xt7wst7dvd64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvd64/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1988 1989 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books Good News About UK!, 1988-1989 text Good News About UK!, 1988-1989 1988 1988 1989 2019 true xt7wst7dvd64 section xt7wst7dvd64 ‘ _ , , 3“,“??? 93:13,}:“6'4 .
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 V “:47 .4“ 5... i210. 'V ’ 4 4 a , rom its modest beginnings in the University, but is also being made
”‘2?“ . 3. 3 .5 V5,. . 5, i; ' " 3 ‘. V 5 ' 1865, when it was known as available to students, a rarity at any
245%. V“. ‘f . '. . .. 5 ‘53: .. i ' L . , ‘ State College, the University university.

3 9 ~ 3 3 I ’ . . 3 .. .fi {3 ~ .1 . » W ' 0f KéntquY has ng’WI} mt." - UK now ranks in the top tier of pub-
V‘» _ .. 7 .. A 933: me» one Of theVnation S OQtStandmg institu- lic universities nationwide in comput-
. . ‘. .. 4‘ 5 vi 4 5‘4“'§§,53;q: tions of higher learning. As a com- ing capacity.
: _ . L ._ ”.35 4 :ngg} prehensive land-grant university, UK
5 ' 4 ‘4 "V. 5» offers an educational experience that
. J, 3 5,475.45 _ 3 " 2“ cannot be matched anywhere in the , ,, .3 . . 14‘ 5, .,
4353354; .4V'V“'V,' ,3 4‘ 4 . ' Commonwealth. in fact, only a small 4;; .V . .JVL/K ”2.“. i . ’. 4;} i . . V "7.”...
’ 5. ’r ~; "x. 3 if . I ‘ f number of institutions across the na- . . .
.‘ . V 4 341.3%; , if 5‘ :4 " .‘ .. tion can Offer the wealth of oppor— - UK freshmen continue to improve in
‘ . 4’ \ "‘33?" .57 .3 \J 3 . 4: 3 tunities that await students quality. Average ACT 500195 319 1D the
. . 5: -. 3 .5 “x; ,, Vfl‘ 4' 4 at UK. 22 + range now, three points higher
: ‘x . 5 . {.53. . than the national average.
i “4. ,r5; ,. Leaf ' 3 ‘ 3 _ _
5‘ V ‘ {.3 ,2“ 3’ 5.5 {“9”}; ,4, 4, UK Educates More Than - The Univer31ty’s academic scholar-
; 4 55. " . [{1} 3” 1V- ,' _ - ship program — scholarships awarded
. 4 . a. i. . -4 4.5K; 4;.2; 0118 Thll‘d 0f the College to students based on merit alone — now
4 VV 3 .:. ' / Students in Kentucky amounts to more than $1.5 million a
ZEE‘ le ' With upwards of 58,000 on the Lex— year. 3 _ . .
a? , if" E V 4 ington Campus and at the fourteen UK °V UK students received $38Vmillion 1n
. “.5344. ‘5’ , VV community colleges across the state, financial aid last year, a Significant part
‘9 V .351 . 3"}:g the University of Kentucky now edu- of which came from federal sources.
. .. £1 33%, cates 36% of all students in Kentucky 0 The ratio of students to faculty on
W" 9 i. i? ‘3 attendinga public or private colle e or the Lexin on Campus is 15 to 1.
5 . . , .. 8
a a 5,513; university. - In the fall of 1988, UK’s entering den-
. ‘. 3‘ ‘ . tal students had an accumulated grade
., ~....,.4 ‘ 235 122‘: " ‘ UK Ranked Among. Top point average of 3.1, ranking them 15th
V/V V :2 Research Umversfiles among the nation’s 57 dental schools
3“ ’ . .4 In Nation on this criterion.
'3 ‘4. ._3‘ f“ I . . - The UK law school moot court team
. , ,3 ' In 1937, the Carnegie Foundatlon for has reached the regional or national
/ "34:. ‘19.." V 4.7. the Advancement of Teaching ranked finals in the national moot court com-
‘V V ’ 5' UK among its top research universities petition three years in a row.
. 4 3:44 a i “ '5' 3 F u '. in the nation. UK 15 the only univerSIty - A UK architecture student, Karen
.5 VV «5 / 4 4 .4 ~4 4 . . ~' 111 Kentucky, and one Of only 45 pUth Russcher was one of four nation 1 win-
x ' 1" M "1' ‘ 4 universities in the United States, to be ne in a’l d h' t t at
I“? . . / . ‘ classified a Research University of the rs . an scape arc 1 8C ure S u-
1s . 5 .3 .5 First Class dent de51gn competition.
. 3 5 4 ' " 0‘ - UKconsistently has an outstandin
4.5 «v , ‘6” . . g
,. , ‘9 . Prestlglous Research debate team and won the national in-
] 4 14.5 V Institute Attracted to UK tercollegiate championship in 1986.
i/ A ‘ ' More than 500 top companies and
5 \ ’4 .. . ,.; , ,, ' UK WP.“ 0}“ over four other top organizations come to the campus
,. x 4“ univers1ties 1n the nation to attract each year to interview thousands of
5V V V X the Asphalt Institute, a prestigious re- UK students for jobs after they
V V V VV V V search organization. The institute does graduate.
about $1 million in research a year, . . .
part of which will be conducted in A UK graduate student in materials
. . sc1ence and engineering, Ram Srlniva-
cooperation With the UK College - -
of Engineering san, was the sole national Winner of a
' $3,000 award for research in the field
i 4 UK Becoming KIIOWII of precious metals.
"_ ,4 - . - There are 250 student organizations
{-3- V v 1...”? Nationally for Computing on the Lexington Campus, including
44 ,4 /-- ’5" " ‘ . 4 3 . The University of Kentucky is now fraternities and sororities, academic
" ~ ' ' one of only a small number of univer- departmental 011113533114 honoraries,
‘- sities in the nation to have a “super- and religious organizations.
’ computer” which not only attracts - The community colleges provided
more research funding and grants to access for Kentuckians wanting to go

 back to college — 43% 01c the commu- ' Steve Skinner, a UK professor of mar- 5 5455; "I ‘ ‘ '
nity college students last year were keting in the College of Business and f%~fl fl‘
adults. Economics, was named one of the na- a
. About 25,000 students every year tion’s Top 10 researchers in his field. -..; "5—5555"_ 5
take part in continuing education pro— - Twenty-one UK faculty have won .4 ' ,\5 . . ’ ‘fi " .1
grams offered by UK’s 14 community Fulbright Fellowships in the past five 5. cfm' "M-.. i ”fl" 5 g ”-3 5
colleges. years. 4 _ ”' 5. " ' , 5 j
\JPEME" I“ _, w :1.“
5‘ 55 ' ' I 5% 5 525:5” 5 F “5."
5/. C. 5/ T j l 4]“ / ' l ‘H. W“ ' MW 5 I kw:- f3
::;.- ‘ —— "five, . .- 54/ .5. . l .55. 5 5 5 54‘ 4 f“ ' , ,I ”“1. ": 5’ "3 '9—4
'5.) {it /‘ (0:41 5'” :5 [5/ l :5 5 5 5 Lmér):ilmi 5471Li55 . .-..... 7- \f . '5 ‘
M7 "WM" ”—MT 5,4 7. 't f . J5 ‘51” l 4 / f if" f ' 5 ' .4 t, U6
- The new University Studies Pro- f ‘4 ‘ ’44:. J i" 17:34 4# - ’ ' ~44 '
gram—a required course of study at 1.) 4 4." a (45:51,: 5/ l5 / ' C“ E! /& - + ,
UK — provides UK students with an 7‘: Jr 1:47: : Wm-.. ~ 5‘ 5 . -5 fit. 5 ‘4‘ cm
exposure to the liberal arts in addition . UK has the only center of its kind in L5 :3 1' .. ‘3“, " ‘ T5 . - 5
F0 the preparation they receive for a the United States for research on drug flu; l A: 5'1 MW“?-
1013 01‘ a career. abuse financed by the National Insti— ' "5' .4 U 4"
° The Gaines Center for the Human- tute of Drug Abuse. 3E 335.55. 5.55 O ‘ o
ities is unique among undergraduate ' The UK Sanders-Brown Center on 5,. 4 A "' '
student programs and facflitles found Aging is one of only 12 federally- '
1n 1911th umversrties. funded and designated Alzheimer’s 5 5
° UK’S Department of Economics rose Disease Research Centers in the United "
from 84th to 39th in a national ranking States. 5
of the research quality of economics . In cancer treatment, UK’s Markey 5 4
departments. Cancer Center is linked via computer
° The College of Home Economics and to hospitals statewide. This provides a . 5
two of its departments — interior de- central data base for doctors to use in , ,55 .5
sign and dietetics — were reaccredited comparing experience and treatment — ' ' ' i '55' Q5. 9.. ' '
last year with high marks. the only such program in the United , - 4t?» - y 4 5 5 5’“ 5. 5 , 5 4 5
- The most popular major for under- States. ,4 . ' .5 m&._ ' . 5' . 5 ' 5’ A
graduate students on the UK campus - Somerset Community College is rec- 5, 5sz , ”I “”255
is Business Management. ognized as having the best education- ‘ 1“” ‘ it? \ ’ " '
- The dental lab tech program at Lex— and-industry partnership program in 5, 5.5 ‘ ' 4444 “ 5 5”” ’5
ington Community College was named the nation. ”*3?” fl § q ‘ ' ' ,
the best one in the nation. - 4-H programs coordinated by the " 5 ' j 4" 5 5‘5 ‘~5
- UK ranks eighth in the nation in total University Of Kentucky Cooperative . -.. ) 5 5 : 4" 5 7-354? , 5 , ,3 A»?
enrollment in its independent study Extensron Service reached 2194483 ~£~EM§£Lg§§A€5y“gwayrzlrtx’j
programs for high school and college young people in 1983- ‘ii‘ ‘5' “T - 55“" F:"“..“4fl' " " ' ’
students. 0 University Hospital recorded more ' ,.
than 20,000 patient admissions and
more than 386,000 outpatient Visits ' ' ” ‘ 'W
“7;" /.\5 ( 1' ” A ‘ ”I J last year. Emergency care was rovided V , 7 TV 5 , 5
:k .1 .. :_J g;i_li .( J J 515755555555 .. ... 5“ for 34,000 people. p ' Bm‘ifiiiw? ,5 ; '/: g Q
- About 98% of UK’s faculty have the 0 The UK Hospital emergency helicop- ‘ ' » 1' ‘
highest degree attainable in their fields. ter service transported 1,138 patients ’5 A f 5 ,5 5 fl
- Last year, the expertise of UK faculty in one year. 5 j “is” 45.5 ";~ .
attracted some $60 million in outside - The UK Cooperative Extension Ser- 3 / / , i , 4 ,4" 5_
grants, contracts and gifts. This all-time vice — through its county agents and "" ‘ a. ’ X “ ““ i
record amount was a $12 million in- specialists across the state — makes 5,- « it ' 95,-325
crease over just two years ago. some 5 million service contacts in a j; , 4 ”: .5 :l
- A UK plant pathologist, Robert year- 4 / \ 5.1,” . 55;
Shepherd, is the first person from a - The UK College of Fine Arts pro- , ~'/ I” " 5 "
Kentucky institution to be named to vided a record-breaking 108,000 ' 55 .- 4 .5 I.
the National Academy of Sciences, people with concerts and other cul- 5 %”‘ 44a: M 051” i
one of the most prestigious scientific tural events on the campus last year at 5 .4... 5.5 ’ 3'”
organizations in the world. the Singletary Center for the Arts. 1 9% , i

 NET/l? ‘TUlT‘TIl LL . . T “ T T / T if» ‘3 , I!" 7 57ft Ti"
. The LaIlCaSter Aquatics Center, one :/\ I : ”77,/V 7.7: l 7. \l . 777,l/ 7 L, l 7;; L;i..l.t , J .3... l 7. j 3t, Jr”;
of the finest facilities of its kind in the
Southeast, opened last winter on the History
UK campus. UK was founded in 1865 as a land-grant institution...Took present
- An entire new community college — name in 1916...David P. Roselle became the ninth president in 1987.
in Owensboro ~ opened last year on a
104-acre campus with six new build- The Campus
ings. UK’s 673-acre campus is located just south of downtown Lexington
. New buildings for agricultural en- in the heart of the beautiful Kentucky Bluegrass region.
gineering, regulatory services, and
robotics — and an addition to the Uni- Emullnlent _
versity Hospital _ will be opened this There are about 223000 students on the Lexmgton Campus and
year. about 36,000 students in the UK Community College System.
- In the Community College System, Academic Programs
negfduiédings iii Prestonsburgl, TIEleirdt There are 17 academic colleges and a graduate school. There are
Elder a 130”“ e were comp e e as 108 undergraduate majors from which to choose.
I)’Qj’\/’/_\|'TE 1271/1??qu a j UK’s library system contains more than 2 million volumes.
"— . . . . . Research
inTiJggltgpvrllgs’gezglylrrilgiltlootllieflinégggsliéy UK ranks among the Top 100 research institutions in the nation.
- ' - ’- . . Last ear UK faculty expertise' attracted $60 million in research grants
largest total in the Univers1ty 3 history. y ’ . . ’
contracts and gifts from outSIde sources.
- Alumni last year gave their alma
mater $2.1 million, a record. Faculty
- There were 210 new UK Fellows There are 1,520 full-time faculty on the Lexington Campus, and
in 1988 (persons who give at least some 862 faculty in the community colleges.
$10,000], also a record. . _
Tuition ,
[\l Uh T’T‘ll The 1989-90 undergraduate tuition on the Lexington Campus is
1 i, a .. 5/: L o a o $779.75 a semester for Kentucky residents, and $2,159.75 for non-resi-
' There are 24,000 members of the UK dents.
Alumni Association and 58 active Student Financial Aid \
alum}? leuths — 30 inSKentuIEky anld 28 About 50 percent of UK’s students receive financial aid which
OUtSI e 0 e StNati 1813"?“ entuc y amounts to some $38 milli' 'on annually. More than $1.5 nulll‘ 'on in schol- '
governors, two ,0 e , rize Winners, arships based on merit is awarded each year to UK students. .
thiee Pulitzer Prize Winners, CEOs of
national corporations, and one astro- Alumni I
guilt arte among UK 5 distinguished The University has 96,000 alumni around the world. 7
a ua es.
Community Colleges ;
ATE-fl 'l‘Q‘rT“ [WC There are 14 two-year community colleges in the UK system located 2
7. .1-.. :._..._A-Ai 1L1 1m.) 3 a u a the state. :
' UK’s women’s cross country team .
were 1988 NCAA national champions, MBdlCfll center _ 7 f
the first UK athletic program other There are 2,700 students in the five colleges of the UK Albert B. ;
than basketball ever to win an NCAA Chandler Medical Center — medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, '3
title. and alhed health professmns.
- The football team was named by the TheMedical Center also hasa461-bed hospitalaspart ofitsteach—
College Football Association as No. 1 ing and service programs. '
in the nation in the graduation rate of ‘
its student athletes — ahead of Notre Campus Tours
Dame, Duke, Virginia, Penn State and There are free, guided campus tours at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. week-
North Carolina, which were among days from the Visitor Center in the UK Student Center. Saturday tours ~
the runners-up. are at 11 a.m. September through April only. . . 7 _ . i