xt7wst7dvd4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dvd4z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2010 text GLSO News, June 2010 2010 2010-06 2019 true xt7wst7dvd4z section xt7wst7dvd4z _ H r i/fl/i/
lap-2., GLSO NEWS P 2/5 ,
L'E- Z07
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 6
, « l. i ii" , .I “"253,
i LIA/jijcfiiL [,f’illr’W/J 2-3:?) / ELL/"Jr,"CHIN)?i ' " ‘ ’ ‘ " ‘ ‘ '
i I I g I -
i Imperial Court is celebrating Coro— .Th? Gay and Lesbian Servtces 0.1.
i nation 29 and the 45th Anniversary of ganization (GLSO) WI“ be holding Its
‘ . 3rd Annual Lexington Pride Festival at
the International Court System June 4 —
. . the Robert F. Stephens Courthouse
6. Three Nations Wlll come together
Plaza, located from 120 — 150 North
under one roof as we celebrate 45 years . . .
of fun draising. Limestone St. in downtown Lexmgton,
Nicole the Great, Queen Mother of on Saturday, June 26th from 11am to
the Americas and the International 9pm. . ,
Court Council, invite you to an Impe— Thls year S theme, A Horse 0f Every
rial State Dinner Celebrating the 45th C010: :vash chosen to dexplress 1,61ng
Anniversary of the International Courts PIS: PI W one.::le aglthwge lwie A:
System Canada, Mexico and the United _ e ors e apt o e . or. ' _
States. The Keynote Speaker will be thony Melean created the Winning de-
Stuart Milk. A highlight of the evening sign. See the insert for Pride Packs in—
will be the Presentation of the 11th eluding items With this years design.
Annual Jose Honors Although a gay pride event, every-
Join us on Satrirda June 5 at the one is welcome to attend the Pride Fes—
Lexington Downtown ”Hilton Hotel, ‘t‘ival, including your children and pets.
formal attire or uniform is required for It has really .been amazmgitno see the
this history making event. Emperor 8 gay and straight communities come
Terry Stroub and Imperial Crown together to celebrate diversity,” said
Prince 8 and 9 Dale Lee Hodge will be 2:41;]: “Xhegtley, :raldjfi ,t0f th:
honored at this event as one of the 10 ,; e . rs ye . ’ we “ 11 exp ec
Royal Couples being recognized a lot, 'Dennis continued,- but ended
throughout the International Court up havtng an amazing festival that con—
System. It is an honor to have this local :mues to grow eac year. It s absolutely
. . antastic.”
:22: llferrztfi: 12:]: :zzn:hefl 21 years Entertainment headliners this year
All Weekend events are listed on include My Dear DISCO C01"- P32
page 2. Visit our website for additional I_-__———u1
informational and to purchase tickets. - 5' ,, ': u
or ”.1 J; M #1,, irrrrjcr’iai Corrr’r Girl”? i
- - - J 7 I "‘r} // rr'rrrarf' <1 i
Miss Pride of Lexrngton page 2 ’2" '1 "f ’ " " l
Fairness Awards Banquet - page4 457d? of
. . _ r: 4‘, ; i. “memo; r
QPll Surcrde Awareness & Prevention Workshop m "M i “ "" "“‘ j
(GLSO, UKGSA, PFLAG, UK Social Work) page 8 , W, , L,
Festival Pride Idol page 3 E: . ::_i

 Cor/m Coronation ”continued
Friday June 4 1‘
In Town Show and Awards @ Crossings 1
8 pm Door 9 pm Show $5 9
Saturday, June 5 !
Hospitality 10am—3pm l ‘
451131 Anniversary Gaia——j ose M ISS
Honor Awards~~ Coronation '
Hilton Hotel $75 PR E of
(formal attire or uniform required)
Cocktails @ 5 pm $ ,
Dinner @ 6pm 1
Out of Town Show @ The Loft $10
8 pm door 8:30 Show
3 da J 6 Thursday June 1 7
un y, une
Coronation 29 — Curtain Up! Pulse Nightlife
The Hilton @ 6 pm
MondayJune 7th 257 “7. Short St.
Victory Brunch $40
Hilton @ 11 am
An in—town passport priced ticket is Entry fee_ $40
available for all events from any board Information/application from
member, Empress Nicole, or Emperor Orvis at jamor1@insightbb.com
XZZthISleflsguiilifefilflygngo “0‘ Dennis at dennis@glso.org
y ' Jessica at jessica@g|so.org
i 3: f3 ' continued from P8 1 The winner will receive a crown,
and Nohjj. At all times during the festi— cash prize, and more! '
val, something fun and exciting will be , ,
taking place on stage, including special Proceeds benefit The Pride Festival.
speakers and local talent. Detailed in-
formation about entertainers is avail— Moveable Feast Belmont Bar-B-Que
able 22:12:33. an d non— rofit ven- Moveable Feast is having their 4th ,
. . P . Annual Belmont BBQ on Saturda June ‘
dors Wlll be promoting services and 5 h S . 4 C 'dyF
goods at their booths, and a variety of 229'2 :1“le atl (pnfigt T121101 1?“?
food and alcoholic concessions will be ' eve an .° ere WI e
. . . ballons at the gate. This event has be-
available for you to enjoy. There Will .
also be activities for children. come the most fim you can have With ,
Mark your calendars to join us on your clothes on. Every year it keeps get- 1
June 26th at the Courthouse Plaza for ting b'lrglgjer and bitten. _
the Lexington Pride Festival, A Horse h s year ere ls mtg: enter-[hars—
of Every Color. Admission is free. merit t an m past years. ,ere w ‘ e
Please, no coolers or glass containers Club Dub and Payback (youll love em) ‘
and remember to clean up after your playing music for you. The food is free
pets with admission and there will be a cash
Page 2

 “ ll 9 MOth EVEHiS
‘ Moveub’e Feas’ 60’“ United Sister Circle Alliance
‘ bar, credit cards accepted. And oh yeah . . . .
there will be a horse race to watch on The United Sister Circle Alliance
l the big screen TV_ (USCA) will hold its annual gathering at
‘ For tickets call 252.2867 or the Woodland Park Gazebo on Satur—
2533233, the prices in advance are $25 d3}? June 19th from 11.001} until.6 pm.
for singles or $45 per couple and $35 This year, more organizations W111)”;
flat at the gate. us on stage for the 'Awareness Project
l) You can’t beat a day in the country as _ part 01: USCA s “ll-551°“ ‘5 to
; at a beautiful estate with tons of enter— enlighten the our community about the
V tainment. Come out and enjoy and help programs and semces the City has to .offer.
. Movable Fast pay for their own home. Th.“ W1“ be a fun filled day m t!”
‘ park With plenty of food, games, mUSIC,
and information. If your organization
PRIDE IDOL would like to be apart of this event,
‘ The Third Pride Idol Competition please contact LaKetta 8' Rollins at
will be held in June. There will be two l.rollins@united—'Sister.org or 859-312-
preliminary events and the finals will be 1567 for more information. We hope
‘ held at the Pride Festival. that you. Will join us for an eventful,
The first preliminary will be on informative day!
, June 1 at Crossings. The second one AVOL RED Party
. will be Monday, June 7 at Mias. For
;‘ both of these events registration will AVOL presents the hottest party 0f
‘ begin at 8 Pm, and the competition will the summer on Saturday, June 26th at
be at 9:30 Pm' 9pm. It Will be on PaVilion Street:
The top three contestants from Cheapside Park in downtown Lexing-
' 1 each preliminary will be P eforming at ton. (This is where it was last year also.)
I the Pride Festival on June 26. These six Mus“: WI” be prov1ded .by DJ
. finalists will be singing for your votes as XENERGY. Jom us after the Pride Fes—
well as for great prizes. Come out to tival; start planning your outfit now.
support them. Proceeds benefit AVOL (AIDS Volun—
teers, Inc.) June is National HIV Test-
h i ing Month Know Your Status, Ken-
.e ‘ 4*. ‘ _I Wm prom. you "I". "I. tucky, Get Tested!
. ‘ 7.7": oxen". w a, , ,
Z ‘ . 3%.? “mania-3:3" Pribc Month Stem Time
:— i. :C; On Thursday, June 10 there will be
h _~ ‘5: Teresa combs a story time in honor of Pride Month at
:- 4’ "if RealtonABm GRLQSC the downtown Central Library, 140 ‘
i ' 3” A East Main. Join us between 6 pm and 7
l- Sggfgigfizggso gym pm at the second floor children’s de—
’e Emails. teresaconibs@remax.net MK partment.
i) ‘ Web: Wgwcombmalwrmm Creative Realty Parking is free in the lot behind the
:e ‘ m" i Library. Contact Lindsey Mattingly at
h the library for info 895 231—5500.
3 Page 3

 . ents as a dra erformer. u'ubee has
’20'0 l:al‘r’ness AWGT’AS launched intog dialebrity star-{101m as she
leaped among the top three finalists on
Make sure you have marked June this season’s Drag Race. But, her noto—
25"‘ on your calendar. At the Hyatt riety only started there. Since being on 1
Regency Patterson Ballroom, starting the show, she has traveled around the f
with a cocktail hour at 6 p.m., you can country performing at fundraising ?
celebrate the leadership of the LGBT events and shows. Additionally, you will i
community with one another. Each find Jujubee appearing this summer on .
year Lexington Fairness recognizes com— RuPaui’s Drag U, a follow-up to the
munity leadership by Presenting the Drag Race series. Now is your chance to
Lexington Fairness Awards Dinner. come face to face with the next Drag
During this event four awards are pre- Superstar! I;
sented to nominees from the commu- As wonderful as it is having Jujubee :
nity. on June 25.1., we again honor 0111' make her appearance at the Fairness
support in ensuring fairness and equal- Awards Dinner, we are excited to bring
ity is maintained in Central Kentucky. another celebrity for the special night.
FiISt, please take the time to ViSit Stay tuned to www.fairnessawards.org or
www.fairnessawards.org. Here You ‘33-“ www.1exingtonfairness.org to find out
see what awards Lexington Fairness who this amazing performer will be!
presents. They include the Jennifer With all of this exciting news, now
Crossen Out for Fairness Award, Ally is the time to buy your tickets on line at
for Fairness Award, the Ernesto www.fairnessawards.org. You will notice
Scorsone Political Leadership Award that we have lowered out ticket prices
and Fairness Leadership Award. You this year in hopes of encouraging more
read descriptions of each award when people to attend this amazing event.
visiting the event page and learn hOW Don’t forget, all ticket prices include
you can nominate someone to receive dinner... it truly is an amazing deal!
recognition. While getting your tickets on our web-
The Nominations Committee, a site, don’t forget to nominate someone
small but active group of supporters, foraFairness Award.
reviews all submitted nominations and Finally, we have another addition to
makes selections on the recipients. this year’s Fairness Awards Dinner. For
Please take a few moments to honor the first time, you will have the opportu—
your friends and 60116381165 by submit— nity to take home some fabulous prizes
tinga nomination today! through our silent auction. With such
Also at www.fairnessawards.org, you items as VIP tickets to the GLAAD Me-
will find details about the event. We dia Awards, vacation package to Oaks at 5
are extremely excited to bring talent Ojai, massage certificates, dining certifi— 3
beyond belief to Lexington this year. cates, VIP package at Buster’s and many ;
After months of deliberation, the Lex- more. \
ington Fairness board decided to bring Please take a few moments to visit 1
two high profile celebrities to entertain the Fairness Awards Dinner event page x
at this year’s Fairness Awards Dinner. and make sure to get your tickets today. {
Our first performer is known for Seating is limited for the amazing night
her Wit and beauty from this year’s 363' of honoring leadership, enjoying friend-
son of RUPan’S Drag Race on the Logo ship and laughing out loud. We hope to .
Network. No other than Jujubee will see you on June 25'1'!
be joining us to help celebrate fairness In fairness, Craig Cammack,
and equality, while showcasing her tal— Chairman Lexington Fairness
Page 4


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Page 5

 P ride Can t
Hours l0am to 3pm M. Tue. Thur, & Fri. .
389 Waller Ave., Ste. |00 Phone 859-253-3233
Art Exhibit in June Newsletter Announcement
For the month of June the GLSO As of July lst I am sad to say I will no ‘
and Pride Center welcomes local artists longer be editor of Newsletter. Which means .
William Goodman and Barry Herald. that the Newsletter is in need of an Editor .
GLSO is having a reception for them Sat— immediately. Ifyou have editing, layout, or "
urday, June 12th between 6pm 8L 9pm. writing skills or experience with desktop
They will be displaying their art at publishing, I urge you to take on this volun-
the Pride Center, at 389 Waller Ave. Mr. teer job with GLSO and serve your commu-
Goodman is well known for his portraits nity in this way. It is very fulfilling in many
of famous divas. Mr. Herald creates with ways.
photography and digital arts. They are The people who write and send in ads to
both exceptional artists. Please come and the newsletter are terrific people to work
join us, have a bite to eat and meet the with. I have foundthis job veryfiilfillingand
artists. I have learned a great deal. I have met many
wonderful people as editor and thank them
° . for contributing to the newsletter. I will miss
lnSlght G1 011]) them. You can (all 859-253-3233 if inter-
Friday, June 4 - Potluck med, involunteering or email info@glso.org
Friday, June 18 - Games Night Jadae €0me
Pride Center 7pm
Josh at beautifulsouls78@aol.com WJMKMW
TransKentucky is a support, social,
PFLAG and resource group serving Lexington and
Kentucky. The group provides a safe place
Sunday, June 6’ 1' 3 for transgender individuals and people
Pride Center who feel they do not fit into the standard
Sunday, June 21, 1 _ 3 gender norms to express their true selves.
, While the group is not therapeutic in
Rochdale Room at Good Foods Cafe. . . . .
nature, we can prov1de information, adwse
. 3 and share resources from our unique ex— "
ngstizns. pgagiexgbloagjslpotxom periences. Family and friends are encour- l
an Y at P ag ex gm .com aged to attend meetings to gain under- ‘
859.388.4393. All forms of corre- standing and be supportive of their loved ;
spondence are entirely confidential. ones, :
TransKentucky meets the first Saturday "
DIICUIIION GROUP :ach nl‘i/pnth at 7:30pm, doors open at
pm. eetings are free. You may dress
_ Every Wednesday at 7pm however you feel comfortable. For more
Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 information can 359.253.3233_
All Are Welcome
Page 6

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 QPR Suicide Awareness Suicide Prevention cannot be left to
& Prevention Workshop professional counselors, therapists, or
medical personnel, because at—risk indi—
Suicide is the second most frequent viduals most often communicate their
cause of death for young people be— despair to those close to them. Con—
tween the ages of 15 through 24. Stud— cerned community citizens need to get
ies have shown that GLBTQQIA youth involved. Taking this W0fk5h0P can
have a higher suicide rate than their increase your confidence about talking 1
straight peers. You can do something to to friends or family members who you i
change these statistics. think might be considering suicide. ‘
QPR gatekeeper training is offered Please join “5' !
free of charge and is designed to help 1
people learn and practice strategies that Bluegrass Women’s Network
are effective in talking to individuals The Bluegrass Women's Network is
who may be considering suicide. Too 'al ro f r m h id tify
often people worry about a depressed a soc1 . g up 0 W? en w 0 en
friend, family member, or acquaintance as lesbian. Membership is free and there
but do not know how the can hel are no obligations. We use a Yahoo
Research shows that “01?on fession ails group webSite to.announce and coordi-
, nate our events; it's not a chat group. If
canmalreadiflerence. you don't have access to a computer,
The workshop WI“ take place at the that's ok, we also have a phone list.
Colilnmongvetalt: HoJuse, :31 EWMa’; Members plan a variety of activities
:d,4o:m.alinisaii:r dilnuiw ove: tl'fcfriige such as potluck dinners, plays, movies,
f 18. (A worksho that will include parties, card games and whatever else we
0 P_ manage to dream up! Members choose
teens "Ely be olflelred {n the future.) , those activities that are appealing to
betwinetl: 035K312 3351;023:3331! them. Our goal is to enrich our lives
funded suicide prevention,initative 03f With great friendships and memories
the UK Department of Social Work OngOd times spent together. .
and the UK Counseling Center the UK T? announce events and share In.
G Strai ht Allian UK OUT formation, the Bluegrass Women 5 Net—
thay GLSgO d CPFLA G (Psource, work has a private/hidden Yahoo group
Friends and Families of Lesbiaiireziisd website. It can only be accessed by
Ga s) group members. Interested in joining go
yCarrie Schurtz, the UK campus to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/
suicide prevention coordinator will be thebluegrasswomensnetworkl and apply
the primary contact for coordinating to jam. FaCilitators are Debby Hem-

. . , , stock and Lynn Matlock. ..
training. Please register for this free '
event by emailing her at car—
rie.schurtz@uky.edu. . . "wwtter

Dr. Julie Cerel (UK Social Work) Submisswn , Inquiries, & Comments .
is the principle investigator of UK—IN To [3° sure we get your articles and ads
CASE (http://www.uky.edu/ ontime, pleasethemsendto one ofthese
SocialWork/incase) the SAMHSA addresses.

Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Pre- -
vention Grant at the University of KY : aatslgc:@glso.org
that provides for QPR training. _a g so.org

o info@glso.org
Page 8

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Page 9

 D ' réfi: t 0 r
* Have emails or websites
—__GLSO Board: . Rainbow League........... .............859-420-6398
GLSO Pride Center (BIN) ........859-253—3233 United Way (Ask U$)859 313-5465
GLSO Board Presidentw -~--~--De"ni$ Wheatley SisterSound (Patti)... .,..................859-806-0243
Contact number.................859-253-3233 TransKentucky...... ....859—963—6606 "
Discussion Group (Bill) ............859-253-3233 24 hr. Crisis Line ........................800-928-8000
GLSO News (Jackie)~- --~-~-~~---~~~-859-233-3233 24 hr. Teen Crisis Line ................800-999—9999
Subscriptions..................859-253-3233 Reli ious Grou s, 4.
SSA E“??? Wary“ """‘88§§:22§§:55§g: Interweave (Unitarian-Mary)... ......859-266-5904
pea 9'5 urea“ ( “WW Integrity (Episcopal-David).,.,.......859-396-9691
Student Grouesz Lexington Friends (Quakers)........859-254-3319
Berea College ACE (Ryan)... ...859-985-3633 MCC Paducah (Rev. Lillian)..........270-443-3339
Centre College BGLA (MkaI) 859 238 5332 Email & Website Addresses:
Morehead State Univ. (Ned) ..606-783-2294 GLSO Pres'dent Denn's Wheatliegaargegrgasig
OUTsource(UK)......................859-323-3312 '
UK Gay Straight Alliance (Matt) gig-digrrtltgf Center Websrte... mmcglssggtg
859 559 7464 AVOL.....................................www.avolky.org
WM; Bluegrass Women’s Network....................
Jessamine County --------------------859—885—4149 .....thebluegrasswomensnetworkowner
Lex. Fayette County ....................859-288—2437 @yahoogroups.com
Woodford County......................859-873-4541 Imperial Court of Kentucky...
U.K. Adolescent Medicine......... ..859-323-5643 _.www_ImperiaICounKentuckyorg
HIV/AIDS Info/ServiceS' KY Pagan Forum ...........http://go.to/kypaganfomml
W 859-225-3000 Lexington Fairness....................www.|exfair.org
Lexin t‘é’fi‘fiéé'l’tfi‘bé”i"'"'"""""859_288_2437 Lexington Fairness...........www.info@lexfair.org
HIV/ASiDS L .p ' Lexington Pride Festival.............www.lexptide.com
egal Protect 502-584-1254 Email lexpride@gmail com
Cumberland Region (SEKY-Pat) 606 864 3776 Lyons Leather/Levi Club ........www.lexlyons.org
888142517282 Moonshine Bears of KY (Jim)
LexS TO P Program(Jeff) .............................www.moonshinebears.com
' ' ' ' ' 859-254-3469x230 OUTsource .........susanmatsubara@yahoo.com
LouiswlleRegion 502-574—0161 PFLAG Lou.... .. ...,...pflaglouisville@yahoo.com
Rainbow League... ......morgan@morganfry.com
Northern Kentucky Region ..........859-341-4264 TransKentucky TransKentucky@gmail corn
Moveable Feast Lex., (Terry)......859-252-2867 UK Gay Straight XIII-lance '
WE ..............................matthew.hufford@uky.edu
A-A~ (Ron) ......,859-967-9960 United Sister Circle Alliance...\MMN.unitedsisters.org
Al-Anon /A|-Teen (Office) ....859-277-1877
Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S. (Morris)
Council for Peace & Justice ..,....859-255-6999
Fairness of Louisville 502-893-0788 -
Social Services (formerly First Link)............211 GLSO NCWS Deadhne
Internat. Ga Bowlin (Steve 4
................Y.......”.9”.........)......859-276-3o58 June 15th
Lexington Fairness .......859-951-8565 Send articles, ads, and pictures to
Lex. Human Rights Comm. ........859-252-4931
Lex. Insight Group (Dana) ...859-230-2428 .
Lexington Pride Festival ....859-253-3233 art‘C1es@ng°-°rg '
Lexington Lyons (Hal)... ......859-351-0286
MACT ....................................859-358—8335 advertising@glso.org
PFLAG Louisville. ......................502—329-0229
Page 10

 ', LL: 7;: 4;; :11; if; 2:; L :j y; 4 :91; ,/
Pawley’s Island South Carolina
EL 54 C.» '1; l3 3 a :i, i, C) 4)
3 Tickets $10
5 , , . 1 . -
s T. , i???“ , “.111 No more than 250
g H( ,. HIE " r will be sold
a * n \Illlllllll!- MEEElll
4 r I: ”Hear”??? wagmw Available at the
I 1 , x »_ Pride Center
3 5" % “ ‘ 389 Waller Ave.
3 top floor porch,
; overlooking the Atlantic Ocean "WT! ._
r.- ‘ y... _, ;,_:%1:Ff~— film-l
“The house and scenery were perfect xi ; 3 ; 1
- and projected harmony and calm to A f '5 c ‘ ",
l/ each of us. It was the perfect vaca- . : z . :5 l LE
I tion. Thank you GLSO for this special ,3 L, r ”a. l J gm ‘ I
; gift.” Betty (Iastyear’s winner) ‘, ,. ' :rl“-l% ‘- ’., a?” p
, m: llllil , ,, , ,
, . second floor of the Osprey, right on the ocean
I . 4 bedrooms accommodate up to 12 people
:1 . views of the water from every room
1 . flat screen TV, ping pong table, kitchenette
; . salt water creek with private dock.
é Check in 4:30 Sat., Oct 2. Check out 10 pm Sat., Oct. 9.
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Page 11

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. , Art Exlubtt‘of W. Itlllamlgoodman
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‘ - , v; i ’ 'C'ome me'ét BilifiandtzBarry at g "‘ . ..
f L ,1‘ 3 V their-reception. Art will be , = ' (A,
l 3-..forsale.’i....' .’ _.
~‘ 3 ' i . ‘ ; - w "
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Date: Jupe ~lv26th . ' , .1 lfl/A’?
, , , » ’Tit'ne: 6‘pm—9pm ‘ ' "a" .
.33” n“ ~.. . i a' , __‘_',V 4
Art Exhibit in June the subjects’ eye? ,
. _ Bill sells his portraits for between
During June the GL8? Pride.C.en— $300 and $500. He is also willing to
ter welcomes local artists Whham work on commission to do portraits of
Goodman and Barry Herald. We are families or loved ones.
hosting a reception for them Saturday, Mr. Herald is a self taught artist
June 12th between 6pm 8‘ 9pm. The who uses a variety of media. He just
Pride Center is at 389 Waller Ave. and completed a degree in graphic design
there ‘5 plenty 0f parking. . including photography and digital arts.
Mr Goodman ‘5 well khf’Wh for h” His painting will also be for sale. His
portratts 0f famous divas. H15 work has work has been displayed at The Bar as
been shown at the Kentucky Theater well. '
find. The B31“ Bih says about his work, They are both exceptional artists.
I hke to capture the essence Of a per- Please come and join us, have a bite to
son.” He pays particular attention to eat and meet the artists.
Page 12

ride a
My Dear Disco:
High-energy blast of pop, techno, rock, and funk—called Dancethink Music—is
1 quickly making its way to dance floors and headphones across the country. Hailed by
i critics as, “Modern dance—floor anthems,” (The Onion), “Dangerously
~ catchy,” (Recoil Magazine) and, “An out—of-body experience,” (Urb Magazine), their
' recent full—length record was co-produced by Grammy—nominated, multi-platinum
A- producer Mark Saunders—the same person responsible for The Cure’s Wish, Tricky’s
Maxinquaye, David Byrne’s Feelings.
‘ Nhojj:
Singer/songwriter Nhojj broke another barrier when his gay music video “Love”
reached # l on MTV Music Top 100 chart. Last year Nhojj made OUTMusic Awards
history when he became the first black male to win an OMA. The Alliance of LGBT
Recording Artists 8C Performers voted his ballad "Love" 2009 OUTStanding R&B/
Soul song of the year.
8 Inch Betsy:
' 8 Inch Betsy, a Chicago—based rock/pop/punk trio, focuses on lyric driven rock that
gets your Irish up, can bring you down to earth and get stuck in your head for days.
Spooky Qs: '
Spooky Qs are an American alternative rock band from Lexington, KY. Their sound
can be described as a mixture of various influences including art rock, riot grrl punk,
klezmer, electro—pop and 90’s alternative.
Stoll Vaughan: ‘
Vaughan’s identity is carried by a timeless authenticity all his own. Born in Kentucky,
his music embraces his own style, although he has been favorably compared to the
likes of early Springsteen and Townes Van Zandt.
Pride Packs on Sale Now
‘ Availability Limited Order your’s today ‘2] {b/
Pride Packs at www.LexPride.org ‘ /
I A ; t I
For $20 you will receive: \ I l 3 i / "
a T—shirt or Tank Top I I .K ‘._
0 Button or Magnet ' m fig-RY 1‘ in; ,v
0 Glow-In—The-Dark Wristband a-.- U 0' if ' “ 7
(only available in this pack)
0 Pride Post Card 5 ’
(to keep or mail out at the Festival)
' 0 Shout Out in the 2010 Pride Guide -

 ' News/cttcr5ubscnption
une “9 lens
l I —-———
l’nde Festivalldol Address
June 1 Crossings Preliminary _—
June 7 Mia’s Preliminary Clty 3‘
June 26 Final at Festival ——————— ‘/
Imperial Coronation June 4 - 6 State Zip .1
See page 2 for list of events
June 5 Moveable Feast Belmont Bar-B-Que Ema“:
See page 2—3 for details _
_ . 1 yr.$20 Couple or individual
June 6 Ahava Celebrating New location _ membership and newsletter,
See page 20 additional donations welcome.
June 6 W Church Pride Services Please send this form with payment to:
See Page 23 GLSO no. Box 1172
Lexington, KY 40588
June 17 Miss Pride Lexington
See Page 2 Low Cost Subscriptions
June l0 Pride Story lime GLSO is willing to give reduced or
See Page 3 free subscriptions to individuals that
can not afford our $20 cost. Drop by
June '9 QPR Suicide Awareness our table at the Pride Festival or send in
& Prevention Worksho this subscription form with a note.
S 8 P Your support of the newsletter
ee page helps us maintain the Pride Center
, where many community groups meet
June 25 Fairness Awards Banquet including:
See P age 4 The Gay Straight Alliance for Youth
June 26 Lexington Pride Festival The P‘swssmn Group 3’
S l Insrght PFLAG 1
ee page —3
The Pride Festival Committee 1
June 26 AVOl. Red Party The GLSO Board
See Page 3 The Imperial Court of Kentucky
Religious Groups
n 2 D ' B . ' -
J" e 6 rasVeILngaole :33"! vacant,“ We are also willing to rent the
P 3 space. Call Bill at 859 253—3233

 L D of t 57
257 WEST SHORT smear
J U NE 1 7
7 m . a Fund I
Feel the Beat .

 Join Us for Fun with Music & Friends
M W 3
(<3 / 0w
Every Tuesday @ 9pm
0' '7 "gasses: eXIng on
With Host KDJ Bill Melater
and one of Lexington’s Best Bartenders, Kevin, serving
$4.00 LIT All Night! Come get your sing on!
We Want to Hear From You!
I fl‘ifll
‘ w I p
+ x :22 l
V: I] i
. , ‘r' J”\ ' i
, (:1 ' r,
z [A WERE; - f i
r x/ 4 ‘ - ‘ - q:
(Ti 0 WQm Q ' ..
bah /L;J;\;-,r?_§s Rock Band & Wu game system
- Raffle is for the game 85 game system that will be used on the day
of the Pride Festival
0 Raffle is “As Is”
0 You do not have to be present to win
0 If not present, winner must make arrangements for the pickup or
delivery of the gmne system
Page 16

 Remembering 0'“. History primarily responsible for the theoretical
basts that was the foundation of code
Pride Nlonth Selection breaking during the war,
- . After the war Turing worked at the
Alan mathlson Turlng National Physical Laboratory, where he
by mam crane created one of the first designs for a
stored—program computer, the ACE. He
Alan Mathison Turing was an Eng- did theoretical work on artificial intelli-
iiSh mathematician, logician, cryptana- gence that is still referenced today and
IV“ (code expert), and computer SCiCh‘ developed new approaches to mathe-
tist. He was influential in the creation matical biology.
of the modern computer, an expert in In 1952, Turing’s home was bro-
code breaking during World War Two, ken into by a young man with whom
and honored for his academic work in Turner had had a sexual relationship.
several fields. He was also a gay man Turner reported the crime to the police
driven to an early death by his govern- and during the investigation, acknowl-
ment. edged the former sexual relationship.
Born in 1912, Turing’s advanced “Homosexual acts” were illegal