xt7wst7dvf78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvf78/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1929 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1929 Vol.1 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, August 1929 Vol.1 No.7 1929 1929 2019 true xt7wst7dvf78 section xt7wst7dvf78 .., i, ' .. "' ' > ,‘ 1‘1.
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Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers . 21!;
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Volume One AUGUST, 1929 Number Seven {3% l
—_____—_____h____ I «ll
0 o ‘ , ‘ ,
Oflicral Minutes Of The Ashland September ”Pens Many l
Mid summer Meetin Of The KPA “W“ F" “let's"‘g .1
- bl
g “———‘ iii
_ _. _ En— Style! New Merchandise! Winter i
The 60th annual mid-summer meet- Elkin, Joe Richardson and J. Sherman Needs! i;
» ing of the Kentucky Press Association Porter on the general resolutions com- These new notes in the merchandis- l,
was held in the Henry Clay Hotel at mittee. He appointed J. T. Lovett to ing for September opens a wide field of ' 233 '
Ashland, Ky., on June 13, 14, and 15, write resolutions upon the death of activity. The mob buying of new style iii l
1929, when nearly one hundred editors W. P. Hogard, and A. s. Thompson apparel in September makes this a “i: .
and members of their families from all resolutions upon the death of C. C. month of profit. It smaller localities I t l
over the state were in attendance. The Robbins. Editors Hogard and Robbins, the continuance 0f hot weather some- ,1 ‘3 i
editors arrived Thursday afternoon, members of the Press Association, died times interferes with an early start in 1‘. 1
June 13, most of them motoring to during the past year. the Fall campaign, but persistent effort [l , :E
Ashland, and the day was spent in Should Attend N. E. A. should be made to set the ball rolling ; ; ll
registering the delegates and renewing President Allen made a short talk in storeward. . ' 2 1
acquaintances. which he suggested that the Kentucky September Sale Events ,2 2 E“
Thursday night the K. P. A. party Press Association send a representative Fall openings; SChOOl opens; ShOW- “ i ‘ i
was taken through the plant of the each year to the convention of the Na- ing of new EOOdS and styles in all . ' 1
American Rolling Mill Co., Armco, tional Editorial Association. lines; Stoves and heating appliances; j . l
which is one of the largest plants of Dr. A. M. Stickles, of the Western House-furnishings; sales; Kitchen ac- l ‘ ,
the kind in the world, and the editors Kentucky State Teachers College, cessories; Summer resort pianos; Pure it
greatly enjoyed seeing how the various Bowling Green, Ky., delivered a very fOOd shows; Fall fairs; Style displays i .
pieces of machinery and men worked. interesting address on “The Old and 0f new fall waring apparel; Sporting l j
The first business session was held the New Court Parties.” Dr. Stickles goods. 1, l 2
Friday morning, June 14, being called spoke of conditions of one hundred September Window Suggestions ;‘ :3
to order by President J. M. Allen, of years ago, his address being one of the Style expositions School opening; .; ‘ . ‘
the Cynthiana Democrat, at 10 o’clock. best ever heard at a press meeting. Labor Day display; Pure fOOd dismay; ii ‘
' " WI Sfirman Por’tEff‘mfng’fonlelT" ”K repres'entatiVE'of the Kentucky” Hflnting‘flispiayje‘ool nightsdisplayf t l,
fered the invocation. Children’s Home Society, Lyndon, Ky., Fall settings, including rustic BflECtS. i ii
Forgey Welcomes Editors expressed the thanks of the children’s fall foliage and harvest; Fall fairS; " . ‘
Editor B .F. Forgey, of the Ashland home to the state editors for support Fall sports. l‘ i
Daily Independent, delivered the ad- given them during the past year. Advertising Pointers i
dress of welcome to the editors, say- Editor Joe T. Lovett, of the Murray A new season; New styles; New mer- l 1 .‘
ing that the K. P. A. had met in Ash— Ledger and Times, led a round-table chandise; School openS; Pure foods; 1 i ‘1
land on two other occasions—in 1880 discussion on the subject of “The A. B. C001 night necessities, SUCh as blankets, 1‘ i l
and in 1916. Mr. Forgey spoke of the C. Plan for Country Weekly and Daily comforts, etc.; Fall underwear; Hunt- ll 1 . l
rapid growth of Ashland since the Newspapers,” first introducing E. W. ing season opens; Fall fairs in prog- i; ,l l
editors had last met there. He said Chandler, chief auditor of the Audit ress; Dress-up; Prepare for 001d weath- l - i I}
Ashland not only boasted of the great Bureau of Circulations, Chicago, who 61‘; Stoves and heating appliances: New 3, ‘ 1i
“Armco” plant, but between five and delivered an interesting address on the furniture and house-furnishings. 3 : l
six thousand new residences and many subject. Mr. Chandler’s address will be Events Affecting Business . 1
business houses had been built in Ash- published in the Kentucky Press. Abandonment 0f OUtdOOI‘ living and . l f i
land since 1916. Mr. Forgey also spoke Mr. Lovett read a paper on the A. B. resumption 0f indoor living; Schools fl i,
of the great evolution of the newspa— C. report for county newspapers, bring- and COllegeS open; Fall hunting season ii . , l
per, saying that when the Declaration ing out many reasons why the country opens; Cooler weather; Social func- i‘ l 3
of Independence was signed there was press should adopt the plan. He sug— tions begin; Vacations ended; Fall
not a single daily newspaper in the gested that the president appoint a fairs; A general settling down to the lzl l ‘
United States, but now there are many committee to investigate the matter fall and winter methods 0f living; Har- 5‘ l. .
all over the country. Mr. Forgey said and make recommendations at the vest. if ,‘ 31;!
it was a real pleasure to welcome the next annual winter meeting. Many —Compiled by, and printed through i i 5
editors to Ashland and announced the questions were asked by the editors the courtesy of The Advertising World, ‘ i i ‘ 1
many entertainments that have been present and they were answered by Columbus, Ohio. i ‘5 ,3
provided. Mr. Chandler. .. l‘. ' l 1
The response to the address of Wel- Stanley Inspires Audience M EL—h‘ H ’ . i
come was made by Editor Keen John- Former U. S.-Senator A. 0. Stanley or news columns, than an orator has to ll l‘ l ‘
son, of the Richmond Daily Register. was present and when called upon for sell his eloquence, and declared that ‘1 ; i
Mr. Johnson is one of the leading a short talk responded in his usual “We may elect corrupt men to ofiice {if ‘ I l
young newspapermen of the state and eloquent manner, saying among other but the heart of America is virtuous. l ‘ .
is widely known as a speaker. In a very things that the day'of the power of All that is needed is to turn on the ii‘ ‘i l
eloquent manner he expressed the the orator is gone and that the radio light.” The welfare of our country, he i l 2
thanks and appreciation of the Ken- and press are taking their places, as said, is in the hands of the press. 1‘) ‘3
tucky editors in being invited to Ash— the radio and press give the addresses Friday Afternoon ll ; ti '3
land. He spoke of the wonderful growth of the speakers to the public at the At 12:30 o’clock Friday afternoon the {ii i.
of Ashland and the progress made in time they are made or shortly after editors went to the Capital Theatre as H z .
other sections of Kentucky, mentioning and the people will not come out to guests of the theatre management and ’ '
the fact that sectionalism is rapidly hear speakers as they once did. Sen- saw the motion picture, “Reporting the (
passing away. ator Stanley spoke of the power of the World," which was produced by the ll ‘ :
Following the address of Mr. John- press, saying an editor has no more United Press Association. t . l
son, President Allen appointed R. L. right to sell opinions, either in editorial (Please Turn to Page Six) H i ll
‘ .I . ‘
it Wit 1 l“
.‘ jig: i
: J .
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 '- I "Hi i i
I new
‘ . 2):.3-3I . .
which '
I In Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1929 .
4» 1 ’ this ‘
. ,. raisin . . . . -
, miliiiiizi» in recognition of his service to the i
‘ - Iliéiiiifi' T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S S state, and pledge ourselves to assist .
. ‘ Ii III“ , in this movement in any way possible.
3? III —‘————— Resolved, that we extend our sincere I
. 51-; . . . . _ . . . . _ _
l, IIIIII Olflc1al Publication of the Kentucky Press Assoc1atlon ggingfidtoqiitgisi‘iggvfliiggyggerHfigfd I
.. IIIII ——-—— and Lexington Leader and to Prof. ,
, . IIIIIEI VICTOR n. Pon'rMANN, Editor-in-Chief EHOCh Grehan, head of the Pepait- E
. i 3 III ment of Journalism of the Univel'Slty i
f I III __——_.— of Kentucky, for the prizes awarded at ,
3 { IIIII‘I; Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexington this meeting, and to Prof. Victor R. i
. . : IIIIUI Printed by The Kernel Press Portmann, of the Department of Jouri- t,
I IIIIIIM, _. nallsm, for his labor in Judging the 1
i=5 - f IIIIIIIIII —-—-——-—-—— contests and awarding the prizes. I
I s IIIII‘. Application Bending for Entry as Second Class Matter Resolved, that we especially congrat-
IIIIIIILIIII #_ __ ,#__ ulate our youthful friend and co-Iwork- I:
I IIIIII‘Ix PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS er, MiS-S Fi'a-lnces Hoiilday, On Winning I
- . ; IzIIIIlgI _ . the prize given for the paper which
I,; III I . . J. M. Allen, Cynthlana. Democrat, President rendered the best community service I
II III‘ J. Hemdon Evans, Pineville Sun, Vice-President thetplastt 51%“: andlthai ‘3“? 1:150 001:
.1 I! III Joe T. Lovett, Murray Ledger-Times, Chm. Ex. Committee alright: 603115505: hgvingcasliniadiigr ,
I IMIIIIIRII J. Curtis Alcock, Danville-Messenger, Secretary-Treasurer of such ability and devotion 1‘0 keep
ii ‘II‘IIIIIIII . them interested in community afiairs '
E II IIIIIIII m and community betterment.
I I rIIIIIE BY-LAWS RECEIVED of a demand than this, the writer will Resolved, that we express our appre- -
it”: IIIIIIIIII We congratulate our genial secretary not devote his busy time in prepara- ciation of courtesies shown us by the
lIIII‘IM on the neat booklet containing the tion of the programs which will require management of the State Normal .
IE IIIIIJE constitution, by-laws, and history of much time and research. What do you School at Morehead on our way to
I ll ILIIIIEE the‘KPA which reached our ofiice this think? * * * Ashland and congratulate the people ,
- I 1 I IIIIIIH month. It is a valuable booklet and THE A. B. C. of eastern Kentucky on having such a .
II :E IIIIIIIIII Should be filed away by every member ThOSe of us who had the privilege of Splendid educational institution SO COX'i-
II,- IIIIIIII‘II of the association for future and all- hearing the discussion on the Audit veniently located for the use of their
II . IIIIIIII’I time reference. The booklet was a pro— Bureau of Circulations at the Ashland section of the state. _
E ‘II rl‘EIIIE duet 0f the Dani/1113 Messenger jOb def meeting were impressed with the serv- RESOiVed, that our speCIal thanks are
5 ’ “I: IIHI'I? Dartment and is indicative of the work ice it could render to the country press due to Ben E Forgey and Jim Norris,
_ II II 'III‘I that a modern printing plant can pro- at a low cost. For the benefit of those of the Ashland Independent, for their
i113 IIIII‘II duce. “not present,” we twill print Mr. very complete arrangements for our
II 3 I EI‘I * * * Chandlers’ paper in our next issue. If entertainment and comfort, 13,0 the RO'
I I IIJIIW MlDTSUMMER MINUTES. any of our readers have already joined tary_ Club quartette for its excellent
3 ' ‘liia MI? In thls issue are. found the mintltes the A. B. C. we will appreciate a letter 11111810, to 001- Clarence Woods, for his
I E Iii!” 0f the Ashland mid—summer meetmg‘ of comments thereon for The Forum. talk on former veterans of the press, ,
I III I‘IIIII Read tIIhelill, and file. léVetriI‘egretI tthat :0 Slenatolr Augtustusd Owlsleylstanley
. . III M? necessi y as pos pone e prin lng , - or is e oquen an sc 0 ar y com—
7' ' I iifiiéIIl‘t of the minutes until this issue, but the RESOiutIOHS ment on freedom of speech and liberty
I it; IIIII‘ secretary has been busy, and we only ————— _ . of the press, to Dr. A. M. Stickies, of
I I IIIIIIIE go to press once a month. Future issues To the Kentucky Press Assomatlonl the State Normal School at Bowling
I II- IIIEIII‘ will contain the excellent papers as We, YOU!‘ committee on. resolutions, Green, for his splendid address on the
I ll IIIIEIII were read at the meeting. deSlre to report the followmgzl ”Old and New Courts," to Mr. E. W.
I It IIIIII-I ' 0 ‘ Resolved, that we appreciate the Chandler, of Chicago, for his presen- -
i 1:, IIII!1 THE FORUM splendid hospitality shown us during tation of the advantages of member-_ ~
I ‘i‘iEIIIIiIi‘ We are opening a new department our stay in Ashland by the Ashland ship in the Audit Bureau of Circula— ‘
I I: IIIIII,1 in this issue—the Forum. Read the first Independent, the Chamber -of Com- tions, to Joe T. Lovett, of Murray, for
I I IIIII'I‘ contribution from our president, Jim merce, the County Club, the Henry his comment thereon, to Miss Mary
1 .“I Allen. You, and every newspaper man Clay Hotel and the people of Ashland Chenowith, of the Courier—Journal and
. I I III ‘ in the state, are invited to contribute and theicourtesy of officials and em- to any and all who in any way added
I i 3 III: :. to this'department on any subject con- ployees ofIthe American ROng M111 to the interest of the meeting.
I III . nected with our business—publishing Company In showmg US through the Resolved, that we extend our sym—
I ' and printing. Remember, the other fel— company’s great plant. pathy to our friend and former co-
I ‘* lgiiiij.“ - low likes to know how yell solved a Resolved, that we congratulate the laborer, Miss M. Annie Poage, in the
i .‘ Iii: = particular problem, how you have re- people of Ashland on the progress it is death of her brother and regret her
,’ . Iii-I g duced overhead costs, time-saving de- making and has made in the past, .0.“ inability to meet as planned with her
I III I; vices, etc., etc., any comment at all on lts good streets and on its hotel facili- former associates in a profession whose
I It IIaIIIQI‘ our work and our ideals. Let us hear ties, on its splendid industrial Idevel- best traditions she constantly upheld
I II ”III I from you now and many times in the opment and on Its progresswe citizen- as a newspaper reporter.
3 M] future. ship. . Resolved, that we congratulate Jim '
I “II * * * Resolved, that we continue our ef- Allen on his elevation to the presidency ‘
I sia‘ Iilfiigi, ANENT RADIO PROGRAMS forts for good roads in Kentucky until of this Association and that we earn-
I uIIII Either the editors of the state did every part of the state has highways estly recommend to him that, between
! IIIII not think that the writer should pro- over which the people may freely com- now and the winter meeting, he take
I . [KI mote a weekly radio program for the municate with those of every other unto himself an helpmate from the
‘ III I; benefit of the publishers and their cor- section and over which the products .Of lovely womanhood of Kentucky and
I ,3 film 1'le respondents, or, while they gave their our farms and mines may be readlly that, in the event his native shyness
g iilIIIl IIi silent approval, the same editors would hauled to our home markets. interferes with progress on his part in
I iI'II. not take the time, or bother, to write Resolved, that this assOCiation go on that respect, we offer the services of a
. ‘ 3‘ III their opinions, of the proposed pro- record as appreciating the long and committee from this association to aid _
. ;, III: grams, it remains to be said that only effective seerce to the good roads and assist in such a laudable enter-
, i, "I ‘i one letter of approval was received in movement in Kentucky rendered by prise. .
I . iE IIII answer to our editorial in the July Col. Jim: Maret, of Lexington and Mt. ROBERT L. ELKIN,
I III 1 issue. One out of 190 is a very small Vernon, that we endorse the move— JOE RICHARDSON, .
I 1‘}: III I percentage, and unless there is more ment torpurchase a little home for him J. SHERMAN PORTER, Com. g
it; . I
:2. E; iiiiéilxl %
' - 1 5: mi; ‘. 1‘.
i IN E
. .. assist /< E”

 W i
3 3 33
.3 4: 33
August, 1929 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three '33 ‘l
0 school, college, etc.; concerts; confirm- ness of a public utility, power, plant, 3 3 : 3
0—“’—‘_— ations; contests; co-operative com- electric or gas plant, chain stores, rail- 3 33
3 Personals 3 panies—farmers, labor, etc.; corpora- road or transportation company, shall i 3 3
tions — doings of; crime; crops — un- not be deducted when such losses are 3 3
GEO usual things about; curiosities—discov- incurred or caused by the purchase, . 3. ‘,
. - 'th the cries; cyclones. 3 publication, interest in or control of i3 »
ug?i?a%:¥ilcgfagg%-gagees‘§;tia3’vedition Damage — wind, water, hail, other any publication, newspaper, magazine 3333
a Corbin Times—Tribune edited and causes. dams—irrigation, power, flood or other periodical." 3|33 3
le 'd b J L Crawford formally control; dances; deaths; dedications; R‘— 3'33 3
manage h y d ' 3 ' f 't ’ modern directors’ and other ofiicers’ meetings; 33 ,3 3
opened t e 0°15 ° 1,,5 ne‘; 1 t 't ditches—county and township; divor- _ s ; '. 3
home on June 22' One wee a er .1 ces; early fruits, grain and vegetables; 3, 3
changed from 33‘ weekly to a semi- eisteddfods and sangerfests; elections— 33
WBEKIY publication. 3 political, lodge, society, etc; electric it
crate catamaran or renew—on t..- \3\ w , ~33 3
~ - provemen. / 3
and manager of the Winchester Daily 3 1/ \ / 53 3
/ a / 3
Desha Breckinridge, editor of the LIMIT NEWSPAPER CONTROL c ”5/ HELP 3
Lexington Herald, married Mrs. Mary 3 — 6 ;§// 3i3 3
F. Lebus at the summer home of the Sensing control of groups of news- c / 3 3 ‘3
bride at Quanata (Mass) on July 27. papers by political and other sinister C c c C / 3 3 33 3
Plans and blue prints of the new interests, several bills will be intro- 3 [j : 3 3
fireproof home of the Scottsville Cit- fituced 1n Congtresshextmwlngmrtto maIEe / 33 33
, izen-Times have been placed in the 1 necessary 0 give e3 acs as o 36- 3:
hands of the contractor and work is actual newspaper ownership. 3 //,///////.a 33
progressing on the foundations. One of these bills would make it 3/ / /' {49’ 333 33
The Cumberland Tri-City News necessary for the paper to state in 3 // 7/‘ f ‘ ' 3 3 33
steered by Editor J P Freeman re: every issue that ownership was vested a / Q3 3 3 33
tl ade its bow ' ' in public utility or power interest if W a 3i)? . . l 3 .3
cegrg/f "3111 d Mrs Enoch Grehan re- such was the case, while the second 1/”; “V7 :3 i, 3
turned. the first of August from a five would make it necessary for such prop- £32 2' " u c 3 3
h t . C 1.f . b th 331 aganda for speCial interests of any sort to. \—~ 2—»? o 332 3 3 3
3011011315; ay 1% 35331: ognigi’tsoangreiog with the word “advertisement.” The 3““. 7:1} .3 ° 6; 3 '
ene e m ea , p 3’ g third would prevent any such corpora- s“: U a 3
looks. Professor Grehan, hfe member tion from deductlng in their income .- ”K .. 3
Of the KPA, was on sabbatical leave tax reports any losses sustained Iby the El 3: r 3
from the UniverSity and W111 be again purchase or ownership of such news- 3 3 ‘1,
on duty as head of the department of paper-3 3 .moN .. 3: 3 33
journalism on the opening of the fall It is understood that organized news- 3 '§ Neg-£36_ 3 . ‘
term of school. In an exclusive inter- paper forces in the country will not (afoifiroNa 3H 33 3 3
View granted ou1;s.tar._renorte.ri the attempt, torreverlt these laws from 35 . ,, .-E*,s-~)~,.32m¥!lll 3 ,3 :3
professor stated that California is all being enacted, and in many states res— W“ , t C P A 33 .
right in its way, but as far as he was olutions favoring their enactment will ——oour esy - . . 3 ' 3‘
concerned, did not weigh anywhetre be passed by association conventions. —————-~:—— 3 ' :3
near enough in comparison with Old The three proposed measures are as 33 a 3
Kentucky and the Blue Grass. The f°}}°WS- . . . 3 3 3
“Old Kentucky Home” is always good Vchlelngvebr a publicatiton ls owneod-gr f3 3 ,3
conro e y a corpora ion or su s1 - a :3 3 3
enough for the Grehans. iary thereof, or an individual engaged Let 5 Make the 3, 3 I 33
$ in the power business operation of i,- 3 ‘ .
Such a vast variety of things can . . . a 33 3 3
oomooooooo to oomooo are threatening ‘flf‘titiif KENTUCKY PRESS ,, : 33
‘ a complete list of possible subjects for o tati n ’ h 11 t . 3: : 33
news items. To assist you in the dis- pdrt .01 coriggany, S a con ain any 3
’ covery of items that might be overlook- Eailngllila glazinel gfasggrligatt.“ peg— ASSOCIATION 3 3 3
ed, an alphabetically arranged list or g" .g g m 5% Y 3. 3 3 3
some of the more important subjects way3to_the busmess of the corporation 3 3 3
for news items is printed herewith or. 1nd1v1dual owning or controlling a 3 33
You will find a frequent perusal oi said paper, such editorial or reading 3" .
this list helpful Bear in mind that matter Sha,“ be plamly mark“: ‘ad' 1000/ 5 . l 33
. . . ' _ vertlsement and shall be so conmdered 0 33 3
the list is incomplete, that there are in computing the rates of postage as 3
many other SHbjBCtS for interesting by law required for all paid advertise- - - 37 3‘ 3
news items; that some of them, be- merits” Organizatlon 33: 33,
cause of their unusualness, may be ' , 33 3 3.
particularly valuable for that purpose; it . . . . 3. :_
that every locality offers subjects for configleléugmitlgnr “31110331 15 owneldgr 3.3 3 3
news items that are peculiar to that . y .0 p ra ion or S“ 51 ‘ *3 3 :
locality and are almost sure to have iary3thereof owning, controlling or op- ' 3 ‘ ' 3 7‘
been overlooked in this list. Pass this ”an“? any 1’“th “PM?“ pOWe‘"! °r . . . 3 31 ‘3 3
on to your corms ondents electric plant, electrlc llght or gas The Kentucky Press Association is 3 3 3
A 'd t 3 tp the 'tricaIS' an— plant, chain stores, railroad or trans- . 3 3 :3 3 3
nivggaggsiwaé’égrsur 13)ng etc 3’ an- portation company shall designate for the benefit of every publisher in 33 3 , 3
nu a1 meetings’ appgointment of 'public such ownership. or interest conspicu- th St t Wh t , in NOW and 3 ‘ 3
Officials . . ~ ously on the title page and in the e a 9- y “0 1° :3 3 3
. . . . , 3 3
Balls; baptisms—if connected with maSthead °f eaCh publlqatlon and 1“ get the get the benefits which it 3 3 3
festivities- baseball, basketball and type as large and conspicuous as the , 33 3
other games. births- boosting—town figgnfogtf Jilialili’ibgiagte‘c’iheiéfi 333313133.” provides. You canot afford to stay 3‘ 33 33
. ‘ - ’ - _’ l e ise 3 3 3
2:283);33:23::altegglggfiiffiggaiggggga indicate ownership or interest. in the out. Get in the Association now 3 3 3:
. l . 3 _’ type and form designated by the Post— _ 3 3 l
iarrl'liagsviimuginntisaggdearttli?gggnséh:nlgré master General." and put your paper on the map. 33 , I
' .~ - l — . — . 3‘ .
321331331113:33:;prfigehefigcusgzndgifififies “Prov1ded that losses sustained dur- 3 3
Changes in business- church activi- ing the tai‘able year by any corpora— ‘ , '3‘
ties; club doings- coinmencements— tion operating or engaged in the bu51- , 3 :3 33
. ' . 3 > 3 3 3
’ 3 3:3 3’ 3 '
. 3 l 3333
:3 l3! -

 . - «1: .
E E?“
E E . Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1929 E
. ‘ , l _ I E ,
E , E Busmess Methods Form No. 1
- E -‘i EEEE‘, ' III the BaCk ShOD NOTE:---Tlcket must be made 3117: in full. giving every information necessary for E _
’ E EEEEEEE’. —— completionofiob.Useacarbonpaperand detachandfilerecord.Number everyjub.‘ .
. EE‘E On this page, and the opposite page, :
EE‘ ‘ are stereotype forms which are time ‘Dfite No. , i
. EEEEEEEE savers for any Job shop, not only in E j
. , . EEEEEEE production and efficiency in the me- ._ t .
EE EEEEE; chanical department, but in the book- E l
: .f ,EEE‘ ' keeping department as well. The news- ’ ,j E E
. . ‘EEE‘ paper—job shop of today that does not For E -
. EEEEEEE‘. use modern business methods in pro- ’ E
E EEEEEEE‘ . duction is decidedly a “back number” _ E E
E ‘ EEEEEE‘E and is losing money every day, es- ————————-—-—-—————-—-————-———$—-——‘- E 1
E , EEEEEEE‘ - pecially in the saving of productive Address . E
E: EEEE‘EK‘ minutes which count up in a year’s ' E E
_ E . JEEEEEI'E v time. A few minutes saved each day in i .
3 EEEEEE j‘ checking up on a job will mean dollars , ‘
E EEEEE E saved at the end of your fiscal year. Quantity DESCRIPTION E E
, .E: EEEEH No doubt every newspaper man is r ,
5 EEEEE‘EE'E ‘ familiar with the use of these two E E
; :, EEE" l forms, but we are wondering how many E 1
3‘1; EEEE’EE‘E' of our Kentucky publishers use them 7 t
' EE‘EEEEE‘EE‘ in their office? A publishing company . :
»_E. EEEEIEEE. (name furnished of request) make a ———-—-————-—————————— E 1
E :E: special job ticket for use in any news- PROMISED : E
'E I: ' paper office. Form No. 1, the job ticket, *
, E EEEEEE: is printed on a fly-sheet and also on —————————-———————— '
E “l the job envelope, and fastened togeth- STOCK E j
E .E EEngE; er so that a carbon can be inserted so _ I l
- E , .2; EIEEEEE E that a record is made on the sheet and ; 1
E? EEEEEH on the envelope. Then on the reverse 1f 1
El E EEEEEEEE of the fiy-sheet is printed the Job 1
E E EE‘ ' Record (form No. 2). j
E “E EVE As soon as a job comes in the office, i
, £ ‘ E EEEEEQ the taker fills out the job ticket, places >
, EErE EH! it in the envelope with the copy, and COMPOSITION Like Copy Heavy Stone PmOf to 1
EEE ‘E turns it over to the composing room. Li ht (
:l'. :“E,‘,_ The foreman keeps a complete time , Like _ g ‘
_ E ‘3 E'iz,‘ .record of the job on the record sheet, . Fancy : 1
. Em. . . Sample _ 1
E gg E‘EEE‘» and when the Job is completed, returns as Near as Plain Re i to t
E ‘E EE the job record to the front ofiice with Possible - v 9" ‘ l
E ,VEE EEE all information ltgfregn fut be fifled Nice Job 1
' 3E, EEEEE, E away in a specia e or u ure re er.- s
E EEE: ence. The envelope with the copy and Machine Cheap JOb - t (
EEE~ lEE one or more copies of the completed ' E ' 1
E ‘E: gEEEEE1 job are retained in the back ofiice for PRESS WORK , (3010‘ 1111‘ E 1
E ‘1‘ EEE future reference—and repeat orders. , E I
E , E EEE; ‘ However, it is not necessary for the l
E , 3E E‘E publisher to use this particular method Proof to ' _ t
E EEEE‘EE‘. if he wants to substitute one of his I
E E EI‘EEEEE j own. The publishing company also will _ A
l . . EEHEEE sell stereotypes of these two forms for - C
E 3 EEE your permanent possession. The Ker— I
3 ‘~ ‘E nel, student newspaper at the Univer- BIND Block 1
“» , ' 1E3: ‘ sity, has purchased the two stereos for f S
E ‘ :EEE permanent use. Under direction of this - . in a Pad . E
E ' ’ office, they have printed the Job Ticket Perforate ‘ s
E ‘ EEE‘E: . on large envelopes, and the Record "r i:
‘g . EEEEE Ticket on two-ply cardboad. The rec- , _. s
E E; E ords and envelopes are numbered con- No. . e
E ‘ EEEEE secutively and the record slipped into
1 EEEEEEH the corresponding envelope. When the E l:
; EE- ENE: job is completed, the-envelope and with Deliver Delivered E r
E .‘i vEEE the record, copy, proofs, etc., is filed in E I
E . fEEEaE‘E the front office. ’ , S
E :4} ,‘EE . Whatever method is used, every job Delivered by T0 Be Called for - t
E “E E313, ‘ office in Kentucky should use this
E ' ‘zjgiéiE‘ system. The cost is negligible, and r.
1 EE‘gEE, while it takes very little time to fill out Ship by To r.
E l‘ : the cards, etc., yet it saves labor time , E
E. . EIEEEEE E, and bookkeeping time, and what is far - 1‘
I - .‘ EEEEE; . more valuable, makes for efficiency and n
E 2 EEEEE business methods. It saves guessing on Via : v
E. ”El”, - . . .
. . é EEEEE“ Job costs, because every Job_can be ‘ n
E V. .. ,E j priced on the cost plus (profit) basis. Price Cost of Journal
. rj‘lgE E This office will be glad to answer any
‘ g‘ ‘ questions in regard to this money sav- StOCk - ,
E ' ing system, and to furnish any infor— E C
E :JE EEEEE . mation desired. __.__.__—._____' ——-rm~w-“w7~~“ ‘- E 'V
5‘»; E12: : . ‘ =
E NEE? 3' ' ' ,'
s rival EEEE‘EE.1 , _
‘ TEE r .52 »-'
gang; «E a .-
~ .1“"‘>-“‘

 E.i' v .E El I E
s , EE 1 E
E August, 1929 THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five i E
E If I were to sum up what I consider I E E
‘ to be the essentials for success in the »'——:—"_—-——-T__:_—;—= E E
newspaper business, I would state three 0- E ,‘
fundamental principles. They are, first, d O B R EGORD _ E E
to have your news accurate; second, to , I
E have your editorial policy sound; and STOCK WORK - l E PRESS WORK E E
l third, to have the courage to maintain EE: E
E The newspaper as we know it today EMPLOYEE D TE wonx No, EMPLOYE DATE WORK I: M E' E
is an institution developed by modern E E
E civilization to present the news of the - .- E ‘
: day, to foster commerce and industry E :
E through widely circulated advertise— I - -- ‘E
f merits, and to furnish that check upon . E, l
E government that no constitution has - - - -- E' ,E
3 ever been able to provide. 2 E
l. A newspaper, furthermore, is a daily - -.---I E E
or weekly publication conducted for ,f E
E profit. It must be able to support itseli‘ EE E.
E without subsidy from or alliances with COMPOSETEON --. EE
E others. For, unless it be self—support— KIND 0F_ ,‘3 ‘
E ing, it cannot hope to attain to suc— EMPLOYEE --nn --- E; E
f cess in its own right. Unless it stands . E1;
. --II II..-
; must cease to function altogether or EEi
2 else continue as a subordinate part of ----- EEE
something else. ‘ ' 3 E .
» No newspaper can function success- ----- ‘ E E
fully unless it earns its own living— E E
f and it cannot earn its own living un— .E E
I less the public it serves has faith in 1 = ,
E the news it prints, enjoys the enter— , E ‘1
} tainment it provides, and has come to |.---- E
recognize over a period of time that . — E E
--Il I---I
interest of the majority. '1 E
There can be no faith in a news- --.- NOTE: Indicate Cylinder Press Work byaring *
paper whose news is consistently inac— “w"“hwme E EE
curate or whose editorial policy is pat— E E
entlyunsoundL shortsighted or selfish. _ .l. SUMMARY OF COST E t
. But inaccuracy in newsiS"rioi:éitfia7f’~""“"”" ’ ' , a. . ~ we". . , 7 ,E F
3 mere inexactness. It may consist in .Iil_%n o; E EE
E the coloring of news to pander to cer— ‘ E
tain kinds of public taste. It may mean -.- ---- E E E
; the Slight distortion of news to suit E ‘ E E
‘ — Again, the soundest editorial policy —— STOCK WORK ‘ E E .
E may temporarily be the most unpop— --.- _- - E E E EE
E ular with the readers upon whose sup- -_ MACH- COMP- E E
E port the newspaper depends. It may at NOTE: Indicate Machine Composition by a ring , l E E
times conflict with the interests of _ aroundiheiime HAND COMP. E E E
' _ those upon whom the newspaper de- 1 . E
pends for another kind of support. BENDERY CYLINDER PRESS II. a E
_ And that is why I say it takes a very , D TEME E E
definite kind of courage to succeed in EMPLOYE --E II. E E
newspaper editing. H M JOB PRESS E . EE
1 It takes courage to present news I N K II. ‘ E
: sanely, without sensationaislm when ~~~_— E i E
‘ readers show a disposition and a liking E ‘ ‘E
j for sensationalism. It takes courage to _K B'NDERY , E E
-, stand by your editorial guns on an LE ‘ E
; Issue which threatens to alienate the RULENG .I. E E] ‘1 I
support of scores of thousands of read- ~ II. E E <
ers. - E ,
E But Without such courage there can ELECTROS E E E E
1 be no success in the newspaper busi- I II. E ‘ ‘ E
E ness. Temporary setbacks and disap- ENGRAVENGS EE -
E pointments may result from the con- . -- E E E EEE E
7 Sistent display of much courage, but EXTRAS EEI = ,
. thls is the penalty for leadership. - E E EE
The essentials of this leadership in ' E EE
newspaper—making are accuracy of E
news, soundness of editorial policy, and .l_. 2 E? E
gougagl'e toI maintain both—This article , El :
March issue of the Nortlggestern Com- PROFIT E E g F, ‘
, western University School of Com- LOSS