xt7wst7dst3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dst3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-11-23 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 23, 1983, no. 419 text The Green Bean, November 23, 1983, no. 419 1983 1983-11-23 2014 true xt7wst7dst3z section xt7wst7dst3z     C9/*.1   6}* `
‘° 11-23-83 No. 419
Nov. 21+ Alben William Barkley's birthday
Nov. 25 Andrew Carnegie' s birthday V
I , Yourwelcorrnegiving Day
Nov. 29 Promotion/Tenure Committee Meeting for
Nontenured Faculty, 9 a.m. , Gallery
Dec. 2, 9 Gallery Series
Dec. 6 Staff Development Committee Program Q
on Microcomputers A
Next "Green Bean" issue: December 9. A
I Submission deadline: 10 a.m., December 6. A
‘ Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by
l phone after the deadline (7-1631). ‘
I Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Liz Pogue, Rob Aken (editor) .
ll A

   Mi.croco¤1puters: Hardware and Software--December 6, 1983
'I_h_e Gallegg . I
'Ihis St Development Ckxmittee program has been designed to allow
you to see demonstrations of specific software packages and microcomputers
.~   and to compare similar packages. If you feel you don't understand
microcomputers or what they do, this is a good opportunity to see than
‘ S in action. O .
.. ·- During half hour periods, 3-4 demonstrations will run concurrently;
they have been scheduled to allow direct comparisons of different
machines- and software. You can go to whichever demonstration piques -
, your interest at the time most convenient for you. (Please note that
sessions are repeated to allow this.) There will be opportunities for
· hands-on experience. _ .
@.¤kT[1’1SCf&CZl(]I1S‘ I
Caumnications software: communication with other computers, including
online searching. a
l Screenwriter and Miltimatez word processing programs. The Screenwriter “ T
‘ demonstration wi.ll show its capabilities with form letters, mailing _
lists, and indexing. Multimate causes the IBM PC to exmilate a Wang
_ dedicated word processor.
PFS and Quickfile: database management programs that allow creation   O ‘
manipulation of files. The PFS demonstration will include a chance
to see the following files: audio—record file, recipe file, book
file, and a directory of archives in Georgia. The Quickfile .. · `
_· i‘ dermnstration will show business and administrative files.
l· V _
Programming: a basic (no pun intended) overview. Other capabilities
on the Coumodore 64 will also be dermnstrated.
DOS, diskettes, and cards: basic microcomputer anatomy and equipment p
handling. (Hank Harken)
g Schedule
Time p Denonstratim  
10:00 - l0:3O Cormunications  {4 ‘
Screenwriter Apple   ·
Quick file Apple Xie
-   V C’Q3IA1iTY:}kiDI”‘3  
10:30 — ll:0O Miltimate IBM--EMT;
_ PFS S Apple ZVQ··?· l
DOS, diskettes 6: cards Ag>p"*.e  
I .

 2 ll:00 - 11:30 » J Comninications 1BM~PC V
‘ Screenwriter Apple 11+-
Quickiile Applg IIE
Programming Commodore 64 V 1 %
11:30 — 12:00 Multimate IBM-PC
  ‘ PFS Apple 11+
, DOS, diskettes 6: cards Apple Ile
i 1:00 - 1:30 Corrmmications IBM-PC
g ‘ Screenwriter Apple 11+
  Quic:Mile Apple Ile
  1:*30 — 2:00 Miltimate 1BM~·PC `
; PFS Apple 11+
Q DOS, diskettes.  cards Apple Ile ·
1 2:00 — 2:30 Communications IHVI-·PC
l Screenwriter Apple 11+
. l Quickfile Apple 11e ‘
1 2:30 — 3:00 M.1lt?imate 1BM~PC
; PFS Apple 11+
l - DOS, diskettes 5; cards Apple 11e _
  Brown Bag Luncheon Rescheduled `
1 — 'Ihe brown bag luncheon which was scheduled. fer Nov. 22nd, has new
‘ rescheduled for Weds. , Dec. 7th at the same place.   topic: is
"Holidays or Holidaze," and will be presented by Jean Baugh, Fayette
County Extension Agent.
lost and Found
King Library's Lost and Found service has been moved from Qiiircxdation to .
Administrative Services. After 4:30 md on weekends, fownd items can
be turned in at the Circulation desk. s
University of Kentucky Libraries Gczeasional Papers 0
Z As the Occasional Papers are published irregularly, it   net  zéjéiie
‘ to establish rates. Manuscript lengths     do produntziw .r:.osts;·
therefore, the price cannot be determined prior to pi1blic:a·t;i.a;;n.. {Tr 
, prepaid from Administrative Services Department, Universiaizy oi? 255»·—.::;:¢;"=;:.¤;QEM
Libraries, University of Kentucky, lexington, KY 40506.
Number l Technical Processing 1.i1'13Z’C"E£lZ`1.€’I1S in the f ..'. in   Fsiint;
l980's: Current 1`rends and Yéuture ;
, Forecasts. Gail Kennedy, 1980
Number 2 Kentucky in Fictien ·— An A1.l.c;;ota.ted Bibl is *,1} ., ill}
graphy l95l—l980. Maury   Foley,  
Number 3 The Landscape Architecture Book Catal<;>g~··~   "**Yf
A Bibliography of Holdings sn the lil'!.lF;’é?Tf`U%b1.T;Qj.
of Kentucky Campus Theroug}1 YL9?7.
, Antoinette Paris Powell, 1982
A 2

 Number 4   University Libraries and the Antiquarian $5.00
. Book Trade: Fragments of Library History.
tmaqce S. Thompson, 1983.
. · I The Publications Committee consists of four members of the UK Library
f Staff and one faculty member of the UK College of Library and Information 4
Science: Vivian Hall, Chair; Brian Coutts; larry Greenwood; and Connie
- Milligan of the Library Staff; and Michael Harris of the CLIS. (Vivian Hall)
I Occasional Papers Vacancy I
Due to the November 28 departure of Perry Bratcher   the UK Libraries
- system, a vacancy will be available on the Occasional "‘'‘ Papers Committee,
* Any interested members of ACIS should contact Dan Hodge in the Business (
Library. (7-8407). - . g
I Goodbye, Perry, and good luck in the fumire. (Dan Hodge) {
New From Information Access: Magazine Collection V I f
Magazine Collection, a full text microfilm collection of articles indexed  
on IAC s Ma azine Index, became available on November 15. "The system . . I a;] _
consists of a high speedmicrofilm reader-printer, a carousel stocked with. _
microfilm of the full text of articles from 200 periodicals (upxiated every Q
two weeks and going back to 1980), and Magazine Index." The index provides Q
a code to the cartridge and frame in the Magazine Collection where the A Q
appropriate article can be found. Ma azine Co lection costs $16,800 a year, _  
although it can be acquired at a discount Z$l4,300$ Before December 1.  
(Libraéry Journal, l November 1983, p. . 2012) i _
. CONSER To Add Indexing Information . I 1
Over the next 18 months, the CONSER (CONversion of SERials) database will S
add abstracting and indexing services information to its records. CONSER  
records will then tell 'where particular serials are abstracted or indexed"  
and provide "standardized bibliographic data" for the included A & I services. f
,This information will be available for 105,000 titles when the project is ‘
completed. (American Libraries, November 1983, pp. 681-682} ,
OSU Online Catalog User Study I 1
Christine Borgman of OCLC recently studied Ohio State University's online I
catalog use by way of computer monitoring, examining "search done, patterns .
of use, length of search sessions, error rates, and system problems." 3 _
Results showed "high numbers of subject searches at terminals in the card I ’
catalog area. . .; 13.3 percent of all commands were typographical or logical V
errors; and types of searches performed appeared highly correlated with type I
of training given to users. Length of searching sessions decreased from =_
fall to spring terms, but error rates increased during the same period."
I The study has been published as End User Behavior on Lhg Qhig State -
Uniwggegity Libraries Online Catalbg. (American   Novém`5. er 1983, ~
p. "

 Library History Survey   ‘
ALA's library History Round Table is taking a survey of oral history records
of librarians. To register oral history tapes of librarians, request a survey i
form from Doris Cruger Dale; Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Dept. ; Southern
_ Illinois University; Carbondale,   62901. (American Libraries, November 1983,
p. 679)
New Books and Articles
Auudeo, Anthony J. Photocopying Without (Much) Damage," W
.- College gd Research Librgy News, 44 (November 1983),
_ _ cover story. , y
"Gcmputer Crime and Security Major-Database Disasters; Could
They Happen Here?" American Libraries, 14 (November 1983),
645-647. _
How the "big five"` bibliographic facilities answer the question.  
Foster, Donald L. Managing t_h__e Catalo arunent, 12d ed. -  
· Metuchen, N..J'.: Scarecrow, 1982. lZ76937; .F67/1982) .
Mitchell, Betty J.   A_ Budget Based Librg M__a_nageme_n_t R
System. (Qoundations in Libragy gd Information §ciencg,
vol. 16) Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1983. ZZ,/678,7.M52/1983) ·
Nyren, Karl and John Berry. "Information and Technology: At the —
{ ~ ·_Crossroads, " Library Journal (Novembercl, 1983), pp. 2017 ff. ‘
Report on ALA's Library and Information Technology Associati0n's
n (LITA) first national conference. Of particular interest are the °
_‘ ":* -l`‘_ ·i'User§ Studies" (online catalogs) section, the "`Integrated System"
' section, the "Autonomy vs. Compromise" section, and the "Mzisixnderstorod
Messiahs" section (on the economics of serials).;
Vavrek, Bernard. "Microcomputer for Sale," Librgry Jgrmnal
(November l, 1983), pp. 2025-2026. ` A _
Nine Years Ago This Month in the "Green Bean" "
The UK Libraries As.sociation's. November program took wp) the prnposal
. to reclassify into the LC classification. " " `A
John Richardson resigned as head of the III. Section in  
Ill. became a separate department in December with.Harry Gilbert in charge,`
John Bryant assumed direct responsibility for the act:b¤.rit:i.es in
. Acquisitions. ·
l King Library initiated a paper recycling-project.
Peggy Southerland joined the CSR staff. U
Agnes McDowell began coordinating a program of library services and
collection development between the Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Libraries. '
  i ‘··
  _. _       ._.__   T. L . C      

in The follomng programs will be held at a noon in the King North Gallery.
— Decanber 2 Program of Renaissance Chansons——Performance by the
UK Collegium Misicum; Dr. Jonathan Glixon, director.
a. December 9 Wig1af's Legacy: Saving a Wounded Beowulf-—Lecture
_ by Dr. Kevin Kiernan, English Department, on the
l - Beowulf manuscript discovery.
Natural-¥disast2er~s·~can11ot2 be `prevented ,‘ but plans to reduce their arrears -
can be mst effective. In addition, steps may be taken which can eliminate
A the possibility of trouble. Since there have been many disasters and calls _ ,
for hélli. it appears more prevention is in order for libraries and archives I
in the·United States. _ 1
Both national and local civil defense. agencies 'offer a wealth of helpful ·  
ideas for protecting people and the contents of buildings. Understanding _ ;
the natural hazards of an area, anticipating problems, and    
buildings and grounds to withstand disaster may make a differmce between Z
total loss and moderate damage.: Being realistically prepared will save . y
collections if the worst happens. . 1
Good building maintenance and surveys can be important ways to prevent  
problens. Proper cleaning of storm drains, sewer lines, and roof areas * Q.
. wi.ll prevent leaks. Steam and water lines should be checked regularly Q
i and have pressure alarms to indicate trouble. Drips or unusual condensation E
should be reported and dealt with before they become synpt:mns·¤f~a—¤ greater  
problem. Tire extinguishers must be checkedregularly, and staff should  
be trained how to use them properly; Trash and flammable materials mist  
be kept cleaned up and out of storage closets and basement area where air i
circulation is poor. (Jessie Adams) j
(For more information, contact Faith Harders.) {
O canromsa   y
Head, Microform/Newspaper Unit, Government Documents; University    
California at Berkeley. Salary: $17 ,412—$22,28i+. Deadline: December ¤
31, 1983.  
Head Sciences Libraries Department; University of California at Berkeley. j
Salary: $28,608—$39,672. Deadline: December 31, 1983. ;
Science Cataloger, Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries; University
of California at Los Angeles. Salary: $l7,i+12—$26,7l2. Deadline: not

 Assistant Department Head, Serials/Serials Acquisition Librarian;
University of California at Santa Barbara. Salary: $18,636—-$32,769. ,
Deadline: lhrch 1, 1983. I ’
  Assistant Art Librarian, University of California at Santa  
Q Salary: $22,776—$32,796. Deadline: March 15, 1984.
  Connecticut A
1 Reference Librarian, Goverment Publications; University of Connecticut. .
Q Salary: $15,000-$17,800, Deadline: not specified.
  Georgia ·
l Director of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology. Salary: not
i specified. Deadline: February 1, 1984.
i - Illinois .
I Serials Cataloger, Northwestern University. Salary: $l8,000—$20,500.
  Deadline: January 15, 1984. _ '
5 - `
African Studies Area Specialist, Indiana University. Salary: $15,800- .
$22,250. Deadline: January 15, 1984.
i louisiana
Director of Libraries, louisiana State University. Salary: not specified,
Deadline: January 31, 1984.
Processing Librarian; University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Salary: $18,000-
  Deadline: January 15, 1984. ‘
W North Carolina p
Music librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ..
Salary: $23,000   Deadline: January 15, 1984.
Temporary Spanish Theater Collection Cataloger, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Salary: $15,250. Deadline: Decanber 15, 1983 .
Head Librarian; Pennsylvania State University, M·:Keesport Campus.
Salary: $18,500. Deadline: December 15, 1983.
‘ 6

 N _  
Director of the Library, Maryville College. Salary: not specified. -
Deadline: December l5,~l983.
. ` A T I
Head, Special Collections; University of Houston. Salary: C. $25,000
__   Deadline: January 15, 1984. _ A
Head, Reference! Information Services and Collection Development; ‘ _
University of Houston. Salary: c. $25,000   Deadline: January
31, 1984.
Science Reference Librarian/Bibliographer, University of Houston. .
Salary: $l5,500—$l9,500. Deadline: January 15, 1984.
virginia Q
Assistant Documents Librarian, Reference De artment, Government Documents
Section; University of Virginia. Salary: $15,000   Deadline: ‘
January 2, 1984. i