ ——~ ‘_ WM“-

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July 2004

We ’ ve got the Whole world in our hands
By DANA LEAR » I know for many of you a 10-year puter screen that will eventually end what our job is. We are here to serve
News Bureau - career is just a drop in the bucket of up in the newspaper are a permanent the public and it is our job to keep
Director ”3 as e your lengthy, successful journalism record. It is a responsibility we their best interests in mind each and

I My, how time {I WM ,3: careers — for me it seems like a life— shouldn’t take lightly. No, I’m not say— every time we sit down to write a
flies. It was 10 3 w _‘ time. I’ve come such a long way from ing that because of this we should or story. The stories we write have an
years ago June 13 being a scared little 21-year-old rookie shouldn’t write certain things. I’m just impact on someone whether it is the

‘ that I nervously at a small town weekly newspaper in saying that we need to realize what an person or people it is about or the peo-

; walked into the l " 1994. I love every minute of the jour— awesome duty we have as journalists. ple reading it.

3 Leader-News in ney I’m on, but I certainly never What we report and what we write I’ve always taken my work very
Muhlenberg County for my very first expected to be on it. could very well change the course of seriously. I try to consider how many
day at work as a journalist. I heard some advice shortly after I certain people’s lives. Maybe I’m cre- people’s lives are in my hands each

I’ll never forget the exact date. That graduated from college. I’m ashamed ating my own little melodrama here, and every time I start writing a story
morning they were reporting the to say thatldon’t know who said it or but when I think about that one on the General Assembly. I realize ‘
”crime of the century” on the radio as where I heard it, but it is a phrase that phrase I often find the job that you how the actions taken during the ses-
I drove to work. 0.]. Simpson’s wife Icontinue to consider everyday. ”Each and I do to be very overwhelming. sion have an impact on so many
Nicole and her friend, Ronald time you write a story you have some- That is such a big responsibility for Kentuckians. Knowing that my stories
Goldman, had been murdered in one’s life in your hands.” me to have had on my shoulders at may be the only way some readers
Brentwood. Yes, that was 10 years At the time I guess I really didn’t such a young age. I look back now keep up with what is going on in
ago. understand the magnitude of what and think about how I was, at 21, Frankfort, I agonize over each word.

3 An entire decade of attending was said. Maybe I didn’t even consid- responsible in some cases for the only These are probably the toughest sto—

3' meetings, interviewing subjects, writ- er that phrase to be true. Looking back source of local news for many ries I’ve ever written in my career
ing stories and stressing out. I’ve now, I can definitely see that it is very Muhlenberg Countians. I guess I did- because I know how many people’s
probably written hundreds upon hun- true. n't realize then what a huge public lives I have in my hands.
dreds of inches of copy and attended Certainly every story written isn’t servant that I was. I hope readers feel as though
hours upon hours of meetings. Where going to have a life-or-death impact A public servant — that’s what it is they’ve been left in capable hands. I

. did the time go? Seems like only yes- on someone. In fact, most won’t, but really all about. Even though we can assure you it isn’t a duty I take

‘ terday. the words that you type on your com- aren’t paid with tax money that is lightly. I

3 m
There are laws concerning babysitting ads

It’s summer _ couple of nights a usually call it fun. to you to tell them that is the law.

. time and the liv- Advertising 3' r?“ week instead of A couple of calls from newspa- It is a good idea to go to the web-
ing is easy. Well, I- 3% every night. pers recently have been concerning site of: http:/ / www.lrc.state.ky.us/
not so easy if Plus ' é Still other fami- a law that pertains to running ads in and get a copy of the exact wording.

you have to we}; lies hire babysitters newspapers for childcare. According That way when advertisers come

work and you f to come to their to KRS 199.896 (13) Any advertise- into your office to place the classi-

need child care, By Teresa R9019” , home or take their ment for child care services shall fied ad, you will have a copy of the

right? KP 5 Director of Sales s, Si children to a sit- include the address of where the statute readily available. There
‘ Some folks ‘ ter’s home. Your services is being provided. won’t be any questions that you are
3 are fortunate to local newspaper is If anyone requests an ad for a simply abiding by the law. If you

have summer camps that are fun a good source of information for babysitting service, the ad has to want me to fax the statute to you, '
: and exciting for the little ones. My reliable child care. state and exact location for example: just give me a call at 502-227-7992
f boys enjoy all of the day camps that Summer time is a good time for ”will babysit in my home at 101 and I will be happy to send it right
f involve sports. This keeps them high school students to get a nice, Consumer Lane, Frankfort, Ky.” If to you.
‘ busy during the day and hopefully cushy job hanging out with your your advertiser refuses to put the Also remember if you ever have

makes them a little more tired at children and playing all day. Some physical location of their babysitting any legal questions call the F01 hot-

night so Mom only plays baseball a call it babysitting but the children location in your paper, then it is up line at 502-540—2300.

Have an item you’d like included in '
. 0 '
the People and Papers section? 13 ,
' Sent it to Dana Lear, KPA News Bureau Director, , . I

I at dlear@kypress.com.. '

: 3 Deadline is the 230th of eachmonth. , 3 3. 3

 _ The Kentucky Press, July 2004 - Page 5 j
‘ The Subpoena -- A reporter’s reward :
' for cutting edge 'nvestigative o t'

By KENYON ' had uncovered potential corruption lege, a party seeking the information to the sources for information pub- -
. MEYER . .j;;§g§§fi .‘ by local political leaders. The defense must make a clear and specific show- lished in news articles is absolutely
, KPA General attorney had a theory that the ing that the information sought (1) is protected by this statute.
Counsel *t Commonwealth Attorney had effec- highly material and relevant, (2) is When we represent newspapers ',
Dinsmore & Shohl " tively utilized the investigation and necessary or critical to the mainte- that have been served with a subpoe— -
One Of the UHfOI- M newsgathering efforts of the newspa- nance of the claim, and (3) is not na, we are often able to reach an agree-
. ‘ tunate side effects I per to pursue the charges in the case. obtainable from any other sources. ment with the interested attorney
of successful investigative reporting The defense attorney attempted to Each of these tests must be met before under which the reporter will testify I
i is that lawyers will seek to piggy prove his incorrect theory by calling the news reporter’s testimony and that the contents of the article are
f back on the efforts of reporters to the publisher to the stand, requesting disclosure of information may be accurate. Often, this will satisfy the
assist their litigation efforts. The KPA that all notes taken during the report- compelled. The party seeking to attorney, and he or she will agree not ;
Hotline attorneys frequently receive ing process be disclosed, and ques- overcome the qualified privilege to inquire into the newsgathering "
calls from publishers and reporters tioning him about his newsgathering bears the burden of proof and must process. If an agreement cannot be j
who have been subpoenaed to pro- activities. Fortunately, the court shut show that the test has been met by reached, we typically file a motion to 7
duce notes taken during the report— down this fishing expedition. substantial evidence. Lawyers often ‘ quash the subpoena, and we appear in
ing process or to provide testimony When considering how to respond fail to meet this burden because of the court with the reporter to object to any
concerning statements made by liti- to a subpoena, it is important to be stringent relevance requirements but questions that concern newsgathering ;
, gants during the reporting process. aware of the basic legal concepts that also because there is usually a person activities that are not depicted in the i_
‘ Reportersare subjected to subpoe- govern subpoenas which seek to dis- other than the reporter from whom to article itself and to object to any ques— I
nas in both civil cases and criminal cover information concerning the obtain the information. In other tions that would result in the identifi— 7
. cases. A typical example occurs newsgathering process. Both the words, if a reporter interviews a sus- cation of a source. ,
; when a reporter has previously inter— United States Supreme Court and the pect, the appropriate person to testify Kentucky newspapers in the past Q
, viewed a criminal defendant, and the Kentucky Supreme Court have held about the interview is the suspect, not have successfully protected their ‘,
._ .2 prosecutor is interested in learning that newsgathering activities enjoy the reporter. rights, and we should be mindful of .
whether the defendant told the same protection under the First In addition, reporters are entitled these rights in the future. We should 3
story to" the reporter that the defen- Amendment to the United States to an important source privilege pur- continue to refute efforts by the gov- ~ .
: . dant will present at trial. Amember Constitution. A news reporter has suant to Kentucky Revised Stature ernment and by lawyers to use the
‘ of KPA recently received a subpoena what the courts call a ”qualified priv- 421.100, which provides, newsgathering process as a way to
from a criminal defense attorney who ilege” against disclosing information No person shall be compelled to assist their needs. By continuing this i
was attempting to disqualify the local obtained during newsgathering disclose in any legal proceeding or fight, we can protect the social inter— ,
Commonwealth’s Attorney's officein activities. The privilege is extended trial before any court...or elsewhere, ests in preserving a vigorous, aggres-
a case against a defendant who was to news reporters to protect the sig- the source of any information pro- sive and independent press.
closely connected to an elected offi— nificant social interests in the free cured or obtained by him, and pub— CALL YOUR
cial of the county. Through coura— flow of information and in preserv- lished in a newspaper...by which he is HOTLINE ATTORNEYS:
geous investigative reporting that ing and maintaining a vigorous, engaged or employed, or with which Jon L. Fleischakerz 502/ 540-2319
: was one step ahead of law enforce- aggressive and independent press. he is connected. R. Kenyon Meyer: 502/ 540-2325
ment authorities, the KPA member To overcome the qualified privi- Thus, any information pertaining Ashley C. Pack: 502/ 540-2385
fl " t‘ ”~«e”?€"x ‘ I
llllll am: I ews Ing g Ma
, nress, quarter 0 , a e on ma “a a’ , . ~ .
. nanels, I'll" stands g, ; ' ' ,
. ‘ ' " [he 2' W %/a .
Gall nave Ilavennort at
Joy Jeffries, right, Executive Director of the Frankfort/ Franklin County Tourist
21" I 86 6-1101 and Convention Commission, was the winner of the basket of Kentucky goodies
' given away by Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales for the KPS. Registrants at the
. Kentucky Tourism Conference in Hopkinsville visited booths and attended sem-
’ . ' .;e‘.o‘.-‘.-".a.:a.-'n.'a;°,°.°:.‘c..:.c.~-'.s:‘1. uwx‘. 5.;lyiasfgellfitlg,thaalsfitiealtnte,§,egélo;I;.-~'.“3:39.35-;;:=-g;=::.=-;.=°.v.’e;a.v.°.vc;s;-;any; om.
' . 31:32???3":31?"Z-‘il‘igeietifiz‘hiiiiimi’.ffifefésix‘lr?“2292"7f‘.‘93"}?:Lii‘I'ii-‘i'it"«.“r,'.‘."43::"5'i‘é.i‘i;1t‘v‘":.~'.fi' . -"~,.;,'»:<.e«mares.“its?:Erézifités'i