xt7wst7dsg9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7wst7dsg9z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-10-31  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 1952 1952 1952-10-31 2013 true xt7wst7dsg9z section xt7wst7dsg9z The Kentucky Kern el







Danish Orchestra
To Perform Here
During U.S. Tour


Tuxen Will Conduct
Concert In Coliseum







Football Game
To Be Staged
By 22 Girls


Governor Will Act
As Water Boy In
Homecoming Event

UK will lx" one of 10 universities in the United States to hear
a concert by the Danish National Orchestra during its American
tour this fall.
Presented by the Central Kentucky Community Concert and
Series, the Orchestra will perform at 8:15 p.m. Mondav
in Memorial Coliseum.

Under the royal patronage of King
Frederick IX of Denmark, the Dan- ish Symphony is making a good will
tour introducing 96 musicians to
Thomas Jensen Will Conduct
Conductors are Erik Tuxen ani
Thomas Jensen, who is making his
first appearance in the United
States. Mr. Tuxen, who has been
guest conductor with the Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland, and fa- tional Symphonies, will conduct the
During the past two summers, the
Orchestra visited the Festival of
Britain and the Edinburg Music
Festival. Under the auspices of Columbia Artists' Management and the
American Scandinavian Foundation.
The Orchestra came to the United
States early in October.

Included on the Monday night
program will be the "Euryanthe
Overture." by Carl Maria von
Weber; "Symphony in D Minor," by
Cesar Franck, "Little Suite for
Strings in A minor Opus No. 1," by
Carl Neilsen, Danish composer, and
The Firebird Suite." by Igor Stra- vinsky.
The American tour will be limited
six weeks since the Orchestra is
scheduled to return to Copenhagen
for its regular season. Concerts will
be played in 30 cities and at nine
othe( universities including Prince- ton, Cornell, Connecticut College,
University of Michigan, Michigan
State, Indiana State, Renssalaer
Polytechnic Institute, and Hampton
Students will be admitted to all
Community concerts and lectures
upon presentation of their ID cards.


ner, Donna Thieman, and Jackie Chumbler. Absent from the picture are Jean Ford, Marilyn Bergman and Sally

Botanical Gardens Will Have
New Green-Tinte- d

will soon be ready near the armory,
and flagstones will connect it with
In line with current national de- the green concrete walks.
mands for
the new
Mr. Peterson said the
sidewalks through UK's botanical and improvement programs were ingreen, UK stigated because the procession line
gardens are being tinted
Comptroller Frank D. Peterson re- at graduation passes near these J
ported this week.
areas. In addition the many new
CompNominees selected by the Alumni
Frank D. Peterson, UK
The Comptroller . explained that bulbs and shrubs also would serve
four-yetroller and secretary of the Board Executive Committee for the
green concrete will make the the improved areas as a horticulthe
term are Dr. Ralph Angelucci sidewalks almost the same color as
of Trustees, recently announced
tural laboratory.

UK Guignol
To Present
Play Nov. 5


that ballots listing the names of
six persons to succeed H. D. Palmore
of Frankfort as an alumnus member
of the Board have been distributed
to University alumni.
Mr. Palmore's term will expire
Dec. SI. Alumni ballots must be in
the secretary's office by Dec. 8, the
day before the December meeting
of the board, Mr. Peterson said.
Kentucky statutes provide that
three members of the Board of
Trustees shall be appointed by the
governor from the alumni of the
University. One of these must be
appointed biennially from three
alumnus members selected by the
UK Alumni Association.

Veterans Studying
On Korean G.I. Bill
To Report Monthly

Marof Lexington,
shall Barnes of Owensboro, presi
dent of the Beaver Dam Deposit
Bank; Fleming Bowlds of Owens
boro, realtor; Edwin Ray Denney of
Mt. Vernon, attorney; Robert H
Hillenmeyer of Lexington, businessman; J. Stephen Wat kins of Lex
ington, consulting engineer.
Alumni may vote for three candi
dates in the election and are free
to add the names of any other
alumni for the nominations. Accord
ing to Kentucky law, Gov. Lawrence
Wetherby is required to appoint the
new member from the three nomi
nees drawing the most votes.
Alumni members currently serv
ing on the board with Palmore are
Herndon J. Evans, Pineville. and
Guy Hugulet, Lexington.

the grass.
The new sidewalks are all part of
a current program to beautify the
gardens, Mr. Peterson asserted. He
terrace, flagsaid that a
stone walk, and several short flights
of stone stairs are being built in the
small valley between the north and
south wings of the Fine Arts building by the Maintenance and Operations Department. Two large tulip
beds and various - shrubs already
have been planted in this area.
Walks Defaced By Pockets
Mr. Peterson said for some time
the walk from the Fine Arts building
through the gardens gradually has
been defaced by water pockets because the walk is actually the top of
a storm sewer which has no drain.
Three inches of green concrete is
being poured over the sewer to eliminate this situation.
The old diagonal garden walk,
built of separated flag stones back in
WPA days, was removed and another green concrete walk laid in its
place. Mr. Peterson said the flagstones were very uncomfortable to
walk on and a foot path had been
Lt. Clifford Brokaw, district Mar made around them by persons who
ine, procurement officer, is on cam didn't want ta stay on the walk.
A new entrance to the gardens
pus today to interview prospective
candidates for the Marine Platoon
Leaders Class and Officers Candidate Course. Vice President Leo M.
Chamberlain announced this week.
Both of these programs provide a
complete deferment and lead to a
Suky will sponsor a "welcome
commission as a Second Lieutenant.
back" Saturday afternoon for
Men who enrolled attend no drills
team returning
during the college year. The PLC's the UK football
from their game with Miami togo to two six weeks summer camps,
night. Students will meet behind
and the OCC's go to one ten weeks the Student Union at 2 p.m. to
summer camp. Both groups have decorate their cars.
but two years of active duty reBernie Shively, athletic director,
said the team will arrive at the
Lt. Brokaw will be in Room 204
airport at approximately 2:30 p.m.
of the Student Union until 3 p.m.
Rides will be provided.
today to interview students.





Regional Office, the Personnel Office announced this week.
Since the VA requires that these
forms be in Louisville by a given
date, the Veterans Office will not
accept a certification after the third
of the month. The VA must have
completed forms each month before
allowance checks will be sent.
If a veteran fails to submit the
above form for two months in succession, he is automatically removed
from the payroll.

Three Professors
Attend Conference
The University will be represented
1952 annual Southeastern
Archeological Conference in Macon,
Ga.t today and Saturday by three
University personnel.
The three are Dr. Frank J. Essene
and Mr. Raymond Thompson of the
Anthropology department, and Mr.
Daniel Jacobson of the Geography
Mr. Jacobson, one of the tentative
program leaders, will show mpvies
on the Coasati Indians of Louisiana.
These movies were made by Mr.
Jacobson while studying in Louisiana. Indians and their habitat is
the principal subject of the confer-

at the


Annual Room Judging
To Be Held Nov. 16
The room judging contest,
sored annually by the House Presidents Council, will be held Nov. 16.
It will be preceded by a room judging in which each sorority will judge
its own house and decide Its winner.
This winner will represent that
sorority in the campus-wid- e
The individual rooms are judged
on neatness in appearance and originality in work to improve the comfort of the room. A prize is also
given to the sorority house with the
best overall appearance.
The officers of the House Presidents Council are Pat Hervey, president; Joyce Stephens,
Barbara Russman, secretary;
and Marlene Farmer, treasurer.

"Death of a Salesman," Arthur
Miller's drama which won a number
of literary awards in 1949, will be the
first production of Guignol Theater's
silver anniversary season.
Director Wallace Briggs said the
play will open Nov. 5 for a four-da- y
run with James Harmon, Lexington,
in the title role. UK students in the
cast include Don Clayton and Sheila
StrurJc, graduate students; Don
Hartford, senior; Ed Faulkner,
junior, and Bill Eddy, John E.
Richardson, Marshall Amos and Jim
Holloway, sophomores.
Also in the cast are Betty Anne
Nave as the "salesman's" wife, and
Ed Henry, Ellen Drake, Evelyn
Greene and Emmy Lou Redmon, all
of Lexington.




Lt. Brokaw
Veterans on the Korean OX
must report between the first and To Interview
each month to the
versity Personnel
to complete a form to be For Marines
6ent to the Veterans Administration


HOMECOMING QUEEN CANDIDATES are pictured above, from left to right, standing Mildred Correll, Joyce
Stephens, Dollie Chandler, Mary Alice Phillips, Sonia Stone, Bobbie Congleton, Ann Grillot; seated Betty Baugh,
Sue Wetherby, Barbara Vance, Betty Lou Garner, Gretel Groos, Eleanor Gash; on the floor Donnie Floyd, Jean Skin-

By Barbara Hickey

Six Are Nominated
To Succeed Trustee

'Welcome The Cats'

McXulty Appointed
He also announced that Edmund
C. McNulty, Rosindale, Mass., was
recently employed to take charge of
this work and to be the grounds
keeper when the program is completed. Mr. McNulty is a graduate
of the Stockbridge School of Agriculture and Amherst College. He
has had several years' experience in
nursery and horticulture work.
Prof. N. R. Elliot of the Horticulture Department is furnishing technical advice and supervision for the
project, Mr. Peterson said.


Parking Regulations
Announced By SGA
The Student Government Association has issued new parking
regulations effective Nov. 1. They
1. Any tickets given after that
date: the first two tickets will be
$1.00 each; the second two will be
$2.00 each; and any tickets after
this will be $3.00 each.
2. Any student parking an unregistered car on the campus will
be fined $5.00.
Anyone wishing to register their
car may do so with the SGA secretary in the office of Dean Kir-wa- n
in the Administration building.

Graduate Aid
Being Offered
In Education

College seniors and recent education graduates who are planning
to start their first year of graduate
study in September are eligible to
apply for a Danforth Foundation
Sponsored by the Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Mo., these fellowships are also open to students
in other undergraduate fields besides education.
Dr. Ellis F. Hartford has been
named the liason officer to work
with the foundation on the selection
of candidates. Students with or
without financial need may apply.
The deadline for submitting ap- These appointments are primarily
a relationship of encouragement,
plications for the Dec. 4 Selective promising financial aid within pre
Service College Qualification Test scribed conditions where there is
is midnight tomorrow, the National need.
All Danforth Fellows will particiHeadquarters of the Selective Servpate in the annual Danforth Founice System has announced. Applicadation Conference on Teaching at
after that time Camp Minniwanca in Michigan next
cannot be considered.
Qualifications for a candidate in- Local draft boards have an adequate supply of test application elude evidence of superior intellec
tual ability in college record, good
blanks on hand for
health and emotional stability, out
students. Applications should be standing personality and concern for
mailed to the Educational Testig people, choice of vocation of teaching as a form of Christian service,
Service of Princeton, N. J.
and deep religious convictions.

Israel's Envoy
Talks Tonight
To Educators

Draft Applications
Set For Saturday

David Coitein, minister plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Israel,
will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Memorial Hall to a combined session
of the UK Educational Conference
and the Kentucky Association of
Colleges, Secondary, and Elementary

The minister will speak on "Making One People Out of Many." Vice
President Leo M. Chamberlain will

post-mark- ed

preside at the meeting.
Mr. Coitein is a native Englishman, but moved to Palestine in 1929
to practice law. He edited the
Palestine Bulletin in Jerusalem. In
1949 he was appointed Consul General of Israel to the Union of South
Principal speakers at the opening
session at 10 a.m. today are Fred
Giesel, business manager of the Cincinnati Post, and Cloyd S. .Stein-met- z,
director of sales training,
Reynolds Metals Company, Louis-



Kyian To Crown Queen
At Dance Tomorrow
Reed Holland, president of Lamp
and Cross, will crown the queen at
11 p.m. during the intermission of
the dance. A rotating trophy will be
presented to the queen to remain in
her possession for a year.
"Although this large trophy can
only be kept until the next queen
is chosen," Glass said, "we are also
presenting a smaller trophy to be
the permanent possession of the
winning candidate."
Will Haustr and his orchestra,
from Cincinnati, will play for the
dance which begins at 8:30 p.m. and
last until 12:30 a.m. Late permission
for sorority and dormitory girls has
been granted by Dean Holmes.
Dance To Be Formal
The dance will be formal, but it
is requested that there be no flowers.
Tickets are on sale today in the
Student Union. Advance sale price
is $1.25 per person, and tickets
bought at the door, are $1.50 per
"Table reservations will be made
according to the number of tickets
sold to each organization," Glass
said. "There will also be plenty of
rikujis," lie
tables for iiilex-nlfii- t

The purpose of the conference is
to bring teachers and administrators
together to study current educational problems.

Museum To Set Up
Hopi Indian Display
Prof. Raymond Thompson, curator
announced that a display on the
Hopi Indians will be set up in the
museum the first of the week.
This will be of special interest to
those taking "Societies Around the
World"', as their course of study will
run along these lines, Prof Thompson said.
of the Anthropology Museum,


Deans Of Women
Meet On Campus
UK will be host today and Saturday to the annual meeting of the
Kentucky Association of Deans of
Women. The session will be highlighted by a dinner tonight at the
Lafayette Hotel.
The group will then attend a joint





TO BltlC.IITK.N THE I'.VGK, "Honey" Jones, a senior in
cation, oses for the Kernel photographer amid a bed of leaves.



tion's annual brunch will be held in
the ballroom of the Student Union,
Arrangements have been made with
campus officials to permit alumni to
park early on the campus, in order
to avoid the last minute traffic jam
on the way to the stadium. Lunch
will be served buffet style, from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Following the game. President and
Mrs. Herman L. Donovan will wel-acome alumni, friends, and faculty
at Maxwell Place. Members of the
executive committee of the Alumni
Association will assist at the tea.
Alumni T Have Dance
The Alumni Association will be
host to all visiting alumni at a free
dance in the ballroom of the
fayette hotel from 8:30 a.m. to
night. An orchestra will provide
music for dancing and the ballroom
will be arranged cabaret style to
permit guests to sit down and talk
with their friends,
A bctween-halvfeature of the
homecoming game will be the pres- entation of the Alma Magna Mater
award to the "Alumnus of the Year."
This annual presentation is made
by the members of Alma Magna
Mater to the man or woman among
the alumni who has contributed the
most unselfish service to the Unl-deversity. The group of students is
made up of children and grand-on- e
children of University alumni.



English Instructors
Discuss Composition




the UK campus.

leges and high schools will be repreThe conference was suggested and
sented by English instructors in a planned several months ago by a
Kentucky Conference on Composi- group of college and high school
tion today and tomorrow held on English teachers who selected an

Teachers' Art
Now Displayed
In UK Gallery
The fifth annual Kentucky Teachers Art Exhibition opened today and
will continue through Nov. 15 in the
Fne Arts building. Dr. Donald L.
Weismann, head of the Art Department, announced this week.
Dr. Weismann said the exhibition
will be open during the joint sessions of the 29th annual University
of Kentucky Educational Conference
and the 16th annual meeting of the
Kentucky Association of Colleges,
Secondary and Elementary Schools.
This year's exhibition will be a
show with no selection
except that which is necessary for
reasons of space and suitability for
display, th art department head explained. No fee will be charged, no
prizes will be awarded and all shipping or mailing charges will be paid
by the artist submitting.
Artists may submit any number of
entries in the categories of painting,
prints, sculpture and ceremics. Dr.
Weismann emphasized that all entries must be labeled with the
artist's name, title of object, medium
and price.

Annual Presentation
Of Sorority Pledges
Planned For Nov. 13



tion of Colleges, Secondary, and
Elementary Schools, to hear an ad- dress at Memorial Hall. Elections
will be held at a luncheon meeting
Saturday, at Boyd Hall. Dean
Frances Jennings, president of Transylvania College will preside.

ia-w- ill

act as cheer leaders. Tentative
officials for the game will be Presi- dent Herman Donovan, down mark- er. Gov. Lawrence Wetherby. water
boy. Coach Adolph Rupp, referee,
and other faculty members.
Miss Margie McLaughlin, former
professor of journalism, will be mis- tress of ceremonies at the half time
festivities. She will introduce past
UK football players, cheerleaders,
members of the alumni associa- tion.
The University band will be
present at the rally.
Students To Choose Queen
The homecoming queen will be
chosen this year by students Instead
of by judges as in previous years,
can cast their votes next
at the Student Union
ticket booth.
The UK Alumni Association, under
the direction of Robert Hillenmeyer,
homecoming chairman, has com- pleted its plans for homecoming
day, Nov. 8.
Welcoming committees consisting
of two members each from the ex- ecutive board and two members of
Suky will be stationed at registra- tion tables in the Lafayette, Phoe- nix, Kentuckian hotels, Campbell
House, the Coliseum, and the Stu- Union at 9:30 a.m. All return- ing alumni are urged to register at
of these places.



The 1953 Kentuckian Queen will
be crowned at the annual Kentuckian dance, sponsored by Lamp
and Cross, Saturday night in the
Student Union Ballroom. The queen
will be one of the seven finalists
chosen Wednesday night in Memorial Hall.
Finalists and their sponsors are
Barbara Baldwin, Boyd Hall; Gay
Hamilton, Delta Delta Delta; Barbara Leet, Alpha Delta Pi; Joan
Martin, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Lucille Mills. Kappa Alpha Theta;
Carmen Pigue. Chi Omega; and
Hildegaide Taylor, Kappa Delta.
The judges for the contest
Wednesday night were Cissy Gregg,
fashion columnist for the Louisville
Courier-Journa- l;
William Ogden,
professional photographer from
Winchester; and Harold Davis, Roto
magazine and cover photographer
on the Louisville Courier-Journa- l.
Queen Selected
After the seven finalists were
chosen, the judges chose the queen,
and placed her name in a sealed envelope. Corky Glass, publicity chairman of Lamp and Cross, said that
the queen's identity will not be revealed until Saturday night.

mock football game will be the theme of the homecoming
pep rally at 7 p.m. next Friday in front of Memorial Coliseum,
Carol Milkey, pep rally chairman of Suky, said this week.
The two teams will consist of 22 girls, dressed as football
players. The girls will wear helmets, practice jerseys, and blue
jeans. Each team will have a coach, trainer, and manager.
At 11:30 ajn. the Alumni Assoc
Members of the UK football team

Fledge presentation, sponsored by
the Women's Panhellenic Association, will be held Nov. 13 at 7:30
p.m. in Memorial Hall.
The purpose of this annual
presentation is to introduce the new
pledges of the sororities to the administration and to the other soroi-tie- s.
The scholarship cup, awarded
to the sorority with the highest
over-a- ll
standing for the spring
semester, will also be presented.
Mary Jo Reynolds, president of
Panhellenic, will preside at the presentation. Tau Sigma, the campus
modern dance group, will entertain
during the intermission.
Presidents of the alumni clubs of
each group are to be special guests
at the presentation. All fraternity
members nwy attend.

advisory council to direct the event.
Dr. William S. Ward, head of the
Department of English at the University, is chairman of the council
and made the announcement of the
Others serving on the council are
Meta Riley Emberger. University of
Louisville; Maureen Faulkner. Berea
George P. Faust, UK;
Charles T. Hazelrig Centre College: Helen P. Holmes, Kentucky
State College: Louise Kannapell,
Nazareth College; Edwin Larson.
Murray State College; Besse M.
Rose, Cumberland College.
According to Dr. Ward, one objective of the conference is to draw
up the general features of a sound
writing progtm that will be acceptable to the colleges and high
schools of the state. Another objective Is to bring about a closer coordination of the writing programs
at the two educational levels.
It is planned that the agreements
will be published as a bulletin constandtaining a set of agreed-upo- n
ards and a number of representative
themes and criticisms. Distribution
of this bulletin to high school and
English teachers is an
ultimate objective.

Grad Exams
To Be Given
Graduate Record Examinations,
required of applicants for admission
to a number of graduate schooLs. will
be given at examination centers
throughout the country, four times
in the coming year. Educational
Testing Service has announced.
This fall, candidates may take the
GRE on Nov. 7 and 8. In 1353. the
dates are Jan. 30 and 31. April 17
and 18, and July 10 and 11. The
testing service advises each applicant to inquire of the graduate
school of his choice which of the
examinations he should take and on
which dates.
The GRE tests offered include a
test of general scholastic ability,
general achievement in six broad
fields of undergraduate study, and
advanced level tests of achievement
in various subject matter fields.
Application forms and a Bulletin
of Information may be obtained
from college advisors or directly
from Educational Testing Service,
P. O. Box 502, Princeton, N. J.

� IT

Friday, October 51. 10"?




Tare 2


The Frying Pan

Little Girls Aren 9t Exactly
As Mother Goose Proclaims
These initial suspicions that the real article
doesn't quite jibe with her advanced billing come
close to downright certainty in the mind of a fairly
alert male by the time he gets to high school. After
graduation, the perfidy and plain contrariness of the
female become even more obvious. Additional
suspicions as to the true nature of woman are
brought to light by mature experience and conversations with married comrades.
Being aware of the general situation, we were
highly gratified the other day when we ran across
a chemical analysis of woman. We present it with
the earnest suggestion that it be adopted by the
nation's schools in place of the misleading doctrine
that is currently being taught.
The analysis:
The average human female is made up of 30 to 40
teaspoons of salt, eight to 10 gallons of water,
enough lime to whitewash a small garage, an
amount of glycerine capable of exploding a
bomb, . enough gluten to make 2,200 match
heads, sufficient fat to produce Several pounds of
nail, sulphur enough to
soap, iron for a
pound of
rid a dog or cat of fleas, and
Men of the future have a right to know the truth.
of sugar is not nearly enough to
A quarter-pounsweeten up such a mixture of salt, water, lime,
glycerine, glue, phosphorus, grease, iron, and

Just what females are made of is something that
occupies the interest of most men sooner or later.
Many of us, going on information supplied back in
our more impressionable kindergarten days, still
think of the fair sex in terms of the misleading
rhyme that asserts: Sugar and spice and everything
nice; that s what little girls are made of.
That clever little bit of propaganda goes almost
uncliallenged during the grade school period despite a few signs that all isn't as it's painted. Like
the sweet little chick who giggles delightedly when
teacher gives a switching to some hapless male who
brought a snake into the classroom. Or the sweet
one's innocent sister who deliberately wears pigtails just so they can be pulled occasionally or
dunked into an inkwell and then
to teacher when some poor male does what comes

Unhappy Student
Blames His Woes
On Schedulitus

You hear all kinds of sad stories in campus gripe

Take the character with schcdulitis. To hear him
talk, you'd think he registered just before they took
down the tables in the Coliseum.
He has a required class in advanced
from 4 to 5 o'clock every after- noon, three Saturday classes. Hind
a noon lab in space ship design.
He mournfully describes his full
set of 8 o'clock classes on the opposite side of the campus from
where he lives and the night class
he stumbled into by reading the
catalog wrong. .
Also in the Sail Story Department is the guy
who's burdened with five professors h ea h think
he's taking one course at UK ;ud they're teaching it.
These profs glibly reel off a list of nov !s. i.T'oJi-cals,
and reserv e room books to
uary and a couple of term papers the student can
whip up in his spare time.
It may help our sad sack to get more out of the
courses, but it will probably just boost the sale of
coffee, light bulbs, and No Doz pills in Lexington
to a new




Pretty Green Walks
Are All Very Nice,
But So Is Safely






Lovers ot beauty will le delighted to learn that
the. University is going all out in an effort to
beautify botanical gardens. Even the sidewalks are
being tinted a delicate green so they'll merge with
the surrounding grass and hot offend the eye of the
discriminating stroller.
Possibly there are some who will resent the new
sidewalks, but not us. Despite our
hands, we On the Kernel enjoy beauty and the other
fine things of life just as much as the next fellow.
We think the sidewalks w ill lie an improvement,
and if they aren'f, what's the difference? You won't
be able to see them anyway.
One thing bothers us tliough. Love of beauty has
a rival for complete dominion of our affection
we're quite fond of our necks.
Any of you taken a stroll down the steps 6f Miller
Hall lately . . . or tried to climb up the front entrance to Frazee Hall? Those crumbling, sinking
steps are no longer just a mere disgrace to the University, they've become downright dangerous.
It doesn't really make a bit of difference to us
what color the concrete is whether it's red, green,
blue, or just dirty old grey but it would be nice to
see workmen fix up those steps before some hapless student breaks a leg while en route to an $
o'clock class some misty morning.



Don't worry, honey, our housemother goes wild on Halloween."

Patients Need Quiet
Lexington city officials have informally asked
the Kernel to enlist the aid of University students
in cutting down the noise that constantly disrupts
the rest and convalescence of patients in near-bGood Samaritan hospital.'
Due to its unusually fine medical facilities, Lexington is known as the medical center of eastern
Kentucky. Patients from communities hundreds of
miles away are brought here for treatment. Many
of these people are in critical or serious condition
and need almost absolute quiet if they are to have
even a chance for recovery.
Traffic on Limestone accounts for at least 90 per
cent of the noise around Good Samaritan and we're
certain UK students don't deliberately contribute
to the total. It may help, however, if all of us, particularly those who live near the hospital, would
remember the need for silence.

Next to Impossible Department:
Finding a UK student who hasn't heard of Pogo.
Getting your Kyian picture taken at the last
Telling those
HOTC boys apart
when you see a group of them together.

Brevities From Other Colleges:
that you can see out
inside, but nobody can see you from
of when you're
the outside? Well, the rest room in the new girls'
dorm at Alabama Polytechnic Institute is equipped
with such windows only they were installed backwards by mistake.
You know those windows

Asked by a student pollster whether she preferred male students in ROTC uniforms or in civilian
dress, an Akron university coed replied, "If they
wear uniforms then they don't have to buy so many
clothes. Tliat leaves them with more money to
spend on me."


If you think the ratio of males to females here is'
rough, try attending Davidson college. Its enrollment: 825 men, one woman.

When you hear someone say "PH," does he mean
Pershing Rifles, Public Relations, or Periodical

Ad in the UCLA Daily Bruin: "Will the blonde
young lady who wore sun glasses Thursday morning (besides other things) be in the cafeteria between 11 and 12,a.nj,


Richard Nixon was last week elected treasurer
of the Young Democratic club at the University of
North Carolina. lie is a distant cousin of the Republican

Our Readers Speak: Criticizing Spprts Editor On Gruner
Dear Editor:

his own
but I think it unfair and unsportsmanlike for the Kernel sports editor to dig
even deeper into the past and bring up things the
present student body does not know and can not
It might interest Mr. Easterling (although he
should have found out before he wrote his article)
that, referring to his second-to-laBunky's leg was shot with 12 shots of novocain that
Saturday. Of course he was "ready to play." With
that deadening they could have cut his leg off and
he wouldn't have felt a thing! By Tuesday that
deadening had worn off and he hadn't had one hour
of sleep since Friday night. Of course he didn't feel
like he was ready to take part in practice. An admission of this is the fact that after Bunky has his
leg "fixed" in Louisville, he is to send the bill to
the University.
Yours, for a
Kernel . . . hoping this criticism is taken in the constructive way it is intended.

I am writing this . . . because through my high
school and college days I worked on school papers
and thus feel I know some of your problems . . .
I believe one function of any paper is to foster its
school not to tear down and destroy.
I am referring to this "noble" passage about
"Bunky" Gruner which appeared in Tom Easter-ling- 's
"Sports Sidelights' in last week's Kernel:
Harold "Bunky" Cruner has issued a statement
that he was misquoted by two Louisville papers
concerning tlie recent flare-u- p
over outside aid to
UK football players. During Bunky s high school
dayi it was tlpse same two papers tliat made him
the most sought after player ever to come out of
Louisville. The publicity given Gruner by these
two papers made it possible for Cruner to nail down
a starting berth on his high school team without
trying. When Gruner tried the same thing here at
UK fie found out that he would have to work to
break into the starting linc-uIt seems to us when
a player says he is ready to play on Saturday afternoon lie should be ready to take part in practice the
following Tuesday. Two or three times during the
LSU game we noticed Bunky warming up on the
I think the newspapers dug to the bottom to
make Bunky feel ill at ease (partly, admittedly, by

our team physician, Dr. J. Ralph Angelucci.
"In Gruner's case, he voluntarily received two
such shots the morning of the LSU game. The idea
was to speed recovery so he could practice that
next week, not so he coul