xt7wst7dvd5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvd5j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2016-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, June 2016 text LinQ magazine, June 2016 2016 2016-06 2019 true xt7wst7dvd5j section xt7wst7dvd5j CONNECTING THE BLUEGRASS LGBTQ COMMUNITY
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JUNE 2016 . VOL 38/ No. 6 A Publication ofthe PCSO

 Editor—in-Chiei — Christopher R. Bauer
Assistant Editor! Advertising - Tuesday 6 MeadOWs
Copy Editor - Ann Ma\eo\m I
Photography — Christopher R. Bauer & Tuesday G Meadows I=
Design & Photography — Sarah Brown I
Ca\endar Coordinator — Chad Hundiey I
LinQ is puinshed monthiy by and for the Pride Community Services I
Organization members and community. The Pride Community Services I
Organization envrsions a communitythat accepts and ceiebrates each individuai. I
A“ LinQ artic\es and information can be I
submitted to the Editor— editorlibtlesokorj. I
A“ LinQ Advertisements can be arranged with the Assistant Editor/ Advertising— I
ads [Upcsokyor or with the PCSO Pride Center at 859-253—3133 T . I
A“ submissions may be edited for content and \ength. u g # ll n o b I
A“ opinions expressed in LinQ are so\e\y those of the author. and p I (1” res 0 n F I n y0 U r I
do no represent those of LinQ or the PC50. LinQ and the PCSO u d u (e b 0 0k & ,
do not support or endorse any po\itica\ party or candidate. n yo U c I n Stu
. . . . I
Read LinQ Onhne'. www.issuu.com/Lm _byPCSO . .. y; a O U r n ext i SS 1
Q) @ LinQbyPCSO @ LinQ/Magazine K ., . , . . - _ _ _ h u , - U B ’
COMMUNiT‘I ‘ ORGANIZATDN ‘ if; pk . it“? n <" I I» ‘
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The Pride Community Services Organimtion works to improve the “yes of ‘It “ ‘ .
peopie in the sexuai minority and gender expansive community of Centrai ' .
and Eastern Kentucky by enhancing visibiiity, empowering community I a; 3-, 3 I I'IAI g
members, and educating the puhiic about issues impacting said community. : , ACE I F §
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PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors Wu“ . y _ » , , .-..: 2' ‘ , I ‘ ,3 4
Christopher R. Bauer, President LN g I , - I‘ ~_- I y » , ‘
Theodore Meacham,Vice—President ( I -I‘-I ‘I “q a? j " " t~ I
P' \ B S “5‘ I I 1 E; I . I J a I
an rown, ecretary e? ' 73?: » p .
Iacob Boyd, Treasurer I; i ,I I g :2“ _
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large Iilw ' F0 I I
Vanessa Booker, At Large . 0W U S to 51' I‘ v E f I
Amy Hatter, At Large ‘ - a y U p to d V v I“ I I
DenaLee, AtLarge I‘ _ n ews in ate on LG %
Tuesday G Meadows, At Large , a n u r 0 U d BTQ ‘ 3%
Todd Ryser—Oatman, At Large n th e B | U e f 2%
rcso Starr $1M r 7“
Chad Hundiey, Odice Manager figéEf-géamwww S . , 1:
YCSO “‘4“ cm“ I ,qu I. 332;;th Hffly‘éflj,$ H [II'IIfI‘I
389 Waiier Avenue, Suite \00, Lexington, KY 40504 Er? fiefzfi? gujggpvfi 1.6 II“-;“,12-1 , (4w,v“ ;, vi w
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MON -. ii a.m.-3 p.m. ‘ I , . I I I’H'fiffiz‘ifi ,
TUES '. \ p.m.—5 pm. ‘ ‘p I ; w I ‘E “5131p?“
WED: I p.m. - 5 p.m. , . i O -I’f @ I, ..
* L ‘ a ._ ?;~__ ; «0,53 1,3. -., __ ,7 ,. ‘ ‘ ,
FRI: \ p.m. — 5 pm. .3 , lInQM _ ‘ , _ ‘ , ‘
. THUR: 0'. .—5 . . ._ g 0 , ,, ,
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SAT: ii a.rn. - 3 pm. ' ' ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ,

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l Helena Handbasket talks about her busy life and l
' how she approaches it with a positive attitude l
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g Empress XXXIV, Kali Dupree, says good-bye with her reign ending this month. i
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' t, She looks back at the year and looks forward to the future of the Imperial Court 1
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1? Tuesday writes about her feelings of loneliness that many of us share, ‘
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"and how we can come together as a community to help each other
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PICTURE SHOW , l il ‘4 PU“ t L“ ':‘. V I . I? l‘ 1;; hit; V 5“ I,” ‘I ‘1. 113:; ' l. “33% ‘1?
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”I . .... (I ”II; I‘A-I; muggig‘r‘AW—Wgfifiaflkmflhfi‘ I“. s; .. ‘ _ ' . I
i “Kentucky Theater” — Oil, 24” x 18” ". ‘24.: R i ' ’ . l
. s4”!- "u' .“ l
. Artist Spotlight - June ’ZOlé 'V I.- l
‘ “Mom'ng Glow” - Oil, 30" x 40" l
A visit with Danville, KY Artist l
David parmer l
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;‘, us live a very charmed life. We moan So here I am at the computer for them to dry. Since I work a day ‘ ‘
y f and complain about how hard life is trying to write an article, while at job, it wouldn’t work for me to do it at .
‘f 1 or about all of the stress we have to the same time I have one load of night when I actually have the time to
1 endure. I hear it all the time. Hell, I laundry in the washer and another in do my laundry. Drying clothes on the
even do it myself sometimes. But ifwe the dryer. I had to order pizza to be clothesline with no sunshine might ‘ |
. think about it, that couldn’t be farther delivered for dinner because I don’t not be such a great idea. So since I l a
from the truth. Now I know that some have time tonight to cook and on top made the choice to wait until the last ‘
. people reading this might be going of all that,Ihave to go in to work early minute to write this article, I won’t
4 through rough times financially or tomorrow to startanew project. have time to cook dinner so I just
E)" emotionally or even physically. I don’t Okay, Helena. Stop being a picked up my iPhone and dialed the .
mean to diminish or trivialize pre—programmed number to
what you are going through, 1: HIV“ my favorite pizza delivery and I
but compared to those in other ' they just bring dinner to me,
countries who consider it to be . and I pay for it with the money 2.3:
a miracle just to have food in that I make at myjob that I love i
their bellies or to own a pair of ' and am so thankful to have. 3(5) ‘
shoes, I am thinking we have it So, ya see what I did 1;.
pretty good. 7 ' there? How we look at things I;
I have a deadline that I it?“ lg is a choice. Nothing changed ‘ ;
_. must meet each month to get 55}, fill? about my situation except
3 this article written and turned 14%." for my attitude toward my 3
l": in so that there is enough time “1%?“ ”flag? situation. Do ya’ think that just 1
E to prepare the layout of the ff?” maybe life would be better for j
, LinQ Magazine. And being the ' W . ' us all if we decided to CHOOSE
I! procrastinator that I am, I often to approach life with a positive
'3‘! wait until the last minute, as I attitude rather than that bitch i
have done with this article. Often I bitch and see if you can’t turn that that lives inside? Oh yeah. I’ve got . l
:, 1 fear that my material might reflect around and look at things from to keep her “in check.” And if you
3: j the fact that I waited so late to create a different perspective. So here I happen to see me out and I’m looking ‘ ,
‘ an article that it might resemble sit, writing my article on a nice at life with a negative attitude, then ‘ ,~
ne [ something that you, the readers, laptop computer and not an old please just come up and give me a l ' .
won’t find worthy of spending your Smith Corona typewriter, while hug. We can all help each other to '
time reading. I do realize that some my Kenmore washing machine is maintain a good outlook on life.
months are better than others. It washing my clothes for me. I’m so Hope I’m not being too preachy... but ‘
would be easy for me to resort to glad I don’t have to use a washboard you know how Mamaws can be. Until ‘ 11
doing exactly what I mentioned in like my Mamaw did when she was my next month, babies... Mamaw loves . j
the first paragraph... just moan and age. Then when they are finished with ya’ll.
complain about the deadline being the wash and rinse cycle I’ll put them I!
too early in the month but in truth, in the clothes dryer instead of having Send comments or suggestions to
it is an honor that I get to have a to go outside and hang all of my HelenahandbasketKY@gmailcom *
Hut/«31? , ,inl-wi;zr5t/. // j '

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* KEN I UCKY NEWS ”“35 l
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. . is“; ourt
: by H.M.|.M., Empress XXXIV of the Imperial Court of Kentucky, Kall Dupree "MICE",
. Q —— “a; ‘3". l
. Kentucky l
; l
Amazing how time flies. It so successful. I watch year after year from all the individuals who have
‘ ; seems like hardly any time has passed and see this community grow and worked so hard raising money
since I stepped up as Empress 34 of come together in times of need and this year. Saturday we can enjoy
‘ the Imperial Court of Kentucky but, it is simply astounding. I encourage performances from members of the l
‘ alas, my year reign is approaching its every one of you to continue Imperial Court from all over with
culmination as we prepare for “The supporting one another and to work our Out-of—Town Show at the Hilton ‘
Imperial Court of Kentucky Presents: tirelessly to make our community Downtown. Sunday is the big day:
: The Bourbon Ball, Coronation 35,” into the place we know we want it to “The Imperial Court of Kentucky
on June 12. We will be joined by be and know that it can be. A huge Presents: The Bourbon Ball,
many amazing individuals from all thank you to the five main charities of Coronation 35,” at the Hilton with
‘ over the United States, Canada, and the Imperial Court of Kentucky: The Monday to finish off with the victory
Mexico to bear witness to the end of PCSO, AVOL, IustFundKY, Moveable brunch.
‘ reign 34 and the beginning of reign Feast, and Lexington Fairness. It has
35. Aurora Cummings and Russell been a pleasure working next to each V
' l Drake will pick up and begin their and every one of you and seeing you If you would like to join
fundraising endeavors with the out at events to support us. 11 S for “The I m e ri a1 Court
Imperial Court of Kentucky and will I sit here and write and with P
{ make our community proud. I am so the overflow of gratitude I feel, I 0f KentuCky Presents:
excited to see what these two will do! realize words cannot truly do justice. The Bourbon Ball,
. I would like to take just a This experience has been nothing Coronation 35” you i
moment and thank all of you for all of short of amazing. I would love to see . ‘
. can purchase tickets for
your hard work and commitment to everyone out on the weekend of June , ;
the community. Without the help of 12, starting Friday night at Crossings the weekend 8 events at
‘ all the volunteers and the help from Lexington for our In-Town Show, ImperialCourtKentucky.org l
‘ our charities we would not have been where we can enjoy performances ‘
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by Tuesday G Meadows *‘3 /
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Lo mam/2w Wt 70 g (WWI/new
“Alone in the dark, hole in my heart, turn on the radio. And the words fall out,
! but they got no place to go... all I got is your ghost...Another day, another lonely night.”
Another Lonely Night by Adam Lambert
l H ere it is June already, which care for them, loneliness can be the like me. The Pride Festival is a fun
‘ is, of course, Pride Month, where our feeling of being alone even though day where you can enjoy a diverse
3 local LGBTQ+ community celebrates there is a crowd. and eclectic group of accepting
at Lexington’s Pride Festival. Even Many of my friends in the people in a wonderful atmosphere.
‘ though this is a happy occasion where LGBTQ+ community tell me that Even if it is just for a brief time, like I
we celebrate our individualities, our they are lonely. I have friends who did 3 years ago, just come down and
common bonds, and our differences, seem frustrated at the prospects walk around.
Iwant to address a sad but common of ever finding a partner. Websites Finding ways to help and
topic: loneliness. dedicated to different segments of serve others can also help with those
1 Although a simple definition our community seem to be of no help feelings of being alone. Personally, I 1
l of loneliness is, “sadness because when it comes to loneliness. I believe put my life on display in LinQ every
; one has no friends or company,” it is many more suffer in silence. month in order to help others cope
much more complex. Loneliness is a But asIreflect on the meaning with being transgender. If you are
feeling of isolation. Certainly some of Pride Month, it strikes me in looking for volunteer opportunities, I
may see the world as not very inviting celebrating our community, we can support groups, or other ways to get '
or open. A lack of a companion adds work together to defeat our isolation. involved in the local community,
to this feeling; trust me, I know. In fact, loneliness is something that you can probably find it at the Pride
Life is tough enough without has to be worked on consciously. You Festival.
being lonely. When you suifer have to make yourself available to Even though we all may
, from depression, as I do, loneliness others. You cannot shut yourself off experience loneliness from time to
can cause you to have feelings of and expect others to find you. You time, the Pride Festival is a chance
__ ' worthlessness. Grief also can make have to go where people are and try to overcome isolation and to find a
loneliness more painful, acute. new things. You must be willing to community.
, Maybe there are people who can make yourself vulnerable and that is Remember, you may suffer
wt . . ,
shut themselves off from the world very difficult for a lot of people. from loneliness but you dont have to
\ and don’t need other people but that When I came to my first Pride do it alone. . i
it. has certainly never been me. It has Festival in 2013, I came out as my 0
' always been important for me to care true-self for one of the very first times
for someone and for someone to care in Lexington. In just a pair of jeans You may write me at
a. about me. However, loneliness can and a T-shirt I walked around the tmeadows828@gmail.com or follow
a exist even when other people are Pride Festival and observed people’s me on Twitter @trishgigi. Now
" around. Even though I know that my genuine happiness at just being able Tuesday’s gone with the wind.
family and friends care for me, and I to be themselves. I saw people just
ADVOCACY . JUNE 2016 // LinQ 7

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my saw as». 7- .35,- . ,?’..1,":,‘ =
WH O S P RI D E WW; -s' ‘1 I.
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by CarolTaonr—Shlm, MSW 3 I ,2». 4.113 I-
: —_ I” \. 7 j ’ l-
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y wife always says to me on As the years progressed, EVERYTHING planned for Pride I:
I the last Saturday in June, “Today is Pride has evolved. It gets bigger every 2016, but I’m fairly certain the same I.
II the gayest day of the year for you!” year and attracts more and more or similar formula will be followed. I-
I Pride is my own personal holiday! attention. Great for us, right? Great Fairness Awards on Friday night, I!
I On a beautiful summer Saturday for Lexington, right? But every year, which by the way has become cost I.
I in 2008, everything in Lexington I get this gnawing question about prohibitive forALOT of people, and l-
: changed! At least it did for me. That whose Pride is this in the first place? the Pride Festival all day on Saturday. I:
I was the year of Lexington’s very first Who is the most visible? Who is That’s the formula. But imagine |-
Pride Festival. And it was absolutely absent? Who was left behind? What what it would be like if there was a I:
glorious! Finally, here we were as a is Pride all about, really? Is it about week—long calendar of events that l-
community in all of our fabulous, the visibility of white, cisgender, gay spoke to the LGBTQQIA spectrum I-
, fierce, and glittery goodness! I men with access to money? I’m a of identities, including intersecting I.
: remember the overwhelming sense queer woman of color and I can tell identities? How powerful could it I:
I of happiness, joy, and PRIDE! I you that lesbians aren’t all thatvisible, be to have a time for people who [W
I remember watching the crowds let alone lesbians of color. Is it about identify as allies (y’all already know
3 filled with all kinds of people and the 13—year-old, struggling to make how I feel about that word) to come
. identities I’d never seen displayed so sense of their own identity, who together? The spectrum of identities
I proudly before. I swear I got a little longs for someone to identify with? within our community is one of the
I extra gay during that very first Pride. Is it about the Trans women of color most beautiful things about us. It is
I Pride is where we come to heal, to who need our love, our voices, our absolutely possible to celebrate us as
1 celebrate, to love, and LIVE! I can’t protection, and our advocacy? What a whole while we acknowledge and
I imagine Lexington going back to about bisexual identities, where are celebrate the individuality within our
2 the dark ages where the only thing they at Pride? Asexual? Pansexual? community. We aren’t one thing, WE
I resembling Pride was a party on a Is it for genderqueer, non—binary, ARE ALL THE THINGS.
I farm somewhere. and gender fluid people? Is this really So let’s kick it like we always
I I M everyone’s Pride? do the last Saturday in June! Once
I I Now before folks get we’re done, we must commit to
I deep into their feelings making Pride representative of ALL
3 _ and start coming for my of our identities and all our collective
WW , head, hear me out a little. and individual glory! We all have a I
I W W W H My; ”5%; . How many events are role to play. I’m going to do my part
I tVWMEW 5’? t d ' bisexuali ? in h n xt nd ' 'n th P 'd
,. . . M, , cen ere 1n ty t e e year a j01 e r1 e
I ' /flrfi E 17-; Which events are targeted Festival Planning Committee. What
1 :3} ‘ ‘ " 2,9,7, ”/1 toward ending the war are YOU going to do to make Pride
. j ' 1 " ’l i, on our Trans sisters, bigger and better than ever?
I ..-.~ ; ' 3*" H ”2&5 brothers, and siblings?
I 1' ! v- i I , '7}; 3;; Where is the discussion
2 ‘ ‘ ’ fl/ “‘ about intersectionality? Is ‘9
I " " there anything that speaks
to Latinx LGBTQQIA Follow me @ctshim71
I / people? I don’t know

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'_— SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016
”f/ Reg”! an — '
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(,N THEHIGHLANDS) Plus, 15% of total sales donated to PWP!

 ' d b K W Ml
revnewe y amryn Ies v “w, ”M"
W u}:
- '.. ‘ A
~ Gay Pride: Photographs ~ - 2—;
from Stonewall to Today , kt» ‘
r, V“ ' - , i k
written by Fred W McDarrah & Timothy S. McDarrah s," I , T” T, a '
ublished in 1994, this amazing book chronicles the 0 ”i ‘, KPR H
history of the Pride movement through the eyes of Fred ( / ‘ i ‘1 m not “alum“! W“
W McDarrah’s camera lens. He paired his amazing _j l: ‘4 ‘i’: I'WW“
and inspirational images with quotes collected by the 3%}? 1‘ , j I
photographer’s son, Timothy S. McDarrah, in order to %9” ‘ "—9-"?
create a flowing narrative. There are images from bars, 5% \ air" a»
pride parades, art exhibits, and more. This book is a i”: ' t 3 ‘
breathtaking way to journey through Pride history in a : ‘6 5“ in. 93‘ ,. «Mm‘m mm:
Visually entrancing medium. This book can be found in t 3;; its; 5;.“ “1'15 .‘A WWW” we“ 1
our Adult Nonfiction section under A ART VISU. y 5 ) f. :1sz ‘ ; :; nwwm'w ‘
393 [Holler sz.
' Lexington, KY 40504
local : (859) 233-7486
* toll free: (800) 888—7486 {
in“ .5 "' a: . .
' . |mpcrloIFlowcrchxmg’roncom
* and Save $ 1 O onlinz with =
‘ ‘ t , .7 discount code: PRI .‘
,7 5;“.- . I? ,J . : ‘ , g 4; . I H 1‘ . v / J g» 1‘ :l

 0 PI N I o N s W =
- ‘23:??? , , Em”
by Chef Ranada West-Riley _/
I r ,
eat and breathe and dream food. only to have people neglect their registered Democrats found it to be a
I’m surrounded by it and even write civic duty and complain about the privilege and a duty and turned up to
about it. In this article, I’m going outcomes. the polls. Those 17% can complain.

I out on a limb and doing something An opinion is a judgment The other 83% cannot, and that’s my
different. based on facts. You must always let opinion.

‘ Opinions. Some folks a person know what your evidence Another kind of assertion
tend to confuse opinion with fact. is and how it led you to arrive at that has no place is prejudice, a half-
Opinions are the basis of judgment your opinion. For instance, health baked opinion based on insufficient
or discrimination. When forming care should be a basic human right. or unexamined evidence. Unlike a
personal convictions, folks often Should. It isn’t. It’s my opinion that belief, a prejudice is testable: it can be
interpret factual evidence through if more people got out and voted, contested and disproved on the basis
the filter of their values, feelings, health care could become available of facts. We often form prejudices or
tastes, and past experiences. We are for everyone. Social reform starts accept them from others such as our
in the middle of an election year for with voting for what appeals to family or our peers... or especially
aPOTUS that is filled with social and your opinions. There are record media... without questioning their
political hot topics. It seems to me, numbers of people with healthcare meaning or testing their truth.
there’s a lot of confusion between accessibility. It’s my opinion that this At best, prejudices are careless

what is fact, opinion, belief, or is a good thing. It’s a fact that oversimplifications. At worst, they

prejudice. Here’s some ammunition it’s on course to ' ‘ .1

for on should ou be tr in to swa bein torn a art ‘“ '

avoier. Y Y g Y and iismantlfd. “T ”gms To me, There S a ‘01, Of

a. A fact is verifiable. We can A belief oonfvswn bemeen war ‘3 fact,

F determine if a fact is in fact a fact is a conviction - - - - - .
by researching the evidence. Facts based on cultural I DP‘n‘onr bahefl 0r Pmydlca." |
provide crucial support for the or personal i
assertion of an argument. Factual faith, morality, or values. reflect a narrow-minded view of the j
data includes dates, timelines, Statements such as, “Gender neutral world. Most of all, they are not likely .
scientific evidence, and such. Facts bathrooms are harmless and should to win the confidence or agreement

by themselves are worthless unless be made available,” are often called of someone whose opinion you

we put them in context, draw “opinions” because they express might want to sway. We can vote in .

. conclusions, and give them meaning. viewpoints, but they are in fact prejudice. We can vote in hatred. We I

It is a fact that many people died a belief. You can’t easily argue a can vote in contempt and misogyny

for the right to vote. Women and person’s beliefs. A belief touches on and violence and corruption. We can

minorities were beaten and killed an individual’s values or faith. These also vote those things out, if we vote...

V just to make voting available to are the most heated debates because Make it happen in November, or you , '
us all. It is a fact that only 17% of they are ingrained inaperson’s moral really have no right to complain. l
registered voters turned out for the compass. It can at once inspireasense To tie this into food, since -
Democratic primary elections. That’s of freedom and fairness for some I’m a chef... Well, perhaps I need a
a horribly low number considering and fear and distrust in others. Once local coffee with tons of local cream
what our ancestors went through to again, voting in alliance with your and a fresh local donut or three or
allow us this basic right. To put this opinions and beliefs are the only way something... the election year makes
into context and give it meaning... to make headway. We all have that me become a stress eater.
imagine dying for the right to vote, basic right to vote, yet only 17% of $

 l o o - . ' - .
i; The Vast F :elds of Ordinary v. -
‘ written by N Ick Bu rd - v »-
‘1 reviewed by Eduardo Ballestero E 1"
l: X U f
3 It’s the last summer before going captivated by missing nine—year old wants to buy weed from Alex, just
‘ off to college for Dade Hamilton, Jenny Moore, and Pablo’s girlfriend, to see him again. Alex takes Dade i"
y a gay teen living in rural Iowa. The Judy, threatens to have Dade beat up to his friend’s house on a farm in
; summer that the things that defined if he even looks at Pablo. But then the outskirts of Cedarville where l
l his life: a physical relationship with as if by fate, Dade runs into Alex they get high, watch bad werewolf
; his classmate Pablo, his parent’s Kincaid, a young man in a sleeveless movies, and walk through a cornfield
1 marriage, even his idea of home—all h f? oodie who changes the yelling into the night. The chemistry
3 changed. This is the setup for Nick » entire course between Alex and Dade is deep and
: Burd’s debut novel, The Vast Fields of , ' 7 . ‘ ‘ meaningful and is the foundation for
l} Ordinary, published in 2009. ,_ , i“ their relationship throughout
1 Burd’s novel opens with «$5: ' 7:3,; .» the rest of the novel.
Dade writing his and Pablo’s initials 9-? , 3 (Cf ,; ' Burd skillfully
3 in a giant heart in a bathroom stall 1’ . ‘1 ii? M .1 . captures their buddlng
‘ while at Prom. It’s a sentiment we '5' g, ,1»: _ ‘ . Mi'fi- ’ ,1, 7/ romance in rich
quickly discover he can’t express . ~ ~ . i “w" «/ metaphor and language,
publicly as Pablo is at Prom with g " , ' ‘ 1“.“ " and he continues
his girlfriend, and Dade is one "A", . ' 5,, ’ introducing interesting
of the “dateless losers” on the ., ‘i. \ fl ‘3, characters like seventeen
bleachers staring longingly ,' [IL/E ‘ if“? ,. year—old Lucy, who is staying
at his crush, who won’t even . . V45] l: with her aunt and uncle in
acknowledge him. Things 7% ._ . ‘. [[[05 0 ,~ , Cedarville for the summer,
1 are further complicated by {JH’ ; F ’/;/?/;,/,vf;}w and who quickly becomes
‘ the fact that Dade isn’t like t g i i f . , PM?” /’ [7,1,7 (l Dade’s confidant and the first
his classmates. He Shops “gas A person he comes out to.
at thrift stores, listens ’0’.“ ‘ M “WI-m,“ The novel builds to a fantastic
to indie rock music, wamfi and heart-wrenching ending
and longs to leave the 0‘ w that, while sad in some respects,
l “suburban wasteland” -‘ “,3“ ‘"$* is incredibly hopeful and thought-
of Cedarville. He can KW“ 7‘ .. Q provoking. When I set this book
only hang with the 5%” .. ‘ @¢ 7 down for the first time it lingered in l
popular kids when WT, 1: _ .i -‘ ,, my mind for days. I couldn’t help but i
Pablo is around. “iggk 3 “3,43: " walk around thinking of Alex and
He’s otherwise an ”€31 ”ETRD Dade’s story. This is the kind of book
outcast, and a c