xt7wst7dt13s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dt13s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1921 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_128 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 128 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 128 1921 1921 2014 true xt7wst7dt13s section xt7wst7dt13s 5/ ZJ ° '
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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Lexington, Ky.
December, 1921
l‘u|>lisl1··»i in i·»·nn···1i··n uimii iii.- ;1;i·i.·nl1ur·;¤i »·xt·n>i··n \\`4¤l'Ii ¤·:11·1·i¤¤I
Ull I¤)' i‘¤><¤1><·l‘a1li·>11 ·¤I` li1¤~ l'¤¤lli·;e· oi` 4\gl`I<‘liIlll!‘i*, I’IlI\'<‘I`$II)' ··I` l{¤·l1IL1<‘I<)`,
with the I` S. lh·p:n·t111tn·tt·sy ;tt·t·t>1·tIt-tl iilt'1ll }»_t· tht- i’t»t·tl;intl l't·m··nt ,\~r
sotriattitni, the Iit»nth·11 )Tzit·hint-ry l`t»tiip;i11y. tht- ·|. lf. l‘t·1·t··z·
i Ctn·pot·;itimi. zintl tht- Jlznnvs )lziin1t`:it·t111·ing· l`tnn;»;m_x· in pt-¤·n;E:r
ting tht- ust- ·»t` nizitt-rizii t·<»n1z1int·ll in <»r·l•·t· t··
suve lubor.
T. lLlJ`iI`¢I [Muni; l'nlt·ss ntlier in···yisi<»n is niutle the l»u1·n
slnnilil piwvitle t`ll<'l`l‘it‘ t`¤»nmlutinn uml llnnr ui`··
hest uml innst pei·nium·nl.
IO. ('0.nls per uniinul, Fig. l shows hnw t»·
equip the shed.
The 0110-story ll2l1'll is intan eninimni. llnw·t-yer, the twnv
story burn of the guinhrel i·<¤nl` type is innre <-t·nnrnnii·ul when
StO1‘£1g0 (‘2l])ZI*fll}` uml t·¢n|\‘<·ni¤·1n·<· nl` l`¤‘•·m· is tight.

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·$lOl`}'   ":‘ " ""`r Cowcnzarz. 4rx-nc; lgxe
.· mil -*¤+·- 02055 sacrnorsn
lS Illlil
I _·· l·`ig. I. The "lcan to," tho not :1 very desirable type of dairy barn, is
ll l being used for teinporary quarters by 1`nrniers who czumot afford zz better
l \'(‘l`\' harn. The uhove drawing shows the most satisfactory arrangement for a
· "lean te." lt should be located on the south side of the barn, and should
;u`·]l il be provided with 1`our square feet oi` window opening per cow.
l“`“l‘ Regardless of what kind is chosen, it should be as com-
l f*‘lll` vcnient as possible because outside of the cost of feed labor is one
low l" of the largest items of cost in the production of milk.
wlieu A great deal of care should be taken in selecting the site for
yyplljn the dairy barn. Land which will allord ample, well-drained
)\·(¤1l]q‘ yard space should be selected. A muddy yard is unsanitary.
The relation of the barn to other farm buildings should be

(i (l1iI'1‘I//1//' .\'11. /;‘~*'
1‘{11l>11l1‘1'1'11 N11 111111 1111` l·111'111 (11N`1'Il11(111S l'{111 111-1·1111\‘1·11i1-1111_\‘ 111'l'~
1111*1111-11. 111 (11-llllll 111 21ll(1\\' 1111- 111:1xi11111111 :11111111111 (11- s11111ig11t 111
(‘111C1`1ll€‘ $1:11111-,1111-11111g1li1111-11si1111111`1111-11:11·11»111111111 111- 111:11-1-11
1101*111 :11111 south.
'l`111- 1`11111111:11i1111 \\`£I11N 11(‘14l\\` 1111- L:I1°1111l1(1, 1111` 1U\\'1'1` >1111·_1·
w:1lls f1*11111 111lx g1`(11l1111 1111 111 1111- wi111111w sills, :11111 1111` ;;·1*11111111
1'lO(11‘ $111111111 111- 111:1110 111. :1 Q`11111l 1-11111-1*1-10 111ix1111*1- 111' 11:21;:5 ,
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'1`h1- 1`11111111:11i1111 Nll1111l11 1-x11-1111 111111*11 111-1-11 1*1111111Ill 111 :11:11111 *
{lll 11:111;;*1-1* 1111 1`1·11<1. 15 i111·111-s 111 2 1·(°1‘1 111-ing s:11i<1`:11·1111*_1* 111
The base 111- 1`11111ing shonhl 111) 11111 11->s 111:111 ]U" wi111-1 111:—
1101111111g 011 1111- 1{11111 of soil s111111111·1111g i1. 'l`111- \\`ill1 Ill2I}` 1:1111-1*
to :1 thickness 111 0111- 111111 :11 1111- s111*1`:11·e 111` 1110 g1·11111111.
The fo111111:11i1111 1`111· :1 l.I`i11llC 11:11-11 b11i11 1111 101*1-1 1.§l`111l1l<1
s11oul110x1011116111S i111·111-s 211111\'1‘Q`1'11111l1l :11111 111- :11 ll`i1N1 8 l1l(°111°*
Placing 1111- sills 11111111 1111- 1`11111111:11i1111 \\Yll1|‘ll i< 111;:111-1* 111:111
the 11001* 11-1*01 111*111N 111 111*1-1*1-111 1*:111111 1`1111l11L[· (11. 1111- sills, '1`111-
  Sllf`11ll11 111· 1'1'1}(1S1)11‘11_
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establish l111il1li11;· :11111 r·x1·:11;11i1»11 111115 for 1`1111111l:1111111 t1·1·111·11,

 J "'i
S ('ir¢·u?o1· No, /;*5
The tioer ot a stable should he constructed ot` a material
which is durable. economical, impervious to water and which
can be kept in a sanitary condition. The old, filthy plank floor
harbors disease. Concrete floors are proving to he the most
satisfactory. They are comparatively cheap, taking into eon»
sideration their durability and the ease with which they can he
kept clean and free from odors. ln order to avoid costly miss
takes in the concrete work it is l1t‘¤‘l‘~S{ll'}' to have a floor plan
showing the lll'l`illlgl`t‘lll\‘lll and details ol. il1·· installation ol the -
modern steel stall equipment and all tin- drainage and water
pipes. The 1Ilill1lll.ilt‘llll't‘lS ot barn equipment will furnish to i
the customer the ne essary detailed plans and instructions for »2·
properly installing the equipment. it
The lzest mixture of eonerete to use for a dairy l»arn tloor is I
one part of cement, two parts of sand and three parts of crushed
stone, but floors are also eonnnonly made of two mixtures; thus ‘ ,
in the latter ease the floor consists of a Inase and top coat. The  if?
base coat should he composed of one part of cement, three parts ·
of sand, a11d tive parts of clean gravel or crushed stone. The yy
top coat should consist of a if l" layer of l’ortland cement mortar  Q
composed of one part of cement to two parts of sand. The YQ}?
cement surface of gutters Elllll mangers should he troweled  
smooth with a metal float, but the surface of all walks, stalls,  
driveways a11d alleys should he finished with a carpet float, giv- Y F
ing it a rough finish to prevent slipping.  
Cork brick or ereosoted wood blocks which are manufactured li  
especially for this purpose may be used for the stalls. These {
materials are nonconductors and thus keep the floor from being ,,1,, 
cold and damp. They are quite durable, but are more expen—  
sive than concrete.  .9:,,,
Scientists claim that direct sunshine is one of the best germ    
killers; it is one of the important necessities of a dairy barn. A  
dairy barn should have plenty of windows. YVe recommend 1   A
square foot of glass to 20 to 25 square feet of floor space, or four
square feet of glass per cow.

 Buildfng Plans for {hc Dairy Farm 9
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>11)ilN t1111ll1·w tlu- llI&lXlItll||Il 1111111111lt 11l` 1lil·1··t s1111li:‘l1t 111 (`lll¥°l-,
'l`lu-wi1ul11wsillslu111l1llu-t`1·111uZi*: l't'*`l 111 l t'1·1·l 1111111-1- tlu- lllllll`.
-\ six 111 11i1u-»liul1t. \llIQ4l|‘**£l\lI \\lIllltl\\`, l1i11u‘1-1l al tlu- lltllr
t11111 s11 tl111t it 1-1111 l:1‘s\\`llll2` i11 at 1lu·1·111.;1tt'111·1l< Qlllllll \‘1-11til11-
\\'i1ul11ws alul |llltII`$ Slllllllll l11~¤·1·1-·1u-·l I11 lu-1-11 1111t tli··s.
.lt \l>llilll_\' is ·l1-si1111l1l·- 111 ]1l1u1· lll<' 1-11ws i11 tw11 1-11ws 11s tllis
>1}'Nlt‘lll 1*1-·111i1·1·s l1-ss l:1l11.1· i11 tl-1-1li11g· Elllll ill llilllllllllgj tlu- 1111111111···.
ll]1i11i1111s 1liti1-1· i11 1··-gall-1l 111 tlu- <l\`iIIlli|;lt‘S 11t' l`a1·i11;;·1·1·ws i11 111-
1111t \\`lll‘}l tw11 I`t\\\`$ (Il. stalls 111-1- ll*l‘.l. Xt‘llllt‘I' |\l&llI Vitll l1·-s11i·l
t11 lu- s11111-1‘i111‘ 111 tlu- 11tlu-1* i11 11ll l`l‘$lN‘.‘l<. 'l`l11· 11l1111 a1l1111t1-=l
will 1l1-111-111l lill`;;<'l}' 11111111 tlu- lll(ll\Al(lllill 111·1-l`1-1·1-111·1· 11l` tlu- llélll`}'-
li' tlu-1·11w is 111 lu-1·11111t'111·1;1l1l1- it is 1-~s1-:1ti11l 1l111t l1·-1‘st:1ll
iu- 11f tlu- 1·1·1·1·1-·t sin-. 'l`l11·1-1- t'1-1-t six i1u·lu·s ll~IIilll_\' is 1·11l1si1l-
1-11-ll tlu- \lIlll\\' stalls. l'll>I' xlllilll l'|l\\l* il 11:11‘»
I`t)\\`k‘l` wi·l1l1 lll. Z2 lll. il i11. >llllll*lllll|'\ is 11s1-1l. 'l`lu- >]l£l1‘lll!` lll.
tl11- llZll'll l?l‘Ill< 111· 1111sts 1.l't1-11 l'2lll¤<‘¢ tlu- ·l··siu‘au·1· 111 \'Zll'}' tlu-
\\`ltllll 11t' lll1*>I2lll~—:l t1·itl1-. A I-1-l'1.l11-111 ;u·1-11111111111l11t1·s »l stalls
ill: 1°t,wi1l1-: il lil lt. l:1-111. tl11·1·1-stallsil l't. »l ill. \\`l1l<‘. illltl il lj ;
ft. lllllll. Bl stalls 4t't.wi1l1-. ‘
Stalls Nlllllllll l11-—l'-Zl”t115 l't. l1111g· t'1·11111 g·a1tt1-1- t11 lllilllullll`. ,
111r1·111‘1lil1g‘ t11 tl11- sim- 11l' tl11- 1-11w, (I111-1·11s1-4\‘s Qllltl .l1·1·s1-_\‘s will
k1-1-11 1·l1-all illltl sl1·1-11 1#11l11l`111‘t11l1l_\’ iu stalls »l’—¥l" 111 ll; l`t. l<*l|§i'. `
\\'l1ll(* II11lst1-i11s 111ul tlu- l2ll`§.l`t‘l‘ l11·1-1-1ls 11t' 1·11ws l't‘tlllll`t‘ 4’-8" t<1 ?
5’-il". Sftlllf} lt2ll'll$ 1111- 1l1-si;-111-1l with l|\ll§.[` stalls 11t 11111- 1-lul 1-l`
tlu- 1'U\\' alul sl1111t stalls at tlu- 11lllt‘l'. rllllt‘I't‘ ill'(‘ 1111 tlu- 111111·l<1-t
$l2lllt'lll(>|l% so El*l_jll$l2llllt‘ as t11 li111- 1111 tlu- t'(l\\`S 1111 tlu- Q`llll<‘l`· —
’l`l1c tl11111· Slllllllll llil\`<‘ il t11tal sl11l11· lll. Jllltllll 11111- i11.·l1 l.I`ttIll tlu- 1
]ll2lll};'<‘l‘ 1·111·l1 111 tlu- g-11tt·-1-. j

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$111:1ll Al1··ll11111 ].:11·:1·
lI11lst1·111 . , ,.,.., , , Z£’—Ii" 111 -1’-11" 1 »1'-111" S'-Z" S'-S"
Sl1111*1l1111*11 ..,. . ........ .. Ii'-Ii" 111 ~1'-II" -i'-S" 5'-1I" S'-G"
1\>'rsl1i1·1·     ._,, I Il'-Ii" 111 Ii'-H" I ~1'-Ii" B'-11" R'-ti"
G111·1*11s1·1* ..I. .1   ,..., . JI'-1" 111 Il'~1S" 4'-U" ~1'-IH" 5'-4"
.I(‘l`$(l}` .... I .....,, , ,...,..l,, ` JI'-»1" 111 J·2'·1i" 4'·4" 4'-h" Z'-II"
l II1·11`1·1*s ....   H ......   ` L!'—fI" 111 Ii'—2" I1'-b" Z5'-1•1" 4'-Z"
L l *1`1111111il11l 111* RI. .\. Ii, l{•·ll·1‘. l111‘1~i1·11 ·»1` .\:1*11~11l1111*:1l 1111:11111-1*111:
I’¤‘l*:11*1111·111. l`. S. |*1·]111‘l111··111 ·11` .\:1*11·1:l1111‘··, \`1':1sE.111:11·11. 1*. ¤`.
l,•*Il!ll| ··1` s1:1ll:< ‘*S"—-.L’ 1L" 1-**l'1'*1\\S, ZZ'11" 1··1* l1·11`1·1*s;1111l 1111111: >1··1#!1.
* N1·’1*1·:.—s1,1; l·`i_:*_ I1'.
S111111· 1l:111*_1·1111~11 tl1111l< lllill 11:11*11111111s l11·t11*1·1·11 s1:1lls :11*1· 11111
]ll‘1”(‘>‘SElI'_\'Z 1l11\\'1‘\`1'l`. tl11· 111:1,1111*11_1* 111 1lll‘1Il $(`l*lll 111 1l1~s11*1· :1
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` llSL‘1l.
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— 1·l1:1s1·1l :11 il ]1llllIllIlll{.{` Sll|111l}' l11111s1~. Il1111*1·1’1·1*. tl11· 1l111'(xl`(`lll
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11111 11:11* 111111 111 l1111‘ the 111111- :11111 111:11:0 l11s 1111*11 (`(llll1)]ll[‘ll1>.
'l`l111 lll(11:1111·1111111. 111I\\(`\-(.1.. 1s 1111l 111111-1- L:'1.11|.1.1111`\~ 11~1-11 111-1-11-1-
:11111 1111- 1:111-1- 11111111-1~ 111` »11111;-111;- >1;1111·1111111s 11-:111- |111!1· 111 111-
111-s11-1-11. '1`111-1-111 N1_\'1|` 11x1-11 ~1:1111·1111111 1-1111~1~1> 1l1· 11111 l111I'1Q111
11:11-s 11111- 111' \\`111-11 1~ 11111;-1-11 :11 1111-11111111111:11111 111:1111-11111111-11 111111-
1-111111;-11 :11 1111- 11111 111 111-1-11111 1111- 1-1111 111 111~1-1-1 I11-1- I11-:111 111-111-1-1-11
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